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For sentences 1 – 40 choose one correct answer a –e. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

1 Bob ______ a lot at weekends.

a. working
b. doesn’t work
c. work
d. is working
e. to work
2 We ______ Netflix very often.
a. don’t watching
b. watches
c. doesn’t watch
d. watching
e. don’t watch
3 She seldom _____ to her mother.
a. listen
b. don’t listen
c. doesn’t listen
d. doesn’t listens
e. listens
4 ______ usually have her hair cut?
a. Where does she
b. Does she where
c. How is she
d. When is she
e. Why is she
5 _____ your mother ______ a car?
a. Does _____ has
b. Do _____ got
c. Have _____ got
d. Does _______ have got
e. Has _____ got
6 Do you see that girl over there? She is looking ___ you!
a. in
b. -
c. on
d. to
e. at
7 Which girl’s phone is this? The one ________ the green dress.
a. wearing
b. wear
c. is wearing
d. is wear
e. doesn’t wear
8 _____ you _______ your hair in the evening?
a. Does_______wash
b. Do______ washing
c. Is ______wash
d. Are_______wash
e. Do______wash
9 Shaun _____ anything about cars.
a. doesn’t know
b. isn’t knowing
c. don’t know
d. know
e. knows
10 What________ you__________ about right now? ~ Dinner!
a. are ___________ think
b. will ___________ think
c. do __________ think
d. will _______ thinking
e. are________thinking

11 It’s too hot in here. I _________ properly.
a. don’t breathe
b. not breathe
c. can’t breathing
d. can’t breathe
e. breathe not
12 _____ we _____ finish our homework tonight?
a. Do ____ has to
b. Do ____ have to
c. Are ____ having to
d. Do _____ to have
e. Do______must
13 ______ she _____ her hair later?
a. Do _____ wash
b. Does _____ wash
c. Can _____ washing
d. Is ____ washing
e. How ____ wash
14 Shawn ______ ask questions if he doesn’t understand.
a. like to
b. must to
c. should
d. doesn’t like
e. have to
15 Kevin ______ his parents in the garden every Sunday.
a. have to help
b. don’t have to help
c. has to help
d. doesn’t have to helping
e. didn’t help
16 They ______ school early today.
a. finishing
b. didn’t finish
c. finishes
d. didn’t finishing
e. not finishing
17 I have finished ______ my room.
a. cleaned
b. to clean
c. cleaning
d. to cleaning
e. clean
18 _____ the teachers ______ their meeting yet?
a. Did _____ finish
b. Have ____ finished
c. When _____ finishing
d. Do _____ finished
e. Are ____ finishing
19 I ______my homework last night. I was too tired.
a. finishing
b. finished
c. not finish
d. didn’t finish
e. not finishing
20 _____ you _____your father for Father’s day?
a. Where do ________ buy
b. What did ________ bought
c. Where did ________bought
d. What did ____ buy
e. When did_______buying

21 Who is _________________ student in your class?
a. smarter than
b. smarter
c. the smartest
d. the more smart
e. the more smarter
22 Who sings _______, Fred or Samantha?
a. better
b. more better
c. the better
d. the better than
e. bestest
23 Classical music is _______ than pop. I really like it.
a. interested
b. more interesting
c. very interested
d. most interesting
e. the most interesting
24 Dua Lipa is a ______ singer ____ is Taylor Swift.
a. more better ____ as
b. better ______as
c. better___than
d. best___than
e. gooder___than
25 Tara is ______ person I know.
a. the most annoying
b. the more annoying
c. most annoyed
d. the annoyingest
e. annoying
26 She _______ lonely since her boyfriend left her.
a. was
b. has been
c. have been
d. were
e. is being
27 _____ they ______ to the cinema last weekend?
a. Have _____ go
b. Did ____ go
c. Have _____ go
d. Did _____ went
e. Do______ go
28 I ______ the party last week. I was on a school trip.
a. haven’t missed
b. hadn’t miss
c. didn’t went
d. went
e. missed
29 I haven’t got my lunch with me! I ______ to bring it this morning.
a. not remember
b. don’t remember
c. didn’t remember
d. didn’t to remember
e. wasn’t remembering
30 Mozart died many years ago. He _____ a famous composer.
a. has been
b. is
c. will be
d. were
e. was

31 _________ to a great party next weekend.
a. Let’s going
b. We will going
c. We are going
d. Let’s do
e. We is going
32 What? I can’t hear you! Please, turn the music ____.
a. over
b. up
c. down
d. on
e. around
33 Would you like _________ cake?
a. a bit
b. many
c. some
d. a
e. a lot
34 She is not happy. She has ____ problems
a. any
b. much
c. many
d. a
e. a little
35 How __________ time have we got to do the exam?
a. many
b. some
c. any
d. much
e. no
36 You ______ ____ so many Youtube videos!
a. mustn’t watching
b. should watch
c. mustn’t watch
d. mustn’t listening
e. must watching
37 Are you going away ____________Christmas this year?
a. the
b. last
c. for
d. in
e. on
38 Paolo will be back soon. He’s _____ post office.
a. on
b. at
c. in front
d. onto
e. in
39 Don’t walk ________ the beach at night, it’s not safe!
a. in
b. over
c. on
d. in front
e. under
40 We got home very late _________ 3a.m. in the morning!
a. at
b. in
c. _
d. on
e. around

Fill in the gaps 41 – 50 each with one word to make it grammatically and semantically correct.
Write the words on the answer sheet in fields 41 – 50.

Island living

When I was six,(41.) ________ family and I moved (42.) ________ Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, to
live in a lighthouse on a tiny island, off the west coast of the country. My sister was (43.) _______
young to remember the move but I’ll never (44.) _______ it.

There were only three other families living on the island. At first, I missed my friends and didn’t know
what to do (45.) _________ all the free time I had, but soon I began to love it. It was such a beautiful
place. There were loads of birds and sometimes you could (46.) ________ dolphins and whales (47.)
swimming _________ the sea.

In Dublin, I wasn’t old (48.) _________ to go out by myself but on the island it was (49.) _________ safe
that I was (50.) ________ to go wherever I wanted. We spend two years on the island and they were
the happiest years of my childhood.

Read the following word definitions 51 – 55. What words do they describe? Initial letters are
given and each space represents one letter.

Write the words on the answer sheet in fields 51 – 55.

51 A woman on her wedding day


52 A person who works with plants.


53 Something one wears to support one’s trousers.


54 A building in which products are made.


55 Feeling a need to rest


Read the text “Letter from Tammy”. Decide if the statements 56 – 60 are true („True“), not true
(„False“) or if the required information is missing („Doesn’t say“). Cross out your choice on the
answer sheet.

When I was a child, my family and I used to spend our summer holidays on my grandparents’ farm. I
used to have a lot of fun. However, my best holiday was last summer, when my family and I went to
Marbella in Spain.

It was the first time I had visited a foreign country and the first time I had travelled by plane. First, I
felt excited but also a bit scared about the flight but then it was ok. We stayed in a fantastic hotel
near the beach. It had a big swimming pool and the food was fine. I had lots of fun and made some
new friends.

The other guests spoke different languages: French, Spanish and German. Sometimes it was hard to
get them to understand what I was trying to say. The weather was hot… Some days it was too hot
for me. I stayed on the beach most of the time: I swam, played with my friends and lay in the sun. I
got a nice tan.

True / False / or Doesn’t say?

56 Kathy is 12 years old.

57 Kathy lives in England.

58 She didn’t like the food in the hotel.

59 She made many new friends

60 She spent most of her time at the swimming pool.


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