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Subject : Science
Curriculum : Cambridge (Al Azhar’s Global Contents)
Time Allocation : 90 Minutes
Number of Questions : 35 (15 Multiple Choices, 10 Complex Multiple Choices, 5 Fill in the Blanks, 5 Essay)
AKM Questions (*) : 40%

Cognitiv Question Questio

No Cambridge Curriculum Learning
Indicators e Level Form n
. Framework Materials
1 6Bs.01 Describe the human The Given a simple description of an organ in human L2 MC 2*
circulatory system in terms circulatory circulatory system, students are able to choose the organ
of the heart pumping blood system correctly.
through arteries, capillaries
and veins, describe its
function (limited to
transporting oxygen,
nutrients and waste) and
know that many vertebrates
have a similar circulatory

Given several functions of human body system, students L1 MC 1

are able to choose the function of circulatory system
Given a name of blood vessel, students are able to choose L1 MCM 16
the substances being carried in the vessel correctly.

Cognitiv Question Questio
No Cambridge Curriculum Learning
Indicators e Level Form n
. Framework Materials
Given a picture of human body diagram, students are able L1 FB 26
to write the name of organ being pointed correctly.
Given a table showing percentage of blood in several blood L2 Essay 31*
vessels, students are able to write the correct blood vessel
that transports blood from lungs to heart and write the
2 6Bs.02 Describe the human The Given a simple description of human’s major organ, L2 MC 4*
respiratory system in terms respiratory students are able to choose the organ being described
of oxygen from the air system correctly.
moving into the blood in the
lungs and know that many
vertebrates have a similar
respiratory system.

Given several functions of human body system, students L1 MC 3

are able to choose the function of respiratory system
Given several statements about human respiratory system, L1 MCM 17
students are able to choose the correct statements.
Given several organs, students are able to choose the L1 MCM 18
organs make up human’s respiratory system correctly.
Given a table showing types of exercise and the number of L2 FB 27*
times a person breathes in for a minute, students are able
write a correct word to complete a statement based on the
given table.

Cognitiv Question Questio
No Cambridge Curriculum Learning
Indicators e Level Form n
. Framework Materials
3 6Bp.01 Describe the physical The human Given several changes in human during puberty, students L1 MCM 19
changes that take place reproductive are able to choose the ones happen in boys or girls.
during puberty in humans. system
Given a definition about a term in human reproductive L1 FB 28
system, students are able to write the correct word being
Given a specific gender, students are able to list down L2 Essay 32*
correct physical changes take place during puberty.
4 6Bp.01 Describe the Effect of Given several units of measurement, students are able to L1 MCM 20
difference between mass, forces choose the units for measuring mass correctly.
measured in kilograms (kg),
and weight, measured in
newtons (N).

Given a simple situation, students are able to choose the L1 MC 5

measuring apparatus to be used correctly.
Given a definition about mass and weight, students are able L1 FB 29
to write the correct word being defined correctly.
Given several statements about mass and weight, students L1 MCM 21
are able to choose the correct ones.
5 6Pf.02 Describe the effect of Effect of Given a picture of an astronaut, students are able to choose L2 MC 6*
gravity and know that when forces the correct statement to describe what happens to his mass
gravity changes, the weight on the Moon.
of an object changes but the
mass does not.

Cognitiv Question Questio
No Cambridge Curriculum Learning
Indicators e Level Form n
. Framework Materials
Given several statements about mass and weight, students L2 MCM 22
are able to choose which ones are correct.
6 6Pf.03 Use force diagrams to Effect of Given a diagram of a moving vehicle, students are able to L2 MC 7*
show the name, size and forces choose the name of force acting which is represented by an
direction of forces acting on arrow correctly.
an object.

Given a table of number of friction in several surfaces, L2 MC 8*

students are able to choose the correct one that is the
7 6Pf.04 Describe the effect of Effect of Given a picture, students are able to choose the correct L1 MC 9
different forces on an object forces effect of forces acting on it.
at rest and in motion.

Given a definition, students are able to choose the word L1 MC 10

being defined correctly.
8 6Pf.05 Recognise that the Effect of Given an incomplete statement, students are able to write L1 FB 30
mass and shape of an object forces the correct word to complete the statement about floating
can affect if it floats or sinks. and sinking.
Given a picture of a floating object, students are able to L2 Essay 33*
write an idea to make the object sinking.
9 6Esp.01 Know that rocks can More about Students are able to list down categories of rocks based on L1 Essay 34
be classified as metamorphic, rocks & Soil how they are formed.
igneous and sedimentary,
and describe the identifying
features of each type of rock.

Cognitiv Question Questio
No Cambridge Curriculum Learning
Indicators e Level Form n
. Framework Materials
Given a description of a rock type, students are able to L1 MC 11
choose the type of rock being described correctly.
Given several names of rocks, students are able to choose L2 CMC 23*
the ones which belong to a specific type of rocks.
10 6Esp.02 Describe the way More about Given a diagram of sedimentary process, students are able L3 Essay 35*
fossils can form in rocks & Soil to write description to show how the fossils are formed.
sedimentary rocks.

11 6Esp.03 Know that there are More about Given a diagram of soil layers, students are able to choose L1 MC 12
different types of soils and rocks & Soil the layer represented by a letter correctly.
they can be classified based
on their clay, sand and
organic content.

Given several soil samples, students are able to choose the L2 MC 13*
one that does not hold water.
Given several statements about soil types, students are able L2 CMC 24*
to choose the correct ones.
12 6Esp.04 Know that soil More about Given a definition, students are able to choose the word L1 MC 14
composition can change, rocks & Soil being defined.
which can support, or hinder,
plant growth.

Given several statements about soil composition, students L2 CMC 25*

are able to choose the correct ones.
13 6Esc.01 Describe the rock More about Given a diagram of rock cycle, students are able to choose L1 MC 15
cycle and the formation of rocks & Soil the name of process represented by a certain letter
metamorphic, igneous and

Cognitiv Question Questio
No Cambridge Curriculum Learning
Indicators e Level Form n
. Framework Materials
sedimentary rocks in terms correctly.
of solidification, erosion,
sedimentation, burial,
metamorphism and melting.

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