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National University of Modern Languages

Department of CS / SE
Assignment 3 (CLO-3)
SPRING-2024 Marks: 10
Class: BSIT-3rd Course: Software Requirement Engineering

Note: A hand written neat & clean solution file attempted on assignment pages will be
submitted to CR or GR (in case of their absence directly to my office) during university time
till Thursday dated 17 , May 2024 (12:30 p.m.). However, solution files after marking will
be uploaded on LMS as early as possible once returned to you.

 Late submission will not be considered

 Everyone should work individually and Copied solution will be awarded as ‘F’ grade

Question 1: Imagine you're leading a team developing project management software. The
team has gathered a comprehensive list of features and functionalities desired by stakeholders.
However, due to time and resource constraints, not all features can be implemented in the initial
release. As the project manager, you need to prioritize requirements to ensure that the most
critical features are delivered first while still meeting stakeholder expectations.
i. How requirements are prioritized based on their importance to stakeholders and the
project's overall goals?
ii. What criteria are used to evaluate and rank requirements for prioritization, such as
business value, technical complexity, or user impact?
iii. Can you provide examples of high-priority requirements identified during the
prioritization process and their rationale for selection?
iv. How often is the prioritization of requirements reassessed throughout the project lifecycle
to accommodate changing priorities or new information?
v. What mechanisms are in place to resolve conflicts or disagreements among stakeholders
regarding the prioritization of requirements?
vi. How are dependencies between requirements taken into account during the prioritization
process to ensure that c1itical dependencies are addressed first?
vii. What strategies are employed to ensure that lower-priority requirements are not
overlooked or forgotten and are revisited in future development iterations?
viii. How stakeholders are kept informed about the prioritization decisions and the rationale
behind them to maintain transparency and alignment?
ix. How are resources allocated and adjusted based on the prioritized requirements to ensure
timely delivery within project constraints?
x. How is the success of requirements prioritization evaluated and measured, and what
metrics are used to assess its effectiveness in meeting project objectives?
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National University of Modern Languages
Department of CS / SE
Assignment 3 (CLO-3)
Question 2: Answer the following questions:
Part A: A company releases a product with poorly documented requirements, resulting in
customer dissatisfaction and increased support costs. How could traceable requirements have
mitigated these issues? Analyze the potential advantages using examples from the case study.

Part B: A regulatory compliance project requires tracking requirements across multiple stages of
development and testing. How can different types of traceability relations (e.g., forward,
backward, bidirectional) be applied to ensure compliance throughout the project lifecycle?
Illustrate with examples from the case study.

Question 3: Answer the following questions:

Case Study A: An IT company is developing a new e-commerce platform. Initially, the team
identifies various requirements from stakeholders, including user authentication, product search,
and payment processing. As the project progresses, changes and updates are made to these
requirements. The team needs to ensure traceability throughout the development lifecycle.

Question: How would you assess the importance of maintaining traceability of requirements in
the context of the e-commerce platform project? Identify potential risks associated with
inadequate traceability and propose strategies to mitigate them.

Case Study B: A healthcare organization is upgrading its patient management system to improve
efficiency and patient care. The project team emphasizes the importance of traceable
requirements to ensure alignment with regulatory standards and stakeholder needs.

Question: Design a traceability matrix for the patient management system upgrade project,
highlighting how traceable requirements contribute to regulatory compliance, risk management,
and stakeholder communication.

Question 4:
Part A: A manufacturing company is designing a new product line of smart home appliances.
The project team plans to use modeling tools to create prototypes, simulate product performance,
and validate design specifications before production.

Question: Evaluate the effectiveness of using modeling tools in the product design process.
Analyze the potential benefits and limitations of modeling tools in improving product quality,
reducing time-to-market, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

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National University of Modern Languages
Department of CS / SE
Assignment 3 (CLO-3)
Part B: Evaluate the effectiveness of using modeling tools in the product design process.
Analyze the potential benefits and limitations of modeling tools in improving product quality,
reducing time-to-market, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Question: Analyze the role of requirements management tools in ensuring the success of the
EHR system implementation project. Evaluate the features and capabilities of different
requirements management tools based on their ability to facilitate collaboration, traceability, and
change management.

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