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Psychiatry Archival Report

Multivariate Patterns of Brain-Behavior-

Environment Associations in the Adolescent
Brain and Cognitive Development Study
Amirhossein Modabbernia, Delfina Janiri, Gaelle E. Doucet, Abraham Reichenberg, and
Sophia Frangou

BACKGROUND: Adolescence is a critical developmental stage. A key challenge is to characterize how variation in
adolescent brain organization relates to psychosocial and environmental influences.
METHODS: We used canonical correlation analysis to discover distinct patterns of covariation between measures of
brain organization (brain morphometry, intracortical myelination, white matter integrity, and resting-state functional
connectivity) and individual, psychosocial, and environmental factors in a nationally representative U.S. sample of
9623 individuals (aged 9–10 years, 49% female) participating in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development
(ABCD) study.
RESULTS: These analyses identified 14 reliable modes of brain-behavior-environment covariation (canonical
rdiscovery = .21 to .49, canonical rtest = .10 to .39, pfalse discovery rate corrected , .0001). Across modes, neighborhood
environment, parental characteristics, quality of family life, perinatal history, cardiometabolic health, cognition, and
psychopathology had the most consistent and replicable associations with multiple measures of brain
organization; positive and negative exposures converged to form patterns of psychosocial advantage or adversity.
These showed modality-general, respectively positive or negative, associations with brain structure and function
with little evidence of regional specificity. Nested within these cross-modal patterns were more specific
associations between prefrontal measures of morphometry, intracortical myelination, and functional connectivity
with affective psychopathology, cognition, and family environment.
CONCLUSIONS: We identified clusters of exposures that showed consistent modality-general associations with
global measures of brain organization. These findings underscore the importance of understanding the complex
and intertwined influences on brain organization and mental function during development and have the potential to
inform public health policies aiming toward interventions to improve mental well-being.

Adolescence is a period of significant brain reorganization that networks linked to improvements in the adaptive control of
can be assessed using a range of neuroimaging measures cognition and behavior (5).
(1–8). Morphometric changes involve increase in brain volume, Brain organization throughout the lifespan has been asso-
expansion of the cortical surface area, and reduction in cortical ciated with multiple genetic, molecular, behavioral, and envi-
thickness (1,3). Maturational changes in intracortical myelina- ronmental factors (10–18). Large-scale studies have begun to
tion can be captured using the gray matter (GM)/white matter address the complexity of the brain-behavior-environment
(WM) contrast, while metrics derived from diffusion magnetic associations. In the Human Connectome Project (www.
resonance imaging (MRI) inform about similar changes in WM, a U.S. study of more than
microstructure (8). Intracortical myelination shows a prolonged 1000 healthy adults aged 22–37 years, positive personal at-
developmental trajectory, primarily within prefrontal and other tributes and environmental factors were positively correlated
association regions, that facilitates the dynamic experience- with each other and with brain structure and connectivity; the
dependent configuration of cognitive systems (2,6,7). Devel- reverse was observed for negative factors (19–21). A study on
opmental increases in the diameter and myelination of axons the first 5000 participants of the UK Biobank (www.ukbiobank.
and in the fiber packing density of WM tracts are reflected in, a population-based study involving adults aged 40–69
reductions in axial and radial water diffusivity and increases in years, reported multiple distinct modes of population covari-
fractional anisotropy (FA) (9). Functional brain changes pri- ation that reflected associations between multimodal mea-
marily involve increased connectivity of the cognitive brain sures of brain organization and life factors including

510 ª 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of Society of Biological Psychiatry.

Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520 ISSN: 0006-3223
Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents Psychiatry

physical characteristics and socioeconomic and cognitive weight, waist circumference; n = 4), psychopathology (i.e.,
variables (22). 8 subscales of the Child Behavior Checklist, prodromal
Understanding the role of positive and negative life factors symptoms, subsyndromal mania, and sleep problems; n = 11),
in shaping brain organization in early adolescence is particu- cognition (i.e., fluid and crystallized cognition; n = 2), psy-
larly relevant to mental health, as the first manifestation of most chological traits (e.g., negative urgency, sensation seeking,
mental disorders can be traced to this period (23). and behavioral inhibition; n = 10), childhood medical and
Neuroscience-based public health policies to improve mental neurological conditions (n = 4), school engagement and envi-
health outcomes critically depend on evidence from large- ronment (n = 3), life events and lifestyle (e.g., trauma, screen
scale datasets. The Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Develop- time, and physical activity; n = 6), parental characteristics (e.g.,
ment (ABCD) study ( (24–27) is such a education, psychopathology, and marital status; n = 5), family
large dataset that provides high-quality neuroimaging data and environment (e.g., finances, family conflict, and quality of
detailed environmental and behavioral information from a na- parental engagement; n = 7), and neighborhood environment
tionally representative population-based sample of 9–10-year- (e.g., area deprivation, risk of lead exposure, and crime; n = 6)
olds (N = 11,875) living in the United States. A recent study by (25–27). Detailed definition of the measures and the corre-
Alnaes et al. (18) found 3 major global modes of brain-behavior sponding assessment instruments are provided in
associations in 7577 individuals from the ABCD sample by Supplemental Methods and Table S1.
pooling all neuroimaging data together. However, each imag-
ing modality provides information about different aspects of Neuroimaging Measures
brain organization (1–9), and pooled analyses risk losing this
The availability of high-quality neuroimaging data differed for
level of granularity. In the present study, we tested 1) whether
each modality. To maximize sample size and identify modality-
patterns of covariation between a wide array of brain metrics
specific signatures of association, we analyzed each modality
with a broad range of personal characteristics and environ-
separately using morphometric data from 9623 participants,
mental exposures are robust and reproducible, 2) whether
GM/WM contrast measures from 9215 participants, diffusion
different exposures show modality-specific or modality-
MRI (dMRI) measures from 7637 participants, and resting-state
general associations with adolescent brain organization, and
network (RSN) connectivity measures from 5742 participants
3) whether covariation between exposures and brain metrics is
(Table 1). Structural MRI (T1 and T2 weighted), dMRI, and
spatially diffuse or shows evidence of regional specificity. To
resting-state functional MRI data were collected, processed,
achieve this, we used multivariate analyses to identify patterns
and analyzed according to previously published and stan-
of covariation between multimodal neuroimaging metrics and a
dardized ABCD protocols (24,26,28) (details in Supplemental
comprehensive array of nonimaging measures pertaining to
Methods, Section 4). Definitions of all the neuroimaging mea-
perinatal and developmental history, physical and mental well-
sures are provided in Tables S2–S5.
being, cognitive ability, parental characteristics, family func-
tioning, neighborhood environment, and socioeconomic
circumstances. Statistical Analyses
A detailed step-by-step description of the statistical analyses
is presented in the Supplemental Methods, Section 5. Using
an identical pipeline (Figure S1), we conducted multivariate
Sample analyses between the NIMs and neuroimaging measures from
each modality separately (i.e., brain morphometry derived from
The ABCD study recruited a nationally representative cohort of
T1-weighted images, myelination as inferred from GM/WM
11,875 participants aged 9–10 years at 22 U.S. sites using
contrast in T1-weighted images, WM integrity derived from
multistage probability sampling (Supplemental Methods,
dMRI and RSN connectivity) (Supplemental Methods, Section
Section 1). The analyses presented here used data pre-
5.1). The code for the analysis is provided in the
processed by the ABCD study and downloaded on July 2019
Supplement. Briefly, each pipeline consisted of the following
as part of the ABCD Study Curated Annual Release 2.0.1
steps: 1) division of the original datasets into a training sub-
( We selected ABCD
sample (85% of the original) and a test subsample (15% of the
participants based on the availability of nonimaging measures
original); 2) missing value imputation using bagImpute in the
(NIMs) and of high-quality neuroimaging data (Supplemental
Caret package (version 6.0–84); 3) residualization for potential
Methods, Section 4). The World Health Organization defines
confounders, which were age, age2, sex, age 3 sex, age2 3
adolescence as the period beginning at the 10th birthday;
sex, ethnicity, handedness, and scanner site for both imaging
because most ABCD participants were close to or above this
measures and NIMs, and head motion for the imaging data; 4)
age, we refer to all participants as adolescents.
principal component analysis (PCA) of the residualized values
implemented using the pca function from the mixOmics
Nonimaging Measures package (version 6.8.0); 5) canonical correlation analysis (CCA)
In addition to age, sex, and race, we examined a total of 72 on the resulting principal components implemented using the
NIMs pertaining to perinatal events (e.g., parental age at child’s CCA package (version 1.2) in R; 6) calculation of canonical
birth, planned pregnancy, and maternal medical conditions structural loadings, i.e., the correlation coefficient between
during pregnancy; n = 11), early development (i.e., duration of each variate and its corresponding variables, to quantify the
breastfeeding, motor development, and verbal development; contribution of each variable to each mode; 7) calculation of p
n = 3), anthropometric measures (i.e., pubertal stage, height, values for the CCA models based on 10,000 randomly

Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520 511

Psychiatry Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Each Sample

sMRI (n = 9623) Gray/White Matter Contrast (n = 9215) DWI (n = 7637) rs-fMRI (n = 5742)
Age, Months, Mean (SD) 119 (7.5) 119 (7.5) 119 (7.5) 120 (7.5)
Sex, Female, n (%) 4766 (49%) 4542 (49%) 3836 (49%) 2981 (52%)
Race, White, n (%) 5043 (52%) 4872 (53%) 4258 (55%) 3173 (55%)
Race, Hispanic, n (%) 1402 (15%) 1339 (15%) 1013 (13%) 723 (13%)
Race, Black, n (%) 1991 (21%) 1883 (20%) 1587 (20%) 1145 (20%)
Race, Other, n (%) 1187 (12%) 1121 (12%) 911 (12%) 701 (12%)
The criteria for the selection of the study samples are described in the Supplemental Methods.
DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; rs-fMRI, resting-state functional MRI; sMRI, structural MRI.

permuted datasets (Supplemental Methods, Section 5.5); and surface area. Of the remaining modes, MM5 mainly reflected
8) testing of the generalizability of the CCA modes generated associations with psychopathology and behavioral traits. The
from the training subsample to the test subsample. The remaining modes (MM2, MM3, and MM4), explained residual
threshold for statistical significance, following false discovery variance relating to 1) positive covariation between cortical
rate (FDR) (29) correction for multiple testing, was set at pFDR , thickness and measures of cardiometabolic fitness (e.g., lower
.05. Significant modes that explained at least 1% of the weight and waist circumference) in addition to better socio-
covariance were reported. economic status, better cognition, and lower psychopathology
To ensure reliability and reproducibility, in addition to the in MM2 (Figure 1; Figures S3–S5), 2) positive covariation of
permutation testing mentioned above, we undertook further twin birth and high socioeconomic status and global
analyses described in detail in the Supplemental Methods, morphometric measures in MM3 (Figure 1; Figures S3-S5), and
Section 5.6. These included testing the stability of the PCA- 3) negative covariation between subsyndromal mood symp-
CCA results 1) to sample composition using bootstrapping toms, higher cognitive and school engagement, and higher
with replacement and random resampling, 2) to site using the socioeconomic status with cortical thickness in MM4 (Figure 1;
leave-one-out method, 3) to imputation by repeating the ana- Figures S3–S5).
lyses using only nonimputed data, 4) to family relatedness, and
5) to sex. GM/WM Contrast
We considered data from 9215 ABCD participants (Figure S2;
RESULTS Tables S3 and S8) with high-quality GM/WM contrast mea-
sures. Three modes, labeled contrast modes (CMs) 1 to 3,
Brain Morphometry were statistically significant at pFDR , .0001 in the discovery
We considered data from 9623 ABCD participants with high- subsample (n = 7795; rdisc = .21 to .37) and replicable in the
quality global and regional measures of cortical thickness test subsample (n = 1420; rtest = .10 to .20) (Figure 2;
and surface area and subcortical volumes (Figure S2; Figures S6 and S7). CM1 was dominated by negative load-
Tables S2 and S7). Five modes, labeled morphometry modes ings involving weight, height, and waist circumference and
(MMs) 1 to 5, were statistically significant at pFDR , .0001 and positive loadings on GM/WM contrast measures of multiple
replicable in the discovery (disc) (n = 8144; rdisc = .26 to .46) regions throughout the brain (Figure 2; Figure S7). In CM2,
and test (n = 1479; rtest = .11 to .39) subsamples (Figure 1; higher positive loadings in the GM/WM contrast in orbito-
Figures S3–S5). In MM1, which explained the largest amount frontal regions were most evident and associated with posi-
of covariance, the covariation pattern of the NIMs appeared tive loadings for birth weight and negative loadings for
aligned with traditional views of positive and negative life obstetrical events (prematurity and twin birth) (Figure 2;
factors (Figure 1B). Specifically, the highest positive loadings Figure S7). CM3 captured the association between height,
comprised measures reflecting better cognition, better phys- better cognition, lower psychopathology, and higher physical
ical development (e.g., higher birth weight, current height, and activity: GM/WM contrast measures showed positive load-
weight), and enriched social environment (e.g., higher family ings in orbitofrontal and entorhinal regions and negative
income and parental education, planned pregnancy, greater loadings in the visual and transverse temporal regions
parental warmth and engagement). Negative life factors with (Figure 2; Figure S7).
the highest loading comprised indices of personal (e.g., birth
complications, higher psychopathology) and social (e.g., WM Integrity
neighborhood deprivation and family conflict) disadvantage. We considered data from 7637 ABCD participants (Figure S2;
The direction of the morphometric loadings in MM1 were Tables S4 and S9) with high-quality dMRI measures. Four
consistent with the expected developmental changes (1,3): modes, labeled WM modes (WMMs) 1 to 4, were statistically
volumetric and cortical surface area measures showed positive significant at pFDR , .0001 and replicable in the discovery (n =
loadings, and cortical thickness measures showed negative 6480; rdisc = .25 to .44) and test (n = 1157; rtest = .13 to .34)
loadings (Figure 1C). The largest negative loadings were (Figure 3; Figures S8-S9) subsamples. In WMM1, the highest
observed for the cortical thickness of the cingulate and of the NIM loadings were negative and involved anthropometric
medial, lateral, and ventral prefrontal regions; the largest measures (most prominently weight, waist circumference,
positive loadings were noted for total brain volume and global height, and pubertal stage); the highest positive loadings

512 Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520

Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents Psychiatry

Figure 1. Significant morphometry modes. (A) Variable loadings for morphometry measures for the 5 significant morphometry modes. (B) Variable loadings
for nonimaging measures for the 5 significant morphometry modes. (C) Loadings of the morphometry measures on regional cortical thickness and cortical
surface area for the 5 significant modes. For simplicity, only the right hemisphere is shown. For a more detailed presentation see Figures S4 and S5. A, cortical
surface area; CBCL, Childhood Behavior Checklist; T, cortical thickness; V, subcortical volumes.

involved the axial water diffusivity of the corpus callosum and corticospinal tracts (Figure 3; Figures S8 and S9). In WMM4,
the major WM tract fibers (Figure 3; Figures S8-S9). In WMM2, NIMs showed a positive-negative covariation pattern similar to
NIMs representing positive perinatal factors (higher birth WMM2, but with opposite signs on height and FA in large WM
weight, longer duration of breastfeeding), better cognition, and tracts (particularly the uncinate and cingulate bundles)
enriched social environment (family income and parental ed- (Figure 3; Figures S8 and S9).
ucation and involvement) covaried with one another; similar
covariation was observed among negative early-life events
(maternal medical problems and substance use, birth compli- Resting-State Network Connectivity
cations, and delayed development), psychopathology (partic- We considered data from 5742 ABCD participants (Figure S2;
ularly social, prodromal, attention, and externalizing Tables S5 and S10) with high-quality RSN connectivity
symptoms), and social disadvantage (greater area deprivation measures. Two modes (Figure 4; Figures S10 and S11),
and severe financial difficulties). In WMM2, the highest positive labeled functional modes (FMs) 1 and 2, were statistically
and negative loadings respectively involved the FA and radial significant at pFDR , .0001 in the discovery subsample (n =
water diffusivity of large WM tracts, particularly those con- 4854; rdisc = .28 and .29) and replicable in the test subsample
necting prefrontal to other brain regions (Figure 3; Figures S8 (n = 888; rtest = .13 for both). In FM1, NIMs recapitulated the
and S9). WMM3 accounted for further variance attributable pattern of covariation observed in the other modalities: it
to perinatal events (with positive loadings for twin birth and showed high positive loadings for better cognition, positive
prematurity and negative loading for birth weight) and their early-life experiences, and family environment and negative
association with positive axial water diffusivity and FA, but loadings for area deprivation and psychopathology (particu-
negative radial water diffusivity loadings for corticostriatal and larly externalizing psychopathology and psychotic-like

Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520 513

Psychiatry Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents

Figure 2. Significant gray/white matter contrast modes. (A) Variable loadings for gray/white matter contrast measures for the 3 significant gray/white matter
contrast modes. (B) Variable loadings for nonimaging measures for the 3 significant gray/white matter contrast modes. (C) Loadings of the gray/white matter
contrast measures depicted on the brain for the 3 significant modes. For a more detailed presentation see Figures S6 and S7. CBCL, Childhood Behavior

symptoms). In FM1, the largest positive loadings were ventral attention networks (Figure 4; Figures S10 and S11).
observed for the connectivity between the cingulo-opercular FM2 highlighted the positive covariation of socioeconomic
and cingulo-parietal network, between the auditory and status and birth events, and negative covariation of screen
salience networks, and between the retrosplenial-temporal use and anthropometric variables (height, weight, and waist
and visual networks. In the same mode, the largest negative circumferences), with positive loadings on intra- and inter-
loadings were noted for the internetwork connectivity of the network connectivity of the default mode and salience net-
sensorimotor networks, between the default mode and works and negative loadings for the internetwork connectivity
retrosplenial-temporal networks, and between the dorsal and of the default mode network with the cingulo-opercular and

514 Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520

Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents Psychiatry

Figure 3. Significant white matter integrity modes. (A) Variable loadings for white matter integrity measures for the 4 significant white matter integrity modes.
(B) Variable loadings for nonimaging measures for the 4 significant white matter integrity modes. For a more detailed presentation see Figures S8 and S9.
CBCL, Childhood Behavior Checklist.

dorsal attention networks, and of the ventral attention independent of site. In line with previous studies
network with the visual network (Figure 4; Figures S10 and (18,19,21,22,30), life factors typically considered positive
S11). were associated with brain measures that reflect advanta-
geous brain development, while the reverse was the case for
Reliability and Reproducibility factors considered negative. We demonstrated that positive
The results reported above were robust to sample composi- and negative exposures do not occur in isolation but cluster
tion, imputation, site, relatedness, and sex, as shown in together. Furthermore, we characterized a set of exposures
Figures S12–S18 and Tables S11–S13. that are associated with brain development in a global and
modality-general manner that could serve as targets for
universal primary prevention.
DISCUSSION A particular strength of the study is that the rich ABCD
Multivariate data-driven analyses identified 14 patterns of dataset enabled us to expand prior literature by quantifying
brain-behavior-environment covariation in a large U.S. the associations between multiple brain measures and a wide
population–based cohort of young adolescents. The findings range of NIMs in an integrated analysis framework. Positive
were robust to sample size and composition and exposures tended to covary with one another, as did negative

Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520 515

Psychiatry Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents

Figure 4. Significant resting-state functional connectivity modes. (A) Variable loadings for resting-state functional connectivity measures for the 2 significant
resting-state functional connectivity modes. (B) Variable loadings for nonimaging measures for the 2 significant resting-state functional connectivity modes. (C)
Top 10 between-network connectivity loadings for the 2 significant resting-state functional connectivity modes. For a more detailed presentation see
Figures S10 and S11. Aud, auditory network; CBCL, Childhood Behavior Checklist; CO, cingulo-opercular network; CP, cingulo-parietal network; DA, dorsal
attention network; DM, default mode network; FP, frontoparietal; RST, retrosplenial-temporal network; Sal, salience network; SMH, sensorimotor hand; SMM,
sensorimotor mouth; VA, ventral attention network; Vis, visual network.

516 Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520

Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents Psychiatry

exposures (Figures 1B, 2B, 3B, and 4B). Although their rela- prefrontal regions was also associated with better cognition.
tive contribution varied across modes, the direction of asso- Higher GM/WM contrast intensity is thought to represent lower
ciation was usually consistent with their hypothesized effects: levels of intracortical myelin (38,39). The lower myelin con-
positive exposures were positively associated with measures centration in the prefrontal cortices, together with their pro-
reflecting favorable brain development, and the reverse was longed maturation pattern, is thought to facilitate flexible,
the case for negative exposures (19,21,22). Of note, both experience-dependent configuration of prefrontally linked
positive and negative factors showed spatially diffuse pat- cognitive systems (7,40).
terns of covariation with brain measures. We were able to Anthropometric measures made major contributions to
demonstrate this by retaining global measures of brain multiple modes across modalities, confirming body-brain
thickness and volume in our models as opposed to removing associations during development (30,41). We did not
their variance by residualizing regional measures. Together, remove the variance of these variables from the sample,
these observations suggest that attributions of specificity in because it was important to demonstrate the strength of
correlations between single NIMs and brain measures may their associations with brain organization, which are greater
need to be revisited, and future studies would benefit from than those of many other factors. This perspective is
focusing on the wider context in which brain development important when making inferences about the strength of the
occurs. associations of different factors with brain measures that
Factors most consistently associated with neuroimaging often tend to overemphasize factors of much smaller
measures across modalities involved socioeconomic circum- magnitude. We highlight the loadings of weight and waist
stances, the quality of parental engagement, perinatal events, circumference on morphometry (MM2, MM3), axial diffu-
cognitive ability, and psychopathology. In modes where psy- sivity (WMM1), and intracortical myelin (CM1). These mea-
chopathology loadings were present, they typically covaried sures, which are considered indices of “cardiometabolic
with lower cognition and lower quality of family and neigh- fitness” (42), appear to influence brain organization even at
borhood environments. We suggest that these commonly co- the early stages of adolescence. We also note the persis-
occurring exposures, and their effect on the brain, should be tent association between brain morphometry (MM1 and
considered in models of brain psychopathology. Within MM2) and WM integrity (WMM2) with perinatal events,
modes, the different measures of psychopathology also co- particularly prematurity, birth weight, and twin births. These
varied with one another, in line with arguments for a common findings add to the substantial body of evidence linking
latent dimension for psychopathology (31). The association perinatal events to health outcomes throughout the lifespan
between general psychopathology and lower cognitive abilities (43,44).
has been documented in other population-based cohorts, It is important to consider key study limitations that point
notably the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development to avenues for future research. Covariation is not evidence of
Study (23). causation, although we assume that many of the reported
However, two modes went against this general pattern. In associations are underpinned by biological, and likely caus-
MM4, we observed covariation of affective and sleep prob- ative, mechanisms. The modes identified here are based on
lems, better academic ability, higher socioeconomic status, cross-sectional data; however, as the ABCD study has a
and greater cortical thinning. These findings resonate with longitudinal design, it would be possible to track the evolu-
epidemiological evidence linking higher cognitive and aca- tion of brain-behavior-environment covariation when follow-
demic performance in adolescence with the emergence of up data become available. Conversely, brain development
bipolar morbidity in adulthood (32,33). MM5 captured the is influenced by multiple factors in operation before the
remaining covariance relating to dysregulation in attention enrollment age of the ABCD participants. It is conceivable
and impulse control and social adversity. This pattern that some of the results reported here are conditional on or
also has been identified in epidemiological studies in influenced by very early exposures that are not fully captured
connection to childhood disorders such as attention-deficit/ here. We used a dimensional approach to model psycho-
hyperactivity disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation pathology as this approach is considered psychometrically
disorder (34), and mood and substance use disorders in robust, accommodates comorbidity, and circumvents un-
adulthood (35). certainty about the biological validity of diagnostic cate-
We confirmed the known links between higher cognitive gories (45). Comparisons between categorical and
ability and brain development across modalities (36,37). dimensional models of psychopathology with regard to their
Although we highlight here the associations of cognitive ability brain-environment associations are worth addressing in
with RSN connectivity and GM/WM contrast because of their future studies. We did not model specific domains of
high loadings in FM1 and CM3, we emphasize that these cognition that may characterize individual cognitive profiles
occurred within the context of advantageous socioeconomic more precisely (46). Nevertheless, global measures of
and family conditions. In FM1, better cognitive ability was cognition show significant covariation with domain-specific
associated with increased connectivity between networks that measures, which supports the usefulness of global mea-
support higher-order cognitive functions associated with sures in informing public health strategies. The macroscale
salience processing (cingulo-opercular and salience networks) measures examined here are widely used in developmental
and executive control (cingulo-parietal network). The higher neuroscience but do not capture brain-behavior-environment
integration of these networks is consistent with their evolving associations that may operate at a microstructural level. Prior
role in coordinating multiple mental operations in the maturing research on brain-behavior-environment associations has
brain (5). In CM3, higher GM/WM contrast intensity in been criticized for overestimating their effect size and for

Biological Psychiatry March 1, 2021; 89:510–520 517

Psychiatry Brain-Behavior-Environment Associations in Adolescents

paying insufficient attention to their reproducibility (47,48). In federal-partners.html. A listing of participating sites and a complete listing of
response, we undertook extensive reliability testing and we the study investigators can be found at
workgroups/. ABCD consortium investigators designed and implemented
report only canonical modes that were reliable and general-
the study and/or provided data but did not necessarily participate in analysis
izable. We ensured the reproducibility of the analyses using or writing of the present report, which reflects the views of the authors and
multiple techniques, including permutation, resampling sta- not necessarily the opinions or views of the National Institutes of Health or
bility, and replicability testing by splitting the sample into ABCD consortium investigators. The ABCD data repository grows and
independent subsets. It is conceivable that our analyses may changes over time.
have missed certain brain-behavior-environment associa- Details regarding data access can be found at
request-access. The analysis code is available at
tions that may only exist within distinct but small and yet
unknown subpopulations. The authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts
In summary, the richness of the imaging and nonimaging of interest.
data available in the ABCD study and the large size of the
cohort enables us to examine brain-behavior-environment
associations in young adolescents in greater depth than ARTICLE INFORMATION
has been previously possible. We identified 14 modes that From the Department of Psychiatry (AM, AR, SF), Department of Environ-
represent patterns of covariation between different aspects mental Medicine and Public Health (AR), Seaver Center for Autism Research
of brain organization and behavioral and environmental fac- and Treatment (AR), and Mindich Child Health and Development Institute
tors. We show that many of these factors tend to occur along (AR), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Boys
Town National Research Hospital (GED), Omaha, Nebraska; Department of
patterns of increased advantage or adversity. Modeling life Psychiatry and Neurology (DJ), Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy;
factors in isolation is therefore likely to miss the importance and Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (SF), Department of Psy-
of the wider context in which they occur. Adolescence rep- chiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia,
resents a window of opportunity when interventions targeting Canada.
vulnerable individuals may succeed in shifting developmental Address correspondence to Sophia Frangou, M.D., Ph.D., at sophia.
trajectories to positive mental health outcomes. In this
Received May 10, 2020; revised Aug 17, 2020; accepted Aug 19, 2020.
context, the present study identified a set of exposures Supplementary material cited in this article is available online at https://
relating to neighborhood environment, parental characteris-
tics, quality of family life, perinatal history, cardiometabolic
health, cognition, and psychopathology that had the most
consistent association with brain organization and could be REFERENCES
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and staff expertise provided by Scientific Computing at the Icahn School of contrast. Biol Psychiatry 85:389–398.
Medicine at Mount Sinai. 7. Huntenburg JM, Bazin PL, Goulas A, Tardif CL, Villringer A,
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Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study (https://abcdstudy. connectivity and intracortical myelin in the human cerebral cortex.
org), held in the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive. ABCD is Cereb Cortex 27:981–997.
a multisite longitudinal study designed to recruit more than 10,000 children 8. Lewis JD, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Evans AC, Tohka J, Brain Develop-
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