Teach Yourself - Xhosa, Beverley

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Fo lrR orde oEis: pt%e,coÌu. r Bmt poinrLld. {a Mi tbn pãt. \ b.ngdon.

u^r44 rD. rÊtep ho ne: / 44i0t ?154O 0a, 4. Fd, . |J , 0t ) J 5 r 0 oI4irnaê. , d r o F n d o T
9.00-óm. VúdaJ ro-saúrda\.trirh a /a hor m;.s;CcÍ.trenne
Emü úGss: orde6@booL?oinr..o.u k
tu' U S.{ & cedd ordúqueri$. p'eM coaüc,\ rc/Co0FÍpom4 pubüsh
w*r loubya\fll..Ì iocotì\ad. Ltnobò064õ ,o?s.L S.A. t;kDt";nê
r84Ì,;_a j5oo. Acknowledgements 5
lntuoduciion 6
In"qgHoMed tu,'te a Í ìdikh e sôur io. !el_gu,.red tem ns _ s,ú moflhd JO
nlon rcp e \ $ td q dtdt r idê úe r / d. r r ar , . ar * r t ui0! t ud ê \ o v e r 2 o 0 r i r t *, n ú e Ukwazana kü-eropleni 20
nerü or rdgldg6. !rdtÀ. hobhie..ud oúer tcirúe tuúúrie,.
on anaeroplarÌe
Rinsh übnry Catltaguihg in pubtìetion Data
 ca|aloeuêentry lú rhis ridê is avaiìãblefion IIE BriÌish Lihúry. 2 t kudtbâna k$'âkhona kúôlíürÌay _32
Meetingagâinât th€Murays' home
Librury oÍ Cohgres cataloR cnd NMber O\ tire_
3 Ukwazi ukuthetha isixhosa 44
Fì^t publishedin uK 199 by HodderEeadÌineplc, 338EuslonRoad, Knowinghowto speak)<hosa
Londo., inv I 3BH.
F i^ rDub üshe d'nSt a @b\ M c r . onFm por a, . y pubir h,n a . , 1 2 5 5f owúdJ 4 Ukuthetha ngoúrsebêÍzt_ 58
UnolÌwood rch'caeo),nünors6Oó4Gì97j.U.S a
Tl'ê Tü.h Yolreìl' nãne dd logo se Eebríed rãde IMIG of Ho,l.tq
& StoÌgbton Lr.L Uyithândâ nJânl lkoÍu yakho? 73
Coptright @ I999 BevêneyKnsch md silvia Skôrse. How doyouükeyoul coffee?
1, U(: ÁÌì .ishts sened. No parrôf úis pubtiqtion my bc repm.tüced 6 Nifu dümele ngokrraneleyo? 87
or lrânsmittcdiÍ
tu-yb..Jn or_bydl nêds. deror. ú mechâÍical, ìnciudiÌê pholocopt €erding, or AÌe youwârmenough?
aDyirr ìomr on :lordeemd ÉEie\€tsJnen s,nou, pmi\ror in n".,r,i
Dmrrìe o Hder búme lrr,be copy .sh, | ,.nsi1A a"mq | ,niEd ",rrg iúdtìe,
oêút, UJenng ems€benzlnl -
íÌ^ffir,eMqí'd €pmeìï!! rep'odu.r,o,,ÌaJ beoDrd.ned.ofr úe.ôprri8h,
L ei(rs agenc\| tuEd.o0 Tomlhú I our Roaa,Ld dor $ lpoHl
'Maslúêthe lslxhosa' 103
' Jennyat work- L€t'sspeak)ftosâ
/, / \: crlriêhl. F.eaeJ. \o pd or úr, bool Ìd) berp,Jdu-d. rord,n
\ysGÌ. oÍ d m" nrue'lIn â0) lor. or b\ dnymeú\, etecuonjc. a Eje\al
ma hôL! â1,pho.o@\
a UThandi emseb€ozini -
uÍosw e. qrhôúl p d oemi'rirn oi vÌC or.êmmrd pubLsh,neCo;IranJ. ins. - 'Ndingugqirha Thamsânqâ' 116
Thandiat woÍk- 'Ì ân DÌ Thamsânqa'
I?eseÌ by Tenset Linìted, Covenry. En€lmd.
PÍúbd inCrfl Britainror H@dq & s,o;gfro0 Fducdion,t,cd \.sonor I UPeter emsebenzini €Kirstenbosch _ 130
HeddümPl! 3Je Eu..m R@d.rnndonvwt JBH bJ cor & \Ivrân
Ld. RêddrÊ Peterat workat Ki$tenbosch

Inpqsion rüober 1O 9 4 7 6 5 4 3 2
Yeü 2oO42r$3 m02 2@l 2uN 1999

lo UThemba emsebenzlni - udliurano-ndlebe 149 Acknowledgements

Themba at wo* - an intelview
li is impossibÌ€to qüâniiÍy RâlphKísch's pâÌt in helping us to bring thìs
l1 Ndi[gathetha noMnumzana Thamsanqa? _ 164 book to ftrìiúon. His inieÍest, suppoÍ, lechnicâlâdviceândespeciâìlyhis
May I speakto Mr ThaÌnsânqâ? generosityof spint aÌe wtfâiling.
t2 Kümdlalo weqakamba 177 We would also like to thâDt Ms TheresâSoci foÍ her help wiú pmof
At thecricketmâtch readingandfor the mânyusefiÌ süggestìonsshemade.
1 3 Mâsiye kulaâ rqsdnr intsha! 797 We âre gÍâiefuÌ to the íolìowing copyÍight oxneÍs for pe.mission to
L€t'sgoto thâtnewrcstauÍant! ÍepÌoducetexts andphotographs:
14 Ukuúenga impahla nezinto únto David Philip PubÌisheÌsery) Ltd, CâpeTowÌì
zâkwaNtu zesiNtu Fort HareUniversity,Aìice, EasternCape
Buing clotlÌesandvaÌiousAfiican aÍs ândcÌafts JohnMuÌmy, LondoD
'WitwateÍsÍandUniveÌsity hess, Johann€sburg
1 5 Iinkathazo zohambo HeinenanDPublishen (Pty) Ltd, Johannesbug
TlaveÌwoes SundayIndependent,JohaúresbúE
l6 Umz a welifa llkaxhosa MâskewMiler LonerÌan, CapeTown
)ftosâheritag€trâit Little, Brown, UK
BducümPublisheÌs,Haffway House
Translaiions oÍ dialogues Bona,DuÌban
Ke!' to exeÍcises
Xhosafnglish vocabulary TV Bulpìn, MuizenbeÍg,CapeTo\In
English-Xhosa vocabula4r 308 lndepenalentNewspapen,Cape Tovrn
Btbliogtaphg 315 Dcpartmentof WaterAffaiÍs, PÍetoria
Index 31',7 United Cricket BoaÌd of Souú Africa, Noíthlands,Johannesbug
Maccrcgor Museum,Kimberley
Mayibuye Centre,UniveÍsity of the WestemCape

LoÍon Cominunicâtions
FÀirLâdy, CâpeTown
& HoÍne
Introduction IMRODUCTION

It was the Scottish missionary John B€nnie of Lovedale who first

recoÍdedúe Xho6a languageand pÍoduc€dúe fust wÌitten texts using
the Latin alphabet wiú úe letters c, q, x Íepresentingúe three click
sounds.The clicks ândsoundssuchas 'Ìà' (pronouncedlike úe Aftikaans
initial 'g'in 'goe-d'oÌ the German'ch'in 'nach') restiÍy ro úe influenceof
About Xhosq the Khoi and Sãtr lânguages spoken by the irìdigenous herdeÍs and
hunteNof SouthemAfricâ with whom the vadousXhosa tribeshad eârly
TlÌe word Xhosâ comesftom thenâmeof a legendarychieí. In âddiÍon to âtrdintimateconlâct-
EngÌish andAfrikâans,úere are nine ofEcial languagefú SouihAfrica.
These nine belong to úe Süb-SâharanBaÍÍu oÍ .lintür fâmily of This iDfluence is also rcflected in some geogmphical names e.g.
Ìanguages, Keiskamma(gezÍ'$^ter). Anotlìer manifestâtronof this influence is iÍ
lhe coexistenceof slnonyms takenfrom the Khoi lânguage,for example:
Xhosa, Zulu, NdebeleaDdSwâti colstitute the Nguni gmup, Soutbem
ütyani / tngcs (grâss)
Sotho,Pedi (Noíhem Sotho)andTswanâcoÍÌstitutethe Soúo gÍoüp.
tmu / ,lgwha (she€p)
Venda andTsonga(Shângaân)do not belong to eiúeÍ the Nguni or the
,rrthâkâthi / igqwiÌa GoÍcereÍ)
Xhosâ, PresidentMandelâ's mother tongue.is the souúemmost of the In more rccent yeaff many Engüsh and AfÍikaâns words have been
nine AfticarÌ languagesând togetheÌ with Zulu, úe most widely spoken 'xlúsúsed' , for example:
lângüagein SouthAfÍica, is spokenby appmxim-arely l8 peÍ cenrof South irikolo (school)
Afticans, dË vast nâjodry of whom live in úe EastemandWestea Cap€ ibhokisi íbox)
rúâtshini (machine)
'... history hâs pÍoved that the )Closa languageis one of the Xhosâ is a heteÍogeneoüs andcomplexlanguageoriginâting ftom a large
tenaciousÌyendudngeÌementsof )ftosa cúúrre for it hasmaintaineda anddivenified gÍoup with manychiefsandclans.Until themid- 1950sthe
firÍn fooúold on SouthemAfrican soil, gowing like an evergreen, Xhosâ spoken by dtnllccalekâ ând drzaR.hârhabe (also known as
deep-rooted tÍ€e,ândhasnânifesteditsef asa dlnâmic, vibúnt, vhile dn,aNgqikaor Tbhirvoxhosa)' was Íegariledas standâd ülelary )ftosg
languâgeâdâptâbleto, anddevelopingin hmmonyútÌÌ, the changing - 'is (ho6âesithethwangâmaNgqikâomgqüba'- but nowâdaysthe
enviÌotrment in that il spmuts new woÍds and expressionsro variations of úe diâlects oÍ the oúer groups fuÍher Dorú, namÚ
accommodâte new conc€ptsandcútural itemsând,to aÌrevengreêier draMbo oÍ Fingoes, drdThembu, /mdBomvânâ, atn Mpondo and
extent,âhorbs and xhosaizesforeign words and terms.This i. did druMpondomise, arc also âcceptedin úe wÍitten languâge.Lile all
oÌiginaly from tìe Khoisanlanguages,úüs extendingard eDri€hing langüages, everyday colloquial Xhosâ differs fÍom that foÈnd in
íts vocâbuÌaÌyandspeechsoundsysiem,ândfor thepasthundredyears 'auúmiÍative' grarDmars.Similady, languageusag€often diffen not oDÌy
hâsbeen doing [so] ftom Dutch andAlrjÌâaÌs and in úis centuÌy from rcgion to rcgion, but also from genention to genemlon, and you
esp€ciaÌÌyftom English with which úe aÌnaxìosa cameinro close may encounterthesedifferenceswhen conveÌsingwith )ftosa speakeÌs.
contâctthroughthe schoolsthat werc estabüshed by the missionãies
of variousdenominations,.-'
L,9itrtüis used6y Púl in his dictiondy s a vdioÌ ofadh. ln Xhos! irNtü denotesúe
lalguaee or aryúine ch@tdistic, e.s. .L€ss,cüston of thê aru Ntu d úe ardlsaNtü. ir
úe &s@ndmis of Níu, úêir ìêgên.laryposflitor Patn,H.w (ed.) Thêcreater Dictiüarr md ,ruRlràÍhtlE çêrê nâmedaner úe two brctheE. chìêf Gol€kô otrd
o/xnda, vol. 3. Alice Univeniry ol Fon Hare, 1989. 'ÁtuGel€k!
cniefRhárhàhe. NgqlÌe NasRhaÌn.h€'s g@dsn.

The book is divided into 1ó units which rangefÍom bâsìclunctioN rìnd

lmguageusagein úe initial units to moÍe vaÌied ândcompÌexusagein thc
laterunits.The inclusion of materialIiom )ahosalìterâtuÌeândmagaziúes
is aim€dat encouÉgingtuÌttìer readine.
Eâchünit consistsof
I a list of tunctions
'ì t a dialogue(tucoko) E settingout the situationandtunctions
-r \ t-,
aba-\ ,L- l- è I a vocabulary(irigâÌnâ) box I wittr atl new words andexpressions
I a 'How to ...'sec[on N which surnmarises andexoandsuponúe
firnctionsdealt with in the conve$aÍon
'o;:) I a 'How it wo*s' section õl which expla;nstheganmâtical stÌlctuÍes
asthey occurú úe coDversations andexeÍc1ses
r.tsq,xatq^L- I a 'How to apply it' section E comprising a numbeÌ oi exercisesto
\ f",ì help you to evaluateyouÌ pro$ess and youÌ âbfiry to apply the new
amaRhaÉìáb;4t6; vocabulâryand stÍucturesyou bavelearnt.
ln úe initial uúts, useful idiomâtic expressionsand phÌâseswhich clop
up in the conversationsare highlighted in a 'Try ro memorise'box. You
o."t'Ê,*a{ will ündeÍstandúeir grammaticalstructureas you pmgressúÌough the

CultuÍal information and songs arc included thÌoughout the couÍse.

Trâ.nslâtionsofúe dialoguesof each unit ând the key to exercisesâre
found âfter the last unit followed by a Xhosa-EngÌish vocabulary, ân
About this boolc Englishiftosâ vocabulary,ân index anda bibliogaphy.
Teachyoürselfxhosais ]JJ.ïended
for all rvhoareinrerestedin leamingoneof
themos.widely spokenAfÌicân ìanguâges
The use of contrasting Erpefâces
ir SourhAftjca-
It is aimedâ. both SouthAfricans andüsitoÍs ro SourhAfricâ. andai úose Oneof the most sÌÌiking featuresof Xhosâ is the combinaíon of different
who are leâming Xhosaftom s€Ìatcbas well as tÌìosewho would Ìike to paÍs of speechinto â 'single' woÍd. Thus úe eqúvalent of 'I at J€nny'
bÌush up their existing skills. As sì.!ch,it shouldbenefÍ studenrsâr high is 'NdìrgíJe ry'- We hâve used contrâs.ing t)"efaces to identify úe
schoolandunivenity level, as well asthoseìnvoÌvedin adút education. componebtsof Xho6a wordsând sentencesasi[ustÌated herc. In oÍder to
establishthis usâge,theseme usedin â11components of UÍits l-3. In
wlrcÌever possible,the communìcativeaspecrof rhe languagehasbeen Units 4 16 contÍastìngtypefaceshâve only beenusedin ceÍain sections
emphâsisedwhich hashopefulÌyÌesultedin a coursewhich is usefuÌând wheÌe they âÌe useful in explâining grâmmar.Engüshtranslationsare in
practicâl. Cuìtural backgÌoündaÍd infomarion forms an inregÌâÌpaÌt of the sametypefacesasthe corÌesponding Xhosâ, ândtheÌefoÍealmoí

Worth knowing before embarkíng on

K.y to tfiê ur. ôf brpefo.ê6: thís course
Tofird elamplesconsulttheindex.
BefoÍe you startthis couÌse,it would be useful to makeyourselvesaware
Italici: of someof the strilong chaÌacteÌisticsof the Xho6alânguage.
I nounpref*s
The lacing of uords
a object concoftls,sübjectconcorìlsof \owel yeÍbs
a negativesubjectconcordsaad final -i Oneofúe most strildng differcncesbetween)oìosa andEngüshsentence
constructionsis úat Xïosa 'laces' woÍds togeiher whefe English has
a adjectival, relati,e, possessiyeco cords and.sufit'-yo'
mostly sepaËtewords:
I recenlpast tente su,frxes'-ile' and'-e'
a -ni ìn instructíons NdingrJêÍny
Ilm J€t'ry
a emphaticpronounsprecededby nâ-, ku-, ngâ- and followed
by -na Ndiyavuyâ uku*wâzi
I locativeprefircs aírdsffixes I an glad to know )oü (lit. ... yoü know)
a palatalisedforms of Íhepassive,Iocative ard diminütiye All nouns consíst of tr/,o pdtts
I ideophonesarÁ ìdioms.
Every noun in xhosa consistsof two paÍs, namely,a pr€fix and a íem.
BoÌd: The pÌefix indicates wheúer â noün is singulâr oÍ plurâl urìlike in
a slemsof Douns.verbs.adjectives.relatires EnglishwheÊ, in mostcêses,úe âdditionof t' makesa noì.nplurâÌ.The
stam cânies th€ mêânfug anddoe. nor châDge:
I interrogatiY€s
I po6s€ssiveadjectiyes ümDtu onepeÌson
abaúft peopÌe
I final -e of subjuncúive
I negativeinÍixes Noun stems cân occü with diffeÍent prefixes thereby âltedng the
I elementswith shortenedemphaticpronounns-, ku-, etc. meaning:
umrrtn onepeÌson ímxho6â a Xrosa peÌson
Italicised bold: aáantu people ?1 axhosa Xhosapeople
a copullttives irintü dress,ìârguage, i$Xho6â Xhosahnguâge
I twojtr.ttaltoseil components. customof aò?:Ntu
uÌuntu humankind
Underlining: ,íàxÍtu commonhuman rruxho6à'Xhosaness'
I addedemphasis.
It is very impoÍtantto be abÌero idendry úis division betweenprefix and
stemasnounsaÍe listed iÌr aLcdonaÌìes accordingto their stem.
The diuision oÍ noüns inÍo gÍoups oÍ cldsses Wotd otder
AnotheÌ characaerislic of Xhosa, âs wiih mosr of rhe indigenous
Questionwords(interrogativôtusualyfoÌory th€ verb (or predicate):
languagesspokensouthof úe Sahârâ,is the division of nouns into
different gÌoüps or noun clâss€s.The pÌefix of úe noun determinesthe upruLa A|ân|r HoÌr areyou?
(üt. You üve how?)
clâssto which â pãÍiculaÌ nounbeÌongs-
üblah phi? WheÌe do you live?
No qtticle (lit. You üve where?)
UnÌike English, there is no definite (úe) oÍ indefinite (a /an) aÍicte in Similarly, descriptive rvords such âs adjecúves, nümeÍaÌs and
)Gosa. Contextinúcâtes whetherthe meaningof, for example,'Ílantü' possessives,areusuaÌlyplâcedâfter the Ìyord they descÌibe:
is 'rre person'or 'd person'. um\tttomtsha a youÍg persolì
No gender (ü1.â person)r,ro is young)

Lile English Out unlike Ìnâny oúer languagessuchâs FÍench,cerman, (lit- â person ,, is one)
Itúan, etc.)thereaÌe no mascüÌine,feninine or neuternounsin Xhosâ: my chiÌd (lit. child o/mtne)
(â / the gendeman)
AnotherinteÍestingdiffeÍeíce betweenEngüshandXhosâ \ÍoÍd ordeÌ is
umÍ^ú úat Xhosâ often staÍs â sentenceu/ith the pÌÊdicate(veÈ):
(â / the child)
Lible ;zulu naÌÌúlaüje. lìr. It is beâutitulthe
The equiodtent of English pronouns are called Ìrcsth€rtodây
subject concoÍds
Subjectconcods (SC) are alwâysârtached,i.e. they never sraìd aloneas and abbrqíalíons
is the casewith Bnglish pÍonouns:
Ndil alaeKapa I stayin Cap€To\rn E ,u"od"d
cÍ. / soeUnil ...
Verb endings ote the so.meÍo" al, Wrsons,
singulí,t and ptuÍdt SC subiectconcod
(JL oDtêclconcorc
NdiyaÌuya I âÍì glad AC odieclivolconcord
Siyaruyâ We aÌe glad RC rêlo,iveconcord
úyawya You G.) aÌe glad s. singulor
rylyaruya You (p1.)areglad pl. plurol
Uyaruya He/sheis glad odi. odiêclivê
Bâyavuyâ They are glad lit. lilêÍolly
Verb endingsÍemain the samenot onìy for aI pelsons,wbethersingulaÍ
or plüal, büt aÌsoin all tenses. Prccêding on element,e.S.'-no', meonssomething
mustbe otloched
beÍore. e.s. 'n+, meons
tollowingon element, somêltìing
Note: he aEd she= ú-. Note also â tone differuÍc€ distinsuishes êiliêÍ sìdeof on slement,ê.9. 'n9r, oeons somêÌhingmuslpÍecêde
ü- = you (s.) ftoÍn ú- = he / she.

Pronunciation guide I A wo*lnS Sutde to Xhosq pronurrclatlon

Ìt goeswithout saying thât a wÌitteÍ guide ro pronunciationcân at best bwelc
only give an appÍoximation of sounds.TheÍefore. to ,tune iì' to the
lânguagetry, as much âs possible, to listen to moiheÍ-tongue speakeÍs bì|ntr Appt9.ximoí€êound
(radio and television are excellent rcsouÍces) and to the casssttethat
accomDanies t[is book- c Enslish Íost lolo l"l..p)
. bpenl Enslish esg lvo)
[! Tone o {closedl Enslish e(i)shr ivcki {week)
Xhosais a tone lâDguâge.Its rangeof toÌes makes)flrcsa the b€auriíüI, I Enslish be nini lwhenal
musicaÌlânguâgethât it is. The ÍIìÌ€e tonal distinctionsaÍe: o {openl Enslish lqw izolo (yeíeÍdoyl
o {closed) Eìslish own nsoku (now)
high'tone falling^ rone towtone. u English rule umntu (person)
ExampÌesof sometonal pattemsare:
high/ fa ing/low ékhâyà
high/hiú/low Il Xhosa,two vowels neveÍ follow one anoúeÍ wiúin a word. Double
ábánô peop!e
high/low/low ízòlò vowelsoDlyoccurú úe plürâl pÌeffx$, ao- aúd ii-:
high/low mólò helo oomamâ (motheÌs) iiveki (weeks)
low/hieh èwé Doublevoselsaiçooccurin somedemonírâtives:
This differencein tonecânchangethe meaningof two words or elem€nts loo nto (thât úing) abaâbântu(lhGe peoÍ,I€overtberel
that are written identicallÍ e.g.:
In wordsadoptedftom English ândAfÍikaans,vowels areoften sepârated
üjani? How aÌe you? (s.) úìsú rÀrn írhàngá tÌìiú by a h)Then:
újani? How is he/she? ítútsÌ| intestine íúàngà pumpkin
laÌopleni (aeroplane) tqf,sì (ofEce)
Notwiústanding these differences in tone, leamerc should not allow
concemÍegaÌdìng úe useof 'the coÍect tone' ro inlÌibit úeiÌ efioÍs io XlÌosa speaÌers teúd not to pÍonounce the fiÌÌal vowel of a lvoÍd,
speak,elp€ciallyar a word ma) bavedjfferenrÌoneparremsin clifferenr especiallywhenthe following word statu wiú â vowel:
diâìectsofxhosa. As is úe casewilh all languages,the contexawiÌÌ, in Yiz'apha insteadof Yizê apha(Colnehere)
most câses,heìpthe listereÌ to underslândthe intendedm€aDins. UÌind' ithuba Ulindg iúuba! (Wait youÌ chaìce!)
Enkos'kakhulu ËnÌos! kalúulu (Mâny úanls)
@ Stress
The penuliiÌÌratesyllâbÌeof most )ftosa woÍds is ÌerytheÍed (stressed): co'tso'lonús
namhlanie todâv ibhotalo builer sinilaÍ Ìo Englishin prorìunciarjon
SinglecoDsoDanL" are:
um lbo friend kulungile âlllight d f g
The penulaimatesyllâbÌe in a sentencesrructure is often lenstheneal h j Ì
beyondúe singleword limit:
WheÍe do yoü comeiìom?
Hayi, ahÌkho Íto. No, thereis nothing bad.
i.e.I'm fine.
The Xhosaconsonânts Followedby .,ri,
b, k, p, t ar€very inreresring. (o,4'$onantcombinatbns wìrh no Engtish ëquívalenís
(âspirâted)they aÍe pronouncedâs rhey arc in English, i.e. úar is
lJéosuicthereare no Englishequivalentsof the following consonant
accompâÍiedby a puff of air:
.ombinâtionsit might take you a little longerto masteÌthem:
dl umdlalo (sane, play)
hl hlala Git, stay (as in reside)) (ct Zulu 'Hluhluv€'oÌ
üseÍ an 'í maldngit sound
HoweveÍ,whenúey aÌe not folowed by 'i', aiÌ is dÌawn iÍto the moürh_ lite'shl')
CompaÌelhe following: ntl iagânzi (fish)
Dúala!(ftite!) Eâlâ(Count!) dy -dludpza (pour wiú rain)
Xlapra! (co with!) iÃâpâ(Caperown) ry ukuea (to eao (ct 'cape'Aftilaans 'tjie')
Prâp,tâl @e alert!) ipâpa (poffidge) t3 iirÌbâpho (familiet ('t'is not aspnated)
T&a!&a!(Take!) ulâla (fatheÍ) ü iRhâwuti (Johannesbwg) (< Afiikaans 'soud' = sold:
ct Gauteng(Sotho);
In oÍder to asceÍain wh€iheÍyou areproDouncirg; sconish'loú')
borbll koÌkli porpli torth kÌ -IrelekÌele (shae < ikrele = swoÍd)
you might find it helptul, in the beginning,to hold your hand in fmnt of hI as weÌì asÈ and the dicks ãe somds takenover ftom úe Klìoi and
your moüthwhenpronouncingtheseconsonants.Ifyon feel a pufiof aiÌ, Sanlanguages.
you wiÌ be pronouncingâÌì aspiratedconsonantandvice veÍsa.
The clicks
m, whennot followed by â vowel or úe consonantsb / v, is pronounced
asa syllable: The thl€e cltcks arercpresentedby the leíeÍs:
ú / !q /ntü (person) 3 syllables cqx
ú / !q / fu / ndi Gtudent,pupit) 4 syÌÌables 'WÏen Xhosabecamea wútten languagein the 1800s,thesethre€letten
As prr repÍesentsan âsphated'p' and is trot pronouncedtike the Engtish werechosento reprcsentthe thÍee cÌick soundsb€causethe Ìetterk couÌd
'f,similaÌÌy,trrepÍese s aÌr aspiÌat€d't' not English .th' asin .úing'.
Someconsonanlconbinatíor$ simílü to English could be wÍitten kat
(song)pmnouncedlike Englìsh coüld be wntten kween
ng i|r_goma 'ng'in s14g
could be {Ìilten aks
sh is_biúini (factory) 'ú'in Êbine
tsh ikìibbi (kitchen) 'fth' in ki!çLen C - ihe '..hat o píú' úck
ntsh inlbhonalanga(west)
'rch'in ileb
This is â dentâl úck prodücedby pressitrgúe tip of the toÍgue against
try ulyana (son) 'ny' in ca4fon
úe üppêÌ hont t€eÍh wheÍe theseme€t úe gum and Íapidly pu[ing it
ths !!Eu (pitch-blâck) 'ts' in i8
awaywith a 'Í.rr-íííir8' sound.
Q - t'ne'chompogne cor.,(poppíngl cllck Hcfc are somephÌasesoÍ woÍ& yoü'Ìl come acÍossiD this coulse,Take
This is a palâtâÌ dick pÍoducedby pressingthe front paÍ of the tongu€ rDëciâlnote of the implosivesb, t, k, úe comotrânt combiútions úth
against the hârd palâte behind th€ fÌoDt Íeeth and rapidly pulling ir no English€quivalentsandthe clicks:
awâywith a ?rppiÍg' sound. SoboDâna! we'll seêeath other!
X - the 'coaredng trorse' clid. Sckümnândrúudibânâ nawe It |9asnice to meetto
Hambâkakuhle! Go i)elu
This is a lâteÌâl úck producedby plâcing the side of the tongüe against Namlelekile e(âpa Welconeto CapeTown
the upp€r side taeth andÌapidly putling it awaywith a 'clückhg' soünd. Sizakufil€ eKapakamsinyane We' aüve h CapeTorn shoftlr
Clicks may alsobe aspirated,i.e. folowed by 'À'' Külungile AU ight
Molo taÍa!
cfr -cliacla (Íerupente) c -câcâ(be clear) Ndisâtotoba I'nu,elÌ(I'n stl totunng aÌong)
qÀ -ql'ubâ (drive) q -qubhâ(swim)
Siphi isibhedlele? Wherc| the hospítal?
x -xoxa (discuss) Theplayersarcplsjìnq a ganÉ
Abadú badlalaundlalo
Rememberúât 'ci' is not pronouncedlike the English 'ch' rherefore Masihlalengaphandle Izt's sit outsidetoday
'cracàa'= 'recupeüte'is not plonouncedlike the Latin Americandancel naÌnHanje
Non-âspiÌâted clicks can be prec€dedby úe following consonântsand Mhlawumbi, yonte imihlâ
consonantcombinâtions: lntle le ntlânzi It's beautiful, thisfsh
InOein0aÌohlazâ It\ beautillrl, spnnq
Tyala ezi zityalo ehlotyeni Plant theseplants in su üner
Ikomityi eny€hÌph€lâ
c um8ça u4çedo i4&Êrtho Nanbi ikofu! Heíê's the cofree!
(help) (dooÍt (expenditue) Ukrelekrele gqithâ
UhlalaeRhawutini He |tuêsin Johannêsburg
q ugqirha i4gwelo-moya i4ggondo a4oL'4/rza z,ircede Hetp rounetJ
(doctoÌ) (aeroplane) (inteligence) (knock) Uchan' ucv,/ethe !
x igralabâ ülqâno r4goxo i4Baso Ekugqib€leni!
(shouldeÍ) (thnst) (discussion) QhubakuQoboqotn Dirre to Keiskmmahoêk
MssiqabuleuÌxano Let'r quenchthe thirst
+In thesenasâlisedvoicelesssounds'k' is not pÌonounced.
Practisethe q cticks by listening to úe frst few lines of the 'C#cÈSong, Uxolo!
mâdefamousby MiÌiam Mâkebâ. TÌy singìngalong:
'IAqirha lendleÌanguqoraqothwane,
Ebeqabel'egqith' aphauqonAqoúwâne!'

UJenny Oo! Nam ndihlâla

Ukwazana kuri-eropleni* UThandi Ndawoni kanye? "Pinelândsl
Gettingacquainted UJenny
Ngas.rFoÌ€sfDÌiye. WenauNâlâ ndawo,ii?
Ngas.rPinelandsHigh School.
on an aeroDtane Fot the durution oÍ the flieht Thúndi atul Jennj get to kno\e erch other
and agrce to make coníact again soon.
Umququzelelikazi Uxolo, /rarcne ndmdnenekazi. Qhobos[ant
dnabhânti. Sizâ kufika éKâpâ kamsinya.Enkosi
In this Unit yo4n ted'Íl' ho'u, to, kaklulü ngokukheÍhâ i-Rainbow Aítlines.
'rirt Ndiyâthembâ soboìana kwakhona kamsinyâne!
I exchangegreetings
Nan*el€krl€ eKapal Hâmbârt kakúle!
I welcomea group UJenny Hâmbâ kâÌuhle Thandi. Bekuúnandi kariìulu
I askhow someoneis andÌespondto being askedhow you aÌe ukuthetha nawe.
I introduceyourseffând respondro ân inrÍoducrion UThandi Sobonânasisi, bekumnâÍdi ukudibanâ nawel
I askwhere someonelives andÍespondto being askedwheÍeyou live
I saygoodbyeto â gÌoup andindivìduals
l'lgama (Vocabutary,

l! lncoko (Dialoguel
0rquqüzelelitâzi rtesüd6s

@ lln-ai t"-"*qu *d J€nnyMüray ffe sealednexr to eachother or a eenll€nen (direcr ãddrcs)

flight ftom Port Elizâbeth.The steward€ssgre€tsrhe passengen.
ndiyany, I d.gld
Umququzelelikâzi Molwenir an€n€ndtruin€n€kazi! t!íli8hl
Nâmkelektk tuflight 301 ,yâ eKspâ! -kw ,o, (s.) (objecO
UThândi Molo sisi, üqiâdi naÌnbtanje?
UJenny Ewesisi,sikhonâl üta&urzi to lws yaü
llThandi Oo! Üsithethâ kâL:uhle,rüftosâ, sisi! a rü youG.)
NdirgüThâtrdi ThâmsaDqâ. 0' -pbilr be *ell,.llve
UJenny NditgzJermy Munay. Núyâruya ul:ulwazi, rnl?
Thârìdi.Wena,uphilâ 4iatri? 0 ont? siphil/é we m çe[
enÌosi lheÌ you
tlThandi Hai. siphiltipenl,osi.Nâm.ndilaÌTyâ ukut
'ezi, ne too, I risô
Jenny. rl. stay.live (alrc sn)
UJenny Üh|áh éIGpâ, ThânÍti? cPiD€l.nls ú Pir€l .rs
UThandi Ewe, sihÌâlâ ePüelâÍds. ÍlhDo Íìawiknte? wh@ abdb mdy?
Ígbe- !ì*/hdPvi.iDiry
*Anglicjsed vesion of the much more picíuresqqe.úqÌ{elo-moyâ, (lit. nolo emse ne (lit. pqce)
wagoÍ 'lh.lhr
(of úe) âit. qholBhe, frst€n (pì.)
!rubhúti (sa0 h€hs
ltw r^NA(ryE!9!!EM 23
go (pl.)
I An oldcrmonoÍ yourgíondÍorheÍ's
Ìúolo noÍornkhulu I HellogrondÍoAerl
t A womonof yourmotheÍ's
llolo momol Hello mothe.l
I A wonon oÍ yor:rgrondmoüoÍ's
,úolo makhulul Hellosrondmo*'erl
Try to memorise
A moÍiêdwomonoÍ yourogo or younger:
Nomkêlêkilêl Welcomê!(pl.)
Ndiycvuyo ukutu,ozi Àlolo nkcikaril Hello modon!
I om glod ro know yôu ls.l
Ndowoni? Whsã obouisexoidvc {cÍ. AÍrikoonsnevroa
Sobononq We shollseeeocnorner
lekumnondi ukudíboro nawê tÌwosni€ ir meet(wíh)youÍs.l ó An unmoriedlodyor o younggirl:
Eekumnqndi ukurhdho nowê trwosniceto tolkwirhvou(s.l llolo nko.dzonol Hellomissl(cÍ.Ahikoons
(Ììe libroì meoningol i'nkordzono is o linlechieÍtoiness
N Hor, Ío ...
El(chonge greetings 7 A perlonof oppróximolêly thesomeoge os youl'eìf;
With one per6on: itolo míondini! Hellomy Íellowl
(< umío = êllowl + r4o; is usêdos o rêÍmoÍ oÍtucrion
Molg sisi!
Molg nkosikazil bêtweenmoleequokl
olo bhslil HellobrolheÍl
Wiú noae Íàan one person: Molo 5i5il Hêlìosislèr!
MoÌIlcli ,fl/nen€ ftrrrlnenekazi ! Àtolo Ínhlobo wlml HelìomyÍriêndl
I A youngmon:
A guí& to hetp Wu greèaapptÚlprtc'€'/yiâ Xhos., üolo mfonql Hêlloyounsmonl
(A young mon oher cÌcumcisionis rêÍêÍredlio os umfonq.)
I Anoldêrmonof yourfothêr's
9 A young sirl lolsodoushteí):
túolo lolsl loffêcro.oteì
Molo nlombil Helloyounglodyl
Íúolo bowol (moEle'pêcÉull HollomyÍorhen
Hellosnl (lir.ownêÍoÍ l0 A litdegirl:
honesteod/s= uÍtzi / inin) Molo nrombazdno! H€lloliidesirll
HeÍlosirl llit.hondsomê
bis one)
Ílryl, siphilild. No, we âÍev,/e11.
A lildeboy: (tjf. AlrikaansN€e, dit gâangoed. No, it's going weÌÌ )
Molo nkwenkwel Hellolitle boyl
Irlolo nkwenkwcncl Hellolittlêboyl À poaitivc responsewi[ ol(en âlso be qualified by â complainl ôf so s,
Íúolo kwedinit Hellolittlechop! ó,9,üboul the weaiheÍ,work, fâúgue,etc.:
(kwêdini < irkwenkwe + -ãd,ntexpresses offêcron,iniimocy Ndiphilite ngâphânde I'm ftne exc€pt foÌ
bêiwêeion oldêrondyoungs mon,/ boy) kobubushüshu. this heât.
l2 A childi t S€e Unit 7 for otheÌ ways of asking after someone'shealÌh and
,Vlolomnlwon'om! Hellomy child! ÍúúPondìng.
+ SêêculturolbockSÍound.
Introduce gourse$
NdirgüJemy MuÍÍây
Welcome a group NdingaNkosikazi Thâmsânqa
Namkelekil€ (lit. You (pl.) are weÌcoúê) Nole: ,Íkosilari = ladÍ Ínadam
Note: Wamkêlekilé (lit. You (s.) aÌe welcome) g^&o6ikâzi + sumame = rús
Ask hot'lu someone is Respond to an inttoduction
SingülâÌ PÌur.I Ndiyaru)aukìúaâui.
unjarui NìDjani?
Üphilâ qiâni? Niphila rÌiani? Ask ahere someone líoes
Respnd to beíng asked hou gou are Singülâr Plurâl
Ühlâlâ phi? Niblâlâ phi?
StnguÌâÌ Plural
Hayi,ndiphilt . Hayi, siphiliie. Respond to being asked whete gou lioe
NaükhorÌa. Sikhorìâ.
SbgutaÌ PturâÌ
In Xhosâ, nDÌike in English, úere is a distinction in forD betweenúe Ndihlala eKâpâ. Sihìâla .rKâpa.
secondperson si|rgulâI and plurâl )or' (ct Afrìkaansrly;ju ra FÌerch
t/i vaír). It is common prâctice in )Gosa to use úe pluÌaì foÌm ,Nir Soy goodbye
insteadof the singulaÌ form 'D-' when enquiringafter someoneì healú,
Singular PluÌal
thercbyshowiÍg an interestin the well beins nor only of th€ personbeìng
Hâmba kakuhÌel Hâmbaxt kakuhlel
dÍectÌy âddressed. but alsoin úa1 of the iÍImeúâre fâmily. SimilaÌh úe
response,more often than not, wiÌì be in the plüal forÌn 'Si-'(= 'né') Sobonâna!
eventhoughonly onepeÍsonis Ìespondiry. Nota: Salakâkuhlel (s.) Salani kú:ubtel (pÌ.) = 'Stây weÌl' is sâidbv the
)CÌosaspeaÌen often prefâce'Hayi' (= 'no') whenrespondingposiÌively pany who i' leavinglo úe pâÍr) $ho is.layiog
to the ouestion'How arevoü?'j

Cultural background lhc rubtle teÍms of iraditioDal )oìosa etiquette.' The young man didn't
rúüliücthâl 'greetingin an AfÍlcan cultuÍe is more thanjust uttering the
'Gr€etmes âÍe the key to allnostever]úing âmongXhosaspeâkeÍs words.' A detailedexplanationof who he wâs and wheÍe he camefroÍÌì
in paúiculaÌ, and amongAfiicâns in geneüI. We do not otrÌy get hodbcenexpec.ed.
surpdsedbut also are somewhatdishübed when someon€walks
pâstúúour sayingheÍo.' Mrdywâbê go€son to Eflect on 'how impoÍânt a role t1ÉÌural settìng
(Chapole, S. Course Notes ín Convên.ttíonat Xàrra. íSuÍÍner plüysin the developmentof our minds.Thoseof us who grew up in urban
INüDwhentheinfluenceofwestem culturcswas still miniÌrÌal, aÌú wherc
School) Deparlrnentoí Addt Education ând BxÍa-Muml Srudies
oldcrly peoplecounselledus a lot, aÌe foÍnmâte to hâvehâd ac€essto úe
University of CapeTo\rn, 1988.)
ôxpcriencesândinsight that have mâdeus undeÍstandceÌtain inúgenous
The vaÌious stagesftom babyhoodto old ageâÍe of grearimporrancein pÍlctices.Alúough ceÍtainúings may not hâve madesensethenbecause
)Oìosa society.This is milroÍ€d in how peopÌe of vaÍious age groups w6 were young, it is somehowstangely ironic how úey now fit into
addresseâchother It is imporrântfor us, asleâmersof)ftosa, to be aware Írl00eâs we tÍavel tbÌough adulthood.'
of this etiquêtlewhen gÍeeting)<hosaspeakeÍs.

fr How it works
Molor'MoÌÌyeni is usedto geet at any time of day. It is fo os,ed by the
name or title of the p€Ìsor/s being addÌessedand is úe usüaÌ way of
iúitiating a conversatioDwiú ânyorc, inespective of âge. Usually the
penon who is arriving gÌeets ÍrÌst. Howevet a younger peÍson should
I The Xhosa equitlolent oÍ Englísh pronouns
atways be the fust to âddress an older peÌson, whateveÍ úe
'1,' 'we', 'you' (s. & pl.)
ciÍcumslânces.The gÌeeting includes qüêsrionsabour stat€ of health, Ndt- I
curÌent âffaiÌs, the weathet etc. sr-
ü- You (s.)
Nl- Yoü (pÌ.)
Tho Xhosâeqúvalentsof EngÌishpÌonoünsneveÌ stãnd âlonê.They are

f f is
thôrcforelmown as subjed concoÌds (SC):
Ndlyawya I am glad
Slyavuya We âÍe glad
Üyavuyar You (s.) âÍe glad?
Nlyavuya? You (p1.)aÌe glad?

2 Propet nomes
In an article it ú\e Sundar Indepe dent (23nU199'7, p.lo) enritted
Urban youthdon't labw what it meansto beAlrican. joumúst Lungile Yrruwill havenoticedproper nâmesarepr€flxed by r- which is omitted
Mad''wâb€ describesthe puzzlemenrofhis 23-yeâÌ-oldnephewwhenhe ln directaddiess:
discovers úaÌ hìs uÌban way of Feeting ân oÌder man meets with íJcnny üThandi Molo Jenny / Thândi
indignation. 'He is used to mêeting and geeting a lor of people in XhoNnfirst namesending in -â or -e are not necsssâÍilyfeminine and
Johamesbürg,but no onehâs told him before rhât meÌely s^yi11e.Moto, lh0rc e ding in -o âre noanecessarilymascúine as is úe câseìn many
kunjani nlikho a" (Hi, how arc yota I anrtn ) is tutadequâre,
at leastin lìorn!|rcclanguages:
aThemba (pÍomise) (sift) nasculine
"Sipha 6 Some Xhosa equindlents of Engtish ptepositlons
zThembekê (Ìtliable) (motheÍofjoy) feminine
"Nomvuyo Ir Xhosa, úere aÌe seveÍal ways in which the equivalent of Ënslish
3 Gioing instructions prcpositions(,r, ,n, dt ,4 /,rr', etc.) car be expÌessed,two of which aÌc
Giüng iDstructionsir Xhosais easy.When instructingonepelsonsimply lllurlrated in úis unit:
usethe veÍb stem.* To give instructionsto moÍe than oDepelson simply Ukwâzâúâ&4l-empleni. Getting âcqüâinted o4
sufiìx -rt': the Èemplâúe,
SingulaÌ Plürâl ühhh 4Kâpâ? Do you stây 14Câpe Town?
Hâmba kâtuhle! Hambârt kakublel Nâmk€Ìekil, sKapa! W€lcomeÍo Câp€ Townl
Sslâ kakuÍìle! Salâni kal(uhlel Note: The context denotestranslationof the peposition.
Thetha iritrhosa! Th€thari r$Xho6â! ) SeeUnit 4 for nore examples.
Hlâla phântsil Hlalari phartsi!(Sit down!.i
Qhoboshâ ibhântil Qhoboshânid'xlzbhanti!
+VeÌbsteÌff pÍefü 'uÌu-'= 'to'. andtherebyform the inffnitiv€. In )ftocâ
Cultural background
theinfiniÌive is aÌsoâ nounandassüchis üstedin dictiorúes underrhestem. In Xhosasocietya greatdeaÌof significanceis attachedto lhe üÌne given
lo ! new-bom baby. The name often Ìeflects the hopes, aspiÌations,
4 Making stdtements lmotions, sp€cialqualities,historicâleventsaÌrdeveníamily circumstances
rl lhÊ time of biÍh, e.g. a boy cafed K\vânelê (< üt]rânelâ = to become
The Xhosa statementsthât you have come acÍossso faÌ have â similar
pattemto their English equivâlent: lnough) indicâtesúat the family now consideffitsef completel
NntüÍÀl occurrenc€sat úe aimeof the biÌth also influence a choice of
NdirgüJenúy. I a,n Jetrny.
[umol â girl namedNomâkhÌv€zl (< dma}hw€zi = staÌs) was pÍobably
Sihlalâ ePiÍeÌâtrds. We live in Pinelânds.
bom on a clearniút while a gií namedNomyulâ (< tr"l'uls = rain) was
5 Askt rg questions Dmbrblybom whenit q/asÌailtins!
As in Engüsh,úãe are two B?es of qüestion:The tus. rype requiÌes a lVí,"meaning'moth€r of is oílen prefiÌed to a masculinenâmeto form
'yes'/'no' ânswer In Xhosaonly intonation distinguisbessratementsand fhô Íbminineequivatentwhile -ka.i I -v,aI -eka aÍeleminine sutrixes.The
ìulíìx -iÌr? inúcale\eìúer a girl ' or bo) . name.

Uthethâ trixhosa katuhle. Itoyn Gids Meaning Derivation

Yoìr speakXhosâ weÌl.
ÜtlÌêthâ titxhN kákuhle(nâ)? Do yoü speâk)úDsa well? llDlrc SiphoÀa?i gift (<rnpho=agift)
To makethis disiinction cleaÍer,na is often added. âl1úlwe 1fóztpho
Vnyo VÌIyoka.i glâdÍess, joy (<,íÌüÌuyâ = to be glâd)
The secondtt?e of qüestionrcquiresspecific answêÉ. Question woÌds Ìtrynd 1{úmvuyo
(útermgativet usualy follow the v€rb (or pÌedicâta) anddo not occur Mlndla NoÍÌrâüdlâ stÌcúgth (< drmrÌdh = stnengtÌÌ)
at the lregiÌnfug ofa question asis úe casein English: Xhlyt Nokhayâ hom€ (<,khâyâ = home)
Uphila qiâni? Èow aÌe you? (lil You are Mpl|molelo Nompumelelo success (< ,*rrphumelelâ =
aìive hoú?) r, succ€€d)
ÌJbhla phi? WheÌr do you s1ây? Mhulolo Bulelwa gÌatitudê (<,* bulelâ = ío thank)
+ SeeUnit 2 ând Unit 8 for moÍe abourinteÌroÊatiÌ€s.

Xolâ Xoliswu pacifieÌ s.v

Ío calm do\rn) (s) Welcometo CapeTow]1
BoÌgâüi Bryìwe pÌâisg ladiesandgendemen!
be pÍaiêed Ío pÌaise) (b) I aÌn v/e[, thanl you.
LiÌrlâ Lindrìre (<üirdin&= t wâit) (c) I am glad to meetyou.
thâÌdo Ihandrwg (< &trzlhsndâ= to love) (d) I live in CapeTowÌì.
Thardeka lo,teable (e) It wâsnic€ to talk with you!
Thembâ TheÌnb",ta tmst, (Í) It wasnic€ to meetyou!
ro hop€) (g) We shã seeeachotheÍ soonagaìn!
(h) Coodbyewhenleaving a ftiend.
(i) Ooodbyewhenleaüng a gmup.
S""S (j) Goodbyewhen a friend is leaving.
Àtolweni Nonket (k) Goodbyewhen â gÍoup is leaving.
Iúolwcni nonke, niphilc nioni? Hello oll oÍ you, how ore you? What qredi'|s $ouldlptr ad(io oürút dP folbu,iÍE âÍr,r'E?
Sicophil'cnkod. We ore srìllwellthonk you.
Kunioni kuwê? How orê you? (À) SikÌìonâ.
(b) NdihlâìaeKâpa.
(c) NgaseFoÌestDÍive.
Rerrrite the Íolbúbs p.ming in üP appÍopr*rre woÌd br€aks
p How to apply it
Greetings and introdüctions
Do you recognise the Íolloufmg Xhosa words ürhich are
(â) How .rould you gÍeet Thandi? In everyday use?
(b) How would you gÍeei aì oÌder Ìady?
(c) How would you gÍeet an older gentleÍÌan?
(d) How would you gÍeet â femaÌefiiend?
(e) How woúd you gle€t â maÌeÍÌiend?
(f) How woúd you er€etâ marriedlady?
(g) How would you geet â gentleman?
Ucten to th€ following Xhosâ woÍds adopied lrom
O) How would you geet an unmarriedlady?
(i) How woüld you geer a child?
!? English alld üiÌite do$Í úeiÌ meanings in úê ordeÍ in
ú) How would an âiÌ hostessgreetpassengeÍs? whlch you hear úêm.
(k) How would yoìr introduceyourselfl.) (h) (o)
(l) How would you Ìespondto an intÍoducrioÌì? (b) (t (p)

Ask one person c)

(a) How arc you? (c) (Ì)
(t') Do you live in CapeTown? (m) (t)
(c) WheÍeaboutsexâctly? 0)

LJkudibanakrÃ/alúona tjDÍÌvid Ndi.Íifundaestkolìt€ni,Nkosikazi.

l'(k r asksaboutThmba and Thanìi\ , hìl.],Pn.
lnvalVlurray tJPcter Nina, ninâòdntÌYâna?
tJ'Ihemba Ewe sinâáo,,/nyâía nentombâzânâ.
Meetíng agaín at the t,P€teÍ Bâyâfunda?*
Murrays'home UThemba
Ewe, bayafundâ.Bafutrdâ ew€st€fford.
Künjâni ngokuphunga? Nìkh€thâ tti okanye ikofir
In this Unrt you |'/uirt,edtn hou) to: okâÌìyeiÍto ébanilâ)o yokusela?
OoThâmsanqa Nokubâ yintoni. Ewe, nokubayintoní.
I inür€ guestsinto your home UPeteÌ Nifrma riÌrlìlâÌâ ngaphâÌâthiokânyengaphandlô?
I exFess pleasuÌeat me€ting UThândi Masi alerd ngaphandle.Lül€ namhlanje! Ndingâi{,-
I mâkeintÌoductions(usingkinship temt ncedisa,Jenny?
I âskwbat someone'snameis UJenny Entosi sisi- Pet€r noThembâ, ningâncokolâ!
I offeÍ Ìefteshments UPeter KulungilP!
you leaming? i.e. AÌe you at schooÌ?AÌe úey leaming?
I âsk someonewhat they want to do "Lil. AÌe
I âsk someonewhat they prefer to do Le.AÌe they aÌ school?
I suggestdoing something
I offeÍ help

tr Incoko
tÊl Thandi ândThembaThamsânqavisit JeÍmyandPeteÍMuÍrây-
UJeÍìny MolwenilNgemai!
UTïandi Ewe, ninjani?
UJemy Hâyi, silhonâ. Kumandi kakhúu ukuaibonal -n- (< ni ) r,a (object) (pl.)
UThândi Ngünyeni wâm, lThembâ 10. nàthi .nd !r
UJeDny Molo Themba,ndiyaÌTya kâklìulu ukut?âzi. Lo rgünyeni ,khúy€ri lelhü r, ou bome
4nyú. weüü
wam, üPeteÌ.
hnteu'm ny.hild
UTh€mbâ Ndiyawyâukurâzi.
UPeteÍ NúÀt siyaÌuyâ ukunâzi.Namk€l€klé ekhayeri lethu! rXlbloiìs'm vh it yôú Dtnc?
David, .lêhnyand Petq'r son, comesin.
L n8lmyânâ wethu. phl?
Illhandi Molo rrotwân'aln- lijubani igama Ìalào? árIolw,ru (< òtrolo) d, shml nga-
UDaüd Ndirgr.Dâüd. lloth€úÀ 10sp€rt Dc.dlsa help son€Õn€sirh
UThemba ÜyatuÌdâ,*Dâúd? nlÍa tr for you (pl.) -@koh
UDaüd Ewe, nditun'lâ ecÌov€. niÍar,nte@? do yN naE cldldru? ì.üìun8il€
UTltandi Üfundâ phi ukuthetha trilftosa? aúdnlsm .lrildM

fry ,o ,,'ômorísê
Offer refreshments
Ncmkelekílc ckhoyeni letftul Wdcometo our homel Kunjâni ngokuphünea/neokuseÌâ?
Kunicni ngokuphungo? Howoboutsomeihing worm SingulaÌ Plural
Ìo drink? Üft!Ìre irto yol-uphunga? NiffDa irto yokuphunp?
Nikhelhc inro yokuselq? Do you prêfêrsomethingcold Üfrlna tuto yokus€lâ? Niltnâ irto yokuselâ?
Ìo driíìk?
Nokubo lnroni Whôtêvêl Atk r.hot someo e údnas/preíerc to do
lúcrihlolcni ngophokohi / Lêr'ssìtinside/ oubide Ütunâ uhúlala ngaphâkathiokanyensaphandle?
ngophondle Ükh€Íhâ ukìúÌala ngaphakâúiokanyengaphandle?
úhlc nomhloniel lÍ h bêoutiÍul
Su ggest doirr g som ethìn g
Masincokolq! Masiphungpikotu! MasiNalcngaphandÌe!
N How to ... Noíê: Thesefoms alreadyincorpoÌatea pluÌâl rnâÌker,i.e. -sì-' = 'Ììs'.
Inúite guests Lrto yortr home However the addition of the plural sÌrffix ' ni' can be heardìn eveÌyday
$p€€chwhen addressinga group.
SiúgulâÍ Plural
NgeÍâ! Ngenâ,ri! Masihlâlcntphantsil Maiithetherdirrxhofa' MasihambqÍi!

OÍfer to help t/Jith a actirrity

Express preasure at meetl^g (ogsin) 'pecific
Kumnandi kâkhulu uh*ÍbonÍ (L:waknona)(to onepe$on)
KumDandi kakÌulu ukun;bonâ (twalílona) (to morc thanoneperson) cf. ukuncedâ = to h€lp someone by doing som€thing for them not
togetherwiú úem.
Make Intrôdúctions
JennynoPeteÌ,lo ,rgünyeni wam, ,Th€mba Cultural bockground
Ndìngarazisâümymi wam, rThembâ WhenXhosa speakeÌsmeet foÍ the fusÌ time, it is customaÍyto find out
cschoúers cbn nam€sby sâying:
Ask whd, someone's nome ond surname is
ÜnguÍ'tri? (Ìo a male) ÜÍeulÍrÍi? (1oa female)or
NjubâÍi igâÍdâ lâklo? Khawüzibong€l / Khâwuzithuthel PleasepÍaise)rxru?4
Ngubâni ,fâni yakno?(Ífani < Anikaans vdn) (WlÌatis your snmâme?)
clsn ìs â conceptuâlkinship group. Membss trace their kinship to a
Note: When you can't Íecall the name of someone\rhom you've met ^
oommon mâle âÌìcestor.The nameof this nale ancestoris úe clan name
- lstduko - âÌìdmembelsareusua[y ca[ed by this name.Mentioning dìe
Ndiza kuthi urgubâni kânene?(lit. I am going to saywho areyou, by clon name(s)of someoneyou wish to úâdr oÍ sing the praises(izibongo)
the waÍ i.e. just Íemind me) olì slarling with the mâin clan nameânddÌencontinuingúdr the sub-clan
númes,is the ultrmate wây of shôwìngrcspectused âmongfamily ând
SeeCútuÍal background.
Tolo,Zulu, Mchenge,Mdbh.a ekdzi
The respons€10this is Utuàokum htnye! oÍ Ndin turye Ìowo! Amati a1\d ì4tr8. üPhirâniâni?
woman of the sameclan namecan never marry as they âÌe consideÌedto | *SecUnit 3 foÍ acômpletelist ofnoünclâsses
ândúen corresponding
be rclâted to one anotheÍ.A wolnan ahvayskeepsheÍ clân nâmewhich is
prefixed by Md-. Childrentake then father's claDname- t||hJocaconcords.
Dlamhí, Gambü, Iwarhlr, Iìü, Mb.ttjwa, Mnsuni Mpí sa, Tôlo and t The ptesent tense - ttositi te
Tshawe(Íoyal cllt Mme) aÌe but a few of the many clan names. II lhë presenttense(aswell asin all otheÌteÍses)veÍb endingsaÌe ihe
Do you know wbich famousSouthAftican hasthe clàÍt Í ÍneMa.liba2 andfeminine,singulâÌândplürâI.
Írnc foÍ âll pelsons,mascutine
Find out the clan nâmesof yoür Xhosafriends and âcquainiânces. In lhc pr€senttÉtrs€úe verbendsin -â. ThesubjectcoÍcord(SC)is lhe
orly indicatorof peÍsonaodnumt'er-
Ndlyafundâ I am learÍing
@ Horo it works Qtyafundâ We are leaÌoing
Uyatundâ Yoü are leaming
7 The Xhosa equiootent oÍ Engtlêh ?td wrson pío''.outrs Nlyânndâ Yoü aÍe leâming
'he', 'she', 'they' úyâfi]ndâ He/Sheis learning
You hâv€ aìÌeâdyleamt how to say 'I' , 'we' ând 'you' (s. & pl.) in Xhosa. Doyafunda They arc leamitrg
ln Engüsh,lhe pronounsfoÍ úe 3rd peÍson'h€'/ '6he'/ 'it' tell us whetheÌ Thc lnflx -ya-, insertedbetweenSC and veó, ody occursin lhe pÌesent
the noìm we arc referÍitrg to is mascúine,feminine or neuter.This geÌÌdeÌ tcíse po6itive and simply denoiesúe loÌg foÌm oí this tense.
distinction doesnot eúst in )ftosa. Insaeâd,sìrbject concoÌds aÌe used. gowover,ií an obje€t (noun)or an âdverb (e.g. 'kaljlulu' = 'â loímüch')
Th€sesubjectconcordsaÌe deriv€d fÍom noun pÌeffxes ândare stÍâch€d
to the verbâl fomr, e.g,: lollows úe veÍb, -JB- is usualy omittêd. This is l(nown astheÊbellbEq

U,n\lwg'na íyaL.'/,az; Doesthe child (he / she)

ukuthethâ irixhosâ? sp€âk )OÌosa?(lit. He / shehows Ndinmdâ kâkhulu- I Íead â lot
Üfundâ É]ïniv€sithi? Do you súdy a, Íhe üniveNiq,
how to speak l-hosa?)
Útundâ H€/shelearnsdt school.
Áà4ntwânâ b4lìtÍdâ irixho6â. The children (they) Ìeâm Xhosa. Situndâ"rtkotì'",li.
|ramìranjê. we aÍe studyinglrdây.
Note: The useof boú noun atrd subjectconcordin Xhosa explainswhy Nifunda phi ukulheÍhâ lryh€r€ ãreyou l€aming to
someXhosa speakeÍs,\rhen speakingEnglish, wiÌl say,for exanple: is (hosa?* speâk)<hosâ?
Bafrrnala€khaya. They tre sbrdyingd, home.
The childrên lley are leâming.
Simìlãly, the fâct that 'ú' = 'he' / 'she' explâìns why some Xhosa Note * '-ya-' is rcver us€din a sentenc€with â question rvord:
speâÌeÌsâÌe inclined to use 'he'/ 'she' inteÍchangeâbìyin English. Árantwana batêfunda-
Batun& phi? Bailnda a.rikol"eri- BatundâkâL*ulü.
'ú- = 'he'/ 'she'ha5a higher tonev,/tule'ü-' = 'you' (s.)is Fonounced
9 fnlfues lngal ='mog','can'and '-sâ-' = tttt|,
To ensÌìle that you aÌ€ not misunderstood,you can use the so-called .'ssi havea sp€cfic meaning:
Unlike tlÌe inÍix '-yâ-' '-Íger ard
emphatic pmnoun ')r?nâ' = 'âs íoÌ )úí' (cf. French 'roi'). asrvell asrhe
subi€ctconcord 'ì-':* NdiÍgâtunceda? MNy I helploü?
NiÍgâncokola- You mây chât.
Ndiqângenâ? Mây I comein? 1jl! li'Ím of the object concord jr ftlenticãl ro úat of the subj€ct
Sjsâphil' entosi. We aíe still well, thants. to||íoÍd cxccpt whereth€ subjectconcoÍdis a vowel oDly:
4 The ínfínitiúe t" (SC)> &.r-(oc)
NeâÌÌy âll verbs in úe infinitive, like the forms in the presenttense In lhlt cürìe-ú- is inseÌtedto sepâmtetwo vos,els.
positive, also end iÌr 1â': trhlolt concordsarc âlwâyspÌac€ddfu€ctÌy b€loÌ€ the vêrb:
ukuthethg ukuph|]|rgs ul:usele Ndiya&lthmda. I love]rta oit. I )ar, love.)
ükufiks ukudibans ukuhlala
Po.l lon ol
TheÍô âÌe only three exceptions:
Ndlyrbonâ. I see. Uyarylüxúa? Do you s€et44?
uh4ãzi* to knoÌv Ndiy"ri. I know. Slyabono. Wêsee. Uyaoibona? Do you s€e!{?
ukuthi to sây üttrinir Wìât do you sây? Ndlyatundisâ.I taâch. Ndiyafofundisa. I teâch ]q4-
ukutsha aosây so útshs. He / shessJasso. {llyqíbndisâ. We teâch. Siyaa]fundbâ. We teach tq4.
Not€: '-thi' and ',tsho' never occul witìl infix r-yar.
T\ó'-i-' of -nü-, -sí-, -ni- is dropp€dbefoE a vowel veÍb:
* As it is not possibleto haverwo diff€rent vowelsfo[owing one aÌrother
Üyawhzil Do you know me?
in the sâmeword in )ftosa, sound change3must take plâce,i.e. u > \tr: Do you l(now zr?
uku-+-azi>ulcyazi. I am glâd to knor?' i-e.me€tyrü.
5 The Xhosa equivqteÂt of English'o'n', 'ls', 'ate' NOtc: In the preseni tensepositive -ya- is usualy omitted when some
With nouns b€ginning úth'4: otherword follov,/súe veó (pÍedicate),e.g.:
Ndiyetunda. BIJT Ndiíúndâ rÁÃIíEc.
NdjrrglaJenüy. I an JeDny.
Lo ,g4nyâna wâm. This ir my son. Thls i$ also úe casewhenúeÍe is ar objectconcoÍdinvoÌved:
Lo t glrqleÍi wam. This iç my husbaÌìd. Ndi$,rlfirndâ.* BUT NdiËifuníiâz.rikohent.
Lo ,rg4r4ntÌvânâwâm. ïhis ts my cbnd. {'x,- = 'il'refeÍs to rrrxhosa.
Note: Idiomatic exFession: gubdri igama lakho?Wlât 11ç
yoür nâme?
(lit. It ír who name of yours?) 7 Interrogatioes
WìeÍe 'al', 1ìi', 'rr€' is understood You 0Íc âlÌeâE famiüâr with the intenogative -phi? = 'whel€?' :
üÌjani? EoÌr (arc) you? Uhlda phi? WheÍe do you liv€/stây?
Ndilúonâ. I (am)well. 0it. I amher€) ulundaphi is ftosa? WheÍr do you leâIn )Gosâ?
SilüonÈ. we (arE)wenoit.Weareher€)
Yr)uhuveâlso comeacÍoss4iâni? = 'ho*?':
6 The Xhosa equlúdlent ol Englísh 'me', 'us', 'you' tjphilâdâni? Eow âre yoü?
(s. and pl.) cdlred object conco,Ída Ku4oni neokuphunsa? How aboul (someúing hoo to ddnk?
word i' bani?= 'who?':
Arolhcr impondnlquesúotr
yo" (p1.) N*ubani? Who is it?
Nf,ubani igamahkno? What is yoDrnâme?(lit. lt is who ...)

8 Possessioeadject oes -'mg','out', 'gour' (s. & pl.) somè kin.híp |/e'|,m' ond rclotíonships
In )Olosa,unÌikein English,pos,s€ssive
âdjectivese.g.'my'; 'ouÌ' ; 'your'a FqÉítr - Ábclzoli
etc..ÍìrlÌow rhe noun: molh6r utnorno folììer otufq
Lo ngüt[]twatta w6fi. This rl my child. (lit. This is child Chlldrcn - Abonlwono
doughler inlombi son unyano
Lo ng,mntwanâ ìrakho? tr"/mine)
this your (s.) child? Orondpor€nt3 - oonowokhulu
Lo rrg nyana ü.tthu. This is our son. grondmolherrimokhulu grondfother ofqvomkhulu
N$bani igâmâ ldkho? WÌìat is your name? I Orondchild{renl - Umzukulwono {ob+)
1gâmaldmrguDaúd. My nameis Daúd. I Auntu
From úese êxâmples you can see that Xhosa poss€ssiveadjectives umokozi poternol udod'obowo
consístof tno parts. ïhe fir{t part, e.g. 'lra|Ia-'='oÍ, chg'ngea
accordìng1o the noun in question,while the second pârt, Ìepresenthg poternol uWomkhulu
'min€', 'yours', 'ours', doesnot ch.ange.
utol'o ncinai
e Se€Utrif 14,4, for more possessiveadjectives.
9 Na = 'and', 'with'as well os 'haoe', 'has' I toudns - Abozqlo
pqllnt ore brofher ond .itl.r unlzd / t'tr .dld
Beforca noun'na-' ='and' (aswell as'with','âlso','even'): Íslhâru ore bÌotheÌi lkoyisc
molhcrs oÍe sislert ukoninc
I N1...3 ond Nephêws - ,Abofrhona
Manenenamãnenekazi.namkelehle eKapal
I Kln.hip lêÍ|ns H\,veen siblings
ny / ourb'othet
môtungwE5he e/d€í 5i5ieÌ (lit. by whomonê iokêson oolh)
ny / our siblings llit. of our hom)
Nútuna ükudjbanaÍoPeteÍ noTheÌnba.(i.e. úth PereÌand Themba) yourls./pl.)5iHings (lir.ofyourào'nê)
When two dissimilaÌ vowels folow one anotherin úe sâÌnewoÌd, to his/ her/ keir siblings lltt. of thei ho,me)
âvoid an iúarmonious sound,yet anoúer sound châÌge occuls.
l?olh.., rêÍêÍ tô onê onolhêros:
Betweena subjectconcordanda noun '-tra-'= 'hâve'. 'hâs': unkhuluwo = older broter
Nnúdntwânâ? (Do you hâlE chiÌdren?) oit. You with chiÌdÌen?) umnlnowa = younger broÍher
Ewq siÌâóuntwâna.(Yes,we hâv€ cMdreÍ.) (tit. We üth chiÌdÌen.) Whcn tolkingsbgqlo rhird pêrÉon3,blgther or tigtcl:
ori Ewe, sinà,o. * (Yes,we hâve ú"m.) (lit. Yes,we ìr h /ne'"-) ünnakvrcbo lhìs/ hêr/ thêit brorheò
* -ào shortenedfolm of emphâticpronoun '/,ona' 'as foÍ rrrfl' . !Áaüwobo lhis / het / thêì ristc,r)
Whentolkins!9 o 2nd p€rsonobouto:
rhlrr udodeweou your(s./pl.)sisrer
bÌethrl unn<tLwenu yourbrorher

p How to apply it (0 Do you want to sit outside?

(g) Do you want to sit inside?
Ask re âpproprtâte qu€sti,on for úe Íollowing answers (h) Do you wantgo now?
(a) NdinsuDaüd. Ask what youÌ gu€st prefeÌs
(b) Hayi, sikhona-
(c) (â) Do you pÍefer teâ or coíïe€?
Ewe, nditundaecÍove.
(d) (b) Do you pÍêfer to sit iÌìside or oütside?
(c) Do you pÍefeÌ to speat )úÌosa or English (isìNgesix
Complete appropriateb
Suggesl to yoür ffend
UThandi: Uphi umyenì , JeÍIny? (â) Let'sso in!
UJenny: Lo ngumyeni uPeter.
- (b) Let's sit dowtr
UThandi : Lo ngurÍmtwãna
_, Jenny?
(c) Let's speakXhosal
UJenny: Ewq Ìo ngunyaü _, uDaúd.
(d) Leth dÍiDt cofree!
Being hospitable (€) Leís dÍink tea!
(f) Letì dÍiDt sonerhingcold!
Invite someotreimo your home:
(g) Let's sit oürsidel
o) Expresspleasue at meeiinC:- (h) Let'schat!
(c) Ask him / heÍ to sit down (phantsi):
(i) Lefs stây!
(d) OffeÍ refteshment
- (j) Leth go!
Saygoodbye(ú) someoneleaúng):
Aak ürhere and give the ansurer
Ask a guest what he/she rrants
(a) phi uThaÌdi noThemba?
(â) Do you wânt coffe€? -hlala
(b) -funda phi uhsithetha isixhosa uDavid?
O) Do you $,anttea?
(c) -fimda phi ul$sithetha is Crosa,Dâvid?
(c) Do you want to meet(wiú) Peter?
(d) -ttlala phi ooThansanqanooMürray?
(d) Do you want to speakwiú Thembâ?
(e) Do you warÌt to speak)Oìosa? Complete the questions and answer them
(0 Do you rvantto sit outside?
(g) (o) Ngu- igãm lakho?
Do you want to sit inside?
(h) Do you want go now (nsoku)? O) üÌúala _?
(c) Üphilâ namhlanje?
Ask güesb what úe!' want
(a) Do you want ú) drinÌ cotree? l0 Llden io the dialogue and say whether thê stat€nr€ots
(b) Do you wânt ú) dÍìnÌ Íeâ? tÍc corÍect or not
(c) Do you waDtto meel (with) Peter? (o) ThandivisitsJennÍ
(d) Do you wânt to speãkwith Themba? (h) Thandi wantsa cool alilÍÌ.
(e) Do you wânt to sp€at Xhosa? (o) Thândi wantsto sit üside .
(d) Jcnnyaccepts Thandr'shelp.

Ulflr'azi ukuúetha isi)ürosa lsigama

Knowing how to speak Xhosa

In this Unit Vott will leanr how to: Ì will try

I discussyour abiliry úú reeardto speakingândunderstândìngXhosa

I Ìnal(ecomparisons
I makepolite Íequests

E Incoko
t=l PeteÍândThembacontinuewiú úen conveÌsatron.
UThemba W€nâ Pete! ür,thethâ kakuhle tsixhosâ! ìr'd&elelg,
wafurdâ phi uh]rÍh€tha kâL:ulúekângakâ?
UPetei N&|(huleÌa eí8mâ ngaleRhini. Ndâqhubâ ke ngol:urt-
tundâ éstkol'rénr: Ngelishwa nditibeÌe t to eninzi. Enye
tnto, ndiyâzi ukuba ndisâphâzama kâkhulu kodwâ
UThemba AyinansebeMi 1oonto yol:uphazâma.1,to
kukìrbairzlmc uku$'thethâyonke irrilìla! "bâlulekil€)o
yoü nust (lí. íì ne6sry)
UPeter Unyanistl?. Kuff|treka Ìrdúelelg xa ndiphazâms.
UThemba Kulüngil€, kodwâ ke Ìyâlandela- *Thcrcis no exactequivâÌêntiÍ Bngliú for 'noko' . It is â kind of pleading
UPeter Evre,ul:ubâardrtu úyacolhisisâ! lì lhe listeneÌ'ssympâthyandundentanding(cf. AfijÌâans 'ÍnâaÌ').
UThemba Heke,trân ndizâkuzâma ul-uzekelela.
UPeter Enkosihrbâ andithetHkâhÌìle njeÍgoJenny.Ns)? wakhulela
zfamâ eMpuma-Koloni. y€nâ wâr,ïundâ srikolÌrdri
úrtúethâ njengotn)üocâ kangangokuba Nloll.hwo ndilibele inio eninzi UnfoÍtunotelyl'ye forgotteno lot
uyartfrDdisa ngoku! lylnoú.úenzi loo nto
Ulhembâ Inde loo nto! Uyâzi bathi dóantü base''.olâni. 'So vêel tale Inlc .bqlul.kileyo kukubo Thêimpodonl lhingis thot
ãsjíj kaa so veel nnle ísjíj ,"a,'(lit. As manylanguagesas utom!
yoü can,so much morEareyou a pelson!). Unyonbllc
UPeter Yiny$iso leyo! lnila loo niol Ìhot'slovêlyl
Ylnycnlro lcyo

\ Hoar úo ... @ How ít works

Dlscuss youÍ ablllty |4,ith rcgatd to qteoking dnd 7 Summary of nourrs of Units 7-3
understonding Xhosa To helpyou understandhow nouns ffe group€d accordingto tben prcffx:
Ndiyaheâzi ukuthethâ ir (hocâ. I how (ïow) to spêâk Xhosa.
Annifu^zi. I do rdt tnow (how). umntu unnrwono únyeÃi umhlobo u'fonc
Uxolo, andirith€thi kâkuhle. I'm soÍry, I donï sp€âk ,7we[. orqsquzelelik ri umXhos uDhlekõri
Ndi.íithetha kancinci nje. I sp€âk ;r just a litde.
Ndisâfrnda. I am still l€aÌning.
Ndiyâzamânoko- I Ân trytug in â smaÌ wây. ototc lnyaía óowo urisi ubhuti
Uyâqondâ? Do you undeÌs1ând? umckhulu ü{sromkhulu uNkolikazi Thon5.nqc
Üyâ iva? (tii. Do you hear rr"?) Do you undeÌstând,r"? uÌhcndi uJonny lPêter ulhdnbc uDovid
Uyardibndelâ? Dô you follow ne? oba:
Ndiyaqotrda. I udeÌstând. oborirv dbonrwond obohlobo oboÍono
Andi.{t Ài. I don} urdeÌslând.
Ndiqonda kancinci nje. I underst nd a Ìittle.
Andilândeli katúle. I do, ? follov well.
Uxolo, üthiÍi? PâÍdon, ìrhât dq you sây?
Uxolo, üthqni? PâÍdon, whât d!! you sây?
Zêkelêlâ! / Ncedaüzekelele! SpeâkslowÌyl/Please sT€âkslonìy!
Cothisisâ! / Nc€daücothisise! SpcâkslowÌylflease sp€akslordy! i(i4:
Phindâ L:wakhona. Repeât (again)l
Ncedaìphindc kwakíonê. Pleasercp€at (again).
Ncedaìrd&eÌeÌc xâ Pleasetell ,fl, whenI make ordnonêkazi dnoxhoro dnobh.nri
ndiphâzâmâ. mistâkes.
fintotri le nge.ílxhosa? Whât is this in Xhosa?
Ilntoni '...' ngêr,Xhosâ? Whât is '...' in Xìosâ? ,iixhoE t iNgeti isÊhulu ,szulu È,PhurukGzi is,kolo Âigomo
Ithethântoni Ìe nto Whât doesthis (rhing) meaÌì in,/ i.
ngertxhosâ? in Xhosâ? /D.ol(o,nko5ikon inkorazonc,ikwènkwc inrombozono
lkoÍu ,(opo iêrcpl.ni inqwelo-moyo ni i.ro Ícmo
Make cormparisons !ku. / lkwl
Ándithetht kâkuhletrjêtrgoJenny. u*wuto u*ophila ukoluna ukukhêrhs u(uhombo
Yenaurtthetha,rixhosâ njengo1!)Gosa. irlo.elo uludibcnq ukubono ukdhcnda ulophunsc
uluns.no u*ufundo ukun.okolo ukdcodiro uÌGêlo
u*uqord. uk honba u*selelo u*ú,ek€lê|. ukltomo
uldh.rho llÉmk lo ltEí ulll{zita ukrcpno

Noun t oupt lkom thes€tâblesyou úll seethât âÌl nouns aÍe gmupedinlo clâss(."t
$cording to their p̀fix.
Clo.! PrêÍix Srem S.C. Trcnslorion I Thê noun class€sare nümber'€dl-15.
ú tha Peísonlhe/shel I Classes 1,3,5, 7, 9 and11 âresingulaÌnouns.
2 obo. Íru bt rhè PePte í,hel I Clâsses 2,4,6, I and10 âÌ€thecoÍÍespondins pluiâl Íouns.
Io u- Thembo Ìhêmbo /lej I Clâsses14 and 15 have no plurât.
u Thom.onqo Thdmsnqo{hel I Clâsses12 ând 13 âÍê no longeÌ âcÍive in )(lÌosa.
ú- rhenothèÍ Ísfrê/
u nyond úe en íAel No hard and fast rúes enable onê to classify a panicdâÌ noun into a
u. loliwe theroÌn ít, spccific ctâssoÍ gmup. Howev€Í a few principles apply Nounsof:
2o oe sipho siphoond co. ítÁeyl I Clâss€r 1 and 2: oÍly Íêfer to people (but not aÌÌ nounsÍeÍèIring to
Ihomlonqo ihêThomsoiqor írÁeyl peopleareh this class).
b@ the úorhên ítìêl
I Clsss€sla and 2a: include âÌt pÌop€r Íâmes, kinship t€rms, (e.g.
thè sonsírheyl
lolire úe roins í,/ÌêyJ
mothe/s, fâúeÍ/s, uncle/s,a'Ìtvs, sìster/s.hoúer/s), somepmfessiolìs
(e.g- docio/s, social wo*erls, teacheÍ/s)and personifrcatioDs(e.9.
3 hfo u the dot / dotê ltt)
tÍàin/s. Íâdio/s. machin€/s).
hfa i the doys ltheyl
I CLâssas3 and 4: many tlees ând Íive$; somepaÍs of the bodÍ e.g.
5 ili. zrc {onêsyllobhl /i rhe counrryÍt, leg/s,moulh/s,finger/s, aswell assom€âbstractnouns.(e.g mimcÌe/s,
i gano (Ìwosylloblèsì
ii thênÕme|i,
anget contdbution/s,organisation/s,Ìâ s, maÍiag€/s).
6 onc o' rhecounrri4 /theyJ
I Classes5 ând 6: somepaÍs of the bodÍ (e.9. eye/s,bÍeast/s,kneei/s,
9ono o rhê nomesÍ/ieyl
arH€/s, bon€/s),nounsdescÍibingpeÌsonâlchaÌacteÍistics,(e.g-bmve
7 isi- kolo st, ihe schoolí,l/
persoD/s;eloqu€ntspeakeÍ/s;skiful peÍsoÌì/s;üâr/s) andsomeadopl€d
8 zf thè s.hools ítÍáyl ftom Englìsb/AniÌaâns, (e.g.polic€, card, wheel,kitchen)
(oko r ltìê conveBolion ít,
Note: SoÍìe no|msof Clâss€sI ând t havethef pluÍal in Class6, e.g.:
, f.mc ú'XhGa ,rdodt (nan) Mkooikâzi mkw€nkrv€ iutombazãra
to izin ro {onesylloblè) theúinss /,iê, a'axlo6a d,radodt aekhosikazi a akhweÍkw€ o'últombâzâra-
i,n .oko {h{o s}ìloblesl :i rhêconv€&iions /rlel
ir Íoho rhê Íohs íheyj I Clâssas7 ând 8: all langüages,oÌdinâl numbers 2 10, (2nd, 3rd,
4th etc.) many implêmmts, woÍds adoptedftom English oÍ AfÍikaâns
tt ulu. lüi lonesylloblê) lF thêíick 1,,
a twihi (two sylloblesl/E ihè rongue/ longlosê lt,
tìegi úng with 'Egr, ê!r, 'st!r: e.g. isikolo < lghool, i.tttovlr < dtove,
rìrtpiü< lpieêl [ÍnìImr], asw€ll as maÌìy grammâticsl tfrms.
lo ri lno'h'l
lhe iônsud/longuoges lt[e],/ I Clâsses9 ãnd 10: mâny ãnimâlÊ, noÌms adoptedftom English ând
Afrikaãns, (e.g.bDíes, car/s,money,bicycl€/s,windods, phon€/t
ubu ntu Ì I Clâss Í: many abstÌãcl nouD6. PluÍâÌ: pl€fix of Class 10 wherc
hombo b wolk/ wolkingÍ,, applicóle.
sti ku- io l.now/ In@l€dsê Íit I Clss 14: mainly abstrmtnounsbut alsoothers,(e.9.face,b€er,honey,
oio io / rdsrins /,rt winter, night). No pbÌâI.
* J SeeCútuÍal bâckgÍound. I Clãss 15: all infútiv€s which can also tunction asnouns.

2 Emphdt c pt'o.noitns Á!óDhutrgri kotu. I do'll cotree.

laaüÍoúi küphüngakofir. I doal 'lÍitrk
wâtrt to drink coffee.
Similar to the French 'noi', toì', 'lui' , 'mnã' , 'w?nâ', ']dnâ' is us€dfor
eÍnph$ís andcontrâst, and canbe usedâs well as,but nev€r iní€ad of, PGitirc Negâtive
the subj€ct coÍcord: Ndiyalrhüngâ. AÌtdiphlmgi.
Siyaphuúgâ. ,4-ítphutrgi.
M!la, ndiyúambâ ngoku. As for ,|1",I am going now
Uyaphüngs? ,a&/phürg,?(kotu)
fàinâ, siyahâmbangoku.+ As for rír, we âre going now
NiyaphuÍga? ,4rriphÌrg;?
Wenâ,üphila njani? As foÌ ]dí, how aÌe yoü?
úyaphunga. ,aÌaÈunsi.
Nin , njJnaboabaatwãn.ã? Às foÌ yru, do yoü havechildren?
BâyâphuÍgâ. Ábaphutrgi.
Ycnâ,uPeterwariffDda Às foÌ áim, Petet he ìeâmt
Ij,xho6â é.çikobreni. )Õosa at schooÌ. Remember:-ya- only occuÌsin the Fesent tensepositive u/henno object
lsnâ, xJenny waklÌúela rfâma. Às foÌ r"/, JeDrÌyshe gÌew up on fo[ov,'s th€ veÈ.
a farm- As yoü can se€,when the subjeciconcoÍd consistsof a vowel onlÍ e.g.
As foÌ íi€rn, the chìalÌen, they ì- / ú; -k- (oÍ -w- in spokenlanguage)is iNeÍted:
balAülela eKâpâ. g1ewup i, Cape To\rn. o- + ü- > a&u-/ auu-i a- + ú- > dÀz-.
You will suÌeìyrccognise'thinâ' ftom the rcfrain of 'NKOSI SI(ELEI-: Noie: The n€gativefoÍm of: 'Ndìyâphilã'/ 'Ndiphiltlé' is Anniphilensa.
IAFRJKA' SeeUnit 7.3
*-r seeCútuÌal background.
4 Remote po'st tenae
Notei The functìon of -na' is simply to avoid a one syllable woÍd to One of úe pâsttensesusedwhen talking aboutpast evenlsand actionsis
which )ahosâhas an aveÍsion' However, when the two elementsof the lhe rcmoteor nârÍativepâsttense.The subjectconcordìndicâtesthe
emphatic pronoun are tÌanspo€ed, nâ carrier â meâniíg: tens€.It is characteÍisedby a long '-âr widr a falling tone:
and n? / with n? / / too, âÌso Ndrkhülelâ €fâmâ.
and )oí / yith ]or / )oI/ too, âlso SakhüIela€fâmâ.
Wakhulela* efâmâ.
end ír / with ür / n€ âlso
afr him, her I vitÌl him, her
Wâk1ubh+ efama.
Nam, ndiya\'ìryaukulvazi. Me too, I am pleasedaokÌow ]|dr. *ì-+a=Í,â ú- , + â = Ì,vâ-.
Bekumnandiukuthethanaìre It wasnice to tâlk with )'rrí.
Nat i, siyawya ukunazi. fi/eâlso,we arepleâs€d!o hrow)au. 5 Polite tequests
The lon€ used when giving a one woÍd instruction in Xhosa largely
3 Present tenee negatioe indicâtesúe 'softness'or 's€velity' of suchâÌì instrucúon,e.g.:
The negâtiveof the pÍesent tenseis formed by prcfixing 'dr before the Hlâla phatrtsi!(s.) Hâlâni phantsi! (pl.)
subjectconcordând chângingttÌe final vowel of úe verb '-a' to -i'.lfâ Howeverúis can easily be changedinto â poüte Ìêqu€st by saying:
noun (object) follows üe veú, the initial vowel of the prefix of all
Núcelâ uhlâlq phantsi. (lit. I bes you G.) sjt down.)
subsequentnounsis alÌoppede.g.:
Ndic€lã rihlâlq phantsi.
'NúcGlâ caD also be \aìd when ôkiig foÍ \omething: 'but', 'üthen'
8 Conjunctions 'bec.luse', 'iÍ', 'th.tt',
Ndicelâ amrnzi. (lir. I beg for wâteí) LikeEnglish,)oìosâhasco4iunctionslo ioin claus€s:
Ndic€lâ ikofu.
Núc€lâ ,rto yokus€lâ. NdilandeÌâkaÌuhle I folÌow well becâuseyou âre
kuba uyâcothisisâ- speâkingslowly.
'Ncedâ' (lit. help) is the eqúvalent of the Engüsh 'pleas€' and cân also Ndiyazamaükuthethais üIosa Ì âm trying to speat Xhosa,
introducea polite request: kodwà l-unziÌnâ. but it is iliÍficút.
Ncedâ uhl8lc phantsi. Ndiyaqondâukuba umntu I undeÍstândif a peÍson
Ncedârdnihlâlc phantsi. úyacothisisa. speaÌssìowly.
Note The veú following 'Ndicela' and 'Nceda'ends in -e. Ndiyazi ukubs Ídiyâph^zamâ I klow úat I mâke a lot
r Seealso Unit 4.5. kakÍulu.
Nceda,ltlungise xa PleasecorÌ$t m.rwh€n Ì
Ndiceh üthêthc tsNg€si. Pl€as€(you) speâLEngüsh. ndiphazama.
(lit. I beg (úâi) you
speâkEnglish.) Not€:A veÍb follo\íing 'm' (= 'when', 'whenever') never inffxes rya '-
à SeeUút 12.1.
Ncedâ üthethc ií,Xìo6â. Pleâse(you) speak )Cìosa.
Nc€dâüzâmeul:uth€tha irtÕo6a. Pleâse(you) try to speat Xhosâ.
Ncêdâ ìcothisisç. Pleâse(you) speak slowly. Cultural bockground
Nceda ìkhumbüle. Please(yoìr) Ìern€mbeÍ.
Nc€dari nith€ths tstxho6â. Please(you âll) speâkXhosa. The concept ol 'Uburrlrr'
6 Impersonal kt - the equiodlent of Engllsh 'it' 'Uòíntü'- coÍnmon hurÌIan decencÍ humanism or âs defined by the
editor of úe S.A. Medical Joümal, ProfessoÍDaniel NcaÍyana, in a
Kunjâni? How is it? (lit. It is how?) recent editoÍiâl, 'ubuntlu', the deepeÍ meânitrg of which cannot be
Kufunekâ ndihambe. It is necessaÌy(drât) I go explâinedin one oÍ two sentencesbììt which canbe saidto encompâssâlì
li.e.I mustgol úe attÍibutêsof caring' for one's fellow human being. Th€ concePtof
Kulungile. It is all right. ú,íntu is aÌso closely related to the pmverb: 'Umntu ngamntu
Kushushu. It is hot. ngròantu.' (lit- a peÌson is a l,eÍson thÌough olh€r p€ople.)
aphâ. It is spoken@ngÌishhere).
ProfessorNcayiyâÌìâexplainsthe meaningof lhis PÍoveó as 'attaininglhe
7 More inteftogatioes totality of b€ing a tully adjustedÌÌìenbeÍ of society only thÌough the
suppoÍ, comseÌling, love, assistance,úelter, example, etc., of one's
ln U ts 1 ând 2 you were introduced to the question words 'phi?'; fellow humânbeings'.
'njani?' ând 'bâni?'. Two otheÌ interrogativeswhich you will need are
'nini?' = 'when?'ând'ntoni?'= 'whât?':
Whm weÍe you bom?
Utuna ntoni? What do you want?
Ulhini? Whât do you say?
Not€: with the veÌb atlri'= 'sây', the shoúened
foÍm '-ú?'(< ntoni?)
Nkosi sikeleÌ' iAÍÌikâ, God blessAftica, 2 What qrould you say ü,lren l|ou don't ündeÌstand what
Mâluphâkânyisw'uphondolwayo, L€t its hom (i.e. spìrit ) rise, Somgone snvs?
Yiva imithandazoyethu, Hear also ouÌ prâyen,
Nkosi, siteleÌa, thina, God blessus,
Lusâpholwâyo, Its (Aftica's) family,
Nkosi, sìkelelâ,thi|ra, Godblessus,
Lusâpholwâyo. Its famíy.
Yìza Moya! Sikelela,Nkosi, sikelela, ComqO Spirit,bÌacsG{d bless, 3 Answer lhe Íollolrlng qu€siions in ihe negative
ïzâ Moya! Sikelela Nkosi, sikelelâ, Come'O Spidt blessGodbl€ss, (â) Uyakwazi ul:üthethaisìNgesi? Hayr,
Yiza Moya Oyingcwele, Come,O Holy SpiÌit, (b) Uthethâkakìúle is <hosa? Hayi,
Nkosi, sikelela,tbinâ, God blessus, (c) Uyaqonda? Hayr,
Lüsâpholwayo. Its family. (d) Uyaphìtâ?/ Uphilile? Hâyr,
Nkosi, sikelelâ,thiíâ, God blessus, Uyâkìumbulâ? Hayr,
Lusapholwayo. Its family. (0 Uftna ikofü? HaÍ,
(8,, Ufuna amanzi? Hayi
ïhe tust verseof NKOSI 'SIKELEL'I-ÁF'RJKA wâscomposedin 1897 ConveÌl lhese instuuctions into polite Ìequesis
by Enoch Sontoúgâ, a school teâcheÍ from Klipto.*rì, to be sung by
school childÌen and church choin. It was compl€ted by Sàmu€t E. (a) Therhâis ftosâ.
Mqhayi (e seeUnit 16 for moÍe aboutMqhayi) andlater it wasâdoptÊd O) ZekeÌelâ.
by the Aftican National CongÌessas the closing hyÌInl at me€iings.OiheÌ (c) Phindakwâkhonâ.
oryanisationsfolowed úis pÍãctice aÌìd the song b€cameÍecognisedâs (d) Zamâks,âÌàoÌìâ.
the people'snational anthem.As its disseminationwas largely oraÌ, theÍe (e) NdireÌele.
are a numbeÍ of versìonswhich often vary fmm place io plâce and fÌom Tty to get úe gist of the following dialogüe
occasionto occâsion.It h often sungin a combinarionof )Gosâ,Zulu and
Sotho,andveÍsionsof it aÌe alsoüsedas the nationâlanúemsin Zâmbia. Theseare úe soÍts of questionsyou wììl find useful shouldyou wân(
ZimbabweandTanzâniâ. to know someone'sbiogÌâphicâld€tâils:
(a) Wazâlwâdni üMongamú Nelson Mandela?
How to apply ,t 0)
(a) walúulela phì?
1 Say (Yithi) O) Vr'âlúulelaeQunu eMpuma-Koloni (EastemCapehovince).
(a) I want to sp€akXhosa. (a) Wâftnda phi?
(b) May I speakEngüsh? (b) WâyâkwisikoÌo samâWesile(Wesleyan).Emva koko (after that)
(c) I like to speak)CÌosa. wâyakufundâ eyìrnivesithiyâsetrort gâre.
(d) I tÌy to speak)ftosa. (ô) Emvâ koko wenzântonì?
(e) I speakonly a little )Gosa. (b) Wasebênzâ njengepolisalasemgodini(as a minespolicenan)
(0 I am sti[ leamine. kodwa waqhubangokufuDdela(study foÍ) ubugqweúa
(g) I still make a lot of mistal(eswhen Ì speâk)<hosâ. (lesalFofession).
(h) PleasecoÍect me.
5ó XHOsA

Use tlre map on dÌe following pag€ to ans,er tlte questioÍts.

BesidesEnglish, trNgesi, andAfrikaans, ;r;Bhülu, SouthAftica has

nine otricial languages:Nguüi gÍoup: tstxhosa, irizulu, is,Swâti,
ir;Ì.{debel€; Sotho group: irtsüthu, iriPedi (North Sotho),
trtlswâna. Other gÌoups: ts,ïêtrda, trtïbonga (or Shangaan).
AÌl laÌÌguâgespÍefix IJ!: i$JÈmâni, ,stFrentshi, isi?hutukezi, etc.
(â) Kuthethwaeziúi iilwimi kakÍúu
O) Kuthelhwaeziúi iilwimi kakhúu zMpuma-Koloni?
(c) Kuthethwaeziphi iilwimi kakhulu zMnfla-Koloni?
(d) Kuúetbwa eziphi iilvdmi kakìulu eh€yiÂtâta?
(e) Küthethwâeziphi ijlvimi kaklulu ecaüteng?
(D Kuthethwâeziphi iilúmi kâklulü en-4pumslângâ?
(g) Kutheüwa eziphi ülwimi kâklìulu À-'rczulu-Nâtâl?
(h) Kuthethwaeziphi iilwimi kakhuÌu
(i) Kuthethwaeziphi iihvimi kaklìúu "Mntla-Ntshonâ?
C) Küthethwaírrxhosa kaklìÌÍu ndawoni€MzântsiAfrika?
(k) Kuttìethwaíçizulu kâkhulu ndawoni eMzâÌrtsiAfrikâ?
(l) Kuúethwa ;stft$,ana kakìulu ndawoú eMzrÍtii Aftika? 1./Vtshôía-Kolonl 0ôêslemCapê) 6.,G.ut ns (solhoíorqord)
2. !Àtnda-Kolonl (NorthêrnCap6) 7.rMnnâ-iJt3hom (NonhwêsÌ PDv ncê)
(In) Kutlethwa iíSuthu kakìuÌu ndawonieMzântsiAfÌika? 3.,1wuma-Koloni (Eãslérncãp€) &u^,tní. (Nonhfl Prcvince)
a./Fr.yÈr.tg (Freêstatê) 9. t^rpum.l.ng. (Lll.@mingouÌ ol lhe
Complste accordlng to úe example sun i.e.the 4l)
Aaaxlo€â athethârüXhosa.
(â) AúaZü\t
(b) ÁrnaSwâ6
(d) AÌ',aBhulu
(wlE€ l,besür disâppeút
(wheE dE sünsoesout)

(D ÁmlrNgesi
(h) Áàasüthu

kuthclhwâ nk spotên di"

dvimi lúguaee (ììt. lúgue) eztphi ilsiúil rhich lànelases?
ríwimi lângüaeês zonkerÌlwimi aìì ìangulges

UPeteÍ Naye usebenzaka&hulu!

Ukuthetha ngomsebenzi UThemba Ujermy, ufundisakwesiphi isikolo?
Speakingabout work UPeter Akafundisi sil(olweni. Ufimdisa abantu abadâla âbalìntr
ukufunda ukutheúa isixhosa. Uyazi, baninzi kakhulü
abantu abafuna ukufunda ul:uúetha isìxhosâ ngoku
ngâkunbi oosomashishininabasebenzibeenkâmpani,
abanilGzi-khaya,oosqnhanabongik^zi,njalo njalo.
UThemba Heke,bathini kanenengesiNgesi?'Ben€r late thtn eve '
In this Utrit ltou ulll leor'a how to: UPeter Ìthúi loo ntethonges Gosa?
Ulhemba Andâz| Lunjâlo kaloku úwìmi. AkusolokoL:uluìâul:utolikâ
I âsk wbat someonedo€síor a living ngahmbi wâkufikâ kwizâci.
I saywhat your occupaúonis
I ask whercsomeoneworks Islgama
I respondto being askedwheÍeyou work
I commenton someone'swork

lEl PereÌândThembâdiscuss$o wbne waibns for ienry âíd Tbandiro
join them wilh lh€ coffee,cale ând sandlviches.
UPeter NdixeleìeThemb4 wenzantoni ngokomsebenzi?
UThembâ NdisebenzelairkaÍnpani yeenqwelo-moyanjengornphattÌi-
UPeter Oo, ipersonnelmanagerngesNgesina?
UIl,Êrú. Uchon' uaa,ethel+
UPekÍ Uyanrrazike ukuseb€nzanokutherhâkâLarÌìlenabântu!
UThemba Bwe, ndiyakuthandakakìulu üL:usebenzanabantu. Uyazi
isaci sesixhosasithi: Umrht ngumtu ngabantul
UPeteÍ Unyanisile!
UThemba Wena,yintoni umsebeDziwaklo, Peter?
UPeter Mna,ndiyingcaphepheyezityâÌoeKiÍstenbosch.
UThemba Mm, yinto enomdlâleyo!
UPeteÌ Erre. ngumseb€nzionomdla.KânânjâÌolaa ndawoyindawo
entle yokuseberza!UThândìÌìâye uyasebenza?
LlThemba Ewe, nayeuúanda ükusebenzânabântu.Ungugqirha.
UsebeDza hisibhedlele sâbântwanaiRed CÌo6s. Uya khona
L:usasakuphelâ.Emvâkwemini usebenza klviklúiki yePrjmary
Healú Câre.

\ Hou úo ... I Honr it works

Ask uhdt someone does for o litsing 7 More obout the Xhosa equioalent of Englísh
weDzantoni ngokomsêbenzi? 'am', 'ís', 'ate' Íollowed by nouns
Ybtoni,msebenzi \valúo? You aÌÌeadyknow that .-rrg-'Fefixed to nounsbegiÍrning with '"tn- ând
'&r, (Classes1, 1â and 3 noutrs) expresses'arr', ït' (_r seeUnit 2.5):
Say uhqt you" occup.rtlon is
Nding&J€nny. l an le0ny.
NdügxgqiÌba Lo nj'4nyanâ wâm. This r'smy son.
NdizgÍsomeshishini UïÌìandi ngagqiÌha. Thandi iç a doctor.
Ndirrgünphaihi-bâseb€Dzi Ndirgaayeni lraH'e. I dn her húsbând.
Ndizgínongikazi uDavid rg4ürtundi. Daüd ir a püpil / student-
NdirgürÌrnikâzi-khaya UThembang4aphathi. Thembaiir a mânâger.
Ndingqwethâ Ng4r4s€beÌzionomdla. Ir ir inrerestúgwor}.
NdiJrrgcâphepheyezityâlo (üt. ân expeí in pÌânts)
NdiJrpeNonnelmanageÌ SimilâÍly, 'rgr / !rg- pÍefixed ro noutrsbeginningwith'aba:,'oo:
Ndiseb€Ízâ rjengon4hsthi weshishini 'anur (Chsses2,2a, and 6 nours J se€UniÍ 3.1):
NdisebeDz€lâ,rkâmpâni Abantv^t ngabafundi. The childÌen dÌ" püpib.
XgrrThânrsânqâ aba. Thesedr€ úe Thânsânqâs.
Ask where someone aotks ì{groMurrây aba. Theseme the Mürrâys.
Useb€nzâphi? BanK.flngq\iethi. They d/€ lawyers.
Uphatrgêlaphi? < ü*,,gqìrethâ = to tum upsidedo\rn, to be back to fÍont, i.e. everything
is úe oppositeof what it shouldbe.
Respond to being osked where you aotk
To express'am', 'is', 'are' with Class 5 noüns pÌefix 'J-':
€lunivBithi Ndirigqwethâ. lam alãwê..
€rrlhedlêlê uxgqrnâ. He ir â tÌâditioÍâl heâler.
Ndis€benzâerikolreri Sheir â heÍbâlist.
e-ofrsìni To er?Ìess'dtr', 'ir', 'ar' wiú Class€s7 ând8 nourÌspl€fix ç ând 'z-'
eKiÍNtenbosú Íêspectívely:
tÌr,ishishini le€ncwâdi (publishinghoNe) Sheis the q,eâk€r of paÌliâment.
Urií,lhethi sepalamente.
fÌrrlshishini lempâNa (clothing factory) They ar? speâkersof parliament.
Baíia'thethi zepalamente.
Comment on aomeone's uotk To expÍess'art', 1s', 'íle'wìú Clâss 9 troüns prefix -]. :
NgünsabenzionomÍllã Ndiingcsphepheyezityâlo- Iamahoúicultürist.
frrdawo €rtle yoh$ebetrza NúJri,eÌsoÍnel msnâger. I4m a persoDnelrÌanageÍ.
Not€: ubba r8,rÌnphathi / ,igqwetha / yltigcâphêph€yezityâlo meâns!9
h999!r9a n.anazer/ la\hyeÍ/ hoÍticultüist.
2 So'me occttpí:tions lnoposi / oonoposi(lit. mother of post)
Iho6e deÌiì/ed ftm veÌb6 prefir i./rn-andchmgethe firìâl vowel -a ro +: üDosiÌâÍhâ/ oanosììarha(lit. mothêÌ of
ukuphâthe to hândle > ümphâthi mager unoverÌiÌe / oonovenkjle(lit. mother of
uÌufuúdg to study > ümfond! srudent â shop) shopkeepeÍA
ukongâmele to rule oveÌ > dnongâme[ F€sideÍt ,/somâshishini/ oosomashishini(lit. father of
ukuphêke to cook > umpheH cook fâctodes)
ukuqbube to dÌive > ür,qhubi driver lsompempe/ oo3ompemp€oit. fâther of
uluthutrge to s€w > ,""thutrgiGâzi) râììor (seamstress) the wbisde)
ukuseben?& to work > ürrsébenzi worker
Note: usomandla(üt. falher ofpoweí) The Almighty
(cf. Msêbenzi Clâss3 = woÍk)
Nore: ukuÍh€tha to speâk > iúthethi speâteÍ
3 SuÍfixins'-kazí' to a noun
Tìose sdoptad Êom English or AÍÌikâârÌs prefix .Ír / .i- or .m-': Co,tr make ít lemi',.rÍe
úitshâlâ / rrÍitshâlâ(kazi) inkosi chief inlosikari ctuef's wife, ladÍ
ttitshâla / ;ttitshalâ(tâzi)
üpmfesâ / ,opr.oíesa utitshêlâ ntitshala*âzi
/ ooDjirg.Iwâzi ümongl umongikâzi
mjiúgâlwazi umnikâzi
/ taiiryalwâzi
(< -jiÍgâ = wâve âroutrd)
Can l'ldicate greatneÂs of size
(< ütlvazi = howledge)
/ oornântyi ilizwe ìüzwekazi continent
'tmâIrtyi umthi umthikazi big tree
ijoúi / andjoDi (< English Jobnny) soìdier^
ipolisa / al'tllpolisa üÌ âmbokâzi lsÍge river
r'toliki / irtoliki (< AfÍikaans veÍolk) intaba inrâbakazi highmountain
,latâÍh€ü/ nnbtheli (< -úaúqla = ro iâke to) joümúst/s
Con exprcss relatío ship
,nbâlisi / ü"rbalisi (< -búsa = relâre) historian/s
umaÌâzi my motheÍ's úster, i.e, mateúâl aunt
lhose incoÌporâting -nor, a contracrionof.unila wq, = .motheÌof'or
my father\ brothe! i.e. patemaluncle
the ÍÌale eqÌìivalent'-so-', a conraction of .uyile wq-' = .farherof':
l'lobhâlâ / oonobhâla(lit. mother of wÌiring) 4 Omlsslon oÍ the initia, ooíl|et oÍ the noun
üúogadi/ oonogadi(lit. mother of guaÌds) guãravs I^ dítect address
moncwadi / rrnoncwadi (lir_motheÌ of books) ÌibIariaD/s
ünondyebo/ ornondyebo (üt_motheÌ of If you look againat the explamtion of hoÌÃ/to gÍeet appÌopriâtelyin Unil
2, you will se€that all nounsfolovdng 'Molo / Molweni' have lost üeir
mongendi / úonongendi(lir. motheÌ of initiâl vowel:
not marrying) ulÀt^ / uhawo/ Lmú nzâna / 4rnhl€kazi
,montlalo-nde/ oonondâÌo-ntle(1ir.moth€r of > MoÌo !âÍs, bâwo, r4nrmzanâ, Z4htêkaai
sood liviDs) irkosikâzi / inkosâzâúâ/ rntombi / Íntombazana/j"kwenkwe
> Molo 4ko6ikszi / 4kosâzanâ/ 4tombi / 4tombâzânâ/ 4kw€Dkwe tlNomsa ufundâ eluúvesiihi Nomsâstudiesat the univcrsily.
AÍte" negatit'e Íoms Ufundçlâ |rtoÍi? What is shestudyiÍg for?
Áalithândt Lotu. Ndisebenzânjengomphaúi. I woÌk as a manager.
UJennydfdft rndisi ódntwanâ. Ndisebenzslâinkampâni. I work fo! a company.
X€la igâmâlakho! ïbI youÍ nâmel
AÍter de',,.onstrotìues
Ìr'dix€Igk. T€ìl (foÌ)
Á)inamsebênziIm Zrto. 're.
Intle loo 4to. '-is-' traislÁtes 'cause to',
r seeUnit 9.5 for more âboutdemonstrâtives UPeterutunda is (hosâ. Peterl€âr|rs )cìosâ.
Ujetrny ufundisa is (ìosa. JeÍny têachesXhosâ.
When oetbs end in'-e' instead oÍ '-a' (subjunct oe) (lit. causesÌo leam)
IÌ lnstÍuctíons preceded b9 an object conco.rd Ndiyâbona.
,lr'dibonis_€. Shoìr ne. (liÌ. make m" see)
Àalxel€ts. Tell tE
&boúisc. Show-a!. Hambâ! Go!
Hambllal Continü€l (lit- mâke go)
Aíer the eryressionshúrÌÌekâ (ukuba) = it is nec€ssâÌy(úar) / müst.
kubâlulek;Ís (ukuba)= it is impoíânt (rhât) rvl'x€lel€ xa ndiphâzema. ïbÌ n e when I make a mistâke.
Uxolo ngokúüphâzâmi!â. SoÍry for dishrbing /
Kuftn€kâ ükubauzãmc You mÌst t.y to speat tuterruptine )or-
ukutïethâ is üìosa yonke imihla! Xhosâevery dâyl
Kubâlulektle ukubauzame It is importâüt rhât you try
ukuthethâisixlìosâ yonle imiNâ. to speâÌ Xhosê every day. Fundi-qba Reâdcâr€fullv
CinsiqiÊa Thinksrsfulb
CotìiéiÊa Speâk ver-vslowlv
Mâsithethc isixhosa. Let,s speâkXhosa. Qhuqb&ba B€ât v€rv ÌYell (SeeUnit 5)
Masihlale ngaphandle- Let's sit outside_ Xubisisa Mix rgry-!E!! (SeeUnit 5)

AÍter -cda 'ask', 'rcquest', \a -' usually índlcotes íec rptocíty' e o.ch o ther'
Ndicêla uthethe is Cìosal I Ì€quest you ro speâk Xhosa. Sizakubonâ. We'Il see.
Sizakubone4a > Sobon@a We'll seeêâch oth€Ì.
f cf. utrit 35.
More thânoneextensioncântÉ usedin the sameveú: ukubon / is / ân /â
6 Uetbal extensions '-elJ,'-is-', '-an-' to discusssomeúing (lit. showeâú other):
Another interestingfeatureof )ftosa is úe extensionof veÍbs bv means Masibonisârc nsale ntol Let's discüssthatl
of itrfir€s,addiog imptjcitpreposirjon or eleDa chatrge
of meaoing. 7 Vo'ious me.tnings oÍ the prcposition 'nga-'
'al-' 'for', 'to'
''o''nstares Indicating pt('ce = 'tn the oícìníty of, 'touards', 'near'
ìrgâÊeRhini treâr Gràamsrown (cf. nâ- + â- / i- / u- etc. â seeUnit 2.9).
ngaleForestDrive in the vicinity of FoÍesÌDÍive
In con'lecüon @ít r 'phandle', 'phâkathi' 8 More dbout the equrúore,'t of Engtish prcposítlong
(knoan os locatioes in Xhosa)
Niirnâ ukuhtalangsphakâúì Do you wânt to sit inside
okanyengaphândle? oÍ outside? You alreadyknow that ú) expÍessthe English p€positions 'at', 'rtr', ro'.
'Jt"n ' úú plâce nâmes,you chângethe iniúal vowêl of the prefix to 'e-' :
Indícothrg tíme = 'at', 'ln'
Ul âlâ phi? NdìììâlalKâpa, 4Pinelands.
ngeli xesha ât thìs time Ndiììâla <fama-
n8âmanyeamâxesha soÍn€times(lit. at sometimes) NdìhlâlajMzanlsi AfÌika-
trgokuhlwa in the evening Uvelâ phi? Ndivelâ 4Monti / qcoli / cPitoli / qBhayi.
Ndìvela eMpuma-Koloni /<Ntshonâ-KoÌoni.
fta slating'b9 knea s ofl', 'ttíth'
Eight of the nine Fovinces of Souú ÂfÍica prefix 'e-. Which one
uhrhambange-€ropleni to go by plane doesnÌ? (r seelnâp Uút 3)
ul:uhâmbângebhasi/ ngemoto to go by bus/ car
ukulÌlâwulangekhadi to pay by caÌd Anoúer veú which is alwaysfollowed by the locative form of the noun
is 'ukuya' = 'to go !q' :
Uyâ phi? WheÌe aÌe you going to?
W€rìzântoni ngokornsebenzi? What's youÍ line of work? Ndiyâ eyunivesithi. I âm going to uriverrity.
oit. What do you do âs fâr âs Ndiyâ .,itbhedlele. I âm going to hospitâI.
woÌk is concemed?) Ndiyâ .,khayâ. I âm going (to) home.
KunjarÌi trgokuphunga? How âbout (somethinghot)
to alrint? Not€: The verb 'ükuyâ' = 'to go to' is usedwhen a destination,diÌection
is mentioned-'ljkuhamba' = 'to go' in the seÍse of leave, depaÍ (also
Fo'mlng d^ aduerb walk) is not üs€d when â d€stinâtion is mentioned:
ngeüshwa(,rshwa = 'misfoÍune') unfortunately Núyúâmbâ. I âm going.
ngethamsanqâ(iÍìamsânqa ='luck') luckily Ndiyâ edolophri. I ãn going to tonn,
With o langudge trorrslat ng 'in' You hâve also comeacÍoss',h,-' expÌessinC'ar', 'in', 'ot1', 'to', :fun'.
Yintoni leyo ngêsiNgesi? Wïat is dìis iì English? NatrúelelileruÍlight 301 oya el(âpa.
Uthinì ngesixhosa? W1Ìatdo you sayin )ttDsa? Usebenzalulditriki yePrimâryHeâlrtì.
Alter '€xúosi' = 'tho^ks't 'uxolo' = 'sorry' transtatì,,r ,Íor'
ku- + i- kvi- (< ku- + iuíaiki), (< *il- + t-êÌoplêú).
Enkosi ngenroyonÌe. ThanksfoÍ eveÌ]úing. Note: 'ÈÌrr is nomrâlly used when dÌe noun is fo[owed by a qualifying
Uxolo ngokunÌlindisa SoÍry for mâking ],oí wâlt pbrase.
ixeshaelide. so lons.
'brd- asin ',brazulü' and 't-ral-ânsa' (úe subuÌbof CàpeTowÌ nâncd
ng4-+a-=nga- nga-+i- = nge- ngg-+U-=ngq- after úe Xnosa chief úangâ) is âlwâys pÍefixed to proper nam€s ând
úâDdar,e.'aÌ the plâ(e oÍ, t1rt[e Ì.esidenceof
Howevet by fâI ihe corÌìrnonesrway of exFessìngpreposirionsin )úosâ
I DeÍive úe appropriate occupations Írom the verbs
is by chaìging the bitiâl voìr€l of the noun ro .?' andúe ffnâI vow€l of
the noun asfollows: -akhâ buiÌd
-â> -e'd: ikhâyq > qkhsycl3li*
leúü at/in/í)o t/toowtuÌtríe
-e> -enít ili2ïrg > elizwc4i ín /from/ to Àe cowttry sing
-i> -iri: ímsebenzi > emsebenzfu! at/to/fm,nwoÍÌf, to tâke photos
-o> -'ráni: irtkola > csìktlwc4i at/in/fum/tosúÍ]f,l -guqula
-u> -Ìrrni. lThek! > gThel$a4! in/to/froz.,D]utban -lâ$r a
BuÍ -u > -int after: -üúâ fãm
f: ikofu > ekoÍini rr tte colïee -phâtba
ph: idolopbu > edoloph,r,i at I in / Íôü / to towa -qeq€sha
Not€: *et\hâyâ > ekìây€rt whenfollowed by a possessive_ sell(' thenga'= 'buy')
g -thwala
How to apply it parnt,dÍaw
* Whâi is the EngÌishtranslationof úis occupation?
I Compl€te the dialogüe
UDavid Uyatundâ,Bongani? 3 You aÌe introduced to a numb€Ì of people by name
UBongãni Ewe, nditundaeweslelford. Wenâ? ând ocqpaiion. w'ite in English who does what
UDâvid Nditundâ ecrcve. UyâóattÌanda*(a) titshâlâbâlâo? (t
UBongani Abanye(some)O) _lungile kakhutu,abanyehayi. o) (g)
UDaüd Udadewenuwenza(c) _? (h)
UBoneani (d) _umfrrndi qunivesiúi. (d)
ÌlDavid UfirndèÌa(e) _? u, -_
You are atready able to lntÌoduce your husband, son
Benzântoni âbâzâÌi(0 _?
and friend (Ngumgenl rÀ'amloi ngungana warn;
UDâvid Utatâ (g) _ingcaphephe yeznyalo. Usebenza ngumlúobo wam, uThandl, etc-). Now induce other
eKintenbosch.Umama(h) _utitshâlâkazi.
members of youÍ Íamlb (usapho lwakho)
UBongâni Ufimdisa (i) _?
UDavid ufürdisa ú) _Xhosa (k) n _Nsesi. youÌ paÍents Ngabâzalibam
Benzantoni (1) zati bakìo, bona? youÍ childrcn
your gnndchildren
UBongani Utâta (m) _umphâúi, umâma(n) _ugqiÌha. Nâm -abazukúwana bam
ndifirna ukrba ngugqühâ.Wena? youÌ wife YinkosiÌazi yam
UDâvid Andazi. Mhlav,ïmbi ndizâ kuba yinjineü. (eúgineer)
your dâughteÌ utombj yâ4 ulindi. (e)OoThamsaDqâ bathandâ
Use úe lìst of gre€tingsin Unit 1 to intsoduce: ooMürÍay?
youl fâther Ewe, bayathand_a!
9 Say to a íriend
your grândfatlÌer
(a) I-et's teacheachotheÍl
youÌ gratrdmolheÍ
(b) Let's meetl
5 You are inlroduced to someone's reliaiives. Wdte do$"r (c) Lefs help eachotìeÍ!
ürho they are (d) Let's pu together!
(i.e. l,et's buiÌd one anotherl)
o) (0 lO Say that !'ou must
(â) eo now Kufunekandi
(d) (h)
O) go to woÍk Kutunekandi
AnsweÌ the queslions Kutunekândi
(a) Uvela phi uPeteÌ? (d) go to úe hospirâl Kutunekandi
(e) so home Csoduka) Kutunekandi
O) UhÌaÌaphi ngohr?
(c) Uya phi yonk€imihla? (0 sp€ak)ftosâ every day Kufilnekandi
(d) Uvela phi uJenDy? (d pay by cârd Kutunekândi
(e) Utundisa bani? ll Complete appropÌiately
(t Usebenzaphi uThandi kusasa?
(â) Ndiya eBhâyìngomso.
(g) Uya phi emvâkwemìni?
Uhamba_bhasi? HaÍ. ndihambâ_eÍopÌeni.
(h) Usebenzelabanì uThemba?
(1') Uúandâ uÌuhamba empleni?
Say in Xhosa Hayi, ndìkÌetha ukuhamba_moio.
(a) WheÍe you comeftom (c) Wetrzântoni koÌnsebenzi?Ndi_umphathi.
(b) Where you üve now (d) Usebenza shishinilempâblâ?Hayi, ndisebeDza _-olìsi_.
(c) What your occupationis (e) Usebenzana kúlwa? Ewe, _manye amaxeshâ.
(d) Whereyou woÍk (1) Hâmbakakutúe.Sâlakúl]hìe. Enkosi nto yonÌe.
Fill in the verbal extension for a meaningíül ansneÍ 12 Complele the idioms using the coÌrect form of is', 'âÌe'
(â) Wenauyasebenza? Ba_umthi nexoÌo. They arq greâtfriends.
Ewe, ndisebenz_a inkampaniyekìomphyìrtha. (lit. They a& trce andÍesìn.)
(b) Inlombi yakìo uyâkwaziularpheka? Bâ_inyokâ nêsele. They 4q greatenemies.
Ewe, iphek_a usâpho. (lit. They 4e snakeandfrog.)
(c) Uyasitundâisixìosâ? U_inyoka. He/sheira treacherousperson.
Ewq üJennyuyaÌdilìrnd_a. U_umÌiombe. He/shei! a very angry person.
(d) UNomsaufundaelrnivesiúi?
Ewe, ufund-a ubugqwethâ.

(tit. Helsheir a rhino.)

U_indÌo\"u. He./sheir a very strongperson Uyithanda njani ikofu
oit. He/shei! an elephant.) yakho?
13 Ltsien io the dialogue and ãnsweÌ úe questions
How do you líke your coÍíee?

In this Unít you Íl,ir, teoÍn horú to.'
o) What arethey talking about? I apologise
Wherc are they talking? I sayyou aÌe thiÍsty / hüngry
I âskglests how they taÌe úen coffee
I ofier reftesbments
I acc.eptand decüne
I expressappreciation
I renark on a changein the weather

S Jennyaadïhandi anive with rcfresbments.
UPeteÍ Ekugqibeleni.Masiqabuleniunxâno,
Ujenny Uxolo ngokunilindisa ixesha elide. Besincokola! Ndiqiú-
sekiÌeührba ninxaniwe.
tlPeteÍ Ewe, siÌLxânwekakhulul Silambile kânanjâÌo.
UThemba Hayi, L-uluÌÌgile,naúi besincokola!
UJemy Thandi,uyìúândânjani ikotu yakho?Utuna ubisi ÌÌeswekile?
UThandi Ubisi qld, enkosi sisi.
UJenny Wenâ,Thembâufuna ikotu enobisi?
UThemba Ewq eúosi neetìspuniezimbini zeswekile.
UJenIy Nantsi iswekìÌe.Zinc€de.
UPeter KunjâningekeyiÌineesengwitstu,Thandi?
UThândi Enkosi PeteÌ. Ndingafumana isilayi esincinci sekeyiÌi?
UPeter Inene,ilnnandi kâÌìüìu. Nasi isilayí.
UThânú Enl(osi. Mmm! inôncasâ le keyiti. Jeruìy, ndingafumanâ
UJenìy Ngokuqinisekleyo,sisi-Undikhumbuze.
Themba,ndingaÌuphaisilâyi sekeyiti, nawe?

UThemba EtrÌos| Jenny.Mnq ndizithandakaf,auluizjnto eziÍÌmandil

UJenny PetÊl ncedaugqithiseleuThembaikeyiki ngoku ndigalelâ
ìkofu yalòo. Ikeükienve
UPeter KuÌungile. Thandi,kunjani ngenyeikomiryi yekofu?
Hâyi entosi. Ikomiryi enyeyekofu yânelekum!
Yhol ilanga lithe shwaka. Kuyapholâ ngoku. Sifanele
UJemy Ewe, ngesâquphe kuyabanda.Mnâ, ndiyagodola.Nina? rzÍBA(o: êhuqho 1-500oCpokeihi) veicins
suqor ne'2509 yêmôgõnnl okorryê
UThândi Ewe, kancinci. 314rítt(1 t/. yekodtv, vecostú tuool rbhoioro ethonbile'/o de ibe
UJeDny Kulungile, mâsingeneni!Perer,ncedâuvâle ucango! tu0n1 (2 tkorwD vesrlolnurE knophukhophu. Ysêbêdlse
phokothi loomolêko nokumphel!
AíicÌ.of"c Th di ìenìndrJcMv aboutthc tccipc. t!\a (3 ttÍtspunt)

Uïhandì Jenny,ungúbú utundinika iresiphi yekefki. ,0o ,emogdkt oKA^ít ithololo

7nt (lt/,rc spuni\evonitktessencê
UJerìny AndilibaÌanga,sisi. Nântsi.
l.irÌ veré $!shulwoi.o.hôúb i
Ukuba uklleúa i chocolate icing, ungânyibilikisa icephe fle Í-, rSoc ohlqh;;môqoid.
pow&r kwic€?helanÌanziabìlayo,uqhuqhisise
kri-icing. nomboo.ú6hêlú!-"f. iSilOUrFLÀlG
Cdk Íldr nd.lrcnF i€bolÌnq
úwde, dube lomtbê
lsigarna ;e!sdo. ÌeEa shúhuibÈi

zêl€!,1e;qqú|,'; *:. , 23...

bhol; omo2f !llio umòJ0

iephe (ue) spoon üxühe künxúÈ fold into egg

qhuqhisisa bqt well weqmda niÍne
izithato úsredienls ungallbiÍsi you shoÌldnÌ boiÌ ,
amqan.lâ eggs ,lanisele stil it itrto úe balÌ€r
indlela yolTenã reüod (ln. way endúeni
ornating / dolng) dingqukuv! yh.n de rcund
i-onÍ i icing engudoqo basicicins
yenre maÌe ú dhmbiì€yo y/tcn is tuft
shüshü hot knâphüÌìaphu lighr ad fluf|y
kwdgaphanbili pÌe-hüt to É€hmzise uet,
ifilrelvi 18(IC 180cC phalsúi bels*r ìâyds
qhuqhandaÍmye beat tosether koonrleko
d€ ãqiiê abê unril thick dd .alonphenlü â!d on top

Accept .tnd dectire

fry ìo memorisè
Eìre, entosi.
Uxolo ngokunilindisc SoÍy Íor \êêpingyouwoiting
ixêsho elide Hâ/, enkosi.
sucho lonorime
Zincedgl Helpvo,'se'Íl Ndingafumânâirilal erincinci qrd?
lkomityi ênye yekotu yonele One cup of coffeeis enough lkomityi enyeyekofi! yâÍêle kum enkosi.
kuml for mel
llongc lirhê sÂwokol Thesunhosdi,oppeoredl Expreaa apprecidtion
Ungolibolil Don'rforsetl Kumnândi!
AndilibolongcÌ | hsvenlfoÍgôÌtên| Inencasâgqitha!
Imnandi kalhulu!
Hou Ío ... Ijongeka rrtle le keÍki!
Apologise Rernatk on d cho,nge in the uedthet

Uxolo! (ngohúülirdisâ üesha eltd€) Li4iâni tzulu? / Injani D"ozulu?(lit. Hoìií is úe weatheÌ?)
Uxolo! (ngokuüilindisâ ix€shâ írlide) Ingathi ilâtreâ lithe rrwata.
llângâ lilshonil" (the sw hasgonedown).
Say gou ate thlBty / hungry Liyaphola ngoku.
NdinxâniÌré. Ndinxânue kaláulu. Kuyabanalângesa$rphe.
Ndilâmbtl?. Núlambe kâlàulu.

Ask hou someone tdkes theír coÍïee / te.1 ldeopfron* (lzif onckirczwi|
U]túanda njàni ikotu / úi yaklo? An ideophonc is o port of sp€echwhich is o chorocteÍistic ond
Ufura Íbisi neswekil€€koflrd / etiri? disÍinctivêfeotureoÍ Xhoso.Youhoveolrêodycomêocrosstwo exomples
Uff|na ;kofu enobisi? in lhh book 'qlìô'ond 'sirwoto'.
Uff|tra ftofu enêswekil€? ldeophoner ore oÍtenonomotopoeici.e úey suggestthe octionhy
lhok sound,ê.9. 'dyumpu',similoÍÌo lhe English'plop'. buttheymosÍy
Offet rclrcshtnents describe monnerond ore us€dwlìerêEnglishusêsodvêÍbs,e.s.:
Künjâni Ígekofir / ngeti? Hqmbo ngqol Go stÌaightolong.
Kuqiâni Íg€nye ftomityi yelrotu / yeti? ldcophones oreohenintroducêdby'ukurhi'whichindicoiês
KuÌÌiâni ngokus€larrto ébaúdâ)r? mood,person,ondclos, butconoko be usedwiÈ otherverbs,e.s.:
KuqiâÍi ngewâyini?(wine)
Siphile qetel We orè complerelywell.
Ku4iâni nsoilwâla? (be€r/ alcohol)
Ku4iâni ng€keyiki? However,becouseidcophonec ore inÌêÍiêcÌionol
in noture,theyore
KuDjad trgeesengwitsbi? oftenmoreeffectrve
Zincgdgl Nlgi ivilil Thê whêêl is tucl< fdtl
Ndingâ./í,Iphairrlayi sekeyiki?
r SeeCuÌtuÌal backgound.
Similarly, thereaÍe sevelârXtosa equivalentsfor úe English pÌonoun
ldcophones ore oho usedlìoêmphosisê
{ìe inlensiry
oÍ somêcolouís: aÌ|d its plural 'rr"nr', which also dependon the noun rcferredto:
tê nryotyomboibomvu trw€í€l. ThisÍlower ;s b/ood rcd. I âsk foÌ it (woÌk). Ndiya4lacela(arzseberzi).
lmilhìiluhloza yokol Thetees ore gro* grreen.
linwêlêzokhêzimnyomo I lik€ n&ar4Glustrations). NdiyaÈthânda (.!a!zobo).
HeÍhon is prrcÀblq.k. I likê i (úe nâme). Ndiyâlithandâ C€âmâ).
linwelezokhêzimhlophê qhwol Herhoir is snowwhirè. I ükê r@ (the names). Ndiyâ!.4than& (anÍÌgâmâ).
r SeeUnit 14.ó. I like Í (úe Xhosa lânguâge). Ndiyâ.Íjthanla (&lxìosâ).
Holv do you like Í (coffeê)? Urthanda njani (!kotu)?
How do you üke nLca Uathan& njani
(sandwich€sX Gsengìritrhi)?
Cultural background Do''? you like ü (the milk)? ÁÀ laúândi (abisi)?
I don? lik€ ú (wintêr). AndibÉürãr.d:(!ba.ikã).
sorÌne tro.dítionot bte@s
I like ú (tÌavelling). Ndiyâfuthândâ (a&!ahamba).
Umqomboúir An âlcohoüc aldìt Ìnâde fiom msize porridg€ ând
Fmm thô 'ât â glance'tableyou wìtl seethat the objêct concoÌds hâvethe
spmuts which is Ìeft utrtil it ferments.
sâmefoÍm as the subjectconcordsexceptwherc the subjecrconcod is a
Amârhewu: Non-âlcoholic Ìnaizemeâl üqúd. A small amountis mired vowel onÌy.In thesecasesthe subjectconcoÍdincorpoÍâtesa consonântto
wìth flouÌ and sügâr (optional). Ii is then put into dË ÌrÌain poúdge foÍm the objêct coúcord. Do you rcmemb€rwhy? (SeeUnit 2.6):
contâineruntil rcady.
Ublâyi: Mâize porridgê madeiÌ a úÌeelegged pot- It is cookeduntil úe Subi.., .on qds Obièct @n ôrds
boÌtom of the pot js scalded.This scaldedpart is then scrapedoff and ot a gloncê
mixed with ponidge andalowed to feÍment. ndi- I
@ Horr ít works È
you (s.l
you (plì
you (s.l
you lpt.)
I Mote object conco'.da
In English, úe pronouns '&td' ànd'her' aÍe the sâmê irespective of b.- úev
rvhetheÌyou arerefening to a student,lawyer or engineer etc.This is not it
so in Xhosâ where 'him' and'her' are Ìepresentedby ditrerent foms i- Íhey
li, tt/hê/ste .E it / hin / her
wbich changeaccordingto the ro!,l to which úey refer TheseaÌe kÌown

as object concoÌds ând âÌe derived fÌom úe noun pÍefixes:
Iemy ttárjtfs hiallvz(Èe sÍrdent). UJennyuyaz4fimdisa(ídlundi). zi.
Shetêâches,t ?fier (the lâÍyer). Uya[fundisâ (rgqwethâ). i: ti- it/hìn/her
Sheteâúer,&ú!&ar (dìeengmeer). Uyalrtundisâ (i,jbeli). Ìhêm
lu- it
The plural foÍm 'rá?nr'âÌsohasdiffeÌent folms iÌÌ )ftosa: it
Sheteâch€srkr4 (woÌkers). Uyaóafudisa (aáasebenzi). it
Sheteac[Gsrk4 (doctoÌs). Uyal2afündisa@agqirhâ).
Sheteâchesrlsr4 oawy€rs). Uyatafundisa Gr4agqwethâ).
Shet€aches!LsZ4(engineers). Uyarfunüsa Glaiineli).
2 Possessiues Wth the o.doerb'a'ptra' = 'here'
In Engl;sh,possessive Ìela.ionshìp by .'r' or 'r,l ', e_g.
canbe expressed t-ofisi ilapha el(âpâ. The ofiice à here ;tl Cap€ Town.
'the boy'! üâmê' or 'úe nam€ qlthe boy'_
lvlú ÍormÊ suú as 'esikolueni', 'e'ofrsíní,'emseberuini',
ln )ftosa, orìÌythe 'ol'consrucrion exisis_
The two nouns(,name'aìd .tlbhedlele, eKapa, etc. (known as the locãtive foÌm)
'boy') âÌe liúk€d by a poss€ssiveconcord which is châÍâcterisedbv rhe
Ndir€khaya. I am qÍh.twrc.
U!.-ofisint. He r.Í!a the office.
ïhis link (rcFesenting 'ol') betweenúe rwo nounschângêsaccoÍting BalPrikolÌrPni They ars 4l school.
to the pÌefÌx of the fiÌst noun (possessee)
ând influencêsrhe pÍefix of rhe
secondnoun (possessor)resuÌiingin a sound cltaryc: Note: The Iocative-s- also separatesthe two vowels in:

rrxsebenziüd- | lnkâmpatri > we ampâni nga!€-: nga!.Rhini near Grahamsto\rn

(employeeoJ a coÍnpâny) naêe-:naÀlTnivêsiúi and llr the univêrsity
ísomâshinih4- + inkâmpani > wcnkãmpâni baêe : ar.rntu ba!€Holsni the peopìêof (in) HoÌând
(businessman rf â company) 4 Holú to exp'ess 'heÍe is', 'heÍe ar'è'
aba*beÍz; bq- + inkâmpani > ,q4nkâmpâÍi* (staff o/a conpâny)
oosorÌìâshitri,a- + 4nkâmpani > á?enkampâÍi* Onceagainúe noun clâsssystemin )ftosa n€cessitâtes
the useof severâl
(büsinessmen o/a company) diÍïeÊn forns wherc only two are usedin English:
umxnbevg- + iqânda > r'eqandâ (mìrture o/egg) Nâì*u üJeDny. H€Ì€ is J€ntry.
imizohot4- +4b.tntwaÍ\a > :''4ádntwâÍa (painringsd/rhe children) Nâbâ dbmtwana. H€Ì€ âr€ the childrctr.
,ieshâ 14- + iti > Ì€ti (tine d/tea i-e. teatime) NâDku (or tratrgü) H€Ì€ is the phon€.
anagsnaq- + 4b(mtwaÌIã > 4tantwâÍâ (nameso/the children) Nântsi lrnlqâmelo-'l',1nx€ba IIeÌ.e arr the pillows.
isicelo 14- + 4rrsebeÌrzi > ra'nsebeÍÌzi(âpplicationo/a job) Nali icephe. Ilere is the sìI)oon.
izicelozg- + 4msebeÌzi > zqnsebenzi(âpplicâtionsofiobt Nânga a dceph€. Ilere are tbe spoons.
tkomityit4- + itotr > ]akotu (cüp o/coffee) Nâsi trilayi sekeyiki. IIeÌe is â slice of cake.
iiaispuriz4- + isweLile > z4swekil€(teaspoonso/sugaÌ) Nâzi ezrnyeizilaÍ. Here âre somemoÌe slices,
uluutt lws' + 4thâko > ,w€zthâko (list o/ingÌedieDrs) NâDtsi .ofu. HeÌe is the coffee.
ubuait bs' + sbontt > ãalaÍtu (rhehumanig,o/tÌÌe people) Nâzi (or nanzi) tttispüni. Hêre âÍe the teâspooÍs,
|/tubhakva l.Ìra-+ llrcyiki > Èwsakeyiki* (úe bakine o/caket Nâlü übisi. HeÌe is the milk.
u}j'te'oziwâl$r4- + 4busi > faárísiÌ (dìe making o/honey) Nabu* ,.,üsi. HêÌ! is the hoÍey.
*tf > -€e-.ïFor easeof gonunciation ,w' is omitted b€foÌ€ .o'. Naku ükítyâ. HêÌ€ is the food.
* Nobu is seldomüsedasnounsbeloneingto Class14 arenearlyall âbsFact.
3 Hou to express'am', /rs','ote'
With iderÍogative '-phi!' wbete ,am',.ís', .are'are ünderstood 5 The equrú.rlent oÍ Engllsh'myrelf ,'l@u's'elÍ', etc.
Uphi uDavid? lvher€ (is) Dâvid? At last,hercis a casewhercúerc is only onefoÍm in )0ìosa wheÍeEnglish
Siphi isibhedlele? hâsmoÍe thân one foÍm!
WheÌe (is) úe hospital?
Iphi i-ofisi yakào? WheÌe (is) youÌ ofÍlc€? UÌe úe obj€ct concold, 'ti: = 'nyself, ,otÍself , 'ouÍseb'ês', etc, is
I ct Uqioúi? = lir. You how? (seeUÍit 2.5). placedimmediatelybeforc úe veÍb:
Ndiyarr'dla.(Ìit.Iãm eatingmls"l, I am pÌoud of ntretÍ bcgins with an 's' fo[owed by a consonatrqe.g. '6qhooÌ', 'êlice', thcsc
Bayâzidlâ. T\ey pronò of thdnsebe'
^Íe nounsusuallybelongto úe 'ir!' class:
Zhcêde. HeIp tôuryelf.
trikolo lqhool ifllâyi !-lice
6 E4rtessions ln Xhosa ending in '-íle' Allhoughthe majority ofnouns adoptedfrom English orAftikaans belong
These expressionsoften Íefer to oneì physicâl stâte. They arc veòâl to Classes9 and 10, thereare a numtËr of nounsbesides'ibhâÍti' which
forms in )ahosa,but coÍrespondto adjectivesin English: bcloneto Classes 5 and6 andnot to Classes 9 and10:
Ndiphilru. I am well. Namketek lé! ./ou'Íe welcome! ilthitshi d'"dlüitrhi(kitchen/s)tküâdi dflakÌâdi (card/t
Ndilâmbile. I amhungry. Kubâlulek ftÌ. Ir's impoÍÍânt. iphepha dnrdphephâ(paper/t tpolisâ a//dpolisa (poüce)
KuÌungile. lt is âI Ìight. Uxakekit€? AÌe you busy? ttikiti anatikitiíticketls) rvili az'avili (whe€Yt
Ndiqinisekile.I'msuÌ€. Ndingxâmite.I'minahurry. Adopted wods are often used in everyday speechwhile the original
Ulshâtlle? Are you ÌnârÌied? Unyânisjlu. you'rc right. XhosawoÌdsareprcferredin the written language,esp€ciallyin titeÍature,
ÌJkhrluÌela/e? AÌe you Kupholtta. It is cool. e.8..
leropleni iaqwelo mo)€ 0it. wagon(of úe) aD
rr(hihN rlgümbilofÌ/phekeÌâ (lit. room of / foÍ cooking)
Ndiuânrt€. I am thirsty. NdidiúiÌee. I am tired. iÍlârvâ ,,r''gubo (flour)
r'fowuú ,l,''rìxeba (phone)(lit. â rope)
7 'Xhosatrsed' u'otds
Noté: Wlìen English woÍds âreusedin wÌitten or spoken)ÍÌosa úey must
In Units 1-5 you hâve come âcmss a number of ,xho6âlised' nouns, havea prcfix which is usually 't' (Class9):
i.e. thosenounsadoptedíÌom F'aglieh and/ or Atrilaâns: ipersoÍnel ÍrâÍâger
fun Enelbh rRed Cross Hospitâl
ibhotolo butter ,Primâry Heâlth CaÌ€
ibhanti (ana) bând
rïâma fârÍn rìdolophu doÍ?
@ How to apply it
i/,kamp*ni company tLomityi koppie
tkeiki câke iswekile sìriker
Ìkliniki Ask
ikofu coffe€ (a) wìeÌe is the süsâÌ?
imqiâÍirìi maryarine O) WÌìeÌe is the milk?
ioÍisi ofüce (c) WÌìeÌe is the cake?
,Ìesiphi rc€ipe (d) Wìere is a spoon?
rse[gìvitshi sandwich (e) wÌ'eÍe is the cotree?
iti tea (0 WheÍe is the tea?
rtispuÌi teaspoon (g) Where is a teaspoon?
,]Ìmiv€sithi univeÍsity
As you can see,most of these 'adopredwoIds,belong to Classes9 /10 (a) Here is the sugar.
prefixing t-ft:-. However when úe âdoptedÊnglish or AÊikââns word (b) HeÍe is the milk.
(c)Herc is the câke.
(d)Here is â spoon. 7 wlit€ a Itut tn Xhosâ of úe things ThâÍrdi asks LiÍdhve
(e)Here is the cotree. to buy Íor her
(f)Herc is the tea. UThandi 'Lindiwe, ndìfuna ukubhakâ ikeyiki nsomso kusasa
(g)HeÍe is a teaspoon. kodwa ândinaxeshâlokulhenga iziúâko ezifunekayo-
3 Sãy that you like 'lÍ' Ndiceìâuye esuphamâketeüzithenge.Nalu uluhÌu:'
(a) Ndi-úânda (ikeyiki). egcs
(b) Ndi_úanda (âmaqânda). flour
(c) Ndi_thanda (izinto eziInnândi).
(d) Ndi_thânda (iisengwitshi). sugâÌ
(e) Ndi_ràanda (ikofu) enganâswekile.(withour sugâr)(tir. nor mììk
having sugâr)
icing sügâÌ _
Gtv€ the tnskücfons replâcing the word in brackets
rtith the appÌopriate ul-indiwe KÍungiÌe- Ndizâ kukq/enzeÌâÌoo o.
object concord
(a) zúse (iketile, n[ the kertle). I Complet€ úe t€xt by fflling in
(b) _bilìse (amânzi). Use 'amânzi', 'ikofu' ând 'ubisi'.
(c) zìse (ubisi). A Ngenâsisi, uphuÌnleümzuzwânâ.Ujongekâudiniwel
(d) __gqithise (isw€kile). Hlâtâ phârtsi. Lixeshaleti okânyeukhethâ_?
(e) _ncede (youÍselo. B Enkosi.Nokubayintoni.
(t _vare (ucângo). A Dâvid, lâyìlâ iketile übilise _
Ask (u.lng -rrjdnl D KüÌungiÌe,marÌìa.
(a) How âIe you todây? A Naútsi . UÍgaúanda neswekiÌe?
(b) B Galela_ qha,enlíosi.
Holv âÍe úe children?
(c) How is your husbând? A David, ncedauzise
(d) How is youÌ vdfe? D Luphi , mamâ?Luseftijini? Àndiluboni &!
(e) How aÌe your paÌents? A Oo, ndilibele ukuluttÌenga !
(D How is work?
(g) phunla rêsqreìd ikerjle *enlê
How is the weâiheÍ?
a ìitle shilÈ bilha hoil
(h) How is the cake?
lâyila swii.h m zis fetch
(i) How âre úe sandwiches?
look at the recip€ J€ony gives Thandi
(â) CiÌcle tÌte objecrconcoÍdsind the noun to lvhich they rcfer
(You shouldfind thÌ€€)

(b) CiÍcle úe possessives


9 Fill in úe missing forms

Use: Nifudumele
(a) ndilâmbile,(b) kubalulekile,(c) v,/amkelekile,(d) núph ib,
(e) ndingxamile,(0 utshâtiÌe,(g) ndinxânweând (h) kuphotile ngokwaneleyo?
Mob, (r) ekhayeÍi lam! Are you tDarmenough?
UojaÌÌi nâmìlânje? 12,
Utuna into yokusela?Ewe, (3) ndi kakìulü!
Utunâinto yokuta kanânjaÌo?
NdiceÌauze apha.Ungândincedisa? Hâyi, ndilusizi, In this U'art Wu uill leam how to:
(5) I askwhetheÍsomeoneis warm enough
Ncedâuziseijezi yam. Ndiyagodolâ.(6) ngotn. I discussúe weaúer
(7) ufowuneuThandi.
I exFess lik€s / dislìkes
(8) uïhembâ? Ewe, uThandiyinkosikazi
yakìe. I rcfer to the dâysof the week/ monús / seâsons

The Murrays and úe Thamsânqâsmove inside and discussúe vaÌiable

UPeter NifuduÌnelengokwâneleyookanyendilayiteisifudumezi?
UThemba Hayi enkosi,asifirtri siirdÌrmezi. Atubândi kângako.
UJenny Linjalo izulu lâseKapa. Umzuzu ilângâ liyâkìanya,
UThândi Hayi, uÌubaxa! Yaye ürìgakÌÌâÌâzi ngezulu
laseKapa!Imvulâ ibbetelekunembalela!Ib€ úayìfÌìna
imrda eMzântsiAfiika. Inqabile.
UPeter Jenny, ufâna nabantu abavelâ ecâuteng! Bona, kaloku,
abalithândi izülu lethul Ebusikâ bâÌhalâza ngemvúat
UThemba Kodwâmâsiyivumeniinyad, lihle izulu lasecautengebusilra.
Lomile, âÌini.
UThandi Kodwâ iinduduno nemibanephâyâehÌotyeni!
UJeÍuÌy Hayi, nâsivumeniyonle indâwoineziníoezilungiteyonezinro
UThanú UnyânisiÌe!Umzekelo,eThekwioi kumnaìdi ebusikakodwâ
ukutumaâphoehlotyeú, lugqíthe emgcenìll
UJeDrÌy Ewe, kurÌialo kanyesisi.
UPeÌer Ndiyaihembâukuba lizâ kubâ ìúle* ngempetaveki ezayo
kübakìrklÌoukìuphisr,/anoolukhrìlulweqakâmbaeNewlands. f, How to ...
UyakuthandâüÌubukela iqâkamba,Themba? Ask @hether someone is uatm enough/cold
UThembâ Kalúulul úsho noMakhâya NtiÍi kwiTv: 'I dont lìke
cicket- I lotte it!' Ulìrdumele ngokwanelelo?
UPeleÌ Heke,ndizâL-uyânoDâüd eÌÌìdialweÌringoMgqibelo.Uyatunâ Uyagodolâ?
ukusiklÌâphanonyanawakho? Not€: ,-godola' = 'be cold'Íefers to hunârìs while abanda'= 'be cold'
UThemba Ewe, singavuyakakìulu. refeÍsoDlyto inânimate obje€ts.
LIPeter KulüngiÌe,ndizâkukufowunelangolwesihÌanuukuzesiúethe
ngexeshanendawoyol-udibana. Comment otr aatm/hot/pleasont úedther
*In 'tiza kÌrbalilìle' 'ìi' = 'it' refen to Class5 noun 'tzutü' = weaúeÍ Kushushu! It's hot!
rimini €rdel It ii â b€âütiÂrl dây!
lsigaÍnâ llmga üyâlüânyâ. The sïtr is shitrtug.
-tudmeÌe b€ wm Msiyinneni úyei lef s adnir ine tfuÌh Imga liyâqaqamba(üL tbrobbing). The sun is shining.
,il.nga üyâfshisa! The sutr is buÌnitrg!
-layila switcn on It is intens€ly hot.
il.nga libalele.
Thereis a dÌought.
ükhupha intÌaüaíetnanzíni!* (Ìt is so hot úâi) tr tdt€s t a
rtsh out of the wateÍ!
Ligqatseabhobhoríla (It is so hot that) tt rcorrriér
theAírican hoopoebift
Kufudumele. It is warm.
Ndifudunrele. I am warm
+ +SeeUút 10.1foÍ more aboutidioms andplove$s.

msakiìahn don'túnplain
Cofiúnent on cool/cold/ress ptedsant weother
imvÌna nin (noun) Thloboal,ltnt kufika- SuÍìmeÌ doesn'twânt to come.
inpela ve*i €zayo onúg w@kend Thlobodlivumi ukudelingene. SulnmeÍ is late. (lir. suÌmeÍ
kunembâÌoìâ thd drcught ukhuphis*úo oÌukÌìülu big mâÌch do€sri? âgÍee (yet) to com€ itr.)
inbalela diought
Thloboüphelil€. SurnmeÍ irr come to an end.
KuyâpholÊ. It is becomingcool.
-nqabile be súcè
Kupholiia. It is cool.
say so
abavcia wno mne emdlaÌwênì to úe gG Kuyâbanrlâ (phandle)! It is cold (outside)!
bona,kalokü âsfor rhem ngoMsqibelo or Saiurdât Bekubanrlâizolo. It was coÌd yesterday.
-kìapha âcconpuy I,mini e,lbi! It is â teÌrible dây!
lrhalazanAâ- conpìain aboui rowunela phone(fod Kujong€kâ ngâúi tmini It looks as if it is going llJ
erdoiycni ú sumor nAolwosihlanu onFriday iza Ì.:ubâ,lbil be â teÌrible dâyl
-nüüza konoya blowing ôl ünd üku€ so llÌat

Izulu Ìinathanb' antaka!* Tbe weatheÍis ÉtheÍ unsetded. Cultural background

oit. üke úe intestúes of a biÌd)
LÕrlsikâaártuni kumka. WinÍêr doesn?wânf to go âwây.
AndizitÀÃnditu iinyàngã I don'Í like úe ìdntêr Seaans ol lhe yeot
zobÂika! múlhs at a l lAmoxesho Lonyqko) (lit. timesoÍ ihe yeo4
r *Se€UÍit 10,1 for moÌe abouridioms andmoveÌbs.
summer ítlobo 1<umhlobo= Iriend{i.e.thefriêndly
Contment on ro.ing ttteothet sping ,,'rlqkohlcÉ {lil.lh6 poinh oÍ lhê 9Í6n gÍosl
iirwotohlobo {< .rhworo = h*om6 vÈibl€, opp6or
lzulu üyezisâ. Râin is iÍDminent.oir úe weather llil.lhê opp€oronc€oÍ summôi
is bÌitrging rain) outuún lkwindl. (< dlo = *t, i.ê. rhè@soô oÍeling){Clo$ l4l)
Kuyàra. It's raining. wintê, ubusiko (< -.iko cut, i.ë. lhê cuiÌingsêosonl
NdiciDgaukubâkuza kunethâ! I think ir is going to raitr!
Ngâthi küza kunethâ. IÌ looks like ir is going to rain. Itbnths ol the year
NditheÍnbâ ukubaiza kuyekâ (tinyongoZonyokal
I hope tharit stops Ìâining soon!
kamsinya,rk ,trethâ! lonlo.y ulonuwori eyomQungu {monrhoÍ rheIsmbuki
Sifrmene ,nrulâ eninzi kutshaÌrje.We've hâd a lot of rain rccentlv. s.airl
Nantsi t,lÌìrla! Here'r the ÌaiD! Fêbrúory utebruwoÍì eyomD'.rmbo lmontfioÍ tírerwdling
Iyagâlela irnÍulâ! It's poüÌing with Ìâin! groinl
1lnÌuÌa iyâdyudyuzaI It's ponÌing with rain! eyoKwindlc {monrhoÍ ilìe íirtt Írüitt}
ekoÌrhoz'iinpuri {montfioÍ tfie wirhcrins
Comment on @indy/místy/onercdst/dry @eo.thet PUnPkinil
Moy uMeyi ekoCon{bo lmon*ìoÍ *ì€ ccnopur)-
Umoyâ uyaYuthuzs, rs v€ry wbdy. ('lit. ir is bÌowiDg) lune uluni eyeSilimclo lmonthoÍ tÀoPlciodcr)
Umoyâ uyâbhuallâ. The únd is bloving had. July ululoyi eyeKholo
Kukho rnkungü. Irh misty. Augut uAgoíi €)€Ifiuphq
Kusibekel€. It's oveÌcast. Sèplèmbèruseptêmbo €yomsinrsi
K.tÍt\ile. IÌ's dry.
Kufumlle. It's humid. Octobe, uokrobho eyeDworho lmonrhoÍ rh€reEwoíl
Krzolile. Itì câl|n. Ndenber uNovêmbo q€Nk ngc
Note: '!nl:uÍgu nelângâ'(lit. mist andsrlÌ) is an idiomaticwây of saying,â DêcêmbêruDÈèmbo qomìÈo (monrhof rhê mimos
muÌtitudeof peopÌe':'Bekrkho ,nkrurgr netânga',Therewasâhugecrowd.'
Comflrcnt on thunder/tightntng/ hail 'Sishlslorsen bêÍore y€llow
downii MoÍ ÌTollondsmollêr docies
Mâm€lâ tindudumo! Listen ro the thundeÌl Noi6: As con bê s€€nfrom lho explonolionin brockêts,the Xhoso
JoÍga rmbâne! Look âr ràe lightoing! months werenomedoftorplontsor ÍlowersÍlowerinsin Ìholporticulor
Jonga;sichothol Look ar rhe hait! monlh.Thêorisinolnomêsof themonrhs oreveryotienus€din liieroture
whilêlhê Anglicised
versionssêêmÌo be usêdin êv€Íydqyspeech
Ask what the temper.ature is by lheyoungêrgonsrolion.
Itutoni iqotrdo Ìoà,rshushu Whât's the tempemtuÌe today?
namÌ anje? (lit. degreeof heat)

Poem and songs

I Hon, it works
Inbâlelâ Drought
E! 7 The equioalent of English 'eoery', 'all',
'Yoo!Yoo! ohloh!
Siyâlila, 'the uhole' ='-onke'
Iinkono zethuzifile, OuÌ catde are deâd, Prom the folloüng list you can se€ that .-oDl(e' is peceded by the
Iindanri zikhedâÌnite. The câttle Èrddk ar€ beleft, consonantâssociatedwith the noun to which it ÍefeÌs and can pÍecedeor
ïïe flêÌdsarecrâckedlike dÌy skin. lbllow a noun dependincon emphasis:
lnÌimaÍgo ibhâÌite. The bnbides aÌe parched, everypeÌson, €veÌyoÍc
lziryalo zibuniÌe. The pÌântsaÌe witheÍed. dll peÌsons,€vêrybody
lzil'n nà zizúÍÍtpalza. The smâll wìld aninìâlsâÌe like a drl work
rtoDÌe 4ms€beÍzi
brokenup, dispersedâÌmy, ]on&eiln hlâ oit. all days) everyd^!
Amâceboâphelile.' We don't know whar ro do. lorjKeiliz, e
(Iit. Planshavecometo an end.) loDketxeshâ dlÍ úe time
(Fmm a poemby c. Soyâ Mâma) dll countries
Imiïìa all times
Áorkei!ftolo úe wlde s€hool
IÌrÌÌula, im!'ulâ, Rain, Íain, eonkeizrkolo .rll schools
Chapha,chaphll, chltph.t, Splash, sptash,splash, eveÍyahir'€
]oDÌe lnao
Imanz' iloknwe yam, My alÍessis wet, zoÍ]ÀÊizinto drl things
iÌnanz' iloHÌwe yam, My dressis wet, all mâ*ind
lonke Ll.ntu
Gqam,Bqum,kúyadndüllila. Boot'1,booh, ]t is thnndeljÍt9. àonÌrel,kwinaua
Gqüm,gquta k]úyadüdüm3- Boon, boon, it is tht].Í\deí'ne. àonl(eüàüsik.
Imânz' ilo*lìwe yam, My dressìs wet. all úE food
ko[le uLutya
ImaÌìz' ilokìwe yam. My dressis wet.
RemembeÍ:in the câseof noms prefixrDg'rrÌn-' the associatedconsonant
E! umoyâ Wind is 'w-' ând iÍ the caseof nounspÍefixing 'ími' I 'ï' | 'ín' | 'ín: lhe
Khânibonenank ' umoya! PÌeaseseehereis úe windl associatedconsonânt is 'y-'.
wu! Wu! Wu! Wu! Wu! Wu! Notei No concordin Ctass6 (arrr-).
Ungen' efesrileni, It comesthÌoìrghúe window,
Ucim' iúbâne sam, It puts out my üghr- -onke'câÌìâìsobe usedwith 'si-' = 'we' ând'ni-'= 'you' (pÌ-):
Uyaphumândiyasâla, It go€sout aDdÌ sray, YizaÌìi apha,oúÌe. All of you come heÍe.
Undishiyâennyameni, It leavesme in the daÍk.
Zúanbe zúambe (uzeühambe). It shouldgo, it should 2 Adjectioes
Wa! Wu! W! Wu! Wu! Wa! Therc arc only a few so called adjectivesin )cros4 severâlof which yoü
have a,lÌeadycomeacÌoss,but they aÌ€ frequentlyused.They inclÌrdethe
numeËls 1 { as well asthe following adjectivalstens:

-nve Onc 8Íoup includes words referred to in )ftosa grarÌìmar books ns

bini two -hlanu 'Írjlstlves',e.g.:
-thathu tbÌee -thandathu swe€t.nice
-mnândi -muncu
'hle = beautitul -bi = bâd,uCty lulâ easy,üút -nzimâ difficult, heâ\y
-d€ = long, tall, far -frrtlhâne : shoÍt ìusizi sad,sorry -bomru Íed
Juphi = neâI -tsha = yoÌìng,fresh -mhlophe white -múyâma black
-dâlâ = old, stâle -ninzi = mâny -ntsuÍdu brown -blowü blue
-ígâphi? = how many? -ncinâne = linle luhlâzâ gl€€n* /bluel -Ìubh€lü ye[ow
-LÌulu = big -Dcinci = small *OkweDgcâ= as gÌâss.
In )Oìosa,adjectivesfoÌìow nounsand to mârk the relationshipbetween tokweribhâkâbhtkx = as úe sky.
noun ãnd ad.iective,ân âdjectival concoÌd (coresponding to'that', 'ì Unit 8.1 for more reÌâtiv€ stems.
'which', 'who') is usede.g.:
Oúer descnÉivesare deÌived fmm v€rbs and suf6x -],, when no oúeÍ
Il' scbêtrziorrkhulu abigjob (lir. ajob rlidÍ is big word follows:
iflrâyi ermcinci a small slice (lit. a sücetlidr is small)
ikomityi €ny€ on€ cüp (lit. a cup tliar is one) -bâlulekiÌê)o important -ziyo coming
(ct calg ìlomityi yekofu = anotheÌ cup of coffee) -lândelâj''o fo[owing -velâ coning fÌon
iuneilelo good -ya going to
44ntwaÍa q4nye one child
aba- sb4ntu 4bsdal^ âdults (Ìit. oÌd people) KubâÌulekild. lt's impoÌtânt.
44sêbenzi 44khulu big/much work Yinto sbâlülekilele. It's ân impoÌÍsnt úing.
emi- i4ihlâ glltidê loÍg days (lit. ìràícri is importânt)
izulu efrle fin€ weadìeÍ Yet aDothergÌoup üses -trâ- = 'hâve' / 'has' / 'úú' together with an
4214cêphe 4z4skhuìu bie spoons
drtayi gqncinci a smâll sÌice
-ÍonÍ â (inteÌEsting):ü.'rsêbenziaúorrdlâ (lit. Ìvork that hâ3intéÌ€st)
laf.ofo einm?i matry schools
-Íarníndlâ (strorg): tdodâ dnârarndla(üt. â rìr&r who hâs stl€ngth)
lÌeyiki érltle* a beâutiful cake
inlo e4lduÌ â great thing The diffeÌenc€ betweena4i€ctives and oth€Ì d€scÌipfives is in úeir
ezh- / ezìn iilispiúi eai!!üÍti' t!Ío Ìeaspoons corcord or link ü) the noun in dÌe fo owìng noün clâssesonly:
olu- 4bisi 4&tshs fr€sh miÌk Adectives Othêrd€scÍiptives
oba- atasika ehubi a bâd wjnter CÌâss I 4!! tt) qllhle i1ltDtn qnomilla
qkúya @&dslâ sÍâle food Clâss3 qL*henzi gllhle 4r4sebenziqnomdlâ
* -hl€ > -tle before an ú: rnto ealtlç;tkeyiki ?AUq. Class4 üúl^ slL-ihre i4jhlâ emllandi
-l A coDsonâÌrldfter n is nev€Ì âspiÌsted. " tr > m befoÌe b, p, f, v. Class6 q@zwe ql]4hle quz\ e 4mnândi
Although there are only a íew true adjecÌives in Xhosa, úe )Gosa
Class9 !!!ro eú iúo emrândi
CÌass10 izi4to eziúe laiqro eznnBndi
languageìs not shoÍ of descÍiptives.
Note: A r€lative concord Drefixedto a veÌb foÍms a Ìelative clause:
Ufana nâbantuarbayela You aÌe tìk€ peopÌe4rtq com€
eGauteng. from Gauteng-

3 me present tense in the negatioe

Thereis no woÍd in )C$sâ corÌespondingro rhe Engüsh 'not, . ku,tÌtelÌzâlisâ. I ìrill Ídr hurt ),o,r.
I SccUnit 8.
Instead,úe n€gative folm of the subjecrconcod is used and úe verb
ending chânges(cf. Unit 33). Comparethe subjectconcordsof rhe 3Ìd
6 lrrsttuct not to do something
Positiv€ Negative lt k very easyto instÍuct someoneÍot to do something.Simply use
'MuÉo' followed by the inÍdtive when instucting one personand
ú- 4L4- UThâtrdi a,tathândt ndudumo namibane. 'Mu$ri' when instructingmoÍe than onepelson:
ba- aba Áádntu bâsecautengírrlithândj izulu laseKapa.
tr- Oíe peÍson MoÍe thân onê peÌson
s!J!- Urroya âwübândt namhlânje.
Musâ ukubãÌa. Musâri ukübâxâ.
i- 4]L lr"tsebenzi .l}rphelt. (The taskshavenot ended.)
Dotr't exaggeÉte.
li- ali 1langaalikhânyi nâmhlanje.
Musâ ukukhalaza. Musâni úukhâÌâzâ.
a- at4- A1,1anàakabúài
Doo't comPlâil.
si- drt- Ãifüdumezi drtsebenzikakuhle.
Musâ ukulibala. Musâni ukulibâla.
zi- azi- Líúrdumezi dz,sebenzika&ulìle.
qrì- Don't foÌget.
1- InÍrdâ a)firnt kuma namhlanje.
Musa üku?,tlathaza. Musari uku.,ldtathaza.
21- azi- It rvulâ d.,Tu[i L:uÍnânarúìlanje.
lroú' t woÍry (JoutseÌf).
lü- ala- {,'lwândle (rhe sea)alübaÍd; naÌÌülanje.
bu- abu- Ubusiks ab }'aad' ln Êpokenlanguageúe shoíeÍed forms âÍe preferred:
ku- aku- Uhrtyà akub^l.dl Sükubaxa. Sânukubaxa.
Sukükialaza. SânukuklÉlaza.
4 The Íutute tense
SukulibâÌâ. Sanukúibala.
In UÍit l you câmeacÍossan exãmpleof ihe futuÌe tetNe: Sukuzikìath^za. Sanukuzírlathaza.
Sizs küfika eKapakamsúyâ. We wiI aÍÍive in CapeTown soon. If you wânt to expressyouÌseÌf molê 'elegantly' you can say:
As you can seethe future tenseis formed in the following way: Ungakìâl^zi. Ningâkbalazi- Youshouldn'lcomplâìn.
SC + '-zâ kü- (oÍ '-yâ ku-') + verb stem: UngaÌibâ8. NiÍgalibaE. You shouldn't foÌget.
Ndizsküzâmê. I'll try. Ungaíikìâúazi. Ninga4ïhathâzi. Youshouldn'twor{y.
Ndizâku,fufowu|relâ. I'Ì phoneyoü. -+ Se€Unit 15"2.
Ndicingaükubalizâ kuna. I tlünk ir wiI úin.
6 Diffetent woys of e4tressing'cqn'
Note: úe position of the objecrconcoÍd.
The shoÌt (contÌacted) form of the fütur€ t€ns€ is often head in The Englishtsânsla[onsúow that thesediffercntwâys of expÌessing
coüoquial spe€chbut cãn also be found in wÌitten rexrs: 'crn' ârenot alwaysinteÍchângeable:
Unokuza?(< Umkho ukuza?) Csn you (.re you âbleto) come?
I'Ì se€,you'I see,
Éwe, ndinqkuza. Yes,I csn (come).
wobona,nobona,etc, he'll / she'll see,you'Ìl see,etc.
Hayi, andinchza. No, I cân? (come).
Remember:Sobonana. \ïe'll se€emh otber
Ungândincedâ? Can you help na? ln March ngoMâtúi
Ndingangena? Can (may) Ì comein? In April ngoAÍ)Ieü
Uyatrrâzi úrtherhâ isDftosa? Cân you (do you klow how to) In May ngoMeYi
tauonr - arrdeshadyakâ:
7 Mote Xhoea equittatents of the English ehloaJeni* (< ihloho)
ptepositions'in','dt' ,n au$ÍÍrÌì ekwiídlâ (< *rYindlâ (Class14lbrì
cbusikà (< úüsikâ)
Times oÍ the day (amoxesha osukü) (usukr Z.t-hour doLyl l|t sPnng 4dâkohlâzâ (< iÍdakohlâzâ)
emini ,n daÍime t 'b' followed díectly by 's' is not easiÌy pÍonounceablein Xhosâ,
?mini ezdqânda l]t middây thcÍcfore 'b' > 'rr'before -ent.
arnalânga/ emvaL:wemini r,r the aftemoon
er,rsuku at Ít;út E Aduerbs
ezrnzulwtri zobusuku at midnight You havealÌeadycome acÌosssomeâdveÍbsof time andpÌace:
lgoúatya (< !Ìhatya) at düsk heÍe
nanhlanje today apha
lgOkubÌwa (< !/lzhlwâ) iÌ the evening theÍe
ngomso lomonov/ âpho
'Ngêr is also usedwiú rtâys of the w€êk - iintsuku zeveki: loÍike ixesha always onke ama{esha aÌwâys
Mondây ,íMrulo (< -Ìì a = open) phâya over there tuúi often
on Monday ngoMruìo Àdverbscânbe formed wiú ka-:
ïbesdây uÌ-wesibini*
kokuhle well kal:ubi bâdly
on Tuesday Ígol-wesibini
kaìúulu much kâncinci a littÌe
Wednesday ulwesithâthu*
kângâÌâ so nuch kânjâlo like this
ngol-wesithathu kâmsinya(ne) soon
kaÌìrÌrândi nic€ly
kânye once,exaclÌy kabìni twice
oÍ Thu$day trgol,wesiD€
kân;nzi often
FÍiday u]-wesihlatru*
on Friday ngoLwesìììanu Note:Kâhlel = HoÌd on!
SafiÌday uMgqibelo (< -gqibeta = fiÌiú) AdveÌbs cânbe formed ku :
otr Satudây ngoMgqibelo 'vith
kudâla long âgo kuphela onÌy
Sunday iCâìtrâ (cí ,câwâ = church)
on Sunday kunskudalâ shoÍly (Ìit. il is not long)
*ci Àdjêctirãl stêms. And âdve$s can be foÌmed with nga-:
ngêúamsanqa Ìuckily ngesaquphe suddenly
'Ngã-' is usedalso with morths of úe y€âr - iilryangâ zoryekâ:
ngêüshwa unfoÌtunately ngâkumbi especiâÌÌy
in which morth? ngeyiphi inyângâ? ngohìklìâr'deza quickly ngaphakathi inside
in January ngoJan!,ìrwâri ngokwâÌÌeleyo suffìciently ngaphandle outside
in Feb{uary ngoFebhu\Á,ari ngâmânye sometimes
t(xl XHOSAUN]Tó tol
OtheÌsiDclud€: túno (d) -ngathandâ ukunilúaphâ,kodwâ (e) xhonekekc
Iwhnozulu.Ukuba umoya (l) vuúuza gqithâ,ulwandle
âgaln onlY
(lr) kulwa. (h) utübâ ndinsaguÌa ngenxa
ekugqibelei ât last qho -râ -oyika
yokudlokovâ kwenqanâwâÌ
lhyi, (i) -zi kuyaukubâ(j) -vulhuzâ Cqitha.
$How to apply it B ([) (l)
"-zâ kuya ukubâ -Janeúa?
I Find lhe contÍasting word / expr€ssioÍ Ewc, Ìnnâ, -oyikì mvula.
ll (n) kuyâ ukuba (o) -shushu gqirha?
clrcose ftom: (a) llarya libalele, O) LiyabarÌdakâk]hülu,(c) Lomìle, -zâ
Ììwe, -khathaz eki bubüshushu.
(d) Kusibekele,(e) umoyâ uyâruúuzâ ând (0 Masihlâleelânseni.
1 Lik'huphaindanzi emanzini. ul*rúdìc sa güla be sick
2 [ânga üyak]ìanya. -Íl$úekeke ì.a- dependon ngcnn ya becauseof
.lwu nght i.e. rcugh dlolova kwenqanâça rcllins ofthe ship
3 lyagâlelaimuilâ.
.oyik! hc afÌâid of khalhazeka nn4 woÍv
4 Kuzolile. /Akutlìo moya.
5 Lifirmile.
6 Masihtaleemúunzini. (shâde) Uete" to the weath€Ì ÍepoÌts and sây whiú Ì€Í€É to úe
! I
2 Ytrhi r ureaúeÌ in summeÌ and which to lh€ w€atheÌ in winter
(a) I am cold It is coÌd. (â)
.! (b)
(ò) I am waÍm. It is warm. ú Use the âppropriat€ expression in Xhosa for 'can'
(c) Ìt becomes cool. L is cool- (â) Cân you speak)<hosa? No,I can oÍìly speaÌ â litde Zulu.
(b) Can you speakEngliú? Yes,I âm leamine it ai school.
(d) It x,ìÌl rain tomollow. It won'1râin today- Cân you pleasehelp me? Of couÍs€(kâkade),I'Ìl help you.
(d) Can you come on Fddây? I'm soÍíy, I can't help you.
(e) Can I phoneyou toúorrow? I'm soÌry.Icm't coÌÌìe.Iamioobusy
3 Yiúú (0 CanI pomyouanothercüpof cofiee?No úâÍÍ(s, onecìIpis enough.
(â) Ifs â nice day- Yimini (9., Can I comein? Yes,pleasecomein.
(b) IÌì ân awtuÌ dây Yimini Say what you prefer
(c) Itì â cooÌdây. Yimini
(d) It's hot dây. Yimini (!) Someonesâys:Ndithâúdaizinto ezimuncu(souÍ).
(e) It's a cooìnigÌü. Bubusutu Sayyou pÍefer sweetthings.
(b) Someonesays:NdithaÍda ìkofu engenâbisi+nâswekile
Complet€ ihe dialogue with the appÌopriate subjecÌ Sayyou plefff coffee with milk andsügaÌ.
(c) Somebodysâys:Ndithandaìkeyiki.
A (a) _zâ kuya eRobben IsÌand ngolwesibÌanu, mna Sayyou prefeÍ sândwiches.
nabantwâna. (b) Ígathanda ukürikhapha, wena
nâbântwâna?(c) nâmanyeamatikiti amathathu.
ta) , UNITó
(d) Somebodysays:Ndiúanda ibho.olo.
Sâyyou Fefer maÌgaÌine. UJenny emsebenzini -
(e) Somebodysays:Ndithandâiwayini ebom\'ìr.
Sayyou FefeÍ white úne.
'Masitüethe isiXhosa'
r *SeeUnit 15.2. Jennv ot worK - Let s
E The South AÍrican flag (indwe yoMzantsi Afrika). ColouÌ
in appropÌãtely and nümber the coloüF
In thrs Unit you uill leatn hou to:
ìlubhelu imÌìlophe
I aokhow yoü may help someone
iluhlãza iluhÌazâ
(okwengca) (okresibhâÌabhaka) I .sk how someoneis in different wâys
I Írspond in different wâys
I know what to saywhen at the gamge
9 Rêãd this er(cerpt fÍom a poem by Mtnâzana Dana I thant someonein different ways
FÍom which climâúc region ìs the poet wÌiting? How do you know? I know what to saywhen giving someoneâ tip
CompÌetethe missinglines of the tanslation. I congratulateand expressgood wishes
'Ewe, kambeihìobo lifftite Yes,no doubtsummerhasarÌived lncoko
Ngubo yehlwempu,mhÌaziyi-lizwe BlaDÌet of the poor rcnewer [...]
Onêol Jenny'sgroupshascomeio the end of its modúe. JeDnyputs her
Kalohr nje sinethembâlempilo, Now we havehopefor heâlú
studentstbÌough theiÌ pâcesto seewhetheÍ úey arepÍoficient enoughto
KâÌoku nje sinethembaìoxolo
proc€edto the next level.
Kâloku nje sinethembalokonwaba
Ngokuirka kwe€mvulazehlobo UJenny Molweni bâfundi! Nâmhlanje únâ úza kuthetha
Zthembis' isivuno soxolo They Fomìse â peacefuÌhâÌvest isixhosa, rnna nalizâL:uphulaphulâ!Ngoobani abatuna
Kubâ kambeihlobo lifikile.' ukuqala?
UMaÍknoPaul SizakuqalaJenny.
UMark Mna. ndiza kuba ngumthengisi-petÌoÌi.Yena,uPâuÌuzâ
kuba ngumqhubiwemoto.
UJenny Kúullgile. bafundi, thethênil
! Umrhengjsi-peúoliMoro mhìela7i KunjâIìil \dingâ-L-uncedânsanroni
UÌnqhubiwemoto Molo. nnumzana.Kunjâni?
Unúengisi-petoli Hayi, âkrkïo nto. NdihembaÍ^zo! wenâ?
Umqhubiwemoto Nam, ndiphilile eúosi.
Umthengisi-petroli Núyizalise itanki namhlaìje?
HE SA ro5
Hayi, ndiphenge-fiJtyrând 4ÀanaÍúlanje. lncoko
Umthengisi-petroli Kúuneile mhlekazi.Anjâni âmavili?
W aü:idenrb bumps into a lady with heï íÌIJlLe! whiÌê tí)aití 8 in th?
Umqhubiwemoto Ingathi ivfi lâsel:uÌÌenengaphambililifrrna umoya.
rhr(kout queue anì a com,ersation ensues.
Khawúhangele onkejikelele.
Umthengjsi-petÌoli Kulungile, mhlekâzi.Umoya ungakanani? tiVl'l Uxolo Nkosiì(azi!NdikwenzâloÌisile?
Umqhübi wemoto VramponÌpeayeku-210jikelele. Ndicela ungúbali líkosikazi Hayi, âhkno nto. Oo! uyasiúethâisixhosâ?
ukuklangela nâmânzine'oyile. tlVrl Ndiyazãma noko!
Umüengisi-petloli lnkosikaziHayi, akuzamil Uyasitheíhâ!Usazelaphi ìs Gosâ?
AÍet afew noments. UVAI Uxolo, andivakâfúle. Khawuphinde-
lnkosikâziNditheusitu e phi?
Heke, zonte izìnlo zilungile ngaphambiü.Ndisüle UVal Heke.ndiyaqondangohrl Ndisifundaekìâsiniyes ahosa.
ne.efestile? lnkosik^zi Uftndiswa nsubani?
Umqhubi wemoto UngabauÌìdincêdiÌe! UVal NguNkosikaziMu.ray. Yenawalòulela emaxìoseni.
Umthengisi-petofi Heke,ndìgqibile, Íülekazi. lükosik^zi Nam, ndivela emaxlloseni.
Umqhubi-wemoto NdiyâbuÌeÌa. Undincedile. Nantsi imâli yepetroli. UVal Liphì ilAaya lakio?
Nâli ke icuba- lnkosikazi LiseCâcadu.
Umlhengisi-petroli Enkosi. uhambe kâ&uhle,Íúlekazi. UVal Oo Yìì-âdy FÍere ngesiNgesileyo?
Umqhubi wemoto Usâleka.kuÌile,nuÌuÌrìzânâ.Sobonânâl Inkosikazi Yìo! Unyanìsìle.Uyasaziisixlosa inene!
UJeÍnly MaÌk noPaulnenzekald e!ã"ntrrÍ! Wal LÌ aìaphi, Nkosìkâzi?
Uletrny Heke,Val nosaly, masiv€nieyenuincoko! lnkosikazi Eclaremoni. WenâuÌììâÌâphi?
OoVâl Kulungiìe. UVal EKenilworú kodwâ ndisebenzââphaeclaremont.
IsigaÍra Ìnkosikazi Nam ndisebenzâaphâeclaÌeÍnont.NdìneresryueFiÌ Averue
ebiãüa ngegaÌrìaelithi'NÌn8"ne'.
UVal Inene! Mhlawumbi ndiza kukutyelela apho! Yhoo,
ndiphantsendalibaÌa,igamâlâm nguvaÌ Todd-
lnkositazi Ndiyavuyaükukwazi VãI. Múa ndinguxoliswâ SiÌingâ.
UVal Nam ndiyavuya ukukwâzi, Xoliswâ. BekuÌnnândikâkìulu
ukutheúa nâwe. Ndiyathembâ ukuba siza kubonâna
kwaklÌona. Ndiza kuxelela utitshalâlazj wam nekÌasi yâm
ngeÌestyuyakllo. MhlaÌvumbi sonke sizâ kutyeÌeÌa ires[t
yaklÌo kamsinyaDel
Uxoliswâ lngânÌle loo nto. Val. uhambe kakúle.
UVaÌ Uhânbe kâkuhlenawe,Xoliswa. Sobonanakwâlhona

UJenny Nani neDzekakuhle, Val nosaly! Ndonrvabile!Ndonwâbe

gqiúâ ngokuqhubelâphambfi kwenu! Ndiyavuyisanânani!
Ngoku ÌnândininqweneÌeleilÌolide eÌÌnlandi!
xHosa- uNtÌ7 I SIHE

Some idiomoric exptcisions in response
did I hut you? -ty€Ìela visit
wheE do you ndiphets€ I nedly Ndihlcli.
tios it iion? ineúdê ìoo nlol úúmúdtelorebr! Sihlcli.
cla$ úoówâbilê I n happy
htvhonG ndonsabeeqidD I n very hÂppy
Ndihqmbonozo. I om going olong vrirh Éêm.
youlaughÌ? .goküqhühela eiúyNpmgEs
Sihombo ndzo. We ore going olong wilfi Áem.
ihd phaÌúili kvenu (-'lebs t, 'ihgrki =. P|obhrÌì61
- q) iúa. â E j o n et r i 'h ., . e . Ndikhohlclq ndihombo. ! om 'coughing olong'.
which h qlled consFtuÌaúom Sikhohlelo sihombo. We ore'coughingolong'.
by the mnê ÌMdúiÌqvdelêlê ter re wjsh you
Ndisdrobbo. I om stillioltêring olong.
iholide hoÌiday
Sisororoba. We orc íill loËeÉng olong.
Ndiqhwclèlq ndisiyo- I om limping soinsolons.
Siqhwolêlo sisiyo. We ore limping soins olons.
\ Horu Ío ... I om hqppy.
Ask how you moy help someone Sonwobile lekhoyo). We ore hoppy (ot homel.
Ndiyo.olhozq. I om going olong slowly.
Ndingâiuncedâ ngantoni? Siyo.olhou q. wê o.e going olong slowly.
Ask how someone is in diÍÍercnt údus Ákukho nro limbil. The.e i5 nothing (bqd).
to: Akho'nro)
Uphilâ / Niphilâ dani?
Uphiltlé / NiplìiÌle? Kun.edo ntonlukukholozq? whot doesit help b comploin?
Usaphilâ / Nisaphila? Akuncedi ukukholorcl h doesn'thelp to comploinl
Unjâni / Kuqiâni? / Ninjatri?

Respond to being asleedhow yau ane in dlífe:Íent woiys Knoú u)hdt to sdy dt the gdtdge
Ndiyaphilâ. / Siphila kalarlìÌeenkosi. Ndingafnmanaipetmti.
Ndiphilre. / Siphilr". Ncedâ,zalisa tfânki.
Ndisâphilâ. / Sisaphilâ. Nceda]rtzâliss.
Ndikhonâ. / Silhona. GaÌela nge-fifty rand qra-
Ung'f.h'ngela i-oyile, an aitz; nanavlli-
ldìom.,ri. expressions ,ô ask how someone is Mpompa aÍnavili ngo-l.8.
Uvuko nioni / Nivuko nioni? llit. Howdo youìr'qke up?) Wampompengo-l .8-
Uvukilê i/ Nivukile? {liÌ.Hoveyouwoken up?) Ingathi r'vili lgâphâmbili / Ígasemvalihlile kaÌhuÌu.
Usohleli/ Nisohlêli? Arêyou stillseofed?
Thdnk in drffercnt ú.|ys
who o.e noiwêll wouldnorbe Entosi kakÌÌúu (nge"to yonke).
siltiis upl. Vn liac'àile.

UngabâundincêdiL- Cultural background

+ SeecuÌtuÌal bâckground 1lÈrE 0rc severaÌidioÌnatic ways of sâyiÌÌg thank yoü iÍ Xìosa whjch
yo[ may corneâcloss.
Knou uhat to saryuthen giving someone d tip Nírrríarrro oÌ the tu sayúg Ungadirt$'anangomso(lit 'you shoüÌdnot
Nali icuba. (Ìit. HeÍe is tobâcco.) hè tiÍcd (1odo lhe same)tomorrorv') wâs coined by one of the greatest
Nazi iilekese. (Ìit. Here âÌe srveets.) XhÕAÀ leacheÌs,scholarsand rriteÍs of our time A.C. JoÌdân whose
Ina tshâyâ. (Ìit. TaÌe for soÌnettÌingto smoke.) to\.|, Ingqumboveminlanra - ïhe WruthoÍ theAnc?rtorJ,is considered
oneof úe finest in )ahosa.
Cotrgratutate and etapress good wishes
Mdz'ënethole (llÍ. femaleanimal and its young, usualy cow ând câ11)
i8 lnoúer the explânâtionbeing as foÌlou,s: As â mother atwâys does
ThatJitl thingsfor her young,ospecia[y whenstill sucHing,úe recipientof â kind
Ndiyâr'ììyisânanaÌrel I (til. I Ìejoice
CongrâtuÌâtions góstur€fe€lsúe kindnessúât hâsbeenbestowedis eqüivaled only to thât
ìrith rou) which â motherusualy besbws on her young.
Ukvanda kwalìwa gumttu*ttthi oit. Increase(of prospedty)is opposed
Maqobokaza/t ptumbi Ii! * Young lâdies,well done! by th€ witch) i.e. theÌe is only one 'person' (the witch) who rejects the
Siyâvuyisânânâ)re Congratulations klndness,help, etc., shownby one personto anoiheÍwhich has led to an
ngoiín}'lrs€lwâ kwakio! ôÍ your pronrotionl Increasein hâppin€ssandprospeÍity of úe personon whom this kindness
Zonwâbise!/ Zotrwabiscni! EÍjoy jouÍself / roa^êlw|l
Ndii nqwêÍelelâ,reum€l€lo! . Good luck! (lit. I wish )d,,
success) Nt bat tungazibiií/ ngazo.rn ámi (lit.I hold wiú two /both hands)is
Ubhâlq / NibhâIg kâkuhÌe! Good luck foÌ úe exams! usuallysâidwhen o e peÌsonreceivessomethingconcÍetefrom another
(1it.Write well)
Mitri âtrDândi (yohrzãlwa)kulrel Happy Bìrúdây to .y"r!
.lxresmesi émyoli / ?mnandi! Happy CtuistÌnâsl f, Horo it works
Nyak' orntshâomnandi! Happy New YeâÍl I Verb stems beginning llllth a ttowel
(ozelengadathamssnqâl) (fflled wiú good luck)
You will hâve observedthât most veú stems in ){hosâ begin wiú a
Ndlelâ ntlel Have a good tÌip!
consonanl.There aÌe, howeve! â number of verb stemsthat begin wiú
Ubc / Nibc nemini emnândi! Have a nic€ day!
tjlìg / Nibg nernpelâ-vêkieÍÌÍÌândil Have â nic€ weekend!
Ubq / Nibe neholideenmandi! Have â nice holidây! -smkela (weìcome)
NjaÌo nakuì'el And úe saÍìe to ],oül Ni' + smkelêkil"l > Namkelektir! (ni- > n-)
(Ìir. ând it is like úat to )o,r) ' azi (Ìno$ )
*An expÍ€ssionof Ndiyâruya ukuh + szi > Ndiyâruyâ ukui:Ìtszi (-ku- > -kw-)
Faise foÍ a pelson or peÍsonswho have completeda
tâsk efficiently and qúckly. -enza (do, make)
U + enza ntoni? > Wenzântoní? (u >w,
A veú beginning wiú â vowel inflüences â Feceding voweÌ in one ol lì'o
ways, yet anoiher example of a soutrd châIlge occurring.
I to XHOSA- UNIT7 ultNNYË{!!9!\Z\1 144!lI!
2 Verb stems with q tdtent 1: thqtbtÌe? ãdvé you ftishÉd?
tJgqlb? w1ìenItd you finishÌ
ïheÍe aÍe âlso â few very frequently used one-syllsble veÍbs irÌ Xhosa
Àhrìfundibaphumtl€. The studentsliav? left.
containing a so-câlled latent i-. This latent i- influences a Feceding
8ophum" ngohkhawúeza. They l€t1 ìn a huÍry
'â'which châng€sto 'e' :
Noío: The foÌloúng ftequently üsed veÍbs do Dotfo[ow this Ìule. They
-(i)Ìâ (heâr,feel) Ndiy4 + (Dva > Ndiy4a
I hۉr,
h vc only on€ written foÌm with fone and length d;stinglrishing
lNaweenlong and shoú forms:
Nd4 + Ovâ > Nd4vâ I h€aÌd
-(i)za (cone) Ndiya + Ozâ > Ndiyqzâ I âm coming -libals (foÍgeo > libele Ndilibçlc kwakhona.
Nda+G)zâ >Ndgzâ I came I haveforgotten agâin.
-(tmâ (stând,stop) Ndíya + OÍÌrâ > Ndiygmâ I am stopptug ltls Gleep) > -lele Uìele kâkul e?
Nda + G)mâ > Ndgma I stopped Did you sleepwell?
-(i)nba (dig) Ndiya + G)mba > Ndiysmba I âm digging -funrsnaGel find) > -fumqne Ufilmerg incwadi?
Nda + (i)úbâ > Ndsmba Idug Did you get úe letter / book?
-dibana (meeo > -úb€ c Udibenenini lgThânú?
Note: When using vowel and one-syllable verbs to give instructions,
Wìen did Youmeet
Fefix ' )- /]!' rcspectively: &ift) Thandi?
Ienza jkofu, nceda! Mak€ coffêe,pÌease, -phathaGring) > -phethg U}phettrç irnâli?
l4z' apha Comehere! Did you bÌing themoney?
llmâ! Stop!
Rcmemb€r thercarea numb€rof expÍessions inco{poratinCril€' (ci UÍit t
llmbâ! DrCl
TheseexpÌessionsoften Ìeferdng to one's physical state, âÍe prcseÍt
Iombâl Digl (often usedin spokenXhosa)
tens€ in meâÍing, even though ihey have a pâ8t tens€ lbrm and are
lltsho uphindcl Yoü cânsây that âgâií!
rêferredto as stâtive yerbs iú )OìosagrammaÍbooks:
3 Tenses denoting past actio.ns dnd eúents Sithâbhathekile. we ar€impÍess€d.
The nain ways of describingpast actions aDdev€nts arc: Ndonwâbile. I dnrhappy.
I The rec€nt pâsttense To form úe Degâtiveof the recent pasf tense (aÌrdstative verbs)prefi{
I The remofe pâsttense the negativ€SC and suffix ldrga':
I The contiNous /".e"í past tense(seeUnit 12.2) Abatundi drdlrhumdr8d. The studentshâv€ nrt goneout.
I The continuous /eaoÍe pasttense(se€UÍit 12.3). (Éc€nt pâst)
Andiphílansa. I !!q roÍ well. (sbtive)
The recent past te se
+ Seeünit 121 for úe past tenseof stative veós.
Like úe present tense, Ìhe recent past tense hâs two foÌrÌrs which
coÌr€spondto the long ând shoÍ folm of the prêsentiense(ct UÍit 2.2). The remote p.tst
The long forÍr is charâctedsedby suffiÍing -ile' to the verb wheDno This tense is chârâcterisedby the long 1a' of the subject concoÍd
other word folows, whìle úe short form is châracterisedby sufiixing -? (cf. Unit 3.4) andis usedextensivelyin the telling of folktât€s.
when anotherrvord follows the veÌb: a SeeUnit 16.
- UNIT7 I$NNYr4sl9E!Z!!L:lll4!1!!M I l3

ndi- > ndêzalwâ ngo'1950 si > sèzalwango-1950nâthi I Match verb and noun to give the apptopdat€ instruction
u- > VAzaÌwanini? n; > Ígzalwâ nid?
u- > Ezalwa ngo-1955 ba > bazalwângo-1955nâbo t]*êj (â) iifestile, (b) ioyìle naÌnanzi, (c) ipetroli, (d) itânki ând
The subjectconcoÍdsfor CÌasses3 15 âre asfoflows:
I GaÌeÌa
u > l{a-
2 Suta
i > Jâ-
3 Mpompa
li- > la-
4 Khângela
a- >a-
J Zâìisa
si- > sâ-
ú- > za- I Glve instÍuctions
r- > yâ- (o) Comehere. OK, I'm coming.
zi- >z - (b) stopl OK, I'm stopping.
lu- > lya- (c) MâÌe Ìhe tea now. OK. I'lÌ mâkei. now.
bâ- > ba-
I Complete úe dialogu€ between a petÌol attendant and a
Ì':u- > k!â
To Íorm the ftgative of the r€mote pâst tenseuseeitheÍ the -dn8a' form
of Ìhe Íecent pâst (e.8. a.tulih9'mhangt:t) Umthengisi-perroli Molo Dkosikazi.NdiogâhlDceda?
oÌ the âüxiliary verb -zânge
(e.9. (ândi)zsngendihambe.)lit. I nev€r went. Umqhubi
Umtìengisi-petIoli Ufunâ eyiphi ipetroli? Uúatha u-95 okânye
4 Kha- = '(rrloürd you) pleose' u-97?
Khâwulindc umzuzwânâ. Would you pÌeâsewâi. a moment. Umthengisi-petroli NdiljzâÌjse4t, itanki?
Kha!Ìilitrdg uÍìzuzwâna- Woúdyou(pl.)d€âse$dr âÌnonenr Umqhubi Hayr,
Khâ-+ u- > khâyu-. Umúengisi-petÍoü Kúungile. Ungandiphaizilshixo (keys)?
r cf. Unit 4.5 veó foÍm enúng in -c'. Umqhubi
Umúengis;petroli EnÌosi . NdiÍgâklangela j-oyile?
Umqhubi Hayi,
pHow to apply it Umthengisi-petroli Kulungile.Umoyâungakanani?
l Umqhubi
Say sornT when
UmthengisipetÍoÌi Amavil ncaphâmbiüâblije kalòulu.
(a) you thìDkyou may havehüt someoneby accident. Ndiwâmpompengo-210.Ndisule neefestile?
(b) you haveto intemrpt someone. Umqhubi Ewe.
(c) you aÌe late. UÍDtlengisi-petoli Hâyi, amanzialungile.Núgqibile nkosìkazi.
(d) you forgot someúing.
(e) you've kept soÌneonewâiting. Umthenghi-petroli EúÕsi. HambakakuÌìÌe.
(f) you don't sp€âk)ftosa w€lÌ.
5 Complet€ ihe dtâlogüe Min' eÍmâúdi kuwe, Thinâ sobabini sovumelâna
Min'enmandi kuwe, Thandi, Sorumelânânâwe
Xolisiva and Val meer again. CompÌeretheir châr by filtìng in úe
Min'eÌÌmanahkuwe. Sovumelanâ
missjngsubjectconcods: ,wmelana = be in hârmony
IJVaI NdiyakhumhnautheuveÌaecacadu.(a) zalelwakìona? Match tle EÍglich sentene wiú the correct xlpsa senience
Lxoliswa Hâyi, O) _zalelwa kuKomani, kodwa abazaÌi bam (â) Pleâsesit down (üt. peÍch) andmakeyouÍseff comfortable.
(c) fudukelâ ecacadu ndisemncinci. (d) _kìutela (b) Pleâsercpeât,I'm üsiening(lit. heâÍing).
khona. (c) PÌeasecomein aÌìd sit dowÌì.
UVal Oo, ndiyabona. (d) Pleasetalk I'm tistening.
UXoliswa Wena(e) _zalelwa eKapa? (e.i Pleasehelp rne heÌe.
tlval Ewe. (0 _zalelwâ eFish Hoek, kodwa (g) IÍala (0 Pleaseadvise(me).
emrnyeiminyale ecoli- (h) _tsharite, Xoliswa? (g) Pleasecheckoil andthe battery
tlxoliswa Ewe, (i) sebenzaeresqru,mna nomyem wam. (h) Pleasesive Íne your phonenumber.
C) _tshatiÌe wena? (i) Pleasewait a few ninutes.
UVal Hayi, andisatshatâÌìga.
Sahlukenê. C) Pleasesive me your addrcss.
L'(oliswa Toúol Unabantwâna?
1 Khâwulindenje imtuzu embalwa.
l'val Ewe, (k) _ne€ntonbi ezimbini. Wena
2 Khâv,undìÌÌikeidilesi yâkÍo.
(Ì) _ nabantwâna?
3 Kìâwuphindê ndive.
UXoÌiswa Ewe, (m)_nâbântwana abâthathu,oonyanaabâbini
4 IcÌâwundinike inombolo yefowuni yakìo.
nentombi.Intombi (n) _sencinci.
(o)_funeka 5 Khâq.úìangele i-oyile nebhetri.
lJval ndihambe nsoku. (p)_leyithi.
6 lcìâvruthethendive.
(q)-nnândì ukuttìethânawe.HambakakìúÌe, wethu.
7 trGawungeneuNâÌêphântsi-
UXoÌiswa Sobonana.
8 Khawundincedeâphâ.
-tudúela 9 Khawundicebise-
torhol shm€l l0 KhawuchopheâphaukhuÌüleke.
ndìsêtuciÌci Bhile I sas slilÌ young The poei Soya Mama
údilatshaimga I m no lôíseÍ múied How would you tÍânslate 'igama' in the contextir which it is found
sâìÌukene we de divored (lit. vê úe sepdatedfÌon eachodì€.)
in úe noteson the poet SoyâMâma whosepoem1rúl lela appeaÍsn
Unii 6?
Wish comeone
(a) A nice weekendìn cÍâIaÌnsrowÌr. USoyâMarÌÌa ul,boneiÌângakwiÌali yôseNewBrightoneBhâyingomÌúa
O) A good holiday. we ll kweyeNkaÍgâ ÍgonyaÌâ we-1919- UqâÌê uL:u}bonâkalisa
(c) Good Ìuck Guccess)at work. imibongo kwaMye âmâphephâ-ndâbâ. Emvâ koko wâpâpashâ
(d) Good Ìuck foÌ exâms. ingqokelelâyemibongophaÍúslkweEÀÌÌ,aeli.tHAmdQufiube.
(e) ÌIâppy ChÌistmâsând a happy New yeaÌ.
(D Listen to the songsoÌr tape-Can you guessrhe specialoccâsions ilâìi(<AfikmsÌaâgcf) scltÌcncnl inibongo poem
-bonaÌâìisa mkc appcd ineqokclcla @llection
on which they aÍe sung?
-tapâsha pubiish anaphepia-ndaba newsDapeN
MiÍ'Emn.ndi Kuwe TÌúrâ Sobabini Sovumelúa tumqunube(tuÌa-) beries
Min' emnandiL:uwe,

UThandi emsebenzini - ll'lhondi Kulungile.Heke,sanalwâm,ndibonise,iDtÌokoibuhlL'ngu

phi kanye? Ungandikhombisânâ apho ibuhlungu khoDLr
' Ndingugqirha Thamsanqa' indoko?
ULhÌliwe Ibuhlunsu apha,gqnha.
Thandíat work - l,'l'hnndi UbuHurgu uÍÌqala?
tJllodiwe Hâyi.
I am ur I namsanoa l.)'l'h{ndi Zibublunguiindlebe?
tJLindiwe Ewe.
In this Unlt you Íl,íll leatn hou to: ll'lhândi U\'Ìlzâ ezindlebeniuÌInltwanawakho,Nkosìkâzi?
I coÌÌfort / rcâssureby telling someonenot to woúy UMüma Eq,e,gqiÌhâ.
I âsk what is wmng with someone UThundi UqâÌenini ukugülaunntwana waÌho, Nkosikâzi?
lJl\4"ìna LÌrsukuÌwesiüathu oìü.
I sây what is waongwith you
l"J'l'handi Ndixelele,ullhe wamdtâ into yokudambisâiintÌungu?
I ask someone'sage
UMama Ewe, ndiúnike iiPânadokodwa azincedit .
I characterisepâin WakhewenzâÌâlâentÌokongaphambili,umntwânâ1l}?
UMama Hayi, gqiÌha.
tr Incoko
A moúeÍ bdngs heÍ snaìl child who compÌaìnsof a headâchero the
wakhe wagulakâlrhulungâphambili?
Ha]'r, gqÍha.
l,,Thandi Ingabâunazoezinyeiingxâki, Ìo ÍnntwaDa?
hospitâÌ. UMarna Ewe gqirha,akakucacelangâ ükutyâ.
UThândi Molo Nkosikazi. Molo rÌmtwan ,am. Khâningene. UThandi Kulungile, Nkosikazi. Ngoku, ndifìna ukumxilonga.
Ndingugqirha Thamsanqa.Hlalani phantsi. Nasi isituto. Khâwumlúulule uÍDlaliseaphaebhedini.
Ngubaniigâma lalòo, Nkosikâzi?
LMâma NúnguNoncebaMajola.
UThândi Wena,mntwan'âm.ngubaniigâma lakho? .hâir
Ngulìndiwe. iukuliìa doóì cry
UThandi Hayì, sukulila rÌìntwân'am. Ungazikhâthazi!Andizi lngazithaúazi donìwory
kukwenzakalisa! Nanku unopopi. Uíuna ukumphaúâ? Mdizi kukwenzakalisaI son lhuÍt]',r
Hekê, Nkosikazi, ndixelele, nize kusibonâ ngantoni apha
lJMama Hayì, yile ntwazanâ,gqirha- yonlave mme -bulìlungu
UThanú Itheni?
UMama Iphethweyindoko, gqirha. Enye into ìyâÌnohlela. ÌklÌobÌeÌa
it is this litile one unqala
whal is it?
UThaÌÌdi Mìngaphi iminyaLâ yaÌhe?
hav€ â hadache iiídlebe
UMamâ M;Ìúanu, gqnhâ. coügn -qdô
UIhândi UliphetheìHÌâdi ÌeNdlelâ €ya €Mpilweni?
UMâmâ Ewe,nú. (lii. theyrenow wanika
úmy her yas?) ìaúbisa
Ndineriftrba. (lit. I hâve a ch€ft) i.e. I haveúest pain.
Ndinengalo. (üt. I have an âÌú) i.e. I have a soÍe âÌm.
Ndinegxalaba. (lit. I have a úoutd€r) i.e. I have a soreshouÌdeÍ.
Ndinomnwe. (lii. I hâve â tug€Ì) i.e. I have a sorefingeÍ.
NdinerândÌa. (lit. I hâve â hand) i.e- I have a soÍe hâÍd.
Ndinomleue. (lit- I have a leg) i.e. I have a soreleg.
Ndinonyawo. (Ìit. I have a foot) i.e. I hâve a soÍe foot.
Ndinozwane. (lit. I have a toe) i-e.
Ndinengqinibâ. (lit.I have an elborr) i-e. I hâve a soÍe eÌbow.
\ Horo to ...
sornê iüofir.,rí. èxpressiont incorporalli,'g
Reossute someone
parls o, ìÍrc Éody
Musa ulu.zr'khâthazs,(anúzi kuÀìlrenzâkalisâ). (lit. to be wnh o livêÌ)
Ungsúindi Helshe is brcrve
Sukuzikhâthâzâ,(andizi L:u,brenzâkatisa). Unentliziyo Helsheis kind (lit. b bê wiih o hêdÌrl
UÍgâítkhâthazi, (andizi kutuenzâkaüsa). Unolwr'mi Helsheiso gorripcr llí. b bêwíh o ronguel
Ì.lnesondlc Helsheis*iltul llí. |o bêwiÍho hondl
Ask what's .Drong with someone Unomlomo He/sheis o big rolk€r (lÍ. to bêwitho nroúlh)
Unantoni na? Helsheis o rhief (lÍt.tobewifilôngfiÍEÉrs)
Uphethwe Jintoni? Unorqolo Helsheis relioHc (lìt-to b€úth o 3pinêl
Ndiphgni iindlebe (lìt.givê mêyouÍeôr6)
Ugulâ )inloni?
Ndkelo Ì;zondlo (lir.I oskfor hcnds)
Uthâlâ ng rtord ke? (lil.onehônd
/sondlo sihlombo
Sag what is tD"ong uith yoü
Andlkucacelangaulívtyâ. Ask hoa old someone ís
Ndiyabhi8â G'ln getting thin).
Unernrïyaka .rn ingaphi (ríüüdâlâ= âge)?
WonÌe l''lzimba wam ubúlungu My whole body is sore. Mtn9phi t rìyaka yakho?
Ndinentloko. (lit. I have a heâd) i.e. I have a h€âdache. Wâzalva nhi?
Ndinentâmo. (lit. I hâve â n€ck) i.e. I have a soreneck.
Ndineralleb€- (üt. I hâve an €âr) i.e. ChoracteÍise poin
Ndinonqâla. (lit. I have a thmat) i.e. I have a soÍe throat.
Ndinon qolo. (lir. I have a spbe) i.e. Kuyatshisa. It is büÌning.
I have a sorebâck.
Ndineltso. (lit. I have an eye) i.e. Kuyalümâ- It ìs colicky. (lit. iÌ bites)
Ndindr@hÌo- (lit. I haveeye6)i.e. Kuyâqâqâmba. It ìs thÌobbing.
I have soÍe êyes.
Ndinezitryo. (lit. I have â tooth) i.e. Kuyúlâbâ. It ìs stâbbing-
I havetoothache.
Ndinesl$r. (lit. I have a sfomâch) i.e. I have â sorc stomach,

Song blunírouÍded-ngqnkuvâ pointed -tsolo

wide -b zi
Thulâ thul' thula bhabha
Hush hush hush baby MisceUaneous
(onsinaly a Zulü sone) better -bh€tele/ -ngcono dark -mdaka
Thulâ thu' thüÌà bhabha. Hush,hush,hushbaby, d€ep -trzulu hot shDshu
Hush baby, innocent -msulìra -dikirtiki
ThuÌ' umâm' uzobuya Hush motherÌ.'ill comebâck nice -mnândi painftl -buhlungu
in lhe moming, sad ìusizi 'bukhâli
ThÌa thü' thula bhabha, Hush,hush,hush, lr is \ery ea\y üo ü\c relâtivesas predjcates.Simply prefi\ lhe reìevãnl
thulâ sâna, Hush bâby, iubiêci concoÍd to lhe ÍeÌâtive stem:
Uzodlüì' eÍtaben' Shewil crossthe mountâin
emalhafeni. Ndiìusizi. I amsorry. (lit. I soÌÌy)
Kukhw'inkanyezi elúokÌìel' Ulusizi?
Thereis a stâÍ thât l€ads
ubâba Ibuhlurgü indoko? Is (youÌ)headsor€?
the father
Emkìanyiselaindlel' eziy' ekhaya. Lighting his pâú coming home. AdJecttoes
SobesiHroÌÌaxa bontê It srill be theÍe when they all
betshoyo, ìVìen adiectivesâÍe usedaspÍedicahs, the adjectrvâlconcordmi!üs its
Bethi buyelâubuyeì' SayingÍetum, retürn, Inltisl vowel is F€fixed to úe adjectival stem except in CÌass9 nouns
uz€khayâ. wherethe adjeciivalconcoÃ'en: > 'in::
Thula, thu', úulâ bhabhâ Be quìet, be quìet, be qüer, baby AC ÁC minus itritiâl vowel
Ungakhú, thula sanq Don't üy, be quiet, baby, The cbitd ir bêautifrrì-
Thula, úu' thuÌa, thul' mntwana. Be quiel be quiet, b€ quiet, cbiÌd The ctiildÌen are beaütifut.
ThuÌa bhâbha,thula sana. Be quiet babÍ be quiet bâby. MLhulu u,'rsebenzi. The task ir huge.
M;khulu i,'.isebenzi. The tasksdr€ huge.
l,ihle izulu. The weatherir beautiful.
@ Hon ít l,l.,orks Mahle amaúnyo. The teethdré beâutiftrl.
7 Descriptioes used. ds pt'edic@teê ,Sincinci,senaüa- The hand tr smâÌ.
Zincinci ,.andÌa. The handsd/e smâÌ.
Relotíues en- I/*ulu ipilisi. The pill ir big.
The mostcommonlyusedÌeÌativestemsareúose conveyjngideasof tasÌe, Zidrülu iipilisi. The pìlls dre big.
lxkh$lu ísânâ. The bâby tr big.
degÌ€esof warmth,heaviness,etc.,andincludethê coloun (cf. Unit 6.2):
Bude ubúikã. The winter ir long.
uwa. The food ;.rfrêsh.
easy lula difficút Not€: wlen adjectivesare used pÍedicâúvely úe prefened word oÍdeÍ
light -luta -nztmâ seemsto be adjectivefolowed by noun-
expensive -dDlü cheâp -tshiphu
bitter -kraÌrâ -mnândi
With the lst and 2nd persoN singulaÍ and pluml (I, we, you), úe
adjectival concods '-m:and '-ba: aÍe placed betwe€n the subject
wakhe wenzâkaÌaindoko Did shê€veÌ huÍ her heâd
concoÌdandthe adjectivaÌstem:
ngâphambiÌi? before?
NdizdâÌâ. I.m old. Uratshâ You aÍe young. Wâkhêwagula kakhúu WassheeY€rvery sick beÍore'Ì
Siüadala. We âÌe old. Nià4tsha. You arc youdg. ngâphambili?
+ SeeUnit 15.5for n€gative of adjectivesandÍelatives. \ir'âkh€wâmbonângaphambiÌi? Have you êver seenirim befbre'Ì

In oÍderto express'súll' with descriptivessuchasÍelarivesandadjectives, r.ele(-l',

often shoftened to "sd / se-'' 'alrcodv'
-!ç: asopposedto -sâr (which is usedúth veút is pÌacedbetweenthe
Sêkwânele! It's aÌl over!oit.It's ah€atlyerìowh)
subjectand adjectivalconcoÌds:
Ulentshâ. Youare$il! youns. '-soloko' - 'al,a,qys'
Lusc/zncinci usana Thebabyis slill sman. IDttokoisoloko ibuhungu? ls youÌ headâlwâys soÌe?
Balclahle âbafazì. ThewomenareÊlll beâütiIi .
ltbisi ÌulsrlaÍsha. ïhe mìlk is $ill fÌ$h. '-zãÚ!g,e'/'-lln.adÍ$e' - 'neoer'
-Se. can alsobe usedwith other non-verbs: Akrzânge wagúa. Shehâsrcver beensick.
(ci ünit 7.4)
Ulqseribh€t|Ìel€unmtwana. The child is !]d!! in hospital.
Ulcklotrá ugqirhâ. The doctoÍ is slil! herc. ,4Jdizângendatsho. I n€veÌ said so.
In the rcgative -!c- Ineâns no longer'l
Zange sabonâna.
KhâÍge atsho. He neYeÌ said so.
Hayi, ugqirha akâ!çkìo. No, the doctoÌ is no longer there.
Kh&rge ndìÀÍbon?ixeshaelide. I haven't seen]oü foÍ â long time.
2 Equiualent of'ond' between oerbs '-sozp.'= 'shall' / 'utlll neoer'
Ìn Udt 2.9, you leâmt that nourìs are connectedby 'ns-' : SoÍÍy,l'll neveÌ do it agaú.
Uxolo, ândisozendiphitrdg.
abazai nabaÀr\ t,d:,a: parentsand children SozêndiselekwaÌhona. I'll nevêÌ üin] (âlcohol)again.
Howeve! when two veÌbsl foúrs follow one ânotheÌ.úe secondveú '-phantse'
endsin r9'to ìndicâteconsequenriâlacrion(sequential): - 'neaú'
Yhu, núphântsêndawa! Oops.I neârtyfe Ì
MklÌulule unÌâtisg UndÌessher a!!! l;e her down
'dta ngoku- = 'usually', 'Íreque^try'
lrtÌuDgü zìÍika zimkc? Does the pain come A!!d go?
Udlâ ngokugl]la ebusika- He/shers fmquently iLliD winleÍ.
Noter iirdüngu = physical pajnG) ahvaysin the plürêl foÌm.
4 DiÍJercnt oÍ saying'lDhy?
3 Equiúdlent oÍ the English aduetbs 'olreody', '//.ays
WhenThândi askedMÌs Majola why shehad cometo hospital shesaidi
'dluays','euer','neoer','neatlg','usuallg' Nize L:usibonangantoni aphaesibhedlele?(lit. You hâve come to seeüs
These Ënglish adverbs aÌe expressedin Xhosâ by so called auxiliâry for what heÍe at the hospital?).Heíe âre thre€of úe seveúl other wavs
(helpins) v€rbs: of expÍessing'why?' in )Oìosa:

'Kutheni' llcsides this bâ8ic foÌm theÌe is âÌso â ÌoDget morc spccìlìc ÍìÌrìr
(prclixing o- / â- / e- ), udú the meâning 'which Frtic,Id. . Ìl sccDrs ro
Unlike other intenôgâtives'kutheni' iztrodr."r â qüestion: hc preferred iÍ everyday speech, possibly to disúngüish belwcen lìrc
Kuth€ni ungândtxeleldSd? Why didn? you t€Ì rn ? meanins 'wheÍe?' and 'which?' :
Kutheni ufundâisil-lìosa? Why âÌe you leârning Xìosa? Wüphi ü'rntwâna? Which childl
'-eta i' / '-elelÌ'i' (lit. ''.l,hot ÍoÌ?') Awuphi umrrawarral Wich psrtic lar ch dl
Baptri aba'ntwaÍa? Ithi.n childÌen?
Us,ïundclêaiisixhosa? Why dq you leam )ftosa?
Abaphi abantwâna? üritci childÌen?
Usrïundclcaiisixhosa? Why dd you leam Xhosa? Ì{rphi ,mâÍdìâlo? Wich bedl
'ngo(ku)ba' Owüphi í,'lândlalo? Wich beõ1
IÌphi ,zândlâlo? li4ricl beds?
Ufundais <hosangoba? Why âÌe you Ìeâming)Oìosa?
4Ìipht tnândlâlo? mich beds?
'-phi?' - 'uhich?' rtthi tlàâdi? Which caÍd'!
5 Anothet intefl'og.rtiúel
Eltphi tkÌâdi? which càÍò?
You arc alreadyfamiliaÌ wiú '-phi?' = 'rvhere?'rvhichis prefired by the Wtphi amayezal fl/à,icÀmedicin€s?
ôu'aphi anayezal wr,icfr mediciÍes?
Uphi ímítìrâÍâ? Where (ìs) ttìe child? Stphi i.ílbhe' €l€? ü&íct hospital?
Bâphidrdtrtìrana? Wherc (aÌe) úe chiÌdren? E$phi tstbhedlele? whích \$pitàl1
Ziphi izikolo? IAic* schools?
Ez,phi ;zikolo? I44iict schools?
Wuphi umíÍw^Íti'Ì Which chjld? IÌphi tpilisi? Whíchpinl
Bdlhi dá.mtrY$ra? wàtcli cÌúldren? 4Ìiphi tpüsi? Whih pínÌ
In the so-câIed 'ímng' classes,i.e. wheÌethe subjectconcordconsistsof Ziphi iircwadi? ll4itc& books?
a consonantand a vowel (ba-, li-. si-, zi-, lu-. bu-, ku-) only tone E ,phi iircnadi? mricfr books?
distinguishesthe tìro inteÌmgatives: Züphi üsibâ? Whichp€it?
Olüphi üsibâ? Mich peÍ?
'Ìvherc?' = high tone 'which?' = low tone K,/phi dr,úyâ? Whichtoodl
where the subject concord consists of a vowel only (in the so-caled Akuphi ukutràI Whíchïood'l
'weâk' classes),'w- or '-yr is prefixed to the subjectconcord: Whenrga- / kü- / na- aÌe prefìxed to this folm ia mâkesthe 'string' even
Uphi urrândlâlo? Wher€ is the bed? longer
l&ehi ,/r,âDdlâÌo? which beò'Ì Wazalwa4grlrüphi rnyaka?
Iphi irrâtrdlâlo? Wher€ are the beds? Uyâ kv?riphi rsibhedlele?
I,phi i/randlalo? whìchbeú? Ufuna ukutheíba!a,íu phi ,gqiÌha?
Aphi a,nayez^? Wh€r€ are the m€dicines?
Vaphi anayez l I44iict m€dicines?
Iphi ircwadi? WheÌe is the book?
lphi incwadi? Which btrÚ,k?
126 - uNtÌ8

!!How to apply ít WlÌich of tho foÌlowing )Gosâ words can replace the 'xhosalisc(l
English woÍds:
I Give the plurals
(a) umkhuÌìÌâne
iliso (b) ubushushu
indlebe (c) unandlalo (lit. Íút)
ingalo (d) udâdewethu
idolo (kÍee) Read úe dialogue
UNokhaya Hi Xoliswâ.
2 Qüesúons and Íesponses
Uxoliswa Molo wethu. NdiyÀ:ubonâ uphìlile, Nokllaya. Banjani
Yoü mee. a ftiend whosechild hasbeenill. In ordeÌ to completethe ekìaya?
conveÍsâtion,translateyour questionsandÍesponsesiDto )ürcsa: UNokhaya Oo, uÍÌâmâ yena akaphiÌângâll.
(a, Hov ìs tour chil.l? ls she stiÌl ín hospitúl? Uxoliswa Kwenzelçeni?
Hayi, ubhetelekancinci, akasekhosibhedlele. uNokhaya Uwile ebesihlaiziteps. Ugqlhâ umúuÍnele esibhedlele
(b, I a sorrr that she is onb a lìttk b.ttea bat I a.n glai thaí she kÌ,vangoko.
is at hone again. UXoüswa Oo, nkosi yam! Ndilusìzi kâÌìülu.
Ndikìathazekâkâklulu kuba akaÌucâceÌangaukutyâ. Ubhityile. UNokhâya Ewe, waphukaunìlenze,usesibhedlelenúthetha nje (as
(ct Whatdid the doctoí sal? I speak).
Undinike iyeza,kodwâ ngelishwaâlisebenzi. UxoÌiswâ Ndiyâúemba ukuba uza kuchâcha ngokukìawdezâ.
(d) lztt hopeshewill loon be wêUasain. Khawundibuliselekumamawalho.
Hayi, sithembânjâÌo. UXoüswâ EDtosi. Hambakú:uhle.
3 Bead úe dialogue ând answer the questions
sa lall -aphúa b@âÌ
UzÃdwa MoÌo,Nomsâ.
cbesilna goina down chebd
LINomsa Molo sisi. Uphila njani? pldegrtliomm
inÌeps sieps thaqndibüli&Ìô
Uzodwa Hayi, aÌukìo nto. Wena?
UNomsa Awn, Ììmâ, rndipbilânga.
Uzodwa AÌr'u, ukìangelekâugula ngenene.Ugula yintoÌti?
lnagineyouareüsitingNoknâ)â s moúeÌin ho.pital.How souìdyou:
UNomsa Ndineflu- IntÌoko ibuhÌüngu.Ndinefiva.
Uzodwa Kufünekâugodukeuphumleebhedini.UbuyiÌe kugqiÌhâ? (a) greetheÌ (you ffe younger)?
UNomsa Ewe, undipheânâyezâ.Ndiyathembâukubaàza (b) ask her how sheis todây?
kusebenzângokükìâwxÌeza. sayyou âÌe soíy thât sheis in hospitalândi11?
UZodwa Nam, ndithembânjâÌo. Ngubâni ozakukugcinaekhâyâ? (d) askwhetheÍyou cânhelp her wiÌh somettÌing?
UNomsa Usisiuzakundigcìnâ. (e) askwheúer sheis in pâiÌÌ?
UZodwa l',ulungile.Ndj)aúembâuL-uba uzd k!plula tam'in)âne (0 wish her â speedyrecovery?
kwaklona. Hanba krkuhÌe. G) saygoodbye?
UNomsa Entosi. Katrmandi.

bu!â gcin! ìookatÌeÌ

5 Match the following appÌopÌiai€ly (d) Unentliziyo emhlophe
Use thesepbÌases:(â) isifubâ sibuhlunguphi kânye?,(b) Lìbâ utyâ (H€./shehas a kind heaÌl.)
kâncinci giìirhâ,(c) ulâle âphâebhedini,(d) xâ uÌlìohÌelâ?, (ê) ândàzi (e) UDamadolo anzima?
kukwenzâÌâÌisaând (f.)nâsi isituto. (AÌ€ you exhaurted?)
I HÌâÌâphântsi 4 Khâ\iukìuÌuÌe 9 Translate the following
2 Isinrbâsìbuhlungu
kâkhuÌu 5 Ndicelâ undibonise (a) Indiziyo yâm ibuìÌungu.
3 Wenâuyâbhityâ ó Ungâzikìâlhâzi (b) Unentliziyo emdâÌâ,/eÍnnyamâ.
6 Put úe s€ntences in ú€ right sequenc€ (c) Unentliziyoemsulwâ.
Lifuna ükubonaugqnhâkuba Ìinesisu. 10 Compl€te ú€ qu€stions
o) Emva koko uthi: Nânzi iipilisi. Zrye kathâthungemimi emva Wenâ,uthêÌhâ_phi uìwimi ekhayâ?
IxhegokâzielithiÌe Ìiya ekÌiniki-
o) Ufunde-phì iilwìmi esìkolweni?
(c) Ufunde n nye nÌwimi eyunivesithiokânyekw_nye iÌzwe?
(d) Isisu sibühlungükakhuìu.
(d) Ukìethâ úuthethâ_phi uÌwimi?
Heke gqirha, Ndiza kuzitya iipilisi, kodwâ ngubâni oza NdiÍeÌeÌe, wâzaÌwang phi unyâÌâ?
kundinika ukutya? (0 Wazalwang pbi inyaìga?
(0 Usqirha uyalixilonga. Wazalwans pbi iminj?
tatharhü tne úncs @rrair
(h) Wazalelwakw phi ilizwe?
cnvakohÌ9a âfter nels (lil. âfter eúng / food) ükulyâ iipiüsi ÌaÌc pnk (r) Wazalelwakw phi idolophu?
iúegokui old wolm 0) Utundekw phi isikolo?
(k) WaphuÌnakw phi ibangaGtandaÍd)?
(t) Utunde kw-phi iyrúvesithi?
7 Say
(a) He is bÍâve.
O) Sheis very kind.
(c) They are very reliable.
(d) He is a big tâlker.
(e) Sheis very skilfú.
8 Give ihe literal meaning Íor úe idiomaÍic expressions
(He/sheis stingy.)
o) Unesandlaesishushu
(He/sheis generous.)
Unika ngendiziyoeÍtle
(He/sheeives gladly.)

UPeter emsebenzini lBlgama

*iú shoD I worn idume küìo lonÌe
eKirstenbosch bolb of us ihlabâúì
sardens ubulnc
Peter at work at Kírstenbosch which slve waler yasekwa
rhìslioj€ct úaÌdeta
w.s sÌaíed inkitha yezilyalo
Ìo erúbìish jonemi nje
In thís Unit gou ntill learn how to: suihble lo núaneÌiso
lì^rÌy otharhve
I intÌoduce someoneyou work widì aòir aboui(ìn. ya^za
I point oÌ singleout hê€ âÍd there) i7iúnga
I saywhat a placeis fâmousfor eachpnpiÌ ìrinyrka
I encourageenvimnmenÌaly fiiendly prâctices nap ngeiì,nyaka

I rcquestthat appÍopriateeúquettebe obseffed in public plâces

I saywhat the bestis

Peter intÌoduces his colleague PhuÌrta Bongela to â group of school
chiÌdren who wiìl tell them abouttwo vital proje€tsúat KiÌstenboschis

ItPeteÌ Molweni batundi. NarÌúelekile eKìxíenboschl lgzlÌ-a lâm

nguPeierMuÌÌay. L nguNkosikaziPhurÌ a Bongela"endisebenzâ
naye-Sobabinisiziingcaphephezezityalo èKiÌ stenbosch.
UNkosikazi Bongelauza kunixelela ngeegadiezinoÌondoÌozô'
tlt^Ízj neoutreach Gadening Pftject. Le nÌqubo yâqâÌwâ
ukuzesiDcedeizikolo ukusekaígâdi ezifaneÌekiìeyo.
Kodwâ krÌqala ndiza kún gqaba-gqaba ÍeeKirstenbosch.
UNkosikâzi Bongela uza L:unika uÌrúundi ngâÌnnye irnâphu
yaseKírstenbosch. Le gadi idume kulo lonke ihÌabâlh;
rgobuhle. Yasekwango-1913.lúândekâ kakhuÌu ngeDxa
flower duti: Ìrodiiiondl hêaêf, Eirôn Ndlovu, fÍom ìhê DÍokénsberqfoorhi s,
yenl,irhayerir)alo ra"eM/anr'iAJrúd. broushì o liflle mog c ro tondon's wôrld.ÍÕmôuschèheÕ FoweÍ Show ihÈ weê[.
Souú Afticol SÉets Ki-tenboschexhibirdepiciêdÕ bôianlcÕlrcpresênrÕriôn
ôÍ úê
JongaÌi nje lo nìfanekiso oúaúwe echelsea Ftowet Show Rómi loi consêrvotoryor KlBtenboschos well os a lÌod tionol heoefs hut, wirll
yaselondon apho lKìrstënbosch ya tzà lzldâÍtg e21111112i, Ndlóvu ln hÈ trodlhono onúe lwh ch lnpÍe$ed the Oueenì.Ìhe 5rondwon o s vol
khonaiminyaka nseminyakâ. qiÌr mêdo ÍoÍ is êÍÍorrs Ís 22nd meda in irs22 vêo6 oÌ rhe shôw

lindlelo ezinrondothu zokulondolozo cmonÍ

:q õ.'
I 2
Wulungiseumblabângokufâhâ tÍ
]Yâla izityalo ezingafuni
manzi ÌrÌaninzi isivundisoukuzeukwâzi õì s U9
ukuwagcinaamânzi EX
(Preparcthe soil bJ,puttíng in ìÉ é \
(Plant plants which do not
compostso tfultit is abk to
,Equire a lot oÍwater)
L:wezityâÌongezintoezigcina ZaÌ ule izityalo
ul:utumaernhlabeni- ngokweemirnoz^zo
(Cotet thesoil betueenpLtnts
with naknal thot t ìll keepthe (GrouppÌants accotdirg to
noísture in the soil - for
thefi v,atunngne?ns)
aample, compost)

5 6
$tyale úgcâ kupheÌâapho Nkcenkceshela
kuyiÍúuneko knona ngokufmeÌekileyokunjalo nje
xâ kuyimtuneko
(Wlteï apptupiateb acco ine
(Plant smss onb whercneeìeì)
to needonly) y- õ
7 t/
.ÈsP <È.ì
PhumÌa gítes each pupìl a ndp oí Kirstenbosch and tãk s them on the . sôc 'kS PÉ
tour oÍ the gadens staftí e with the v,ateniise gaftlen. She asks then to
rcad the infotmation boaÍds th.tt erplai how to esrablish an
,s- gË EÈ9
envi rc nmen t.tI ÌJ Iïíe ndú watc ty i se I aftlen.
rè - - ,(


trnrxoÌoüìituno legerabÌePeel!
lheK"shnbcL5 b) *e A.slGAm-"a a d D" B-ê'(
Oú €o"hB,! <poì.oieo trf {okobhc ânìaqa.dxegg sh€lìs
' Úruqabi Ìeâ!êi
Thej Eo on a tour oÍ the eaãens úer which Phunla te s thepupils that trtcresikrweyo g.as.ulti.es
shewiÌl be coning to theb schoolshortb to help themestabÌishthet orrn liril yanbo cziliÌcyo d.ad tloNers
d\ilra tcâthc^
UPhuÌnla Heke, bafundi, ndizâ kunityelela esikoìweni uküze siqale trÌhrhL seeúunj ash (ofNood)

igadi enolondoÌozomanzi. Mna. ndizâ kuzisâ izityalo

nezixìobo zegâdi, kodwa ndiirna ukuba nina nithabaúe
irlxâxìêbâ kuÌo msebenzingokuzâmaükuÌungisa unÍúêba
Abafundi Siyenzânjânì,loo Íto, Nkosikazi?
LlPhuÌÌìla Eyonâ ndÌeÌâ ilungileyo kukuqalâ ngokwenzauÌDgquba.
NingâqâÌâ ngokuqokelelaintìDlomâ yekhitshi. UÌÌìzekelo,
amâxolo ernjfuno. âmaqokobheâmaqanda,amagqâbi,
amâÌhambo kunye nengca esikiweyo reenÌyatyambo
ezifìÌeyo neentsibanoúuthu hveenhìni- Kodwa ningazifati
iitoti, iiplastiki okanyeamaphephâ.
Ndizâ L-nlyelelaesikolwenisenuÌ!:\liveki ezayo.Sizâkukhethâ
indâwo efanelekileyosenzeümgqubakuyo. De kube ngoko,
ningâfaÌa yonkeinto eniyiqokeleÌeyokwezi ngxowa.
Heke, bafundi. ndiyanibuÌeÌâ ngokumamela ngenyâmeko
eneaÌa. Nibe nepilìild eÌìrnândike nsoku, kodwa ndiceÌa
niyigcine icocekile igâdi. Njngalibali ukuchoÌâ onke
amaphephaphâmbi kohrbâ nihanbe niwalake emigqomeni
yenkunkuma.HambânikâÌuhle. Sobonanakwiveki ezâyo. A iÍodiiionol heo êr or herbolÈr- {ixhwele)

ExamplesoÍ indìgenous plrrn s wírh medi.inot pÍopc,rriec

usêd ín ,rodílionol prd.tice
JHow to ...
Introduce someone gou t1'ork @ith
,si.okolhi umhlqbo Lo nguNkosikazi / Lo nguMnumzana
€ndiseb€nzânâye./ Sisebenzakunye.
Usedin onicnololqnd posl-nalìol Usêdos o loxotìvebui olsoÍor Ndinga*wazisa uMosikâzi / Mnumzana
odhritis,eczemo,coniunctivitis, ?ndis€benzanâ),e,
hypedension ond slÍess Mandiiwazisc uNkosilGzi _ / Mnumzânâ
umhlonyone endisebenzsnâ}?,
Africon wornwad Ndingath.nda udibânelrqNkosikazi_ noMnumzanâ_
One oÍ fie mostwidelyused Anotherplontwidelyusêd
Íodilionolmêdicinesin SoulhAÍÍico- lo heot€orns,woÍs, êoroche Polnt out / sbrgte out
Usedfor hêoiinscoughs,côlds
Lo ngNkosikaziBongela.
dnd inÍluenzo,
feveÍ,lossoÍ oppêÍilê,
Le yâqaÌwâukuzesincedgizikolo.
Le "kqubo
gadiidumekulo lonkeihlabathi.
ond inteslinol
Lo mfarckisowathaúwaechelsea FlowerShowyaselondon.
,n.wsdi impepho
hushnon poisonbulb Sqy what o ptace is tenoaned for
Usêdds dressing oherciÍcumcision UsêdÍo, wounddrcssinss, Le gadiidumengor,rN€.
ond Íor teotins boilsond sêptic coushs,colds,ÍeveÍ,inf€ctions, Le gadiidumengerìxâyenkithâyer,tyâlo.rnârr-
wôunds,to heotcoms,worls, $eodoche ond menstruol po;n Le gadiidumeng€nrlronisoyerttyâlo.
eroche ond toothoche
Encoutdge enúl'onmentolty Íriendlg pÌo.ctices
Iyâlâ aítyalo eztngatunt
Iídungiser/ tìlabangokufakarsiwndbo uf,ìzeukwâriukuÌrdgcinâ
MoiiJyusedÍor woundhêoling, UsedproliÍicolly
b Íelievê
hoemoÍòoids osthmoond rêducêpoin
Zahlulg,.ityâlo ngokufunak\ìtâzoamanü.
}'tyalg ;rgcâkupheÌaâphokurrìnfunekokhona.
Nkcenkc€shela ngokufânelekilelokunjalonjexa kuJtnfuneko.
lyenzgumgqubangokuqokelelâ ir?kunkumâ?khitshrri.
Sd9 uhat the best is
ãyon8ndlelâilüngilelo ...
EyonândâìtroilutrgiÌeld ...
E|oÍâ x€shâüluügileld .-.

Requeat thot dpptopÍiate

a public ploce
etiquette is obseroed in
f Horu ít works
I Possessiuesof Class 7a
Ndicelâ nigcirc igadi icocektle.
Ningâlibâli ukuchota onke l'n ph€pha phambi kokuba nihâmbe In Unif 5.2, you leamt that pNsessiverelâtronship in )Cìosâis expressed
niÌr.rfâkg €migqoméaiyerkunkumâ. by meansof a possessiveconcoÌd (eqúvãlení to EngÌish 'r or o, for
Closses I 15,e.g.:
ln3êbenzi wpngcaph€pheyezityalo
(< ímsebenzi)r4' + ingcàphephe)
HoweveÌ,wiú nounsof Class la, i.e. pÍoper nnmesând kinship terms,
relÂtionships,'ka-' is used:
,ínsebenzitaPeteÍ Petefs job
Ìf you look at the map of KirsÌenboschin this Unit you will find dÌe
following €xâmples:
IBEAFU trÂKOLONELI BIRD (ColonelBndl! baú)
,HEJI KAVAN RIEBEECK (vân Riebe€€klËhedge)
'lbhaftr' and 'ih€ji' (possessees)
âreCìâss9 noüns.Like nounsof Classes
1,3,4 and6 (un-, inì-, and ì theyâÌeweakclassnouns.
Howevet when the noun possessed b€longsto a strongclass,its subject
concord is prefixed to 'ka- . You wil also see an example of this
constructronon tÌìe map:
/SANGO IÃÂRYCROFI (Rycroft3 entrance/sate)
'/sango' is â slÍong Clâss5 noun.

2 The eqüiúalent of Englísh 'eoch'

This is fomed by 'ngâ- + adjecnlal conco * + '-lrye' (oÍ'Ê)l

,rrrfuÍdi ngan nye

lmthi ngârmye
rsrlyalo ngasinye each pÌâÌrt
rrtyâtyrmbo ngaqye
uÌudr{eq;ãlurye each Ìist
+ *cf. üÍit 8.1.
t40 XHOSA UNIÌ 9 i_.1||ll
3 Emphatic ptonouna teÍeftíng to the srd peÍson 'lïs r.rÌìpholicpÌonoun can also be usedwiÌh preposìÌions'ku ' / ngï,
You âÌe âlÌ€adyfâmiliêÍ wiú the emphâtic pronourìs refering 1()rbe Ist KulungjÌekuwe? Ewe. kulungile L:üm. Náïêlelg ngaÌre.
ând2ndpersons, i.e., 'mnâ,' 'drina,' 'ìrenâ.' 'rina', (i Uni! 3,2). Xulure! (It is up to )o,/!)
ThepÍonounsfor úe 3Ìd peÌson(Classes
1-15)usuâllyfoÌÌowthe noun 4 Euptldtioe ptonouns + llungileyo' ='the best'
ËIDcrhlive pronotms are formedby pÍefìxing the Ìelative elements'o-'.
zPeteÌ )dna PeteÌ, asfor him
dàafundi '|l-', or 'd- (cf. UÍit ó.2) to the emphaticproroun:
bona the pupils. asfor úem
rdsebenzi thejob, âsfoÍ it ,yenÀ mÍtu alungil€)d the best person
tnisebenzi )dnâ the jobs, as foÍ úem, dbonâ ádntu üa!üngilelo úe best people
igqÌÀ'eúâ lonà lhe ìâwyer, âs for him / her rwonâ lalungile)o the best tree
olr]Úgqwethà the lâwyers, âs lor them ?yona mithi rfungil€yo úe best Íe€s
trithethi the speak€r, âs foÍ him / her .,lonâ x€shâ lfugileyo the betrttime
r.,thethi zonã the speak€Ìs,âs foÌ them dwonâ tìLanzi alungilelo úe best water
intâtheli ]dtrâ the joumaÌist, âs foÌ hiÌn / her s8onâ rityâlo lilungileyo the best plant
iirtstheli zona the journaÌists, âsfoÌ them ezona rrtyâlo itilu|rgilelo the best plants
índweÍdwe loia the guest, âsfor hiÌÌ / her eyonâ ,rto / dawo dungilelo the besf thing / plâce
iindweÍdwe zona úe guests,âs for them cr,oíit ntyatyambo the best floweÍs
írüsika honà okonâ k"tya "iloDgilê]lr,
&alungiley, the best food
ukut]'à kona the lbod, âs for it supêrlative prctrouns can be used with âny descdúve to folm úe
When the emphâticpmnoun is usedwiú 'nâ.= 'have'/ 'wiú', the qüivalent of the Enslish supeÌletive:
shoÍenedfolm (i.e. without 1nâ') is used: dyonâdl€lâ 4ulâ
UrìâJe ,írrncedisi? Do you hâve ân assistâút? owonâmbuzo4rzima the most difficult question
Bwe, ndiÍâ]4. Yes,I haveonê. Noaê:The omission of the idtiâÌ voweÌ of the noun after a supeÌlative
Hayi, anúnale. No, I don't havê one. (ond a demonstrative)Íesuits in â changeof the concordof descrìprìves
Unâóo drancedisi? Ewe, núnâór. Hayi, andinâàr. hdj€ctives andrclativet:
UÍâwo ,rmhlakulo? Ewq ndinawo. Hayi, anditrand. Ung"nntu slütrgileyo. He / sheis a good person.
Unâyo rnihlâkrìlo? Ewq ndinâ)r. Hâyi, andiÍâ]z'. Oyênâ,rntu alungilelo The v€ry best person
Unâlo ,xeshâ? Ewe, ndinalo. Hâyi, andiÍâlr. This principle also applieswiih d€monstÌatives.
Unâ)ro ananzi| Ewe, ndìnauo. Hayi, anún$rr.
Unâro irityalo? Ewe, ndìnaro. Hayi, anúnâ.Ío. Yigdi c'del Ílb a beautifuì gâÌden!
Unazo i.dyslo? Ewe, ndinezo- Hayi, anúnâ.o. k gâdi lntlê iseKapâ. ?ris beautifuÌ gaÌdeni! in
Unâ), iCadi? Ewe, ndinaJo. Hayi, andiDâ}d. Cap€Town.
UÍâzo iÌrtyatyalìrbo? Evr'e,ndinâzo. Hayi, andinaza. To express'it ir / úey arc' befoÍe a sup€rlative, prcfix the copulative
Ura'ln Ì.ldwe? 0ist) Ewê, ndiDâlo. Hayi, andìtralo. (cl. Unit 4.1):
Unat ukutyà? Eu/e,ndins.Èo. Hâyi, andjnano.
IìCycú zezltÚ,ã
aít!^lo zid^l^ Cycâdsar€ the oÌdest plânts
egadiniyeKilstenbosch. inKirsGnboschgâÌdens.

5 Demonsttotioes tnd tet of demonstrothtes

As is the casein English, when pointing out peopìeoÍ objects,therc are

thÌee sets of dêmoÍstrâtiv€s jn )<hosacoÍÌespondlÍ,gto 'thís' I 'rhese'a
'thltr'I 'those'a'thatowr thzrc'/ 'thoseoyeÍ th.re'. f,ahi
ho níthi
Noüns pÍecededby a ileÍroÍstÍâtivê lose úeir initiâl vow€l:
Ngubâni lo mntu? Wìo ìs /l,ir p€rson? that thírg
Ngubâni loo nntu? Whois Íra, perìson? Notê: ïhe tulÌ forms of the demonsaativesof these nouns are loì'o
Ngubani ld, rrntu? Wlrois thatpeÍion overthere'Ì (Cl0$es I ând 3); lelo (Classes4 aÌú 9) and rdwo (Clâss 6). They are
As usuâÌ,eachnoun classhasits coÍespondìngforÍn. It is inteÌestingto íoÍnally usedâffer the noun for emphasis:
note rhat the form of úe lst s€t of demonsfâtives 'this' / 'these'
Yinto enomdlâ&ta L is an interestingúing t4Í
coÍÍespondsto the relative concordsin the 'strong' cìasses(cf. Unit 6.2)
wilh 'r' addedin the 'weak'classes.
7st set oÍ demonstratiúes elA x€sha that timè
esQ rúyalo that pl^ t
eaB iityalo tliors plaÍts
lo mthi tloff thiqs
le mìtlni ole hlobo
la Mgq hi obe últyebi
tÀir thing okA hÍyâ th^t Íood
(ct Aphq = theÍe)
gíd set oÍ demonstratloes
aba banttr t €re peoplc
eli s rrgo this Eâte
dst rityãlo ,iir plarìl that peÍson owí thzrc
ezi íityalo ,r?.í?plânts rnthi
ezí zìì1lo ,ney thiÌrgs laa mithi thosetÍees owr theÍe
olu londolozo-mânzi álr wâter conseÌvation núph€pha thosepãpèÍËo|er thêrc
obü ,Ltyebi úrr Ìesource ÍdaÌiso that plã.ê over therc
oku ,tdondolozâ àmânzi /rú sâúng (ol) wâter
Note: As is thê câse with tbe 2nd set of demonsrÍâtivesìn úê w€ak
Thesedemonstrativescan be usedbefore úe noun, e.g. 0l6sses,úerc is a tuÌl form: towd (Classes1 ãnd 3);r"l,a (Classes4 ând
Zs gadi idumUe (initial vowel of the noun omifted); 9) ând,a1ra (Clâss6). LiLe thoseof the 2nd set .hey âre nomâÌly üsed
alteÌ the noun for emphâsis.e.g.ldumilc igâdi le (initirl vowel of the rfter th€ no|m for emphasis.
Ìvithout â noun. e.g./-l?idumil?.
abq ban'lt thosê pf.oplê orter therc
el@ s9ngo
es44 rityalo thit plzttt owr therc lQ How to apply it
ea44 rltyalo those plarrÍÁ owr therc
those thlngs oyer therc Complete lhe qüestions by fflling in úe appropriate tink
ol44 ll,dw€ ( ) Iphi i-ofisi NkosiLzzì Bongelâ?
obss óasi that ho'ney oyer therc (b) Liphi isango RycÍoft?
oh,aa kutf^ thút Íood oyer therc (c) Abafundi Peterbêfikâ nini?
Note: The stong clâssesof Ìhe 3Íd position aìsohâve full foÌììsr dÕdld (d) Umsebenzi PeterunomdÌâna?
(Class2), el,),d (Class5.),srry? (Clâss7), e.tld (Clãsses8 aìd l0). ,/,ryd {c) Intqubo PhuÍúâ inempumelelo(success)na?
(Class11),oú,)l1 (Class14) ândatu}a (Classl5). (Ci 'pharq'= over Give the liteÍal translation of this idiomatic expÌession
úere). used to €xpÍess 'hoping in vain'
6 Anothet conjunctíon -'úkrtze' 'in otder to'
'Ukuze' is â coìrjunction thât Ìnust be follorved by a verb ending in -" Nxele, â Xhosê chiêi is consideredto be Souú Africa's fiÌst
Gubjunctive) (cf. Unit 4,5 andUnit 8.2): 'tre€dom frghteÍ'. His attempí 10 dcstÌoy the nerv settlementof
Le nÌqubo yâqâhvâukuze Thjs Foject wâs staíed to h€h GÌúâmstown in 1819led to his impÌisonmenton Robben Islând.
sinc€discizikolo úusekâ iigadi. úe schoolsestablishgardens. Ìn 1820, when trying 1o escapehe drowned but ìnany of his
QokeÌelâinkuúkuna yekhjtshi Cole.ct kitchen waste followeN did not beÌievelhat be wasdeadandwaitedin vain for hìs
ukìrze weÍue umgquba, to rìrâk€ compost.
As you can sêeftom the tsanslâtions,Xhosausesthis constÍuctionwhere
EngÌish simpÌy usesthe infinitive. However,it is interestingto note ihâi R€ading ând undeÌstanding
now and again oDecomes acrossexamplesrvherethe iDfnìtive is used Here is someinfomation ãbo]utAbalitní B.zeklnla. a conmunity,
whereone rÍould expectthe subjuncaive: based gÌeenìÌÌg and food gaÌdening project. Consult úe
'Kubâlulekekâlúüìu qIÈnkc€nkceshelâ Xhosa-Englishvocabul y list foÍ help in ündeÍstandingthis extrâct.
ngendlelâefâneìekÌeyo-' Abalimi Bezekhayayisent^ yegadi
IÌ is very importantla wsteÌ in an appropriate yabantu. Lo mbutho wâs€kwâ
ngo-1982. Injongo yâwo (its)
This sen.ence is tâken fÍom Iigadi kukwazisa, ul:uncedâ nol:ucebisâ
EzinoloDòÌom-mânzi('WatenviseCârdening'), abantu ngezinÌo zonÌe malungâ
a bÍochüÌe püblished by the DepaÌfnent of nokulima - indela yokulima
WaterAffâìrs, hetoÍia. ìÍnituno, indlelâ yokutyâÌa imittÌi
nemithâna ngokufaneÌekileyo.
The brochuÌeand otherscan be obtained,free Abôntubas€C,âpeFlâbbânokulheÍgâ
of charge,from KiÌslenbosch,whereyou will zonke izirìto zegâdi ngexabiso
âlso have many opportunilies to test youÍ eÌiphântsi kakhulu kìrÌo mbulho.
knowlôdge of )Gosa by frying to read the UmzekeÌo_ Ungabonâ
plânt infoÍmation boaÌds. -
impumeÌeloyomsebenzilo ezigadid ezininzi.

4 Ask where each gaÌden implem€nt is and answeÍ Complete úe lnstÍucllons
Flll in úe missingdemonstrativesto completethe mstucúons:
IZIXHOBO ZEGADT: (ü) B€kâ(úese things)- emsqubeni.
úgobozi (iin-) bâs*ei isjkeE sokuúena pnning shea.s (b, Landa(Íe!cb)(rjìârwbeelbanoul- -
isdha irhÌrbu lúdt (c) ïyâlâ (thesetrees)- - elanseni.
ihdik! / ìteti Ìãke ikdi yoì<unÌ.dLcesÌìela Ratüing cú (d) 'Iyâlâ (ríose tre€9 -- emthunzini.
ifoloÌh*e ünhlâtaìo spadc (o) Nkcetrtceshelâ(úose seedlings(izìthole)oveÌ tlìeÌe)-
igabâ hoe ikìrivâ wh€lbamv (Í) Ch€bâ{úÌ hedgeo\er úerer- -
inhiza(ìin ) por iênele
ipekj pìc[ urutsúú woküchêbaiÍgca laM noBer ,, Compl€t€ the qüestlons
Fill in the missing demonstrâtivesto completequestionswhich you
Uphi umrya? Unalq? Ewe, lqcl might ask whenwalking throughKiÌstenbosch:
lvheÌe's úe striúg? Do you haveit? Yes,hereitisl Ì,
* (a) Ibìzwa (ca[ed) njani - ntyatyambo?
(a) _Jhì unhÌâkulo? Una-? Bwe,_ (b) ubìzwa njarÌi - múi?
O) ____trhiiìmbiza? UrÌa-? Ewe,_ *
(c) ubizwa njani - mthana(shrub)?
_phi iÌftiva?
_phi iúumbu lâmanzi?
? Elve, -
(d) Ibìzü/ânjani -
(e) Sibizwanjâni _
(e) jsiker€sokuúenâ? Unâ ? *' (l) Utizwa njâni _
-phi ti mfulâ Gtream)?
---Jhi i-emele? Una_? (s) Ibizwâ njâÌÌi - ntâka(bird)?
_jhi igaba?
_phi ihaÌika?
I (h) Ibizwâ njâni _ ndÌela?

(i) Compl€te the inÍoÍmalton

_phi ifolokìwe? Una_? Ewe,
O _phi unatshitri UÌìâ ? Ewe, (â) - ntyâtyamboidumileyo yaseMzântsiAfrika yiProtea.
wokuchebaingca? (b) heji ìndala yaseKapa yatyalwa nsuvan Riebecck
Malch the instructions ngo-1ó60.
Use úe foìlowing pbrases:(a) âmanzi,O) inkuntumâ yekhirshi, (c) IKirsÌenbosch
- gadi idumileyo yaseMzaìtsiAfrika.
(c) ingca, (d) uÌrúlabâ ngezinto ezigcina ukufumâ emìÌabeni, (d) ndawoilungileyole yotvenza ipikiniki.
(e) inkunkumakwimigqomoyentuDl(uma (0 urÌrhlaba,(g) umdìi and -
(h) ênagqâbì. (e) Intlakohlaza xeshâ liÌüngileyo ÌokutyeÌeÌa
I Lüngisâ 5 Harikâ
2 ry^ra (0 Ndìzakunicacnela ndleÌâilungiÌeyoyokuÌondolozs
6 Irndoloza
3 Gquma 7 Qokelela
4 Cheba 8 FaÌa

9 Use thê coÌÌect verb forms
PhumÌâgoesto a schoolto shoviúe pupils how to makecomposrand
UThemba emsebenzini -
how to waterin a waterwisewây.CompÌelethe infonìation shegives udliwano-ndlebe
them by fiÌìing jn the coÍect verb fomìs. Consultrhe )flÌosa-English
vocâbuÌâÍyfor veÌbs you havenot yel comeacÌoss: Thembaat work -
Heke, bêfirndi ndiyâbona ukuba (â) beni oìave been
coÌlectìng) izinto ezininzi ul:uze siqale ukrvenza umgqubâ!
an interuiew
Masiwenzeni ke! Kuqala (b)_ Geparare)umtìlâbâ ln thts Unit wu r/.ilt ,eant holw to.
nsefolokìwe. (c)_ (Put) uhlaza nokutya ol:udâÌâ nje
emgqubenì.Kutuneka ezi zinÌo (d) 'j (de.cay).Uküba (e) I pul ân inteÍvieweeat ea-9e
nirt_ (keep) zifumile, uza kuboìa ngokukhawulezaumgqüba. I u8kquestions asân enployer
Ukubolâ kuza (0 ku_ (tâÌe) mâlì.mganeeveki ezinrandarhu. I |ülk âbour your educat;on.úainuìg.previou\experience
Kufimeka (s) niÌ',í_ (water) kakìúle ti"q". I {rk for flrnher information
Ngoku ndiirna ukunibonisaindlelâ efanelekileyoyokutyalâimbewu.
Nantsi imbewu yemituno. (h) Masili (plant). Nanzi ìibhokisi
ezincioci. (i) Z,_ (filÌ) ngaÌo Íülaba. O n_ (ptant)
imbewu ez;bhoksini ngolu hlobo (in rìis way). (k) Z_ T]lcmbainterviewsân appücan(foÌ a position in his company.
(keep)iibhokisi ngaphardleokânye izúalo ziza kubâ burhãkathaka LJThembâ Molo, Nkos^zâÌÌâCÍeen. Khawungeneúlale phântsi.
(weak) 0) zi_ (die). Ngoku ndifurÌa ukudbonisa indlela Ndiyâr'uyaükukubona.Kunjani?
yol:unkcenkceshela iziryalo ngokufânelekileyo. UNksz GÍeen Molo Mnümzanâ Tbamsanqa.Enl(osi. Hayi trúphilile
(RemembeÍ) bafundi. amanzi (n)_ r'tgãphãÍdlekokubanentakal
(scârcê)kahhulu eMzantsi AfriÌa- Kufuneka sorte sisoloko (o) si U1ïemba I{âyi, nkosâzana,
_ (ry) O) ukürd_ Gave) âmanzi ngahmbi uÌusithethakahìhle is Orcsa!Ndiaelele,usazelaphi?
ezigâdini zethu. Neoku, (q)_ (warer) ezi zithole UNkszcÍ€€n Ndâqala uÌusithetha ndisetrmcinci kuba âbazú bam
ngononophelo.Musani (r) uku_ (wareÍ) amagqabi, bab€sebenza esibhedleleL:ufuphinâhlQoboqobo.
G)_ (wateÍ) umìÌâba kuphela.(t)_ (be caÌeful) Oo, Ìryasazike isixhosa esitheúwâ ngamâNgqikâ
(u) ning,?i (dãnâge) izithole. (v)_ (suround) omgquba!*Uyakwazi nol:usibhala?
izityâÌo ngomgqubaukuze (w)_ (keep)uhrtuma emhÌabeni. UNkszcrcen Ewe Mnumzana Thamsanqa,ndâsifuDdaisixìosâ
thatha nkcênìlceshelmi Lunkâni Jikelezei UTheÌnbâ Uyak,'r'aziukuúetha nezinyeinwimi?
mosnj khurb!ìani -úccnteÁhèìa tyalenì tJNkszcÍeen Ewe, ndiyakw^zi ul:utheúâ isiBhulu nesiFÌentshi
zalìseni yâìlukarisa.i ,gcinc Fúani kancinci kodwa ke sona.
mqabe -bolc qokelela
UThemba Heke,Mosaz ana,Laâwrúi gqabã-gqabúngã\,rc.
ntcenkeshele -fc "lyaleni gcineni
ugci.e úcenkccsheìâni ,londoloza UNkszGÍe€n Ndazalwa ngo-1969 eKâpa. AbâzâÌi bam bafudukela
kuQoboqobondisemncincingoko ì(e aÌnabangâaphantsi,
ukususelâ L:u-Süb A ukuya kustd 5, ndawenza
UThemba Amabansaaphakamileyowawenzaphi?
UNksz GÌeen Esinaleni ngâseMonti, iMatriki ndayiphumelela ngo-
1986.Emva koko ndafundelaioondo leBA e!'univesithi
yaseRhodes, eRhiÌÌi. ncitshiswa bc cur bâck. reducc{l
UThernbâ waúadÌâ ziphi izifundo eziyindoko? drc nümber
nee.tlobo ndobo difreFnl
UNksz GÌeen Ndaúâúa isìN gesi nesillhosa. jgaÌeìo contribution
UThemba warrufunúswa ngubâninixhosa?
irhÌbâ cnmcc
UNksz NgupÍofesâMajolâ. Ingâbâuyâmazi? ckuphelenìtü! at the end of
UThemba oo, kakìulu I SâsifundaL:unye,el:relekele.
UNksz GÍeen onjâni urftshaÌa!wândìncedakâtnúu. Ndazuzâisidânsa
sam se-BA ngo-1989.Ndâqalaukusebenzanjengotitsha-
lakàzi. Ngo-r994 ndânyusetwandabalisekela-inqununu.
UThemba Khâwütsho,L:utheniutuna ükutshìnÌshâumsebeDzi?
uNksz Green Ndinoloyiko L-uzahrncitshiswâ inani leetitshaìâ.Enye f,How to ...
into, ndingumntu wabâÌìtu. Ndithandâ kâkìuÌu Put dn inten)íeuee at ease
uÌuseb€nzâneendobo-ngeentlobo zabâÌÌtu.Yâyendicingâ
uÌuba ndinganegaÌeÌo L:wiìÌâÌrìpâni yâkho- SíhÃhâlâ / Khululeka, Nkosikazi (Nkosâzâna,Mnumzana)
UThemba Heke,Nkosazana.Wena,unayorÌnibuzo?
Ask quesÍíons as an employee
LÌ.,lkszGreen Ewe, MnumzanaThâmsanqa.Ucinga uÌuba ndinethuba
ÌoÌ.lìwufumanâÌo msebenzi? Watutrdaphi?
UThemba Ewe, ndicingauÌ.:ubaunelhubaelilungileyo kaÌhulul Kwértphi istkolo?
UNksz Green NdingâIindelaukwaziswanini ukubaÍdiphì.melele? Kweliphi iyunivesithi?
UThemba Sizâ kukwazisâekuphelenikweveki ezayo. Kutheni üfunâ ukutshintshâ lrrsabenzi?
LrNkszGreen EDlosi kakhulu.Ndiyabulela,MnuÍnzana. Wâlündisyâ r8ubâni?
UThemba Külungile NkosazanaGreen. Bekumnandikakhulu Wâqeqesh!â ngubâli?
ukudibananawe.Llhambekal$l e. Wâúâthâ rztphi a,tundo njcngcztfundoc:iintloko?
UNksz Green KaÌrìÌìarÌdi.MnumzanaThamsanqa.
UÌÌâ)'o tÌntbuzo?
Talk obout yout edüccttion, h.aíiing, experience
Ndawenzâ dnlzbãngà athantsi e_
Ndawenzâ anabângâ aphakamilel,o e
Ndaphumelelângo-] 9_ iMâtÌiÌi
Ndatundelaiqondo leBA ngo_
Ndaltndisyâ ngu_
Ndâqeqesh!â nerr_
Ndxzuzâirialsnga sâmse-BA
152 X H OS A
Ndâsebenzanjeng_ Nolr,j ( l) \Mìen the agent,i.e. 'úe doer of the âction , is menrioned,ìr is
Ndânyüseba ndaba 0$llxcd by the copulative. In these exâmples 'aAr is Fefixed to tlìc
Ndìna,ravâ éIrfiìndis?nt / eküthelôgjseni
/ ekusabeúzení {gdnl$',rprofGsa'ând'&r,qeqeshi'becâuse they b€longro rhe 'Ìr 'aod
ngekìondpyrÍha ',x,r- nouncÌasses íClasses1 andlaì.
Ask lor juÍthet inÍotmation ) cl . UniÍ 4.1 for the copulativesof the orherDounclasses.

Uyatuâzi-llrtlthethâ úNgesi / isrxhosâ / iriBhulu / ézmyetjlwimi? Notc: (2) As is the câsein the activevoice,úeÍe is no 1yâ-'when ânorher
Uya&xtaziaLaqhubâ? wordÍbllowstheve$ (ci Unit 2.2).
Unâld tphephâ lokuqìuba? Notonorthy Íeoturcs oÍ the p.tssiue
Unaró ir€feÌeísi / íacwadi etuncomây,. (lir. a lener praisinglrz)
Wakhe wâÌrcn?âlo nsebenzi ngaphambiti? SomeveÈs which are âlways used in the pâssiveinclüde:
llakh€ wasebênzânjeng _ ngaphambü? ukukholwâ
Uyafuazi uh6ebw,a neekhomp]utha? to be tired Ndidinl4e. Ndidinlqe kaÌhulu.
to be thiÌsg, Ndirxani_le. Ndirxâ4{e kathulu.
@ Horo it works I oí Unit 7,3 long andshort form of úe Ìecent pâst tense' -ile' l' -e'.
SomeexFessionsincorporatingthe passive are virtually untÌansÌatable
7 The passioe inroEnglish,e.g.:
The pâssivevoice is a gÌammâticalterm lhat meansexactly qTharit says Kuyanxanwa Gnxanwa= be úirsry)
- someúìng is done to somebody oÍ someúing without necessaÌity
mentioningwho is peÍfoming the action.The pâssivefoÌm is usedmorc
Kuyagodükwa* Ggoduka= go home)
rHoweveÌ, it is intercsting to note thât this constÌuctionexists ìn some
extensívelyin everyday)<hosaspe€€hthan it is in English.
otherÌanguâges, e.g.GerÍnan.
Uyatundisâ. He / sheteâches- (active)
Uyaffrndisys. He / sheis b€itrg tâught. (passive) '-1r-' can alsobe usedin combinarionwith otherverbal exrensions:
Uyaq€qGsha. He / sheis lrâiniDg. (âctivê) NdaÍrrsdl]!â. I was pÌomoted.
Uyaqeqeshl!â. He / sheis being trained. (pâssive) (Ìit- I was mâde to go up/ar)
As you can see,the pâssiveis foÌmed simply by fuseÌtiÍg .-ìÀ,-'befoÌe Kuya kuthethl4.znangomvuzo. Sâlary is n€gotiâbl€.
the fiÍâl -a (cf. verbaÌexlÊnsionsUrit 4,ó: (lit. It will be tâlk€d abourwìtb
Uprcfesâufrrndisâ The professoÍis teaching (acrive) êa(h other abo\ttthe sÀlaÍy.,
abatundì. 'flrc infinitive folm of the passiveis oí1enusedin noticesof Ìestriction,
Abafundìbafundisl4a The studentsare taught (pâssive) rc8tÍâint or forbiddânce:
4g,rpÌofesa. bi the pÌofessor A/íÌrÍg€I!]{â Nn enlq
Umqeqeshiuqeqesha \ìir. ,,r ro he enrered)
The tÌainer is tÌaining (acrive) ,4ÈütshâyEa ,ly'asmoking (Ìi1-rmr to be snìokcd)
,4t rmisvâ ,Vostopping (Ìit. nor to be stopped)
Abatundi baqeqeshlsa The apprenÌicesaÌ€ being (pâssiye) Át?lpâkyâ ,Vopârkiüg (lit. 4ot to be parked)
zgrmqeqeshi. trained hy the EaineÍ. Á&rhlalyâ engceni No sittiÌg on dÌe grâss (lit. to be sealod)
,4kltyil4a elâyibhÌi No eâting in the Ìibrãy (ljt. 'rot
rcr to be eaton)

The p$sive form is rcflectedin somecornmon nouÍs: lhl$ kl;om coüÌdwell be saidwhcn conmiseÌatingwith someonewlr)
beÌoved(lit. the loved one) 'h il s lo1on úeir shoulders'.
employee0it. hired one) Inyathì íb .va lçwabaphamrilt. FÌom dle hone's mouth. (1i1.Thc
íll,phathisìra butralois âsked(amongrìe) rnst.)
IJkuzaIN,ú wedt)a nqumlu Onemusthêvelamily / kinüip
< ukudlânâ ,:'dÌebe 'to int€rvierv'(lit. to êât €ach r/.t ratuL (liL To bebom aloneis Ìo be a
oth€r's eâÍs) stripofÌrÌeat.)
Note: Consonânt verbs ol onê syllable, e.g. -dla > alliwa; -tya > -tyiìrâ 'l'hìs lâstconceptis illustratedby SindiweMagonain an errcerptfrom her
(be eaten)and voìr€l v€Ìbs of two syllâbles, e.g. -enziwa= (beendone, ôutobiogâphyToM]'' Càiklrcnt Childrcnl
etc-)hâveonly onê íoÌrÍ iÌÌespectiveof whetherthey are followed by an
âgentoÍ anolherwoÌd. 'The intricatewaysin which relâtionúips aÌe dÌawn anong us make
The pâssivefomÌ is aÌsoreflecied in mâÍy pmper Íâmesi it âlmostimpossiblefoÍ an individual to be destitutein lhe senseof
havingconne€tions\tith no Ìiúng soul. One could, conceivâbÌy,b€
uBülelwa (the one who is úanLed for) minus parent, or issue: have neither spousenor sibling; büt to b€
(Ìhe one who has been Ìejoiced for)
âlone,wiú no rclative, no onê to carefor or to lean on, is virtually
(Ìhe onô who has been made to be joyfuÌ)
unheardof except in the very râre case of an individuaÌ of such
uxolisrva (the one who has been mêde Ìo be câÌÌn) unbeüâbleând odiousdispositionúat no one can staÌìdhim or her
uzolisìÍa (lhe one who has caÌned) or be movedto pity at the pÌigbt of suchâ one.'
uBongiÌve (the ore praise hâs been given for)
üLindiwe (úe one who has been waiÌed for) -r Seecülturâl bâckground.
ul-iziwe (the one has been siven âs â gift) Someeuphemisticidiomatic expressionsmean 'to be buri€d':
uSiphiÌve (the one who has been given âs â girt)
uSindiìre (the one wlo has tÌanscended) uL:ufrhlìrâ Iit. to be hídden
rThêndiwe (the one who is Ìoved) ukugoduswâ lit. to be taksr home
ìit. to be tak€n (to the fathers,i.e. ancestors)
Solnefrequentlyusedidiomâtic expiessionswiú úe pâssiv€includc:
When '-wr occurs with úe fo[owing consonants and consonant
Upheúrïe Jtntoni? \4'lìât's wrong wiú you? combinâtionscertain phonedc chângestake place. This is to fâciìitâte
(lit. You âÌe Ìul€d óJ whât?) pronunciation:
What's got into you?
Ukhathaz$aJintoni? 'to bury'= ukungcwsàa> ukutrgcwââr4â= to be buÍi€d
/tthembâ. I've iosl hope.(Lit.deprivedo, Someverbs ftequently usêd which in the passiveündergo this sound
rtg"nseb€nzi- changeâÍe:
Jtntoni? How ÌIcky cânI bc? b>tr be finished
-gqiúa -gqi4vâ
(lit. tJ ìrhat âm I seen?)
-súenzisa -se4€ÍzisYâ be üs€d
NÍâny idioms (r.aci) and pÌovêrbs (.1' rqhâlo) incorpoÌâre thc pÀ{sive: bh> j -bhuàLelâ -bhuj€lvâ
Indloyu afisindvl ngonboko No one ever finds his nâruÌal 0í. be died foÍ)
vaya. responsibiÌiÌies too bürdensome. > r) -fu!4âÍâ -fu4}ânyâ be found
''l lit. be gone out:
(Ìit. The elephânt is nol weighed -phr!4â -phu4]va
down by iÌs lrunk-)
kuphuaÌÌrâ âpha 'exit'
l5ó X H OS A
mh> nj ha!1lba -hâaIaâ lit. be gone: 16lr nbor: In the câseof noünsFefixing'Ír,1- (CÌass3) the associa{cd
kuhqtúâ ngoku ërflrfnfurÍ is Ì, ' ând in the case of nouns prefinng 'ini-' | ï' | 'in: /
-khur!âula -khu4.lullla bereÌnembered 'r,r 'lhc Issociatedconsonantis'),r-
ph > tsh -k\ttpha -khu&tya be taken out
Nohr No concoÍdin Class6 (dnd-): a4dxhosâ odwâ, buÌ -w- is infixed
Note: This sound change âlso occurs in locâtives (cf. Unit 4.8 and hèiwccn a relative €oncoÌd ând 'odÌÃ'â': llr44lurgelo l,nodwa.
UÌit 6.7):
íhlobo > ehLttleni t The use o/'ukuba' ='to be'
The srme soundcharge occurs\vith diminutive folms which sufÈx -anâ. ,n the lnfl'itine
Look at the map of KhsÌenbosch in Unit 9 where you will find
Sonkcsithandâ We âÌl üke r, Dç tucÌry.
(tt. we all like to De-qilh luck.)
triziàa (pool) > rrtzi4râÍâ (smâll pool)
tchiàa (pond) > tchi4âtrâ (small pord) ,n ,he luturc
Uzâ kubgJgrhubâel,lungilelo. You ívill have a good chânce.
2 Hon to expt'ess 'alone' / 'b9 itsetf' / 'special' /
0it. YoÌr will be with
'exclusíoe' = '-odwa' a goodchance.)
FIom the foms that fo[ow yoü cân sêethât for the ] st and 2DdpeÍsoDs
'-êdwâ'or '-odwâ'maybe used: ln the remoE post
Ndindedwâ/ NdiÍdodwa eklaya. I âm âlone at home. Ndabeleúansarqa. I wâs lücky.
Sisedwâ/ Sisodwâekhaya. We âre aìone at home, (Lit. I vsr_s!!h Ìück.)
AÌe you alone at (your) home? ln the sublurrctio?-
NìDedwâ/ Nnrodwà kowenu? AÌe yon âlone at (your) honìe?
NdinqwenelâuÌübâ ndibg I wish that Ì vÊrg hcb.
ln úe 3rd person, -odìra'is precededby the consonãntassociatedwirh DglnamsâÌìqa. (lir. I wish that I be \dtth luck.)
the noun to which iÌ Íefeís. exceDtfor Clâss 1: NdinqweneÌâuÌubâ âD9 I wish úat he/shelcls lucky.
He / sheis âlone ât his / her home. [9rnamsaÌrqa. (üt. I wish úat h€j/she
Búodwa aàantwânâ ekhaya. The childÍen âre slone at home. b€ wiih luck.)
Ube 4cthamsaìqa! cood lückl (lit. Yoube with luck!)
' odÌya' can âlsobe usedas a descriptive(Íelative) in which caseit means
'speciâI.€xclusiye' ândìs thercfoÍeprefixed by úe Ìelâtive concord: Note: In the 3rd peÌson sitrguÌaÌ, 'he'/ 'she', úe subject concoÌd
.hângesfrom '!-' to 'ar GeeExeÌ€is€ 6 of úis Unit). Tbis also occurs
Lmseben/; a s?ecial activity withhgâr ='cân'/'may'i
intrsebetrzi special activities
tyezâ elilodwa special medicine ADgsndifowunelângokulúwâ. Eqça!! phoneme úis evening.
ama\lngelo exclüsiverights (e seeUnit 11)
irizathu ér,ÌodrYa speciâl reason ,n the imperutioe (instructíons)
i.ìz thtr ezizodwa speciâÌreasons
l,'Jongo speciâl pulPose )t!q-!cúamsaDqaI Goodluckl (lit- 89 ìrith Ìuckl)
üóüchule obübDdwa speciâl skills
okubúw^ speciâl food

Notê: If a descÍiptivefollows 'ul(uba' = 'to be' it is Íot precededby a l(l Abtl,uwaubúgetve y"takd The chiÌdÌen aJefrighlened.

ltll Krhrntwansesìko. ICs doneâccordingto custom.

NdiyâthembâuÌubâ uzâ kubg bheúele kamsinyâ.
Li 1.:
W1ìenâ locarivefollou/s 'uL:uba',Íhe ÌocativepÍefixes 's-': \c) IÌ nlo Japhelelwa li^esha. This is old fashioned.
Ndisenokubâqemsebenzini I could súÌÌ be ât woÍk Lir.:
ll:) UbunxuÌubesizíba(deeppool in dver)
h vit a n7odondoloGt]'ck l Look beforeyou Ìeâpl
Cultural background Li t.i
Quoting idioms and pmv€rbs in )ftosâ is â quirÌtessentialànd much Glve the English €quivalent oÍ newspapet / masazln,e
fâvouredlvay of epitomising a situationto úive home a point. Thêy âÌe columns
often dÌawn froÌn animal life or relatedto fables (it udn ísee Unit 16)
andtheir meaningmay be vadedto sút the occâsionbut theí âpplicatjon Okuxelwaiinkwentwezi twìât is told by the staÌs)-
to a specific situationis rarely in doubt. AbakÌunjúwayo oüho are remembered)
To quotehofessor SC Satyo (ÌgrarÌa NoncwadiLwesDÍìosa ibângaÌe 9 Readtng, undêrstanding ând answerlng questioÍrs
úele 10, p. 215) 'Atulula ul:uba utuÌnane udÍìosâ eyigqìba iÍtetho ReadtheconveÍsâtionbetweenThembaândMary at work andanswer
yakheengakïangeasebenzise isâci'. (i.ê.It is not eâsyto find a Xhosa the questionsthât fo[ow:
personÍmishing his / her speechwithout using ân idioln..i
UThemba Moìo \44ry.uphilânianinâíúlanle':
This wâsvividly illustratedin a speechby DeputyPresidenÌMbekì on his UMâry Ewe Themba.Sikìona $r'enâ?
budgetvole whenhe saìd. 'Ukuthunde. ubhiÍro.' {To try to do âsrÌuch as Uïhernba Hâyi, nam ndisâphilangaphândlekomsebeDzi.Kânene'
possìblewith limited resources.) (1iÌ. Ìo gendy coà'r âÌong the most uzifihle phi? (Wherc haw you hidden voursef?)
cmaciatedox in oÌder to eke ouÌ úe last üttÌe ÌeseÌì/efÌon il.Ì Andikubonangaixeshaelide.
UMarv BendineknefueliÍnnânú í1 had a nice holiì.Ít) nosap]l'o

fl How to apply it Ndixelele ngekhetulaklrc' Mâsive ekhefi

I Maich th€ public signs siphunge-
The Englishequivâlentsare: (a) No Lìttering,(b) Silence,(c) No UMary Kulungite. AÌìditalifumâni üesha lohrphungâ. í1 lÍrÌ'é
DossAìÌowedând(d) No SwimningAIlowed. not yClfounã the nne) Masiye ke.
UThembâUnjani umsebenzi waklo? UsawuvuyeÌâ?Kanene
Ì AÌuvunyeÌwaxkìngenanezinjââphàl ünluselwe, ndiyavuyisananawel Usebenzile!
2 AÌutheth\\,a UMary Enkosi, kodwa kunzima ngâmanyeamaxesha.Linqabile
3 AtuvunyeÌwâukuqubhâ! ixesha.Ndisoloko ndixaÌekile.
4 Akrngcoliswa UThembâNdim lowo írdflá ,Ere). Lünjani usâpho?
2 What is the liteÌal meaning of the idioms and proveÍbs LlMary SonkesiphitiÌe. BanjaÍi âbântwananentosilazi yaklo?
(a) IntLüna ìtrÌive rinjo. Thìngs have gone wÌong
UThembaBasâphilanabo-Yho! Jongaixesha! Mandikhawülezise
(Iat ne hw,l okanye ndiza l$phoswa yindângâniso.
(Iit. I iIÌ be nissed b the meetinq.)
(bl Unhlaba ubetht'e lildnsa. The soil is very dÌy.

lJMâÌy Ewe, küfunekâ nâm Ídihâmbe. Sobâbini sishiywe I Kuqolâ ndasebeozakwikhirshi ìenÌampani eúltulu, kodwr D8(,krl
Ìixesha. ldlÈcbcnzaehotele eDlu]ü. Ndìlungisa imenyu. Ndi odola Ìrkulyrl
UThembâ BekuÌìmândiuÌüphunganâwe.SobonanâkwâÌìona. ndiqcqeshe ndiphâtle abasebenzi bâsekhiÌshid.NdiDomdlaebânlwini
tMaÌy KuÌungile. SebenzakâÌuhle. UndibuliselekuThândi rldilckulungiseniìzidlo. Ndithandâ ukusebenzâkwindawo enondh,
naDanÌwâna. todwa into endirÌgayiúandiyo ngâmânye âmaxeshakúusebenzn
UThemba Enkosi-llbê nempeÌâ-vekieÌìrnandi- llyufc ezininzineeshifti.Ezo zinto zindenzandiive ndicinezelekiÌe.
(â) UTheÌnbânoMâÌy bâncokolâphi? jiyuÈ
.odok ordcÌ
(b) Baphilânjrni? rhoscthinas
lNiJlo(izi-) nêaÌ en ztntó
(c) Bâya phi uL-uzebancokolekancinci? l o cndiB4/ithandiyo +çhât I do roÌ like cinezcìekiìe hc stÌessed
(d) UThembâuvìryisânanoMàr} Kütheni?
(€) UThenbâ uzaL:uyâphi?
5 Who's uho?
ThÌee peopÌedescrib€whât theiÍ woÌk eníâiÌs-They aÌe:
NdithandâukudìbananabântunokìÌthethânâbo nokubaphulaphuÌâ-
a chef (cook) umpheki Ndiüandâükubhalaananqakungabântunângezintoezenzekaimihlâ
(b) a joumalist intatheÌi Ígemibtâ. Ndenzâuphandoryebaü Ìam ndilìbhale kwiHrcnpyuthâ
(c) a Ìeceptionìst iÌì â hoteÌ iÌeceptionist yehoteli yâm. Ndisebenzâyonte imihla iiyure ezininzìL:wanangempela
Match thejob descriptionwith thejob:
-pbulaphula listen inqaku (mà ) úicle
1 Ininzi into ekutunekandiyeDze!Mandìnìchazelengonsebenzìwâm.
Ndisebenzâ eFmnt-Office. Ndamkelâ iìndwendwe xâ zifita
ndizibonise iÌÌdlela ezizâ kuhlâlâ ngâyo ehotele. Ndiseb€nzâ
noosonashishini beli lìzwe nabâÍìanye âmâzwe ngokunjaÌo Ndi
nâbâkhenkethi. Lo msebenzi unobunzimâ gqithâ ngamânye Read and und€ÌstaÍd
âmaxeshâ.AbâÌìye abâryeleli bathâl^za kâkìúu, kuftÌnekâ ukuba
ndizisombuluÌê kwây€ zorike izikhâìàzo. Abânye bafuna ukwazi With the help of the vocabularyyoü shouldbe able to undeÌstândúe
iindâwo ezithandwangabâÌhenkethj, imeko yelizwe njaÌo, njalo. following adv€risemenrs(iaâziso):
Kufüneka ukuba ndibanike iingcombolo ezichaìekileyo. 6) KUFANWAÚNONTIÁLO-NTLE
Ndisenokubâ semsebenzini xa abanye abantu belele okânye Unbutho wenuufuna inkonzoyomntuo.o deleloyo
onokusebenza nzimdek khuseÌeniabantwana.
chaala explain (to) ineto (ü') útuation Itinío ezifu ekdlo karye ngmavd ekügcineni abantu'ma,
úndwendwe(iin ) guest úg@nbolo (iin, infonâtion iphepha lokúqh bd oktlôeazì uhtthetha isixhoss.
sonbulúla solle chdekjleyo prÌse Ukükwaziakihetha nesNcesi nesiBhulukakuhle
kwâye úd *e... belele shen... m
isikhaluo (i?i ) conpiaìíts asleep KuJ,akuthethwanangômr zo nSokwmava awo omsebenzi
Utkmele iCV neereÍe,esì ezintathuzabantu
ctinokuqhasamshelananubu.w Naìi loltu t|-
Ndi unsebenziku- Umhlú i'okuyala isicelo ngu-.

t rl Ndingathetha noMnumzana
MayI speakto Mr Thamsanqa?
UThembâ Hello, Dâvid. Kunjâni, lnfoDdiú?
UDavid Oo, moÌo MnumzanaThamsanqa.NdiphiÌile, enkosi.Wena?
UThenìba Hayi, sìkìona. Ingâbautataukhona?
UDavid Ewe. Yima kâncinci. Ndizâ kumbiza.
After erchanqíng pleasonterìes, Peíer and Ihembd continue their

UThemba Molo Pet€r NguThembakweli câlâ. Enkosi ngokufowuna.

NgeÌìshwâbendisendanganisweni iÍìini yoÌìÌe ! Ndi*utunene
In this Unit you tnitl ledtn hoüt to.:
umyaÌôzowakho sekublwile-
I cornmunicateon the telephone UPeter AyinâÌnsebenziloo nto. Núyazi ul:ubâuxâÌekiìe!
I maÌe arangementsto meet,ircluding place ard time UThemba Sizâkudibanangabaniixeshangomso?
UPeteÌ Kunjâni ngo 9.30?
UThemba KuÌungile.Phi?
Incoko UPeteÍ PhambikwesangoelilúuÌü.
UThembâ KulungiÌe, siza hrba lapho ngo-9-30.Sobonana!
PeteÍphonesThembato makearÍarìgemenlsto Ìneet at úe cricket.
UPeter Sobonarìa!
UPeteÍ Hello, rìdingathetha noMnumzana Thamsanqa? Ingâba
uthona? Thenext tu)mine'Ihandi phonesJennr.
UNobhala Ndingabuzaukubangubaúiofuna ukuthethanaye? UJe ìy HeÌlol
UPeteÍ Ewe, nguPeterMuÍÍay lo uthethayo. UThandi HelÌo, ndingâthethanoNkosikaziMurÌay?
llNobhala Khawubambe njalo, Mnumzana MurÍay. Ndiza kubona UJeDny Molo Thandi,ndim!
ukubaukhonanâ phâyae-ofisini ya.lche. UTlìandi Oo uxolo siúandwa sam, k1ìângendilichane ilizú lêklÌol
UPeteÍ Kulungile. Unantonina?
UNobhala Mnumzana MuraÍ ndilusizi, uM umzana Thamsanqa UJeÌÌny Awu, ndinon*lÌuhlâne kâncinci phofu!
atakho okuÌangokü.Usaphumile. UThândi Oo, ndiluzisi. NúL:uforrunelâ kuba rDna noThemba siya
tlPeter Uyâzi u&ubauza kìrfika nini nâ? kwirest)'u eÌrtsha yezâliwaNtu úgokulìlwa ngoMgqibelo.
UNobhâla Ndilusizi, khansearsho.Unsathandauhshiya umyalezo? Situna ukunimeÍìâ wena noPeter.Ningeza? Ucinga uhba
UPeter Ewe, uze uÌnxeleleuhba ndituna ukuqhakamshelâna naye uzaL:ubaseleübhe.eÌe?
malunganeqakamba yansomso.MhlawuÌnbiansandiíowunela UJenny Oo, ingande loo nto. Benditundângalooresúu kwiphepha-
ekhayansokublwa. ndabaryempela-vekiepheliÌeyo.Ndatshondar,rr' i.lr*cwe!
UNobhalâ Kulunsile Mnumzana MurÌây. Ndiza L:unxelela. Ngubani Ul:utya kwâyo kwândikìumbÌrzaubuntwaDabam. Sasizìtya
inombolo yefowuni yakìo? zonte ezo zinto zâkwâNtuefanìa!
UPeter Ngu 531-3767. UThandi Heke, mândikuÌânde úuze sidibane noPeteÍ noThembâ
UNobhala Kúunsile,MnunzanâMuÍây. erest)'uemvakomdÌâÌoweqâkamba.
UPeter Núyabúela. Bye. UJenny UngabaundincediÌe,sithandwa.Sobonana!
uNobhalâ Bye, MnumzânâMürây.
fhenba retunl, Peters ca that evening.Davìd anwêrs thephone.
llDavid Daúd Munay speaking.

Isigâma ! Horo to ...

Cotnmunicate on the telephone uhen you arÍe
mafting úe call
N81r _ othethâ]]d.
qhaÌmshcldâ M- N$r_ kwÉü câlâ.
mâlunga.â' aboul NdìngâlhethânoÌ-úìuúzãtra _, nceda.
ngokühlwâ iÌ úe evedrc bendifunda Ndicela ukuthethâ ÍoMnumzânâ
inonbolo nünbeÌ n laru. ì.i"kúe Oo, Ìdolo, khâúge nútchâng ilizwi lakhol
tçel cala on this side kbuúbúa []khonâ rMnüÌrzânâ _?
bendisendeseiswni I was at a úetìng ubuÍrsana lfthoÌrâ r.Nko6ikâzi
sekuHvjt alÈâdy erding lânú Ur indelq rìiÍi?
Uogaffedâ uÀliÍalg kwi-ofisi kaMnuturnâ _
Ndingaw6hiyâ !/nyalezo?
Ndizâ klmfoìvütrelâ kwâkhoDa.

Communicdte on the telephone ohen you ate

onsroerino the call
Ndithetha |râbaÍi?
Ndingabuzâ,r8rbâni rthef halo?
Ndingarnaelêlâìtgubâni ofuDà ukutheths nâ}??
Iima kancirci. ndizâ kurrbiza-
IÌma kancinci, ndiza kul.hangela ukubâukhonâ na-
Ndilusizi d*dkho okwaúgoku.
Uxakekir, komrye ünnxeba. UÍgathândâ ul:ubamba?
Ndingalhafha ínyalezo?
CUTTURE SHOCKPorliomêitwos Í4nìt lÍeoledro o sceneseldom *en in Cop€ Uklìona l,nyilezo?
Íown whên lhê MosizokhêCuhu.olGÍoup oÍ LodyGley in the ÊoslemCope, UngarrshiF üÌnyrlezo?
r€splendêdt Bú i{ìeposrorol
in thènhodilionoldÉs, looko r,ô!rof $ê lègklotuÍe.
wosrudelysholeredwhênthi3lodyt cêllúloÍphonercng.
illosion Itlake orongements to ,neet
Cop€Tmd 8/5/l99ó. Phoìô:BennyG@Ì)
ÍCourt€sy Siza hrdibsnâ Dgâbâdirx€shâ?Phi?
KuqhDi Dgo-g?
Ndiza kudibâÍâ úcÌre phâmbi kwesango
Ndiza kÌtdibâDaúâÌre phambikweÌest,ìr."rrlhülu.
Ndizâ ku,t landa ngo-7. 2 Copulatiues toith etnphdtic ptohouns
Uze uncedeulikg ngex€sha- nnin kisne ngure (ul,ícÃisÃ') ltis hinl her
Ungafki emvâkwex€shâ! Lis Ír ngúbo (abúncedisi) Itìs then
nsr € Itir ll"" G.) nsuwo (u'l,seheD,;, IÍis it
Some ídiomt ret.l,tèd to ,ire nini It ts Jo, (pÌ.) ytlo ('fowuni) It ir it. etc.
Ixetho lixho!Ébwe l< ahopbo)yinia. tt's late.
3 lkhona' = 'there' (be present)
{lil. iimehosbeen lqpped up by the dog.)
LiÌe 'âpha'/ 'âpho' = 'herr'/ 'lhere' (ci Unit 5J, 'Ìihora'can be used
xa kumpondo ,(|nkonto very eorly in the moming
{lit.whenÈe hornsof the conleore iustvÈiblel
UsebeDzakhona. Sheworks theÍr/ât thâ. plâce.
xo líbonlu b(,hlê in lhê êoÍly êvening/lwilight
Sizakuba khoDa ngo-9.30. Wê'lÌ be theÌe ât 9.30.
{lit.úen peopleore beoutitul, i.ê. blêmishês oíê lêssobvious!)
It can aÌsob€ usedwith â subject corcord:
ngotweniyvndtq in úê êõ y êvêning/ dusk
(lir.ot úe fimeúor robbitscomêoutoÍ úêir woÍrcnsl Ulhoìri 4ïhembs? Is Th€mbath€Ìe?
Bwe,ukhona- Yes,he (is) therc.
lkhonaifo\runi? Is there a phone?
Aêk uhethet gou moy use aomeone'ê phone Bwq ikhona. Yes,ìr (is) theÌe.
Ndingasebendsâtfoìrüd yalúo, À/kosikrzi / MDumz€nâ? Lükhona,ísiba? Is ther€ a peD?
Bv,/e,lukhonâ. Yes,it (is) therê.
Ask uhete the nedrest publ c phone is Ilhona ip€Ììsile? Is therc a pencil?
lphi doÌíuìi ka\yonkê-wonkeékuftrtshme? Ewq ilhona. Yes,it (is) lheÌê.

Ask to borrorlo o telephone ditectory

Kukho iphepha? Is therepaper?
Ndifrttra mombolo. Ndingabol€kâídircctory yakìo yefoÌ/íuni? Ewe, kükho iphephaelâfileni. Yes,lherc is papeÍ on the tabÌe.
Kukho imiyalezo? AÌe lhere ÌÌressages?
@ Horo it works Ewe, hrlho imiyâlezo. Yes,theÌê aÌe messâges.

(copulothrc) In the negâtive'-khon&' > '-kho' :

I ltlore expressions incorpotqttng'ng:
llkhona üThemba? Hayi, dftdkìo.
'It;t wào lrão'... ? = 'NSubani,- ...'?:
llkhonâ ürffebenzi? Hayi, alrükho.
Ngubad qthethalo? Ikhona ifowüDi? Hayi, ryikho.
NÉrÌhni 4[una ükuthethÀtrâ]?? Ikhonâ rpeÍÌsile? Hayi, ryiHro.
NguPeterMÌmây alhethâyd? Lükhonâ rcib.? Hayl alukho.
'Ngubâni' wiú otheÍ expressions,trânslâting'Whât íç?:
Xjubani ,kesha? What ir the timê?
Nsubâni igamâ lakÌÌo? What rir your üâúê?
N$bãni ifâni yalìo? 'WIrât is youÌ surnâmê?
4 Prepsitions lollowed by 'kwa. 6 Numetols
The foÌÌowìng Fepositions are usedtreforenor.nsexpressingpÌace,úm€ You âIe âlreadyfamiliâÌ ruith the úumeÌalsl-{ (cf. Unit 6,2):
LmDtWânA omnye iÍcwadì €qye
aba,ntvãn abahiírì irrcwadi ezit4bin;*
emvs kwâ- aóantwânâ aàdthathu iincwadi ezilllattlJtÍ
behind afteÌ abona'Ãânà abone iircwedi ezìw
€mvâ kÌv€sângoemvakwemini aóantwâÌrâ aòahlânu irrcwadi ézr'zltlanü
emvâ komthi emvâ komdlalo aòdntwânâarathâÍdâthu iincwâili éZ,4!ândathü
The souÍd changes causedby 'n' in the adjêctivâl coìrcord 'e.i4'-:
Ígâpha llê kwa- *b nrfluences a preceding'n': u+ b > !qb, ï !+ là> 4, q+bÌ > ú1,
outside besides Il+n>!,
ngâphsnillel:weresqlr ngaphandlekokuúerhâisixhosâ, NumeÍâìs 6-10 are noürÌs (not âdjectivalstemsÌike l-ó):
uúetha nesisurhu
ljrxhenxe: abaní anà drdtixherxe 7 (lit. which are 7)
iribhozo: dr.rntwânâ aàÍr!;bhozo 8 (lìt. which are 8)
phâmbi kwâ-
,lhobâ: ttlidnh{sÍÌâ abalithobã 9 (Ìit. which âre 9)
in fÍoni ,shumi: dàanhvânâ ardlishumi l0 (lit. which âÌe 10)
phambi kwerestyu phambi kwesidlo
Numerâls fmm 11 oÍwârds âre moÌe complex thân then Englìsh
e4uivalents,but luckily for leârners,even Xhosa speâÌeÍsoften use úe
phakathi kwâ- Enslish numenls above10.
t'etween (büt note phâkâthi €bhokisai You misht liÌe to kÌow:
phâkâthi komâleko = iDsiderÍe box)
100 ;khulu (dne)
1,000,000 isigüi
undeÍ (1'utnotetìlala phatrtsi!
Can you work out what 'Ísozigidi' (oo-) means?
phantsi kwetafile = Sit dowí!)
Ordiml numbers 1-10:
phezutwa- -olar.$l^ u tr.rw \ wokuqal^ 1st
on topof (but noteJongaphezulU! isibini &nntÌrana uribini
phêzukw€khabhathini = Looküp!) iritbathu ürmtwana 3d
irrhe -4iÍhathu
ü'nntwâ|ra }'z,rin€ 4th
Note: 'phâDtsi kwar and 'phezu kwsraÍe alsousedin compaÌatives: trihlanu ü/rntwara l'e.Íihlânu 5ú
kesha linqâbeDgaphezukweÍnâli. Time is morc scâíc€thsn money. rrr'thandathu ürmrt!í raresithandathü 6th
Ndinemali €ngaphaÍsi kweyatho! I havelessmoney0ran you! ,rr'xheÌrxe ,/ríntwa||ar?,tiú€nxe 7th
iribhozo ürrnt\nanâ }l,eJibhozo 8th
Also followed by 'krva. : 'ecâkni kwâr = 'dr the side of.
,rithoba ümntwatralrerr'thoba 9th
irtshümi ümntrrratralreJ.shumi lOlh
Nüm€rals in €xpÌ€ssiom of time 7 '-tri?' = 'rthot', shoítened Íofln oÍ'ÍloÍi?'
Expressingúe time in Xhosâ is difficult. Even )üìosâ mother tongle Whenthe shoÍeÌredfolm of 'ntoni?' = '-ni?' is usÊdit müslbe suffixed
speakeÍso1ìen exFess the time in English. Espe€ially in informal
conversarion.However,úe time is aìwaysgiven in )üosa on úe radio,
esDeciâIÌvât newstime. Ufuna ntoni? \|at do yoü wânt?
Ufunani? What do you want?
Wenzantoúi? What âÍe you doing?
Ngsbâtri riesha? oit. Who is úe tiúe?) Wenzani? What âre you doing?
Liúúi tx€shâ? (lit It sayswhât thetim€?)
Note With úe veÌb '-thi' = 'say' only úe shoÍenedfoÍÍn is usedas cân
Ng\t-ll2l3l4l5 It's 1 / 2 | 3 | 4 / 5 o'clock. be seenin the fo[owins idiomâtic exFessions:
fi,lisimbi yo,tqaÌa / yerrbini / (1i1.It3 the fiÌst / second/ Lithini ixeshâ? Whât is úe tine?
yer,'thâthu / ye.r;ne/ yeíhlânu. third / fourth / ffíÍh beÌ) Kwenzekeni?/ Bekutheni? WhâÍ hâppened?
Ngcbânitxeshâ? Át what lime? UtheÍi na wena? Whal's ú€ matter qrilh you?
Neo-l/ 213 1415. Atll2l3/415o'clock. Ndinsathíd? How do I go aboutthis?
Ngentsimbi yotÌrqâla / yeribini / At the ffÌst / second/
Q How to apply it
yerithâthu / yertn€ / yer;hlânu. thiÌd / fourth / fifth bell.
When it comesto exFessingthe time oúeÍ úan on the hour the English I Answer the qüestions
follns arc used,even in more folmâì situâtions,for example'Iìkota past
6'is mÌrcheasierandqúckeÍ to saythân: 'fimüuzü er,shumi€lmantlânu (a) UThembâulhonâ? Hayi,
emvâkwerÍsimbi yerrlhandafhu' 0it. It is minules which are tr'n which (b) Uza kuba khorìango-4? Hayi,
have ffve afteÍ the b€lÌ of six); simiÌârly 'Ngehaf past 2' is much easier Uza kubuyâ kamsinya? Hayi, nâmhlânje.
andqücker to saythan 'Ng€câlaemvakwerÍsimbi yestbiÍi' (Ìit. Àt past (d) UPeteruse-ofisitri? Huyl, -, -ekhaya.
the side after úe b€ of tìro). Ukhonaumyalezo? Huyi,
(0 I*honâ ifowuú kawoD&e- Hâyi,
6 Exprescions such ds'iÍestlu Vgzakwâìltu' lli oDte ekìúrtshane?
TheÍe âÍe nâny expressionslike this in Xhosa,i.e. incorpoÍâtinga double Complete úe dialogüe
possessive,for example'iÌ€st),u yezakwaNtu', úe fult form of wbich is Hello, (a) (canI speak)noMÌ,Jl'Ìzanarhansânqâ?
iÍesryu yg + izinlo + @ + kwaNlu = iresBÌr fezinto ZakwaNtu o) (/,,, rrrrJ) uxakekile komnye umÌueba.
(a restâurântof things of tradition). However úis full forÌn is contÍacted Khawubâmbenjalo.
to ìresryuya + 'i' of izinto + zâ + L:waNtu= iÌestlu yezâÌwaNtu.
AÍer someninutes.
Here aÌe someotheÍ examplesyou ÌrÌay comeâcÌoss: UMnu ïúmsanqa (c) - (ìs sti bttçyr. Ungathanda
UÌnìÌeli wez€Ìnidìalo sportseditoÍ ukubamba okânye ungathanda(d)
UmìÌeÌi wezopoÌitiko political editor nessage)'!
Umcebisiwezomlhetho lesal advisor Ewe,(e) (tell hím ttut I wíU írt to
UmphâlhiswâweBngaphandle ministeÍ of forêign âffain phone hin asain in the afremoon).
Umphâthiswâwezenfundo minìsteÍ of edücâtion Enkosi. Kannandi.
Umphâthiswawezolimo ministeÍ of âgricütture
AbâÌimi b€zekhayâ

Give the dialogue a ttde 5 R€ôd the conversaiion

UDâvid Hullo, nguDaúd kweli câlâ. Ndingâthôthanovuyo? UVal Molo Xoliswa.
Ilizwi Bh, uvuyo? AtìrklÌo Vuyo âphâ.Utunâ eyiphi inombolo? LÌXoliswa Molo sisi. Nisaphilaphofu?
uDavid Ndifuna i-6334253. UVâl HâÍ, siphilile so*e. NúyaL:ufo$rmelakubandingaúanda
Iizwi Hayi,ndíusizi,longu-6334352. ukubuza ukuba sinokudibânâ na kwaklÌonâ. Kunjani
UDavid Khaxuphinde.Yintoni inombolo yefowuni yâkho? nsokuyakubukelafi limu?
Ilizwi Ngu-633-4352. Uxoliswâ Eyiphiifilimu?
LlDavid Owu, uxolo, yinombolo ewrongo. UVal SiÍryah]ukel^'D.lnp íhe G n'.
Uxoliswa Neelphi ìmini?
Read, ünderstand ând ân$r€Ì rthe questions IJVaÌ Ngolwesine?
See how welÌ you have undentood úe diâlogue by answedngthe Uxoliswa Hayi, andizi L:übâ kÌo ngolwesine. Kunjani ngo-
questionsthat follow: Mgqibeìo?
Boôdle js lookingÍor aJobdunDBúe bolidâys. IJVâÌ Hayi, uMgqibeÌo âkaÌungì kum. Uza kuphumeleÌâ
UMncedisi Molo. kukwaBizo's Takeaway.Ndingaloìnceda? UxoÌiswâ KuÌungiÌe.
uBongiÌe Ngabandinganirmana uNksk. Bizo? lryâÌ Utunâ ndikuphuthumengâbâniixeshâ?
UMncedisi Akakho. Usaphumileokwângoku.Ungashiyaumyalezo? Lxolis\ra Ngeútsimbiy€sihÌanu.
UBongile Kúungile. Ndive ukubâ üfuna umntìr oza hrncedisa UVâl Kul!ìngile. Sizâkubonanake ngecawa.Salakakuhle.
kwishishúi lakle. Ndifuna ukwenzâisic€lo. [Jbuyaúni? Llxoliswa Kâìnnandi.
UMnc€disi Andiqinisekângâ.
Imagineihat Xoliwsa teÌls anotherfÌend abouther cbat with vali
UBongile Ndingâphúdandifowunenini?
(a) I spoke to Val today.
LìMncedisiZamaul:uíowmâ ngentsimbiyesidúndaúu. Khawushiye
(b) We are soins to seea film on Sunday.
igamalakìo nenomboÌo.
(c) Canyou coÍnewiú us?
UBongile lgamalan nguBongileThansanqa.Unokunútsalelâkule
(d) val is soins to fetch Ìne at 5 o'clock.
UMncedisiMandiliphinde igama. UnguBongile Thamsânqâ. 6 Say you have
Inombolo ithi 70555. (a) tbÌee cbildÌeD.two daushten and a son
UBongile Kulüngile. Enkosi. Usalekakuhle. (b) fouÍ nessases
UMncedisi KaÌnnândi. (c) two telephonenumbers
íd) five tickets
(a) UBongile ufuna uf:uthethanabani?
íe) sia letteÍs
O) UMsk. Bizo ukhona?
(c) UBongile ushiya o*uphi umyalezo? El 7 Lbten to the dialogue and say whetheÌ the statements
r are correct or not
(d) Uza kuzâmaukufowunangeyiphi intsimbit
(a) Thandi is in a hury.
(b) Shehasto so shopping. ves
(c) ShepÍepffes a party for Friday.
(d) Sheonly invites Nomsaand Sipho.
(e) Nomsâhasto ãskSipho tust. ves
176 xHosÂ
- uNtïìr

8 Engtsh equivalents oÍ newspaper / magazine section
hêâdings Kumdlalo weqakamba
Use the heâdingsi (a) FoÍ the Chjìdren, O) Healú Matte$, (c) At the crícketmatch
Business,(d) Finânce,(e) SpoÍt, (0 Entertainment,(g) For TeenageÌs
ândíh) Educâtion.
I EzemidÌalo 5 Ezolonwâbo
2 EzÈmpilo ó BzabaÌtÌrana
3 Ezolutshâ 7 EzerÌ'tundo In thiê Unit Vou l1'Jill leatn how to:
4 Ezoshishino 8 Ezenaü
I askaboutpast spoúinginvolvementandrespond
9 Complête th€ questloÍrs I askaboutpÌ€sentspoÍing irvotvement ând respond
(a) Ndiúetha I askwhât someonedoesto ke€p fit
G') _ otheúâyo? I sây whatyoü do to keepfit
(c) Utuna _? I askwhetheÌ someonehashobbies
(d) Utuna inombolo?
- I saywhat your hobbiesaÍe
(e) _ igâmalâÌlìo?
(0 _ inomboÌoyâkho yâsekhaya?
(h) _ inomboloyâkho yasemsebeDzini? lncoko
(ì) _ i-âdetesiyâÌho?
Düing the ÌunchbreâkPelerândThembawalk aroundúe cricket ground
(j) Ndinsâkwenzelâ ?
wheÌeseveÌâÌmìni-cÍicket mâtchesareon the go and,amongoúer úings,
(k) Ndingâkunceda 'l
tâìk âboutthe wây cricket has becomeso popúâr tbÌoughoutthe whole
(Ì) _ inexaki?
(m) Kwenzeke ?
UThemba Kuhìe kâÌ.úuÌu ukubona umdla kangakaL:wiqakambakule
lO Which verb Íits? mihla. JongâbonkeabaMâkhayâ Ntini basaklulayobedlala
Use these verbs to fÍ ihe spâcesconectly (a) bamba,(b) -shiya, iqakâmba!
(c) -cothisisa,(d) -phindaand (ê) -faha. tlPeter Inene. Kule mibla naphinâ apho ujongâ kionâ, L:ukìo
atrakhwentweadlalaiqakêmba.wena TheÍnba"waçuidlâÌâ
1 Uxolo. andivêkal:uììe, ungâ- kwâÌhona?
iqakambange€ntsukuzaklD usesesikolweú?
2 Ungaúandauku_ umyâÌezo?
UïÌìemba Ewe, ndandithanda kakúulu ukudlala iqakârnba.
3 Ungândi kwi-ofisi kâMnu. Bizo?
Ndandingunscini-pali. NdinsuÍìbeúi kanjâlo. Inene,
4 UsâxâkehlekomnyeumÍxeba. UngathaÍdauku ? ndalldi\rllâ âmanseno!
5 UthethangokukìârruÌezâkaÌhulu. Unga ? UPeter Nyhani!
tnhernba WeÌla,InfoDdiÌi, wawudlâlaeyiphi imidlalo?
UPeteÌ Heke. ndandidlalâ inÌeneÌyâ nombhoxo ngeentsukuzâm.
Ngelishwa, yophukâ ingalo yaÌn ndisâdlâÌâkwi-under 15.
Emva koko zângendiphindendidÌâÌembhoxokwâkhonâ.
UThemba Wawudlalândâwoni?

lcoud,êsy Cricker
BolonoBoÍoío winning lhê WoÍld Clp of Noliods in 199ó
UPeter NdandisisilÍaanafu. Nangonâ ndandingadlali qakamba (Bono,Morch 199ó. Phorosby locôb MoÈke ond Southlighl)
ndithanda kaHÌülü ükuyibukeÌâ ügakumbi xa sidlaia
ibholâ etlìâg7wayo?
UThemba Be ndiyazamaukubaÌekakaúathu ngeveki kwaye ndidlala
Uïtìemba Ndandidlalaumbhoxo.
isikhwashi /'"qo. Wena,Ìníondini'
UPeter Kweyiphi indawo?
UPeter MD4 ndithandaukukhwela ibhayisekile kwâye ndiyazama
UThemba Ndandiyindodâyesibhozo.
nokunyuka intaba ngeecawa. Kodwa ngarÌanye amaxesha
UPe.eÍ Kunjani ngôbhoÌâekhatywayo?Wawuyidlâla?
kunzima ukufumana ithuba lokwenza loo nto kuba
UThemba Ewe, ndândi)idÌâlakodwa ndandilhethaumbhoxo.
umsetyeDzâna wam wokuzonwabisakìrkuchwela.
UPeter Uyâyibonâ phofu indlela umdlalo onanândla ngâyo
UThemba Owamkukufota, 4úa ke. Kodwa ke, liphi ixesha?
UThembâ Unyanisile. Khumbula ukuxlÌaswa kwdr,rdBhokobhoko Thecncketerscone back on to therteA aÍer the lunch brcak.
sisizwe sonle ngexesha lomdlâlo wamânqam! Ngubani uPeter Jonga,abadlalibabuyile; isidlo saseminisiphelile. Umdlalo
ongalibalaukuculwa hrkaTshotsholoza ngeÌizwi elinye uza kqala nsoL:u.Masibuyeletvizilìlâlo zeúul

UPeteÌ Inene,ndiqinisekile ukubaul:ucüla kwesihlwelekwawanika

UTh€mbâ Yho! Ingubani ongalibalaigugu ebuswenibukaMongameli *Alúougt PresideÍt Mardela never played n8by, his interestin úe ga@ 8@s
Mandelaenxiba ijezi kaNo. 6 ephetheindeb€beyithe qrrÌrü back to his youth. He remembersihe plãÍtrg days of the fomeÍ Tmskei
phezulunoFrancoisPienaar* honelúd l@der KD Mar@iM wìü a chückÌe: 'When he was tekled, the
UPeter NeBafana Bafânâ yafumana kwâ enjalo inÌxaso. spectatorswould call out "help the son of a chief" (Cap. Tws 161311,994.
yaphumelelakwiAfÌican Cup of Nations. Kanene, wenza AÍicle by RoeerFriedm ed Bèúy Gool.)
luthamboluni kule mihlâ ukuzigcinauphilìle?

Isigama being the fi6t Xhosa-speaking

undlãlo wâÌDÌqâú 6nâì (gaúe) oicketer to be sèlecledto rêpreseít
rahle í\ lorely
uküiìswâ süptoí SoÌth Aftica. In 1990úe shnny 14
iqaÌâmha cijcÌet yeü old was tust spottedby Border
isünweb coçd
bsâÌìulayo blddins üit. still Crickel Developmentofücer
kwawanikaümoya give Ìhen the
bedlala plâyjlg Malhayâ Ntini was'discovêÌed'ând
hãs not l@ked bek sincè.
nãphim everyçhêrê He represetrted BorderU-l5a agâinst
wawdlâla...? didyôüplay,..l a toúing Englandtem úd wú
iinlsuku days consideredthe bestfdt bowÌerthe
uÉsesikolseni yoü still being EÍgÌish teamhad fâced.\\tìÌe ar
at shool school Dâle CoÌÌegehe wd chosen
ndddithdda I loved, ìited for Souú'ìL Anicâ Ul 9 1otour Englând
urgcinipali wickeúeper whft he playedat the hâlowed
Mbethi b{tsnm MCCI He âlsotouredAusúaliâ with
mangêno nnngs
the Dale CoIege toui!8 tem. He
showedthat he wasnol oÌúy a very
nyhanll really!
tâÌentedf6t bowÌerbut that he wd
intenetya temis m slouchsith the bat scoring102to
ümbhoxo ê.ld to his towüDe peÌfomdce of 5
-ophuka -gby
be bmten
zmee.djphind. I íev€r again In 1998in hìs debutfoÍ SouthAfricâ
ndawobi? phâtposilion?
againstNew Zealdd he took 2
isiÌEnnâfü stuÍúEr
núgo.a alúough (Suidd! 7:ws 2311111,997
, His inteÌestitr cricket was
ndmdineadìaìi I didnÌ pÌay PictuÌe ThomasTwk CouÌÍesy undoubtedÌytblter€d by his Ìate
mqela aphesheyaovê^* teams râúer who piâyed at clüb cricket
ibhota ethârylayo !@cd (ìit. ball In 199?â yoüg nm from MdinBi, level while his uncle Lìrngile
wàich is tick€d a viÌlage l5 hn ftom Kirg Willim's Makhulu still plays in the ána.ala
< ìòaba = kict) Town ma.le cricketing hjstory by
indoday€slbhom 8th han
phofu in facr
nmndla nasúe power Cultural background
'The unclesgr€etedeachothertumultuously.ApaÍt from blood linLs
ohundya of üiting
isizw€ nalion
they had other ties. They hâd taught at Lovedalelogeúer beÍbre I
wasbom. In family albumsI hadpouÌedoverpictuÍesof süchúings
as the s1affcricket teamin which they had both played.All my üfe
the menin my family werecricket mad; whenúey 'Íooted for Soüth
Afiica' in Teú Matchesabroadandfor pÍoúDcial teamsât homeând
fo[owed then fortunes in newspapeÍsând on Íâdio despìte the
policy of apartheidin spoÍ.' (Noni Jabam IÍ€ Ochre People -
Scenesfron a SouthAfrícan lrïs, John MurÌây, London, 1963)
Tshotsholoza Reêpond to question' obout yout past slÍmrtíng
(onomatopoeic the soundof a stean trâin) lnootoement
Tshotsholoza! Ndândidlâlâ:
Kwezo ntabaStimelasiphum'eRhodezhiya iqâkâmbâ
Wen'uyabalekakwezontabâ útenetyâ
Wen' uyabalekal rrnbhoxo
Stimelâsiphum'eRhodezhiyâ.' irikìdâshi
ibholâ ékhârylEâ]ó
lThis is often sung by worken to sive each rìoki
otherencouragemen , henceits adoptionâsthe tbholâ yonnyâzi (netbal)
unofficial anlhem rÁel AnaBhokobhoko
neededthat little exta someúing Ìo win the ngeentsukuzaÍÌ ndilgsestkolwert/ ndilgséyüivtsithi.
rugby World Cup in 1995.1 Ndândidlâlâ ;r,kÍârÍhâíu / tndodâ yesibhozo/ iphikâ (wing).

Ask dbout prese t spoÍtín.g inuotuement

'TshotshoÌoz.ã, a road menderí ditty or work-song, is a populâÌ
'haiú song' of which thereis a whole repeÍoire bâsedon the theme Uyâdlala?
of úilway travel. It imiÌated úe soundof â steâmenginepuÌÌing out Udlala ntoìi?
of a station [...], and âs it gaúeÍs spe€dând settledinto â rcgúar Ur âla phi?
Ìhytbm, the voices combine ìn four pâÌts accoÌnpâniedby Ur âla kw"liphi iqeÌa?
temendous thumps of feet stessing Íbe beaÍ: 'STIMela sípham' Uqeqeshaphi?
eRHODe-zhIyAl' t...Ì The voices blended togetheÌ exhoÍing the Uqeqeshva ífubâni?
enginein the vocative, 'IytN'ryd ,arc,ta', jnflections that pÌaised
the locomotive's mâgnificent períormânceon that ttro-thousand Reapond to queations about your p?eaent spotti'|g
nile joumey acÌossÌawÌy wld, ÌÌÍoÌd9h mopani ïoíest, gradaúons inooloement
of plateâux,kaÌoo, mountains,valÌeysuntil the coâstis rcached.' Ndidlala iqakamba / ; tenetya / unbhoxo / ;.Íikwashi / ;bholâ
(Nori làbà\tr, Th? O(hR People) €khstlva)o / ihoki / ibhola yonnyazi
Á"dtdl5li ,ldalo.
Ándisadlâli ndlâlo.
\ Horp to ... Árdimlo ix€sha Ìokudlâla rmidl.lo.
Ask í,bout someone's po,st apotting inooloement Ask ta,h.rt someone does to keet fit
Wâwudlâla €y;phi imidlalo Ígeentsuku zakhousçserikolìv€ri? W€trzâhthâmboluni uhngciÍâ uphiltle?(seeUnit 15.6)
nbìlrdâlâ ey,pt, t drltâlo ngeeDtsukuzâkhoulqse]Ìfivesithi?
nalsdlâlâ ndaÌvoni?

S@y rúhdt you do to keep lit

Ndiyabâlekâ. Ì rul'
Ndiyaqübha. I swim.
Ndiyúâmba"hambà. I wâlk.
Ndìn]ìrka intâbâ/ entabeni. I do mourtâin climbing.
NdikhrY€lâibhâyisekiÌe. I cycle.
Ndikhwela rrndhashe. I do horjê údiDg.
Ndiyâdatrisa. I do bâìlÌoom dsncing.
Ndiyaxhentsa- I do traditioDâl dâÍcing.

Ask whethet sorneone ho,s hobbies

Unâ)o imiseô,€ÌzâuÂyol:uzonwabisâ?

s.oy lauh.|t!@ur hobbies ote

NdiyachweÌâ. I do woodwoÌk.
Ndiyalotâ. I do photogràphy. ,úULI!-CULruRÂLCOPSlha:e SouthAÍriconPolìceSeryìcêmêmbors
Ndiya*rthanda ìr,hrfundâ. I like r€ading. spênd mosloÍ Èeir sporê Ìimê doncins thê lrodilionol woy Theyle
Ndiculâ tptkwayâÌi. I sing ;n a úoiÌ. lrlng lìopromoiecultuõl divêrsitywilhin theirsêNicê
Ndiyathüngâ. I s€w.
NúyaÌithâ. l:ôwtesy Cope fìnes 17/5/t 99ó. PìctuíêAlon Toylorl
Ndiyazoba. I pâint. lzirúo zokuhambisa ix6hâ (pastimes,
NdisebeDzaegadüi. I gard€n.
NdiyaÁztbândâ,rt lobâ. I like fishing.
/ tTV
Ndenzâizitya neembiza I do pottery. . utulhulâphì a íntculo (music) ngeeteyiphunange€CD
ngodongwe. ukuphülâphulâ ünomathotholo
NdiqoÌelels izitrmpü. I colled stamlr. Th€ woÍd momâthoürclo = 'radio' comes from the association
Ndiyalüka. I do wêâving. betw€€nthe disembodiedvoiceswhich ceÍlaiúüâditionalhealenwho
Ínay hâve spiÍits nìanifest in úemselves - voices, whisdes, etc.
(regaÍdedâsbothrdÌe andsin€plar,aÌìdaÍ honorÍ ftom úe aÍcestols)
Culturul background
Ukuxhentsa ooNotúaÌHorHoto
Unxhentso is a traditional )Oìoeadance consisring of Íhythmic 'ôonomotfi otfiolo boyezc oÍe comine
Ìhe wil,chdocloÍs
movements,stâmpingfe€t andvadousgestüresaccompâniedby the eorly in morninghey qrê coming.
singing andclappingof womenând giís. Theyofe coming eorìy in lhê morning
9oye2al' They6rê comingl
This danceis peíormed by womeú and men a. b€er ildnking, by
men ai a wedding(lr'ldudo) andby a diviner while divìdng.

@ Honr it works llrirÌr thesecâpúonsyou can seethât úe subjectconcoÍds refening to

('f$$scsl/la; U2^ aÍtd 6 aE -c'i -È9' ; 'gr Ì€spectively.The subject
7 The pattícipia,
doncordsrefemrg to all úe otheÌ clâssesâÍe the sameas the shoÌt íoÍms
The paÌticipiâl construction,similar Ìo rhe English verbal -ing' foÌm 0l'lhe present tenseindicâÍive (cf. Unir 2,2).
(pârticiple), usually denotestwo simútân€ous âctiors. Its use is more
extensivein Xlosa rhan it is in EDglish.As is the casewiú rhe pâssive 'l'hc pâÍticipial cârÌalso be tÍanslâtedâs follows.
construclion,you must be familiaÌ wiú úe participiâl shoutdyou wish Vr'âqaÌâ ukudlalaibhola He startedto pìây socceÌ
to Íead Xhosa teits. Mâny examplescan be found in câprionsundeÌ ekhâtywâyogseneminyaka tglq the ageof eight.
pho(oglaphsin newspâpersandmagâzines: esibhozo.
UEarry nocharles Ukhulecnomdlâtalúulu He srew up r4!!Lâ sÌeat
noSekelaMoneamelí kumdlâlo sebbolâel'Ììarywdyo.IDteresr in
uPri ce Charles wamkelwa blgngenabribala lenídtato. BâncokoÌebgbukelaiqakambâ. They châttedyLils watching
eMz.a si Aftika riNkalumbuso (HaÌry andChaÍlesandthe Deputy cÌicket.
fasecautêng. (O\\hls aÍnval PÍesidententedngihe stadium.)
(coming from l,esotho,hince SometiÍnesÌhe pârticipjâl is not traDslâted jn Engtish:
Charleswas weÌcomedby úe WazâhvâDgo-1970cngunmtwana He wâs bom in 1970,(bqi!g)
PremieÍof câuteng.) wesiihâúu kusapholwabântwana úe third chiÌd in a family of
âbaìÌanü. five children.
UPrínce Charles UsekelaMonaameli, Ufotwe gkunyenabânyeâbadlâlì He wa, photogâphedÓqiag)
encokob noseketaMonsamelì ebulìsaisihtuele etdtfrkeni beqeÌâÌâklÌe. togetheÌwith oúer playersof
nenkosìkaziJakhe.(Prince kyìakhekt /ibúla lenidlalo. Ììls leam.
CharleschaftiDgwith the (The Depu.y PresidentgÍeering Noaê:rri'ìs infixed betweenthe subjectconcord ând a monosyllabic
DepuryPresidentandhis wife.) the crowd on his anival verb stem,e.g.'-yâ' = to go to':
âl the stÂdium.)
Ndiqhwâlelandistyâ. I aÌn limping so!!g along.
(BONA, February,1998,p-44) Lr-' is infixed betweenthe SC ând a yowel v€rb íem, e.g. '-enzâ :
Xa Maafutwe qlibana ... Amadoda aúentse imìni Ungalibali ke, CseÍzâiBA njê, Don't forget then sheis
uNaoni Canpbe uthe kuÁibma yonkeqník'ìmb.ko inkokëli ubâmbemibini imisebenzi. doiag heÌ BA while holding
nobaw' üMadibakufana )dlrr. (The men danced the down fwo iobs.
'nokanratheIaku kukhanra whole day giving rcsp€ct to t]ìeiÍ Use oÍ the porttclpìal form
knelanga' (When úe celebdties leader)
me., Naomi Canpbell sâid üat (BONÁ, Nov€mb€! 1997,p.2l) AfteÍ the coÍ\iunction 'xâ' = 'when' / 'wheneveÍ' / 'if' :
to meerwiü 'her farher'Madiba x gsitshouthethâinyârÌiso. Sayi4g so shetells lhe tluth.
was lìke stpping into the =
After the inteÍÌogaliv€ 'kuth€ni' 'why?' (ct Unit 8.4):
sunshine.) Kutheni engândixelelanga? Why did shenot ÌolÌ me?
(BONA, OctobeÍ,r97, p.3ó)
Ìt is usedafteÍ ceÍtâinâìrxiliary v€rbs, e.g. 'se- / sel_/ sele_'= 'already':
Ukhona? Is he,/sh€lhere?
Hâi, sel'smÌile. No, he/shehasa|Itâdy left.

And also âfteÌ ' soloko' = 'aÌways':

Bô4ziinlshoishelil Theywêrê chompionsl
Wasolokognqwenelaul:udlêlâ He âlwâys wanredto play Belsnzimo olol
ukhuphìswono ll wss o lough compêiilion.
iqaÌâmba njengoÌrúluluÌva cricket like hìs older bÍoth€r Bc@khor:buhlobophokothi Wd5 iherecomoÍôdeíieomong

The pârúcipiâÌ foÌm is also usedâfteÍ the adverbof time 'kudâlâ' = long
Kudalâ psemisha Bekumnondikokhulul
Long âgo whenhe wâs súll
8è&yiminiênêmpumelelo doy Íor our
kv/iqeìo lÌwos o successtul
wâyedlâlâdnanqiÍdi. Young,he usedto box- lelhu. têom.
(liÌ. usedto plây tuts)
*YoumoyÍind 'ubè'used instêodof 'ebê'.
As canbe seenfrom theseexamples,úe paÌticipiâl occursiD rhepresenL
andpaú tenses,bolh positive andnegâtìve(infx '-Ígâr).

2 The cont rrttous,'ecent past tense From úese exâmpÌesyoü can seethat:
1 Ín the unshadedexamples 'be. is simpÌy pÍefixed to the subject
This freqüeÍtly usedpast lenseusuaÌÌy coveÌs êny continued âction or
concords.HoweveÌ,in the shâdedexamples\theÍe úe subjed concoÌds
state düring the r.ec?a,pdrr ândis foÌmed wiú '-bê' + rhe pâÌticipiâI.
consistof â vowel only, the subjectcoDcordsand / or 'ber arc slightÌy
'-be' = 'ìÃ'as'/ 'rvere' is the Íecent past tenseof 'ul:uba' = 'to be' (cf. modified.
UÌit 10.3):
2 ïhe coÌtinuoüs r€cent past Íenseis also u$edto descÍibean actionor
Ndibe ndidlala(very Íarely üsedin eveÌydayspe€ch)= I was I playiÍg processtaking place ât a c€Ìtâitr point in time in the úeâÍ lrast where
shoÍened to + Bendidlalâ= I was playing Bnglishwould simpÌy useúe pasttense:
Belldlala njani iqela lâkho? How did your teamplay (at the
3 Th€ contiúuous recent pâ6t têns€is usednot only with verbs but úíh
copulâtives, inteÌÌogative6, locâtives and descÌiptives as well. These
desqiptives also include stativ€ vêÍbs:
Stativ€ verbs Stâtive verbç
Pnes€nttenÉe pâst teDs,e
Ndixakekile BeDdixâkekilé.
I âm busy. I was busy.
Sithâbâthekik- Besithabathektl€.
We ÌreÌ€ impressed.
Beqidlolonioni HowdÍd rhêscrumholÍ
ploy? Ndingxâmil€. Bendingxâmfu.
Be3!dlolokokuhle Bothscrumholves
ployedwell! I âm in a hurry. I wss in â hufly.
Bonwâbil? abaxìasi! Bebonìrabile abaxhasi!
The supportersâÌ€ happyl The suppoÍteÍs*ere bâppy!
KI]MD].AIO t 9l

Note: As is lhe casewiú úe pâÍicipial, úe two intrxes .J!,and ,-r-' Tlìis lenseoften hâsúe connolâtionof 'used to', which canbe expressed
aìsooccm ìn the continuous r€c€nt Dâsttense. lxplicitly by âdding'-Lâde':
ari ' with veÌbs of orc syllâble: Ndandi&de ndidlalâ. = Ìit. I waslong âgo I plâying.
Bebertthini? Wìat werc they sâfng? Wawudlâlâ ntoni ÍgeÌaâ xesha? \ryhatwercyoì! playingât thattime?
-r- with vowel v€Ìbs: Ndeslidlâlâ iqal(ambâ. I wss plâying cÍicket.
Ndâpding,rngciDi-pali. I was a wickeÌ-ke€per.
Ubueenzântonì izoÌo? Wìat were you doing yesteÌday? What weÌe you playing at that
Naaidlâla ntoni ngelââxesha?
The negative of the continuoÌls pâí têffe ìs formedbyl time?
infxìng 1ngâr andchângingthe finâl vowel to '-i' with €onsonântveÍbsi Ss!,rdhrâumbhoxo. We were playing Íugby.
B€ndilScsebenzi I wâsn't working nbErigcinâ qphiliÌe He used to ke€phimsef fit by
ngoÌ.:uhâmbâ. walking.
Use -ng- and changethe final vowel Ìo Li' with vow€l verbs: They used to keepúemselvesfit
Baledgcinâ beplilile
Bendjlgenzinto rzolo. I ìrasn't doing an'úing yesterday. ngokubâlekâ. by ÍunDÌng.
Use'-trgâ- ând suffj"\ '-aDga wiü a staüve!erb: n&rarnjâni umdlâlo,üombhoxo wllaÌ ìms úe gameof rugby like
rìgelâaxeshâ? at úat úme?
BendiEggrâkeksDgâ. I wâsn't büsy. They Ìver! inter€slinggâmes.
)bYrnondlâ iÍnidlalo.
Use '-ngê-' wiü non-veÍbalpredicates: Laüdledanjâni iqelâ laklo? How did your team plãy?
EbenggklìouThemba? Wâstr't Thembarhere? AJclüngilr aÌnâqeÌângelaaxesha. The teamswere good at thâl time.
Kìrâ}umnânalt ngoko. It wâs (very) nìce then.
BeluÍggnzimâukhuphiswamoÌo! WâsÍ'túârâdifficút comperirion!
As you cân seeftom úese exampÌes,rb€' or '-ye' is oúitted excepafor
3 The continuous Íemote patst tenae Classes 1/14.4.6ând9.
This past tenseusually coveÍs any conrinu€dâction oÍ stâtê duÍing the Note As is .he câsêwiú úe pârticipial ând úe coítinüous Ìêcent pâst
temotepast.lt is fÍequ'ennyusedin biogrâphiesandrcpoÍs of pâstevents. íênse.the infixes '-rf'/ '-r-'also occurin the coÍtinüousÌêmotêpast
(ci Units 3.4 and 7.4). íense with verbs of on€ syllâble and vow€l veÌbs respectively,while
It is fomed rvith: SC of Íêmotepastaense+ '-be' or 1ye, + rhepaÌticipiâl rngar is iDfixed in the necative.
1b€' = 'was' / 'w€rc' - tìe Íecentpasttenseof 'ukuba' = 'to be'
'-ye': 'went' the Íecentpasttenseof 'ukuya' = .to go to' How to appty it
Ndâbe ndidÌala. I usêd fo pÌây (long ago).(1ìr.I wâs I playiDg) I Lisien to the Xhosalised English words on tape and ülite
Ndâtrdidlala. down úe English equivalents
Wâyâ edlâla. He rYasplaÍng (lons ago)
nayedlala. (b)
Note As is úe casewith the continuousrecentpasttense,the full foím is
very Íarely us€din everydayspeerh. (d)

tg, 5 SpoÌts pÌeÍ€r€ncss
You exFess your prefeÍencesfor ceÍain spoÍts.Ask sonebody why
h€./shepÌeíersâ certâinspolt:
c) (a) Andiúandi mbhoxo.Ndi yacingauhba undlonso-ndlongo
2 OkunokwenziwangebhoLa
(/dísà) ungabanengozi.
Unokulkìabâ. You cânkick it. wly do yes like rugby?
Unokuyibamba. You câncatch(lÌold) ir. íb) Andjrhândjhqubba. NdiyawoyúaâmaMi.
Unokuyiúosa. WÌìy do ypu Ìike i.?
Unokuyigqiúisela. (c) NdithândâintenetyakâkÌuÌu-
Unokuyibetha. Youcânhit it. WÌìy don't taq like ìt?
Now instruct somebodyro: (d) Ndithândâ ukunyukâ intaba kâkhulu. Indalo (''dtulr) inde
(a) kick il!
WÌry donì yau like it?
o) câtch (hold) iÌl
(c) tìÌow it! 6 Past hobbies
(d) pâssit! Somebodytell' you âbouÌ pâ\l hobbìe\ ând yol
(e) hit it!
3 Conplete th€ questiorÌs wiú the appropÍiate i eÌÌogaüve (a) Ndanditâdendithungaka}huìu.
(â) Uqata_ umdlâlo weqakambâ? What did you usetô sew?
KudÌalâ_ amaqelanamhlanje? O) Ndandilade ndiniúa yonke imihlâ.
(c) NCU_ usompenpe? WÌút did yoü useto krit?
(d) NgrÌ_ ophumephambili? (c) Ndandikadendicúa.
(e) Umdlalo udlâÌwâ Wïat did you useto sing?
(0 Kupbunelele _? (d) NdandilGdendidânisakakhülu.
G) KuphumeleÌe iqela? Wïich dances?
(e) Ndanditadendiloba kakhúu.
4 Complste ú€ statemenis
(.) Ndi dÌâÌâiqakambâ. I stiÌ plây cricket- Meeting somebody foÌ the first time
o) -d141- bhola ilúatywâyo. I doü't play soccer
(c) _ndi_dlal ntenetya. I dotr't plây iennisâny You m€€t someoDefor the fnst time. Ask them thesequestìons:
loíg€Ì. (a) Do you like spoÍ1?
(d) púkâde dlalâ intenetya- I used to plây tennis. (b) Which team do yoìr suppoÍ?
(e) umbhoxo. I neveÌ plâyedrugbt (c) Do you wâtch spoÍt on TV?
(d) Do you havehobbies?
(e) Do you like music?
Complete ôppropriately. (e) UNoÍrsa udla nsokweMa ntoni?
FilÌ in (he corrent subjêci concord to complete rhe folowing (Í) Kutheni Nonsa esesibhedlele?
pârticüÌârsaboutpasrsoccerpeÍsonalities: (s) Kuúeú uvuyani etunaukufowunelaunyeni kaNoÍnsa?
(a) UJomo Sono mele ibhola yaseMzanrsi-AftiÌâphesheyâ. 1O Fill in úe appropriate missing elements
(b) Uceorse Thebe___Jindoko yeSANFA.
(a) lryuyani -fuDa ukufowünelâumyeni -mlÌlobo -kìe.
(c) UMbânyâ_dlalelaìMoÍokaswallows.
(b) UvuyaÌú funa ukufo\runelainkosìkazi-mhlobo -khe.
(d) UKaizer MotâunC_ngonÌnye wabadlâÌiabâphambili
(c) Uvuyani funa uküfowünelaabâzali ÍÍülobo khe.
Read the dialogue and answer th€ quastions l1 Hobbies and pastime-s
USIPIIO NOWYANI BADIBANA BANCOKOLE Reâdthefollowing âbouthobbi€sândpastimes.Fill in rheâppÍopÍiâte
woÍds ândphÍasesfrom [he list:
Usipho Molo. bhuri. UzìfihÌe phi? LÌbuphi? Khânge ndikubone
üesha elide. (â) inabo nobuchuÌe bokweúza izinto ngezandÌa, O) abâdÌalâ
Uvüyani Mfondini, bendiguiainyangayonÌe. imidlâlo, (c) Luphulâphulalubükele, (d) ukuphulaphul4 (e) ubomi
Usipho Awìr! Ndilusìzi. Llbhetelensoku? bangâphandÌe, (0 âbaphila, ngomculo, (g) ukuqokeìela,
Llvuyani Ewe, ndiphiliÌe kwakhona kangangokuba ndiqâle (h) nokubukelâ,(i) baqokelelaand (i) ukufunda.
ukuphangeÌâ kÌvakhona namhtânje. Ukle wambona Balho abantuabathânda(1) izinto, umzekeloizitampu.
uNomsakurshanje?(/ec?rt, Baneencwadiekuthiwa zii-albun, apho kukho izitâmpu eziniMi
Usipho Hâyi. Ndiva ukubausesibhedÌeÌe. ezikftoyo elúabathitri.íÊom all owr the world). Abaütuabambalnâ
Uvuyani Uphethweyintoni? (2) izinto zakudala, üDzekelo (íumiturc)
- 'Íaültsha
Usipho Andiqinisekânga.Ingaúi wabâkwingozi (shewas in an okanyeimizobo (pdintirsr).
Baninzi abantuabattÌanda(3) -. Ngenpela-vekibaryrka
UVuyaú AwÌ! Ingozi enjaú? iintaba. bayabâleka, baklwela ibhayisekile, baqubha elwandle
USipho Uyazi, üNomsa udlâ ngokubaleka. okanyeemilanjeniokanyebayalobahba bathandaukutya iindal\zi.
Ebe.,qeqeshelai7ir" O.edrr. Ngoku,
Inkoliso (mort) yabantu (4)
UVuyâni Torhwanal Imbaleki enje ul:uqaqambâ- (rtu'r d'i iúúa iijezi, yaluka imilengâÌensâ yodonsa, iúunsa iilolAwe,
iyachwelâ,yenzaiziryâ ngodongweokanyeisebenzaegâdini.
outstandingathÌete)Uknesiphi isibhedìeÌe?
USipho Andazi. Uninzi (ntry) lwabantu luthandâ (5) kunomathorholo
UVüyani Ndiza kufo*lnelâ umyeni wakie úutumânisa íind drt (6) L:umâbona-L:ude imini yonke. (7)
aàoít) nsesibhedÌeÌe. - iindâbâ, ümculo, imidlalo eqhurys,ayo,(seÍials, üt. plars
whích arc co n ueã) iifilim, imidlâlo enjeneombhoxo,iqâl(âmbâ,
(a) Usìpho udibananabani?
isokâ njâlo, njâÌo.
(b) Kütheni engâmbonanga uvuyâni ixeshaelide?
(c) AÌâsebenzangaixeshâelingâkânaniuvuyani? Banìnzi abantu (8) _, ngâkumbi isokâ, umbhoxo,
(d) AbaNobo bathethangabâni? neqâkâmbâezithandwakakìulu.

Abânye âbântubathanda(9) _

Bathengâiincwadi okanye babolekakwiúala Ìeencwadi (/m,r, rrd Masit/e kulaa restyu intsha!
Let's go to thst
new restaurant!

ln thís Unit you u)lrl lerrín hol.luto,

I askfoÌ a tâbÌefoÍ the apFopriateDumberin your pâÍy
I âskfor a pâÍticular table
I askfor â menu
KukJb abantu (10) Bacula ekwayarini, badlala I askwhât dìshesare recommended
iziLna]iËo (n sícal i sttunents) urÍÌzekelo ipiyâno I excuseyounetf fÍom dìe table
bayadanisa. I commenton youÍ food
I askfor the bill

AJter úe fficket, PeteÌ and Thembô,Jenny and Thandi go to a rccently
openedrcstauÍantspeciúsing in traditional Xhosâfâre.
UÍnphâúi-weÍestyu Molwen| Nankel€kile kwizikiì Iêthü. Siy^wya
kakhulu ukuniboÍâl Ninjâni?
UThemba Hú, siphiülengaphandlekoÌ.:uÌârnbâ!
itúle yabantuabane?
Umphâthi-werestlu Ngokuqinisekjleyo!Ndilandeleni.
UThândi lngâbasingafumanaitafilengasefeslileni?
Umphâúi-werestyu Nantsi. Injani le?
UThândi Íunsilelsiyabulelâ.

Umphâthi-werestlu Nalu ulublu lokutya.

UTheÍnbâ Ucebisa sithaúe ntoni nâ? Yìntoni isipeshali
Umphâthi-weÍestlu Heke,kwizidlo zokuqalasineso ka samúnr.
UJenny Ool loo nto indikhumbuzaubuntwanabam efâma! Umphâthi-wercstyu Ingâbanitye kamnândi?
Ndiyasithandakakhulu ieon|d sarnanzíl Abâblobo Kâknüh!
Umphathi-weresq'u Nyhani, Nkosikazi! Nisükâ phi? UJenny NdingaúaDda ükufunâna iresiphi yâkho
UJenny NdâlüuÌela efamaemd<hoseni. yomnSírrrtr? üÌubâ âsiìohlebo?
Umphâthi-weresttu Ndâwoni? Umphathi-weíestyu Ndiza kukuceleÌâkumpheki.
UJenny NgaseKomani. UJenny Ndiyâbüyela.
Umphathi-ÌreÍesqu Oo, andiwaziloo mhtabâ.Mna ndiHÌúele phesheya Umphathi-weÍestr'Ìì Heke,kunjani ng€simuncumuncu?
kweNciba. Heke, mandibalule Mnphokaqo. AbaÌ obo Enkosi kalüulu kodwa sonkesanele!
üttttgqusho, amfrno, ímütton stewnol sü. Ulhemba Singayifumanâi-bill ngoku?
UPeter Ndilibele. ÈtoDi ü/r/rolíoq, kanye? UÍnphathi-wercstyu
Umphathi-wercsqu Ngumgubowombonaophekiweyo.
LÌPeter Oo. ewe, Ddiyâkhumbulangoku.
UJenny Ngowuphilrrrfno wakìo?
Umphathi-werestyir SisipinatshineÌsv,ele.Ndúganizìselâinto yokusela Isigama
eliaaniklÌethâi o yokurya'lKtmjàilngontqombothí,
Uftenba MasingcâmÌenizoDl(elSizìselenebhotileyewaytni. nÊoküqióisekileyo eriâinìy
Umphâthi NgokuqinisekileyoI cnosmyer
_ <úeâ
The íestaümntowner comesback wíth the open bottle ofwine aní.taskÁ ìgumr rcn0mma Mlmom
whethêrtheyare rcady to oídeï. woüro yoü
Umphaúi-weÍestyu Nilungele uL:u-odola?SenilúethiÌe? on lhe ôdìtr sidê oï/
UThemba Hâyi,asikâÌbethi.Sisacingâ. hevond
Umphathi-weÊstyuKúungile,ndizakubuyaemvakwexeshana. LLÌeK€i tu!ü.
UJenny Kanene,MnuÌÌrzam, liphi ìguÌÌìbi Ìokúlambeta?
isimüncumuna d€sseÌt
Umphâlhiúenrsrlr Ndildndeìe.ndizakükrboni,â.
UJenny Enhosi.Ndixoleleú kânctncr.
Abânye Kulungile. Mirc

WhenJennycomesback thër oïdet and aÍter a while their meal aftbes.

UmphaÌhiwerestyu Nakuukutyâl
UJenny Mm, kunukâmnandi! KujongekâÍÌÌnandikanjatol
Umphathi-werestyu Heke. ndiyâdÌembaukubâ nizâ konwabelaükuryâ

TheJfrnìlh the meal


Cultural background
IZN<O 'I am very fond of this souÍ milk which is knowÌì âsdtmri amoÍg
úe )ftosa peopleandis gÌeâdypÌized asa healthyândnomishing
ULUHLULOKUTYA food-It is very simpìeto mâl(eandmerelyinvolves letting úe milk
slândin úe openair ândcürille. It thenbecomesthìck ândsour
Izidlo zokuqala Staúers nther üke yoguÍ.'
Inkozo zethangâ ezojiwe Roastedpumpkin pips (Nelsoú Rolihfalla Mand€l,., Lt úg walk to Freedom, p.266,
narnandongomane and roastedgounalnuts RândburgMâcDonaldPurDe[, 1994)

Isigezenga Steamedgreenmealieballs Some trd'dttlon4.t díshes (lztdlo zakwaNtu)

Isonka samarui Soft íreshlysteamedbread ThemostpopülaÍdiú in its numeÍousfoíms,is porddge:ponidgemadeof
soÍEhüm- arrdzimbâ - (indigenousto Africa) and maize / mealie -
Umphokoqo Crumbly mealiemeal 4mboÍs- (pl. ii'dmbotra) which was introducedto SouthemAfÍica via
porridgewith sourmilk WestemandCentralAfÍica ftom SouthAmeÍica by PoÍuguesenaügatols.
The word 'ÌrÌ€alie' is derived ftom the Potuguese word for sotghuÍ!
Isipheko Esikhulu Main CouÍse 'milho' (cf. RenataCoetzee,,FÍ,rd,HeineÌnann,Johannesburg, p. 6ó).
Ìdubhayi Bean& Meâlie St€w
thü rnealiemêalponìdge(2,5paÌtsof ìvâ!e4I paft of neal)
lmithwane Pumpkin Runner Ste\t
Umngqusho Samp& beans s\r,eetmilk ponidge(l paÍ gmundgÌêln mealies,6 partsfÍeú swêetmilk)
Umffno Spinach& Onion Stew úick meâliemeaÌponidgenixed ìrith pumpkin(2 paÍs trÉal, I pân wateÍ)
Ithanga BoiledPumpkin
cÌomblymeaÌiemeatpoEidge(4 pâÍs of meal,1-2pâÍs of water)
Ulusu Tlipe wedüngô / ügubelâ
1 mediumpumpkin,250r ÌneêliemeaÌ
Umkhupha Ponidgeoí Maize & Beans ,r,/lthrxha
widr Meat 5 parispumpki& 2 pâÍ1s8I€ênmeaües
ürnffno/ ffiqubelà / tstgibane
Isimuncumuncu Dessert
lsaladi yeziqhamo Fruit salad& ice cleâm LEGIIME DISIIES
ne,ayisikhrim Unngqusho
sanp (crush€dmaize)andbenns
Ingr€dients Method
! Howto ...
125g beans,soakedovemiút Cook the beansand sampfor Ack fot o tdbte Íot the dpptopriote nümber in
125g saÌrìp,soâkedovemight âpp.ox. 3 houÍs.BÍown meat youf pqrty
500 g brisket, cut into cubes and onion. âdd sâÌr,pepper lJn lo it^frle y.:tbaÍ.tldababíni | Lbath^lhl| | abane/ abahlauttl
I onion, chopped and waterm cover ano srÌrÌmeÍ Singâfilmanâ,-tâfle yâódntü aàdne?
2 tomatoes,chopped unúl ahnostdone.Add orÌion,
I gre€npepper,chopped toÌnâtoand gÌeenpepper ABkÍot a particut4t tabre
salt, pepper,lemonjúce to tâste and simmertiÌl the ingreúents âÌe
SingaltmâÌÌa âfl € ngaréfestil€ni?
cooked.Mir wiih the &mtrgqusho,
addlemonjuice to taste,heâr Aak fot d menu
thmugh and seÍve,
(RetrâÍâ Coetzee,Füna,p. 159) SìngafuÌìânâ ,lühlu lofríEâ / r'menl'u?
Sìngafumânâdühlu loftíselâ?
'Ukrtya L:weúuthina mdftosâ ngumbonaesiúi siwenz€unÌgqusho, Ask who't is tecommended / speciql
isidudu,isonÌa, àÌrarhewìr,ürywalaukarti abâkwazulubathandâiÍayisi tlbâlula nfoni?
kâkhulu. t...1Kwezinye indawo yeDziwangumgubowamazimba.' Ucebisantoni?
(IíS. Bong€lâ;IPrrúro, MaskewMi eÌ Longman,1977) Ucebisâsikh€thg ntoÍi na?
Yìntoni irrpeslaÌi sâÍâmhlanie?
ooo0ooo Unertdlo err'sodwânâÍÌhlaqie?
'This sâme veÌd offeÌed gâzing for our liveslock and yielded
ümfro, wild spinach,to ouÍ mothers,in Ìich vaÌiery [. . .] Excuse yourself from the table
I do not ÍeÌrÌemberever b€ing desperatelyhungry as a child. No. ,Vdtxolelskâncinci.
TheÍe wâs alwaysmoÍe úan enoughto eaa.New meâliescookedon
ttÌe cob, dry Ìnealiescooked with beans,meâliesÍoasted,mealies Comment on yout food
stamp€d aúd bÌoken into bits, meúes cÍusbed and gound to Kujongeka mnatrdi.
powdeÍ! pumpkin as vegetable,pumpkin mixed wiú mealie-meal, Kunuks mnândi.
oúer squash,eggs.ftuit, souÌ milk milk fiesh fo.my warm, stmighr KuÌrmândi.
tìom the udder: gaÍdenvegetable,nild vegelable,dmtzímlm, a
hosi of otheÍ delectâbÌe eatables. Such varietv: such rcadv^Í\d Ask Íot the bitl
avaiÌability.' Singâ],ifumânaibill?
(SindiweMâgonâ,ro Mt ChiuÌen'| Chidnú,

S How it works Th. itâtlve or neuter inffx '-€k-'

Thh infix indicates a state or condition wiúout rcfeÍing to the agent
I Tuo nouns ín possessiue teldtionahip in mdny
iJrunirgthatconditionsimilâÌ to the passivevoice The English equivalent
uords to do toith Íood' haoing meo'ls, etc. wouldbe 'be (do)-âble'oÌ 'cânbe' (done):
be€f (Ìit. meat o/coìtr) lyâvulekÂle festile? Is this window openâbl€?
myama Jegushâ mutton / larnb (lit. meât o/she€p) Can this window be opened?
chicken(lit. meât d/chick€n)
lÍumanekâlula inyaÌnâ? Is meâtreadily oblâinâbl€?
tryâma )éhâgü pork (lit. meât o/hog)
l,*ztyâ ,brrselwândle seâfood (lit. food o/the sea) "thânda love -ryâ eaÍ
r'suphuÌérküku -úandEa be loved -tYlga be eat€n
lsüphu )?tuúâto -úandgkâ lte lovable -ty*a be e-dible
cheese(lit. bÌeâd ,fsour milk) -funda read -fuaa need/ want
irido rdkusàsa bnaÌdâstoiL ú€âÌ qfeaÌly morÌfug) -fünd]{a be r€ad -funl4â be wanted
iridlo sllrcmtui Ìunch (lit. m€âI o/middây) -ftndeBa be legible -funçEa be desirable
iriÍUo rdÍgokuhlwa dinner,supp€Ì(lit. meal o/úe ThcÍe aÍe a numberof veÍbal forms e ding in -'ekir?' which corespond
eveniÍg) to Bnglish 'to b€' + adjectives(cf. Unft 5.6):
igumbi irkutygla dining rcom (1iÌ.Ìoom o/eâtiDg Ndiqinisekirr. I âm ceÌlâin.
(i'dlu yol:utyela) @D) Ndixakektle I am busy.
itâffle )okutyela Sikhúulekile. 'WeaÌe h€e.
tlâphu l€tâffI€ rabÌecloth Kubalulektle It is impoÌtâÌt.
atuhlu Àré.iselo Ín someinslânces,veús with '-ck (tre)' or 1w. s€emto be interchÂngeable:
ülühlu lw?wayid Kushiyekaulotya okuniúzi.
Kushiyweükutya okuninzi.
2 Mote about oetbdl extensions
(Much food is left oÌrr.)
The causâ.iveinfl\ '-z-' insteâdof'-is-'(ct Unit 4,6) is usedin rbe ljongeka'< ,.jongâ' (< 'look') is liteÌalty traìsÌâted âs 'looked at âs':
folowing veús endingin '-la' :
hdtkhumbuzâ ubuú,ranâ bâÌn. It reminds m" of my childhood. 3 Inlíx:çs'- ,i1r, netb in the negqtioe = 'not get'
(lit. ii mâk€s me remembeÌ)
Ásitskhethr: we hâvenï chosenyqt.
Khathaleleirnpilo yakho. CâÌe foÌ youÌ heâlth. Aniì\^zi. I donï know !9!.
Musa uku.ïtknathaza. You must not woÍry Cyoírulr. Ásilyt ilâng! lingelêbhoni. We don't est befoÍe sunset.
Ndiza L:uphürìI3ixeshanâ. I'm going to Ìest for a while. (üt. beforc üe sunhasnot y9!t
Zphumze ìxeshana. Rest (1,ollrel, for a while. gonedown)
Ándrleliffrmâúi ixesha I hâverot Jpt found time
'Ukuba dr?LA/t ff you have art yE! be€nto the I Ark the waiter
€n"Mpondomise'1t land of the Mpondomise, (r) ìrheúeÌ you can sit outside
nfÌrndi, rft,lsndboni Ìeadet you hâveìrot yrg!seen (b) to bÍing úe menu
a.rutMrlkâkâz: amaue.' b€autifulAftican women. (a) wheúer you caÍ ordernow
(4.C. Jordan) (d) wbelheryou canhave red srine
(o) whetheÍyou caÌ hâv€vegetables/ fiuit
$How to apply it ó Ark the waíteÍ for somelhing
Give the negalive (St0Ít the sentenceoff by saying 'NdingafuÌnana'J
(a) Ukurya ktnnandi. (u) anotheÌslice
O) Ndinambiúa (?rj"]) ur:urya. (b) anotherbeer
(c) IsoDta sinencasâ. (c) anotherfoÌk
(d) Núthanda inyâmâ. (d) ânotherhìle (imelâ)
Answer thê qúestion 'Hou, aÍe !Du?' in â tlplcâl Xhosa qray (c) ânotherspoon
(f) ânotherteaspoon
Rememberthis involves sâying somethingalory the lines of '1an (g) ânofter plâte (ipleyni)
(h) anotheÍcup of tea
NdiplÌilile ngaphandÌe (t'eing very hungÌy).
English equivâlents
(b) (b€ing veÌy thirst .
(c) (the worD. You know thât 'igurÌbi ÌokuÌyela'means'dinìrÌgroom' Cânyou
(d) (the weatìe4. guesstheEngüshequiYaÌent of:
(e) (too much síudying). (a) igumbilokulala
3 Give lhe opposite description (b) isunbi lol:ulìtala
(c) rgumbiÌolúuodelâ
Imituno mitshâ kaliulu:
(b) Ìi-apiiezimüncu(sour): I Match th€se Xhosalisei woÍds with ú€ oÍigital Xhosâ
IsuphuineqìÌwa kakìulu: l ibhlaÌdesi (â)
(d) Núúânda isonkaesimdakâ: 2 ilantshi (b) uluhlu lokutyâ
Nilikhetha ukuselaiwayini ebom\,ìr: 3 idinâla (c) indlu yangâsese(1i1.houseof pdvâcy)
(f) útapilezishushu: imenyu (d) igumbi lokühlârnbeìa
4 Ask 5 itshizi (e) isidlo sakusâsa
6 ibhafntrì1 (0 isidlo sangokúÌwa
Do you havea table for two? 7 iúoyile.hi (s) isidÌo sâsemini
(b) Do yoü hãvea table for tbÌee?
Do yoü havea tâble for four?
(d) Do you have a table foÍ five?

9 You are asked what you would like ì,JThândi Ndiza L:wenzaisaladi yeziqhâmo.Ndituna ama'apiÌe,
(a) foÌ br€akfast. Say lhat you would like: anapeÍe. ipayim, ii-oreqii, iìpesikâ ne€bhamna.Ezi
poridgê; two slicesof bro.r.1q
(üt. dâÌk) bread;a soft-boiled bhananâáselulìlaza.Unazoezivuthiweyo?
tJmncedisi Nzzi eziwthiweyo. Mosikâzi.
GthâÍìbileyo) eg$ butteÌ ândjâÍn (ìjàn).
UThandi Enkosi. Iivâtalâ zijongekaÌnnândi.Zidlâ mâlirÌit
Urìncedisi ZidÌâ R7.00 ZiÌmandi zinaÍnânzi kâkìulu. Kuniâni
(b) foÌ lunch. Say that you would like:
UThandi Enkosi.IngânÌleloo nto. Mm, irDnândikâÌhulu. Ndiphe
coÌd meat , salad(isaladi), â slice of white bÌead and a slice oÍ enl$lu leyâ.
Umncedisi Kunjani ngâmâkhiwanene€diliya?
UThanú Hayi, MnuÍìzana. Ezi ziqhamozanele.
Umncedisi Kulungile.
tÌ)r supper. Say that you would like: (a) Kutheni uThândi efunâükuúengaiziqhamo?
Ìâmb,potatoes,vegeÌabÌes,fiuit. (b) Uúensa eziphi iziqhaÌno?
(c) Zinjani iibhanana?
(d) Injani ivatalaÌ
10 List all úe vegetâbl6 you will need to make the soup (e) Idla maliú ivâtâla?
(0 UThandi akâúengi ziphi ziqhâmo?
IziúâÌo zokupheka
50Ogyesuphüyenyama I ìlcomiryiyeembotyizeswekile
ìziqhmo rtun iPeE (ana ) Ped
I itoti yesuphuyetumatookânye ìvarala(ii-) vâtêmêìon ìúa tprl" vcry rÌêsh
I ìtsweleelikhulu ìsuphuyemifuno i-apile Gmì !!pÌê -ngok$m nYFìr
3 iikomityi zeminqaúe Z ikorDityi yerhasi idiliya (ii) !Íapê -phüt[um rêtch
I ikoÌniryi yeembotyiezintsha intwânayetyuwayegaliki ikhisee (ama) fig ìshipnü rr" vd.r-cheap
I icephelet),uwa 2 iitispuni zepasili i p a . i n d , i r' pnedbpe \u r h $ e r o 'Pc
j, itispuni yepepile 3 iitapile i-orenji (ii-) ôrúgc -dla nalinil msl how much?
I iÌomiryi yee-erryìsi ipesikÂ(ii ) peeh -Imdzi juicy

imiÍuno Ègêtqbl* iimboryiezinhhogre. bêons nhôsi borley

12 A friend is helping you pÍepare a meal. Tell heÍ,/him
imingothe corch iièÍlyisì pêos what to do:
Pleâsewash GhÌâmbâ)úe potatoes.
(b) Donì rakelhe big porâroeç.
lale úe \rìrallone(.
l1 Read the dialogue and answeÌ the quesüons Pe€lGchuba)two onions and an apple.
Umncedisi Môlo,ndingakuncedangantoni? (d) Chop Gnqunqa)the onions andúe pumpkin.
UThândì Mm, iziqhamo zâk1ìozijongekazintle. GÌate (-tshweza)the câÌrots.
Unncedisi Ztsha È/err?, NkosiÌ^zi, ndiziphuúume ngol:wâm (f) Washúe lettuce (ilelisi) leâvesândthe tomato€s.
narÌ'lÍanje ekuseni.Enye into, zitshiphu,liel Bdns someúshes (izilyâ).
- uNtïr3

I tel
(h) They âÍe ìn rhe cupboard(ikÌÌabhaúi ) abovethe sinÌ (isinki).
Openú€ tin. Ukutlrenga iÍnpahla nezinto
(i) Openthis one âswell. yinto zakrvalItu zesiNtu
(k) PleâsesetGlungisa)the table.
13 w'illng ãn inviÍation Buyíng clothesond tllc'rious
Try to rvrite úe âppropriateinvitation that would have elicited rhe
folowins ânsweÍ:
At'rican arts and craÍts
NoÌÌìsaoúandekayo, In thls unit vou |,ir, ,eqtn ho@ to,
Ndiyabulela kâkhuÌu ngeÍcwadi yalúo nangol:undìmemâ. I narvel at something
Kuza kubamrÌândiukuryâisidÌo sangokuhlwanawe.Ndiy^zi I discuss size
ukubaungumphekiwenenengalumbi kwizidÌo zâkwaNtu.
I askaboutcolour prefeÍence
SobonanangoMgqibeloke. Undibuliselekubazú baklo. I complimentsomeoneon úen âppeaÌance
Bayezana nabo eklayeni ìakìo ngoMgqibelo? I discussprice
NgolukhuluuúândoNomvuyo. I saysomethingfÍs welÌ
I offer a discount
I askwhat paymeft is acceptabÌe
I makemore comparisons

Pcter ând Jenny want to büy some Xhosa handioâfu ând trâditional
UJenny ïyhini! KharMrjongenje zonke ezi zinto zúdel linkükho
ezoluÌiweyo, imilengalenga yodongâ, izìnto zodongwe,
iingobozi nenyeimpâbla.Kuza kuba nzimâ üL:ukhethal
UMncedisi Molweni, ndinganincedâ?
UJenny Inene,iventÍe yâkho úde kakhìrlul
Ndiyazi, ndiza kuchithâimú eninzi namhlânjel
UMncedisi Enkosikalüulü. Nìngathandauhrjonga kuqala?
UJenny lngandeloo.
UMncedisi Ndibizeni ukubâninÌna uncedookaÍye nifuna ukwazi nto.
NEì t AFRICANCUISINE.Trodnionol disheswiú q modêÍntwisiis
whorporrypeoplsgeÌwhênthq, hnêúe corerinsservices UJenny KülungiÌe, Nkosikâzi. Mnq ndingathanda ukuqaÌa
oi Ubusuku
Be.AÍÌiksl lÍ you ore plonningo rcolAÍriconpo y, ú€y will brins ngokujongaiilokhwe nemibhìnqo.
olongo prqisesinger,songomo, ortistsond q bwnshìpbondto dinnêÍ. UPeteÍ l,o ngumlengalengawodonga phâya koluya donga, mhle,
coPefin6,23/10/98. Nkosikâzi.
UMnc€disi Owüphi, ìínuÍDzãüa?


UPeteÌ Lo ubonisaumfazi otshâyâinqâwâ.Wenzi\raphi?

UMncedisi Wenziwansâbafâzibale ndawo.
UPeteÌ Yimâlini,nltosìl(âzì?
UMnc€disì Ngelìshwâ le miÌengalengâyodongaidlâ imâli eninzi kule
mibÌâ kubâ kâlol-u yoÌukwe ngesandlâ yaye yeyoboya
hângings inobuncinci
beseibhokwe. wâÌÌ -phatbqla
flPeter Ndiyevâ. portcry eyiphinryì2i?
JennJenêryesfun thechanqi g moh. (it.Ìhings of clay) owuphi umbaìa?
baskcts -lngdsa
Umncedisi Mm! Ufanelekil€, Nkosikazi! Inde kaÌ<hululoo lokhwel ed other goods lÌngma tuzrrc
lyar:ufânelâL:unjâlonje! sp.nd (also,Rasle) Inìsd/ ihìisa
UJenny Ewe, kodwâ ngâthi inobunciúci. Nceda, Nkosikazi, hclp ixabiso
ndiphâthele€nyeenÌuÌu kunale. drcsses erbini
UMncedisi KuÌungile, ndiz. kubonâ.Eyiphi isayizi? s*its amkeìa
UJ€nny U36. which onel i[h€kì
ItMsebeDzi Ungathandaowuphi umbâla?
UJenny Yiza nelubheluokanyeebomvu.
izihÕrbhô nzimba je*eÌlery nadè rron
me assistantretumsu'ith a bíBgersize. ho$ m(h a Í1flÍ êzènz'we neccn6inbl b*d\
LMncedisi Ngelishwa sinemhlophe nentsundu neluhlaza kuphela niswhalnoney?) khulukd
kwisayizi yakho,Nkosikazi. -d10 co$ ún. eat) iinhinÌbi snaller tÈads
trboyâ woôl ntsinbi nni? wbat kind ôf beads
UJenny Kulungile ke, ndiza kuÌingaÌrisale mtsundu.
ycyoboya it is oi the wool êbmqala (of úe nect) n4kìe
UJenny Heke, indilingana twatré! Ndiza kuyithenga! Idla malid,
lEscyibho$we beins of g@is. ercngalo (of úe am) b.eìel
Nkosikazi? ezrnâqaúâ(of úe anN6ì úrìêÁ
UMnc€disi Ukuba uthengailokìwe noÍnbhinqo núngâlihlisa ixâbiso.
zizak]rdnaR225 zoÍún .
Ujerìny Kúungile. Ndizakuzithengazombinikodv'aândìqinisekangâ
ukubandinemú eyaneleyo.UyâlarDlclaikhadi?
UL4ncedisi Sukuxlìâla.Nkosik^zi. Saml(€laimali. itsheki nekìadi. I Horo Ío ...
UJeDny Külungile kuba ndisafunâ ukuthengâ n€zinye izìnto
Mqflte, dt sotnething
njengezodongre neengobozi,ngakumbinamaso.
UMncedisi Ursho ul(uúi izihombiso-mzimba ezeÌìziwe nseentsimbi. Tyhini! Khawujonge nje zonkeezi zillto zìnllel
Amasomâkìulu kune€ntsimbi,Nkosikazi! Jonga yorìte l€ ,ribâlâ nge,núalal
UJenny Kâkade!Nditbele'
UMncedisi Ufuna Dtsimbi zini? Ezomqala okanye ezengalo? Dlscuso síze
Uyazithandazonaezamaqatha? Eliphi isayizi?
UJenny Yho! Zonke zintle kakhuh! Kwakftona kuza L:ubanzima Ngathi inorüncinci / inor khulü.
kum ukukÌeúal Jongayonke le mibala ng€mibalâl Ndtphâthelq eny€ erikr u L:unâle/ éÍye encúci kunak.
tlMncedisi Ktrlunsile, Nkosikazi, úIathaixeshalakho!
214 . UNIÌI4

Aak about colout ptefetence

/How it works
Orüphi Íl'lbâlâ? I Supetlatioe and comlmtison
tltphi tbâlâ?
l0 Unlt 9.4, you werc intoduced to the superlâtive pmnouÍ:
Comprlfiteit so.|meorre on theit appedtdnce
oycnâ m|rtu 4lungilelo lhe bêsrtperson
UfânelekilaI eloDâx€shaülungilelo th€ be3t time
lrtl€ kaklÌulu1oolokhrve!Iyâiuf eÌakunjaÌonje! zyoÌrâ,to / rdâ\Ío {üngile}, the best thing / place,etc.

Say something Íits uetl Anolherway of expressinglhe superlâtive is by using kunâ- + emphatic

kuÌrâbobonke. He / sheis the most diligent
OÍÍet d discount of them âlÌ.
Intle le lokiwe kuÍâzo mÍke. This is the nicest dressof
Ndingalthlisâixâbiso. then âll
Ask túhdt pdyment is acceptoble You can also expressit with ngâphezukws- + -oí*e:
Uyâlamkelâikhâdi? Nditharda Ie milengaleüga I like ttÌesewall haryings best
yodongaúgaphezukwento of âÌ (things).
You calr makecompârisoÍs by using 'kunâJ = ' ,,. thân':
lokhwe ebomvuinkulü The red dressis biggêÍ thân the
kun€lokhwe emlúophe.
Loo lokrhwe,.akulu kuÍâle. That dÍessis bigger fhân this.
Iingxowa yakÌrc ,Ïkulu Your bag is biggeÌ thâÍ my bag.
Eyakrhoinkulü küeyÂm. Youls is bisg€r thân mine.
wenâ unemâlienitrzi k|mam. You hâvemoÌe moneythan me
(I do).
UJeDnyunemâlienitrzihmoPeier Jennyhasmorc moneylhan Peter.
Uchilha imali áninzi kuraye. ShespendsmoÌe monêythan he
AnolheÍ way of expressingcompaÌisonis by using 'ngaphezu kws- =
'molt... ihan':
Ilokhwe entsundurïulu ThebÍowÍ dÌessìs mor€
trglphezu kweÌokhwe ebomvu. expe|laive
thâ|r theÍed one.
UJennyuchitheimali eninzi Jennyspends morcmoneythân
ngrph€zü koPeter Peter
\F7|NÌOY \ O lAt WANÍU7r!\t! 217

Sahambangâphêzukweeveki W€tsavelledfor moÉ thân tÌdo -ngolananinâ? hoìd much?

ezimbini. weeks. ljluna imâÌi engâkânâ ? How much moneydo you need?
You cân âÌsouse '-ngcono kuna. = 'betteÌ than': kongangokubâ(conjunction) so much so that
I,o mgaqoüngconokünaÌowo. Thisrcâdis better than thâl(rcad). Uriúetha njengomxhosa ShespeaÌsit QÍÌosa) lite a )üosa
lsìXhosâkângângokubâ so much so thât sheteâchesit
'njenga. is usedfor an eqüâl compârison'âs ... âs': uyarifundisâ.
Ilol'lìwe eboÍNu tdulu The rcd dressis as expêtrsiv€as muú
-nln i (adjective)
njengenhìophe- Uluna imali eninzi? Do you needmüú money?
I-oo loklìwe idulu njeDgale. Thâl dÌessis as expensiveas this
íone). 9 The Xhoso equioolent oÍ Englísh 'both' (ofl
Ixeshalam lhexabìso My dmeis âsprcciousasyoür
Tho correspondingfoÍms for the lst ând 2nd püson plurâl aÌe:
dengexeshâlakìo- íme.
Ixeshalam linexabiso My timeis s3pÉciousâs youÌs. !oD4btnl both of us
njengelakho. noü4bini both of you
UneÍÍìalì.niDzi rÌiengâm. Youhaveasmuú moneyâsme boü4blni both of them
(I do). Ìhc conespondingforÌÌIs foÍ úe noun clâsses(obüoüly only úe pluíâì
UJennyunoÍns€b€nziornÍin i Jerìnyhasâs much work âs PeteÌ. âre:
yoüetibinii4l:lengaÌenga both cuÍtains
üsebenzâkakhulu Djengâye. Sheworks âs müch âs he does.
odlrstüii atls.ici both eâÍings
To exprcss'â few morc' you canuse hyê': zozlbitri i:andla both hands
Kufunekandithenge?aÍrc tapho I rc€d to buy a few moÍe gifts. ,orrbini iainto both things
To express'âs soon âs' rkângÂDgoko' is üsed: Note:An expressionoften heârdvJhensayinglhaú you: Ndibambangâw
Yiza karÌrsinyakangalgoko Comeas soonas you can. rozrblni. (lit. I hold with both (hands).)
unalho, FÍom the last setof exâmplesyou vriÌl seethât theseforms consistof cÌass
concord+ o + adjectivalconcoÍd+ numeÍâlstem-biÌi:
2 Vaúous woyo of *pressing 'much' !- + G. + áa- + -bini: sobêbini
kâkhulü (adveÍb) very / much / vcry much b-+o + ba- + -bini: boà4bini
Ndiyayiúanda kalÌülü. I lik€ it very much.
Tb cxpress,for exaúple,'the thÌee of us, úe four of you, the five of
sqithâ very / too much / so lhG|Í', etc., num€Ìal stenrsg (adjectiveo âreusedin the sameway:
Inencasagqiúa! It's too deücious! the fouÍ of you
sor4lhâthu thethÌee of us nor4ne
kaqâka / kÀtrsâko boú4blânü úefve ofthem o44thandathu úe six ofthen
Hayi sukutheúakâryâkâ! DonÌ talk so much! (abatíw^n ) (amoòoda)
kÀtrgângoko as mrrú as
Thengakangatrgokounakho Buy as much as you can.

lil(ullltNGAtMPArtA 219

4 More posaessioe odlectíoea 6 Poccessioe pronouns 'mine', 'you'ls', etc.

ln Unit 2.8, you Ìeamt that úe poçs€ssiveadjectives of the 1í ard 2nd pÌonouÌs are fomed by prefìxingd-, €- or ,- to the
ïh! Dorúrssive
persotrs G. ândpl.), i.e. 'my'; 'oüÌ'; 'your' follow the trouns ro whjch p0||$Ívc sdjectives(cf. Uniú2.8):
they rcfeÍ ândconsistof two pâris (possessivecoÌcord repÌesenring'ol (ReferÌiÍg to)
llllrro YouÌs OuÌs
' whìch chângesaccordingto úe noun possessedand a secondelement (rnyürâ / üÌnbhinqo)
which doesnoi chanse):
tiDrm dbakho ub€thu
r'LÌaya /1:m tmâli ]]am ,yom eyam .ryethu (;mrbhinqo)
ür,rsebenzilrethn lkhayâ lethu ,'mâli.r'€thü d[m Phkho elethu (tkìâdi)
umsebenziÌrdkho ikhaya ldkho imâli ]âÌho dwâl(ho (lz'ì1l1kìadi)
fl<hâya lerru imali ]rnu Psâkho Qsândla)
The fomâtion of possessiveadjectives of the 3rd p€r{on (s. and pl.) Pzakho (izândlâ)
'his'/ 'heÌ' 'its' / 'their' is qúte simple wherÌ 'his'/ 'her' 'its' refer ro dyüm ?yâlüo eyelhu (;rokhwe)
nounsof Classes1íâ and 'lheir' ÍefeB to nounsof Clâsses22â: ezâkho ezethu (iilokhrv€)

'his/her/its' h lhol'Àmewayyoucanfom:
,rr,rs€benzi Ìrdkhê lkhaya lt]Ìüe ufuso bakhe youÌs (pÌ.)
(ÌrÌwo* e.g.Motrsik4d) (ìis hmèe.g. {/TheÌlbâ) (itsfa@e.g.ünopopl) írwâkhe his / h€rs
Kulungê kaÌhulu ukufunda Ii is very good to leam 6 More obout ídeopho.nes liziÍaíekisozltJil
ììwimi zabanyeaórítu the languagesof otheÍ people Yotl weÍe firú introdücedto úis distinctivefeatureof the )(hosalanguâge
kubâ ngâloondlela becausein thât way ln Unla5. Ideophonesoccul not onìy in úe spokenbut alsoin the wdtten
uÍmfu uzuzaulw zi a persongainsknowÌedge lônguage.They canb€ usedú) êmphâsiseìnÌensityof colour ard aÌ€ often
ngemo-ndalo]abo* of theiÌ wav of life olom0ìopoeicto indìcâÌemovemenÌ,action, state,sound.etc. They âre
nezithethezabo* nokubâ andllrei4s$alqs ând what Itrhìly ìrsedrÍitb the verb 'ukuthi' which has no meaningof irs own bu1
bangabantuabâluhloboluni na. soÍ of peoplethey are. i|nply marks üe mood (i.e- indicâtive, impeÌative, subjunctive,
*< emphaticpronoun'ratrâ' minus 'Dâ' refeÍing to 'ar.zntu' . Nrtjcipiâl), tense, person, clâss, numbet positive or negâtive of the
r ct Unit 9.3. IÍrdicare.$hile rheideophonecmie' rhemeâning.
Ìrkuthitr be silent Yithi rrl
HoweveÍ,whenit comesto fomülâting the possessivcadjective refering
Ìrkuthi rftÌ{dÀd djsâppeâÌ Ilanga Ìithe rrlrdk !
to nounsof othÈ clâssesit is â litde morc chalengingb€causeof the many
possiblecombinarionsof po€srssiveconcord and€mphatic pmDoün. ukuthi irÌraÀ" calmdown Umoyâwatìil]nakd.
ukuthi t ü appearsuddenÌy Kwâlhi t ll âmatu.
Do you rememb€Iúe idiom 'I/dlo\,ü ayisindwangímboko ndla'. (lit. ukutN llart grâb wajika ìrâmthi rlrri.
The elephânt is not burdenedby i8 tÌunk) i.e. No-one eveÍ finds his ukuthirü sit down Ndixakeke andinaxesha
naruÍalÍesponsibilitestoo burdmsome: lol:ulhi
is the possessiveconcoÌd of ',/mboko' (Class3) lie veÌy stiÌl Ltàtantlri'í.
-yo < mfh'tic Plo|rouo Ìeferdng to 'irn oÌu' (Class9)
Ideophon€sâÌsooccur wiú otheÍ veÌbs in which casethe verb rerâinsirs rhúo of mind
original Ìneâningwhile úe ideophone tunctionsas an âdverb:
-bh€ka nAqo go straight Bhekâ n8qd endleleÌÌì. Ndllhe rqal
-ìntya ngqo come strâiút bâck Ababqanqa ngqo. be rclieved
-thctha nqqo talk straighÌout Thethâni rlgqo. NtJlúe qabul
standup straiglÌt nmâ nk4ol
riüdd€nappeârâÍce / disâppeârance
-timdaniAi learnquicHy Abantwanabaffrndâ nÌqi.
8qr suddenappeaÍance
lâla )oli fa[ fastas]eep Walâlâ)oli.
Ulhe8ql! He appearcdunery ectedÌy !
-phjlaqete compÌetelyweÌÌ Ndiphile q"tu ngoku.
Id€ophonesalso occul úth d€scÌiptives olher than colours:
llongaliúe rtinaklÌ. me s\ú su&lenb disappearcd.
Iziqhâmo zltÃhakrebheI
Iziqhâmozitshiphu ár?!
He sudnenbappearcdl
r cf. Unit 13.
posltioDsând diEctioÍs
Someid€ophon€sfunction as adveós: z$)i stretchedout
qqìttut very / too much lntle qgtr&aÌe lokhwe! Nabr zl?i! Lie stretchedoutl
Andiütll1úsa npeÌa. straÌghtuP
qhã only Ndìtunâ iÌokhÌve eÍye 4/t,. Ylmankqol Stând up strdigtt!
qho continually IÌn\uìa ina qro namtìlanje.
all ât all Árd;lâldga , phezolo(lasÌ night). 'l'ho vividnessof ideophoÍes is wel illustrated when you comparethe
following two sentences.Íhey desoibe someoneÍunning into a hous€,
(Ìt is aàroàrt€b silent.i $obbing a child, nnning oìrt to a câÍ, getting úto it and leaving:
completeÌy I-emeleizele ithi tu ngamânzi. Víabalekawângenaendlwini Wabalekad)t.futudrl endlwini,
(Thebucketis conpktu b tull of wâter.) wâthâúa umntwanawaphumâ ,'ldri uÍmtwatra, gqi phandle,
êbaÌekawângenaemotweni ngqe,khatha emotwen|
Anothe{ ideophone for expÍessing'completely' is 'sàict' usedmosrly in
the senseof 'to foÍget corrplerel)' :
Some ideophones túen froÍn Sitrdi\ve MâgoÍâ's autobio$aphy
Ithe stu.t kum lh^d completelr foÍgotÍen.
KubanhtanoBabantwaurBdr" (CapeTown, David Philip, 1995):
Enkosingokurdikhumbüza Thânksfor reminding ne,
'uMhla weNkosi yayinsumhla The Day ofthe Lord was a
sendilibefesàici. Ihâ.d complctebrfoÍgoareÌr.
onocoselelo;uthe l,íu yaya caÍefiÍ day; cored GtÍaiút)
Ideophonescân be usedin many contexts10expÌ€ss: ungâlúululangâ koúe. rp.26r andúorougblyi ar ease.
r€mperâÍufe Thina bâbeDg^z bâya
ange Wô hâd nol er€r b€enú)
very warm / excited n&,r kuTsoÌo-'(p.28) Tsolo.
Lithi/zttu kwelangal 'NgoÍúla weKdsimesiwonÌ' On ChÌistmâsDây every
icy (cold) urÍmtwanawayenxibaimpaìÌâ chlld \roÍe bn$d riew
La Ìrânzi abândâc?fel This water is ,.),! yeKrisinesi,intshal/dca ...'(p.75) 'ChÌìstmascloth€s'.
222 XHOSA- UNIT]4 ul(urHËNq-Àl!4!4-N!z\IQ,YlNIq-24(W1!l!
4!! 223
'Wândith€latàr!.pi€ ubâwo Fâtherbegaì Àrntrrg at
rgonobângelawerìgxaki what was ât úe root of my
endandikuyo.'(p. 8) ploblem.
'H ebhu hebhu ttT\embeka. Thembekâdo)rb drzed off till
kÌdígekudalap hekhethe. finâlìy shends o,rt like a cândÌe
[...] Nâbâbantwanabaseklaya oÍ'e by orc, oJï,oJï,olï úrey
royi, yoyi, )toyi, cun.' (p.236, went until they too Ìí?,'.rdrÍ.
'L€€ ,l/d hÌm ithamsanqa My exc€€dinggood foÍune
eljláulu eÌiÌêÌam.'(p. 237) beganto dawn on me.
(liï.lt bêcameclear to ÍDethe
lcouí.syrMoyibuyeCenrre) 09/06/98],
$eat fortune which wasmine.)
Mrch oÍ ihe badwork orcdued bdov core6 Íor Èe
Cultural background tiruílt úis morl,ethdsleodtr chongêsin desig",
'rdde.col@rcombinotiois.ì hesdleoÍ beddwoÂ
colours ond
B6adwork lo ftongêls hosmeontÀoÌ o grele. emúosis is plfted
Bêodworkis oi iniesrolpod of hodìrionolNsuni dress.BsÍorerhe on lh commercìol wlue thonon ih symbolicmeoning.'
inrÍoduclìonoÍ slossbeods{proboblyíhst obioinedÍrom Portusu€se lliúth Aki@nÌ.ktiúol cokry la/%l
explorers ondtroderslnoturolmolêriolwos usedlondsrillisl:osfi€hess
shells,seeds,horn,etc.DecoÍoting withb€odshoso purpose for beyond
mereoÍnomênrolion ond 'dressingup'. h oho Ae ouword rign oÍ
bêhvêenpeople,ú€ir ,lolusin'ssociêry,
ÍsloÌionships thêiroge gÍoupos
wêllos thêriluolstorusor spi tuolpowêÍoÍ dìêwêorerMessoges woro l.odr orê allo oí inrêsrol porr of rhê rrodiriondl hedleÌ'i dre55,
throushtheuseoÍ voriouscolours, colourcombinotions
ond mol'fs,(pêcuhoíb diÍ{e,enr resion3l, \capeAryús,Is/01/971
e.g.thesmollrectongulor 'love
lettêÍ' (omophi.ol modeby ie€nosesiíls to Indicob6ei' love for o

youngghk ondwomenmodebeodworkwitho portìcuìor
pHow to apply it
weorerin mind,bulolsoÍor tfiemselvesondoúer womên.Highlyp.ized I Completequestions appropÌiately
ìtemsof beodwoÍkwêrêhondeddo*n Êommotherto dquohter or were
modeby mothersfor doughters. Aport Í,om necklocesúocelersond CompÌelethe following qüestions'iíhicb you might aska shopkeeper
onkletstfieyolsomodeoprons,collors,heodbonds ond belts. hy ÍilÌing in thenissingobjectconcords:
Nèckloces withmonyslÍingsoÍ beods,izidongo, wereusuolly wornby (Lt) Ndingâ_íìmânâ phi âmâcid?
chieÍsondseniormenon cêrêmoÍiol occosions. Theboodedcollorworn (b) Ndingâ_fumânâ phi iingobozi?
by NêkonMondeloin úis fomouspicturêond úe onewornby USvicè (c) Ndinga_furnânâ phi imibhinqo?
prcsidênr Al Gor6 when he was grontedtËe honororymoyorship of (d) Uyâ_thengisà iminqwazi? (Àdr,t
Crossroods, Cope Townin June 1997, orc colledomolhumbu or (c) Uya-thengj sajzinxibo zakwaNtìr?

2 A shop assisiant needs to know'which' ll Yizâ ngnphâukhethe.

(a) Utuna_ Ndiyâsithândâkâkhulu isiÌìombo sale. kodwa inzima iÍtuÌu
umbala? gqithâ.AndinâÌuyiphaúa.
(b) utunâ-isafzi?
lì Uyithândâ njânjIe?
(c) Ufunâ izúonbiso-mzimbâ?
(d) Utunâ- A Inde. Ikhaphukhâphu.Ndifuna le. Yimâlini?
B Yi-R250.00_
(e) Utunâ- anacici?
A Yhu, idülu kakhuÌu.Undibiza ixabiso eliqhelekileyo?
3 Read ú€ text and answeÍ the queslions ll Kakâde.Zonke izin o zidulu hrle mihlâ.
EZAKWANTU A Ungandibonisale isekoneni. Ndiyâyithândâ.Ilulâ kunale.
Nãntoni na eyênziwengeentsimbi Isihombosayosilìle kanjalo.
SiziincutshezezakwaMu B Le itshiphu kunaleillzina.
Ndiza kuyithenganale incinaDe.Ulcubandithengâezimbini uza
imilengalenga kulihlisa ixabiso kancinci?
yodonga, iimagi ezihonjiswe ngêêntsimbi,amatsheyini
D Ewe, Nkosìtazi, núzâ kuliHisa nee 107a.
zomqâla, ezengalo,
ezamaqatha njalo,njalo. Ndiyabúela. Athìni aÌnarabìsoàzo?
Kuphêlasiíowunele:Siza kukwênzelazonke izinto ngakumbi B R280.00.Nantoni enye?
êzeentsimbiokanveke nqalhandlêkweentsimbil Hayi, kulungíe.
(a) lvhâi kind of texr is it? B Harìba kakulìle Nkosikâzi. Soboúanakulo nyakauzayo.
(b) Whât is tlìe âctiveform of'-ho4!iswâ'? A KulungiÌe.
(c) Fill in the coÍÌect form of the possessives: (a) Uvelaphi unúengi?
ixâbiso nopopi: ixabiso _nqâwâ (pl.); (b) Kuúeú zingeklÌoizinxibo zaÌwaNtu?
ixabìso ngxowa (c) Umthengiuthengântoni endaweniyeziÌìrdbo?
(d) Thereâre two nounsadopt€dfiorn English.What aÌe they? (d) Umúengisi ulìhÌìsâ ixabiso ngepesentiengakanani?
4 R€ãd the dialogue and answeÍ úê queslions (e) Urìthengi ufunâ ukubüyelanini evenldleú yezakvaNtu?
(You might needto consút the )úosa-Engtish vocabuÌary.) List the clothes usually worn by men and women
A MoÌo, Nkosikazi. Uthengiseizinúbo zâkwâNtuna? Usedìe following woÌds: (â) ilokhwe, (b) iikawusi, (c) ibhatyi,
B Hâyi, ndilusizi. ziphelile. NdizirtìengisekaÌhÌÌlu. Zifunwâ gqiúa (d) ibhâg.i yemvuÌâ,(e) umnqwazi,(D ihemp€,(g) iqhina"
kuÌe mihlâ. (h.)izibÌansu, (i) ibhülukìwe, (j) ibhlarvuzi,0O isuti and (ì) iqhiya.
Uyâzi uzâ kuzifuÌrana úú kwâkhonâ? I Anúba iimpahlâ eziphì
B Ngelishwaandazi.Mhla*mbi kule nyângaizayo.
Andizi kuba kúo kule nyangâizâyô. Ndiza kubuyela aphahio
nyaÌâ uzayo.Andiblú âphâ-
B Uvelâ phi?
Ndivela eKapa.
B Oo ndiyabonâ. Mhlawumbi ÌruÌho enye into oyinqwenelâyo?
Sinazo izihombiso-rnzimbaezihle zakwaNtu. Sikwânâzo
Ndifuna iingobozi, enyeenkulunenyeencinci Doko.
2 KuDxitywântoni ngabâfâzi? I Characrerisepeople by comparing then to certain anitnals
tJseúis list ihlosi(leopaÌd),inyosiOee),ingonyaÍna(lion),indlonl
(clcphant),undlebende < indlebe= ear+ de= lonc (donker.
(c) Unenkânikunâ-
(d) Ukhuthelekuna
Buying a skirÍ (c) Unzimakuna-
Fi[ ìn úe ÍnissingÍelâtìveconcordsto descÌibewhatkiDdof skiÍ
lO Change the above compaÍisong in Exercbe 9 üsing
Núfuna umbhinqo_naÌnâbalâ _ninzi.
(b) Núthandâ amâbala_qâqambiÌeyo.
Andithandi mibhinqo_fu tshanegqitha.
(d) Zângendilhengembhinqo_dulu gqithâ,kodwa andithengi
mibhiDqa_tshiphü kânjâÌo-Ndithandâiimpalúa ze€mpawu
(-hle;of goodquâlity).
ll Read tlre text and aÍswer the qüestions
What go€s with what?
Ulindiwe Mabuza nsoüìnye (a) wanabhinqa anempumelelo
Fill in úe relâúve concords:
(b) ebomid. Ungumyili nomttunsi weeÌnpal'laophambili.Ungunnini
(a) Ndicinsa ul:ubaibla\Ãuzi_mÍìophe ihâmbâkaÌuhle weFashionDesìsn Stuiio. lgama lâkhe laziwa gqitha kwezefâshoni
nombhinqo_mnyâma okâny€_Ìúl.z a? kweli (c) naphesheya.Nso-r995 (d) wâmenywâ ukubâ âmele
(b) Ucìngâukubâle Ìokìwe _bomvu ihâmbakakuhÌenebhatyi uMzantsi-AÈikâ Kwi'S n Eumpa Fashíon Show' ePflis. AbânnÌ
_nasundü? baseFmnce baziúandâ gqiúa iimpÂhlâ zâkh€. UnguÍnlawuti
(c) Anúcingi ul:ubâezi zihÌangu_lübheÌu kho (your) íelnqrnnnü yeLindìi'e Acadent of Faúion Dêsign. Utundisa
ziyúambânebhuluküwe pinld! abathungiabâkhasayo(who âre súI noüces üt. stiÌl qawling).
Use the compârãtiv€ or superlative and say Ulindiwe uúi (e) uyifimene impumeÌelongerìxayabantwanabalhe
ebebesoloko b€mláÌìthâzâ.llklìoÌelwa ukuba'Xa ufundisauÍDntwâna-
(a) Ndiúanda ìintsìmbi zomqâlângâ
utundisaitìzwe, xa uryebisâibhinq4 utyebisâihlabâthi.'
L:wazo-onte izúombiso-mzimbâ.
(b) Ndicingâ ukubale yeyonangobozi_Ìungileyo. (4, Whatis anoúerwod foÌ ifrhinqa?You úoÌìld knowiis deÌìvation.
(c) Zìhle ezi zihlangukunâ- (b) ebomini is a locative. What is the basicnoun?
(d) L€ lokrhwe_nde _luhÌazâ njengengcaidulu hrna G) Which woÍd could yoü inseÌt heÍe?
(d) What tu the aclive of this passivefonn?
-luhlaz â njengesibhâkabhaÌâ.
What is úe iDfiritive?
(0 Find ihe fouÍ copulstive forms and the thÌee object concsrds
in the texl

r 5l
'I htr [olÌow the shofter rcall atul h. e a puncturc!
Iinkathazo zohamho I I l'c1or Nx! IviÌi ngebelingagqabhukanga
ukubabenúúatbe umgaqo
Trauelwoes tjlcnny Kusolokokulula ukuqondaeÌnvakwesiúongâl
l.tttkil! a passíngmotoist stopsto Biveassistance.
tj'nqhubi Molweni, yinÌoÍi umonakalo?Ndingâninceda?
tjPcleÍ MoÌo MÍuÌnzãna.Ngathiivili lamügqabhúile. Ungandibolekâ
In this Unit you l,/dittteotn hoú to]. ujack?Ngeüshwaowan utheràlrdka!
tjmqhubi Hâyi, ilishwa! Linda unzuzwana.núzâ kuÌnÌhupha üja.k
I âskfor ândgive diÍections ebhulhini.Linomoya ivili lolaleliso?
I askâbôut aÌd descibe road conditions UPcter Ngethamsanqandilimpompeizolol
I offer someonea lift
Thegooll Sannntun helpsPeter changethe tyrc.
I expÍessiÌritâtion at oneself
! expÍessgrâtitud€at someone'sfortuitous arival / pÌesence UJcnny Kwekhu.tshotshoufrke.MlÌuj]],zarcl
UPoter Inenel KâÌnbe ke, Mnunzana, ingaba iküona igâÍaji
I sây what is wÌong with your car
ekúutshane? Ndiyoyikâ ngattÌi siza h]phelelwâ Ípetroli
I maÌe anangementsfoÌ car repairs kâmsinyane.Andiyiqondi le nto L:ubandiyizaliseìzo1oitâDkì!
Umqhubi Ingabakukho unngxuma etaDtini? Uyazi, yenzekâìulâ loo
tr Incoko nto ezindleleú zasemaphandlenil Masikìângele!

trAfter makingúeir pürchasesJennyaúdPeterrcsumeúeiÌjoümey but gel

lost and âsk a pâsseÍbyfoÍ diÌections.
[JPerer Ool ilishwal Uryanisile! lnene, külúo umngxunyânâ
ongange-eÍyisi! Sizakuthinì?
Umqhubi Hayi. Ìrìfonúni, sukuxhala. Ukuba unâyo isepha, ndiza
UPeteÌ Molo tata,kunjâúi? kulrrvinsca. Emva koko, ungâqhubâuye egrÌâji.
Umhanbi Molv/eni. Hayi, ndisatotoba"mfo wam! LjPeter lsaüjiiL:udekangakanani?
UPeter Ungasinceda,bawo? SilâHekile. lngaba le yindlelâ eyâ Umqhubi ll:ufuphi,ndilandele.
engcwabmi likasaDdile? trPeter Nangamso,Mn]umzana.Ineneusiúcedilel
UÍúaÌnbì Hayi, nihambangendlelaengeyiyo Whenther rcach the gúnge Perer exprcsseshir grctitude agaih The)
UPeter Sizakuyibambaphi ke ngoku eyiyo? üúanSe naflEt a d adlrcsses b.fore taking le@e of each other P€ter
Umìâmbi Buyani umva ngalo mgaqo nize ngawo. Nakufika th?narnnges for thepetml tank to be Íepaired.
kwisiphambuka sokuqala, nilândele indlela yâsekìohÌo.
Bmva koko, hambaÌ]trngqo. Emva kwekhilomitha niza tjmkhandi Molo, ndinsâkuncedangantoni,MnüÍnzâna?
kubonaisalathisoesiúi 'trAcv'altení ükasandile' . tiPeter Molo, Mnulnzâna.NgeÌishwâkukho ümngxünyanakwitanki
UP€t€r Injani indlela?Yindlela yeúa? yepeÌÍoli yam. UngâyiÌungisâkwângoku?
UrÍúambi Hayi.yindlelayegmbile. Enyeinto,ililoÍrgoloÌo!KuRÌoenyeindela UÌnkhandi Eh, núnomsebenziomninzi kodwâ Ídiza kuzâma.
aphangaselorneDe eh.úÍshãÌehmâyo.Ngeüshwa ayilÌtrrgânga"
(JPeter Oo ndìyabuÌela.KuzâkuthâthâjxesbaelingakananiukweDza
UPeter EnÌosi kalìülu, tata, üsincedile. Kanene, uya phi, tata? loo nto?
lngabasingalukiwelisa? tjmkhandi Mm, mrndibone,malungâneeyuÌeezimbini.
Unúanbi lÌayi entosi, ndilinde idombi yam apha.

UPeteÍ Ungandixelela,uza kubiza malini 10msebenzi? Atk about and desctibe ,'oad conditiona
UmÌnandi Kunzima ukutshokânye,Mnumzâna.MalunganeR350
ldoni iÍ' €tâ?
LlPeteÍ Kúungile, MnuÌnzânâ. Masiyishiye ke imoto. Sobonânâ
Isigama AyituÍganga.
YrrÍlÌeh yetha.
Yi dlelâ yegrabile.
lrdlela ilisongoÌolo.
ts dlela ekúutshanê.
llÍdlela ékude kâkhìrlu.
Oflet someone a lilt
Exprcss iÍÍitqtion qt onesetÍ
n\ qintin€lite a milipedesià kuú'ô'?
Exptess gt'dtltüde at someone'a lortuitous
qfilúdl/ ptesence
Kyektu, tshotshoüike!
mva kresilhongââiÌer d êvenL
isiúonsa loüd bang/ Êtoí Say uhat is l1dto.ng @ith vout cdt'
umomkalo tloubÌê / darâgê
Ingathikukho ünmgxumâ?tâíki yepetmli.
/moto yam yaphükil€.
N Hou to ... /moto yam iÌingtu Gtuck).
,moto yam d)tqhìdthi (wonÌ stâí).
Ask for ond gioe dtrections lmoto yâm iluoâ anarìzi.
IÍgaba leJindlelâ dyâ é ,l lmoto yam iphêlelue J,pêtÌoli.
Sizâku)tbâmba phi ke tnallelaeya e_ Izibg'ie azkebeúzi
Uxolo ndineafrkêlelânjatri e lbhetÍi yemoto yam ifl€thi.

Elambãni ngqo. Make anongements obout cor tepoits

Nihambakwtriphambukâ so,hrq.Is, nilândelg irdìela yâsekunene. Unga)tlüngisaks,angoku?
Buyânt umva ngalo mgaqo. Kuzâkuthatha ri€sha slingrksDsDi uku)tluÍgisâ?
UphâÍtse uffks! (You'Ìe ÍeâÌly theÌe!) Ungal sala imoto yam? (tow)
Uza kuda malini lo ,Bebend?
Uza L-uxabisrmslini lo ,rs€bemi?
232 XHOsA
) Scc Unit 6.3, Unit 6,5 and Unit 7.3 for reúsion of otheÍ neqâÍive
S Horl it uorks toDstructioìrs.
7 c,or[dítionot conat 'uctions 'lhe Degâtiveinfix -nge-'is usedwith relâtive stems:
Simple conditional clause: lvili éltngenamoyâ (lit. wheeÌt&.rthasno pesswe) = Ílât í,Ìe
You aÌe alreadyfamiliar wiú úe simple conalitionâI clâus€ irtroduced iÌdlelâ .rngeiyo (lii. the Íoâd rldt is not il) = rvÌoDg Íoad
I ct Unit 11.2- copulâúveof shoÍaened emphatic pronolrn.
Sizakonga Gokonga)ìxeshâ We'll saveúme if we take úis
g Hot4, to exptesst 'I orn not', 'you ate not', 'we
ukubâ sithâthâ10mgâqo gÌavel road.
ÌvegrabiÌe. dte not', 'he / she is not', 'they ate not' + not/ú
UnfüIfiled past condition
The negâtiveof dìe copulativ€ construction is foÍmed fiom úe negâtive
In orderto exprcss'... would (not) hâve ..., if ...'you usengêbê(past 8C + copülâtive -rg- + a + prelix minus initiâl vol{€l:
l€nseof ngâ- andbâ) + üL:ubâfollowed by the paúcipiâl ending iú -e:
Ánátgomqhulti unamava. I am gall an experienceddriveÌ.
Ivili ngebelingsgqabhukângâ Ì wouliln't hâve had â punctuÍe Àrtrsobdqhübi bânÂÍÌâva. We âÌe [q]! experienceddrivers,
ukuba bendithatheindlela yeihâ. if I hâd iúen the tar road. Áhrrgornqhübi mbi. You âÌe EE! a bad ilriver.
Ngebesìlâhlekil€ ukübâ We would have got Ìost if Ár,ngqódqhubi bânamava. You âÌe !o! experienceddriveÌs.
ubüDgârrtonisângâindlela. you hâdn't shownllJ the waÍ qhubi ulüngileyo.
ÁÉdrr8etn He /she is lot a good dÌiv€r.
Theseiorms canbe contractedto: Áàarrgqãaqhübib.lungileyo. Th€y âÍr Iq! good dÍivers.

Ngelingagqabhukangs. . . ']{íi'cân replâcethe negativeSC in an impersonalstatement:

Ngesilaülekil€ . . . /$tgangaqo ulungile)o. It r's,lot a good road.
Á,riyanigaqoilungilelo . They drs ,lrt goodroads.
2 Neg.|tioe lo/'ns urith angaj o,'',d'-'nge: Árt qc€bolilúe eÌo. It is noÍ a good idea.
SünrÌÌâry of wherc '-trgar is üsedto folm the negâtive: Árisasibhedlelesikhulu. It ir n"r a big hospitãI.
Áriandlefâ ilungilelo. ttís not agoodÍo d.
IÌfinitive Zama ukutrgâqhübiebusuku.Try not to ihive at night.
Subjunctive Ungâ"rrthaúi 4/rgaqo wegÌâbile.You shouldnot take úe 4 Hola, to exptess 'tt is not me' / 'wu' / 'us', etc.
gravel road.
'ful'- is alsoprefixed to úe copulativeof €mphatic pmnouns to form lhe
P.Ìticipid Vr'ahambaengâúaúi ndlela yetha.(lit. He left not taking nogâtive(ct UÌit 11r). Look at úese positivesândnegativesl
the taÍ road.)
IÌ is me-
ReÌâtive Ncedaulungiset bane zzibgesebenzilo.PleaserepaiÌ rhe Asindin. It ie rat me.
üúts that aÍe trot working-
strhi. It tr us-
ártrtthi. It is rot w.
It ir yoü (s.).
Itiçn Í you G.).
ìr'ini- It tr yoü. (pÌ.) Not€: In co[oqúal spe€€húe rcgâtiv€ folm of descriptives(adjeclives
,4-ríntni. Ir Ír rot you. (pl.) undÍelatives)will often be heaÌdendingin - ga':
x8üye. (ü'"qhubi) It ir him / h€r. UmE Ettawuu.hlsúgâ. The Íoad tr na. good.
Asì gaye. It is noÍ him / heÌ- Imigaqo ayiz]/.tshàrg^. The Íoâdsare uoÍ new.
xsdbo. (aáaqhübi) It ,.rthem. /ndlelâ alir4bânga. The roâd 6 not bad.
Asingaho. It rì noí them. linüe|â aziu,hary . The roâdsa," nat bad-
Ngavto.(úng .lo) It rr it. Á,t shush!ânga namhlanje. It ir nrÍ hot today.
It rìçraÍ it, etc. 6 InteÍÍogatine qdjectíoe rni?' = 'of ruhat soít / lá'1,d?'
ryo. (t dlêlâ) It is il etc.
This constructionÌÌÌây be used with rcferenceto new-bom babies and
,4riliyo. Ít is rrÍ it, elc.
lÍimals to fhd out whetherthev arc male or femêle:
5 Negotíoe lotms oÍ descfiptioe' Ufunâ mrÍÌrand nni? Inl(wenl(rveokanyeintombazana?
In Unit 8,1, you saw úât simply Fefixing the subject concoÌd to the Uúânda ,lntu 4ni1 úhanda àl'ntu bjril
Íelative stemfonns the pÍedicate: Uk1ìeúa rrs€benzi 4ni? Llkhethâ n,tuno utni?
Ndilusizi, ,moto yam imdakâ. I am soÍry, my câr is diÌty. Utunâ phepha lini? Ufüna maso Usnì?
Ukhethâ riqhamo !rni? Ufuna ztqhâmo íini?
To foÍrD the negative,simply pÍelìx the negative subjêct coúcoÌd: Ukhelha rja ni? Uthandâ rlngobozi* iini?
Umgãqoawubâ'nri. The Íoâd ir Mt wide. Wenza lüthâmbo* (exeÌcise)&ni?
Imìg qo q'íbsnzi. The Íoâds dru not wide. tfthetha àít]'wâlâ+ (alcohol)àani?
Indlela alibâÍzi. The Íoad t ot Ìvide. Ukhetha hdyâ fuÍti1
Ìrrdlelâ dzibâÍzi. The Íoads dré nrt wide. you can see the iritiâl vowel of the pÉfix of úe noun hâs been
Negâtive forÍns of âdjectival st€ms (cf. Unit 8.1), however,must inffx ^fl
omitted ândils coresponding adjectivalconcoÌdis Felìxed to '-ni' .
the ÁC betweenthe negâtive subj€€t cotrcoÌd ândthe arljectiÌâl stem: *Note: the reâppeamnce of the consonantassociatedwiú nounsof CÌâss
Ungla.to tl,hle. The roâd ir good. l0 (z), Clsss 11 (D and Clâss 14 (à).
Ung qo awuryhle. The road ir rot good. Nole âlso: This occÌrÌsin the locâtive in Clâssês10 and 11:
Imigãrjo mitÂhà.
Imtgãí]oayíDlitsha. The rcâdsdr€ |lot n€ìr, d/l / ar úe moütrtâins
IndÌôlâ ,ì"rbi. The Íoad ir bsd. iirdlela > e4inüeleri
lndlela alizrbi. The Íoad rs n t bâd. at plâces
findl€lâ zirrbi. The rcadsdr€ bâd.
Iinüel^ aziahï The rcadsdr€ ,rot bâd. iirdonga > ezíndoúgeni
Àâlâthiso rincinci. The sign rr súâÌ.
ÌrâÌâthiso drlqncfuci. The sign |J rot smâI. ídoDgta > eludoigeni
7 Exclamations Rollef
TheÌe âre â numberof fteqüently üsedexclamationsìn Xhosawhich add QâbuI
:pice ro üe language. HereâÍe \omeexamples: Kwekìu, tshorshoüfikel
Surpúse, astonishmenf
l-i...1/ish! Co away! You tire me out! (Oo / Awu) Nkosi yâm! DeâÌ I-ord!
Nxa! Damnl Yho!/Yhu! Geewhizzl
Nx! DaÌnnl Tyhini! Gosh!
Tyho!TYhu! Goodheâvens!
Kwowul ohl
Nakoke! TheÍe you âre!
Mâwo! My! / Wonderfull
ComfoÍ Nyhâni! Reâlly!
Ngxesiìi! l,et me kiss it b€tteÌl (to a child) Kazil I wonder!
Compassion Wrrni|rg
I'm sorry! Heyi ... heyi ... heyi (accompanlng gestureof
Yehâl Oh dear! (aÍdifuni loo nto) shakingone's finser at a peÍson)
Torho!/ToÌhwana Shamel(cf. Anikaâns 'tog')
CongÌâtulatioÌls pHow to apply it
HâÌâÌâI Hurrah!
Huntshu! HurÌúl I Match the road sigDs with úe English equivalent
Emphâtic afliÌmâtioÍ The eqúvalentsâÍe: (â) DangercuscuÌve, (b) Deadend,(c) Caution,
E-e! Yesl (d) Roadclosed,(e) No oveÍtaking,(f) Do not enter,(g) Roadworks
Hayì kel Sure! ahead,(h) Roâdflooded, (i) Energency exit ând (j) Drive caretully.
Hekel vr'eÍ rhenl I Indl€la iyaphela
Ngxâtshoke! Excellentl / To the point! 2 IndÌeÌaivaÌiwe
Emphatic negâtioÍ 3 Indlela iyalmgiswa phambfi
Hâyi bo! No wayl 4 Igopheeliyingozi
Hayi khona! Absoìutelynot! 5 Qhübakakul e
6 Eyakuphümangesiquphe
Pâin 7 Luúka
Shu! Ouch! 8 Unganseú
R€gl€t 9 Indlela isqurywe ngamaDzi
OwuI AÌasl l0 Ungayigqiúi enyeimoto
Ngxe! Sorr/l
Hayì ilishwa! Oh dear!
2 Ask úe condttion oÍ the Ìoad 6 Ask Íor the neaÍest
Is the rcad good?Ingâba (ô) shop Indawoni kufutshane?
o) Is the rcad sâfe? (b) hospital Sindawoni L:ufutshane?
Is it a taÍ road? (c) police stâúon Sindawoni kututshane?
(d) Is it a gÌavel road? (d) phoÍe Indawoni húrtshane?
(e) Is the Ìoad stìll under coÌìstructìon? (e) doctoÌ Undawoni kìúrtshane?
(0 Is the roâd âlÍeadyopento aafiìc? Ingaba (f) petÌol station Indâwoni _kufttshane?
L:wizilhuthu? (g) place('dorp') Indawoni _k]tutshane?
You aÌe lost in a tou,rr and a9k a passerby ÍoÌ diÌ€ctions 7 Ask somebody
(^) Excaseme sìx Couli.vou help ne? I am lost. (a) to give you a lift Unsa
Ufuna ul:uyâphi? (b) to help you TÌn o , 1
(b) I want to so to a shoúa!,laLtuÌntu Cra|ts. Do rou know ií1 (c) 10lend you ajâck Ursa 1
Ewe, núyây^zi. Ikufutshanekakìulu xâ úaphâ- Ndizâ (d) to showyou the way to
húucacisela indlela. Hambângqo. Ekoned yokuqataujite GÍahâmstown IIn r , 7
ngasehnene-Uza kudlulâ ezinyeiiveúile. Ekoneni elandetâyo E Ïell the mechanic what's $rong urith youÌ câr
ecalenilâsekhoblouza kubonaivenkile yezaKwantu.
Ungaúândaukubandilokìâphe? (a) The üghts are not working. Izibane-sebenzi.
(b) The hooteris not working. Uphondo-sebenz|
(c) No. tha k vu. I understandwh?rctolìnd the shop,lr êr@ (c) The hândhake is not working. lbhreki -sândlâ -sebenzi.
wìr near indeed. First I go struíght. then nptu and thenI must (d) The fan belt is bÌlken. ffeúbelti -sebenâ.
allJefr. (e) The windscrcenwip€r is lsil ambi -fesrile
Kulungiìe. Hambakakuhle. not working. -ngaphâmbili -sebenzi
(d) Thankwuyen nuch. six Goodbye. (0 My left rcar lisht is not woÍking. Isibanesâm-ngasemva
Complete úe quections sekìoHo sebeDzi.
_mâ phi iiteksi? What can be wrong with youÍ car?
o) _kìonâ iibhasi _Jâ eRìini? (a) I havea flât llre. Ndin viÍ -nsen-moya.
(c) Kukìo ibhasi Ja eRhini naÍDhlanje?
O) My nght fÌont tyre is flat. vili m nsaphambili
(d) _Jhi ìsikìululo _bhasi?
sekunene flethi.
_ma phi ibhasi_Ja esirishid? (c) My car hâsboken down. Imoto m aphukile.
(o üteksi _nqabile nâ ku ndawo? (d) My car is stuck. lmoto -m -xingile.
5 Ask (e) My caÌ won't staÍ. lmoto -m -qhwithi.
(a) _khona (D It needswâteÌ. funa anaÌÌzi.
(a gaÌage)endleleni?
(g) It hasrun out ofpetrol.
(b) (a shop)endleleni? -phelelwe __jetroli.
(h) My car batteryis flat. Ibhetri -Ìnoto -rÌ -file.
- isiláululo sâmaDolisaenalleleni?
(i) My caÍ nust be towed. Kutunekâimoto -m _tsâlwe.


t ól
lO What has been stolen?
(a) Imolo yanì _biwe.
Umzila welifa likaXhosa
(b) ujâck m _biwe. nerttaoe tratl
(c) IüÌi mlolaleliso biwe.
(d) Isipaji (wallet) _rn biwe.
(e) Ingxowa_nkosìkazi m _biwe.
11 R€ad the dialogu€ and answeÍ the qüestioÍs
A Uxoìo, MnuÌnzâna, ungandixelelaükuba kuhde kângakanaú ln this Unit you uill learlr how to:
ukusükaaphaukuyâ ecala? Kukude kakhulu?
B Hal, akukude.Kukufuphi. I mk âboutsolneone'sholiday
A Ziknilomeúa ezingâphi? I ísk wherc someonewent
B Ndicinga ukubamâÌunganeekhiÌornettÌaezilishumi. I descÍibetrâvel Ìoute
A Ingabaindlelâ ìnde? I expÍessdetiút
B Ayimbi gqiúâ, kodwa ayindekânjâlo.
A Asiyondlelayeúâ?
B Hâyi, âsingorngaqoweúa, ngumgâqo wegrabile kodwâ
ngethamsânqâ awuÍDÌinwâ,ubânzinoko. The Mulmys discusstheir recenttrip with the Thamsanqas.
A Kulungíe. Phambikol:uyâ ecala singaúandâokubukaidolophu UThemba Belinjani i}úetu lenu eÌndftoseú? Nibe nohamboolumyoü?
yakho kancinci. UnokusixeÌeÌâaphokìrklo indâwo ekhuseÌekilc UPeter BelungummaDgaliso nângona besineenkâthazo zemoto
yokumisaimoto? ezimbalwa kodwa ngethamsânqa sancedwa ngabantu
B Ewe i1úonâ. Hamba nsqo, kwisiphaÌnbukâesilandelayoujike abânobubelesqiúal
ngasekÌìohÌo uza kubona ibala lokupaka eÌikhrìlu UThandi Heke, nsesiqhelokunjalo ke emaphandleni.Kânene,beniye
elilúusêÌehleyo ecaÌeniÌâsekunene. phi kanye?
A EtrkosikâkhuÌu,Mnumzânâ. UJenny SiluqaleukheDtetholwethu eP€ddie.ul:ususelakwiiÌtsuku
B Ndlela nde. zâm zol:ufunda isixhosa e]'univesidìì, soloko ndafunâ
(â) UÌnqhubi ufuna ul:uyâ phj? ukuryelelâ iindawo zembú yamaxhosâ eMpuma-Koloni.
(b) ZiilúiloÌniüa ezingaphiììkuya apho? Kânene,Íntoni'iPeddie' ngesixìosa? Ndilib€Ìe.
(c) Injani indlelâ? UThandi YiNgqushwâ, wethu!
(d) Yindlelâ ni? LJJenny Oo, ewe, kânene. Heke, siye eNgqushìra kubâ besinrnâ
(e) Kuúeni umqhubietunaiÍdawo yokumisaimoto yakÌìe? ukubukâlââ mthi wodumo- umthi won4Ì'drlu. Emvâkoko,
(0 Utunâ ukupakaimoto yâÌhe ndawoni? sasingâ eQonce kwìmruzìyâm yeKâffrâÌìân apho kukìo
kìonâ inLithâ yezinto zâkwâNnÌ ezidâÌâ umdlâ kâÌhulu.
Emvâ L:wemini sayâ kwiÌhayâ liÌâStêvê Biko. Sabona
Ì.:wânendâwo âphowâfibÌwâ kuyo.
UPeteÍ Ngemini eÌândeÌâyo,yekoko ukusinga kuBelekazâna:
sihambengokugwegweleza sadlulâkuQoboqobosayakutsbo
ngemo-ndalo nêzithethe zamtcìosâ ngaloo mâxesha.
Niyìfundìle kanjâlo enyeinc\\radiyalÁe tDrawn in Cobun
Ulcnny Ewe, ândìthikânenewaqâlangayo?
t'ïhcrDbaNâwxfumânâk€ uÍ\zi káJabar'ü?
Ulunny Hayi, ngelìshwaasibânganâmpumelelo!
lllhondi Nâsingâphi emvâkoko?
Ultter SahÌâÌâkuBelekazâna iìntsuku ezimbâlnâ. Yhol UbübÌe
baloo mmândlâ buqaqambiÌe.UxoÌo oÌulapho! Nol:uzolâl
Amahlathi elo zwe neengxangxasiezíxhomís'úmehlo,
neentaka ezindobo-ntlobo nentsholo y^zo zizinto
ezingüÌììmângâliso ukuzibonâ!
UÌhcmba Bekhrhel ,' exhukvane kttwe.PeteÍ.wenamniu wendâÌo!
UPotcr Yitsho upbindel Íyo loo nto sigqibesiÌilalaphâyazonkeezo
uJcnny Indawo elandelayoesityelelakuyo ibiyicuÍÌâtâlâ. Besituna
ukubona ingcwaba likasândile kodwa salablekasâncama.
Saúi mâsilandeL:umlúondowaknekodlvasaphelelwalixesha-
t)Pcrcr Ngemìni elandelâyo, sasinga eMtâtâ. Endleleni, sicande
Uïtìenbâ Oo Amâlhrde! Niyâzi, kuÌapho kwaliwa khonâ elinye âÍnâdlelo nÂhle, iintomo neegüshaúhe gqa gqa Sqr
Ìamâdâbiamabikwimbú yamaxhosa.+ emadìambekeniuhdlula koomaQuúftâ, noomaccuwâ,
UJenny Kakâde! Lidabi elo elixelwa kumbongo kâJolobe nooÍìâDytüÌra. Sinjâniukunqq/enelaukuryelelaiQunu apho
' UThüthula', * oÍuÍtyè\rcmibongo yethu elunivesitbi. w^zâlelwâHìonâ uNelsonMândeÌâ. Ngelishwa,ilúaya elo
Uïhembâ Wonke uÌrÌmandlâ lowâ ngasezintabeúzÀmathol€ uzele ìakhelobuntwânââlisekhokodwâ siseklìosonaisikolo sâLúe.
TiiDda$o lembali yâmâX'Ììo\a.Kúho iirdâwo e/ininrr
ezithiywe ngaÌrÌaklìosiâmâRharhâbe.
UPeÌer Unyanisile. Sidlule ìdamâ litasândile kwaye sibone
nengcwabalikâNgqika endleleú eya ?Dikeri.
UPeieÍ EDikeni sibe nomdÌakakhulu ukuryelelâilovedâl€ CoÌlege
n€Yuniv€sithi yaseFort Hàre apho uNelson Mandelê
wayenguÌnftndi k}ìonâkunyenezinyeiintokeli zananlìlanje.
UJenny Mn4 disand' ukufimdaincwaü The OchrcPeople ebhal.ute
nguNoni Jâbaru. Ngoko ke bendifunâkaÌihulu uhú]ÍÌana
urÌrzi kâyise, üPmfesâ Jâbâvu, owâyeÌ ala exesi xâ
wayenguprofesâweelwimi zakwaNtu eFort Hâre. Ìngabâ
nina nakhenâyfunda le ncwadi?
UThaúdi Ewe. UNotri Jabavu ubhalakâkulìlekâÌìulu. atshoububone
ubuhle balo mmandla.Enye into uzoba ÌrÌnfanekisooÍnhte
xsêep.254for histo.icalcônt€xt
UThemba Nibe nalo ixeshâlokuyâ elunxwemeni?
lJPeter Kakade!SilÍale eMzimrubu iinÌsüku zêntathu.hdâÌo rph(ìj
Iinduli ezihlaukuyâeÌunxwemeni, âmanqugwâlâ
ombona!Inene ;ltilr" IrÌr ntonbazanakwelol

[nrll'i *oDìqNlshu niÌkwoodree

ihÈi o / ku hêadÍor
.qúrcú to KüI
lllìlsn bêhidden.
i.e bÌried
r|'ln sâIhÌsa whcrchc
sas buried

ÍV Bulpin

UThemba Hâyi, Írfov'/eúu, utshondaneklwele!

UJenDy Bndleleú eyaeMzimÌrbu sidlule iveDÌile yângâphandle
yâkudalael,ibod€. Yândif,1ìumbuza
isincoko sikaJolobe
'Iyenkíle Yangaphandle'.Kodwa eyona ndâwo ebesìiìrna
UThandi Nibizrva yinroni ecâla?
'lir aninaÌ hasbon slaÌghtcid at Xhrksm€.
UJenÌy Besimenywengabâhlobob€úu. ^n
IlThândi Nenzantoni ke apho? Íhuk*an€ in üe Middl€dÌilt disnicÌ waskÌown asa rcsidcntialarcâshcrc tie people
UJeDny Sithabathe inxaxheba ebomini berìibla ngemihta. Yaye, livcd in dirc polciy dÌd whcrc Dcàt úrs â múy. wncl' thercfor, anyonesloushlered
r lErí it wascausefoÌ reioicús for all ihe inbabilruis. Thú sayjngrvascoined by
ububele esibufumene kubantu balapho buyamangalisâ. ^,C,
lornàn ú Insquhbo v.hinjaryd (The tvzr, of ,rd Án..Jr,6): 'Kwakuxh€lwc
Ngorhatyâ singqonge umlilo siphülaphule iinrsomi
txluksan€ tüDúeindawo asakubonansaúi zinúi nga(uz$€liMina. (Dinsindaro
nj€ngemihÌayâL:udala! wN deüút€d lo seeúat lhe lablesseG tumins on Zwefinznìa.)
XHOSA- UN]TIó uM?lLwltrf4!!{4M!4
gJiprc''o delight
isúcoko essay
hill Ìerlwâ (Õê4ra) be jnvikd üdlr,fr,lÍnângâliso !
-ryqongâ l/ríNo haloomrÌrânda buqâqâmbileI
unnib 6re lníhlo npho!
inhoni foÌkãÌe tlâkurih! Lw'exhuh,ana h)mt
njengenilúa like days
llh ,( rìntonbaena!
yJkudala or old
ÁrÍ{rltftíhi elo ãvê neengtaÍrgxasiezíxhomìs'anehlol
,lfl ltkn s?intlobo-ntlobo nenls}l.oloyãzn zi.into eaitglrmÍÌâÍgâliso
t/rtrhole értú,ífrrmânêkràl'ntü bâlâphobuyamângalisa.

lEow it works
\ Horo Ío ...
I How to exptess'aho' /'whom' in retotioe ctauses
Ask about sorneohe's holidag
l,0ok rlt this veÌse ftom 'UÍúo EDdimthandâyo' a poem by Sanuel
Belinjani tkhetu lakho / lenu? BdwüÍdKÌune Mqhayi ftom the aj..thologyIndyeboYesihobe.
lbinjaDi üolide yâklìo / yenìr? IUMIIO ENUMTIIANDAYO AFELLOW WHOM I LIXE (HIA4)
BçDibenohâmbo drmyoli?
NdÍhlnd' umf' ohlâmbatuúi. I like a feltow ìrÍ, wâúes often,
Ask uhete someone ueht Ndithsnd'umf' o/undalìrthi, I like a fellow vrto stuúes often,
Nilllhdnd' umf' olìma futhi, I like a fellow váo cultivâtesoften,
Ubq/e phi kânye? Ndithand'umf' ,guqa furhi, I like a fellow ,'Ào kneelsol-ten,
DÊ[iJr€pÌÍ kanye? N nko k'umf' endinúandal,r.' Thaa'súe felow t úon I Ìike.
Nibe nalo tx€shâlohyâ €&nxwême,t?
Nenzantoni ke apho? Nolc úe dìffdence between'Ndithand'umfo qhlamba futhi.' (I like ttÌe
[Ím ULq washesoften.) ând 'Nânto k' umf'4diathâtrdaJa. '(Thât's the
Say how ond ahere gou went monvt o', I like- (nm))
Silrqale,kheDkethoìwerh]oe-.../ ka-... rDlo o- ... = lit. â feÌlowtet, ...
Bsqifuna ukubukelâ ... llórc úe rclâtive concoÍd o- corìn€€tsthe noun 'rntfo' to úe pÌedicate!
Emvâkoko sasingâr-... /,t"-.-. hlomba'of the rclative clâuse.
Ngeminidândelalo,yekokoúusingâ.r-.../ t -...
Ngemini?lând€lâ], sâsiìrgse-.../ ku-... umf' ?ndimÍhândârr,= ür tehon llike hin
Sihâmbr ngokugìr€gwelezâsadluÌa /,td-.-. llerÈ úe Ì€lãtive concord s- pÍefixed to '-ndi'' = 't t nt I' introducesthe
Saìlalâ r'... / irr-...tiritsukuczimbâlwâ. rchtive clâusewhich is completedby the object concord '-m: ='him'.
1'dawo elând€ìây, ?sityeleleku)d-ibiyi... llcre aÍ€ someotherexamplesof relâtives clâusasl'iú object concords
Endlelcni si.ânde amadleloahalig. which you hâvemet in úe Feceding units:
Ningâfâkayonke into Youcanput€verything
enj]iqokeleleyo ,rrd,youhâvecollecÍ€d(t,
kwezi ngxowâ. into thesebags.(Unit9)

248 _ U N IÌ ]ó
Into endingâtr'tthandilo The thing ttrat I do not Ìike (r) ltnÍ,lnDoÍr -!- is infiled in locatives:
kukusebenzâiiyure eziúnzi. is to woÌk maúy houIs. (Unir 10) on the hills ând slopes
crir uldni nâr-erraúambekeri
Enye ìnÌo al,inqwenelâ)o? SomerhingeÌselrraÍ you
Wllh vorhs: secondveÌb endsin e (ct Ünit 8.2).
want (it)? (rÌnit 14)
Conn!útingclauses:yayeor kwâye:
KuogenwasimaÌÌlayaye Fre€entance 8nd íree transpoí.
,ndi- whoml/úâtI ?si- whom we / that we (lit. lt is fteely enieredand
kuhìnjwa simahla.
o- whom yoü / that you (s-) sni- whom you / rât you (pl.)
]Ìr' marks a relâtive clause(cf. Unit 6,2).
If Ìhe veü is followed by 'râ-'/ 'nga ' oÍ 'kur úe shoÌfen€d emphstic
ll gummary of the use oÍ the emphdtlc pronoun
pÌonou[ is addedin which casethereis no object concord:
nso- ku
Lo nsuPhuÌnlaendisebenza !q/é. (Unit 9)
Ndiziboniseindlelâ ezizakoÌ âla 4geÌd ehotele.(Unit 10)
Ab!. pÌ. ÀbÉ.pr. Abc. pí. Âbs. pÌ.
ThumelaiireferensiezintathuâbantuesinohrqhâkaÌnshelâna \aáo h ís ne otxllwirh ne
ku... íUnit 10)

2 How to exÍrÍess 'anybodg', 'a.nythlng', 'any time', ngo ri kurii
'anywhete', etc. 2hd
nabani (na) = otrYóodY
Nabani ângãhxelela apho Anybody can tell you wheÍe üe
igaraji iHrona. gârâgeis. tld ngdye k,,y.
2/2o boaa
íraytphinâ onything
- I
Unokwenzânayiphina into. He/shecan do sn)'thing.
naninlna ony tlm€
UrgâsityelelaÍâúiniÍâ. You can visit us xny time.
nâpl)i'IaanyuheÌe t
Unokupakâimoto yâkìo naphiÌâ You canpark your car anywh€r€
aphâ. here.

3 Summary of the laqys oÍ exptessing'ond'

Wìih nouÌs: 'nâ'- (wiú vowel coalescence
taking place,ct Unit 2.9).
aÌÌìaÍqugwalaÌAmasimi ombona huts and ÌrÌaizefields
isikolo ngyunivesiúi schoolsnd uúveÌsity
iinddi nanxweme the hiÌIs âDd the coasr

5 Place names ít|!'tht olog], Íelated to od',línlstrotiue díuísíons
Many Xhosaplacenâmesdedveftom geogrâphicâlfeaturessuchasÍivc6, l|tlrti(rì, setdement,
village rÌâti (< Afiikââns 'ÌaaseÌ')
ponds.cliffs, mountâins,plantsandevenâniÍnâlsfoundin a paÌticuìarâÌcN vllldgc idolophâÌrâ
Lusikisiki takesiÌs pleasantnamefrom the soundof úe rcedsrusrlingin i tdolophü (< Afúkââns 'dorp )
neaÍbymâÌsh,Gonubie (< ,Qunube) froÌn lhe wild brambleberÌiesühich fllY
gÌow along the banks of úe dver KeislâInmâ, shinìng wâtcr, l:lrpi|l|l ikomkhulu
TsitsikammâcÌ€aÌwâter,aredffived fÍom the Khoi laryuagesasâÌemany rllrlric( tsithili
otherpìacenâmesre€ognisableby theh clicks. A numbeÍof )CÌosâplacc ltfco,oonslituencY
Ììêmes,especiaÌlythecities,hâvebeenadoptedjìom Engliú ândAftiÌaâns: 'nCinCqi
ft8i0n ümmandlâ
I Mqio.citig Izixeko sitrhuru ,photrdo
caleTown ("Kapa)
f,ast London 'Kapa ("Mo.ú)
,Monti < Aftikâds 'mond' i.€. the 6 Word adaptations
mouü of the Buff!ìlo Rivcl 'Xhosa has manifested ìtself âs a dynâmic, vibrant, Yirile
DDóân ,Theku ("Theluu4) < )ftosa 'itheku' = bay luDguageadaptableto, ând developing in hâÌmony with, the
r seeIntroduction
ehü,ìging p.6
Johannesburg rcoli ("Goli) < Enslish 'sold'
<AftjÌaús'soud' lloÍ. 0rcâ numbeÍof exâmplesof úis aspectof the Xhosalanguâgesome
PoÍ Elizìbeth iBhayi ('Bhâyi) < Xhosalised bây d which you havecomeacrossin this book:
PieteÍmditzburg mcÌngundlovu = placeof úe eìephet
(zMgüngundlovu) conier degrces, ccp = ukurhweso*idcngc originoltnêoning
oÍ'ukulhvrèso'= lo.own, put somethingon the heod;origìnol
heloíâ iPiü)li (ePitoli) < Xhosâlised.hetoria'
meoning oÍ'ridongo' = neckloce
oÍ monystrinssoÍ beods
I SomeTolrr$ in Ezinye üdolophu
the EãsüernCâp€ aeMpuÌnâ-KoÌoni 'Woye rwerwo tsdangq sembekosobugqiúoboncwodi
(iD tiltl yiyunivêsiÍhi
yoseFo Horê ngowe-l97-1 yokumbulelo
Alice iDite ('Dikeel) < XnÒsr' di ke = p@ l
ngokubholo kwokhoisixhoso.'
ButteNoÌü icctrwâ(ec.uwâ)
FoÍ B€aufoÍ iBhofolo ("BhofoÌo) ( < EnglishBedfoÌr) .apilol ì.ê.money= trkunzi - oÍiginoimêonÌng ôf';nkunri' = 'd
Grúâmtown ürÍni(eRhini) bull'.cdtlê {iinkomo) hoveolwoysbeonthe centreond prideoÍ
Heaìdtown Nxukhwebe ("Nrukhwebe) XhosoliÍe, reprêsênlins weolú ond rêspecÌ.Apod from supplyins
Keiskalmahck milk,meotond leoÍherlor cloihing,ihêyPloyo ve.y lmpoÍionlPorl
"Qoboqobo(&aQoboqobo) In onceshol locíiÍiceond ii bridolpoymênllíobolo). In uíbonlife
Kins winim Tovn rQonce("QoDce)
Lady FÌeÉ tcaladu ("Ceadn) money,'copirol', hoslorgelyreplocedcotileos o symboloÍ weahh.
Middedrift ,Xesi("Xêsi) woy, nood = uDgoqo -
Peddie Ngqushwa ("Nsqushwn) originolmêoninganimdl lrack
PoÍ St. Johns &Mzinìwbu (eMzinwbu) (ât the homeof úe hippot Íulei, Ìegulolions = ,m;goqo
Qu@Ntowr eKomi(&lKomani) g|tqmmor = imigaqêntetho
Some$ètEâst lNojoli {&4aNojoli) (< iori = English soldiet .onslilulion = imigaqesiseko
StuueÍheim ,Cumakalâ(€Cumâkâla)
üteúâg€ tTtuaôa ("TinâÈa)


I heodqucrrers, depor = iziko - Ilrrtls JAMESRÁNlSlJOTOBÊ119021976iUlibonêilonsonsowq-

oíiginolmeoninghêarth 25 Juloyi nsonyoko wê-1902 eNdwe nsoseColo oPho uyise
in centreof hüt wÕyonsumÍundisi khono. Wofumono imÍundo yokuqolo êNdwe
pollingbooth = tiko iovoio nnrdÌítdloliêle.Ngo191ówolhunyelwoerúrhyvoku.Ukususelo
= tiko lolunru I9l9 uÍundisekwizikolonsêzikolo.
I êlê.rÍiciry Ngolo xeshowoyehloìonso*Mr.Fr€Ìê opho kulheÌhwoisiBhoco,
origìnolmeoning lrlHlLrbinesisuÉukhono.Nsoko kê ìsixhososokh€sosibufiothoko.
lighrning lncwodi yokhê yokuqoloUZoguloyolunghwo kunenensuS,E.K.
I telephonc ,úqhoyi, lmbons i yesi./r'e.Photu,
xa woyêngulitsholo
originolmêoning nõ!.Ílldnkozono, woÍundo isixhoso êsilhêthwqngomoNgqÌko
roPê omgqubo.(- see nextpose) Ngeì92ó uye eFoÌl Horê êDikeni
Aphowoqeqeshwo kwimÍundo yobutundisi
wozo wophumelelo neB.A.
librory = ltholq lencwcdi - Ukuruselo ngeloxeshoupoposhe iìncwodiezininzi-unzekeloUnyezo,
originolmeoningshelÍ in o hur Anovo, Elundinilofhukeldnezinye.ttThuthuloyinbolosonekwizibôngo
book, leËêr = trcvyodi orisinolmeoningthin tlldolobe nsokusbi êzofiondo. Ngumbonsomboliso osikhu*rbuzo
lronsporcnl.oot oí lhe poisonouc ngoHolonof Trcy.
bulb bup,ìol]êdretchdr 'tn wodi' ezinyeêsixhoseni.
Wohloloiincwodiezininzi.Kononiolo ukwosuqulele
Pa9e = ,kho6i - originolmêoning Ngo-1952 wothiwo lizê ngeMboso kovilokozi* yiYunivesithi
ensheolfiing lêoÍ oÍ ftedli€ cob yolowitwoteísrond.Woyêthweswoisidonso sembêkosobugqirho
- iêlo - oÍiginõlmeoningrube, r€êd bon€wodi liD.tiÍ.) yiyunivesiliìiyoseÍod Hdrê ngowê-ì924
to spudwolêÍthÍoughwhênsmokins yokumbulelongokubholokwokheisiXhoso.
- omoieloêêndobo we-ló Mèyìngô197ó.
= omoielo oÉrembekileyo
wêofhèrÍore.o5rêr = isonüsesemozulu odginolmêoning UJolobeokosoyi l(ulit,olwo kwimboli yolwimi lwomoxhosokubo
ulutysbisil€ rkq, isiAefiêsowo.
'rionuse'=diviner(<ìuko = to smelll.
unbongo rbaliso nmtive poen
wúlela he edibd
waúiwalÌle he wN âwdded
iMbasa kavilakâzi* úe VilaLdi Medãl
9 yokünbulelâ in&lmqìedgement
,o- to trppty ít üswel€te he died
âtâsayi ne will never
In ihis unit. insieâd of the usuâl vâÌiety of exercises,you wil tuìd a
kulilyâlwâ beforgolte.
numberof X:hosaÌexts whereyoü cân exercireyour reading skiÌ. Somc ulury€bisile neh6 eriched it
English texts are âlsoincludedandthesetogether wiÌh rheonesin )Íìosrì, watyebisatrÀ4" (dE ldguage)
shouldwhet your âppetiteto leam rnore about Lhosâ literaruÌe,hisÌorx Ìilh€lhe sawo md even Xìosa
culture and Ìradition- cultuÉ

,lÌol Bw viìatui ças tn€ fi6t blsct lectEr to bê appoiót€dal tho Unilesily of
wllwaresÌând. This award,in his tane. h given Ìo scholN sho havemade
rhnificant coíLibutions to aficm lmeuages.

! XHOSA UNIT]ô uüzllwr!FAI]KAXHOSA 255


Al.lhe bêginningoÍ ISth cênruryttìê'e wos o greor deol
UNolrrtôdo - Noni Jqbovu wosboÍnon Augusl2O,
l9l9 oÌMiddledrifiin rhêEosrìèrn CopêPÍovince. At the

I oÍ Íishtingbêh"eenNsqikd

'he (1778-18291,ond his undê údbmb€,
rcn ofRhorhobe ondb,orheroÍ Mlowu lNgqiko,s Íorher),

1782. Ngqika wos only Íour yeors otd when his ÍoúêÍ died.
wirhlìis fothêÍRharhdbê, Ín o boíle ogoinstcbatfi.mbu in
osê oi ] d sh€wo' ienl,o Enslondrnthecoreoí Enslish
Íriêndsdnd w6n o schoolin York.HêÍ studiesol the
World Wor
oÍ Musicwereinl,êíuptêd
when she ioinêdlhê first
by lheSe.ond
group of women

Ndlombe úereÍore,artêdoi rcgênrfo. Ngqiko. He hondedove. lrélna os semi-skillêd woÍkersond becomeon oxv<cêVlene
powerbeloÍeNgqika Íeochedhis2Oh SidhdoybU|continued ro ry to ü. ohcroírinduslÍy. Shemerherhusbond MichoêlCodburycrosÍìeld,o
exêrcise powêíwhichongêíêdNsqiko úìose ombirion;rwos io rut; otl llln dlrccrÌir,whilê still ql school.ThêirÍomilieshod Íìrst become
omoxhosa Wifi Ée helpoÍ dllioncês wifi oúêl Xhosochrêfsondwith o$oclo|6dwhênhêrgrondÍoüer, John lengo Jobovú, polilicionond
lhe Boêhond IhêBririshoÍ rheCopeColony,Ngqiko ond Ndtombê loumolisrwho Íoundedondwosúê Íilsiedil,oÍof lmvoZahonrsundu,led
wêrêênsosedin bìterboflles. Oneof rhereosons for suchbitierness ond ; d.pololionb fiê Houses oÍ Po iomênlto prol,esl ogoinstúe pôliciês
hostili,ywos Ngqiko's obducrìon of thê bequritulífiutfiula. one of b b. lmDlemen|ed in Souih AÍrico.lÍ wos durinq this limethoi hê mei
Ndlombe's wivês This od,on rêsuhêdin widêsp,eodrêb€ ion. GrorgeCoob,.rry oÍ tne chocoloteÍirm ond JoJephcrosÍield.Nonit
Evenluollypeocê wos Íesro'ed rhrough on ogreemenrwhereby hurbond's gÍondfolhêrs.
Ndlombe recosn,edNgqiko os his lto-",",, in rt" g,.á
bonlê oÍ Amolindê, Íought in tsr8 """i.,Ngqiko wos deÍeorêj by
Ndlqmhê butsoonoÍ|erthorhe s*ured o ,icrorvo"erhisunctewirhrirà 9cenes lrom a Souú AfÍican liÍe
helpof úe BÍitishhoôps.lc.f.Pênes)
"l hc hum of conveÌsationvas deâfening.Every buyeÍ washelpedto
Dìukehis or h€I choice by the others standingabout and \r,ho aÌÌ
rrcke in the usual terrific tones as if addrcssingpeople far off up
nÍrunlains. From time to time. someonewoúd tuÍn aside,remove
hh or her pipe úat wâs as long âs youÍ ârm from the mouth and
RHATHABE hrdulgein â splendidhardjet-like spjt on to úe floor boards.You
hM to keepâ sharylook-out andleap out of the tr'ay.
I Thc EuÌopeânsspoke)ftosa, and âs locâÌs usuaÌly werc, seemed
KH/\A'UIA IYIlÂÌvu NDIÁIVIBÊ rcluxed,unhurÍìed,like theiÌ customers.I pushedmy way tbÌough
I I ünd slood at the counternext to a woman in the act of aDÌouncúg
HINÌsA llrt shehadât Ìâstreached'úe momentof being âboutto buy'. She
xhouted,'Come, Eüropean,I am ready for you.'
I ItcÍ shouldeÍs\vere baÍe, for she hâd wound her shawl under heÌ
SARHIU SANDILE uìnpits ând over the married woman'smodesq,bib in ordeÌ to ftee
hcr hands.Shenow lifted themto her hugeturbân.The bÌassbangles
lÌon wrist to foreffm gleâmed.She felt in the folds of úe turban,
prlting the foÌds back ìnto place all the whiÌe keeping up a
powerful Ìunning coÌnmentaryon the rcasonswhy shehad de.ided
or the goodsshehadpicked in prefercnceto otbeÍ specimensof the
\ume.inrerruprinS it Ìo íepear.Come.European.
Then shebegânto untie the knoÌlêd rag. She took our of ir some
pound and ten-shiÌling notes. They werc grubby, ând wrapped IVENKILE
âroundcoiD5:haìÍ-crown,.lìorinq.,hilüÌg,. ,Lxpence,. even
'tickeys' - úe tiny silyer tke€penny bits.
'Come, ÌrÌân! What is the matteÍ wiú this European ìs he
pÌetendingnot to want money?'HeÍ every move was u/âÌched,men
ând women sucking theÍ long pip€s, eyes glued on heÍ fingers âs
sbe fumbled. One man called our after the lâst rickey had b€en
unwrapped.'Wìêre aÌ€ the penniesandhaffpeDnies?'
'Oh, I keep úose in my purse', she said.That in tum wâs inside a
twill bag decorâtÊdwith black piping andsuspended fÍom her lvaisÌ.
Shecountedout the moneÍ Oneof the EuÌopeansnow saunteredup
andjoined ìn the watching.She countedthe money a secondrime,
and a úìÌd tiÍne tbÌough, then paused.She râised her face ro ihe
ceiling and burÍ out in loud lameÍt, 'Oh cod, rheseEuropeansâÌe
killing me! WÌìy do you ki[ me, Eulopean,tâking atl my money?'
Côurresy:ÍV Bulpin
I leapt back â slep for she 'tbrew' her voice Ìike ân actÌess.úrhìn
inchesof my ear.You could hâve heardheÍ fÍom the back row of â Nokuboungumhombi okunzimdezilolinizethuukwoziukuboivenkile
theatre,yet the shopkeeperwas only acrossrhe counter.He wâs not yiyiphinq kubdibo nsuwonomziuzindluzibolulekileyo
disturbedbut Íeplied quiedÍ blândy, in Xhosâ, his brown eyes oiikêlezweyimiúi. (p.ó91Abontu oboNbunduoboninziboyoyiswo
kukubizoomosomoobontuoboMhlophelwoye nongophondle koko
scanrÌingthe moneyspÌeadout in fronr of him, 'Have you nor comc
bothondoukumnlkoìsomo lenteÈoyobo umnluoMhlopheosêbenzo
of youl own volition úen, to be killed?' phokothikwobo igono elidlongokulondelo izimbozomninilolowo.
(Noni Jàbàw The Ochft Psol", pages64-5,John MurÌây, Nsenxoyezi ndowo woÍumonoukuboobetungubeevenkile bonke
London, 1963) ozildliniphoyo bonomogomoesiNtìr.Okuyq bezinselondikokhulu
lintsimbizomehlôphokofii kwoboNlsundu ubesokuúiMhlopheoÉke
onxìbo zono kwooko kube sêkulhiwonsuMêhlomoneukubizwo
kwqkhe. UmÍo osisiqôlolwonêênênsxeba isiq;nsqi sendodono
€bensonyoli ukuzizuzelo
ububeìerbeseleêyo kubizwongokubonsuThondobontu. (p.7O-llj
Mhlowumbiweno ubo kulevonkilekuúengwonsemolinsobo bonke
obontuukoniiokuniolo.te venkileifononendowoyentênsiso nsezinye
iindôwo.Abonyêukuzebothenge kutunekobononsokwobobothensise
kwokumnìÍi-vêÍkile. Omnye uzo nomoqondokwokunyenodobo
olubongelo lkubo qnonisênsowo.(p.71)to mzì uyìvenkile okwonele
okobokuthengwe kuwokuphelo,
kulhensiswe neposiyesìúili êsi;phumo
lwokr:woopho.Yìntoleyooyo kufikoilncwodiziyimtumbo kwiÌyêyono
CopeTiDes,I813/98 sbelhêlêlwêêludonsêniphoyo. lp.72l Ngophondlekwezi ndowo
ôêzikhoÍìkoÍyiwê,ivenkile yongophondle,ivolo nelinye ikrobo
JêonMoris {fÍomAbontul
258 X H OS A

entlolwoniyobontubensinsqileyo ikuyo.lÍono nendowôyembuúo, Afid |Bochine Íor o yêoÍ in Eosttondonhe becqmeossistqntediloroÍ

indowo yokubononokwobontuneyokurholulwo kwêmìyolezoêyo LwE tobodu ond editedlnvo Zobontsundu hon l92O-ì921, durins
kumocolo obengenokufikelelokuwoluloumntv.Evenkileni uyoziukubo lh.loí mon{ìsoÍ lobrm's liÍe.
uyo kumbononokubo mnye umntuoyo nsokwêlocolo. AndÌheÈi
nsolutshqlono kúbo lu'e lusozi Jkúbd ophô lungobononokhono ln f927 hê wolê 7 oddiÌionoìstonzosoÍ Nkosi Silelêf iAkko ond tn
kusevenkireni.(p 72-731 1939 he publishêdhÈ oulobiosrqphy.Amons his wellknown
publicorionsorê DonJodu, Inihobe nenibonso ond Inmzo.
(.lJ.R. Jolobê, Árrdìlo, ìMtwdtôrsÍond Uniyersiry Prêss,
Johdnnesbu.g, t973) Ìh6 êdiÌor oÍ Á6ontu Bor,Ìq fie officiol orson of ilìe AËicon Nõrionol
Congressnomedhim iMbonsi yesìzweJìkelele úe P@toÍ he Norion.
Ironslotionin keu p. 292 On his Íeliíêmenlhe wenll,oNhb' oZukoneorBerlin,wherehe died
ln 1945.
KRUNÊMQHAyt(t875 - 1945)
'ln my finol yedr oi Hêoldiown,on evenl
occunedthotÍor mewos likeo cometsheoking
oc.ossilìe nighisky.Ìowordsfie endoÍ rheyeor, The Telling of Folktales (IJkrüenziwa Kweentsomi)
we were inÍomêdúot Èe grsoÌ Xhosopoet, Il wâs,andis still to someexten! a )ftosa customfor grandmothelsto teÌl
Krune Mqhdyi, wosgoingto visÍfie ehool.' th€ir grandchiìdÌ€nibtsomi - fotktales.Their puÍposewasto efforce and
lsee poges 3840 in Long Wclk ,o Npport somepoint of fâmily discipline oÍ custom.They upheldconduct
Frcêdom, McDonoldPunell, 1994, for theÍull th0l wasfor the good of societyor tÌìe welÍâÍe of úe community.
occountof thisnomentouso.cosionin thelife of
thê youns NelsonMondela.) Folktalesaìways stâÍ wi|Ìt: Kwathi kp kalnk ngantrom, (Onc€ upon a
tlme) while the grandchildrenusualy respondby sayiry CÍor;1(HushD.
Thisêditoriolin lmvo woswÍiflenon thêoccõsioí
Colissy:lmvo oÍ rhe cenrenoryoÍ thê birrh oÍ ,trnbongi 'Always, howevet theÍe wâs âi leâstone adul! usua y glandmam4

tKHUruË".iiijfff5'il*".ïï,ÍJlïïfi:lil; ôitlingwith us aroundthe fire. To keepus childÍen awâke,shewoúd

tell iinrrord, the fairy-tâÌe of âmâ)úosa.

l_!!lrìryÂr(4 ïi.ï ",1ïÌ:1iïl"; Therc weÍe taÌes âboül ogles arìd giants, abour animals of úe
forcsls,gÌeat beasts,ãÍd âbout ìitdê hopping cÍeaturesof ihe veld.
*ï.; yeors
frfrfrhffi,HspenÌ ptoce
oÌ ÌheGreor oÍ hs uncre
chieÍNzonzono {o' sixyeo.s
whereneÍemoineo There werc tâles âbout àimâls of the dver huge scale-coveÍed
*"iffi'ffim Íeptiìes that couÌd swallow people ând ânimals whole, üuúing
. :,.ry Í_*,,ffip obso.bins thêhodirionst
d"!ìrúhìiúiró* lhe cusloíns ôno hodirions oÍ the Xl-oio He lhemto deathaslhey drd so.AÍìd lâter on, whenhungry,briry them
listenedorentivêlyto the discussionson cusromory üp andchew them as cud.
low grosping inlrrcociêsoÍ legol proredu.o
'he Íor his chêf d,euqe Jryolo There lvere happy tales also; pinces ând pÌincess€s,kings and
wl"ich he would lore' use os he bosis
queens,aìd chiefsandchieftâinesses: stoÍiesthat vrelistenedto and
tornowele.He r.eceivedhis êducotionôÍ Lovêdoleqnd becameo ieocher
ãnd wlote ltyala Lanowelein l9l ! whilê |êoclìiis ot MacÍêontown.He believed.Stodesthat were told witì süch vivid detâil and h such
wos o pÌolifi. wÍitêí pÍodu.ins mony bôoks includinspoeÍrr ploys ond modulationof voic€ that we childÌ€n saw ihem in oüÍ mìrds and
lived them in our feelings;crying whena little oÍphanedgirl, on heÍ
wây to her ìrncleor heÍ gÍândpârentswho would look afteÍ her (this
would-be guaÌdian angel âlways üved fâÌ, faÌ awa, fe[ inro rhe lmbangi yokuba imbila isweleamsila
handsof an ogre disguisedas â kindly Ìittle old lady, with designsto Kwâthi ke kaloku rgaDtsomi ebütshenib€lizwe zonke izilwânyânâ
hâve her for his dinner We ÌoâÌed wjth laughteÌ - úe kind of , zingenamsía.Zonke zazonwâbiÌengâphândlekokuntani Ìvezilo,
ÌaughteÍthat leavesyou feeling ü,eaÌ in yow be[y, teârsstÍeâming
dowÌì youÍ fâce; honest no-nonsenseând nc.decorum lâughteÌ -
Ithe ke ngenye imirÌi yagqiba ukuba zonke
whenever cruel giaÌÌts and cannibals câme to gdef, usüâlìy by
zankelc izipho uhuzezijo4eke zinde kaÌhuÌu.
ìnadveÍendy falling prey to ú€ very trâpsintendedlor úeí victims.
Yazimemazonke ukuba zize e"tundleni. Izilo
Oh, no doubt, we weÍe blood-úiÌsty little peopleouÍselves,but we zaphambanaluvüyo ngâphardleL:we€''|ãtta.
feÌt self righteousabout it as long âs it was rhe bad, tenibìe, crueÌ,
Endaweni yokuya enÌundleni zona zakhelhâ
ugly ogre.or somesucb.who rbu, meihis derÌile.
ul,ublalàzigcakameleilarga Zazisonqcna
Someof ihesestoriestold us of the origin of man, otheÍswerc âbout kskhulu kodwa zaúzili\a zoDaizipho. Ngoko ke, zasela iínkat u
naniraì phenomena,ând oiheÍs still werc designedto Ìeachus, the ul(ubâzize zizamtele izipho ezo. Iìúkalrü zâl'ÌÌúa zaya etrhndleni
unwart audience,someâsp€rtof moúlity. Looking back now, I see apho zonke jzilo zâzüÌângene kìona.
cÌeady how irntromi aÍe aÌì essential and integrâl paÍ of the INgonrams yazibulisâ yâzamteüsa iipho
socialisâtionof úe child âmongandftosa-' zonl e. Ngdsinle ! dm kelâ um sila! Noko Le
(Stndiwe Mâgona, Io MJ Chilnren's ChïAren),Da\'Ì.dPhilip ukuml(arÌiIo wale\el cmdâlâ kaÌìulu Dameblo
PublisheÍs (PE) Lt4 Cape Tonr 1990 emâddla waza ke nsol,o wenTâ iimpazano
ezlÍinzi. tJmzekelo, wanilb indlovu, isilo
c$ikhulu kakhulu umsilanâ omncitranekodwa úramd8á, emrìcinci
cnjalo, warnnika umsìÌâ omlílulukazi. Iinría#ú ke zânikwâ imisila
y0zo zadkwa neyeetttita imisila. Zúamba zonwabite- ZâdÌüla
ekiâyeni le€mbila ezo- Zàbnz iinbils ngetheko.
Ilnkawu zalíeka zaveza imisiÌa yazo emitsha
rgokuzidla okukìulu zâtshô zisithi: 'zizipho
,.okumkani ezi.' Zzbon,ozã z Ìhi iímbilai
'Sinikeni imisilâ yethu! Ncedâni nìsìnike imisita
ycxhul' Kodwa ìinkawu zahlek^ zâgigithekâ zalalha isihlomelo
ngaphantsi koboyâ ernsiÌeni zaúi: 'Khangelani. Nânlsi
imisía yenu. Adzikhâlh^zângângol:uya kuyamkela,sâ2â
ke úina sayihlomela kweyethu.' Zarsho zaúi shwaka
ií"tup". Zâqumbakalúütü iir,ótJ" kodwa azabanah"enza
nto. Zsaíswele imisila iir'rld kude L:ubenanaÍúla oko.
Kodwâke, àzonqeninjengokozazinjâloeburshenibelizwe.
(Note: The proveó closú rclated to this inisomi is 'Inhì14 raswela
ufisìla ryokuJalezela'.)

Why the rcck rabbü has no tail Translations of

Onceupon â tiÍne Ìvhenúe world wasyoung (tir. at the newnessof the
lând) a[ animâlsdid not havetâiÌs.All weÌe hâppyexceptfor rhe king
of úe beâsts,the l-id,.
S o o o ed â y h e d e c i d e dú a r â ìl úe âni mal s.houl d
re c e i \e p re s e n rss o th â Í l bey l ooL
' houl d
beauúftÌ. He invited dll to come lo lus coun. ThL
a n i m â K q e re o v e rj o y e d ,l rr mâd w i l h Jo)' ll goc$withoüt sayinglhât word-foÍ-word aanslationsfrom one language
e\cept toÌ Íhe rock raúbirs . I0 smúer arE virtually impossibÌe.For úteral tÍanslations mnsult the
vo.übularyboxesin eachunit.
InsÌeadof goingto thegouÍ rheyprefeÌredto bâskin tlìe sun.They were
very Ìazy but Ìhey still wantedto rc.eive úeir pÌesents.Themforcthey Unlt I GettiÍg âcquainted oÍ the aeroplane
askedúe ,?o Éryr to go aìd g€trheiÌ presenrs. Thent âg.eedand
wenÌto tbecouÌt Ìr'hereâÌÌ the a mals weregathercd. "rÀels il6w0rdess Good day, ladies and gentlemen.Weìcome to flight 301
TheLbr gÌe€red going to Capeïown.
lhem ând gare our rheirpre,enr,.Eãchon(
receiveda lâí. lr hãtp€nedúar rhis ling wa,
Ihrndi HeÍo, how are you today?
âlrerJyrery old ândhi. eye\.too.uere old úú
Jonny I âm well.
the result úat he made mâny mistakes. FoÌ
ïïôndi Oh! Yoü sp€âk)ftosâ well! I am Thanú Thamsanqâ.
exâmpÌe.he gêvetheekpt arl, â very big animaÌ.
lonny I âm JenÌìyMuIIay. I am glad to ÍD€etyou. How areyou?
a very smàlltail buÌ to thesqrrh?l rvhichis very smâÌÌ,he gavea hüge
lÌundi (No), I âÍn we[, rhânks.I'm also glad to meetyou.
tail. The morl.eJs were thengiven their raits andwere aÌsogiven rhose
Jonny Do you ìive ìn CâpeTo\l'l1,Thandi?
ol Ìherock rabbíts.They left happy.They passedby the homeof rhose
ïlindi Yes,we live ìn Pinelands-
rock rabbìts. T\e rcck tuáàíís askedthem abourthe
party. The monre$ Ìâughedand pÍoudly showedotr Joony Oh! I âlso Ìive in PineÌânds.
lÌ$di Whereexâctly?
Ìheir tajÌsandsâid:'Theseareúe gifrs ftom the King_'
Jonny Neâr ForestDÍive. where do yoü live exâctly?
The nck mbbíts ple ded saying: 'cive us ouÍ rârs.
11r0ndi Near PinelaÌds High School.
PleaseCiveus our tails'. But ÌhêmonfeJslaughedand
giggledandpoinledto a joìnr underthe tur on rhetail: oooOooo
SlowâÍdess Excuse mq ladies and genttemen.FâstenyouÍ seat belf5.
'Look, hereaÌ€your tâils.You couldn'rbe boúeÌed ro go and
We'[ shoÍIy be aÍiving in Câpe Towìì. Thâtrk you foÍ
get them yourselves,so we joined Ìhem onto oulsl' Having
choosing Rainbow Àirlines- I hope we'Ì see each otheÍ
sâidsothe rluls disâppeaÌed. The/rclí n ràik werc veÌf
'l coüld nor do ânyÌhing_ agâinsoon!Welcometo CâpeToiIÌÌ! Goodbye.
ângrybut they So they aÍe tâjllesstill oooOooo
ÌhisdaÍ but úey âÌenornearlyasÌâzy asthey.weÍewhenúe
lonny Goodbye,Thandi.It was nice to speâÌ to yoü.
worÌd wasyoune!
ThMdi we'll se€eâchother again!
That is úe end of the story!
(Ìit. The dâssiehâsno tail b€câusehe senÌ someoneon his behalf, i.e.
doÌÌ't rely on othersto do youl bidding!)
4 q !4aq!!!
Unit 2 Meeting again at úe Murrays' home Tlemba Fine, but you do follow (undentand)we[.
hlol Yes,if one sp€aksdowry
Jenny HeÌlo,comein'
Thandi Hov, âÌê you? Thomba WeI then,I'11atsoty ú) speakdowly.
htcr Thanls, becauseI don't speâkas weÌl as Jenny.SheâÌsogÍe\t
Jeruy We axeweÌl- It's Diceto seeyou agâìn-
up on â fârm in úe EâstemCap€.She Ìeamt it at school and
Thandi This is my husband,Th€mbâ.
universiry Shespeak!âs wel âs a )Íìosâ-speâkingperson- so
Jenny HeÌÌo, Themba. I'm very glâd to meet you. This is my
much so thât shet€achesit now
Themba I'm gÌad to meet you. fhcmba Thât's loveÌy! You knoq rhe Dutch sâying: 'So veel tule asjìj
PeteÌ We are also glad to me€t you. Welcometo our home.This ka , so yeel nale is jij nun '
Thafs so true!
Thandi Hello, my child. What'syoul nane? Unlt 4 Speaking about work
Daúd I am David.
Thembâ Do you go to school,Daúd? ht€Í Te[ me, Themba,what's your line of work?
Dâúd Yes,I go to Gmv€. úomba I work for an a ine as a pelsoüìel manageÌ.
Thandi Wherc âre you leãming to speak)ftosâ? htor Oh, (that's) peÌsonnelnanag€rin English?
Dâüd I'm leaming it ât school úì/(orikazr. 'Tltonta You'rc spot on!
'ht Í You obviously communicâteandwo* we wiú people.
PeteÍ Do you havechildrcn?
Themba Yes,we have,a son andâ daughteÍ. Ttonba Yes,Ì üke to woÍk wiú peoplevery much.You know úe )ahosa
Peter Do they go to school? iòbm: A peÍson is a petsoft thrcagh otherpersois.
Themba Yes,úey do. They go to Westerford. htcr You arc so dght!
Jenny ftat about somethingto alÍjÌt? Would you pÍefer tea or fhêÍnba whâr's your woÌk, PeteÍ?
coffee oÍ somethingcold? htor I am a hoÍlicultudst at Kirstenbosch.
ThamsanqasWtaieveÍ.Yes, whâtever. Thêmba Mm, úat's inteÍ€sting!
Peter ìVould you like to sit inside or outside? htcr Yes,it's iiteÍ€stiÌìg wo*. It is sucha beauírfulplaceto work at.
Thândi L€t's sit outside.Ifs beâutifirl.Mây I help you Jemy? DoesThandi also woÍk?
JeDny Thank you Peter and Th€mba. You câÌr chat (in rhe lhcmba Yes,shealso likes to work with people.Sheis â doctor
ÌÌre3ntrlne), ShewoÍks at the R€d CrossChildren'sHospital.ShegoestheÍe
Perer Okay! in the momings oDlÍ ln the aftemoonshewoÍks at a Primary
Hêalth CaÌe cüÍic.
Unit 3 Knowing how to speak Xhosa Poter Sheâtso works very hard then.
fhomba At which s€hoo1do€sJeDnyteâch?
Themba Peter,you speak)úosa well. Tell me, wheÍe did you leam to
speâkit so well? &t r Shedoesn'tteâchat a school Sheteachesadulrs{,ho wantto leam
to sp€âk)0rcsa-You know,dlere âÍe mÂnypeoplewho wâl|t to
Peter I grew up on a farm near Grâhamstown.Then I continuedto
leam to sp€ak)üìosanoq especia[ybüsim$ p€oPleandstatrof
leam it at school. UnfoÍtuÍatelÍ I've folgotren a Ìot. Àlso, I
how thât I mâte a lot of mistakes,but I'm rrying (my best).
IïcÌnba 1Ve[, asúey saymBÂüsh: 'BetteÍ late than naerl'
Thembâ Thaadoesn'tmattet mâting misrâkes.Whar is importantis that
you try to speaÌ it every day. hter How do you sâyúat i0 )CÌosâ?
Thcmba I don't know. Languag€b like that. It is not alivays eâsy to
Peter You'Íe Íight. You must te[ me úough when I mal(emistakes.
tÍanslâte,especiâlÌywhen it comesto idioms.
Unit 5 How do you like yotur colfee? ,lonny The Càpew€atheris lile úat. One minutethe sunis shining,
Peter Al last! Lefs quench(our) thint! the next (minute)it is raining.
Jenny Sorry foÍ leÍing you wait (such)a long rime. We werc Tlxmdi No man, don't exaggerâte.And don't complain about the
chatting! I'm süÍe that you must be úirsry. CâpeweatherlThe Ìain ìs better thân dÌoughl. We needmin
PeteÍ Yes,we are very thirsty. We âÌe also hüngry. in SouthAfÍica. Ìt's scarce.
Themba No, that's okay,we weÍe âlso chattitrg. Poter Jenny,you soundlike the câuiengêÌs! They don't like ouÌ
Jenny Thandi, how do you like yoü cofree?Do you waÌìr Ínilk and weâtherithey complainaboutlhe Ìain in winter aDdaboutúe
Thândi Milk only, thaìls. 'fhe,nbâ But let's be honest,úe weathêris beautifú in Gautengìn
Jenny And you, Themba.do you want coffee wirh milk? winteÌ. lt's dry, it doesn'tmin.
Themba Yes.úanks, ând two teâspoonsof sugâÌ. ThaDdi But the úunderstoms ândÌightüing ihele in sunmeÌl
Jenny Here is úe sÌrgar.Help yourselt Jan|ìy No. let's âdmit, eveÌy place has its advantagesand
Peier How aboutsomecâkeand sandwiches,Thandi? disadvantâges.
Thandi Thânks,PeteÍ.May I havea smâltsliceof cake?It lookslovety! Thondi You're Íight. For inslaÍce, in Durban,the winÌer is pleâsanl,
Indeed,it is delicious.Herc's a slìce! but the humidity lherein summeris intolerable.
Thandi ThârÌs. Mm! This cake is delicious, JeDny,rnay I have the Jonny Yes,it's exactly Ìile tbât.
Íecipe? Pêter I hope that th€ weâtherwill be fine úis coming weekend
JeDny SuÌe! Just remind me. Thembâ,can I âlso give you a stice of becâüsetheÌeis a big cricket matchat Newlânds.Do you like
cdcket, Themba?
Themba ThanksJennr I Ìove swe€tthìngsvery much! Themba Very muchl Like MakhêyaNtini sayson TV: '1ddn? liÈ€
Jenny Peter pleasepâssThembâihe cake (whíe) I pour youÌ coffe€. cncket, I loye it!'
Peter Okay.Thandì,what aboui ânothercup of coffe€? WeÌl, I'm going on Sâturdaywiú Dâüd. WouÌd you and
Thândi No. úantc. Onecupof coffer is enoughfoÍ me. your son like to comewiú üs?
Gosh,the sünhasdisapp€âred. It's geningcool now. Shouldn't Themba Yes,I would lite tha. very much.
we go inside? Pcter OkâÍ I'Ìì phoneyou on ftiday so Ìhâi we can aÌrangewhere
JenÌìy Yeq it's sudderìlygot cold. I am cold.Aren't you cold !oo? and whento meet.
Thandi A ütde.
un|t / Jenny at work - 'l,et's sp€ak Xhosa'
Jenny WeI, ler's go inside then! PeteÍ,pleâseclosethe door.
oooOooo Jcnny HeÌlo, students!Todâyyou rÌe going to speak)ftosa, andI âm
Thândi JeffÌy, donÌ forget to give me the rccìpefor úe câke. going to listen! WÌlo wântsto staÌl?
Jenny I hâveD'tforyosen.Here it is. ff you Fefer chocotateicing you MaÌk and We'll sÌaÍ, Jenny.
can dissolve a spoonof cocoapowder h a spoonof boiling Paul
wâteí and beatwell into the icing. Mârk I'ÌÌ b€ the pelrol âtteúdant,Paul will be the motorist.
Jcnny AÌl righÌ, stualents,1âìk!
Unit 6 Are you warm enougb? At the garoge
PeteÍ AÌe you walm enoughoÍ shouldI swirch on the hearer? Gooddây,sir.Hoü aÌeyou, today?How cânI heÌpyoü?
Themba No thânks,we don't needa heate..It's not that cold. l\4otorisr Good dzy,Mnunzana. How arc yo]u'l
No, nolhing wrcng. I'm okay despiÌelhe píobìems-And you?
Motorist I'm âlso fine, thanks. Vfil Oh, isnÌ that Lady FreÍe iD EDgüsh?
ShoüÌdI fill the tant today? L0dy Goúl You're dght. lndeed,you do know Xhosal
Motorist No, giv€ Ìne only 50 Íands' worth ioday. Vol \VleÌe do you üve, lr'*ori,tazi?
AI nsh siÌ. How âre the úres? Lody In ClaÍemont.where do you liv€?
Motorist It se€Ìrsúe left ftont Ìlre needsâ liitle aiÌ. Pleasecheckall Vrl In KenilwoÍh, but I woÍk heÍe in Claremont.
Ludy I also woÍk here ú ClaÌemont. I have a rcstauÍânt in Fir
AlÌ Íight, sn How much an? Avenüec^1led'Nineena' (Conê in\.
MobÍist Pumpthem to 210 all Ìound. Pleâsedon't forget to checkúe Vll ReâIy! PeÍhapsI'I visit you dìeÍe. Gosh,I neâÍly foÍgoi, Íìy
nâmeis Vat Todd-
No soonersaid úan donê,sir! Lüdy I'm pÌeâsedto Ìneet you, VâÌ- I âm Xoüswâ Silinga.
ooooooo Vrl I'm âlsoglad 1om€ei you, Xoliswa. It wâs very nice to tâlk to
We[. everyúìng is okay in front- Shodd t also wipe the you. I hope we'll seeeachotìer âgâin.I'm goìng lo telÌ my
teacheÍaÌ|d the cÌassaboutyour íestauÌant,Peúaps we'ìl all

That wouÌd be heÌpful!
WeÌÌ,I've finished,sí
I am grâtetul. Thânk you. Herc's úe money for úe perrol-
visit you theÍe soon.
Xoliswa That would be úice. Coodbye.

Here'sâÌso somethingfor tobacco(tip). ? Vsl GoodbyeXoliswa. I'm suÌe we'll seeeachother again at the

ThânÌ you. Goodbye,sir.
Gooílbye.Mnumzantwe U seeeachoúer âgdn.
MâÍk andPâuÌ,you've done we[. CongÍatuìâiions!
i Jonny
You also did very weil, Val and Sa[y. I'n happy.I'm ver.J
happywith your Fogress! Congratìrlations!Now let me wish

Val and
WelÌ, Val and Sâlly, let's hearyouÌ convenâtion!
AI dght. ! you a! a pleasanthoüday.

Sally Unft 8 Thandi at wort -'I am Dr Thamsanqa'

At ,he supentnrkzt Tlandi Goodmomìng,À*"rtÀl.i. He o, my chíd. Pleasecomeìn. I
Val SoÍry,Ìr'k rifrd.il Did I hwt you? âm Dr Thâmsânqâ.
Lady No, it's nothing. Oh! You speak)ftosâ? Sit down.I{erc's a châ . What's youÍ name,À/(o,$ftazi?
I',m trying. Mother I am NoncebaMajola.
l-âdy No, you'rc notjust tryìng, yoü speaÌ il! Wherc do you know Thandi And you, my chiÌd, what'syouÌ name?
Xhosâfrcm? Child Lindiwe.
SoÌÌy, I didn't understând.PÌeâsesâythat again. Íhandi No, don't cry my child. Don't woÍry. I won't huÍt you. Herc's
Lady I said,wheÌe úd you leâm it? a doll. Do you waÍt to hold it? Well then,ÌÍÈrri&dzi, tell me,
VâÌ Oh now I undeÌsÌandlI âttendXhosaclasses. why hâveyou cometo seeus hereat the hospital?
Lâdy Who is teâchingyou? (By whom aÌe you beingtaught?) Mother It's this littl€ one,doctoÍ
A MIs Murray. She gÍew up with )ftosa,speakiÌg peopÌe, Thandi Wïat is the mâtter (with heÍ)?
Moüer Sheì coÍrplainiÍg of a bad headache,doctor.Anoúer thing,
Lâdy I too am fÍom êma,YhosenL sheis couúins. Sheis coushing a lot.
Whereis youÍ home? Thândi How old is she?
Lady In Câcadu. Mother Five, doctoÍ.
Thâidi Did you bÍing her nodd to Health CaÍd? we cân stâÍ a waterwisegarden.I'lÌ bÍing plânts and garden
Motler Yes,hereit is. tools, but I âlso waDt you to participât€ in this exerciseby
Thandi Thâr's fine. We[ úeD, my child, úow me, whereexacdy is lrying to preparcthe soil at the schooÌ.
yoür heâdsore?Can you point to wherc your headis sore? Pupils How cân lve do that.l{t rt{dd?
Ulindivre Il's soÍeherc. PhumÌâ The best way to stâÍ is to makê compost.You can staÍ by
UThandi Is youÌ thÍoat sore? cotlecling kitchen waste. For insrânce,vegetablep€els, egg
Ulitrdiwe No. shells,ìeâves,bonestogeúeÍ qriú grâsscuttings,deadflowers,
t[hândi tue yoü earssore? feathersând ash.But don't put in tins, plastic or paper l' üsit
tll-indiwe Yes. yoÌll schoolnext week.We'Ìl choosea suitablespot to make â
Lnhandi Is thereary dischaÍgefÍom heÍ eârs,lffrrita.i? compostheap. Unúl Ìhen, you can put everlthing you have
UMâmâ Yes.therc is. collectedinto thesebags.WeÌl then,pupils. I anÌ grarefulro you
Thandi SinceÌìrhenhasyour child beenill, MÌs Majola? for listening so auentiveÌy.Hâve a nice picnic now buÌ I ask
MotheÍ This is the únd dâÍ you pÌease.o keêp the gâÌdenclean.Dorì't forgerto pick up âll
Thandi Tell me, haveyou given her somethingto alleüâte úe pâìn? youl papeÍsb€fore you leave and put úem ìnÌo the rubbish
Molher Yes,I gâveher Pârìâdo,büt it didn't heb at â . bins. Goodbye.We'n se€eachother next week.
ThaÍdi Has she(this child) eveÍ hurt her headbefoÍe?
Mother No, doctoÍ Unit 10 Themba at work - an interview
Thandi ltas sheeveí b€ensick beforc? Thembâ Good moming, Miss Green.Pleâsesit down. I'm glâd Ìo
Mother No, doctor. seeyou. How âre you?
Thatrú Itas she(this child) any otherprobleÍns? Miss GÍe€n Cood moming,Mr Thamsanqa.Thânkyou. I'm fine excepÌ
Motler Yes,docror sheis not eatiq well. foÍ feeling a little rervous.
Thadi Al1 dght, MÍs Majola- I would like to examine her rcw. Themba No, Miss Green.don't be ânnous. Relaxl It se€Ìrìsúar you
Pleâs€undÌessher andlie heÍ down hêreon the bed. speak)ftosâ well. Tell me, wheÍe do you know it from?
Unit 9 Peter at rlroÍk at KiÌstenbosch Miss Green I staÍed to speak it when I was still sma[ becauseÌny
parentsworked at a hospiiâÌneârKeiskaÌrÌrÌìúoek.
Peter Cood trÌomitrg,pupib. Welcometo KiÍstenboschlMy nameis Thernba Oh, thenyou know the pur€ Xfiosa! Can yoü also wÉte it?
PeterMurray. This is my colleâgueMrs PhuÍnlaBongelâ.We Miss Grcen Yes,MÌ Thâmsanqâ,I ÌeâmedXhosa at schoolând âÌso at
both are hoÍticulturistsheÍe ât KiÌstenbosch.Mrs BongelâwiÌì univelslry.
tell you about the waterwise gardens and úe OütÍeâch Themba Do you know âny other languagesas well?
Gardeniry Project.This pÍoject war staÍed to help schoolsto Miss GÌ€en Yes,I speakAfrikaâns anda little Frenchbut the lâ1lerÌess.
establishgardenssütâbÌe to youÌ area.But frst, I'm going to Themba ìVell then,Miss GÌeen.pleasetef me a little aboutyourselL
tefl you â ütde aboutKi$tenbosch (itse]t. This garden,famous MissGÌeen I was bom in 1969 in CapeTolÀ,n.My pâÌents moved to
a[ over the wodd for ils beâuty,was found€d in 1913-It is Keiskâmm3ìoekwhen I rvasstil small, theÌeforeI did the
much acclâimedfor its collectionof SouthAfÌican planrs.Look lower slândâÌdsfÌom SubA to Std 5 aÌ Keiskâmmânoek.
at úese pictÍe's tâkônat the ChelseaFloweÍ Show in London Themba W1ìeÍedid you do your higheÌ stândãds?
wherey€tr afteÍ yeaÌ KiÌstenboschhaswon many m€dals. Miss Gre€n ,4t boârdingschoolin Port Elizâbeth.I pâssedMalìic in
ooooooo 1986. After that I studi€d for a BA degÌee at Rhodcs
Phunla WeÍ rlea pupiìs,I'm goitrg to úsit you âi youÌ schoolso that UniveÌsity in Grúamstown.

Thembâ What werc your majoÍs? SecretaÌy Aìl dght MÌ MüÍrây. I'Ìì tell him. Wìâi's youÍ telephone
Mìss GÍeen Engüshând)ftosa.
Themba Who tauút you )0ìosa? Peter Ii's 531-3767.
Miss Grc€n hofessoÌ Majola. Do you peÍhapsknow him? Secletary AlÌ dght MÌ Murrây.
Thenba Oh, very well!rtíe studiedtogetherHe is avery bdght mân. Peter ThânÌ you. Goodbye.
Miss Grcen What a teacher! He helped lne a lot. welÌ, I gâduated in Socletary Goodbye,MÌ MurÍây
1989.I start€dto work asa teachel In 1994I s,aspÍomoted ooo0ooo
andb€€anevice-prircipal. Daüd Dâúd Murray speaÌing.
Themba Pleasete[ mq why do you wânt to chângejobsnow? Hello,David.How areyou,my boy?
Miss Green I'm âlìaid many teâchen aÌe going to be reirenched. Dâvid Oh, hello, Mr Thamsanqa.I'm fine ttÌaDts.And you?
Besides,I an a 'peoplepelson'. I wouÌd very much Ìike to No, I'm fine. Is youÍ fâther perhapstherc,Dayid?
qiork r.iú difrercnt people. And I think I cân maÌe â Yes.Wait â moment.I'll call him.
contÍibutíonto yow compâny. oooOooo
Themba WeÍ úen, Miss Gleen, do yoü hâve questioÍs? Hello.Perer.Tr Thembahere Thaús Íorpbooins.
Miss GÍeen Yes,MÌ Thâmsâìqâ.Do you thiDÌ thât I have â chanceof Unfoúunately I war at a meeting the whole day. I got youÍ
being appointed? messagewhenit was alÌeadylate (evening).
Themba Yes,I think úât you have â very good chânce! Pcter It doesn'tÌrÌatter.I know you arc busy.
Miss GÍ€€n Wìen cânI expectto heâÌ whetherI have beensuccessful? Themba Wïat time shal we meettomoÍÍow?
Thembâ We'lÌ let you know at the e of next we€k. iPeter wlat about9.30?
Miss GÍeen Thank you very much, Mr Thdnsanqa. That's fine. wlìere?
Themba Aìl dght, Miss GÍeen.It was nice to meet you. Goodbye. Pcter ln ftont of the maìn gate.
Miss CtÍ€€n Goodbye,Mr Thamsãnqa. Okay,we'll be úeÍe ar 9.30. we' seeeâchoúer úen.
We'lÌ seeeachother
Unit 11 May I speak to Mr Thamsanqa? oooOooo
Peter Hello, may I sp€akto Mr Thamsanqa?Is h€ perhapsúeÌe? He ol
Seqetary May I asksiho woúd üke to sp€al<to hìm? Thanú HelÌo, may I spôaÌ to MÌs MuÌrây?
Peter Yes,lhis is PeÍeÍMurÍây spealing. Helìo,Thândi,it's me!
Secretâry Pl€âs€hold on, MÌ Muíay. I'lÌ jüst Ìook and seewhetherhe lïandi Oh, sorry, my dear, I didn't rccognise your voice- lvhafs
b in his ofEce. wmng?
PeteÍ Okay. Oh,I'vejust got â litde cold.
oooOooo Oh,I'm soÍÍy.I'm phoningyoubecause ThembâandI âregoing
SeiÍetãy MÌ Murây, I'm soÌry, MÌ Thamsanqais not herc at the tQ that ne\r XhosarcstaÌrânton Satuday eveÍdng.We would
moment.He went oDt. like to invite you andPeterto join us. Canyou corne?Do you
Do yoü know when he'lÌ be back? úink you wi[ be betterby then?
SecÍetâry I'm soÍry, he didn't say.Vr'odd you like to leave a message? Oh, thât would be lovely. I read about úat rcstaurantin the
Y€s, pleâsetelì him that I wanted to get in touch wiú him paper last weekend. My mouú was watering. The
âboutthe cÍicket tomorrow.Peúapshe canphoneme at home (descÍiptionof the) food brought back childhood memoÍies.
this evening. Vfe usedto eat all úose taditional disheson úe fârm!
XHOSA llANsLAÌloNsof DlAtoGULs 275
Thândi Well the& let me fetch you so thât we can meer Peter ând Ftrr BaÍaru Bafana ilso eot sÌuP{oí like úat when they won the
ThembaâfuÍ the cÍicket game. Afiican Cup of Nations.By úe waÍ what do you do thesedays
JeDny Thanlcyou, my dear We'll se€eachother. to keepyouÍseff fÍ?
llrmba Èe, I try to run thee times â week.andI play squâshÍegúady.
Unit 12 At the cricket match And you?
Themba lt's lovely to seeso much interestin cricket thesedays. fttot I cycle, and I try to walk up úe mountain on Sundâys.But
Look ât âÌl thesebudding MâÌhaya Ntinis plâying cúcket. sometimesit's difEcult to fiÌd úe time becausemy hobby is
Peter Indeed.WheÌ€ver you look thesedays úere âÌe boys plaing
cdcket. Did you plây cricket when you weÌe ât schooÌ, Mine is photogÍâphy.But the!íoblen is just to find lhe tire |
Themba? Look, the plâyeÍshavecomeback.Lunch is finiúed. The gâme
Thenba Yes, I liked playìng cricket very much. I was a wickeÌ- is going to staÌtnow. Lefs go backto ouÍ s€ats.
ke€peÍ batsrÌan.IÌ fãci, I openedthe innings!
PeteÌ Rêrìly! 1 3 IPt's go to that netü r€stauÍant
TherÌba AÍd you, mate,which sporlsdid yorr pÌay? Goodevening.welcome to íZko I'etkr. we aÍe lery dòd
WeÌl, I played iennis and Ììrgby aÌ s€hooì. Unfortunately, I to se€you- How âre you?
bÍoke my arm when I wa! sdll playing ünder 15. After rhâr I No, we are flne except that we âÍe hungry! Do you
neverpÌayedlugby agâin. perhapshaveâ tâble for four?
Thembâ What positìon did you play? Of cowse! FoÌìow me.
I was a süumhâÌf. Though I didn't play cricket I like ro watcì Can we peúâps havê â table nearthe window?
it very much especiallywhen we plây oveffeasteams.Did you Here it is. How is úis?
play rugby or socceÍ? Us fine! Thânk you.
TheÌnbâ I playedÍugby. HeÍe is the menu.
Peter Wïat position? W1ìatdo you recommend?Whât are the speciâlstoday?
Themba I was 8ú mân. w€11,to staÍrwith \re have isonkasawtwí.
Peler Whât aboutsocceÌ?Did you plây it? Oh! Thât Ìeminds me of my childhood on the farm. I
Themba Yes,I plâyed,ii but I pÌeferred gby. rc^tly loved isonkasamanzi.
Peler It is very inteÌesting how spoÌ1 has the power to udÌe Is that so,ìút rr'k ri! Where do you comeíiom?
I grew up on â faÍm errdaroreri.
Themba You're right. Rememberthe suppoÌt úe whoÌe countÌf gave
AnaBhokobhokoat úe woÍÌd cup finall W1Ìocân forger how Near Queensto*n-
ererlonesâng.IsÀrrçrolar. â! if io oDe!oice. Oh, I donl know that region.I Srewup in Transkei.Well,
Peter Indeed, I'm sule úâr rhe way rhe cÍowd iang gave let me aìsorccommeÌÌdür?hokaqo, nng.tusho,umfitÍ,,
AnaBhokobhoko úe impetus that they needed ro win rhe mutton slew ând triPe.
woÍld cup! htr I have foÍgotten,what exâctIyis anphtkoqol
Thenba Wowl lvho coúd foryei the pride on PresidentMandela,sfâce &Íruranteur It's cookedmealiemeal.
whenhe wore úe No.6jeÍsey andheld úe rÍophy alofr iogerÌìcÍ rÈtr Oh yes,I rcm€mbernow.
with FÌânçoisPieDâax. Jrnny How is your ünfto (made)?
kr|turant"* It's wiú spiÍIâchatrd onion. May I bÍitg you something

to dÍìnt whit€ you âÍe decldtrLE.Howaboú wn4onìboth. Jenny That would b€ nice.
amaúewb oÍ beerl CâÌl me if you needhelp or you wânt to Imow anything.
Themba Lefs tâsteall! We havebroughta bottle of wine. Canyou J€trny OkaÍ Àftor,ìÈazt.Ì woúd like to siâÌt Ìookhg at dressesand
openit? skiÍs.
RestauÍanteu Of coursel Peter That wa hangúg on úat wau over dìeÍe is b€autifú,
RestauÍanteu AÌe you Íeady to order? Wìich one. siÌ?
Themba No, we havenÌ chosenyet. PeteÍ That oneìpith úe womansnoking a pipe. wlerc wasit made?
Restawânteu Fine, I'lÌ comeback in â little while. It was madeby úe local women.
Jenny By tbeway, Mnumunu, \'thereis the cloâkrcom? Pet€r How much doesit cos! Àftrri,tazi?
RestâuanteuÍ FolÌow me, I'll showyou. UDfortunately úese wall hangines cosr â lot of money
Jenny ThanÌ you. Excuseme for a ütde. nowadaysbecâusethey âÌe madeby hând ând are of mohan
The oúers Thafs fine. Peter I undeÍstand.
ooooooo oooOooo
RestaüÌanteur gerc's the meall Ool You look \ery smãrt, Nkosìkazìl That dress is very
Jenny MIn, it sÍnellsdeüciousl It also looki deücious! b€autituMt Éâlly suitsyoü!
RestauÍanteur Well then, Ì hope úat you'Í enjoy youÌ meal! Jcnny Yes,bui ìt's â bit small. Hâve you got it in a bigger size?
ooooooo I'll Ìook foÍ a bigger size.What size?
Restauratrteur Have yoü eâtenwell? Janny 36.
The fiiends Very much so! ìVÌìâl colouÌ woúd you lik€?
Jenny I would like to get youl Íecip€ of ünngqrírlrí' if it is not a Jcnny Yellow oÍ red.
secÍ€t? UnÍoíunalelywe ody bavewhjÌÊ.browDatrdgre€nin yoü
RestauranteuÍ I'11âsk úe cook foÍ it.
Jenny I woìtd be gÌateful. Jrnny That's fine,I'11 ty on the brcwn one.
RestauranteuÍ lrlìat about(some)desseÍt? oooOooo
The ftiends Thanki very much bul we've a[ had enough(to eao. Jonny It fits me perfecdy.l'll tâke it! How much is iÌ?
ïhembâ May we have the bill now? A$istant l-f you buy úe úess âtrd lhe slií I câÍ reduceúe pÌice.
R€slâurânteur No sooneÍsaid than done! They' cost R225 togeúer
Jamy Fine. I'11 buy both but Ì don't have enoughmoney. Do you
Unit 14 Buying clothes and vadous African arts acceptüedit cards?
and cÍafts Dorl worÌy, ,\r*ort*aí,- We ac.ept câsh,chêquesând cÌedit
Jenny Gosh! Pleasejust look ar all thesebeautitul úingsl Woven
That's good, becâüs€I sti[ want to buy other thìngs like
mats,wall hangings,potrêry basketsandclothing.It's going to pottery basketwâÍe,ãìd especialy úewellery) beâds.(dtt dro)
b€ ilifÊcult to choose!
Assjrtant Good day,may I help you?
Aüistânt Yoü me?n'iìlttsìmbí'. 'Amaso' arcbiggeí thâa itutsímbi.
Jenny YouÌ shopis rcally very beautifÌrM how l'm going to spend
lony Of couÌse!Now I Íememb€r!
a lot of moneytoday!
Arsistântwàât sor of beâdsdo you want? NecHaces,bmceÌets?
Do you Ììke theseanklets?
Assistant ThâDÌs very mrch. Would you like to look âÍoundtust?

Jenny Gosh!Everlahingis very beâütiful.Again it's going to be very Motorist PeÍhapsúere is â hole in the laú? You klow' úat happens
dif6cult for me to chooselLook ât all the coloursl qúte eâsü on counarymâds.Lel's have a look!
That's OK ?glosr:t.i, tâte youÌ timel PoieÍ Oh, h€avens!You areÍi8bt. Indeed,úeÍe is a little hole ihe size
of a p€a.What are we going ro do now?
Unit 15 Travel woes MotoÍist No, don't worry. ff you have soÌnesoapl'll closeit up. Aftet
Good day, rara,how ãe you? úat you will be able to drive to the gaÍage.
Passerby Good day. No, I âm stilÌ tottering aÌong,my châp. PcteÍ How íar is the gãrage?
Can you help us, ,aìro? We aÌe lost. Is Ìhis perhapsihe roâd MotoÍist It's neaóy, fo ow me.
leadìngto Sdrdtle\ grave? PcteÍ Thank yot!. MnunEana You ve reâìly helpedus
No, you âÍ€ on the wrong road. oooOooo
Peter Wìerc do wê get (on) the right Ìoâd úen? Mcchanic cood dâÍ can I help you, sn?
PasseÌby Tum bâck on the rcad you are on now. WÌìen you comero úe PoteÍ Goú dãy, Mmonaana. UnÏoÍtünatelÍ theÍe is a litde hole in
first intersectionfollow úe road to the Ìeft. AJter thât, go my p€tÍol râDt. Can you ÍepaÍ it imrnediateÌy?
straigbt-AileÌ one kilometre you'ÌÌ seethe sign 'To Sdtldí|e's Mechânic Eh, I have â lot of work but I'll try.
Pçler Oh I ihank you. How long wif it take?
Whâ1is the rcad like? Is it a lârÌed íoad? M.chanic Mm, let Ìne see, peÍhaps two hours.
No, it's a gravelroad.lt is âÌsontheÌ winding like a milip€de I PotÈr CaÍ you telì me how much it will cost?
There is another roâd to the dght which is shoÌter. Mochanic It's difficult to teÌÌ exâcÍly.About R350.
Unfortunatelyit is not good. Pct€r Fne, Mrumzana.í.nt'sleâve the câÍ. we'llse€ eachotherlater
PeteÌ Thank you very much,rdtd. By ttÌe way. whereaÍe you going?
Can we give you a lift?
Unft 16 Xhosa heritage tràil
PâsseÌby No. thaDhyou, I'm waiting herefor my daughter Thcmba How was youÍ holiday Did you have a pleasant
oooOooo trip? "ncxnosent?
DâÍDn!The tyre wouÌdn't havebuÌst if we hâdtâkenthe taÌr€d P!tcÍ Ir wâs wondertul.úough we had soÌm pmblemswith üe car
road! bur luckily we weÍe helpedby somevery kind peopìe.
JeÍny Oneis alwâyswise âfter an event! I nunol We , it's usuâ[y Íke that in the ruIal areâs-But wheÍeexactly
oooOooo did you go?
Motorist HeÌÌo, Wàâfs the trouble?Can I help you? trolnY We staÍed oüÌ tÍip in P€ddie. SiÌrc€my univ€nity dâyswhen
}te1lo,Mnunza&. My tyrc seemsÌo hâveburs.. Cân you lend I wâs stüdying )úosa I've always wanled to üsit the
me youl jâ€k? UnfoÍunately mine hasdisâppeâÌed. historicâl places of úe Éastem Cape. By lhe wây, whai is
Motorist \dìât a shâÍìel Wait a minute. l'11ger thejâck out of my boot. Peddie in )Gosâ?I've tbÍgotteÌì.
Has youÍ spâregot air? Thündi It's Ngqushwa.
Peter FofiunâteÌyI pumpedit up yesterdây. I!Íny Oh, yes, of couÌse. We[, we went to Peddie becausewe
lenny Tharlc goodness,you arri\ed, Mnümzanal wantedto seelhâi fâmoustÍ€€, the white milkwood tree.AfieÍ
Peier hdeed! By the way.is úere a gârâgeneârby?I'm afraid we aÌe that we headed for King lüilliâm's Toìvn to visit the
soongoing to run our cf petol. I cân'r undeÌstandit becauseI KâfÍÍâriân Museum wheÍe there is a very interesling
filÌed the tânl yesteÌday! co ection of Faditional artifâcts.In the âlÌemoonwe weÍt to
St€veBiko's house.we also üsilÊd his glave.

Peter The folÌowing daÍ rve went offto Hogsback making a de.our lonny The next placewe visited ü/âsStütteÌheim. We wantedto see
and pâssing thÌough Keiskâmmaho€h ifito the Amalindr Sandti"'r grave but we got lost ând gâve up. We wanted to
region. folow Srndjié3 wâlk but we hâd no lime.
Themba Oh A',ulindcl You know, il was in ihat Ìegion rlÌat one of the The following dây we heâdedfor Umtâtâ. Orì the waÍ we cut
bloodiestbâttlesin Xhosâhistoly wâs fought. through beautiful pâstuÌes,with cattle ând sheepdotting the
Jemy Of couÌse! That's the battle thâr is descÍib€d in úe poen úopes,passingtfuough Komga, Butterworth ând Idyuty\rÍâ.
Ulhuthula by Jolobê, which was one of ow (FescÍibed) We wantedto visit Qutru wheÍe Nelson Mândelâ was bom.
poemsaÌ ü versÌay. UnfoÍtunâtely,his chiÌdhoodhome is not therc any moÍe but
Themba The whole region lre|ú úÊ AmathoÌe Mountains is tuÌÌ ol his schoolis súlÌ therc.
Xhosa history TheÍe âÌe Ìnany pÌaceswhich arc nâmedafter Did you havetime to go to the coast?
Rhaúabe clnefs. Of course!W€ stayedat Port St Johns foÌ tbÌee days.
Peter Yes,we passed.çar./ile's Dam andâlso sawlr'gqil.í,3 gÌave on The nânrÌetheÍel The hills descendingto the coast,úe Íound
the way to Alice. In Alice lve v/ere very inrercsredto visil huts and üe maize fields! Inde€d, the couDtry is sti[ so
Lovedale College and For! HâÌ€ UniveÌsi8 where Nelson unspoiÌl (it is lifte a young Ìnaiden!).
MâDd€lâ wâs â studenttog€therúth many orheÌpresent-day No, you've mâdeme quitejealousI
On úe way to Umtâtâ, at Libode, we passedby ân old countÍy
JenDy I hadjust finìshedÍeading The OchrePeople w'ittenby NoÍti store.It remindedme ofJolobe's essy henkile yangaphandk.
JabâÌ!. I iheÍeforc very much wânted to find the housein We actuallywantedto go to Câla.
MiddledÌift wheÍeher fatheÍ,PmfessoÍJabavu,lived whenhe lryhataltractedyoü to Cala?
was pÍofessoÍ of Afiican langüâgesat troú Hâre. Have you We werc inúted therc by ftiends.
ever Íead this book? Wìat did you do theÌe?
Thandi Yes, Noú Jsbâlr writes very well so much so that one can lve took pâÍ in lhe daily activities.And the kindnesswe found
actually see the beauty of úis Íegion. Sb€ desüibes so theÌe was so heâÍtwanning. In tbe evenings, we even sat
beautiir[y the way of life ândcustomsof the Xhosap€opleoí arcundthe fil€ andüslenedto folktalesüke davsof old!
that time. Have you also rcad heÍ other book D,'dlrn i,
J€my Yes,am I not dght in sayingthât thât was heÌ frst book?
Themba Did you firÌd Jâbaru's houseafter âI1?
JeÍÌÌìy No, unfoÍtunatelywe didn't.
Thândi Where did you heâdfor after úat?
Peter We stayedat Hogsbact foÌ a few days.Goúl The beaütyol
that r€gion is breaútaÌing. The peace!Atrd úe tranqüllityl
Tïe indig€nousforestsand the waterfâlls arc qúle stuÍúing,
and the many speciesof birds and their singing âÍe just td)
wondeÍful io exp€Íience.
Themba You must have beeDin your elemenl Pete! personof naturu
úar you ale!
Peter You caú sây that again! ïheÍeforc we decidedto stay úerc
(b)Masihlalephatusi!(c) M6iüÌethe ddiphilúgâ. (e)Hâyi, andikhümbuli.
Key to exercises hlxhosa!(d)Mâsiphunge ikotu! (0 Hayi, ddituni (kuphungâ)kotu.
(r) Msiphüse iti! (t Mâsiseleúto G) Hayi, ddifüni 1nüìzi. (wìrer)
lb0ndayo!(s) Mssihlal€ngâphândÌe! 4 (a) Ncedãulhetheisixhosâ / Ndicela
(h)Msincokole! (i) Masisale! uÌheÌheis CDsa.O) Ncedâuzekelêle
, (J)Mssiye / Msümbe. 8 (â) BihlaÌâ; / NdiceÌauzekeÌèle.(c) Nced! üphinde
, rxlpâ / ePinetmds.(b) gtund4 kwalhoM / NdiceÌauphinde
lrlkolweDi.tc) Ilft nda,sikolweni. kwakhona.(d) Ncedãuzme
nororGd) (q) ilori - loÍry (r) iteki - Balìlala:ePDeldds.9 LalNBUbêai kwakhom / Ndìcelaume kwakhorâ.
Unit 1 tüi (s) ifmu - foÍm (t) inali - money lakho?rb) Ühlalâpli? (e) Ncedaundüelele / Ndicèla
I (a) Molo Thúdi. (b) Molo nma- ÜphilaqjaainaúJìrabJeÌ Poss,òre údixeleÌe. 5 (a) When was PÍaidèrl
(c) Molo tata.(d) Molo sisi. (e) Molo (â) NdiDguJohnSmith. NeÌsoí MândeÌaìom? (b) He was
bhuú. (f) Molo nkosikuì. (g MoÌo Ut\it 2 NdilÍalaeKapa.(cl Ndiphila bom or July 18, 1918.(a)Wheredid
útMdE/ mrlrekazi.(h) Molo 10 UJ€nny:Molo Thúdi. he ercw up? (Ì') He sew up in Quru
I (a) Nsubúi is:lm Ìakho?/
nkosaze. (i) Molo mtwd'd. t].IÌrudi: Molo. sisi. itì lhe EâstemCapePrcvince.
Ünsubei? O) Ünjdi trdd dje? (a) Wherêdid he eo io school?(b) He
C) MoÌwenì mmerc : Ngena. Kunjdi namhldje?
'llì'lhenekui. (c.)Uyafrlnda?(d) UfuDdaphi \.
(k) Ndinsu... (Ì) Ndìyawya ukukw@i. lir Ndisaphila.Utrjdi wena? went to â Weslyanschooì-AieÌ that
úusiúeúa istftosa? 2 wã&p: vaE;
2 (a) Unjdi (nml'leje)? (b) Ulúala : Ndilhona, sisi. Ufum inÌo he werìt to the Unive6ity of FoÍ Hre.
valXa; {!!0. 3 (â) Ngêlâ l UThDdr:ÍIayi.Jemy, /
eKapa?(c) Ndawoni kaúye? (a) n1ìât did he do after.hat? (b) He
(Ì') Kuúnedi kakhuìuurudibu
3 (a) NaDkeÌeljìe eKap4 múeúe ikotu.UJemy:KuÌugile. wmked âs â policeM on the mües
nâwo. (c) Hrda phursi. (d) Kujui
nal]ruerckui. (b) Ndiyapbita,e*osi. but he cânied oÍ wirh his Ìaw srudies.
(c) Ndiyâwyê uhlLTui (d) NdiÌúala ? UThândì:Hayi, sisi. 6 (a) KulhethwâisiNgosi,isiBhuÌu
{e) Hambâkakulúe.4 (a) Ütuna rìgaphande.LihÌe Desixhos (b) Kuthedrvâ istftosa
eKape (e) Bêk'lmúdi ukulhetha (ukuphunsâ)
ikofn?O)Ütuna NdiÍgâtuncedisa?UJemy: isiNgesi nesiBhulu.(c) Kuthethwa
nêwe.(0 Bekunnmdi uküdibda (ukuphunsâ)
iti? (c)Ütun'ìukudibana un8andin(edjsd,
e!*osi. (a) yes isiTswanãneriBhulu. (d) Kuthethwa
nêwe.(g) SobonanârTakhoü (d) Üfunaúuúeüa
noPeleí? isisuthu nesiBhulü.(e) ZoDkeiilwini
klmitryâ. (ì) SaÌakakübre.(i) SaÌdi noThènba? (e)Ufunaukuthetha
kâkúle. ú) Hânbê kakne. ziÌheÌhwaecauteng. (t) Kutheúwâ
isixhosa?(D Utunaulruhlala
(k) HêmbanikâkÌrhle.4 (â) Uphilâ isiswatì, isiTsonga,isizulü, iliNdeb€Ìe
njâni? / unjâni n j]rúanje? O) t]bÌah
isâphandlè? G) Ufunauhtlúâla
isáph3kâúi?0') Utunâukuhânbà
nit 3 nesiBhulr. (d hth€thwâ iszüÌu
phil (c) Ndâwoni kânye?5 NâÌn Ndfirna uküúeúâ isixhosa- nesiNgesi.(h) KuihelhwaisiTswâra,
nsoku?5 (a)Nituna(ukuphunga)
diyâvüya ukÌikwâzi JennÍ Ndingatheth isìNgsi? (c) NdiÍlàúr nesiBhÌrlu.(i) KurhethwâisiYerd4
ikotu?(b) NiôDâ(ukuphúsâ)iú?
6 raowledgeablepersontnevvaflâiü isixhosa. (d) Ndizma isiPedi nesiBhuÌu.ú) Kulheúwà
(c) NifiDã üladibM mPete.?
dangeÍioppoÍtunity/châncetry, slÍive. isixh6a. (e) Ndithethã ist{hosa eMpüm-Koìoni
(d) Nifiüa ututhethâ ÍoThemba?
7 (â) ibhafruÍn - bÀlbroornO) ibhedi - karìciDcinje. (0 NdìsanÌndâ. naseNtshoMKoÌoni. (k) Kulhetôwa
(e) NifiDã Dluúetha isixhosr?
bed (c) ikhabhalhi- cupboâd (D NifrDa uhrúarâ nSaphmdle? Ndisaúazamakakìulu ia isizuÌu kwazulu Natâl eMpmâlúgâ
(d) idmwâ - dÌaweÍ (e) iwodÍophu- istftosa. (ì) Nceda nâlecoÌi. (Ì) KuthethwaisiTswdâ
(g) Nifüna ukübtalangap[ÂkÂthi?
wa.drobe(t isheletu- sher (h) Nifüna Ìkühmba rsohl? 2 (â) Andiqondi. (b) Nceda eMntÌâ-NtshonanaeMìda-Koloni.
G) ibhokisi - box (h) itipoti - teryot 6 (a) Ukretha iti okoy€ ikofu? bnakhonrì-(c) Andilddeli 1m)Kuthethwaisisuthu eFrefslata.
(i) ifolokhwe - foÍt (D iwoishi - watch Uxolo, üúini! 3 (â) Hâyi. 7 (a) AÌnazulu atheüa iszulu.
(k) ipersile - peÍcil (l) irediyo - €dio O) Ukhèthauhürah ngaphakathì (b) Amaswâti athethaisiswati.
otarye ngapbddÌe? (c) Ur'üethâ . O) t{âyi.ândisnhethi
(n) iheji - hêdce(n) isaÍêji - câmce (c) Hayi, ândiqondi.(d) Hayi. (c) AmaNdebelêaúetha isiNdebele.
utdhetha ìs Cìosaokoye isiNg6i? (d) AmaBnuÌüâtnetbaisiBhulu.
(o) ibhayisikile bicycle (p) imoto -
7 (a) Mâsinsêne!
(e) AmaV€Ddaathethaisiveúda. âb6ebenzi beentànpuì {alq njâlo. 3 (a) Ínini ç4le G) embi
(0 AmaNgesiathethaisiNgesi. (i) UsebeMakwisibhêdleìe Unit 5 l.' eóholileloíd) eshushu
(g) AbeTswanabathethaisiTswâna. sâbúlwana iRed Crcss.(g) Uya I (o) Iphi iswehle? O) Luphi ubisi? (e) ButusDkuobÌpbolilcÌQ.
(h) Abgsuúu banÌethãisisulhu. kpikliniki yePÍimdy H€althCüe. (c) Iphi ikeyiki? (d) Liphi icephe? 4 (a) Sizâ (b) aìnsarhüda
(h) UsebenzeÌaiúmpâni ycenqwelo- (o) Iphi ikotu? (1)Iphi iti? (s) Iphi (c) SlnMye (d) aü sathâÍda
moya. 7 (a) Ndivela e_j (b) NdiNala lÍspuni? 2 (â) Nântsi issekile. (ê) hlxhomekete (0 uwrhuzâ
Unit 4 e_ ngoku: (c) Ndiry_, / NdiÌ i (b) Nâlu ubni. (c) Nantú ikeyikl G) luza h,lwa (h) Ndloyikâ
r (:ì) aaútshala(b) bêlugnc (c) !!a4i? Ndiy_j (d) Ndisebenzaè / (d) Nali iceúe. (e) Ndtsi ikofu. (i) êqzi küya [) tuvulhuza gqitha
(d) UlsuDn'ndi (e) ü!ai? (f) abzâii Ndisebenzelâ E (â) ndiseboDzqla (0 Nântsiiti- (s) Ndrsi itispuni. (t) Nlza kuya 0) h4/aftthâ?
(b) iphèkela (c) üyúditundila (d) 3 (a) Ndirqüúúda. (n) êldoyiki (n) Niza kuyâ
bêtha? G) Uyinscaphepheyeziryalo
(h) qlgtrtitshatatazi (i) 4a4i? utuDdgla(e) bayath.ndaÊÀ (b)Ndiylu4úandl (c) NdiyêaitÌÌmdâ. (o) hrsbush (p) aldithâlhâzeki /
C) lsixhosa {t) lcliNsesi (Ì) êbÂzali 9 (a) Mdituúdi!êlFl O) Mdidibanel (d) NdiJqrthdda. (e) Ndiyaiüandâ. aq,ikhathd€ki.
(m) ulgumphathi (n) llgugqnha. (c) Masincedilatre| (d) Masâkhaúe! a (a) Yizalise. O) labiÌse. (c) Lszise. 5 Weâther forecâsl {a) winter
2 u!úhi slabhaü, uqcoci. !EcuÌ- r0 (a) ndihainbetrsoku (b) ndiye (d) lSsqiúise. (e) Zinc€de.
u!4to!, qloguqütì-u!41âwú. s!!!limi- emebenzini (c) ndisebenzensoku I I (a) Urjani nanÌìÌdje? O) BanjaÍi Mathe sikìúgele úuba irnonlu
!!!ophãLhi,qDqeqeshi-uasàs@i (d) diye esibhodÌeÌe(e) ndisoduko .ba wana?(c) Urjdi uyoi ydsomo ìza kuba r.iâni nâ. Liza
lathengisi umthwali (*portq).
ulbbi. 3 (â) tlhembã
ungqaphêúi. G) Usipho DnÈüÍúkÌn.
(l) nditheúe isixhosa yonke iflihlâ
(g) ndülamle ngekhadì.
1l (a) llgebhasi;lge eÌopleoi (h) !gç
l Pikno? (d) Injmi ìDkosikaziyâkúo?
(o) Barjei abazalibâÌho? (f) Unjani
umscbeMi?(g) Lìnjani izìrlo?
€Ntlhoüâ-Koloni kodwa
(c) Ul-indâ unsqaeoqi. eroPleq llgsnolo (c) lgakomsèbenzir (h) Injani ikeyek? (i) ZiDjãìi ènk kwemini kude küwe nekhephü
rdr L oaoho uom,dtui nüDgumpharh' /d' lsshishini: lh.ng$,itshi? 6 (a) (Ionti) Ìenze kwimimandlâephâLÂÍúlêyo
usinoiung,Jur'uri1q ulúÍüíe e-olr\ni 'er íalalluru{a: n8múJ. úushq (,bisi)ügâ&bilisi; (umxube) n6ezintâbâi. Siya phayaeMpüúâ-
'., ítì ngetrlo.U Bâlgumrtu:Ba)inyokr. püzlmiseÌeO)1%iikomityi zecasio. KoloDi. Gqabâa1natuliphoür€
usuÍüimi. rÊ, L|lhudeta
uniunculi. rn-ruxori,ua Ulintüta: I DAumkhombe: iü8!r; 2 iikonityi zeflâwâi ikomity lift ÍrvÌrlaÍa. Iinvulã zia
.úuD8uquli. (i) tlYuanì UlndÌow 13 UJeÍnv:Thúdi' tÂbioii 90sn yemajâririi 1j4iitisputri kunwenweìangasemp'rm ngomo.
unsumihenpn,ri) UIïddi Beìrva lae.iphi i.ibhedtete: &v.nilla esercè: ìndelâ yl*wenzÀi ãyâ kuphela€mvàkwemini. (kr's
, nlugqirr,n.l 1g,u-* uThanú: Ndi.ebeí/alsilrbhedlele lmxube !@biú; iitin zekeyitj; just hoveo loÒkdt ehat th. weather
ogabuukals úa: ) Inrombi: -" Ícuara, \âbúr ulm iRedCÍo'\' t JeMv: Oo. lpltêúè yc-icing sugaÍ;250 sD wìll be toìíônorr'. It wi be overcast
ngulrrl]m.Dgular'^nübulu: wen/âumsebeuiomkhrlu l rhen/i $m.jdini; ic€phelecocoapowde4 and cou vú dtizxle in th. W8tem
n g u m ak bulu.( d,5 Lo D Bu n )ú as â m k h o n si mi d )onl e?U l hâoú:H avi . lo.phè lêmâìzi. 7 AmâqandaiiflawÀ; Capêbut in th. inteior ìl will be tu
íbr Ngaba/alibâm ((l ìlDrombijah ndÀebenaesibhedlele lu:as' lbholholo;iswekile; übisi; imjditri: cou6bnúk lour teethchatteratd
(dl | ngutaiorúlìúluqm. le, Lo laphelá Em\a twemini ndhebetrá l.lcing sugaÌ.E ikofiì; amMl ikotu; ereh sroe Jauing in thz hi6h reqiús
^ Ltri}Ìiniki )ePmìary Healú CK
nPuhor trm. rlì YinlNlkui vm. obbii ubisi; ubisit ubisi; übisi. aü on íhe noMtails. lve go úer to
rt, \câbdrüda bm LhrLo UJetrn):Ngmebetrn oúima t l(c) 2(d) 3(s) 4(a) 5(e) ó(h) 7(b) 8(0. the Fastem Cope.S.attere.Icloa^,
npumjenrqm. 6 r.j Lrrlâ eflm kÚìaìo U tlìddi: \awe useh(oza c@l eith light ruin. Thz ruín wìll
nÊa'eRtuüíb, UhlaláeKdDrneoku. laÀìuìu Jennj t reMv: \4Úilr rtredd towar.lsthe e6t tMmv in
1"1U1. yoni. tr8aphúdleígolu Ndtsi ikotú Unlt 6 the altemoú.) taanusezeÍÍÌo-zntn
íd) Uvelâ "xi'.r"oU","t
eMDl]e Koloni. 'Jntu. nekeyiti. Ndigqibile ekhitshini_ zilümkiw ukubâlizâ kuzola de ilanga
| 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(e) 5(c) 6(t).
(e) Ufunúsa;bdtu abafDnaukúunda (a) Jemv dd Thârú (Ì') aboutthen l,g4zÍr? /à/,oàno)i eNtshonà-Koloni
I ír) Ndiyasodolâ:kuyâb!ìÍda
ukurhethâisIftosa, oosonâshishini, work (c) in thè litchen (b) Ndifudmel€; kutudunele n8omo. Kdti krzâ kubhudlâmoya
í() Kuyaphola:kupholíe (d) Kuzâ ongephikodwâ uâ kutshongmddìa
kunr ngomso;âkui kmâ tamhlmje. kututshue DorxweÍÍe úgotuhlwa.

EMpumê-KoÌoDiliya huÒlê lirhe

gqabaamafu,kânti hngakho
Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9
reeÍdudumo nva. (Zr. w"urtul I (a) Uxolo, Ddikwenzakâlisilel I amèhlo;iindlebe: iingslo, iada; 1 (a) LêNkoiiknzi Bonsela
Íoftc6te6 vüi that ìt eí befrne O) Uxolo ngokükuphuamisâ- iminwerìúileMe; iinyawoi iiwân€; (b) ükaRycroft(c) bak4Pet!Ì(d) LaPeter
becohìns so hoí that the sb wíll (c) Ndilusizi. DdìÌeyiúi- (d) Urolo, |mazinyo; :mdolo.2 (a) Utrjui (e) taPhuÍúa. 2It is th€ conìúg or
scÒth eveníhz üti.an hoop@bini in ídilibele. (e) UxoÌorsokukulindisa umntwda wakho?Usesesibhedìele? Nxeìe.3 UÌngquba,imbewu.imiúi,
tha W6tam CapetMtmw- Werear (f) Uxolo, ândisirherhikâkuhle (b) Ndilusizi utubâ ubheteÌ€k'ìÍctnci izixhobo. 4 (â) Uphi - UnaJe'rnaryu.
therc wi be a slishí wind btt it wiI isixhosâ. 2 (c) 2(a) 3(e) 1(b) 5(d). kupbeta/qhakodwâ ndonwabileukuba (b) Ziphi - Unâza?nânzi. (c) Iphi
be st@qe, neaÌ th. coasttoeanls 3 (.) Yiza aúâ. Kulunsile, ndiyezâ. usethayakwâÌhona. (c) Urh€Di unala! Nútsi. (d) Liphi - Unala?
qnhg. In the Easten Capeií viÌl be O) Yìmr! Kulüng €. diyena. ugqirha?(d) Matjúmbe ukubâuza NaÌi. (e) $iphi U&sq? Nasi. (t IPhi
frne with a íq scatíercd.ku& dnd (c) Yenzâid Ísoku. Kirlúgile, Ídiza kupbnakamsinyúe kwakhonâ. unay!! Na.tsi. (s) Liphi - uÍala?
therc couLl eten be thundet later') kuyeMa ngohr. 4 / Ew€-ndifrpã 3 (a) iÍlu (b) jfiva (c) ibhedi (d) usisi. Nali. (h) Iphi uDâyq?Núrsl (i) bhi
6 (ê) Uyakwazi ukulheúa isi)cDsa? ipeqoli. / (u-97) Ndifuna u 97l Ncedâ 4 (a)Molo ÌÌìarna.(b) unjoi nânl'leje? - UnÀys?Ntutsi. C) lJphi UnawqÌ
Hâyi, ndikwui üktrúeúâ isizulu ugaleÌeu-97. / Hayi, ndipbe!sÈ5o (c) NúÌusizi Dlaba usesibhêdlele NanrD. s 1(t 2(g) 3(O a(c) 5(h) 6(tì)
kâúcìDcìkuphela/ qhâ.(Ì') Uyalvui Ìüd qhê!êloblãnig. / N4zi. / Hayi, uslra. (di Ndinsakurcedangârtoni? 70) 8(e). 6 (a) ezi zinto {b) loo kirÌvâ
ukuthethaisiNgsi? Ewê. ndisiftndâ kodwa üohúhangeìa uavü- (e) UD@núúncll?(t) NditheÍnbÀ/ (c) le mithi (d) Ìoo mjttìi (e) ez@
esitolweni. (c) UrsmdiÍc€dâ? / Fâka 210./ Ewe. Musa ulelibãÌa ndinq*enelã ulaba uya krchãcha ,thole (D Ìaa heji. 7 (a) Ìe (b) Ìo (c) lo
Kât.âd€,Ddia kühüÌcedâ.Ndilusizi, ukukhúgeÌa múzi. ,' Ígokukhâwuleza.(s) Sâ14kaliaÌìÌe, (d) le (e) esi (0 lo {g) le (h) le.
sndinâkhoukukuncedê/ / EíÌosi. NaÌi icüba. 5 (a) nazablwâ mma s l(D 2(d) 3(b) 4(c) 5(a) 6(e). I (â) EyoDa O) Eyonar(c) yeyoÍâ
andinâkukünceda. (d) UÍokuza (b) !@alelwâ (c) bêtudukela 6 (c) (â) (d) (0 (b) (e). (d) Yeyona(e) Ìelonâ (0 eyona
ngol-w€sihÌúü? Ndilusizi, (d) Makìulelâ (e) uêzaÌelwa 7 (â.)Unesibindi.(b) Unentliziyo 9 (a) -qokeÌeÌaO) yahlukanisdi
údinatuzâ- Ndixakekile gqiúa (0 ldazaÌelwa (s) 4lúlâlâ (h) kâkhülu.(c) Bdomqolo kakìulu. (c) Fakúi (d.)-ìole (e) ecDe
(e) Ndingakuforuelâ neoÌnso? UtshâtiÌê?(ì lisebenzâO Uishatile (d) Unonrlomo.(e) Unesandla. (0 thatha(g) -nkcenkcesheÌe
Kulüngil€. (D Ndinsâkugâlelêla€nye weÍa? (k) ldineentombi 8 He/shehd a cold hând.(b) H€/she (h) 'tyaÌeni (i) -zâliseni(j) tyâÌeÌ'i
ikomityi yekotu?Hayi, entosi. (l) unsbantwüa? (n) linâbrnrwda / hâsâ hot hdd. (c) He/sheSivessith a (k) -scineni (l) -fe (m) KhuÌnb'ìlani
Ikoúityi enyeyoeÌekum. ljlrÍabutwda (r) iseÍciÍci úeâutitul hearÌ.(d) He/sheh.s a white (n) nqabe(o) -zmã (p) londoloza
(s) NdingângeM?Ewe, Idicelê (o) (lfqneka (p) Mileyithi / heâÍ- (e) Eo yoü haveheary knees? (q) nkcenkceshelmi(r) -nkcenkceshela
u8eDe. 7 (ê) NÍkheúa izinto Küleyeliúi (q) Bekumúdi. 6 (a) tlbe 9 (â)\My heaÍ is rore- (b) He/shehâs (s) nkcenkceshelmi(t) Lumkúi
ezimddi. O) Ndilàetha ikotu nempelav€ki emmdi eRhini. O) Ulre â dúVblack heâÍt. (c) He./shehâs â (u) moshi {v) Jitelezdi (w) -scine.
enobisineswekiÌe.(c) NdiHìetha neholideeÌrrlrudi. (c) NditunqwercÌa pureheart.r0 (a) qbphi ulwimi
iiseDgwitshi.(d) Ndìkhethainajâiitri impumelêÌoemebenzini wokho. (b) 9z-iphiiiÌwiÌni (c) nszinyeÍÌwimì
(e) Ndikheúâ iwayiDi €ÍìhÌophe. (d) tlbhale kâkuhÌe.(e) Ute ..- kweEnyeiÌizwe? (d) aluphi ul*imi? Unit lO
E (1) imyãrna (2) iÌubhelu neKÉsnesi enìyoli mnyaÌ' omtshâ (e) n8olalphi unyarâ?(D leEyiphi 1 1(c) 2(b) 3(d) 4(â). 2 (a) rhe doush
(3) iÌuÌúza (4) imhlophe(5) ibonw omüdi. (f) On biÌthdays.At iDydsa? (g) Neqdphi imini? is ealenby üo dog. (b) The soìl is
weddinss.(On dE occasionof (h) kweli?hi ilizwe? (i) Kçeylphi beatenby the sun.(c) The chiÌdren
9 'Now we (have)hopefor pace, hesident Mandela'sMiaSe r.' crâcâ idolophu?(ì) kwcliphi isikoÌo? wereeltered by â biÍd. (d) It w$ gone
Now w€ (have)hopefor happinas / Machei, fúily monbem süg úis (k) kwçüphi ibdga? (Ì) kwçflpÌú by the cusbm. (e) Thìs thing is
Ïhroueh the coninp ol úe slllmer songwhich is trâditionaly ody sung deprivedof dÌne. (t The depú of a
Éi!9 / B@ds sumúìerhas now pooÌ ìs f€lt by a stick. 3 Horcscopè:
come.'FÌom a summerrãtu Egio4 7 (r) 2C) 3(b) 4( ) 5(c) (d) 7(c) 8(e) obituaÌy.4 (â) Bmcokola e olisini /
9(0 l0(a). E Tide. emseìenzini.(b) KakuNe. (c) BaYa
ekhefi baphunge-(d) Ngoìâ/Kuba
uMdy un)Ìselwe ensebeüini.
(e) Entlangúiswed. Unit I 1 LÌNomÀ: Nam ndiyaihembâ. (c) Uyayibuteh iÌnidÌaÌo iimabonã,
5 I (!) NdiyiÌecèprionilt; r (a) âkakìo {b) a}âá küba kho (Ía) LtThandi:Aç1Ì. nkosi yu, seyi,s kude?(d) Unemisètyeúzâü
2 (a) Ndinguryheki; 3 (b) Ndiyinratheti. (c.)akaziÀrb'lya (d) âkakho, o'cl@k. KutuÍèta ndkhawülek yokuzolwãbisa?(e) Uyawuthdda
ó (â) Social worker (çânted). o,r $ekhâyâ. (e) âwutho (í) àyiÌho ndiyeeverhleni. Sobontua umcuto?E (a) {êrqnele
conwn! ís loÒkìasÍd íhe semi.e ol 2 (a) ndingaúetha(b) Ndilüsizi ngoMsqibelornhlâwumbi.I-rNomsa: (b) Eêycyindoko (c) $r9dÌal€la
@ e4ergeticharíI-wotkinspe8on (c) usd,ìkekile (d) úushiyâ umyaÌezo Karmandi. (a) ys (b) ye! (c) no (d) wâyepsomye. 9 (a) Usipho
(||ho caa woú hard) ik chia (e) MÌeleÌe ulaba ndiza kdzama (d) no (e) yes.E 1(è)2(t) 3G) a(c) ud,bânanovuymi. (b) Ebêgnlâ.
pbte.tiok. A.lriver's tirea.a ônd úunforvueia kwathoDaeríva 5(f) 6(a) 7(ì) 8(d). (c) EbeguÌainyü8a yonke.
kno\|IedSeoÍ Xhosaa.. essektiaL raomini. 3 FoÍ exmple. Wrong 9 (â) nabui? (b) Nsubani (c.)bui? (d) Bdhetha trgoNomâ. (e) UdÌâ
kpenen.e ia chìA caft atut tpeakiw nümber (Inombôtoewrongo) (d) eyiphi (e) Nsub8ni (t Irhitri (h) nsokubâÌeka.(0 wawã, wophuka
Ehglìshand Ahiktuts wel is oÍ 4 {a) Utuna ukuthethanoNksk.Bib. Ilhini (i) Ithini C) ntoni? (t) ngantod? DnÍen,ê. (g) Uíuna ukufowunèlÀ
a.ltuntaee.Sahry íÍ negotiabte (b) Hayi. akakìo. (c) UviÌe ukuba (l) Yintoni (n) oni? 10 I (d) 2(b) 3(e) ümyeÍi wâthe kuba ufunâ ukufmana
@cordirg to wo,Ì etpeience. Send uNlsk- Bizo utunaumtu oza a(Â)5(c). isibhedlèle.10 (a) Uvuydi utuna
,out cv and referencesÒJth@ lotrmcedisakwirhishini takìe_Utuna ukufowunelêmyeDi qoDhlobo
Peoplevho c@ be úhtkte.t and the ukweua jsicelo_(d) Uzâ lozama qaÌúe. (b) Uvuymi ufuna
job appli.atìÒato _ CÌonng date ukufo@ ngentsimbiyesirhúdârhu. Unit 12 ukrfomnela tukosikúi yotrülobo
'ir -.
(Ì') Receptionirt / secrerâÌy s (a) Ndiúethe Íoval narìrÌúmje. I (a) iserta - cenhe (t') iaeDÌi - flút lrakìe. (c) Uvuyâni ufuna
lwúÍed). A welt k bwn gonqe (ptace (Ì') Sira Ìoyâ LlbúeÌa ifilim nsecawâ. (c) iayhâtu - tlyhâlf (d) ihoka - ükufomnelâ âbâzalibaDÌúobo
that rcpans údsel @rs) ìt ltukiag (c) Ungaharnbaìarhi? (d) Lrval uza h@ker(e) ilothu - lock (f) isikmhafu Iakìe. 11 1(g) 2(i) 3(e) a(a) 5(d) 6(h)
Jor a ft@p|ìotiií / secrctary.me kondiphuúuÍm ngürsimbi yesihtaDu. - scrumhâfi(g) ireÍka / fiont iaú
7(c) 8(b)9C) lo(t.
appticanthatt havetheÍo awìng ó (a) NdiÌabanrwanâabaúarÌÌu, (h) isikorc - scoÍè(i) isoka s@ceÍ
skilk: be cohputer liretue; abte tÒ iiDtombi ezilnbid nonyda omye. (j) âÌnarikiri rickeÌs.2 (a) Yrkhòel
wtue aad send@.o@tr: \|ite and (b) iniyalezo enine (c) iinomboto (b) libdnhel (c) Yiphülel (d) Yìsqitbise! Unit 13
awer all lette.r; .ormwì.ate with zefowuú er'nbini (d) matikiú (€)Ibethel 3 (a) nini (b) awaphi r (â)tlkuq'aar:ÌÚmúdi.
peopte:speakXhosa,Eagtishailt ãnúhlãnu (e) iiDcwadiezinrândarhu. (c) trsubdi (d) neubâni(e) njui / (b)AÍdiÍaDbithi kutya.(c) honkÌr
AÍtikaa6 we . ht'e.ience in 7 UThúdi: Molo sisi. LtNolnsa:Ewe nSubani(D bei (s) eliphi. dindcasa. (d) Andithmdi nymã.
ycrctaiat vot* is atsÒrequirc.L This kê. sisi-
Kurjani? tlThddij NdikhoÍa, 4 (a) Ndisêdlala(b) AalidlìÍ 2 (a) kokulìnba (Ì') kokunxúwã
ircltu1es:@ennq calÌs aail srs! ngaphodle trje toúebênzi (c) AÍdisêdÌü (d) Ndcndikïte (c) tonsebeízi (d) kwedlu
enquirks; dealits with víti/r,rs; Unjdi wem? trNonsâ: Ndiphiüle, slidìala (e) (Andi)zúsendiwudlalq. (e) kokutu da sqitha. 3 (a) Imituno
\|úing l?ttqs and postine outgoin' enkosi. Uxaketile? UThandi: Ewq 5 (â) Kutheni wera uwuúanda midalâ kakhdu. (Ì') Ama apile
MiL lookins afier aU s.tatiok,r. Iofmekâ üdiye èvenÌileni_Sifu umbhoxo?(b) Kuthed wenâ .ìmúdi. (c) Isuphuayinaqlwa
preparìig tueetinSs-Fü CV úíI thÍee uÌDlugiselela irheko ngoMgqibeÌo.
ukult'anda?(c) KuÌhed we'â (konke). (d) Ndnhândnisonka
contactablereferencestÒr Ul-ubalihÌe silgeMa ibmyi unSayithandi?(d) Kurheniwènâ esiDhlophe.(e) iwâyini ebomw.
7 (a) sood (b) bad (c) inreÍelting ngokuÌÌlwâ.Singathod& uhrba nire üngokuthandi?6 ia) wawúâde (0 Iitapile zishushrÌ / ziyâòoda.
(d) bmve (e) populd (beloved) wenaDosipbo?Sia kumem nrìbanye ulhunga/ Wâwuthungantoni? 4 (a) Umyo itafile yâbântuâbabid
(Ò enúgetic (s) howledseâbÌe abahlobo.UNomsa:Eúosi (b) Wawukâdeunirba/ Wamnitha (b) abaúathü (c) âbúè (d) âbaÌúúu?
(h) kind (i) lonely C) experjènced DgokÌismonâ.NdiÍgarhaDdaukuza nldri? (c) Wawul.âdeucüla/ 5 (a) Ndiryaìrara nsâphandle?
(k) cal0 (l) diligenr (Ín) fmous kodwâ ldiza kuthethaDosiphokuqatr. WÍwuculr / ntoni? (d) wamkade (b) Nceda/ Ndicelâ uziseulühlq
Ndizr lokufowüeta ngokuÌúwâ udünis,yeyiphiiniduiso? lokurya / inenlu. (c) NdingâodoÌa
okarye ngonìso.UThddi: (É)wrwuk'de ulobaphi? Ígoku? (d) Ndinsaf,hanâ iwâyini
Ndiyâth€mbaukubausipho unot(üza. 7 (rü Uytryitlândâirnidlalo? ebonvu? (e) Ndingatunda imifuno /
(h) tjxhn$ cliphi iqol l iziqhâno!ó Ndingafumanâ (s) esinye

iilayi ssonks O) obunyeurywala yemoio yú ifilè. (0 inoto ym

(c) enyeìfolokhwe (d) enyeinela
L!we. NgothâtrdoNomsâ.
Unit 15 ilsalwe. 10 (a) Inoto yan ibiwe
(e) eÌinyeicephe(t eDyeitispüDi I l(b) 2(d) 3(g) 4(ê) sC) 6(D 7(c) 8(t O) Ujêck Eú ubiwe (c) Ivili lâin
(g) enyeipleÍii (h) enyeikonìityi yeri. 9(h) 10(e).2 (â) indlela ilü8ile? lolâleliso Ubiwe (d) Isipaji lan libiwe
7 (a) bed@m O) sinins roon / Unit 14 (b) ayìmgozi? (c) yindlela yeúa? (e) Ingxowa yenkosikei yâm ibiwe-
rounge(c) srudy.8 (€) 2(s) 3(D 4{b) (d) yhdlelâ yeerâbile?(e) indÌela ú (â) ècala. O) Malunsâ
1 (â) Ndúsa{,anìmâna
5(a) 6(d) 7(c). e (a) Ndinsaúondâ isâkhiwa(0 indlela sel' inüwe m. úetìilonetha êziüshumi.(c) Ayinde
(b) NdinCâafunara
isidudu,iáÌayi ezibini zsorkâ (c) Ndingayifrmana(d) Uyayid'engisa 3 (a) Uxolo Mnul]lãa. Unsedinc€dê k nsako. (d) NgüUâqo wesÍabile.
esimdaka.ìqdda elithambileyo. (e) UyazitÌEnsisa.2 (â) omphi nâ?Ndilúlehle. O) Ndifrna uhya (e) Uneathdda lllbukâ idolophu.
ibhotolo nejm. (b) Ndinsaúânda (b) eyiphi (c) eziphi (d) elphi kwiveúile ineu('rdrí c'aÍY (0 Apho kukho indâwo ekhuselekileyo
úyam ebúdayo, isaladi, isilayi (e) awaphi.3 (a) advedisêmeDr êveÍlileni egâm lingurrdrt/ C/afs.
$inye $sorka esiDhlophenesiÌãyi (b) urahoÌnbisa(c) liLaÌìopopi; Uyayazi?(c) Hayi enkGi. Ndiyâqondâ
esitryesesonkasmssi (setúizi). aphondiyituma khona iveúile.
(c) Ndi,gaúânda inyarnayesusha lEêDqawailqDsxowã(d) iinasi
< nusG): iitsheyini < chainG). Ngaúi ikututshdè rm. Kuqalã ndizâ Unit 16
iilapile, imifuno neziqhamo. kuhâmbansqo, en% koko rdijike
4 (a) UÌel eKÂpa(b) ZpheÌite UR JolobêwasbomonJüry25 1902
l0 itswele elìkhülu. imiÍqâthe, (c) Uüensa iingobozi ezinìbìDi ngâsekunúe,emvakoko kutunekê at Ind\reened Câla wher€his fatheÍ
iimbotyi ezintsh4 ìiphizi, iimboõ,i (d) Lrrihrisânge-10%(e) Kulo nyaka ndijike nsasekhohÌo.(d) Enkosi wâs a minister He frst w€Dtto
zeswekile,igaliki, ipasili, iitâpile. kalhúu, Mnulru. Kâúnândi /
uãyo. s I O) (c) (d) (e) (D G) (h) (i) schoob at Indwe md Matatiele.In
u (a) (Kuba) utunaür.w€nzaisaÌadi (k): 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) {h) O C) (l). Hãnba kakuhÌe.4 (a) ãma 1916he wos senrto St Matthêws.
yeziqheo. (b) Ama,apjle,Ânapere, (b) zifthm iibbôi eziya (c) ayâ
ó (a) ananaôâlaaaaninzi From 191óonwdds he taughtat
ipayina,ii-orerji, ípaika, íbhalmã (d) liphi is üuhlo leEbhasi(e) útrâ
(b) êqaqmbileyo (c) laiturshm€ diffeÍent sch@b. At that tire he lived
nevâtaÌa.(c) Ezinye ziÌühlaza ezinye phi ibhasi eya (0 ainqabilekqle.
(d) uduÌu: ifJhipu; ezintle. Íear Mt Frerc wheE the )(Iìosâ
ziwrhiwe. (d) Ivatala imaìdi s (a) &ìona isdaji (t) Ithona
7 (a) gmhlopheianny.@; duhÌaza diale.h 'isiBhaca' ud 'isiHlubi' and
mamânzikakìulu. (e) Idla R?. iventile (c) likhoDâ. 6 (â) ivetkile s-
{b) iboDw; cnrsuÍdu (c) zilubhetu Soúo aÌe spoken.Ther€forô.his
(f) Akâthensi mâkhiwúe reêdiüya. O) isibhedÌel€eei- (c) isikhululo
zãtho; epiDki. E (â) ngaqbg?À;zonÌe )ftosr wd weak. His ftst t'ook,
12 (a) NcedauhlâmbÈntapile. (b) ilungiìeyo (c) kundj zoúe sanapoüsaesì (d) ifowüni 9- Uztg"?,, wd extemively coÍÍectedby
(b) Musâ ukuthaúa íapìÌe eziÍkolu,
(d) ind€ üuìrea; kìrnayoiìühla"-â. (e)usqnhâ
o-(t isaÌâjie-G) SBK Mqhryi. P@t Lâureâte-
úaúa ezi ezincinci. (c) chuba idolophue-. 7 (â) Ungândikhweüsa
9 (a) kuÍengonyanâ (b) kmehlosi Howevd, when he wâs â teâcberin
matsweÌe ambini ne,apiÌe(elinye). (c) kunoÍdlebende(d) kunenyosi M? (lr) Unsudinc€dâ nâ? Bhobhoryúe dd ManÌazân€he
(d) Nqunqâmtswele (Iuye) (c) Unsddibolekê ujêck?
lürÍed pre )CÌosa(lit. which is
rcúúga. (e) Tshw*â ininqaúe. (d) Unsmdibonisa indlelâ eya eRhini?
10 (À)njengony@ (b) njeryehlosi spokeÍ by the amáNgqikâ).tn 1926he
(f) HÌmba âÌnagqabieletisi 8 (a) azb€benzi(b) êUsebenzi
(c) njensondlebende(d) njeryenyosi w{t to Fort H〠in Alice. Therc he
n@tuMto. (g) zsa ezinyeizirya. (c) IbhÍeki y$rìl)dla arisebeüi
traircd as a miÍist€r andÍ@eived a
(h.)Zisekhâbhathiniphezukwesinh. (d) 4isebenzi (e) hülúbi sefestìÌe
11 (a) i,kosikâzi / Dfazi: fron BA degÌ€e.FÍom that aimeorwards h€
(i) vuÌa itoti. O Vula nale. yegâphambili aêisebenzi(f) Isibúe
uÌnbhinqo 'shÌt (ò) uboni (c) lizwe pubüúed mâúy books: Udy.?d
{k) KhasÌìrungiseìiafile. 13 Nomwyo sangâsenvâsêsekhohloesisebeMi. ('orchül'). Á,,@o ('Sl,oris'),
{d) wmemr (e.)ukunhâna (0
othândekayo,Ndiryathdalâ 9 (â) Ndinevili eudseDl.moya.(b) lvili Etuidinì lo Thúkela('or nF butks oÌ
ulqikunem kwisidto sDgokuhÌwa lgoÍDye; n4gumyü; ulguÍídni;
ulguÍ amli; bâzirhúdâ; uliíumene lâm lÂngaphambili!êsehDen€Iúleti. the Thukelê') ând others-Uftltlüla is
neoMgqileÌo. AsiboDdmga ixesha (c) Imolo yam yaphuÌfle. (d) Inoto
thè most ootrtandingmorg Jolob€'s
elide nsoto ke htngaúnandi yam ixiÍgile. (e) Inoto yarr p@ns €,spe.iallylus love poens. It is
ükumokoÌa kçathoM. Ndirhemba Âyiqhwiúi. (0-1tuü eMi. a marive poemwhich remindsus ol
(g) lphelêlwe yiFê.oü. 0ì) lbhetri
HeÌenof TÍoy. He editedrrny books. goodsto the shopkoeperOnebrings
He also trdslared othds inro Xhosa. eggstogeúer witü úe sadnews Xhosa-English
In 1952he wãs âwârdedrhe YiÌâLãzi behiÍd whar necessitares üeir sâle.
rnedâÌby the UniveNity of úe
'WilwateNmd. ln 1973he receiv€d
[...] At this storeir is not enoughthat vocabulary
a onty bqyhg õd selliDgÌakesplâce,it
DLÍt in @tnowledgemenrof his is âtsowherethe ÍnâiÌ of rhe deâ
XhosâsÌiting ftoÌn th€ Univúsity of comes.Thus yoü will fiíd a pile ol
FoÍ HaÌê. Dr Jorobedied on May 16, letten in úe ÌiÍle che6tnâiled ro rhe
1976.H€ wìÌÌ neveí bô forgonenir the wall over therc. [..-] ApaÌt ftoú úe
histoÍy of the Xhosalânguagebecâüse poirts aÌÌeâdymeDtionedrhe counny Nouns and verbs arc listed in âlphabeticalorder âccoÍding to the fiÌst
he ennúed it dd iis cultw. storeÍills amúer gap in rhe lives of letleÌ of the st€m, e.g. !.hambo, ,kthambâ, ,lÀwazi,aromi, tsoÍkâ.
.he peopleof the ea. Ít is aÌsoa
The CountÍy Store gatherirg plâcewh@ peopleD@l However,úe questionof wherc úe division beiwe€nprefix and sleln in
one tuoúeÍ ând whee nessages many Clâss 9 âÍd 10 nouns 'presentsan insoÌubÌepÍoblem' (PúL H w
EveÍ if you de a ÍÍarger ir is noí l (ed.)p. xxxv),e.g.:
.tifficuÌt to @ognisê a courry stoÍeir Soingio aÌeasnot edily accêsible âÌe
oü viÌÌagesbecauseit i3 the disseminated. Ar rhe sioÍe, yoü k ow tngozl: ìngozi or ingozi
homest€âdwitb úe mostprominent that you'll meetât lêasrone p€rson inc$,adi: tncìÃ'adi oÍ incwâdi
who is Soingthât way To say nothi.g :
buildings üd which is also
ofth€ youth b€causethe young people To âvoid possiblecoDfusionbetwe€núese noünsând lìose that belongto
suÍroundedby trees.t...1Mey black
peopl€ar€ ueary !ìboutcalling whitê alÌ€adyeqioy tÌìe c€ÌtaiÍry oflúowing Class5, which alsopref,\ 'i-' Our 'dtur in the ptuml), úe Clâss9 pÌ€fix
thâl the storeis the pl&e to mêet,[...] ttìÌoughoutthis book is 'tn- e.g. t gozi, iticwâdi.
Í@ple by úen nam€i ând tureoveÍ,
lhey lik€ to give the white p€Bor who Nounswhere 'g or 'k' is insffted foÍ reasonsof pronünciâtion,e g.:
works amotrgthem a nâm€in üeir
ratr8uâge- a num rhat usuâlly refen tngqokelelâ(< üiüqokelelâ)
to the peculâriüesof il! omer in&{aso(< ,rt!.xhâ$)
Th@foÍq you wil find that aÌI the âÌê üsted accordingto the st€m of thê verb fÍom which they are deÍived
white shopkeepersin üe vilag€s have The bold numbeNindicate úe unit in which the word fiÌst appeârsor is
)üsa names.As spectaclë w€renor expÌained.
very coÍÌmoÍ mong bÌâcksa whire
who dived w€ariDgúem was
ìsaú (iz ) sayiôq,idim a spho... khomwÍuu... 8
imediately câlled 'arrr Eprl A
t|vâtnlulã to sepdtute9 úIwpl'úlÍa to breakA
short,chubôypenon wotrld eâm i-iprlè (aM-, appte 13
hirtrelf the n0m6of 'raü)l A cÍEp -^h,jl}'ene be dtuorced7
-âsekhobrol"Í ls
oozing hmân kinaln€s would be uhakhi (ab-) buìaet 4
cÃlleÀ'In@Ì oí thz PapÌe'. Í...1 isa}}iwo (iz ) buit.lins 16 ulìva?pM to 8et acqMìnted I
Peúâpsyoü mây âlsüre rhat ú úar rlalaúhiso (à ) stsr 15 uLrarets to ktov fun 7
slore trêdewas coducred wirh moÍey ut-a'ilka to veave 12 uk||ari to kw lt ktoúle.lge 3
onlÍ bìrt rhis is not so. This sroÍe ak8ndla sírenstli,poeer 12 ul to irtb.luce 2
rcsembÌesa nãÌket plâcetu oúer bìtÀúlalo |im-, tuí bed a is ',?kã a,h e11i sen ent lo
uixlsúakelato wl.one li úcept 14 ^zi6tt
espects.FoÌ someto buy g@dsir is
necessârythat they úemselv€ssell ukrìhatÒbe, becow lO

ilhoklsi (t!) ,,Í r c uÃàÃ'obwo (oo ) pateriat aunt 2

Mbsta (ìmì-) colout S | Ìlrâla ,bhokhnê (t,-) soar 16
t'|i.ola eknarqâyo foÒtbdu 12 ukucÀíÃ^to tmé$e 16
iÌhol^ y ontty ã?i tu tbd 12 u.àago liitsczÍs) door 5
i.à\,r^ rclisious senice. church6 iò,jm (M-) dan 16
-bãlele be htekteltt hot 6 ükuddnhilgto d zriate 8
ÌlthÌeki (,, ) àrulu 15 uku..rs to ask,besJoÍ 3 isid{ gã.legree,tucklace 10
ìtubaleY.i(íin-) aíhlete,tume, 12 unceÌd-ft*beí/i (obo-)job afuic@t ukaìlÃajÉaío .larce 12
ituhâlísi (iin-) híeotiú 4 ükbhudlâ ro ,l,D (wind) 6 10 mòÃntso (ìni ) .tarce 12
kicela (izt) appÌitutioa, rcqwst 5
úkubâ|Jla tÒrt@Menà 13 übbati (oo-) btoth.t I i.epbe (M-J spôÒí5 nd^:vúi ||hercabouts! |
-bâblekile b. inponant 3 ibhütükhwe (n:) trcw.rr 14 vkuchacllt to recder I
ukub,mbíi to hold onll catch'.5 iÌtlüahi bÒotoÍ cat 15 vlachÃnÃto aift, hit 4 íkìlehe (iin-) tmph! 12
akabanilã to be cou 5 -hi bad, usu 6 -ch r€LiIe), prc.!ìr 10 ukuniÌta'n D.n-ío neet (vith) 1
(aro, stadahl (ãt school)8 ufucb,úla to erplain to 10 udlòi qwlít, 14
tutubúe (ini-) ligl.,rnìng6. tkub:lfie to bÒít(lowthind 5 -dikidiki tu/..,zm E
òibindi ltrer I
,itbâne (i.i ) liSlt 15 ukuchlthãto spefld14 rìdiliya Super 13
-bini ,ro 5
i.bitfaaa little pÒnd9
-bàttzt vide I
ubà\ro (oo ) (h)t) Jathú 1 u*uchoph^ to sìt dowr, perch 7 úktudlÀto eat 10],tÒ.ost 14
ubawok,zt (oo ) (tu, patemt ,bleldsi (ii-) à/€4tl4rt 13 -dh Ígoku- ürüaÌÌl E

ukubaa to qasgelate 6 ukabolato deca!, tut 9 uküehwdtato do vooàwot* 12 ukuìllalÃMdtqiúìli to bot 12

akubekâío put, place, lay 9 úkubolekâto bÒtnw 1la õlsoleú undlala (itui-\ eaw 6. pla, 12
unÀlü (aba ) ptayet 12
úkuciíeiÊ'fa to thìnk catuluttJ 4 ündlalo dqhury!âro r€nlal 12
ilrhÃfíún (ii ) bathtuon I !&úbonakaìâ td reefr 10 uúdbro wanú'nqínü boÍifls 12
ürrbon:s5M td drrürr 4
tibhàkabhâkâ ú 14 ulebolâüa ìÒse. eachoíhet 1 Mcoci (aba \ cteawt 4 iadleko (im) r0
"lP"ír" 16
iüelo (aM-) pastuft
inboÍtsi (iìn ) pÒeí16 itcoko (ilt corvetsatio"; .lialogue I
unhhãli (aba-Jwníer 4 mboneo (ini ) poeft7 uk!.othúdss to speakveìt slôvly 3 iaüclã (ìin-) ,ar, tuad 14
ibhaatt (dtu-\(teat) betí 1 udliwâno-rdlebe dten!ry 10
mboníso (ihi ) dhibitiú 9
ilthãtxi \it) iacket, cút 14 itubotyi (iín-) srcei be@s 13 t',rtto sakusâsâ,P4tldrt 13
tuhâyisekile / lrrhayisik e (È) -bütlluDgüpaiúL ror" 8 Mcttli (aba-) sinset 4 iÍruo saÍgokuhlwa i/pper 13
iÍruo saseminil@.n 12
ihhedi (ii-) bed I -bukhâli s/ia? E in trtsh'e(iir-, specialist14 iziüo zakwaÌ{tn ÍÌlditiotul Íale 13
isìn}rÊü.lc (izi-) hospitdl 4 ukuhrlÊlã to be g&teful7 incvaü (ìit ) booh lefter a u*uüoko\ato tu (ship) 6
úkubtllselã to grcetJtun 8 ucw.rlÉ (oo ) shw a inàlo\tt (iin-) etêphant4
inüÌl (izin-) ho6e 13
-buthâkâahâkâyear 9
Mbhi'ìqo (ih1r) skitt t4 tnbú1re (ini-) otg@isatioh 9 D üillü ymgËs€s€totLt 13
iltbillítà \aM ) watuk 14 ukuhry^ ío so bock, relumÍnft a idabi(a%a-) b.11tL16 ukuÌúns b p6s bt 15
úkubhit!^ ío Losev.igh A uktbryela tÒrctum ío 12 uüìftwaho hb I her lthet sísteí2 itÀodl(.M') M3
-bttityile íhin S uihdewerhu r) rúte/ 2
ihtrtatrui (iíJ blouse14 Mtun (itui ) .tkltíon 9 uÀrìlaweanyour sìstet2 idolophu (ti) ro,Ì ls
iin&tndo spe.rdtles I BlaÚes14 igi'Ìaji (ii-) satuse I H
udotrg! (iin ) wattl4 Mïo (aba-) t'ëtto|| | íbÃg! (it) pi8, hos 13
irorokhwe (r:i/orÀ r 4hi gca gca gca dofted 16
ìdÍova (iï) .lrawer 1 brycapllepbeye.ity alo horri cubuI i st 4 úku|t^Ínbato so, ealk I
(ú, Íeltowl ukugciía ío look ofuÌ At keep9 ukuhxÃbana- tÒgo \9ith 14
iiktuall''m thunler 6 "lïoidinit
ak!Íú^to takephoíoeraphs4 uLu.igúíta -pbiÌk to keepa@le!ífí 12 u|ahamba ngqo to walk snaishí
trdux (i,, ) li ló Ìotltoti (aba ) phÒtosÌapher4 iigohozi (íitu-)baskt 9
ukúÌowrrÍter)z to phore (Jo/) 6 ukugtoàotà tÒbe coa (húMN) 5 ukúhsmhftaro contit@ 4
ukuòÌJ.rjiato becotu fawas 9 iïow|toi / íÌo[i telephône5 ukugodrkãto go hM 4
iÍTÌt|rtshi a/e,./, (Ìaneuüge)3 igoptre(M-) cune I beü rs
[riii (ii-) íÌi.tse s i Eozn.Ìdnget,ac.i.Ltí 12 ih,úbe (arc-) hoÌse 12
ulud:we(izit-, list 9i h.hu 13
ukuÏttdúLels ro mow to 7 ukugqúttuL^ to bl,st (of a tyre) 15 iheji (ii-) he.tseI
ekugqib€leÍi 4Í 16Í 5 'uk\tttilúala to becone wan 6 ukugqìb^to d..i.le 13
-htàüt"êlê be watu 6 -gqlhile hal)efrsished sonethins 4
ekuphdeÍi kwa- dr rlle o/10 isíÌü.drÍi.7n ç.ì-) hèater6 irgqi[iba (lr"-) elào, E u',na Gnl) da! 3adate lO
ulltula (inrt streMg ugtqÍb^ (oo-) doctoì (ír'Êdicàtt4 adlita wokuzâlvã bìrrhda! 7
Baa Ywã- aÍeì | behihd4 ig\tÍba (aM-J trudinÒtu| hzalzr 4 ìa'I gàlv,,i (iia-\ pnjesot 4
enas knenini ìn the aÍeruôn 4 aÌ!tuma|la CtuÌnlno to s"Í, Írd 5 soúll, very,too nuch s lor,ke inl evry dq 3
ukuïúmaÃek^to be obtainable13 ukugqtrhtí(elt" ío Ws (Íot) 5 ^ rlÒvn1
ukuhli to cone
ukuÌúntulla nea-tofnd út abtut 12
ukweÍta to .lo, Mke 4
ukwÊrf,âlisato hurt 6 ,l abâthi 9
ukw.ÍEet\â to happen5 uku'lu]nòElato stuÚ fu4 3 igryefu (aM ) tNyet 4 tr'hr.kúro -orÌd
(ht-) r/adz 9
iarítpleú (iì-) aetuptatu | uÌúlJÂdt (aba') sttdent,papil 4 ubuqtqvetlú legalpmÍesion 3 ukúblalâto stay,lile, sit I
iaÍtyld, (it) pea li úú|'rÀisa to teach3 igrabile grdel 15
ukuïúdisisa to readcarefillt 4 !ÀlhÌamba to waJr E
ins[bo liin-) blqnket6 ir,lìlâmbi sef$t e ri"/J.Eet
F isituúo fiÌinflolÃo Mjot sabkd rn iwgú prüe 12 wìpel 15
kuÍ|,,D.et^it it tuesrary, nust 3 amuÃtpjsìa (inr\ tunsoose 9
-ftmeka)ú r?.Arary 5 iglmhi (otu-\ tuod 5 6ihlargu (lzi) r/roe 14
írama (iï) iam 3
tgumbi loÌlaDd€lâ rt dt 13 ijÌathi lelo Nê (M-) indigdo8
üúIanã (aba-) youns h@4|
tgmbi Ìr&ü !h lomge 13
ukúai Ãa- ío be like 6
*oDbi lotuhlâmbelâ kttcà.a 13
ttrhi ÒIren6 isrribi lokulÃlabedôôn 13 ble (-ntle) beautiJat2
-f|úelekiL! Òapprcp r íate 9 üünòt lolüphêkeh ,ti' l", 5
ig]l'mhì lokutyeladìftiítnon 13 imêbo (atu-) secret13
G u}4grgü16to ttústate 4 Mhlekazi (aba-) sìr t
íranÌBha(ii ) fumnure12
uttgú.Nn @bd-)trúsl4tor 4 ul@hlie to rcìue, bÍins dowh 14
uúúaú \aba-) woMh E ìg!àü (it) saden 9 eúhtoïF (aba ) Ínmd I
iÍúib.Üjçi-) Íúbett ls
uk&Ewegxelcz to Mke o.lètôút 16
ig^lelo (Ma-) coitrìbutioa lO i"sxaryr ti (ii-t wateídtt 16 únobo (iinaloho, kin l / sot / way ltt
uk"zìÃhJstô hide owselÍ l0 iigtâto (iìn-) am I isxargb^ (aw-t shoal.terE ubuhloboíÌie shìp 12
ukuïthhra tÒbe batied 16
ihloú (aM-\ teÒpaíI 14
igâm (Ma-) tuúe 2t word ,l,hÌu ltrt 5
unfrno ||ild spinrch 13 unsí^qo (iúi ) tudd 15 ulub\tlokutyâ ftetu 13
uluhfu lqezi'elo baetuEes 13 ke thêa3 utukhtpìa to takeout (^lso vMir) 15
isìLere sol]ta\. prunhg shed^ 9 u|,J,rphlswâÂoMt.h, conpetition 6
ilo\l hocke! 12 i]detile(il) kttle 5 ukuun$elã to ptutecí lO kúediail little chopl I
ilreÍkt (i,) .zÌ" s .lÁrrselekile be safe15 Ìì'kwerkwe (mkhwenkwe) ào:t'1
uhìhÍl'ínbfta to ddoÌ'\ decorute14 ìXhãb'th; (ìt) cüpboad I tlkulúnll,dzz to en ourage 14 Dkw€úwsi (,iir) rtdl 10
izì\omt'iso-nzt[lba j a elÌery 14 .ttÌütheb b. àilìgeú ln inkvenkvaí little bo! 1
ìsil,mbo (i|,-) patem 14 ulrìkhal^ to cry .odplaín a dqkhÌyela ibÌrâyi*kile to tilc d ài&" l2 ükwindla aetürú (Class t4) ó \. ,
ukutà8Jaza(nga-) to conptdil ukukhwej.^ihútrc to ide a horse 12 úkuku (in-) .&ke"r r3
(about)ó ukulÃwelis to gtued |lft 15
isiwa]iiso (íi-\ úusi@t instrunent 12 kJÌrB (it) wheelbatu|' 9 L
J uku\hallia to repoit (caì) 10 ukul?Ìtlele to be lost 15
inja (izin-) dos ro lìújtho (iín-) colledion 9
irlJâmaÌi c"rror odsuge) 3
ükaY,lÊigeletÒl@1. .heck7
ukukh''phã to accÒhtpdt,6 I iklinixl (i'-).ltnü 4
kodwâ ,ú 3
úkulzlà (-lele) to sLeep7
drJapúi./4/urcre odsuse) 3 uk ìkrr^ny^ to shitu 6 tkulsllfA to MkÍ sM@ lie dovn a
ileTnçì-, kdet 12 lkotu cofee 2
-khphüLìâphu lislt dÍdf 4h 5 inkokernGin ) tea.ler 16
Mkhaaro (aba-) rcrice r4 it'kotiso Mjonr, Mnr 12 ahr,'t\bo (inï) fivt 4
úkujlkÊt ato samuitt9 ukukbúnazek^ to nind, wotÌ! 6 unlâI'rbtlkúi ldrge rtuer 4
injiÍel: (iìr ) msiuer 4 uh.z.klErÌ[m tô woür (owsen E i*omitJt (t:) .,p s
ikhày^ (aM-) hone 2 ükülardelÀ tololl@ 3
uLujoÃs!*a to túk as í 5 uktk\^vÚJezs to haÌy l0 'lúd.ls!o nett, Jollo||ìrg 6
ftheÍi cd, 10
*hetu holidar lO j
!f,ü€nketho rnb 16 irkosszsã íarokbosazma) múr I üsphü (n:) .lotl' 13
K ukukbetl to choose1i prefet 2 ukula\rala tÒrÌirc.t, rule 4
tabini trr'.? 6 ,rkosi (dtukhosi) cnefa
übitshi (M-t kitchzn 5 ink$j}üi (a%Wosjkút) nadan 1 unla\ÍtJti (aba ) dirccíor a
tâhle! l',ld,n! (exclamâtion)6 ijf}n$^re (dtu-) frs 73 ts àyi (i?, ) rli.e 5
tâkubi ,adt 6 úkuY'hr'hlelstÒcouqh7 tlaibhÌi (i!) lo
krkhülu Ìerf 1 ukuk\olwa to belìevelO skulaíta 1oMích Òn5
-LÌ€lekÌele rftaÍp Õ/r€rt l0
unuÃombe (ini ) úíno 4 Mlqrgâlengs (,tuÈ) liarstrst
kaíjúztdi úc elt/gootibye6 /Iakhombis toprirt E
ikla''lpsti (ìin-) co".pasy 4
[âmsiÍ]a(re) !@& srotbr 1 kude/ar ls
-k\.M here,ptesentI kufuphi trâ- E4r to 1O
ileth,i lettuce 13
u Lht'Ì,,úe cold,flu I t/kükho (itrì tuÍ 14 -leyìthi late 7
k\\tt'gile try weu,dll nghtt OK 2 ú!übah (-libele) tdÊryet 3
ukukht'jlja to qtu\| tupe!3 küneeli:udàlarroltÌ) ó tkülils to weep/.ry a
kúisto atso,6 we x ultúliú'I. toJam, cahiNaíe4
-thúlu áts ó
fl*ltkhü|| a,o úrtle$ E inl nÌKúa rúbbish.wdsíe,Sarbase9 ufti:nì (aba-)Ídtut 4
ukukhttslek^ toJìee, be chfoftable }ltnye M- toqetherwith 9 akuliúela tÒwait .for 11
uk iaÃts tÒkep soneonevõitins 5
kangnngotuba rd ,&c[ ro 3 (ir,-) s@poIsâ póIi." uhillngú to ô, on t4
ukâniÃa (oo-) cousin2 'lrtkìErüIo kúnsa in íhe tuonin& early 4
if,küthalo diligeÊe 14
iiithuÌülo sêbh8i ó4 rtop 15 küÍheni? (+ paÍìcipiâl) vÀ),?8
unklnuÌüva (abõ-) etdar brcthzr2 ;rokhwe (i'-) dzrr 14
ukl&biünhúÃ to ftnehber1 Mloíllt \imí) úoúh A
,ÌÃati* (ôo-) .ou\ìn2 ukúkhvdobüuãto renitut 5 ukú|.tÍtdoloa tÒsdve9
tlori. also floli (È) la.r] I ú\^ kwúini ih the afem@t 4 mrcedisi (dzu) a$i,!rarÍ I ngokuqidsekilqt o .drraúry 5
lubhelu }?llar 5 ukuúk^ Ío gÒaway 6 ieo\wúlero enougl, sufr.ienú 6
-\rhl9m srcek, blw 6 .nct[úne ffialÌ. little 6
-Ílúaaü nice,pleasbtl, eeet, ngomnoph€lo.arciü) 9
ukuactphisarcarce $xstye ukffiEqonga tu sn aútnd
ukutüiikà to be arcfut 9
ukulúglea tu preparc 9i set the table -nciÍrnisEa) 10
im-r,ttato war of tiJe 16 ukuüctlko'ÉtÒchaí 2
13. rcpait 15 -ÍtgErkú,r^ rcunA5: bluú a
molo / molweni &"ll, 1 tulncolo (ai) erray 16 .tgobúi2 I ngor'bâúi2 whÒít/atel 2
uktúio{ha tÒdawSe 9 ú^wotrye togethet5 -.tgr íÍiÌz be ia a hurry 5
ímoto tii-) (tuotor)cat 1 lú,Ndebêlc1{dercl" (languag€)3 uttÃg'nlm" (imr) hole 1s
umo!ã (ini ) |'iall C aìr 7 .ndlongo-ndlongo.oraà 12 m'lgrMls!4 little hole l5
,jwimi (ii-) tongae,targuse 3 uhdÍtpúpa tÒpunp 7 xndwerdwe (tÈ) azd4 9
-Í,6u|wa pure, ikhocenía 'isiÍor ukunrkaumoya to Bitè spirit, i.e.
ukurE to stop,stailt 7 lnerc trltth 5i indee.l5
útmüncümDcu d?r.re/r13 trc\e (aM-) Beatlew I ut1Ítíkazi-khâya (aba-) hôusewife4
rmabona-kud€ ry 12
,"maborwâkude ry 12 ta.l''ekâzi (atu-) lady I fina ailo. roü (pl.) 2
ur'úttgq'!he eAest sbter 2
imasi (ii ) nas 14
-myoü l,Ìet 16
i ,Ã.úani stubbom 14 utuinNa (aba-)rounser bnther2
N Mninl(kâ,i, (aba-Jo\9ret 4
uÍnakâzi (oo-) (hy) núÍerut aúnt 4
(ì)wàba peíúps 1r
uÍúakìIrÌü (oo-) standnothzr I at- and | |'nh.0o) have2 ,ügiúüann! hN much?7
uÍnsÌako (oÒ-,IaJet s ulinzi Mjortry, tuír 12
--.tà ! to denotea questioa1 D$küDbi 3
ukÃabã to strctch 14 "qe.t4lt sohêtínes 4
ngÀrtuale an!ÃQ4lt^
umatnme (oc) MteÍral uncte2
úmam^ (oo-) nother I ryaplakâtbi r'rn\de2 üãto n;rto oü so m, etc. 4
@n kvabo hís/|sìhhen blothe. 2
ukun Íttelâ to listag ryrphüal'lti ì4futt 7t beÍorea nlúi2 hotf? 1
unnâIíw.thÌI ny/our bbthet 2 n$phrfttle orfr'd4 2
n"rungâ na- cokemirs 9 u,iÃãkvewt vu. brother 2
ebúanÀla (ínl) Esiú 16 nsaphandle kve- Òutsideof/ üenga- üla 6 3
nam he t@ / akíl / with tue 1 pníesot + nMe 4
l?'i,j'mei lle (imi \ delieht, 'qiìngabrâri(Òo-) ro ,arer 9
-D's;üil how My? 6 /ti.nkcEnkcesbeh
-n múli wet 6; juic! 13 agúa- ifl the icinity oÍl uúúsla \@-t secfttary 4
tmaatyi (oo ) tusistate 4 -ÍtâMvã.]penme.l15 (i)ígathi ít) veru 5 urlosadi (oo-) swtd 4
ukuoaúrhúthatÒeajo!, relish 13 ul rycaúls to t6te 13 ítoko ìn a s%ll wa! 3t thovsh 14
,mâtshini rot4chebâ dgcâ l4n
-ÃEcoDoGaM-) betteì (thar) E noLuba yintoni 2
oomr* okbtni s rutuìpatents2 ia$$ahâ (atu-) EÍ@e 15 únoÌÍ.thotholo (oa)
r4dio 12
natqoÃa abhought6 ngellúwã wÍortMíely 3 in$mttrla yeÍoúì telephire kuftbet 7
ukiryerlato cow ìn2 . ümatlainteresting4
ambúe (íni ) Mize 13 ÍtanÍii.râ any tire 16 non \raiil (oo-\ tibteÌian 4
nantsi (tkofu),c/e ,Ì iJ 4 Ígenera- be.Me 0Í6 rao!.Nebo l@ \ íftdsu@ 4
imeko (ii-) sitwtio| lO naph;M antwherc 16
ií'.la (iì) Ini|e r3 ng$âqÌrphe sual"rt 5 /noDsendi (@t 4
tÌNgei Ë',sltd! (lmguas€) 2 ",4
ukúmelato represeat12 aâ*ewith I qnd !Òu 7
úrme!!â r, 4vire (Passivemen}â) t1 rgethâÌÌrsânqalu.hl) 4 unoútato-nnê (oo-) sociat vorker 4
a!ïphlua ínaoantthiüS 16
ukúcgn^ tu help sÒn@re 5 ngoLúanel€ktle), ptup"rly 9 lÃopoat (oo-) pôst%n 4
lohlÃw'mh; peúaps 7 ukuaÌncêd^to hetpatetc!Í 5 ngokú,lwa ìn the ewnìng 4 alodlaú^ (oÒ-)butcher4
akuúeüs to help son@re with ngoküthawul€ra 9!i.H, 6 uio' enklle (oo ) shopkeepet4
-thê ryo bê tuìprise.I 5 üÃlÃatbi kr',a-between5t itsüè 11 tÒdtìik (hot liquid) Z
,ph,ú'l)fln oústúìling 12 "Laptung,
ilrtPhütüezi Pat Slere oanguage)3
íÃqâk|r (M-, wtittek dìti.Iz lO tuhìsBbutâ (ü'-) nte.re.tida rs rtzphüthumâ taleÍc' Í
ww'"úe (inì ) .amt r3 o ukuphiryEla to work 4 isip i (ì?O nimì 3
íÃq'üìi (M-) frst 12 akuaÌlol^ ío oÌ.let 1O phútÊe waú 15 ,pilisi (ti) p'118
tlxtú'ütÍÍ| to chop 13 iripimtllÍ ryt@t 13
h.túsqsr! (õno-) úurd hut 16 í-úd, (ìì-) Òllíce4 phanbnkva- úd.t 1l (ti)/kt 13
wn ,wui (ituì-) hot 14 laphathâ tÒMMee, tule 4t tô hol.l 'rpleÍd
ipüsa (@tu-) potieMn 4
üÀrnq\Íeíela Ío ptìí! 7 -oküqâlÂlrr 11 uptorffi (oo-\ pnÍe{ot 4
abana^k.{retlEtry/Òl, síbliags2 oknmgoku atpz#ú 11 ü}'tphúhelà to bing Jor 14
abanl^kweÚü!o!r síblings2 unp\âüi (dba-) Mse/ 4 tDpìDel€lo sk.err 7
abúrâkw&Ìto hisqet siblìngs2 ubffin ife 16 utlph,^ü;- ba*bevi pêt sotre I
Mon,üd^ (in-) ttuubk, dMse rs uúAld,llnffa (dba) Cabiretníiisrzr 10
ukongítúÊlato ruÌe úer 4 w@íhick tuaiz.por ge 13
Mús"reti (db-, prerüleü 3 ukuphazaúa to Mke nistakes 3 uksqú'itla to qurch (thirst) 5
wút (aba-)p.lroú 3 MúnziGúit (ob-) NÌre a ukuütazúís ío intempt 4 mqala (iúi-) thruat a
abaút abaal^laaduhs4
ubÌtnltt hM.kcetua3 isnnk^ iana3i cheeseli u;i,'phú: (aba-) cook a, ch.l10
vÍmav{'o. (aba-t chia| -oDkeaL 3 ukuplle|Áto .one tô M .nd 6 anq*aelo (imi-) Pi Òws
rb túta\natt\ chi Ahoo.l 17 ork€ ftax€shâ arraF 6 ukuph.elelwaío b. usedup
r:oDli (ti) over 5 iqaú^ (aM-) ess s
Mnwntâra s%nMl uko waba becone happy,happikess6 iúeph^ (Md-) papet s sh/qaqáitbs to shine6, ío thrub A
ukonL^lEla íô ."joy towthing 13 iplÊphÃ-ndsba (aM-\ t |pdpet 7 -qaqaithile búght l4i st@nìkq 16
lMnümzgm (/Mru.) ..- M.... 10 ulu mwah's tô eni@ üeselí1 iphepha ÌoÀlqhubâ dtrer3 li.?t.?
unÍwe(iúi-)frnseía ukoúItk^ to bredk 12 t0
ulaqeqÉhã to troin 4
ukoytk^ to be {ma Òf6 -phBlle!^ ovneos 12
ph6llê! Èwa-ot thè ôthet sìdz oÍ13 unqeq.F,bi(aba-) tÌ4iier 4
uüebe (inD a phúe s. tupè phêzulü üp 11 unqeFh\ra (abõ-) .nptoree 10
í-or e oil T phe',Ikva- ofl top of, abúe 5
,r,:dibo (ia) dreri 14 ütlqha8âmh€lsna /4- to cotta.t l0r
P ü1 wheÌe?|
,rwme íìi-) co6r 16 ulapbità be we , be alive 1 el$ -qhatanìlhelâüa na-
in'4 ltr^ gtudsr iiqípabl^ clothes14 i.t}ld/,o(aM, pturerb 1o
ufupbilaqete to be conpl.télt we 5
ìtip lt $zi \ wattat rs isi.tb.úo (izt) liait 13
-\yüisik be úght3 isiphoQn-)sift u -qbelekile rctuL 6Ml 14
ípakêthe(íi) p@ket 5
ìpal'[lftte padimat 4
-rye (atuerÍoün) oE s Mphnko\o tuealì. tual porÌìdgè 13 ahi qh 'ú hÒldup 12
ukup!p,6ü^ to publish j iíthüa (iì-) headcoverins M
-Dyê(befoÍe nouÍ) @otl,er s uhtpholato be.otu cool 5
abdayesfue, othe6 4 ipayiú (iì) pìneoppla13
isíPe,JiNoÌth.m Soího3 ü&uqhoboshaÍol4ste" I
ú/nttbiükiss dr$orre s inpel^-ve+i (iiú-\ \'.ek úd6 \ akuq}'rhà to connnue3atu dnve 4
ukuryúÃ to cLìn1bl:2 ipe$iÌe (i.i)".tr.t/l I 4&üqhubelaphâmbü Í, ?rc8rcsr 7
tkup\úl,Ìh|.la to listef, 7
uküryüfElwã ío b. pmtut.tl 10 ípere (m-) pqr 13 uúqbiìh; (aba-) dire, 4
ukuphnmãto so Òuí7
ít'pesbdi ry€cül 13
uAaphttwreta na@s4 succeed4
-rEtu^ difficuh, h.@r 6 uluphtt'ljà tÒrest, relü S uiúqhl,4,bistsâto beatwry welÌ 4
ub@iúr h.@iress 14 ukuziphvú,9 to rcst üeself 13 ullút\\út|J.s to starl (cor) 15
utuún ro becohe stills hobbr fi
tsheietu (ii) 3À"f1 Itltr,mpÌI (ii t stúnp 12 iúoyiletbr rr&Í 13
ukuqokelel^to coqect9 tshtshiDi(it )/a.ÍÌ, 4 ithuba(tu-).hMe ro
ìae.'okel.j.â(iia ) co ecnoh7 rirlÍ*iÍi l@(mdi /rúlirturs /to6e 4 It,,pllê (iO potaío 13 íthüjolhlr lMMi hose9
íqokobhe(M-) sheu9 isbishiDi Ìenpârrra.r,rÀi,BÊ.tol, 4 itÌ!.tmbt bdded .ollared ne.kldce 14
u},,úI'íú(kazi) (aba-) taitoll uktthúd^ to senIJza
ukuE nda tu ú/le6teid 3 ukushiyfÀato be lefr @er 13 iztthüthu tadìc 15
iqo'xü (M ) dasree10 lthuthu lw?ezkuni ad, 9
iqondo Ìoàlshüshu t.tuperuture6 ubuúBh! heat6t iaet I
ukaqühhato swìh lO ihíaka (-th, dìsôppear5 lnt,'theti (iitu-)jounúlist 9 unthwati (abd-)po er4
ìq[úubè (aM-) ben! 7 uretr\N'Bttr (oo-t sraüJdthét 1
inqúÌ'n (iin-) priwiryl lO
mqtryzÃtükúi (oba-t stewadzssI Eüta (iiit-, Íeathaapea a
inqr,íe|o.rúla (iìa-) @nplare 1 -sibikêb be overcast6 izüeË stepsA
idko (am-, cu'tm 10 il;Épúl \itJ teaspoo^5
R i|lra ra. 15 iruâkohlâza vrra 6
uh]ihab6ü, insa\\ebã to takepaft 9 utltF,hâla(kazi)(oo ) teachera
stu{,hl^Íree, stuns M .lnabttllÊ},ile be inpresseà7 ititshata./Ìúi) (ii-) teachera
trestSr (ií-t restaumt 7 isiD.lã (ìr) búdifls s.h@l l0 ít'Ìrnm (ii^ ) batte. .lough 5
ukusiÃgtto heaítÍo,16 itharr (atu-r leer(lradi tibnr! rz iìtrsngaoiso (tt4) nreÍifu8 10
,sitrti sdt 13 ,Íhambêko (anâ-) rlapd 16

tnffibo (atu-) boke9 ttrtlüngu (pl-)pdir E

mahaja (ìnr) shtub (s"utÌl treê) 9
n, I oar sistet 2 üSomardlâ Í}e Áidigtú, 4 ulflabÃin^b bve, lik 4 enyeikto a other thins 3
uloâ la to stõy.reMìn 1 /Êo|tralhlshlÍi (,è) òdru.,r,'@ 4 tuto ydnglâ turethins .oA b driak 2
,!âlâdi (lÊ) rdlad 13 üklsombulülâ ,o ralr? 10 /rhmdo lare l3 úkutolikt ío Ía$late 4
BoryMpê (oc) reJ'eree 4 isiü,,Idw^ dêd4.lading ll ìtoliki (ii-l transÌatol I írúerprcter4
isênswilshi (t'') ra"dwi.n s ìflEotoro (@-) nillipede 1s ithÃng, (M-) puúpkif 13 inaõmhi(iin-) gìtl, .laughter I
bans} (M-, entrurce,sdtê9 inttútha?Ãia littl. 8i l
Ârpho (iinL-)JMiU 4 isist sto@h, dbrlawt 8 úhtfhÃth.la to takz.lot 4 an@glombüút littlz 8i s 1
ulotlirl^ to cone fiw 13
,ku%nt to búadc^t 4 usskn (iino 24-hÒur&a 6
urua6âd (aba \ btuadc6ter 4 íoti (ti ) ti,a9
uküebenta to work 4 Mtherylsi (oha-\ shopassistdní4
ukusêhe[td^ to wotkÍÒr 4 isúti (ii-) r/ü 14
Ms.berri (oba-t enptoye. 4 trisutàu sdtÌD olrgrÌâge) 3 írilheúe (nr'-) .lrron ró e|alFâlÊlatô phorc soneüe I
r'Swâti s"a, (language)3 isilh{lhi (ìzí-\ speak r 4
w*bwi (inï) vo* 4
isrvekileraSdr 5 u"úhatho (inì ) law 3 -tth^ krcbhe veryÍresh 13
4&/s€beÍzisãtd a? 5 ìtberipllt (il) tape 12 tutsÌÁú (aba-) úec. | 2
Aêkela'inqt'ì"ìn úu -pdrcipal 10 T/ ^ephN
-tsblüle be Mmed 5
akÁelâ to drì"k (cÒldÌiqvid) 2 i.tsba (ììn-, rcuntaìn 4 !tuüntnn6' stick3 ìnrst8tsbtn Qín-)chMpion 12
int^hskúi hish Mwtain 4 ukttuh^y^ to túoke 7
itúle (iò tdble 13 ìlsl.ekl(iï).h.qk 14
@sôarzsla (tn'-) wolrz@mbie inr^L^ (ìin ) bi..l I (ir) .n,t' 14
ukúahiywãtô be nared 16

v it'E st i (ìih ) ptuueú a z

-tâhiphú bha rery ch.ap 13 ano\a eÌperiencelo
!*ltshirashâ to c/úr8e l0 itbrú.' (iií-, suppoí 12
uku'lhis tÒbum soMthikg 6 ukúra ío heat uhíl.rstard 3 z*vaN|rt tnditiotul 13
intlhtxo (e'-) rz:Ì 7 utu'3l3lã to tell tp3
íraa^ls (ií-) wotemelof 13 M I unzal^ (aba-) cou'in 2
ut vetâto cÒtu.fton 4 Í'úaú õ liftl. \9hile 13
ukut*r.na to so down (srt) s uní:rdcÊ(aba-) rísitor 10 tkltìt,'s to be Mio6 lO ukmal3lw, to be bom i!/sí 3
Washonalaìrgaw6st3 tu,VendâYerddìdguage 3 uktdh'sa to su?port 12 ukl,,alwa to be bon 3
ukutúwezs to grute 13 ,ï€Dltile (it-) d,op, rroz 1ó Múa.n@ba-\ supponer12
i,tllfÍibi (íih-) süoÌl bead: 14 hettklh rmgaphahdle .ou,utt irtftCo (M-) oa M
íttsimbi ya%qaaha arHet 14 iÃegoll,ari (aM-, otd wotu E
ialstunhiyênel,lobrdcelet14 ivlJl (ana-) vheel, íyte 5 ukútuúÂa to .!oté (tla1lítio@l) 12 isí6r}ü Qn t re^on 1o
iardúü yonílâlà n.cHd.. 14 i'sü lolaterln spdrc wheel 15 urútDtso (inì-) ia.litiÒ^al dúce12 uk@e}.elel^to speakslowly 3
iatsimhi cÌock ll. be, ìm ak!.í:lingcato .lose up 15 unzekelo (inï\ Nmple 6
agef,tsimtti,a- aí ... o'.lock 1l ukvÌrukato wakeup 7 -f,toúêlieketu deper.t on 6 -rélc + c.opulâtive/,ü o/16
írlxhN x/úru (lansuage)r ai- nlselÍ, youtselÍ, etc. 5
intsoÍnl (ìk-) Jothale 16 (M-, herbalist 4 izrko @tu) h.anh 13
isi\húg Tsotugdlaqwge 3 uktatrta asree,ann 6 úfrüxllongâ
'J]rrere to !.t@iE (nedicany) E unri(ituì-) hoMstead16
ìsiT€\a^itÃI3wanaltus@se 3 i*\ínbr (dtu-) írost@ce 9 -&ile be stwkls itìtiba (ìzí-, d.ep púl in a üver lt)
t6w.Ìè (aM") oflìoh 13 ukuvl'mtr to aÌÌow (fot)ro ukúrol.J,LtoÍoÌsa'e 13 udiúa (ini , bod! E
(pâssive-ma)'elqr aÌlored 10)
intuaahlobo eafl! sMnêt 6 ukt'vlJfmel5mto be in homory 7 peaceipdídoa / âc6e fte I
úxotr'o úuâat to Íetch, brits 5
twãrre(ukuthí) lìt peíec r14 isiYuúiÂo Íeftiliset 9 ukuzobãto paiú, rlÌd\) 4
@íntr'e (inr) nixtute 5 M'íÌ'i (abo-\ aÍrist 4
ukum.úzà (komôra) to btò\, 6 ukuxtú];sllâ to mix vry well4 Muitho (ìúi-) í ustratiol 5l
isíty^ (ü-) ttish 12
ukl ryisan nã- to rejoice wnhT uÌazola tftnqtillitr 16
ukünza to leak,.lischargeI
M\wà (ini-\ saÌa't 10 vmyat zo (iúí-) tusdse Í
-zoudleletÂyo ewryenc l0
iúyatra'dtn (ìin-) flower 9 w unzrtulvana (aba-\ sm .Ichìa2
ukÌnyehieatÒetuích14 intldal (i|t miit, won 8 iztu]üI inoüldÌülr.dthzr 5
alzülu zül& (laneuase)3
ukúwt tô wif, 9i obtain lO
thini! sosh! 14 (ri-) raldrcre 1 unM(ìni ) ninute 6
-rvoÌ*e-woíüepíólic 11 umM^ia (inï) tuMrt 5
uawate (cIass 14) beeaatcohÒts t',ryeni (õba-) husbaut 2
íter (aMt ru.ti.iM E iti'l e (M-) cosnta 3
U xl rnr i (aba t dasisret 14 itizwelí?'zi(M-, contiheú 4
urlse (oo-) hzr I hisÍatheÌ 16
ükussela ho- rD.? 16 ètín (<íxeÊha)whìte 13 ilìNn (M-) rÒice1r (arsospoket
ulBuela tü- ... uküJr /.",ton... íii-) r!'!'r.^,t'y 2
,iabiso eltphantsi low ptce 9 'iutrivcsilhi
(i,:-) Ioü' 10
ül'llze (so) thdt + subjunctiv. 6 'iurc

cup ikonity! (ii)
cusro0 (mr; Nithethê (r.i-)
custoÍner (dòd )
câr€fin,to be !*üluDkâ "dtherSi
âc@pt,to &àrâmk€lt bad -bi caÌetuuyngoÍonophelo
Âccompüy, to ,lzkhâpht bdket irgobort (,rr) düger úgozl
equainted, to gêt d1@ ra cèlebrate,to !Àzbhiyozg d^8, d^y utu}Ja(idi )
address.âdel6i (ii,) treautint -ble; beâutyúrüìrl€ certrinly ngokuqinisekileyo daughteriutonbi (rií-)
chan ('z!)
adveíise, to úfrvâziss; rÀ?bherge'. be.aute of nged! ya- 'rtíulo deep-Mülu; depth!àrnzulu
advertisenentiroriro (rz-);!,ribh€.ge"l bed ma ihlo (m-)t Írhedi (ii) chânge,to üI4fJhirtsb! delicious-mnandi / -no6a
@-) b€droon tgumbt lokuhla deped on "xhomekekeku-
âdviceicebiso.t Scebiso die, to dúhubha (hunâDs)
ch€rk, look ât, to ,Ìzlhmgela
aêÌoplâErqwdo-nols (iir!); chiÌd ú"ntwâm (4àc, difftcuÌt -nzinâi difiìculty rrüDzima
r'{Ìopl€d (ü,
âfraid. to bè ü*oyikt dìniqroon lgunbi lokulyelt
b€tteÍthânngcoro künâ- disoss, to üÀlboÍtuaoâì ,tuxoxâ
betwoeÍ phât&ahi kwa' dish òi.ya (ü,-)
afr€moo! ênya kwemiDt divorc€4 b€ -âbrutrere
birthday /Dhlâ wokü"âlws
cloúes (arsosoods,lussage)ttrpahlâ
blanketrìEubo (tF) òos ni^ Gnk-)
blE -luìlâza okwsibhokabhslrâ; coal rrrhtyi (t, )
aI -onk
òo6tipheryone (ae); ,,qô!awa (ülaì cold, to feel üÌlgodola down phmtÁi
hoil somethiÍg, to aÈúbilisa @loú MbÀls (Mi); ibâlâ (lru-)
alsokanjalq kaDâaialo dress,to (slso weü) )â
âninaÌ /r,roi dilwânyâÍâ (domestic) bob, to be(ar)utuzâr(el)Fa com€ftom, to ,lrvêlâ "lüB
driDk to ükselâ (cold) úrüphoÌga
boy úkìi'ertwe (amtüweÍkwe) cometo ú ènd,ío ü&üphelâ
ânswead nrpendülo (,tr) @Íúonâble, t€ -khululekiÌ" driveÌì licencê tphepb'Gnme)
ânswer to ütuphetduh competitior flkhüpblsìïâno
applicantMeli-nsêbenzt (aàd,) bÍeâldst sìqro-,akü!â!4 lr,bafe6i complain,.toütlkhrlaa
congEtuÌate,to ,.tlluyisam na-
conserve.to ütdondoloza
build, io !*râ*hâ; buiÌder@âkht (aà ) contâctto, /l{qhâgâmshelam m-
4sistãnt mn€.€disi (ara-) bülding dâkhiwo (iz-) conúnue,to a&lbânìblrâ
at Ìast ekúgqiheleDi bus ,bh$i (n:) conversâtionúcoLo (iú )
bus slop tiúsht rebhrsi (r?)
holiday thoÍde; iLhefu (a bMther)
especiaÌÌyr$kumbi fiÍl aele hone rHtrya; at hom€ekhsys te9 untente (ini-)
eÌeún8, in the ngokuNm homssteâd/nzi (mi')
every -onke; everydayyorlre irúltlt hope,Íh€mbâ (aM,
letteÌ úcwâdi (iú )t iletâ (ii )
exmple únzêkêlo (mi) sendem inene (al?4) hospitâÌúlthedlelê (tzi) lie dom. io ü&dala pbsrtsi
hot -€hüshu üght ilrtDâne(t.!-)
glfr tnpho (!zt-) hous iadru (izirì
exhibitiotr Mboniso (rri) gnÌ t tombi (iú-) how? qiani?
give, to eÌznikât ,*Úphâ
exp€ri€nc€@&râi experienced how big, ruch? -ngâlânaít?
give a Ìifr. to u,takhwelise how nrny? -rgapbi? Ìste4 to /trüt'lmela: /&üphulaphulâ
hüngly.be lambtle little -nci|rci; -nciDâre
so, Ìo (with) lrzhâ|nba (nâ, hÌÌt, b€ -enmkâllsllz Ìve, to (= reside)üJaÀlâh
go homq to !*!godutâ hulry, to /&lthãwülcã loDg-d€
huÍry, bê in â -ngxamtle long ago kudâla
husbdd MyeÍi (uàd )
fme 4dumoi fmous, be -dümtlt good Jüngl" look aftd, to Íllgcim
fúily lsapho (.ìrt-) soodbyebmba(ni) / sala{ni) kâkül € if ukuba
in, to be ünxgüIâ looka4to/*ujonsekã
famous.bec. !*üdurnâ studchild üDzukdwânâ (aád)
CranÍlfatherltâatomkhülü (ro) iÍunediaiely kwaraoko
fdt DAokuklìawulêzâ smdmothd ümakhulu (@-) impoÌtânt,it is kubâlül€k!/"
in fiont of ph.mbi kw.- lounge teumbi lokúlâlo
gÍarehÍ, to be rÌabuÌeÌa
faúer ltars (dd); fty faúer übâwo lovely -myoli
ilfo|útiotr /n tzisâ
injured,be -en"Ákdisil" luck rth.msânqa; luckily
green-luÌ ârâ okwengcâ
grêet,to (foÌ) 4,tub'rÌiúl)a i$ide phakalhi kwâ-
inst€adof cndaìr€nl yr-
fill, to úlüzâ[râ eÌow üp d, ukükhuldâ intGt hdl!; interestinS-nom.lla
find. (get,obtain), to ü*dum râ gu€st8Ídw€ndwe (ii') inteÍsectionrtÈâmbuh ('ír)
iÍroduce, to üÀwszisa ndagq to úlphâahÂ
haÍd trâlrdlâ (!2, maser Mphâthi (aàa )
haplEn to !ÀaeDekâ
fitrisb. to ütügqih4 firished -gqibtle
fil€ @,riÌo (mi) keep s.o.wailing. io ütxlindisr mary, to /&üíshatâ. mâÍie4 b€
lÍst 'oÍÍqalâi ftrsdy nqeh headdoko (tr); heâdâche-nentloko key trtashko (tz,i)
fish útlaMi (in-) ne,ìl dtdlo (,zi)
flas ndwè (dn); iflesi (iì-) heaÌi ntliziyo (M-) kitcheÍ fthitshi (@aì; igDbi
flouÍ ngubo ,,frlphckelâ r8dtcïae úqr (M )
flower ,rtyatymbo (ift) me€aúth, to &Ì"dib€ra Da-
tnife úteÌr (ii) n@ting D.lângaDbo (ti,4-)
help, 1l),Àzncedâ; h€Ìp 4Ícì4o @!ü imoyu; íIltlú /ridya
heÌp oneseìf.to í/razúc€da ,l 1úo% to /b'ãrl lnowledge ülwâzi
nessage@yâl€zo (tni)
help somoúe wiú something;to lady,lnko€ikazi (@Lho6ikâzi) mitk rb|3i
fores.(indigemut thlâthi 0€lo zv€)
lângüâge/lwimi (tt-) mistake,to mak€a ,&/phramâ
foÍget. to e/í4liblq lügê -thuÌú mome ezuzwona (mi)
hiú -phâkrmile]r last -okusqibela
fork ifololhwe (i, ) lâúeleJtd, GmvakrYêx€hâ nonlh; n@n nylrga (ri )
hoÌd on. to úÀabamba nomlng. in úe külasr
hole (@r) leâve io ütlhamba, l}&mtâ
fÌiend (ara-) "dsxDa
motoÍcycl€r]rilüuthúthu (ii,)
mountrin t'Íâba (ú-) point, to ,*"khombise Ìord /ndl€ta (ttr'); mgâqo (r,4t-) st tion irúisbi (ür)
police@ lpolisa (4ro) toom lgrunbi (4ru-, stây,bo(= IEside)úòbrã;
poüce slation tskhululo rtupolisâ "Àela
(rzithululo umpolisa) '4kuÍküÌna
stiÌÌ '6Â- (ndisatundâ);-se- (úentsha)
a|f. "khusdekilgo srop,ro úüma; ltünirâ; ul4yekâ
n€ar(to) -kofrIlthi nâ-
neessaÌy. it is kuturck! ..- prcp@, to üÌrlulrgiss Btoryibâli (@); útsoni (ti'-)
pÌesidert Mongâm€li (ar)
pÍice lxâbtso (atu, (low eltÈmrsi) lly, to í*üthii say s 4trtsho
prcblen irsxaki (,tr-) rchoolirikolo (Èt-) studert Mtundi (4ò4)
newspâp€rtphepha-adabâ(aro ) propúÌy DgokuÍânelekil€yo study (for). to ükltnd(el)a
n€xt (comiÍd -lr[delâ),a ( ald) Prot€ct to ú&uthus€Ia study igumbi lokuftÌdela
mll, to ltzthcneisa Bucce€úto ú*üphümel€la
night úrrcuku: zÍ night €bu8üku püblic phone!ïoxìUri kÂworke-wonke
rcPaÍate,to utwabldt
tlalt Qï, suddenlyngëaqüpìe
úoe i'rrd'Ígr (izt-)
nürs€úioryi(kazi) (4óì qu€stionünbuzo (id) úop tvcrkile (ni-)
qückly rgokuldrârrulezr sÌìn ilancr
ofúentuthl. .i'd6ha afiani[,i, suppq tridlo sangokuhlwa;rilimls
old -dah srünârìeiíari (ür-)
Éin, lo 4À4na;/lmetha isalrtbiso (tz)
oÌúy küphela, qha (dow!), to l}rr'|sh (phântsl)
open,io úlzlulâ, be open-Ì!üle r€ady,be (finishêd)-gqtbil" ,lil úachülc
opportunity ithuba (tru-) receive,to lt/fDara .tjrt Mbbinqo (iai) rabletratrle (it-)
.ky i,ribhatrbhaka tâte, lo aÌrthrths: e/í/that âthr
oÍsanisarioÍ @bütho (r,t,) @ommerd, to ltzcêbis4 rtlbalulr tleep (welì), to u*dâla (tatühle) take out, lo üt4khupha
ÍecoveÍ,to ú&/ch.ch. slowly kide; ryotúcoihaJo takepaÍ in, to (&.lhâbrlha tüâxh€b!
lmall {ci[ci, -rcirane
rcsion üunândlâ (Mi ) tâll -de
pain iirtlur8ü; painfrt -bübhrgu Í€lax. to üÀlkhulul€ka
remêmber,ro e*úthunúüla soìlmhlâbâ taxi iteksi (!ì)r by tüi trg€tekl
paperrphephâ (am-) so@tin€s 4n4|rye @d€shs
remind, to ú.t }hümb|n
pâssnsd úrülmbi (ara) ÍepâiÍ, !o !*4lÌmgis; (car)
"llÌhânda telephone,to í&4fowúil(el)â,
rcply, to 4*4phenddq. têlephoneíowuri / tfort; /rmx€bâ
rêquost,to rtuc€le soÍry, be ìusizi, soÌÌyl üxolol ten (ro), ro -xd(eDâ
Ìeq@srlbi@lo (,zt) r soÍt (ty!e) ,Ì'lobo úiúì thank to r&/buleh; thdks enkodi
Bemblq to ,*drna Da- rhat (conj) ukübr
pen /siba (iltr6iba) speekslowly, tÕ üÀlrothhbâi
pêÌhap6bhlawumbti G)rsaba thing uto (àú-)
restaürút irstyu (,i-)
retua fum speciaÌisttrcutlhe (M-)
"Ázbu}la thirsty -d.niw€; thiÌst &nxsno
ride, to ukuthwelâ (câr.ho6e)
play. to 4*rdlalâ, â!Ìây M. sro (ihi-) time ÀBbâ (aM)r oÍ time ngexe8ha
stâÍ ükwenkwezi (,h-) tired, be -diniwe

togelher(wiú) kuyê nâ-. n laworye
ioilet r'tt{Iu ydgâs€8e; ithoyilethl wúch, to (e.s.TV) atrbuEela

too (ÍÌÌuch) gqitha way rtdlela (iitr)

town ;dolophu (t-) w€athertzului i'ozülu

lÍaditional -zât\raNtu weÂlh€Ìf()tgst,qikddo lwtmorulu
tÍadìtioÍ.I faÌe rzdro utw3Ntu ,'e€k ffi (ú)
traditional healertsqiÌào (amzì w@kendiap€lÈyeki ('iD) language
traln doüw€ (do); itseyiri (ü,
B. ând Skorge, S., MdriÍ, etheisixhosa, CapeTo\\n, lúa &. Co.
welcome!w$nkelék t fumkdekL"l
Fàffic iztthuíhú wetcome,to 4fuamkeÌr
trânsÌat€,to r&€uqúb; lhílolikr wel ka[ubre L.Vr'.,Riordâ!, J., Mâthiso, M., Davey, 4.S., Betrt€le,S.V
Ir{âhl,Áf;j.g.B. Lunb Self-ìnstractionCoursein Xhosa,
Institute of Sociãl andFtoÈomicâl Research,Rhodes
tÍip dÌâmbo; íkh€Dketho
touble .noDrkala (rr,) whateE mkubâ yinrsni
trcut€$ ibhürukhwe (ti) when x'. whetr?Ìüri? 1.,A Xhosa Grurnnar 4ú ealn.,CâpeTown, I,ongmân,1955.
whêÍ€?Éi? whereâbouts?ndâwoni? H.W., Àtxn"sd 3rd edn.,Johajmesbulg,Educum,1985.
tm towaÍ&, to !k jika ]ìgr- white -mhÌophe 5.C..leÌana Non(h,adiLwesixhosa lbangaÌ0.ura Aftilíâ. 1992.
ugly -bi Z. 5., Xhosa in Contert - fum Novìceto htentEdiate, C^pe
why? kurherd?
úderstând. to ,h/qondal dzya
uÍalr$s, to ü*/khülútr wife i,koditazi (4rúkìjsilazi)
udortunâtely ngelnihwâ
üp phez'rlú . wiDdowtfesdÌê (ti-)
wipe, to 4*!sEla
usuaÌlyrge|tqhelo wish, to l&llqweneh ,4., Wêiss,E.,Mdala, E. andfbhab€,S.,Engltrr-Xrrrra
wúan untâ,i (dbo-rt l'DbtnqÂkrc-t CapeTo\ra,OxfoÍdUnjveniryPÍess.1985.
vêÍy keLhüh
vicinity, in úe Dga!€- , F-.,A Xhosa-EnglíshDictioüary 2nd edn.,LovedaleMissioÍÌ
woÌk &hs.benri (idi) 1918.
vilâgê ilsE idolophâna (í-) wúk, to !*/s.herzl; ü;lpheg€la
visit, to úk tyel€Ìa: ,Ì/hambels woÍld rlÌügôi J., A New ConcìseXhosa EnglìshDicnotary 2íd edt, Cape
visito( ardwendwe (ri-) Ìrory, to dfkhrth.zoka ''Town,LongmaÌrs,1963.
worÍy on$ê4 Ío utua*hâíhüâ H.W. (ed.) Thz Grcatcr Dictionary of xhosa vol. 3. Ahce,
wait (for), to 4lllitrda iversity of FoÍ Hare, 1989.
wâte up, to /k Ìukâ Souú AfÍicân Mrlti-Irnsuaqe Dícíionary and Phra!ê Book,T\e
waÌq to Gtraight) 4*rh{mbe (r8qa) yelow -lEbhelu
wal üdorgâ (tir-) Reader'sDigestAssociation,CapeTown, 1991.
wâlrer (ia-) yoüng -tshâ
Literature and Further Reading Index
Bongelâ,KS-, IPl,ürr, CapeTown,Mâ.skewMiler I-ongÌÍìarl 1t7.
Isb^nt, N.,Ihe OchrePeople,Londoa John MuÍÌây, 1963.
Jolobe, J.J.R.,Árndyo,Johâmesburg,WitwârersÍândUP, 1973.
Jolobe,J.J.R.(ed),I||dráo rert ró", JohaÍuresbwg,
EducuÍÌ! 1970.
IoÌdaa, A.C., Towa s anAfÍban Literuturc - Ihe EnerAenceof
Literary Fonn in Xhosa,BeÍkeley andLos Angeles,U veÍsiry of
Califomiâ hess, 1973.
]|,.ãgoÍra,5., To My ChìAÍenb Càtldren,CapeTown, David phitip, adj€ctivaÌconcordó.2
1990. adjêctives(âs âíÍibutiv6) ó.2ì (âs pÍedicales)E.l:
Ìflãgotr.a,5., Kabattu)anaBabút' tana Ban, Cape'fown, Daúd Phiìip,
âdje.tival ni? (inteÍosative) rs.6
1995. ldveós 4.7; 6.8
Mândela, N.R.,Irng ï/alt ro frcedam, Randburg,Pume[, 1994.
M€sâtJ.â, Ë.W.M., 1.a.í nan?üalo Etixhosa. CapeTowo, Longman 'md' coúecting ctdses 16,3
Sourìem Africa (Pty) Lrd, 1954. 'rtrd' com€ctiry noüns2.9t 16.3
Pe;rê,1.8., TheHousêof P,ula JoharnesbÌÍ8,RavanPIess,1981. 'and' conn€ctingverbs8.2! 16,3

snybody/ ânything/ anytime/ anywhere1ó.2

Ãugm€ntâtive lutrr -kâzi 4.3
auxiliery veós E 3
-b! (verb 'be') 10.3
boÍÌowed woÌds r . i. (occüpâtions)4.2 (seealso Xìosalised woÍds)
'can': difi€Í€Ít waysof expressins'crn'6,ó

cúditiomÌ coDstructìons15.1
corjúctions kubs, kodwâ, ükubâ, xa 3J; ukuu€ 9.6
continüousrêc€ntpastt€Íse 122
copúêtive -ng- 'am / is' ngubari? 2.5; 11.1i u2
copufêrive-rg- (.n), l', t-, È- 4-1. l!.l:' l'.2

demonstratives4.4; 95
derivation ftom veÌbs (occupationt 4.2
deroiptiv€s (allÍibutives) ó:i &redicÀtes)E.l
diminutiv€ suffix -aDâ10.1

ênphatic pÍonoÌìls 3:;93; 11.2
3ta 3t9
enpnaüc pronom, copulaúvè,nègarivê15.4
emphaticpronoìrs, sünmâry 16.4 tr.. 'and, with' 2.9. 65
na" + abstret Dounsó.2
smaÍf 16,3

ftt@ lensq positive n€gaüve6.4 .nr- 'have' with emphatìcprcnouns93

.brlho ulru-> -'oku- Grcsâtivenakü-)6.6
heÍeiV@ = nar ru. eic. 5í lcgativesC â tl-... Àba3-3;(arÌ)63
ideophorês5; 14.ó negâtive-Íga-/-nge- 15.2
idioDs 10,1 !8a- prepositìoí 4,7i ó.7; 6.E; E.5: 9.3
.Dga- 'may. câÍ' 2.3: 6.6
-ile verbâl foms (tunctiodns ar adj€crives)5.ó .Dt? (<ntoni) Í.7; after -€lâ ('why') 8.4
mperative (se€iNtoctions)
impeÌsnal ku- (eqüvatenrto EDSlish.it') 3.ó 'Dl? 'what soÍíkind' 15.6
infinitive 2.4 14.r
infixes -íga- 2.3r -yâ- 2.2j 3.7: -ss- 23
iúrial vowel of nous (omission)4"4 (<-o'kho uku-),nee-íalu 6.ó
i8tÍucriotrs 1.3: 4.5; 72; 10.4;regarive ó.5 cÌas€s (all) 3.1
iÍsÍuctions úú OC 45 prefixes ard steús 3.1; 5
intemgÀtive adj. -ni? 15.ó omitting initial voweÌ 4.4
intemgalives -íjsi?, phl? 1.5; 4J; 53 Í.5
-búi? 2.7 object concords2.6; 5.1; 6.4
phl? E5 4.2
rint? 3.7 tr2
raoni? 3.7; l1.7
kâ- (wiú âdvdbs) 6J ó.1
"ka- 'not yet' 133
-râri Güffx) 4.3
khâ- 7.4 paíicipi.r 12.r
-tho / -khora Í3 ve 10.1
leBonaÌ pÍonouns(equiv.leú to Eüglish) Ge subj@t/ obje.t concordt
kodwa conjucÍon 3.7 phi? ('where?')4.E;s.3
kú- (impeBonal)3.6 -phi? Cwhich?')8.s
küba conjuction 3.7
l(ub.hrelile + subjüctive 4.5 , possessiveadjectives2,8: 14.4
kuftn€tr + subjundive 4,5 possesive concord52; 14.4
posessives.aominal 52; l1.6i l3.l
kutheDt 8l po$esiv$. noÍninâlClas 1/1a9.1
PosessivepÌomuns 'mine' etc. 14.5
locative (ko-/kwi-, e-)1,ú 4.E; 1s.6 pÍepositioúsfoltowed by kwà- Í.4
lo€atìvein, at (tim) ó.7 pepositions (equivâleÍt lo Engüsh)s€elocatives
locâtiv€l- and -!- 4.2 53; 10.3 pÍesentrelse positive aÍd neaaÍiveL2,3,3, 6.3
prolouns 1.1: 2.1
monosyÌlabicverbs7.1 pÍoper nues 1.2i 10.1

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