Spring 2024 FL 108 10907 Beg Spanish 2

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FL 108 Beg Spanish 2

Butler Community College Course: FL108

Division: Humanities, Social & Behavioral CRN: 10907
Sciences Semester: Spring 2024

Class Information
CRN Meeting Time Site Building Room
10907 Online Online Online Online Online

Instructor Information

Instructor Name: Meribel Osorio

Messaging through Canvas is preferred. Butler email: mosorio1@butlercc.edu
Office Hours
Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Course Description
FL 108. Beginning Spanish 2. 5 credit hours. Prerequisite: FL 107 with a C or better or four traditional
academic semesters of Spanish in secondary school. This course will enable the student to
demonstrate cultural and communicative competence at the novice-high level in Spanish in the
presentational (writing and speaking), interpersonal (writing and speaking), and interpretative
(listening and reading) modes of communication. The student will develop a critical awareness of
differences and similarities between the home culture(s) and the target language culture(s). The
learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this outline meet or exceed the learning outcomes
and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course as approved by the
Kansas Board of Regents (Transfers as SPA1020).
Required Materials
Click here to visit the Butler Community College Bookstore: https://www.butlercc.edu/bookstore

Exploraciones, 3rd ed. with MindTap Access

Authors: Mary Ann Blitt, Margarita Casas
Edition: 3rd
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2015-01-01
Please refer to the Course Material Information in your introductory
Canvas module for more specific information on how to purchase your
materials. You will need the textbook (eBook or physical copy) as well as
access to MindTap, the online workbook.

Publisher: LinguaMeeting.com
Access to LinguaMeeting is required for this course. It may be purchased through the Butler
bookstore or directly through LinguaMeeting's website

Butler Assessed Outcome(s)

The intention is for the student to be able to:

1. Interpret with cultural and communicative competence what is heard, read, or viewed at the
novice-high level in Spanish.
2. Communicate in written and oral formats in presentational and interpersonal modes at the
novice-high level in Spanish.

Learning PACT Statement

Butler prepares students to be principled, productive individuals who are responsible, involved lifelong
learners. To accomplish this goal Butler has established a Learning PACT for the skills that learners
need during their career and has integrated PACT skill-building activities and assessments through a
variety of program coursework, extra-curricular activities, and other learning opportunities.

The BCCC Learning PACT consists of:

P = Personal Development Skills

A = Analytical Thinking Skills

C = Communication Skills

T = Technological Skills

The Learning PACT Skills are vital for any adult to function successfully in the ever changing world of
the 21st century. Butler expects learners to be full partners in the learning process and as such to
assume primary responsibility for their own choices.

Learning PACT Skills

Through involvement in this course, the student will develop ability in the following PACT skill area(s):

Personal Development Skills

Interpersonal interaction – Through spoken and written conversations, the student will interact
with others speaking the language and negotiate meaning in order to share information,
reactions, feelings, and opinions.

Analytical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking – Through comparisons between the student’s own culture(s) and the target
culture(s), the student will develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to
improve culturally-competent communication

Communication Skills

Reception and interpretation of messages – Through hearing, reading, and viewing materials
on a variety of topics in Spanish, the student will compare cultural practices, thus developing
interpretive skills.

Major Summative Assessment Task(s)

These Butler-assessed Outcome(s) and Learning PACT skill(s) will be demonstrated by the following:

1. Completing a common written interpretative activity demonstrating cultural and communicative

competence at the novice-high level in Spanish (A and C skills).
2. Communicating orally in presentational and interpersonal modes at the novice-high level in
Spanish (P and C skills).
Computer Use Expectation
Butler Community College expects students to be able to use computers, Internet and web-based
materials proficiently both inside and outside the classroom to accomplish course outcomes. Courses
may have discipline specific software requirements which will be denoted by schedule type “X”. For
any specific software requirements, refer to either the course outlines at www.butlercc.edu/outline/ or
the bookstore at http://www.butlercc.bkstr.com.

Student Engagement Expectation

Butler Community College expects students to be engaged in the learning process. Engaged students
are motivated, prepared for class, interact inside and outside of class with other students and faculty,
and take responsibility for their own learning.

Methods of Grading and Evaluation

The student will be evaluated on the basis of his/her performance on the following:

Grading Components

Items Percentage
Total 100%
Preparedness (Discussions, Interpretative Activities, Presentational
Writing, Quizzes)
MindTap 25%
LinguaMeeting 20%
Midterm and Final (10% each) 20%
Pruebas de Repaso 5%
Speaking Assessments 10%

Grading Scale

Grade Percentage
A 90 - 100
B 80 - 89
C 70 - 79
D 60 - 69
Grade Percentage
F 0 - 59

Class Schedule

Due Assignment Activity Type

Date Points
Are You Ready for Spanish? Assignment 25
Ask the Instructor **EDIT OR REMOVE** Discussion 0
Discussion 1 - Student Introductions Discussion 0
FL 108 Placement Quiz Assignment 5
G5-93 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
G6-98 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
G7-93 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
G8-95 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
M16 Activity: Final Course Survey Quiz 0
M8 Activity: Mid Course Survey Quiz 0
Student Introductions Discussion 10
1/22 M1 Bongo: Acerca de ti Assignment 5
1/22 M1 G1-98 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
1/22 M1 G2-95 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
1/22 M1 G3-96 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
1/22 M1 G4-94 Prueba de repaso (Got it?) Assignment 6
1/24 M2 Lingua Meeting SetUp/Schedule Assignment 5
1/29 M2 Bongo: Las cosas que haces Assignment 5
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
1/29 M2 L5-2 Exploraciones léxicas 1: Los estados de ánimo Assignment 3
(Learn it!)
1/29 M2 L5-21 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
1/29 M2 P5-22 En el parque (Practice it!) Assignment 10
1/29 M2 P5-23 Un mensaje (Practice it!) Assignment 10
1/29 M2 P5-24 ¿Qué estás haciendo? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
1/29 M2 P5-25 En la ciudad (Practice it!) Assignment 10
1/29 M2 P5-26 La actividad más lógica (Practice it!) Assignment 10
1/29 M2 P5-3 ¿Cómo están las personas? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
1/29 M2 P5-4 Emparejar (Practice it!) Assignment 4
1/29 M2 P5-5 Una conversación (Practice it!) Assignment 10
1/29 M2 P5-6 Reacciones lógicas (Practice it!) Assignment 3
1/29 M2 P5-7 Obra de teatro (Practice it!) Assignment 4
1/29 M2 P5-8 ¿Cómo están? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
1/29 M2 P5-9 Estados de ánimo (Practice it!) Assignment 4
1/29 M2 R5-20 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A analizar Assignment 2
1/31 Reflections on Your First Week of Spanish Classes Discussion 30
2/5 M3 Bongo: Las profesiones Assignment 5
2/5 M3 Interpretative Activity #1: Las profesiones en Quiz 30
América Latina
2/5 M3 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
2/5 Presentational Writing #1: Las profesiones en tu ciudad Assignment 20
2/7 M3 L5-30 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A comprobar Assignment 3
(Learn it!)
2/7 M3 L5-48 Exploraciones léxicas 2: Las profesiones Assignment 4
(Learn it!)
2/7 M3 P5-31 Confesiones (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/7 M3 P5-32 Mi amigo Omar (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-33 Oraciones incompletas (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-34 Preguntas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/7 M3 P5-35 La fiesta de quince años (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-36 ¿Ser o estar?... esa es la pregunta (Practice Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-49 ¿Qué están haciendo? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/7 M3 P5-50 Lugares y profesiones (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/7 M3 P5-51 Una conversación (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-52 ¿Qué profesión? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-53 Las profesiones (Practice it!) Assignment 4
2/7 M3 P5-54 En el trabajo (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 P5-55 Asociaciones (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/7 M3 R5-29 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A analizar Assignment 1
2/12 M4 Bongo: Tus actividades y talentos Assignment 5
2/12 M4 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
2/12 Prueba de Repaso - Capítulo 5 Quiz 80
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
2/12 Speaking Assessment #1 Assignment 20
2/12 M4 L5-67 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
2/12 M4 L5-78 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
2/12 M4 P5-68 ¿Qué hacen? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-69 Un poco de lógica (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-70 La piloto (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-71 Bruno y Fedra (Practice it!) Assignment 4
2/12 M4 P5-72 Una entrevista (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-73 ¿Qué hacen? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-74 En el taller (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-79 Algunas preguntas (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-80 Los viajes (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-81 El nuevo jefe (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/12 M4 P5-82 Oraciones incompletas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/12 M4 P5-83 Expertos (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-84 La responsabilidad (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/12 M4 P5-85 ¿Quién es? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
2/12 M4 P5-86 Trabajos (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/12 M4 R5-66 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A analizar Assignment 3
2/12 M4 R5-77 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A analizar Assignment 1
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
2/19 DISCUSSION: How to Win in the SUPER LANGUAGE Discussion 30
2/19 L6-2 Exploraciones léxicas 1: Las partes del cuerpo y Assignment 4
los verbos reflexivos (Learn it!)
2/19 L6-22 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
2/19 M5 Bongo: Tu rutina Assignment 5
2/19 M5 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
2/19 M5 Presentational Writing #1 Corrections Assignment 15
2/19 P6-10 Las partes del cuerpo (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/19 P6-23 ¿Qué hacen? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/19 P6-24 ¿Es lógico? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/19 P6-25 Oraciones lógicas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/19 P6-26 Descripciones (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/19 P6-27 De vacaciones (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/19 P6-28 Las rutinas de los famosos (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/19 P6-3 Asociaciones (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/19 P6-4 ¿Qué es? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/19 P6-5 Ideas incompletas (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/19 P6-6 ¿Cuál es el verbo? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/19 P6-7 Por la mañana (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/19 P6-8 Diferentes lugares (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/19 P6-9 El orden lógico (Practice it!) Assignment 12
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
2/19 R6-21 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A analizar (Ready?) Assignment 2
2/26 L6-33 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
2/26 L6-53 Exploraciones léxicas 2: Los deportes y los Assignment 4
pasatiempos (Learn it!)
2/26 M6 Bongo: Tu rutina y tus deportes Assignment 5
2/26 M6 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
2/26 P6-34 ¿Lógica o ilógica? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/26 P6-35 Una noche en casa (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/26 P6-36 La opción lógica (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/26 P6-37 El verano (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/26 P6-38 La mañana de Mauricio (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/26 P6-39 Respuestas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/26 P6-40 Benjamín (Practice it!) Assignment 4
2/26 P6-41 La rutina de Cristina (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/26 P6-54 Conectar (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/26 P6-55 Los pasatiempos (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/26 P6-56 ¿Deporte o equipo? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
2/26 P6-57 Las actividades favoritas (Practice it!) Assignment 4
2/26 P6-58 Descripciones (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/26 P6-59 Recomendaciones (Practice it!) Assignment 3
2/26 P6-60 ¿Quién hace qué? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
2/26 P6-61 Los pasatiempos (Practice it!) Assignment 1
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
2/26 R6-32 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A analizar
(Ready?) Assignment 1
2/26 Using Our New Skills: Talking About Professions Discussion 15
3/4 L6-73 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A comprobar
(Learn it!) Assignment 3

3/4 L6-84 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A comprobar

(Learn it!) Assignment 1
3/4 M7 Interpretative Activity #2: La rutina diaria Quiz 30
3/4 M7 Bongo: El pasado Assignment 5
3/4 M8 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
3/4 P6-74 Verbos (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/4 P6-75 Ayer en la universidad (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/4 P6-76 ¡Qué desastre! (Practice it!) Assignment 16
3/4 P6-77 De vacaciones (Practice it!) Assignment 16
3/4 P6-78 Ayer (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/4 P6-79 El fin de semana (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/4 P6-80 ¿Quién lo hizo? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/4 P6-85 El fin de semana (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/4 P6-86 En el centro comercial (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/4 P6-87 Una excursión (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/4 P6-88 En la playa (Practice it!) Assignment 16
3/4 P6-89 ¿Qué pasó? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/4 P6-90 El fin de semana (Practice it!) Assignment 10
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
3/4 R6-72 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A analizar Assignment 3
3/4 R6-83 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A analizar Assignment 1
3/4 M7 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
3/4 Presentational Writing #2: La rutina de Lizy Assignment 20
3/4 Prueba de Repaso - Capítulo 6 Quiz 80
3/11 L7-2 Exploraciones léxicas 1: En el mercado (Learn it!) Assignment 5
3/11 L7-22 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A comprobar Assignment 3
(Learn it!)
3/11 M8 Midterm Submission Assignment 100
3/11 M9 Bongo: Tu comida Assignment 5
3/11 M9 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
3/11 M9 Presentational Writing #2 Corrections Assignment 15
3/11 P7-10 Las matemáticas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/11 P7-11 ¿Cuánto cuesta? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/11 P7-12 Los precios (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/11 P7-23 ¿Qué hicimos? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/11 P7-24 Una fiesta (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/11 P7-25 Preguntas (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/11 P7-26 La cena (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/11 P7-27 ¡Qué restaurante más raro! (Practice it!) Assignment 16
3/11 P7-28 Los cuentos de hadas (Practice it!) Assignment 10
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
3/11 P7-29 La granja orgánica (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/11 P7-3 Categorías (Practice it!) Assignment 16
3/11 P7-4 Lista de compras (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/11 P7-5 ¿De quién es la bolsa? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/11 P7-6 La comida (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/11 P7-7 ¿Cuál no pertenece? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/11 P7-8 ¿Cuál es? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/11 P7-9 ¿Qué es? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/11 R7-21 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A analizar (Ready?) Assignment 3
3/11 Speaking Assessment #2 Assignment 20
3/18 L7-33 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A comprobar Assignment 3
(Learn it!)
3/18 L7-51 Exploraciones léxicas 2: La comida y los Assignment 6
utensilios (Learn it!)
3/18 M10 Bongo: La comida y los restaurantes Assignment 5
3/18 M10 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
3/18 P7-34 Un picnic (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/18 P7-35 Sopa de verduras (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/18 P7-36 Oraciones incompletas (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/18 P7-37 Frutas y verduras (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/18 P7-38 Unos regalos (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/18 P7-39 Combinaciones (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/18 P7-52 Comidas y bebidas (Practice it!) Assignment 4
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
3/18 P7-53 Los utensilios (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/18 P7-54 La excepción (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/18 P7-55 El menú (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/18 P7-56 Una conversación (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/18 P7-57 Las definiciones (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/18 P7-58 En la cocina (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/18 Presentational Writing #3: Una reseña Assignment 20
3/18 R7-32 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A analizar Assignment 1
3/25 L7-68 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
3/25 L7-79 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A comprobar Assignment 1
(Learn it!)
3/25 M11 Bongo: ¿Quién en tu vida...? Assignment 5
3/25 M11 Interpretative Activity #3: El supermercado Quiz 30
3/25 M11 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
3/25 P7-69 Problemas en el restaurante (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/25 P7-70 ¿Cómo lo quiere? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/25 P7-71 La cena (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/25 P7-72 ¿Qué es? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/25 P7-73 En el mercado (Practice it!) Assignment 10
3/25 P7-74 ¿Qué tomas? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
3/25 P7-75 ¿Qué hacemos con esto? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/25 P7-80 Traducciones (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/25 P7-81 ¿A quién se refiere? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
3/25 P7-82 Preguntas y respuestas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
3/25 P7-83 Una evaluación (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/25 P7-84 Tu mejor amigo (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/25 P7-85 ¿Quién? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
3/25 Prueba de Repaso - Capítulo 7 Quiz 80
3/25 R7-67 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A analizar
(Ready?) Assignment 3

3/25 R7-78 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A analizar

(Ready?) Assignment 1
3/25 Speaking Assessment #3 Assignment 20
4/1 L8-2 Exploraciones léxicas 1: La limpieza (Learn it!) Assignment 3
4/1 L8-20 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A comprobar
(Learn it!) Assignment 3
4/1 M12 Bongo: Tu niñez y tus quehaceres Assignment 5
4/1 M12 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
4/1 M12 Presentational Writing #3 Corrections Assignment 15
4/1 P8-21 La escuela primaria (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/1 P8-22 ¿Qué hacían de niños? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/1 P8-23 Los quehaceres (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/1 P8-24 En esos tiempos (Practice it!) Assignment 10
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
4/1 P8-25 Mi hermana (Practice it!) Assignment 16
4/1 P8-26 Una noche en casa (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/1 P8-3 ¿En dónde lo haces? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/1 P8-5 ¿Qué palabra es? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/1 P8-6 Los quehaceres (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/1 P8-7 Las descripciones (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/1 P8-8 ¿Es lógico? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/1 P8-9 Oraciones lógicas (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/1 R8-19 Exploraciones gramaticales 1: A analizar (Ready?) Assignment 2
4/8 L8-30 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
4/8 L8-49 Exploraciones léxicas 2: Los pasatiempos (Learn Assignment 5
4/8 M13 Bongo: ¿Cómo eras? Assignment 5
4/8 M13 LinguaMeeting Assignment Assignment 15
4/8 M14 Interpretative Activity #4: Los pasatiempos Quiz 40
4/8 P8-31 ¿Cierto o falso? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/8 P8-32 Preguntas y respuestas (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/8 P8-33 La palabra lógica (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/8 P8-34 ¡Qué negativo! (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/8 P8-35 Respuestas negativas (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/8 P8-36 Entrevista (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/8 P8-50 Asociaciones 1 (Practice it!) Assignment 3
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
4/8 P8-51 Asociaciones 2 (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/8 P8-52 Juegos y pasatiempos (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/8 P8-53 La niñera (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/8 P8-54 Los pasatiempos (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/8 P8-55 Los juegos (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/8 P8-56 Las actividades (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/8 P8-57 ¿Qué hacían? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/8 P8-58 ¿A quién? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/8 Presentational Writing #4: Los pasatiempos de la clase Assignment 20
4/8 R8-29 Exploraciones gramaticales 2: A analizar Assignment 1
4/15 L8-67 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A comprobar Assignment 2
(Learn it!)
4/15 L8-80 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A comprobar Assignment 1
(Learn it!)
4/15 M14 Bongo: Las actividades de tus amigos y tu familia Assignment 5
4/15 P8-68 Regalos para todos (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/15 P8-69 En el café (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-70 ¿Vamos al parque? (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/15 P8-71 Mis hermanos (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-72 La ayuda (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-73 Lo hacemos para otros (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/15 P8-74 ¿Cierto o falso? (Practice it!) Assignment 1
Due Assignment Activity Type
Date Points
4/15 P8-75 Reacciones (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/15 P8-81 De niño (Practice it!) Assignment 1
4/15 P8-82 Respuestas lógicas (Practice it!) Assignment 3
4/15 P8-83 Regalos de Navidad (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-84 La bicicleta (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-85 ¿Para quiénes son? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-86 ¿Me lo prestas? (Practice it!) Assignment 10
4/15 P8-87 ¿Qué está ocurriendo? (Practice it!) Assignment 4
4/15 R8-66 Exploraciones gramaticales 3: A analizar
(Ready?) Assignment 2

4/15 R8-79 Exploraciones gramaticales 4: A analizar

(Ready?) Assignment 1
4/15 U8-76 Una niñez feliz (Use it!) Assignment 1
4/22 M15 Presentational Writing #4 Corrections Assignment 15
4/22 Prueba de Repaso - Capítulo 8 Quiz 74
4/29 DISCUSSION FORUM: Reflecting on Our
LinguaMeetings Discussion 50
5/3 Final Speaking Assessment (Bongo) Assignment 20
The schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating

Institutional Policies

Student success in college is dependent upon full participation in class activities. Because classroom
activities are intended to help students learn, it is expected that students will attend all class meetings
and activities. Students are expected to be on time for each session and/or log in regularly, have the
required textbook and materials, and make satisfactory progress in the class. If students must be
absent, they should make arrangements in advance with their instructors. Students are responsible
for notifying instructors of any absence.

Withdrawal from a course may affect a student’s financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to attend
and actively participate to make sure they maintain financial aid eligibility.

Procedural Clarifications

All instructors will maintain attendance as required for reporting. Following census reporting,
instructors are strongly encouraged, but not required to take attendance.

For lecture/blended courses:

Excessive unexcused absences are defined as missing more than 20% of the total scheduled
meeting times for the course.
Students who have missed more than 20% of the total scheduled meeting times for the course
and are not passing may be withdrawn by the instructor.

For online courses:

Students must actively participate by submitting an academic activity at least once per week.
Students who are not actively participating, missing more than 20% of the total length of the
course and who are not passing may be withdrawn by the instructor.
Simply logging in to the online course does not meet the requirement for active participation.

If a student is withdrawn by the instructor a “WT” (withdrawn by teacher) will be recorded on his/her
permanent record. An instructor cannot withdraw a student who is regularly attending for below
average performance. A faculty member cannot withdraw a student after the published last day to
withdraw. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Dean. Students who want to
withdraw from the course may do so before or on the published last day to withdraw.

Student absences for approved college activities will not accrue as excessive unexcused absences.
Students will be allowed to make up work missed as a result of college approved activities. Students
will make up work before the absence or within one week after returning to class. Students will check
with each of their instructors prior to the absence to arrange for makeup times. Activity sponsors will
publish a timely list of students who will be absent because of an approved college activity.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the development of knowledge and/or skills without any form of cheating or
plagiarism. All Butler students, faculty, staff, and administrators are responsible for upholding
academic integrity.

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

Giving, receiving, or using unauthorized help on individual and group academic exercises such
as papers, quizzes, tests, and presentations through any delivery system in any learning
Impersonating another student
Sharing content without authorization
Fabricating data
Altering academic documents including records, with or without the use of personal and college
electronic devices
Utilizing an AI-content generator (such as ChatGPT), language translators (such as Google
translate), or computer algebra systems (such as Photomath) to complete coursework without
proper attribution or authorization

Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to:

Representing or turning in someone else’s work without proper citation of the source
Unacknowledged paraphrase, quotation, or complete use of someone else’s work in any form
Citing work that is not used
Taking credit for a group project without contributing to it
Permitting another person and/or organization to write or contribute to any portion of an
assignment, which includes hiring a person or a company to author essays and drafts and/or
other assignments (research-based or otherwise)
Utilizing ChatGPT and/or other artificial intelligence without proper attribution or authorization
Submitting the same written assignment for more than one class without securing prior
permission from instructors
Failing to cite oneself as a source when using work submitted in other assignments at Butler
Community College or other educational institutions, including high school.

Faculty members have discretion in handling student violations of the academic integrity policy, but
faculty members must consult with their deans or administrators prior to removing a student from a
course. Faculty members must inform students of violations and their consequences in writing.
Students who violate the academic integrity policy will sustain academic consequences set by faculty
The consequences may include, but are not limited to, any of the following actions and may be
imposed in any order or sequence:

1. A warning.
2. A zero or failing grade on the academic exercise with repetition of the exercise allowed for
reduced or the same amount of original credit.
3. A zero or failing grade on the exercise with no repetition allowed.
4. A failing grade in the course and removal from it.
5. Students who violate the academic integrity policy are also subject to administrative
consequences, which may include, but are not limited to:
a. Reduction or cancellation of a college scholarship.
b. Suspension from college activities.
c. Being barred from the course and/or program for a set time.
d. Being barred from the course and/or program permanently.
e. Suspension from the college for a set time.
f. Expulsion from the college.

Students will be informed of administrative consequences in writing. Students have the right to appeal
any decision or disciplinary action as outlined in the Academic Appeal Process.

Incomplete Policy
Students who have experienced an extenuating circumstance that prevents completion of the course
on time may request an “I” (incomplete) grade from the instructor. In order to be considered, the
student must have a passing grade at the time of the request and no longer be able to drop or
withdraw from the course. In certain courses, an incomplete grade may not be an option due to the
nature of the course material, length of course, or teaching methodology. Incomplete grades will be
granted only for exceptional circumstances and are granted strictly at the discretion of the instructor.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate a written contract with the instructor that includes the
coursework to be completed and the timeframe. Written contracts will be sent to the Dean and the
Registrar’s office. The Registrar’s office will electronically store the contracts with the student’s file.

An incomplete grade must be satisfactorily completed by a date set by the instructor, such date not to
exceed 50% of the length of the course. If the requirements are not completed in this time frame, the
instructor will submit the grade earned. Extensions can be considered on a case by case basis.

Students receiving financial aid or scholarships should contact the financial aid office and/or the
department granting the scholarship to discuss how Incompletes will affect their eligibility. A Return to
Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation will be made for students who have all grades of I, WD/WT, or F.
Students may owe back financial aid funds due to this calculation. Students should contact the
financial aid office upon completion of the course at which time the R2T4 calculation can be reversed.

Incomplete Procedures

Instructors will submit one copy of the written incomplete contract to the appropriate Dean and one
copy to Registrar. The Registrar’s office will store the contract electronically with the student’s file but
is not responsible for adherence to contracts. In the case where a student is unavailable to sign the
contract an email from the student agreeing to the incomplete can be attached to the written contract.

The Registrar’s office will send information to instructors about incompletes and a link to the contract
form with the grade roster messages at the end of each part of term. The Registrar’s office will send a
report to each Dean and to Ed Tech with a list of all students who have a grade of incomplete. These
reports will be available at the end of each 5 week, 8 week, and 16 week part of term.

The Deans will compare the report from Registrar to the written contracts they have received and
follow-up with Instructors if written contracts have not been received. The Deans will resolve policy
requirement issues with instructors.

Disability Services Statement

The Disability Services Office, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, is committed to
providing reasonable accommodations and equal access for students, faculty, staff and guests with
disabilities that limit their life functioning. Please contact the Director of Disability Services at 316-322-
3166 for more information.

Harassment and Violence Policy

It is the policy of Butler Community College to maintain a learning and working environment that is
free from harassment or violence. Butler Community College prohibits any form of harassment or
violence against an employee or student based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, national origin, age, disability, and/or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law.

Incidents that interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to benefit from or participate in the College’s
educational programs or activities should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, 316-323-6373 or
Human Resources, 316-323-6339. Students may also report incidents to an instructor, faculty or staff
member, who are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator. If a student wishes to keep the
information confidential, the student may speak with the Mental Health Counselor or Student Health

For the complete policy, go to Butler's Title IX Policy at http://www.butlercc.edu/title-ix.

Social Media Policy
Butler Community College supports the use of technology inside and outside the classroom. This
support includes the use of social media communication formats such as Facebook and Twitter. This
support comes with the expectation that students in Butler programs will uphold the ethical standards
of their prospective professions and the Butler Community College Student Code of Conduct. Federal
regulations regarding privacy such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act (HIPAA and FERPA) apply to all personal and academic
communication. Student use of photography and/or recording devices is prohibited in all clinical,
laboratory, studio and performance sites, unless formal permission of the instructor of record is
granted before the fact.

It is the expectation that students have read and understand the Student Code of Conduct and
Federal regulations related to privacy (HIPAA and FERPA). Noncompliance with this policy will result
in disciplinary action which may include failure of a course, probation, suspension and/or dismissal
from the program.

Notice of Non-Discrimination
Butler Community College is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information,
marital status, political affiliation or other legally protected category. This includes, but is not limited to
admissions, employment, financial assistance, placement, recruitment, and educational programs or
activities, as required by applicable laws and regulations. Lack of English language skill is not a
barrier to admission and participation in educational programs and activities. Any person having
inquiries regarding special needs, support services, or Butler Community College’s compliance with
the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is
directed to contact the coordinators who have been designated to coordinate the educational
institution’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing these laws.

Title IX Coordinator:

Sherri Conard
Director of First Year Experience
BOA Student Union Manager
715 E. 13th St.
Student Life Center, Office 5002C
Andover, KS 67002
Section 504 Coordinator:

Teressa Eastman
Director of Disability Services
Office of Disability Services
901 South Haverhill Road
Hubbard Center, Office 603E
El Dorado, KS 67042

Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 ADA complaints may also be filed with the Regional Office for
Civil Rights. Address correspondence to:

U.S. Department of Education, Region VII

Office for Civil Rights
1 Petticoat Lane
1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320
Kansas City, MO 64106
Telephone: 816-268-0550
FAX: 816-268-0599;
TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: OCR.KansasCity@ed.gov

Materials used in this course are subject to the copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code)
and is for the use of students in this course only. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

Instructor Policies

1. Attendance

Language learning is an active enterprise, and the student’s active participation in class is a must.
Students must actively participate by submitting an academic activity at least once per week. Students
who are not actively participating, missing more than 20% of the total length of the course and who
are not passing may be withdrawn by the instructor. Simply logging in to the online course does not
meet the requirement for active participation.
2. Late/Make-up Assignments

In order to make up any work (specific assignments, exams, etc.) that you miss, you must
communicate with your instructor who will determine if the work can be made up.

3. Use of Spanish and Instructor Feedback This is a Spanish course; therefore, a large portion of it will
be taught in Spanish. To benefit from this course and to acquire a greater understanding of the
language, students are expected to use Spanish as much as possible when interacting in the class.
Throughout the semester, you instructor and LinguaMeeting coaches will make constructive
comments on students’ errors with the objective of helping students to recognize weaknesses in their
learning process, and, above all, to provide them with ways to improve. You should take advantage of
your instructor's’ comments, following suggestions for improvement and continuing using Spanish
actively. Your instructor’s feedback should not be seen as a form of criticism, but as another facet of
the learning process.

4. Grade Components

a. Preparedness 20%

Purpose: To provide multiple evaluations of participation (oral and written) and engagement.

All students should engage in the course in ways that will advance individual language learning.
Participation will be evaluated through the level of preparation; discussions of readings and textbook
exercises, participation in oral activities, contributions to pair and small group work, four (4)
Interpretative Activities ("Actividades interpretativas"), and other formative activities as assigned by
your instructor. You are expected to use Spanish to communicate with your fellow students and
instructor in class interactions (unless otherwise indicated by your instructor or when discussing your
grades or any administrative matters related to your class). You may consult with your instructor about
your participation throughout the semester.

Interpretative Activities: These activities bring in different aspects of Spanish-speaking cultures and
reinforce textbook material an authentic way.

b. Online Work (MindTap Activities) 25%

Purpose: To practice and reinforce skills presented in each module; to begin to recognize patterns in
the structure of Spanish; to aid in acquisition and retention of vocabularyAll students will need to
access an online workbook called MindTap using a link provided by the instructor. Students will need
to create an account in Cengage and purchase access to the online materials to use MindTap. A free
trial is provided for new users. Students will also have access to an electronic version of the course
textbook through MindTap.

c. Chapter Quizzes (Pruebas de Repaso) 5%

Purpose: To periodically measure acquisition of linguistic structures learned in the course.

Pruebas de Repaso are closed-resource, timed tests in which students answer multiple-choice,
matching, and short answer items over chapter content.

d. LinguaMeeting Conversations and Guide Sheets 20%

Purpose: To use the skills learned in course lessons in an authentic environment; to develop skills
within interpersonal modes of communication; to develop skills within the presentational mode of
communication via notetaking. All students will need to create an account (register) on
LinguaMeeting.com. Your instructor will provide you with your course code and/or link. Beginning in
Week 3/Module 3, you will be required to sign up for a weekly Zoom meeting with a language coach.
LinguaMeeting language coaches are native speakers from all over the Spanish-speaking world.
Students will interact with language coaches in small groups for 30 minutes per week for 11 weeks. To
prepare for the meeting, consult the "LinguaMeeting Weekly Guide Sheet" found in each module.
Students should prepare for everything listed in the "Antes de la conversación" section before meeting
with your coach that week. As soon as possible after the session, students should respond to and
submit answers to the questions listed in the section titled "Después de la conversación."

e. Midterm and Final Oral Projects 20%

Purpose: To demonstrate mastery of all skills practiced in the course, including aspects of
Communication, Cultures, Connections, Communities, and Comparisons relevant to the target
language (ACTFL); to demonstrate listening and oral skills via synthesizing information acquired
during LinguaMeeting sessions.

Students will be required to submit a Midterm Oral Project in Week/Module 8. The presentation will
include slides that will present themselves and family members using the information learned in class
up until that point.

Students will be required to meet with the instructor in Week/Module 16 for a final oral exam. The
conversation will be spontaneous but based on prompts presented throughout the semester, e.g.
LinguaMeetings, Bongos.

f. Speaking Assessments 10%

Purpose: To develop interpersonal speaking skills through the use of simulated real-time

Students will be required to submit a recording each week based on an auditory prompt. Students are
required to have a working microphone and camera for this activity. While most of the Bongo activities
will be low-stakes (5 pts) and serve as practice, four (4) of the chapter's practice Bongo recordings to
be graded more in depth by the instructor. This will be done once per chapter for a total of four (4)
recordings graded by the instructor.
Departmental Policies
1. College-level foreign language courses require a great deal of active class participation and
communicative exercises. Students are expected to make satisfactory progress in the course by
attending/logging in to the course in order to fulfill the course’s objectives. To this end, Butler’s Foreign
Language Department enforces the following policy regarding online participation:

Extenuating circumstances and/or emergencies will be evaluated and determined by individual

instructors with no guarantee for an exemption.

2. Language classes at Butler are designed for novice through intermediate level learners. The needs
of heritage-language speakers (students who have grown up speaking Spanish) are of a more
advanced nature and can better be met with higher-level courses. Students are encouraged to enroll
in language courses other than their native language. Butler currently offers foreign language courses
in French, German, Japanese, and Russian.

3. All instructors must provide students with timely feedback. Major assignments will be returned
within one calendar week from the time the test is taken.

Butler Resources For You

Butler has several resources available to students including academic, technology, and health and
wellness resources. For more information on what is available to you, please see the Butler
Resources section in Canvas.

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