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EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network)

Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

3.2.1 Water Treatment Plant
Development and Construction of water treatment plant – with a target of 145,000 city dwellers and workers,
Alaro City will develop modular water treatments plant to provide potable water with state of the art purifiers
and treatment systems. Ground water will be generated from industrial boreholes and pumped to raw storage
facilities for onward treatment before storage in clean tanks for onward pumping to end-users.

Reticulation and piping to end-users – potable water will be distributed through planned reticulation
networks from the treatment plant(s) to the boundary of each development/ facility.
The project involves planning and design, site clearing, excavation for foundation, construction of
the water treatment plant; power generation and distribution network, installation of machinery for
energy and power supply at the water treatment plant, cooling system, water distribution,
maintenance, and waste management.
3.2 2.1 Steps in Water Treatment Process
The Water Treatment Process includes the treatment of water supplied to the household for drinking
and other utility purposes and also the wastewater to be disposed of in the water sources.
Drinking water treatment means the removal of the pollutants present in the water and the
inactivation of the microbes that may cause harm. Nigeria has water quality standard, which
includes the lower and upper limits of various ions and elements present in water. Also, it sets
the limitations up to which certain contaminants like turbidity, odor, color, and
other physical characteristics can be tolerated.
Objectives of Water Treatment Process
 To remove color and odor from water
 To remove the hardness of water
 To remove the harmful microbes that cause diseases from water
 To remove murkiness and turbidity of the water
 To remove dissolved gases present in water
 To make the water suitable for various purposes like drinking, industrial and many others as
per the demand.
Processes Involved in Water Treatment
The following are the types of processes involved in the water treatment:
1. Physical Water Treatment Process
 Sedimentation

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

 Filtration
 Dissolved Air Floatation
2. Chemical Water Treatment Process:
 Pre-chlorination
 Aeration
 Disinfection
3. Physio-Chemical (Conventional) Water Treatment Process:
 Coagulation
 Flocculation
4. Biological Water Treatment Process:
 Slow Sand Filtration
- Sedimentation: The sedimentation process removes the heavy particles that can settle down
under gravity. The weights of the particles increase as they aggregate and then settle down.
A sedimentation tank is so designed that the velocity of the flowing water is reduced. As the
water is discharged into the sedimentation tank, the cross-section area of the water flow is in
the case and therefore, velocity reduces. Sedimentation is of two types: One is Plain
sedimentation without the addition of chemicals while the other is sedimentation
with coagulation in which chemicals are added.
- Filtration: This is one of the most crucial steps of the water treatment process. The flocs formed
during flocculation are not removed entirely by sedimentation. Hence, to remove the finely sized
particles and flocs, filtration is required. And the particulate matter which was retained in the
sedimentation tank previously is removed, especially the non-settleable particles. Pressure
Filter is used for this project and water is allowed to pass through the filter in pressure. The
pressure ranges between 3 to 7kg/cm3. In this type of filter, backwashing is done automatically.
- Disinfection: After filtration, the next step of the water treatment process is disinfection.
Disinfection includes the inactivation of pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms that can
cause diseases. This step is essential to control water-borne diseases. A disinfectant is added
in this step to filtered water. Skilled operators are in place to carry out the process
of disinfection so as to maintain the appropriate dosage. The most commonly used disinfection
method is chlorination and it is readily available for Alaro City Water Treatment Plant. Figure 3.3
depicts filtration process.

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

Figure 3.3: Filtration process

- Chlorination: The chlorination process for disinfection has become the most popular method because it
is cheap, easily available, and easy to handle. Chlorine is dissolved in water at a temperature of 49-
212°F. Chlorine gives hypochlorous and hypochlorous acid through the hydrolysis process. Ionization
takes place and hypochlorous acid dissociates into hydrogen and hypochlorite ions. These compounds-
hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions aid in disinfection.
o Pre-chlorination: It is done before the water enters the treatment units, especially the filter unit.
In pre-chlorination, a little amount of chlorine is applied so that the organic matter can be
oxidized, this is done with less amount of coagulant.
o Post chlorination: A calculated amount of 0.2mg/L of chlorine is added after the water
is completely treated and ready to be distributed. Post chlorination prevents
the contamination of water in the route and also ensures no harmful microbes are
introduced to the drinking water.
- Water Softening: Water softening is done to make the hard water soft. Surface water usually
does not contain much hardness. However, the water taken from underground sources like bore
wells contains hardness due to the presence of ions. The hardness of water prevents the water
from forming lather and also causes problems in the plumbing system. It even affects
the taste of water and even food cooked with hard water tastes tough or rubbery.

3.3 Project Implementation Activities for the Utilities

3.3.1 Planning and Design
The planning stage of this project is complete and has been done by the proponent; all designs will
be approved by relevant authorities of Lagos State.
3.3.2 Pre – Construction Phase (Site Clearing and Preparation Phase)
- Site acquisition
- Geotechnical survey of the project site.

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

- Mobilization of workers and equipment to project site

- Site clearing
3.3.3 Construction and Installation Activities Construction Phase
- Excavation
- Construction of storm water drainage channel
- Construction of control rooms and office
- Construction of perimeter fence
- Installations of overhead and underground cable laying, electric cables
- Piping works, water tanks
- Equipment and machinery installation (transformer sub-station)
- Connecting utilities (power and water) to individual homes or residents
- Landscaping of the project site;
All the construction inputs and material will be sourced from licensed dealers. The following shall be
required for successful implementation of construction activities:
- Construction tools, power equipment and machinery, and transportation vehicles
- Construction labor force of skilled and non-skilled.
- Water for construction purposes.

Materials to be used during construction process include: Granite, Sand, Cement, Laterite, Timber,
etc. Others include concrete block for constructing selected internal and external walls, pre-cast
units for drains, PVC pipes for sewer and water reticulation, roofing tiles, water tanks. Earthmovers,
spades, concrete mixers, vibrators and other hand held tools. Installation of Machinery and Equipment
Mobilization of installation machinery: This would involve purchasing/ hiring and transportation of
both machinery and installation materials.
Installation: This will involve the installation of machinery for energy, power supply, cooling system,
water distribution, maintenance/repair workshop, and waste management. There will be provision
for offices, car park, and other ancillary facilities for utility services.
3.3.4 Operation Phase: This is the stage where the Utilities start operation. It shall involve
- Electricity power generation and supply to homes and commercial organization at Alaro City
- Portable water distribution to homes and commercial organization at Alaro City

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

- Solid waste generation and disposal

- Security and SHE management
- Maintenance of the facilities
3.4 Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
SHE policy shall be put to use. The purpose of SHE Plan is to define the SHE Policy and
Management Commitment and to describe briefly how these issues will be implemented during the
execution of the Project. This Plan will remain in force throughout the entire project and will be
updated as project conditions change, in order to ensure that it always addresses them
3.4.1 SHE Policy
Alaro City will develop a SHE policy for the project. The Project implementation staff and
management will comply with the SHE policy of the project. The policy shall reflect commitment of
top management to the protection of the environment, and the health and safety of its personnel and
all people that could be affected by its operations. The SHE Policy is the basis upon which the
Project SHE objectives are set.
3.4.2 Project SHE Objectives
The specific objectives of the SHE Management System applied to the Project are summarized as
 to ensure that all relevant design decisions are duly taken considering SHE aspects;
 to ensure that significant SHE impacts related to the execution of the Project are properly
identified and prevented while control and mitigation measures are developed to eliminate or
minimise harm to people, damage to equipment, and adverse environmental effects;
 to maintain a safe working environment in order to minimize the possibility of accidents and
damage during all phases of the Project;
 to provide adequate guidance on all SHE issues, and
 To encourage the adoption of a positive, proactive, and committed SHE culture.
The above objectives are in accordance with the principles stated in the SHE Policy statement
which aims at achieving the target of:
 ZERO injury
 ZERO fatalities
 ZERO occupational illnesses
 Minimize adverse environmental impacts

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

 Maintain compliance with ISO 14001

3.4.3 Project SHE Organization and Responsibilities
The Company strives at appointing a dedicated SHE Team for the Project which will be capable of
meeting the Project Health, Safety and Environmental objectives through implementation of
procedures and technical activities.
This Team will interface with all relevant departments to guarantee that all documents produced and
activities performed during the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and execution of the Project
complies with the SHE Plan, SHE Requirements and objectives.
3.4.4 Project SHE Activity
This application of the SHE Management System to the Project is based on four fundamental
 Organization
 Assessment and Planning
 Implementation and Operation
 Checking and Corrective Actions
Management intends to ensure the correct implementation of its integrated SHE Management
System as well as verify compliance with applicable SHE requirements by means of different
 HSE Reporting;
 HSE Reviews, and
 HSE Audits and Inspections.
In particular, regular reporting of the following indicators will be carried out:
 Safety Indicators;
 Proactive Indicators;
 HSE Training Indicators;
 Environmental Indicators, and
 HSE Accidents.
HSE Audit shall be carried out throughout project life-cycle. Scope of this activity is to verify, during
the project life-cycle, the correct implementation of the SHE Management System and to evaluate
the overall Project SHE performance. The audit will be carried out by qualified SHE auditors, not
directly involved in the activities to be audited. The SHE Manager will assist the auditors in their

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

activities and help manage possible recommendations in order to properly address them. Audit
results will be documented in dedicated Audit reports and shall include good points, corrective
action requests and recommendations, and shall be reported in a timely manner. Corrective actions
shall be implemented and their effectiveness verified.
3.4.5 Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
The objective of the ERP is to ensure that any emergency that arises during operational activities is
dealt with in an efficient and professional manner so that the safety of personnel is not compromised
in any way, the environmental pollution risks are prevented or minimized and that all other losses
which may arise from emergencies are prevented or minimized. The ERP addresses emergency
response procedures for the Contractor, Subcontractors and all personnel working for the Project.
It is the responsibility of management to familiarize itself with the emergency procedures, which
apply to the project. The ERP will include as a minimum the following:
a) Emergency Communication Procedures: These include a description of the communication
procedure and command hierarchy to define who is responsible for directing the activities of the
various respondents, and the means of maintaining communication between the facility
operators, Emergency Response Contractor, Company and Local Emergency Services.
b) Identification of potential scenarios (fire, severe injury, road traffic accident, Incident etc.) and
action plans.
c) Site Specific ERP Orientation: Training for site personnel and visitors.
d) Emergency Events Log: The Contractor is required to log all emergency events and report them
to the Company and appropriate regulatory authorities.
e) Emergency Contact List: listing of Contractor personnel, Emergency Response Contractor(s),
and Emergency Services to contact with primary and secondary contact information.
f) Emergency Equipment List and Alarms.
g) Emergency Response Team: description of the roles of Contractor and Subcontractor field and
support personnel during an emergency.
h) Emergency Support Services: Description of emergency conditions requiring procedures for
implementing additional help from Company and Contractor.
Work shall be conducted in accordance with ERP requirements. Field SHE Manager shall ascertain
the effectiveness of Emergency Response plan by conducting audits and organizing exercises/drills
to the work force regularly. All personnel involved in the emergency response group shall also be
familiarized with their roles and responsibilities by regular exercises/drills.

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

Field SHE Manager will issue the performance report of each exercise/drill conducted at site to the
Project Management team (PMT) containing the information on recommendations to be taken for
improvement. Following are potential foreseen types of emergency expected but not limited to:
 Fire
 Medical Evacuation(MEDEVAC)
 Vehicle accidents
 Work at height

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

3.6 Waste Management

Waste management will be planned for all stages in the development of the project, that is, at pre-
construction, construction, utilization and decommissioning phases. Lagos Waste Management
Authority (LAWMA) and Lagos State Waste Water Office (LASWAMO) respectively who are the
government Agencies responsible for solid waste management and approval of sewer line will be
fully involved in management of waste. Three categories of waste identified in this project are solid,
liquid and gaseous wastes. Liquid waste department of Lagos State Infrastructure Maintenance and
Regulatory Agency (LASIMRA) shall be involved in the approval of sewer line and runoff design,
also, the agency shall provide litter bins.
There is an analogy between solid waste management and water quality management in that both
are driven by the same fundamental precepts, i.e., that allocation of resources are required to make
the system work, and that as the resources to be allocated become more limited, the solid waste
management process becomes increasingly complex. In order to achieve optimum resource
allocation, it is helpful to look at the basic functions, management needs, and a conceptual basis for
solid waste management, so that adequate land area may be reserved for the requisite facilities,
and so that environmental compatibility is maintained.
The primary focus of solid waste management shall be on management of solid residuals in a
manner which utilises the residuals as a resource, protects public health, and utilises management
systems which can be operated and maintained at reasonable cost and with semi-skilled or
unskilled staff. In consideration of the health-related issues for the project, the collection and
disposal of solid residuals emanating from other facilities within the project area is also essential to
meeting the objectives as stated.
Table 3.5: Expected Wastes during the Construction, Operation and Decommissioning of the
Proposed Project
Project Phases Expected Wastes
Construction Excavated Soil
Wooden Crates
Cartons and papers
Metal Scraps
Domestic waste (Food remnants)
Used batteries, used oil, paint, paint related materials
Plastics bottles
Operation Spent oil
Gaseous waste
Spent engine filters- Oil and air filters
Damage electronic board
Carton and papers
Used batteries, used oil, paint, paint related materials
Plastics bottles

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

Metal Scraps
Burnt electric bulbs, fluorescent
spent filter media (water filtration sand etc), oil rags & sorbent, sludge/soil, refractory, scrap metal.
Decommissioning Solid waste generation from concrete from foundation, block from wall construction, off cut from cables
and wood used for roofing
Source: Labstaff Nigeria Limited, 2022
3.6.1 Wastes and Disposal Activities
Effective and responsible handling and disposal of wastes are key elements in environmental
management system. Wastes refer to any material (solid, liquid, gaseous or mixture) that is surplus
to requirements. Waste management for the project shall be carried out in consultation and in
line with the waste management guidelines of Lagos State Waste management Authority.
Alaro City FZC management shall take all practical and cost effective measures to minimize
the generation of wastes, by employing the four R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and
Recovery) through process of optimization or redesign, efficient procedures and good
Waste shall be managed in the following ways;
- Inventory
- Classification
- Segregation
- Wastes quantification
- Wastes tracking; and
- Wastes disposal
Wastes disposal shall be carried out in consultation with the Lagos State Wastes management
3.6.2 Solid Wastes
These types of waste include cleared vegetation, soil, scrap metals, filters, offcuts of plastics and
cables, welding torches and spent electrodes. In line with waste management procedures, identified
solid wastes will be sorted and disposed of in designated areas by LAWMA accredited consultant.
All chemicals/paints used by project contractors in the Installation and operation of the Utilities
would be handled and ultimately disposed of according to Safe Handling of Chemicals
(SHOC) requirement. There shall be maintained records of all chemicals stored on site,
identifying their Health, Safety and Environmental implications.
Regular checks shall be made by the management of Alaro City FZC to ensure that records are
maintained and storage facilities are in good handling practices.

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

Solid wastes would be disposed of in the following manner:

Plastic containers depending on their size will either be returned to the supplier, cleaned for
reuse or crushed; The disposal of all wastes would be conducted in designated areas in
accordance with regulation.
3.6.3 Aqueous/Non Aqueous Wastes
i) Black and Grey Water
Waste from sedimentation tanks from the water treatment plant, sewage and urinary shall be
disposed off in accordance with national standards and guidelines.
ii) Diesel/Oil/Condensate
These wastes would emanate from working equipment such as generators, excavators, during
construction activities and from the generator during the operation of the project etc. These wastes
shall be scooped if spilled, contained and disposed off by selling to secondary users or be bio
remediated. From project construction, installation, maintenance and use, the envisaged waste
produced shall be managed in the best practical manner. Lagos State Environmental Protection
Agencies’ registered waste contractors shall be engaged to dispose off solid wastes that are
generated at site, in accordance with Government regulations. Liquid waste such as oil and diesel
spill shall be remediated on site. Gaseous waste shall be minimized through the use of optimizers
and preventive maintenance action by Alaro City FZC site engineers. Mobile toilets will be provided
for the workers to manage sanitary wastes during pre-construction, Construction, Operation and
Decommissioning of the project Site.
3.6.4 Sanitary Waste Management
Sanitary waste include: human waste generated by staff during construction and operation. The
construction staff shall use the nearest mobile toilet facilities. This shall be arranged by Alaro City
FZC management or her contractors. The waste management procedure specifies responsibilities
of the management with respect to provision of resources. The management of Alaro City FZC shall
ensure effectiveness and success of the procedure, proper documentation of source, quantity,
destination and proper tracking of all wastes till disposal/reuse/recycling and ensure that contractors
complies with objective of this procedure.
Site Delivery Supervisors monitors the contractors who are responsible for the collection and
segregation of all wastes excluding hazardous wastes in the site, storage of these wastes before
their final disposal/reuse/recycling by the State approved waste handler and maintain records of
waste materials generated from the site. All employees shall work strictly in accordance with laid

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

down instructions and procedures to ensure minimal waste generation at source, proper
disposal/reuse/recycling of all wastes and proper response in times of environmental emergencies.
The wastes shall immediately be removed from site and transferred to the engaged waste handler.
Site Waste Minimization and Management Plan are presented in Table 3.6.
3.6.5 Gaseous Emissions Management
The atmospheric emissions principally associated with gaseous discharges during the construction
activities are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Carbon monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), oxides of Nitrogen
(NOx), Sulpur Dioxide (SO2) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC). The level of these emissions
shall be monitored during construction and operational phases of the project.

Table 3.6: Site Waste Minimization and Management Plan-Site Maintenance

Project Phase Waste Category Waste Type Handling/Disposal
Pre-construction Non hazardous Vegetation Evacuated by the State/LGA waste accredited
Top Soil and debris Evacuated by laterite miners
Construction Non hazardous Metal Scrap Sent to regional material yard for recycling and reuse
Wooden pallets Used as fuel wood by local
Packaging material Reused by secondary user
Metal cans Sent to regional material yard for recycling and reuse
Wires Returned to regional material yard for reuse
Hazardous Paint and thinners Carried away by the contractor
Operations Hazardous Lithium batteries Buy back clause with the supplies
Spent/used oil/oily Sludge Collected in drums and returned to total for recycling
Florescent tubes and bulbs Segregated and transported to material yard
Used Filters Carried away by the engineering contractor
Oil rags, absorbent materials, Disposed through approved State Waste Managers
Non-Hazardous Containers (cans, plastic, glass) Evacuated by the State/LGA waste accredited
Paint and thinners Carried away by the contractor
Metal Scrap Sent to regional material yard for recycling and reuse
Wooden pallets Used as fuel wood by locals
Packaging material Reused by secondary user
Wires Returned to material yard for reuse
Paper Shred and used
Packaging materials Sent to materials yard for recycling
Printer toner cartridge Collected for refill/reuse
Decommissioning Non-hazardous Fencing and guard rails Transport to regional at materials yard
Containers and equipment Transport to regional materials yard for reuse
Solid waste generation - Evacuated by the LAWMA accredited contractor
concrete from foundation, block
from wall construction, off cut
from cables and wood used for
Source: Fieldwork, 2022
3.6.6 Wastewater Management
Wastewater includes all water flows from the utilities’ stations, work sites at linear right of ways; this
includes subsidiary operations such as vehicle and equipment washing in offices. Development of
wastewater management plan for the Project Area requires consideration of two types of issues.
First, treatment and disposal of sanitary wastes shall be conducted in a manner to control disease

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

vectors and generally to contribute to the objectives of maintaining public health. The objectives
suggested below are those which are widely accepted as guiding wastewater management in the
type of setting for the proposed project. Briefly, these are as follows:
1. Protect public health (with emphasis on control of the disease vectors associated with
malaria and typhoid for example).
2. Provide water quality management facilities free of nuisance conditions.
3. Protect the aesthetic characteristics of the water bodies and ponds.
4. Promote water conservation, and in particular, preserve options for the secondary re-use of
the imported and local water supplies.
5. Minimise (in as much as it is impossible to eliminate) the operational, maintenance, and
replacement cost liabilities in any technologies selected for water quality management (if in
the nearest future water treatment is considered).
6. Minimise impact of runoff from the project area on the body of surface water.
The secondary focus of the preceding objectives is the incorporation of sediment and erosion
control practices, and the management of runoff which shall be evaluated as essential elements of a
runoff management system. The wastewater management focus is land area-intensive, whereas the
latter is management practice-intensive.
Wastewater Collection System: The preliminary design of the sanitary sewerage system of the
project was based on a number of major objectives and assumptions. These objectives and the
rationale upon which they are based, are enumerated below:
1. It shall be assumed that each building site shall be provided with sewer connections.
2. The minimum pipe size shall be assumed to be 10cm; manholes have been assumed at all
junctions as well as at intervals of 90m.
3. Sewer lines connection to buildings shall be based on the number of facilities per hectare.
Connector sewers shall be laid in the street right-of-way, away from paved areas as much
as possible.
4. Sediments or flocs from sedimentation tanks be discharged into the sewer
Runoff Management System: In the proposed project area there is no such fear. However, the
erodible soils in the area shall require some level of runoff management, as well as erosion control
during construction, to ensure that the productive land downstream channels is not subjected to
erosion or sedimentation damage.

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

3.6.7 Project Waste Management Strategy

Prior to the commencement of the construction program, the contractor(s) shall prepare a Project
Waste Management Plan (PWMP). The PWMP will:-
1. Propose a minimization, collection, storage, treatment, re-use and disposal route for each
waste stream
2. Identify potential third party re-users
3. Propose Incinerator types if required
4. Propose location of waste storage and duties of site personnel with regard to waste
5. Identify and describe possible locations of disposal sites or long-term storage sites.
6. State the methods for properly managing (i.e. training, storing, containerizing, labeling,
transporting, disposing) wastes.
7. Describe the transition of control from the contractors to the proponent, including
arrangements for wastes associated with commissioning.
The waste management standards to be used for the construction, operation and decommissioning
of the proposed project shall be based on the LAWMA Waste Management Regulations. If these
regulations do not cover certain aspects of the project then the contractor and proponent shall
comply with international regulations on environmentally sound management of waste.
Transfer of Waste to Third Parties
It is expected that there shall be a variety of potential third parties that may receive wastes
generated during the project construction. These third parties shall include commercial waste
disposal contractors and entities (corporate or individual) that have the capacity to reuse or recycle
individual waste materials.
In general, transfer to third parties for ultimate disposal shall only be permitted if the part of their
operation that shall be for the proposed project waste is licensed. However items such as timber
wastes and other re-useable project wastes shall be disposed to local population on the basis of
case-by-case review by the contractor.
Solid Waste Disposal: Solid waste will be disposed by LAWMA. In addition to the usual solid
wastes, special provisions have to be made for hazardous and nuisance wastes. Included in this
classification are clinic wastes, contaminated fuels, oils, and other highly flammable substances.

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

3.7 Management Commitment

The implementation of the integrated SHE Management System, in accordance with the SHE Policy
statement, is integrated into business objectives. Where conflict may exist between SHE and other
business objectives, Management will promote resolution of such conflicts so that the outcome is
consistent with the SHE Policy. Management leadership and commitment are the drivers upon
which the SHE Management System is implemented in order to ensure that continuous
improvement is achieved.
Management shall communicate to all Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s employees a sound
commitment towards the achievement of the highest SHE standards. Through active consultation
and involvement, employees shall be encouraged to contribute to success in meeting this
commitment. Effective motivation and communication tools to manage and communicate SHE
issues shall be realized within the organization, where the SHE Management System is
implemented at all levels and SHE responsibilities are clearly defined and assigned.
Management shall be routinely involved in reviewing the actual application of the SHE Management
System and its performance, so as to provide the necessary corrective actions to ensure the
continuous improvement of the whole system.
In addition, the Project Management shall accept the ultimate responsibility for the proper
implementation of all Project SHE Plans and will demonstrate commitment to the continuous
improvement of the SHE culture within the project by leadership and example.
Project Management will also provide full support to Project SHE Staff, and ensure that managers,
leaders, and supervisors accept their moral and legal duties regarding HSE, and that they are held
accountable for them.
3.8 Project Life Span
It is envisaged that with appropriate maintenance operations, this project shall last for 50years when
commissioned for use. During this period, if this technology is not overtaken by a more sustainable
one, a general technical assessment of the project shall be carried out, with recommendations for
3.9 Project Schedule
Development of the proposed project is schedule to last for six year once the project is approved.
Material procurement shall last for two months, logistic arrangement (movements of materials) shall
last for four weeks, site clearance and construction and installation shall last tentatively twenty four

EIA for the proposed Alaro City Utilities (Water Treatment Plant, Power Generation and Distribution Network) Alaro City, Epe LGA, Lagos State

months depending on availability of funds for the project, then the project shall be commissioned
and demobilization of construction equipment/workers shall follow suit.

Table 3.7: Activities associated with the project Implementation – Draft

Time (Year in Quarters)
Project Activity 2021 2022 2023
Pre-construction phase 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Site Survey

Geotechnical study
Site Clearing
Construction phase
Construction works
Operation phase
Commissioning and operation
Operation and maintenance
Source: Fieldwork, 2022


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