Digital Divide

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The Digital Divide

• To review the factors that cause and influence the digital divide
and discuss its impact
• To quantify the extent of the digital divide and discuss
measures being taken to narrow the gap
• To discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the digital divide
• It is easy to forget that we don’t all have access to ICT
• The digital divide refers to the gap between the people who
have access to a computer (or a computer connected to the
internet) and those who do not.
• It can refer to individuals, social groups, and communities
The Digital Divide
• The digital divide is the division that exists between those people who can use technology
and are comfortable doing so, and those who are not.
• Inclusion means enabling everyone to be able to access the benefits of technology.
• For example, younger people may embrace new technology more than older members of
society who sometimes fear technology and feel excluded because they cannot use or
understand it. The use of social media is a prime example of this - while younger people
might use various (and sometimes many) forms of social media each day, older generations
may not be so comfortable sharing so many details about their lives. As a result, they might
choose to shun social media or limit their use of it.
• This division also extends to those people who can afford such technology, and those that
cannot. Not everyone can afford the latest smartphone or games console. This is not just a
national issue, but an international one too. The UK is prosperous with high standards of
living, but many people live in countries where access to computers is expensive and
• Not everyone has access to the same levels of technology. For example, people in cities tend
to have access to high-speed broadband, while those in rural or remote areas often do not.
• A further division exists between those people who have good computer skills and those
who do not. Many employers now require good IT skills, and jobseekers who lack those skills
may find it difficult to gain employment.
5 Factors which contribute to the digital divide:

Fear of

Lack of

Economic Digital Cultural

The Economic Factor
• The main reason individuals and communities don’t have
access to a computer or an up-to-date Internet service are
– i.e. A lack of money
• Many developing countries struggle to provide adequate
telephone lines
• PC hardware and software is simply too expensive for many
people in the developing world
The Economic Factor
A lack of money
means there is no ICT

Companies are
The community unable to compete
becomes even poorer effectively in the
market place

The number of
Businesses move
away from the
opportunities in the
area reduces

Companies do not
invest in the
The Social Factor
• Originally, the digital divide was attributed to Internet Access
• Now, most people have access to the Internet thanks to
libraries, and Internet cafes etc.
• We now think about the digital divide as those who do, and
those who don’t have the skills to use the internet
The Social Factor
• Many of today’s jobs require ICT skills and qualifications
• People without an education in ICT are at a disadvantage and
are unable to get work
• This is another example of a digital divide
The Geographical Factor
• Availability of the Internet throughout the world shows large
differences between world regions.
• This can be a result of
– Lack of internet access/infrastructure
– Language
– Culture
The Fear of Technology Factor
• Many people do not use technology because they:
– Are not confident in their own ability to use computer skills
– Fear that others will laugh at their attempts, therefore it is easier not
to try
– Think they will cause a computer problem as they experiment and
therefore prefer not to try
– Have heard or read news reports about computer fraud, Internet
scams and identity theft
The Lack of Motivation Factor
• Many people are not prepared to put in the time and effort to
learn something new
• Some people link ICT with useless activities such as computer
game playing, eyes damage, and other more sinister themes
• Modern Operating Systems (Windows, MacOS) are much
easier to use than they were 15 years ago, however they still
require a certain amount of effort to grasp.
The Cultural Factor
• Attitudes: Some groups of people feel that ICT is for particular
groups of people:
– The young
– The brainy
– Middle class
• Cultural attitudes: Some communities place greater importance on:
– Oral culture
– Personal communication
– Kinship
– Strong family values
The extent of the Digital Divide
• The digital divide is a world wide issue, and is not just related
to the gap between people with and without access internet.
• Other contributing factors include:
– Lower-spec PCs
– Low quality internet connections
– Higher-priced Internet connections
– Difficulty with obtaining technical assistance
– Being a member of a community speaking a minority language
– Lower access to subscriber content
Is the divide widening or narrowing?
• Efforts are being made to bridge the gap – but are they
• On a global level?
Benefits and drawbacks
• Pros
– Increased opportunities for personal, educational and employment
• Cons
– Expensive
– Technology is outdated very quickly
– Government cut backs due to recession

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