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A written report.

The primary goal of this survey was to conduct an in-

depth examination and collect comprehensive data from
students within my school. The overall goal was to
analyze and gain clearer knowledge and information
about the blockchain community, with the aim of
enhancing my understanding and knowledge in this
dynamic and evolving field. As a dedicated blockchain
researcher by conducting my own independent research
and analyzing the final data collected.

The data analysis reveals a diverse representation among students who

filled out the formula, with 27.3% identifying as Blockchain Developers
and an equal percentage as Blockchain Researchers. Additionally, 9.1%
of respondents identified as Cryptocurrency Traders, Cryptocurrency
Analysts, Programmers, and Games Developers, showcasing a varied
set of interests and career paths within the blockchain space.

Examining academic levels, the majority of participants were freshmen,

constituting 45% of the respondents. Sophomores comprised 36.4%,
while juniors represented 18.2% of the surveyed population.

A notable trend emerged, indicating that a significant proportion of

students pursuing blockchain-related fields are majoring in computer

Interestingly, only 18.2% of students reported having studied or been

exposed to blockchain technology in their courses, suggesting potential
gaps in academic coverage.

On a positive note, 63.6% of the students demonstrated familiarity with

the basic concepts of blockchain technology, indicating a broad
awareness of the subject matter.

However, a comparatively lower percentage (18.2%) of students

reported active engagement in blockchain-related projects or activities,
such as hackathons, coding projects, or research.

A promising finding is that 54.5% of students believe blockchain

technology is relevant to their field of study or future career, while
36.4% remain uncertain about its applicability.

In terms of interest in further education, a significant 72.7% of students

expressed a desire to participate in blockchain-related workshops or
training courses to enhance their knowledge and skills, highlighting a
strong interest in continuous learning within the blockchain domain.

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