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To: Date:

Immigration Officer
[Embassy Name]
[Embassy Address]
[Embassy Phone Number]

Re: Invitation Letter for [Applicant’s Name] with Passport No. __________________
Respected Sir/Madam,
I, [Inviting Person’s Name] currently residing at [Inviting Person’s Address], and a
citizen/permanent citizen of [Country’s Name], am writing this letter to support the visa
application of my friend, [Applicant’s Name].
The purpose of the visit of my friend, [Applicant’s Name] is to visit me and engage in
tourism in [Country’s Name]. Our long standing friendship has endured distance and
time, and we have wanted to use the visit of my friend to reconnect and share old
[Applicant’s Name] and I have been friends for [enter number of years or length of
time]. We have [provide a description of activities or other events you have
attended/done together]. This has led to us developing a close relationship and we
have stayed in touch ever since.
[Applicant’s Name] will be visiting during the following dates: from [Provide starting
date of visit in format DD/MM/YY] to [Provide ending date of visit in format
During the specified trip dates above, we will be visiting [Specify city/place names]. In
addition, [Applicant’s Name] will be staying at [Provide Inviting Person’s Address or
Hotel Address]. The trip will be funded through [Provide means of funding].
 Copy of inviting person’s Passport
 Copy of inviting person’s other ID
 Proof of relationship (you can attach pictures of events together or other
supporting documents)
 Proof of accommodation
 Proof of return to home country (employment contract, property ownership, lease
agreement, etc.)
 Other applicable documents
We sincerely request that you consider [Applicant’s Name] visa application and please
do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or inquiries at [Inviting Person’s Phone
Number] or [Inviting Person’s E-mail].
Kind regards,
[Inviting Person’s Signature]
[Inviting Person’s Name]
[Inviting Person’s Address]
[Inviting Person’s Phone Number]
[Inviting Person’s Email]
Please, find the following documents to support my visa application:
1. Visa application form, duly dated and signed with attached passport-size
2. Passport, showing my travel experience
3. Travel Insurance, coverage of €30,000
4. E-ticket reservation for my flight via LH for New Delhi – Frankfurt – New
Delhi [June 2-June 28, 2017]
5. Hotel reservations for our holidays in the Netherlands and France
6. Employment and leave certificates showing approved leaves as well as the
date I am expected to return to work
7. ITR, Payslips, and Savings Account as proof of my income
Also, the additional documents required for Medical Purposes Schengen Visa
 Enclosed copies of medical records about your condition

 Bank statements and health insurance coverage to cover for medical

expenses in [name of country]
Planned Itinerary:
 June 2, 2017 – Flight from New Delhi to Frankfurt via LH-761

 June 7, 2017 – Sightseeing in Germany

 June 10, 2017 – Travel from Frankfurt to Amsterdam Schiphol; Arrive in

Amsterdam and stay at Clemens Hotel
 June 11, 2017 – Sightseeing in the Netherlands

 June 14, 2017 – Travel from Amsterdam Schiphol to Paris Gard du Nord and
stay at Ibis Hotel – Sacré Coeur
 June 15, 2017 – Sacré Coeur, Opera, Tour Eiffel, Musee du Lourve

 June 17, 2017 – Chateau de Versailles

 June 20, 2017 – Travel from Paris Gard du Nord to Frankfurt via Air France

 June 28, 2017 – Flight back to New Delhi from Frankfurt via Lufthansa

I trust that you will find everything is in order. For any questions or clarifications,
please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
Thanking you in advance for a favorable reply to my application.
<Your Complete Name>
<Your Address>, India

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