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Pranas Detox Program

Prana Spa is happy to introduce a comprehensive cleansing and detox program that will be performed in the comfort of our luxury villas. Based on current leading detox technology this 3 or 7 day program offers guide lines and supplements of the highest international standard giving your body the best opportunity to cleanse and rejuvenate itself. We also offer a detox day program to our outside guests. (Please see our section; Detox Day Program)

Program details:
The basis of this cleansing program is to help remove toxic waste and debris from the bloodstream and the cells of the body, while cleansing and maintaining elimination via the colon. A 3 day cleanse is the minimum period of time required to completely dredge and clean the bowels, purge the liver and other internal organs of toxic residues and acid wastes, and alkalize the blood and other bodily fluids. To totally detoxify all the bodily tissues and purify the entire bloodstream and lymphatic system a 7 day cleanse is required and is highly recommend as it will show the best results. The program works as a healing mechanism and is designed so that all the organs of the body can take a much needed rest. It starts working at full affect after 24-36 hours without the ingestion of food. By doing so, our bodies switch into 'detoxification mode' and begin to expel the stored toxins, parasites and potentially cancerous cells that have built up over the years. This waste is then dumped into the bloodstream and is expelled from the body through the lymph, liver, colon, lungs and skin. The feelings of weakness, tiredness, flu and headache like symptoms during the first 3-4 days are known as 'detox / cleansing symptoms' and are due to these toxins and other waste matter being excreted from the body - NOT due to the lack of food. You will be taking so many detoxifying drinks, cleansing and nutritional supplements that you will not physically get hungry at all. (However, often emotional attachments to food do come up!) During the program you will remove large amounts of toxins and waste from your system and also promote the loss of many kilos of putrefied matter and fat. This will enable your body to begin to rebuild and rejuvenate, and give you a fresh start to live a healthier and happier life. By increasing your intake of healthy nutritious foods and daily exercise, you can ensure your long term health and longevity and enjoy the present feelings of increased energy, radiance and vitality!

The Villas Bali Hotel & Spa

Jalan Kunti 118X, Seminyak, Bali Indonesia P: +62 (361) 730 840 F: +62 (361) 733 751

The Cleanse Program

STEP 1: THE pH TEST The day before or the morning you are to start your fast you can take the pH test. Do not eat or brush your teeth for at least 2 hours prior to the acid test. This is done to help determine whether it is safe to commence the program. Too much acidity means you may have problems with lactic acid later on and harsh cleansing symptoms. In such cases we recommend continuing the Pre Cleanse diet for another 25 days before commencing. If the paper stays yellow, you are too acidic. If it turns a blue or green, you are able to commence the program. STEP 2: TAKE ENZYMATIC SUPPLEMENTS These should be taken the night before starting the fast, before going to bed. STEP 3: DETOX DRINK - BEGIN THE FAST - DAY 1 Begin the fast with your first detox drink at 7am. This is Liquid Bentonite mixed with Psyllium husk in a large glass or water. Take this 5 times a day at: 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm. *** IMPORTANT: drink quickly and follow with another large glass of water.

STEP 4: SUPPLEMENTS At 8:30am have your first lot of herbal supplements. You take the Green Life and Enzymatic Supplements 5 times a day at: 8:30am, 11:30am, 2:30pm, 5:30pm and 8:30pm STEP 5: YOGA To support your cleansing process and make this health investment as comfortable as possible, We daily offer an optional 1 hour gentle yoga at 9.00 am. STEP 6: COLEMA Anytime between 9:00am-10:30am and 4:30pm - 6:00pm you will take a colema to help flush out the toxins being dumped into the colon. The colema takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and our staff will daily arrange the set up of the colema equipment. **PLEASE NOTE - On the morning of the first day you do not do a colema. The first one is at 4:30pm.

STEP 7: VEGETABLE BROTH AND JUICES Your daily breakfast consists of carrot juice and for lunch and dinner we will serve a vegetable broth with coconut juice in your villa or in our restaurant.

STEP 8: MAGNESIUM FOOTBATH Daily you will take a magnesium bath or foot bath. This involves putting the magnesium bath flakes into warm-hot water (approximately 108 degrees Fahrenheit) and allowing your body or feet to soak for 30 minutes or a little longer. This rejuvenates and re-hydrates the cells of the body that have been busy expelling toxins. For your convenience our staff will prepare the nightly relaxing magnesium bath in your villa. STEP 9: FLORA GROW CAPSULE Each night at least half an hour after the last set of supplements take your white flora grow capsule. This helps re-colonize and maintain healthy levels of friendly bacteria throughout your cleanse.

The Villas Bali Hotel & Spa

Jalan Kunti 118X, Seminyak, Bali Indonesia P: +62 (361) 730 840 F: +62 (361) 733 751

DAILY SCHEDULE 7 7.30am 8.30 9am 9 10am 10 10.30am 11.30 12pm 12 pm-1 pm 1 - 1.30pm 2.30 - 3pm 4 - 4.30pm 4.30 5.30pm 5.30 - 6pm 6 - 7pm 7 - 7.30pm 8.30 - 9pm Before Bed Psyllium and Bentonite drinks Enzymatic supplements & nutrients Colema board (miss on 1 day) Psyllium & Bentonite drinks Enzymatic supplements & nutrients Vegetable broth Psyllium & Bentonite drinks Enzymatic supplements & nutrients Psyllium & Bentonite drinks Colema Board Enzymatic supplements & nutrients Vegetable broth Psyllium & Bentonite drinks Enzymatic supplements & nutrients 1 Flora Grow capsule


Do keep to the specified times for taking the detox drinks and supplements. Do drink plenty of water throughout the day Do get plenty of sleep and rest each day. This is your time to do nothing and let your body take over with its healing function Do make time for some light exercise like yoga or walking, as well as having a massage, as it increases the benefits of the fast and helps to ease the effect of cleansing symptoms Do listen to your body and make your own decisions Do call us for assistance if you have any questions or problems Do have a Naturopath consultation if you have specific health / medical questions And most of all, do enjoy your time and the process!

Before beginning the detoxification program, please be advised that your health is your own responsibility. We do not profess to be medical authorities or advisors. Should you have any doubts about your health, medications, or pre-existing condition, please contact your medical practitioner and get their approval before booking with us.

The Villas Bali Hotel & Spa

Jalan Kunti 118X, Seminyak, Bali Indonesia P: +62 (361) 730 840 F: +62 (361) 733 751

When NOT to do the program:

During pregnancy If you are over 75 or under 18 years of age If you are significantly under weight If you have recently had surgery If you have cancer/ heart disease/ diabetes If you are on medication or treatment such as dialysis If you are under extreme emotional pressure or depression

Detox Day Program:

If you are staying in another hotel we are happy to offer you our detox day program. We will provide you with the comfort of a villa, where you can relax during the day, join the yoga class in the morning, maybe have a massage or relax by the pool and have the 2 colema treatments. Our staff will prepare the set up of colema board etc. and arrange your meals and drinks accordingly. We will daily arrange a small bag of magnesium bath flakes for you to bring home to your own hotel or villa for a nightly bath or foot bath. For your convenience our transport service will make sure to pick you up in the morning and bring you back in the late afternoon.

Program 3 day detox program without accommodation 3 day detox program with accommodation 7 day detox program without accommodation 7 day detox program with accommodation Price before tax US$ 403++ US$ 950++ US$ 576++ US$ 1,852++

The Villas Bali Hotel & Spa

Jalan Kunti 118X, Seminyak, Bali Indonesia P: +62 (361) 730 840 F: +62 (361) 733 751

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