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Every Island in the Maldives should have a university

There has been no doubt that education plays a vital role for the
development of every nation and to develop one’s career as well. Education
is not only accumulation of knowledge, but also education helps to build a
better future as well. Maldives is a county with free education to its people.
With the introduction of free degree scheme in Maldives, higher education
institutions have doubled their motivation to cater higher education . As a
result of this, college students have been dramatically increa sed during past
few years. According to the Maldives Bureau of Statistics' 2022 Yearbook,
the total enrollment in universities and colleges in 2021 stood at 12,494.
Considering these facts, it is neces sary to look whether Maldives need to
build more university across the nation or does it feasible to have a
university in every island of the Maldives.

Maldives in an island nation which is located in Indian Ocean. It is an

archipelago comprising 26 geographical atolls, which are made up of over
1,000 coral islands, out of which, 200 island s are inhabitant. It is very
common in Maldives , to migrate people to the other islands for educational
purpose. Especially people from the islands with limited services choose to
move to Male’ for better education. Therefore, it is clearly understood that
the people love to educate, people love to educate their children.

Students who have done their secondary education would find a university
or college for their higher education. In order to get higher education ,
people move to islands where there are higher colleges or universities. For
some families it is being considered as a burden to move one place to
another for educational purpose . In order overcome the challenges that
could face for higher education, some people beli eve there should be a
university in every island of Maldives.

However, building a university in every island is not feasible for many

reasons. Looking into the operational cost of a university, it is quite costly.
In order for a smooth run of any institute, enough income or a budget should
be required. For a better financial capability, college should have ample
students. As per the population, it would be a challenging or an impossible
to find enough students for every university in Maldives. Without enough
students, a university cannot be operated .
Considering the above, it clearly understands that the idea of having a
university on every island in the Maldives is intriguing. Perhaps it may not
be practically feasible to establish a full -fledged university on each island
due to logistical challenges . Due to less population, it is also be a
challenging to find qualified lectures and required staff for the university.
therefore, it is not necessary to have a university in every island of

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