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Sunil Kumar Nayak sunilkumarnayak4u@gmail.

+91 8208317145
09 may 1990 Data Analyst
Morgao, Goa, India

Completed Post Graduate Program in Data Science from Purdue University via Simplilearn passionate about applying
my creativity, research, and data analytics skills to build models that fix problems and help overcome challenges. Relevant
skills include Machine learning, problem solving, programming, and creative thinking.
Almost 9.5 years of experience in Pharmaceutical industry in quality Assurance department etc, working in a team
environment, remaining alternative to ideas, recognizing responsibilities, and actively participated with others to
accomplish assignments, achieve desired goals and maintained cooperative working relationships.
Person with curiosity to learn the role quickly with minimal supervision and work independently to contribute positively in the
fastest time possible. Strong team player, flexible and self-motivated with analytical abilities. Ability to multitask, worked
and confident in working in stressful situations.
Working experience (Open source projects) and extensive knowledge in Python with libraries such as Sklearn, Numpy,
Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn etc.
Proficient in Python, SQL, Power BI, Statistics and MS Excel.
Confident understanding of Statistics, Probability, Data Structures and Algorithms, Excel, Data Science, Machine
Learning Algorithms.
Diwali Sales Data Analysis using Python
 Providing the trend chart for the number of sales count between Genders.
 Providing the trend chart for total number of amount spent for sales between Age Groups.
 Providing the trend chart for total number of amount spent for sales between Marital Status.
 Which state has the maximum orders?
 Which state has the maximum amount in orders?
 Which sector has the maximum sales?
 Which category of Products has the maximum orders?
 Which Product ID has the maximum orders?

Madhab Ecommerce Data Analysis using Power BI

 Create a dashboard using Power BI to show Sum of Quantity, Sum of Profit, Sum of Amount and Sum of AOV.
 Create different charts like Bar Chart and Donut Charts to show the above things in dashboard.

Pizza sales analysis using Power BI + SQL

 Create a dashboard to show Total Revenue, Total Orders, Total Pizzas sold, % of Average Pizza per orders and Average
Pizza per orders.
 Create different charts like Bar charts, Line Chart, Funnel Chart and Donut Chart to represent the Total orders by order
day, %of sales by pizza category, % of sales by pizza size, Total orders by order month, Total pizzas sold by pizza
 Identifying the Top 5 Pizzas by Revenue, by quantity, by Total orders, Bottom 5 pizzas by Revenue, by quantity,
by total orders.
 Identifying the Best sellers and Worst Sellers by Revenue and Quantity and Total Orders.

Post-Graduation Program in Data Science April -2021 – March- 2022
 Purdue University Online/ USA (via Simplilearn)
Completed Certification: Data Science with R, Data Science with Python, Statistics Essential for Data Science, Machine
Learning, NLP, Tableau
Bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Science April- 2009 – March- 2013
 Biju Pattnaik University of Technology
Subjects: Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry etc.


 Data Science with Python

 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
 Machine Learning
 Statistics
 Tableau
 Power BI


English Hindi Odia

Chess Cricket Listening to Music

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