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4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

AWS EC2 AWS S3 AWS VPC AWS Load Balancing AWS Autoscaling AWS EKS AWS ECS AWS Fargate

Introduction to Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading top platform in providing the web
services of various domains. AWS follows the trends of digital IT and comes
up needy services with optimized performances covering a wide range of
services from Compute to Storage. It covers a wider range of customers of
different domains to expand their business operations. This Article covers
the fundamentals of AWS and its scope of IT business.

Table of Content
What Is AWS And Why Is It Used?
History Of AWS
How AWS Works?
AWS Fundamentals
Top AWS Services
Advantages Of Amazon Web Services
Disadvantages Of Amazon Web Services
Applications Of AWS
AWS Global Infrastructure
AWS Management Console
AWS Cloud Computing Models
Amazon Web Services – FAQs

What Is AWS And Why Is It Used?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, It is an expanded cloud computing
platform provided by Amazon Company. AWS provides a wide range of
services with a pay-as-per-use pricing model over the Internet such as
Storage, Computing power, Databases, Machine Learning services, and
much more. AWS facilitates for both businesses and individual users with
effectively hosting the applications, storing the data securely, and making
use of a wide variety of tools and services improving management flexibility
for IT resources. 1/12
4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

History Of AWS
Then providing Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) revolutionized with
scalable management of Storage. Coming up with effective compute and
storage services and providing them rental basis helped many startup
companies and users with the cost of manual Hardware Infrasture setup.
Introducing the concept of serverless computing with AWS lambda services
enhanced its business globally. It came up with services like Elastic
Beanstalk made the deployment of applications much easier bringing large
audiences. AWS always came with diverse array of services offering with
technical innovations, updated services with current trends. AWS has
emerged as a powerhouse in the world of Cloud Computing.

How AWS Works?

AWS comes up with its own network infrastructure on establishing the
datacenters in different regions mostly all over the world. Its global
Infrastructure acts as a backbone for operations and services provided by
AWS. It facilitates the users on creating secure environments using Amazon
VPCs ( Virtual Private Clouds ). Essential services like Amazon EC2 and 2/12
4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

Amazon S3 for utilizing the compute and storage service with elastic scaling.
It supports the dynamic scaling of the applications with the services such as
Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing ( AWS ELB ). It provides a good
user-friendly AWS Management Console facilitating seamless configuration
and management of AWS services to the Users. Its Architecture ensures
high availability , fault tolerance making AWS as a versatile powerful Cloud
Computing Platform.

AWS Fundamentals
In the Journey of AWS, understanding the key concepts such as Regions,
Availability Zones, Global Network Infrastructure, etc is crucial. The
fundamentals of AWS keep on maintaining the applications reliable and
scalable with services globally with coming to a strategic deployment of
resources for optimal performance and resilience. The following are the
some of the main fundamentals of AWS:

Regions: AWS provide the services with respective division of regions.

The regions are divided based on geographical areas/locations and will
establish data centers. Based on need and traffic of users, the scale of
data centers is depended to facilitate users with low-latencies of servcies.
Availability Zones (AZ): To prevent the Data centers for the Natural
Calamities or any other disasters. The Datacenters are established as sub
sections with isolated locations to enhance fault tolerance and disaster
recovery management.
Global Network Infrastructure: AWS ensures the reliability and
scalability of services through setting up its own AWS Network
Infrastructure globally. It helps in better management of data
transmissions for optimized performance and security reliance.

Top AWS Services

In the rapid revolution of Cloud Computing, AWS facilitates with wide
variety of services respect to the fields and needs. The following are the top
AWS services that are in wide usage:

Amazon EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) : It provides the Scalable

computing power via cloud allowing the users to run applications and
manage the workloads over their remotely. 3/12
4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service ): It offers scalable object Storage

as a Service with high durability for storing and retrieving any amount of
AWS Lambda: It is a service in Serverless Architecture with Function as a
Service facilitating serverless computing i.e., running the code on
response to the events, the background environment management of
servers is handled by aws automatically. It helps the developers to
completely focus on the logic of code build.
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): This is an aws service that
simplifies the management of database providing high available
relational databases in the cloud.
Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): It enables the users to create
isolated networks with option of public and private expose within the
AWS cloud, providing safe and adaptable configurations of their

To know more about refer the Article – Top 25 AWS Service List

Advantages Of Amazon Web Services

AWS allows you to easily scale your resources up or down as your needs
change, helping you to save money and ensure that your application
always has the resources it needs.
AWS provides a highly reliable and secure infrastructure, with multiple
data centers and a commitment to 99.99% availability for many of its
AWS offers a wide range of services and tools that can be easily
combined to build and deploy a variety of applications, making it highly
AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing you to only pay for
the resources you actually use and avoid upfront costs and long-term

Disadvantages Of Amazon Web Services

AWS can be complex, with a wide range of services and features that
may be difficult to understand and use, especially for new users.
AWS can be expensive, especially if you have a high-traffic application or
need to run multiple services. Additionally, the cost of services can
increase over time, so you need to regularly monitor your spending. 4/12
4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

While AWS provides many security features and tools, securing your
resources on AWS can still be challenging, and you may need to
implement additional security measures to meet your specific
AWS manages many aspects of the infrastructure, which can limit your
control over certain parts of your application and environment.

Applications Of AWS
The AWS services are using by both startup and MNC companies as per
their usecase. The startup companies are using overcome hardware
infrasture cost and applications deployments effectively with cost and
performance. Whereas large scale companies are using AWS cloud services
for the management of their Infrastructure to completely focus on the
development of products widely. The following the Real-world industrial
use-cases of AWS services:

Netflix: The Large streaming gaint using AWS for the storage and scaing
of the applications for ensuring seamless content delivery with low
latency without interruptions to millions of users globally.
Airbnb: By utilizing AWS, Airbnb manages the various workloads and
provides insurable and expandable infrastructure for its virtual
marketplace and lodging offerings.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory: It takes the help of AWS services to
handle and analyze large-scale volumes of data related to vital scientific
research missions and space exploration.
Capital One: A financial Company that is utilizing AWS for its security
and compliance while delivering innovative banking services to its

AWS Global Infrastructure

The AWS global infrastructure is massive and is divided into geographical
regions. The geographical regions are then divided into separate availability
zones. While selecting the geographical regions for AWS, three factors
come into play

Optimizing Latency
Reducing cost 5/12
4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

Government regulations (Some services are not available for some


Each region is divided into at least two availability zones that are physically
isolated from each other, which provides business continuity for the
infrastructure as in a distributed system. If one zone fails to function, the
infrastructure in other availability zones remains operational. The largest
region North Virginia (US-East), has six availability zones. These availability
zones are connected by high-speed fiber-optic networking.

There are over 100 edge locations distributed all over the globe that are
used for the CloudFront (content delivery network). CloudFront can cache
frequently used content such as images and videos(live streaming videos
also) at edge locations and distribute it to edge locations across the globe
for high-speed delivery and low latency for end-users. It also protects from
DDOS attacks.

AWS Management Console

The AWS management console is a web-based interface to access AWS. It
requires an AWS account and also has a smartphone application for the
same purpose. So When you sign in for first time, you see the console home
page where you see all the services provided by AWS. Cost monitoring is
also done through the console.

AWS resources can also be accessed through various Software

Development Kits (SDKs), which allows the developers to create
applications as AWS as its backend. There are SDKs for all the major
languages(e.g., JavaScript, Python, Node.js, .Net, PHP, Ruby, Go, C++). There
are mobile SDKs for Android, iOS, React Native, Unity, and Xamarin. AWS
can also be accessed by making HTTP calls using the AWS-API. AWS also
provides a AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for remotely accessing the
AWS and can implement scripts to automate many processes. This Console
is also available as an app for Android and iOS. For mobile apps, you can
simply download AWS console app.

AWS Cloud Computing Models

There are three cloud computing models available on AWS. 6/12
4/3/24, 11:46 AM Introduction to Amazon Web Services - GeeksforGeeks

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): It is the basic building block of cloud

IT. It generally provides access to data storage space, networking
features, and computer hardware(virtual or dedicated hardware). It is
highly flexible and gives management controls over the IT resources to
the developer. For example, VPC, EC2, EBS.
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): This is a type of service where AWS
manages the underlying infrastructure (usually operating system and
hardware). This helps the developer to be more efficient as they do not
have to worry about undifferentiated heavy lifting required for running
the applications such as capacity planning, software maintenance,
resource procurement, patching, etc., and focus more on deployment and
management of the applications. For example, RDS, EMR, ElasticSearch.
3. Software as a Service(SaaS): It is a complete product that usually runs
on a browser. It primarily refers to end-user applications. It is run and
managed by the service provider. The end-user only has to worry about
the application of the software suitable to its needs. For example,, Web-based email, Office 365 .

Amazon Web Services – FAQs

What Is AWS Used For?

The purpose of AWS is to provide a variety of services including

storage, compute power, databases, and machine learning helping
companies and users to build, run, and deploy their applications
effectively with optimized performance, and cost-effectiveness.

Is AWS Good For A Career And What’s The Salary?

Yes, A career in AWS Cloud is a great choice. It is a very competitive

high-demand one, the one who gets expertise will receive competitive

Can I Learn AWS For Free, And Is It Easy To Learn? 7/12
4/5/24, 9:57 AM AWS Storage: Overview, Types & Benefits | K21Academy

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AWS Storage: Overview, Types & Benefits (S3, EBS, EFS,
October 10, 2023 by Sumti Mehta (


The overview of AWS Storage will be covered in this blog article, along with the many types of storage solutions available and their intended uses.

Data storage with high availability and durability is available through AWS storage services at a cheap cost. Additionally, you have the choice of disaster
recovery, archiving, and information backup.

In this blog, we are going to cover the following storage services:

Cloud Storage Overview

Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Amazon Glacier
Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
EC2 Instance Storage
Amazon FSx
Benefits Of AWS Storage
Frequently Asked Questions

AWS Storage services | Amazon Elastic File System…


Cloud Storage Overview

A cloud computing provider that manages and runs data storage as a service provides cloud storage, cloud computing model (
web-services/aws-solutions-architect/cloud-service-models/) which is a model for storing data online. It eliminates the need to purchase and manage your own
data storage infrastructure because it is offered on-demand with just-in-time capacity and pricing. 1/9
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There Are 3 Types of Cloud Storage

1. Object Storage – The enormous scalability and metadata capabilities of object storage are frequently tapped into by cloud-based applications. Simple
Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Glacier are excellent object storage options for building modern applications from the ground up that require scale
and adaptability. These solutions can also be used to ingest existing data stores for analytics, backup, and archiving purposes.

2. File Storage – A filing system is required since many applications need to access shared files. A Network Attached Storage (NAS) server is typically used to
support this type of storage. In situations like big content repositories, development environments, media stores, or user home directories, file storage systems
like Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) are ideal.

3. Block Storage – Other business applications, such as ERP or database systems, frequently need exclusive, low-latency storage for every host. This is
frequently compared to a cargo area network (SAN) or direct-attached storage (DAS). Block-based cloud storage options such as Amazon EBS’s Elastic Block
Store and EC2 Instance Storage

Check out the Hands-on-lab on EBS. (


Storage Offered By Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2/9
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1. Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Amazon’s S3 oldest and best-supported storage infrastructure, Amazon S3, has an object storage paradigm that can store and retrieve data of any size.
Websites, mobile apps, business applications, and data from IoT sensors or other devices that may be dumped onto S3 are just a few examples of places where
data can be retrieved.

With support for high bandwidth and demand, S3 has been extensively used to host web content. JavaScript-based static websites can be saved in S3 because
scripts can also be stored there. With the help of the lifecycle management rule for S3-stored data, it facilitates the migration of data to Amazon Glacial for cold

Built from the bottom up to fulfill a customer promise of 99.999999999% durability, Amazon S3 is supported by the greatest global cloud infrastructure in the
world. Within each AWS Region, data is automatically replicated over at least three physically independent locations and is likewise spread across all other AWS

S3 supports three different types of encryption, including client-side and server-side encryption. Other users or AWS accounts can only access data in S3 if the
admin has written an access policy granting them access. Another layer of protection can be added for object operation with the support of Multi-Factor
Authentication (MFA).S3 supports a variety of compliance and security standards.

Read More: S3 Hands-on-lab. (


2. Amazon Glacier
Amazon Glacier offers a safe, dependable, and incredibly affordable storage option. You can use Glacier to do robust analytics on archived data. For better and
more efficient outcomes, the Glacier can also make use of other AWS storage services like S3, CloudFront, etc. to transport data in and out easily.

Archives of data are kept on Amazon Glacier. A single file may make up an archive, or an archive may combine multiple files. Archives are arranged in vaults.
offers the ability to query data to find the specific subset of data you require from an archive.

Durability must be given top attention because AWS Glacier is an archiving service. For archives, the glacier is intended to offer average annual durability of
99.999999999%. Within an AWS Region, data is automatically spread across a minimum of three physically isolated facilities.

Access control can be established for other users by creating access rules in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. Initially, Glacial data can
only be accessible by the account owner/admin. All data is encrypted by Glacier using server-side encryption. Vaults that will store records for a long time can be
locked using lockable policies 3/9
4/5/24, 9:57 AM AWS Storage: Overview, Types & Benefits | K21Academy

locked using lockable policies.

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Also Read: Our previous blog post on AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Salary (

3. Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)

As its name implies, EFS provides a network file system as-a-service that is scalable, elastic, highly available, and very durable. EFS has an elastic storage
capacity that can automatically expand and contract based on demand. EFS is compatible with NFSv4 and NFSv4.1, the Network File System versions.

Through concurrent access from EC2 instances, the network file system EFS can grow to petabytes in size. Amounts of Amazon EC2 instances with Elastic File
System EFS mounted. A Single EFS file system may even be shared by multiple EC2 instances, enabling access to expansive applications that outgrew the
capabilities of a single instance. EFS can be installed in a local data center that is directly connected to an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) using the AWS
Direct Connect service.

Data is stored by EFS as objects, and each object is spread across several regions’ availability zones. longer-lasting than S3. The capacity to call APIs.

When it comes to the EFS file system, there are three major layers of access constraints to take into account.

1.) IAM authorizations for API requests.

2.) Mount targets and EC2 instance security groups.
3.) Permissions at the user, group, and network file system levels.

AWS allows connectivity between EC2 instances and EFS file systems. You can associate one security group with an EC2 instance and another security group
with an EFS mount target associated with the file system. These security groups act as firewalls and enforce rules that define the traffic flow between EC2
instances and EFS file systems. 4/9
4/5/24, 9:57 AM AWS Storage: Overview, Types & Benefits | K21Academy

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4. Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

EFS and EBS volumes are both network file systems. In Availability Zones, volumes are automatically copied for maximum availability and durability.

For usage with EC2 instances in the AWS cloud, it is dependable block-level storage. You can use EBS volumes by mounting them onto an EC2 instance just
like you would a physical hard drive at your location, and then formatting the EBS volume with the desired file system. EBS enables dynamic capacity expansion,
performance adjustment, and even volume-type change without any downtime or performance impact.


EBS enables the preservation of point-in-time snapshots of volumes to extend the life of the data that is being stored. Every individual volume can be set up as
EBS General Purpose (SSD), Provisioned IOPS (SSD), Throughput Optimized (HDD), or Cold (HDD) as necessary. About 0.1 to 0.2 percent of EBS Volumes
fail, which is extremely low.


In order to grant access to EBS volumes, IAM policy must be defined. Combined with data-at-rest encryption and data-in-motion security, it provides a powerful
defense-in-depth security strategy for your data.

Check Out: EBS Hands-on lab (


5. EC2 Instance Storage

EC2 Instance storage provides temporary block-level storage for EC2 instances.

Instance storage volumes are ideal for the temporary storage of data that changes frequently like buffers, queue caches, and scratch data. It can only be
employed by one EC2 instance meaning volumes can’t be detached and attached to a different instance.

Uses SSDs to deliver high random I/O performance, not intended to be used as durable disk storage. Data durability is provided through replication, or by
periodically copying data to durable storageData on EC2 volume and only persists during the lifetime of the EC2 instance that it’s been related to 5/9
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IAM policy is required to be defined to permit secure control to users for performing operations like the launch and termination of EC2 instances. When you stop
or terminate an instance, the applications and data are erased and thus making the info inaccessible to a different instance in the future.

Also Read: EC2 Hands-on-lab (


6. Amazon FSx
Amazon FSx is a completely managed third-party file system solution. Amazon FSx utilizes SSD storage to provide fast performance with low latency.

It provides two file systems to choose from:

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Amazon FSx for Lustre

With the use of Amazon FSx, you can utilize the rich feature sets and fast performance of widely-used open source and commercially licensed file systems, while
avoiding time-consuming administrative tasks like hardware provisioning, software configuration, patching, and backups. FSx provides cost-efficient capacity with
high levels of reliability and integrates with a broad portfolio of AWS services to enable faster innovation.

Amazon FSx provides a wide range of Solid-State Disk (SSD) and Hard Disk Drive (HDD) storage options enabling you to optimize storage price and
performance for your workload requirements. It delivers sustained high read and writes speeds and consistent low-latency data access.

It automatically encrypts your data at rest using AWS KMS and in transit using SMB Kerberos session keys. It is designed to meet the highest security standards
and has been assessed to comply with ISO, PCI-DSS, and SOC compliance, and is HIPAA eligible. 6/9
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Benefits Of AWS Storage

No upfront cost it is a pay-as-you-go model.
Worldwide access: You can access all your data worldwide just by using an internet connection
Storage can be increased or decreased with changes in data size.
Low-cost data storage with high durability and high availability
Plenty of choices for backing/archiving data in case of disaster recovery.

Over the years, Amazon Web Services (AWS) storage has been diversified vastly to cater to varying needs. With the vastly increasing data, new data storage
technologies have transformed and are still evolving day by day.

Check out: FSx Hands-on-lab. (


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Frequently Asked Questions

AWS S3 provides what kind of storage?

Amazon S3 is an object storage service designed to store and retrieve any quantity of data from any location. S3 is a straightforward storage solution that
provides industry-leading durability, availability, performance, security, and almost limitless scalability at a cheap cost.

How does cloud storage operate?

A cloud storage service provider owns and operates data storage capacity through operating massive data centers in many locations across the world. In a
pay-as-you-go model, cloud storage providers manage capacity, security, and durability to make data accessible to your apps via the Internet.

What is the significance of cloud storage?

Cloud storage provides affordable, scalable storage. You no longer have to be concerned about running out of capacity, managing storage area networks
(SANs), replacing failed devices, adding infrastructure to scale up with demand, or running underutilized hardware when demand drops. Cloud storage is
elastic, which means you can scale up and down in response to demand and only pay for what you need. It is a method for organizations to securely store

data online so that individuals with authorization can access it at any time and from any location.

Related Links/References 7/9
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

AWS EC2 AWS S3 AWS VPC AWS Load Balancing AWS Autoscaling AWS EKS AWS ECS AWS Fargate

What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)?

EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. EC2 is an on-demand computing
service on the AWS cloud platform. Under computing, it includes all the
services a computing device can offer to you along with the flexibility of a
virtual environment. It also allows the user to configure their instances as
per their requirements i.e. allocate the RAM, ROM, and storage according to
the need of the current task. Even the user can dismantle the virtual device
once its task is completed and it is no more required. For providing, all these
scalable resources AWS charges some bill amount at the end of every
month, the bill amount is entirely dependent on your usage. EC2 allows you
to rent virtual computers. The provision of servers on AWS Cloud is one of
the easiest ways in EC2. EC2 has resizable capacity. EC2 offers security,
reliability, high performance, and cost-effective infrastructure so as to meet
the demanding business needs.

AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Amazon Web Service EC2 is a web service which is provided by the AWS
cloud which is secure, resizable, and scalable. These virtual machines are
pre-configured with the operating systems and some of the required
software. Instead of managing the infrastructure AWS will do that so you
can just launch and terminate the EC2 instance whenever you want. You can
scale up and down the EC2 instance depending on the incoming traffic. The
other advantage of AWS EC2 is that you need to pay only for how much you
use it is like the pay-as-you-go model.

What is Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)?

Amazon Web service offers EC2 which is a short form of Elastic Compute
Cloud (ECC) it is a cloud computing service offered by the Cloud Service
Provider AWS. You can deploy your applications in EC2 servers without any
worrying about the underlying infrastructure. You configure the EC2-
Instance in a very secure manner by using the VPC, Subnets, and Security
groups. You can scale the configuration of the EC2 instance you have 1/12
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

configured based on the demand of the application by attaching the

autoscaling group to the EC2 instance. You can scale up and scale down the
instance based on the incoming traffic of the application.

The following figure shows the EC2-Instance which is deployed in VPC

(Virtual Private Cloud).

Use Cases of Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) 2/12
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

1. Deploying Application: In the AWS EC2 instance, you can deploy your
application like .jar,.war, or .ear application without maintaining the
underlying infrastructure.
2. Scaling Application: Once you deployed your web application in the EC2
instance know you can scale your application based upon the demand
you are having by scaling the AWS EC2-Instance.
3. Deploying The ML Models: You can train and deploy your ML models in
the EC2-instance because it offers up to 400 Gbps), and storage services
purpose-built to optimize the price performance for ML projects.
4. Hybrid Cloud Environment: You can deploy your web application in EC2-
Instance and you can connect to the database which is deployed in the
on-premises servers.
5. Cost-Effective: Amazon EC2-instance is cost-effective so you can deploy
your gaming application in the Amazon EC2-Instances

AWS EC2 Instance Types

Different Amazon EC2 instance types are designed for certain activities.
Consider the unique requirements of your workloads and applications when
choosing an instance type. This might include needs for computing, memory,
or storage.

The AWS EC2 Instance Types are as follows:

General Purpose Instances

Compute Optimized Instances
Memory-Optimized Instances
Storage Optimized Instances
Accelerated Computing Instances

Features of AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

AWS EC2 Functionality

EC2 provides its users with a true virtual computing platform, where they
can use various operations and even launch another EC2 instance from this
virtually created environment. This will increase the security of the virtual
devices. Not only creating but also EC2 allows us to customize our 3/12
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

environment as per our requirements, at any point of time during the life
span of the virtual machine. Amazon EC2 itself comes with a set of default
AMI(Amazon Machine Image) options supporting various operating systems
along with some pre-configured resources like RAM, ROM, storage, etc.
Besides these AMI options, we can also create an AMI curated with a
combination of default and user-defined configurations. And for future
purposes, we can store this user-defined AMI, so that next time, the user
won’t have to re-configure a new AMI(Amazon Machine Image) from scratch.
Rather than this whole process, the user can simply use the older reference
while creating a new EC2 machine.

AWS EC2 Operating Systems

Amazon EC2 includes a wide range of operating systems to choose from

while selecting your AMI. Not only are these selected options, but users are
also even given the privilege to upload their own operating systems and opt
for that while selecting AMI during launching an EC2 instance. Currently,
AWS has the following most preferred set of operating systems available on
the EC2 console.

Amazon Linux
Windows Server
Ubuntu Server
SUSE Linux
Red Hat Linux

AWS EC2 Software 4/12
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

Amazon is single-handedly ruling the cloud computing market, because of

the variety of options available on EC2 for its users. It allows its users to
choose from various software present to run on their EC2 machines. This
whole service is allocated to AWS Marketplace on the AWS platform.
Numerous software like SAP, LAMP, Drupal, etc are available on AWS to

AWS EC2 Scalability and Reliability

EC2 provides us the facility to scale up or scale down as per the needs. All
dynamic scenarios can be easily tackled by EC2 with the help of this feature.
And because of the flexibility of volumes and snapshots, it is highly reliable
for its users. Due to the scalable nature of the machine, many organizations
like Flipkart, and Amazon rely on these days whenever humongous traffic
occurs on their portals.

Pricing of AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Instance

The pricing of AWS EC2-instance is mainly going to depend upon the type
of instance you are going to choose. The following are the pricing charges on
some of the EC2-Instances.

1. On-Demand Instances: The On-Demand instance is like a pay-as-you-go

model where you have to pay only for the time you are going to use if the
instance is stopped then the billing for that instance will be stopped
when it was in the running state then you are going to be charged. The
billing will be done based on the time EC2-Instance is running.
2. Reserved Instances: Reversed Instance is like you are going to give the
commitment to the AWS by buying the instance for one year or more than
one year by the requirement to your organization. Because you are giving
one year of Commitment to the AWS they will discount the price on that
3. Spot Instances: You have to bid the instances and who will win the bid
they are going to get the instance for use but you can’t save the data
which is used in this type of instance.

AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Instance Types

Different Amazon EC2 instance types are designed for certain activities.
Consider the unique requirements of your workloads and applications when 5/12
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

choosing an instance type. This might include needs for computing, memory,
or storage. To know more about AWS EC2-Instance types refer to Amazon
EC2–Instance Types.

Create AWS Free Tier Account

Amazon Web Service(AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly
adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data
centers globally. Millions of customers including the fastest-growing
startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies are using
AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster. AWS offers
new subscribers a 12-month free tier to get hands-on experience with all
AWS cloud services. To know more about how to create an AWS account for
free refer to Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Free Tier Account Set up.

Get Started With Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Linux Instances
Step 1: First login into your AWS account. Once you are directed to the
management console. From the left click on “Services” and from the listed
options click on EC2.

Afterward, you will be redirected to the EC2 console. Here is the image
attached to refer to various features in EC2. 6/12
4/5/24, 10:25 AM What is Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? - GeeksforGeeks

To know more about creating an EC2-Instance in a Step-by-Step guide refer

to the Amazon EC2 – Creating an Elastic Cloud Compute Instance.

FAQs On AWS EC2-Instance

1. What Is The Difference Between S3 And EC2?

S3 and EC2 are the two diffrent service offered by the Amazon Web
Services one is to store the data in the form of objects and another is
to deploy the Web Application.

2. Is EC2 A PAAS or IaaS?

EC2 belongs to Infrastructure as a service where the underlaying

infrastructure is taken care by AWS.

3. Is EC2 a Virtual Machine?

Yes EC2 is an virtual machine where you can deploy the web

4. What is AWS EC2 vs Elastic? 7/12
4/6/24, 3:03 PM Google Cloud Platform Tutorial - Javatpoint

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Google Cloud Platform Tutorial

Our Google Cloud Platform Tutorial contains the basic and advanced concepts of Google Cloud
Platform. This tutorial is designed to help both beginners and professionals.

This tutorial gives you an introduction to Google Cloud Platform along with a wide range of topics
such as why use Google Cloud Platform, Benefits of Google Cloud Platform, Key features of
Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Platform Services, Creating a Free Tier Account and VM
Instance on Google Cloud Platform, etc.

Before we start learning Google Cloud Platform, let's understand about 'Cloud Computing' first:

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is defined as the services offered through remote servers on the internet. These
services might include database storage, applications, compute power and other IT resources over
the pay-as-you-go pricing approach. The remote server allows users to save, modify, or process
data on the internet or cloud-based platform instead of storing it on a local server or their devices.

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Cloud computing is evolving due to fast performance, better manageability, and less maintenance.
It helps organizations to minimize the number of resources and overall infrastructure costs.
Additionally, it helps IT teams better focus on the important applications, services, and processes
and achieve the company's goals. 2/24
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Typically, the cloud-computing providers offer their services according to the following three
standard models:

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

What is Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services provided by Google. It is a
public cloud computing platform consisting of a variety of services like compute, storage,
networking, application development, Big Data, and more, which run on the same cloud
infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Photos,
Gmail and YouTube, etc.

The services of GCP can be accessed by software developers, cloud administrators and IT
professionals over the Internet or through a dedicated network connection.

Why Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Platform is known as one of the leading cloud providers in the IT field. The services
and features can be easily accessed and used by the software developers and users with little
technical knowledge. Google has been on top amongst its competitors, offering the highly scalable
and most reliable platform for building, testing and deploying the applications in the real-time

Apart from this, GCP was announced as the leading cloud platform in the Gartner's IaaS Magic
Quadrant in 2018. Gartner is one of the leading research and advisory company. Gartner organized
a campaign where Google Cloud Platform was compared with other cloud providers, and GCP was
selected as one of the top three providers in the market.

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Most companies use data centers because of the availability of cost forecasting, hardware certainty,
and advanced control. However, they lack the necessary features to run and maintain resources in
the data center. GCP, on the other side, is a fully-featured cloud platform that includes:

Capacity: Sufficient resources for easy scaling whenever required. Also, effective
management of those resources for optimum performance.

Security: Multi-level security options to protect resources, such as assets, network and OS -

Network Infrastructure: Number of physical, logistical, and human-resource-related

components, such as wiring, routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, etc.

Support: Skilled professionals for installation, maintenance, and support.

Bandwidth: Suitable amount of bandwidth for peak load.

Facilities: Other infrastructure components, including physical equipment and power


Therefore, Google Cloud Platform is a viable option for businesses, especially when the businesses
require an extensive catalog of services with global recognition.

Benefits of Google Cloud Platform

Some of the main benefits of Google Cloud Platform are explained below:

Best Pricing: Google enables users to get Google Cloud hosting at the cheapest rates. The hosting
plans are not only cheaper than other hosting platforms but also offer better features than others.
GCP provides a pay-as-you-go option to the users where users can pay separately only for the
services and resources they want to use.

Work from Anywhere: Once the account is configured on GCP, it can be accessed from anywhere.
That means that the user can use GCP across different devices from different places. It is possible
because Google provides web-based applications that allow users to have complete access to GCP.

Private Network: Google has its own network that enables users to have more control over GCP
functions. Due to this, users achieve smooth performance and increased efficiency over the network.

Scalable: Users are getting a more scalable platform over the private network. Because Google uses
fiber-optic cables to extend its network range, it is likely to have more scalability. Google is always
working to scale its network because there can be any amount of traffic at any time. 4/24
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Security: There is a high number of security professionals working at Google. They always keep
trying to secure the network and protect the data stored on servers. Additionally, Google uses an
algorithm that encrypts all the data on the Cloud platform. This gives assurance to the users that
their data is completely safe and secure from unauthorized sources.

Redundant Backup: Google always keeps backup of user's data with built-in redundant backup
integration. In case a user has lost the stored data, it's not a big problem. Google always has a copy
of the users' data unless the data is deleted forcefully. This adds data integrity, reliability and
durability with GCP.

Key Features of Google Cloud Platform

The following are some key features of Google Cloud Platform:

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On-demand services: Automated environment with web-based tools. Therefore, no human

intervention is required to access the resources.

Broad network access: The resources and the information can be accessed from anywhere.

Resource pooling: On-demand availability of a shared pool of computing resources to the

users. 5/24
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Rapid elasticity: The availability of more resources whenever required.

Measured service: Easy-to-pay feature enables users to pay only for consumed services.

Working of Google Cloud Platform

When a file is uploaded on the Google cloud, the unique metadata is inserted into a file. It helps
identify the different files and track the changes made across all the copies of any particular file. All
the changes made by individuals get synchronized automatically to the main file, also called a
master file. GCP further updates all the downloaded files using metadata to maintain the correct

Let's understand the working of GCP with a general example:

Suppose that MS Office is implemented on Cloud to enable several people to work together. The
primary aim of using cloud technology is to work on the same project at the same time. We can
create and save a file on the cloud once we install a plugin for the MS Office suite. This will allow
several people to edit a document at the same time. The owner can assign access to specific people
to allow them to download and start editing the document in MS Office. 6/24
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Once users are assigned as an editor, they can use and edit the document's cloud copy as desired.
The combined, edited copy is generated that is known as the master document. GCP helps to assign
a unique URL to each specific copy of the existing document given to different users. However, any
of the authorized users' changes will be visible on all the copies of documents shared over the
cloud. In case multiple changes are made to the same document, then GCP allows the owner to
select the appropriate changes to keep.

Google Cloud Platform Services

Google provides a considerable number of services with several unique features. That is the reason
why Google Cloud Platform is continually expanding across the globe. Some of the significant
services of GCP are:

Compute Services


Storage Services

Big Data

Security and Identity Management

Management Tools

Cloud AI

IoT (Internet of Things) 7/24
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Let's understand each of these services in details:

Compute Services

GCP offers a scalable range of computing services, such as:

Google App Engine: It is a cloud computing platform that follows the concept of Platform-
as-a-Service to deploy PHP, Java and other software. It is also used to develop and deploy
web-based software in Google-managed data centers. The most significant advantage of
Google App Engine is its automatic scaling capability. This means that the App Engine
automatically allocates more resources for the application when there is an increase in

Compute Engine: It is a cloud computing platform that follows the concept of Infrastructure-
as-a-Service to run Windows and Linux based virtual machines. It is an essential component
of GCP. It is designed on the same infrastructure used by Google search engine, YouTube and
other Google services.

Kubernetes Engines: This computing service is responsible for offering a platform for
automatic deployment, scaling, and other operations of application containers across clusters
of hosts. The engine supports several container tools like a docker, etc. 8/24
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GCP includes the following network services:

VPC: VPC stands for Virtual Private Network. The primary function of VPC is to offer a private
network with routing, IP allocation, and network firewall policies. This will help to create a
secure environment for the application deployments.

Cloud Load Balancing: As its name states, Cloud balancing is used to distribute workload
across different computing resources to balance the entire system performance. This also
results in cost-reduction. The process also helps in minimizing the availability and maximizing
the capability of the resources.

Content Delivery Network: CDN is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers

and their data centers. The primary aim of using CDN is to provide maximum performance to
the users. Additionally, it also helps deliver high availability of resources by equally
distributing the related services to the end-users.

Storage Services

GCP has the following storage services:

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Google Cloud Storage: It is an online data storage web service that Google provides to its
users to store and access data from anywhere. The service also includes a wide range of
features like maximum performance, scalability, security and sharing.

Cloud SQL: It is a web-service that enables users to create, manage, and use relational
databases stored on Google Cloud servers. The service itself maintains and protects the
databases, which helps users focus on their applications and other operations.

Cloud Bigtable: It is known for its fast performance and highly manageable feature. It is a
highly scalable NoSQL database service that allows collecting and retaining data from as low
as 1 TB to hundreds of PB. 9/24
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Big Data

GCP provides a variety of services related to big data; they are:

BigQuery: It is a fully managed data analysis service by Google. The primary aim of Google
BigQuery service is to helps businesses to analyze Big Data. It offers a highly scalable data
management option. This means BigQuery allows users to perform ad-hoc queries and share
data insights across the web.

Google Cloud Datastore: Google Cloud Datastore is a kind of datastore service that is fully
managed, schema-less, and non-relational. This service enables businesses to perform
automatic transactions and a rich set of queries. The main advantage of Google Cloud
Datastore is the capability of automatic scaling. This means that the service can itself scale up
and down, depending on the requirement of resources.

Google Cloud Dataproc: It is a very fast and easy to use big data service offered by Google.
It mainly helps in managing Hadoop and Spark services for distributed data processing. The
service allows users to create Hadoop or Spark clusters sized according to the overall
workload and can be accessed whenever users want them.

Security and Identity Management

GCP includes the following services related to Security and Identity management:

Cloud Data Loss Prevention API: It is mainly designed to manage sensitive data. It helps
users manage sensitive data elements like credit card details, debit card details, passport
numbers, etc. It offers fast and scalable classification for sensitive data.

Cloud IAM: It stands for Cloud Identity and Access Management. It is a framework that
contains rules and policies and validates the authentication of the users for accessing the
technology resources. That is why it is also known as Identity Management (IdM).

Management Tools

GCP includes the following services related to management tools:

Google Stackdriver: Google Stackdriver service is primarily responsible for displaying the
overall performance and diagnostics information. This may include insights of data
monitoring, tracing, logging, error reporting, etc. The service also prompts an alert
notification to the public cloud users.

Google Cloud Console App: It is a native mobile application powered by Google. The
primary aim of this service is to enable users to manage the core features of Google Cloud
services directly from their mobile devices anytime, anywhere. The primary functions of this
service are alerting, monitoring, and performing critical actions on resources. 10/24
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Cloud AI

When it comes to Cloud AI, GCP offers these services:

Cloud Machine Learning Engine: It is another fully managed service that allows users to
create Machine Learning models. The service is mainly used for those ML models, which are
based on mainstream frameworks.

Cloud AutoML: It is the type of service that is based on Machine Learning. It helps users to
enter their data sets and gain access to quality trained pre-designed ML models. The service
works by following Google's transfer learning and Neural Architecture Search method.

IoT (Internet of Things)

GCP contains the following IoT services:

Cloud IoT Core: It is one of the fully managed core services. It allows users to connect, control, and
ingest data from various devices that are securely connected to the Internet. This allows other
Google cloud services to analyze, process, collect and visualize IoT data in real-time.

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Cloud IoT Edge: The Edge computing service brings memory and other computing-power
resources near to the location where it is required.

Advantages of Google Cloud Platform

There are several advantages of using Google Cloud Platform, such as:

Google Cloud Offers Quick and Easy Collaboration: Multiple users can access the data and
simultaneously contribute their information. This is possible because the data is stored on the
cloud servers, not on the user's personal computers.

Higher Productivity with Continuous Development: Google is always working on adding

new features and functionalities to provide higher productivity to the customers. Therefore,
Google delivers frequent updates to its products and services. 11/24
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Less Disruption with Adopting New Features: Instead of pushing huge disruptive updates
of changes, Google provides small updates weekly. This helps users to understand and adopt
new features easily.

Least or Minimal Data is stored on Vulnerable Devices: Google does not store data on
local devices unless a user explicitly tries to do it. This is because the data stored on local
devices may get compromised compared to the cloud's data.

Users can access Google Cloud from Anywhere: The best thing is that a user can easily
access the information stored on Google cloud from anywhere because it is operated
through web-based applications.

Google provides Maximum Security with its Robust Structure: Google hires leading
security professionals to protect user's data. Users get process-based and physical security
features made by Google.

Users have Full Control over their Data: Users gain full control over services and the data
stored in Google Cloud. If a user does not want to use Google services any longer and wants
to delete the cloud data, it can be easily performed.

Google provides Higher Uptime and Reliability: Google uses several resources to provide
higher and reliable up-time servers. If a data center is not working for technical issues, the
system will automatically communicate with the secondary center without interruption visible
to users.

Creating a Free Tier Account on GCP

To start using Google Cloud Platform, we are first required to create an account GCP. Here, we will
create a free tier account for explaining the upcoming topic of this tutorial. The best thing about
free account is that Google provides $300 worth credit to spend over the next 90 days after the date
of account creation. Google offers all the core services of GCP with a free account for the next 90

However, users must have a credit card to start a free tier account. Google asks for the credit card
details to make sure that it is a genuine human request. Google does not charge automatically even
after the 90 days or when we have exhausted the $300 free credit. The amount will only be charged
when we will be upgrading our free account to a paid account manually.

Let's start with the steps of creating a free tier account on Google Cloud Platform:

Step 1: First, we are required to navigate to the following link: 12/24
4/6/24, 3:03 PM Google Cloud Platform Tutorial - Javatpoint

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Step 2: On the next screen, we need to click on 'Get started for free', as shown below:

Step 3: Next, we are required to login to the Google Account. We can use the 'create an account'
button if we don't have an existing Google account. 13/24
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Step 4: Once we have logged in, we will get to the following screen: 14/24
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Here, we must select the Country, agree to the Terms of Service, and then click on the 'CONTINUE'

Step 5: On the next screen, we have to enter some necessary details such as name and address
details. Also, we have to enter payment details like the method of payments and credit card details.
After filling all the details, we need to click on the button 'START MY FREE TRIAL' from the bottom of
the page: 15/24
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Step 6: Google asks for the confirmation to use the credit card for the small deduction to ensure
that the card information is correct. However, the amount is refunded back to the same account.
Here, we need to click on the 'CONTINUE' button:

Step 7: On the next screen, we must click on the 'GO TO CONSOLE' button: 16/24
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After clicking on the 'GO TO CONSOLE' button, we will be redirected to the Dashboard that includes
a summary of GCP services along with projects and other insights. It looks like this:

To be specific, a Dashboards of GCP displays the summarized view of the followings:

Project Info: contains project details such as project name, ID, and number.

Resources: contains a list of resources being used in the related project.

APIs: contains various API requests running with the project (in request/sec form).

Google Cloud Platform Status: displays an overall summary of services that are part of GCP.

Monitoring: displays alerts, performance stats, Uptime, etc. to ensure that systems are
running reliably. 17/24
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Error Reporting: displays errors occurring in the projects, but it needs to be configured first.

Trace: displays latency data of existing applications across a distributed tracing system.

Compute Engine: displays the insights of CPU usage in percentage (%).

Tutorials: contains Getting Started guides (basic guides) to explain how the GCP features

News: displays news and other important updates regarding Google Cloud Platform.

Documentation: contains in-depth guides to teach more about Compute Engine, Cloud
Storage, and App Engine.

Google Cloud Platform Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Google Cloud Platform is the cheapest solution in the market. GCP is not
only low on price but also offers more features and services than other providers.

When comparing GCP with other leading competitors, it has more benefits over them. Google
provides its users a massive 60% savings, including:

15% rightsizing recommendation

21% list price differences

24% of sustained usage discounts

Some of the main benefits of GCP pricing are:

No Hidden Charges: There are no hidden charges behind the GCP pricing. Google's pricing
structure is straightforward and can be easily understood. 18/24
4/6/24, 3:03 PM Google Cloud Platform Tutorial - Javatpoint

Pay-as-you-go: Google offers its customer 'use now, pay later' option. So, users will have to pay
only for those services which they want to use or already using.

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No Termination Fee: Users are free to stop using Google services whenever they want, and there
will not have to pay any termination fee. That means the moment users stop using Google services;
they stop paying for it.

Difference between Google Cloud Platform, AWS and Azure

Like Google cloud platform, AWS and Azure are the other popular cloud-based platforms. However,
there are differences amongst them. Some of the main differences between GCP, AWS and Azure
are tabulated below:

Google Cloud AWS Azure

It uses GCE (Google AWS EC2 offers core compute It uses virtual machines for
Compute Engine) for services. computation purposes.
computing purposes.

It uses Google Cloud It uses Amazon S3 for storing the It uses a storage block bob that
Storage for storage data. comprises blocks for storing the
purposes. data.

It offers the lowest price AWS pricing is generally keen to Like AWS, Azure pricing structure
to the customers to beat have inscrutable. The overall is also difficult to understand
other cloud providers. structure of granular pricing is a unless you have considerable
bit complex. experience.

It uses Cloud Test labs for It uses a device farm for App It uses DevTest labs for App
App Testing purposes. Testing purposes. Testing purposes. 19/24
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

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Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud

computing service
Designed by Microsoft in 2010, Microsoft Azure is one of the widely used
cloud computing platforms. Azure provides a wide variety of services such
as cloud storage, compute services, network services, cognitive services,
databases, analytics, and IoT. It makes building, deploying, and managing
applications very easy. All the Microsoft Azure fundamentals are also
described for a better understanding of readers.

What is Azure?
Azure is Microsoft’s cloud platform, just like Google has its Google Cloud
and Amazon has its Amazon Web Service or AWS.000. Generally, it is a
platform through which we can use Microsoft’s resources. For example, to
set up a huge server, we will require huge investment, effort, physical space,
and so on. In such situations, Microsoft Azure comes to our rescue. It will
provide us with virtual machines, fast processing of data, analytical and
monitoring tools, and so on to make our work simpler. The pricing of Azure is
also simpler and cost-effective. Popularly termed as “Pay As You Go”, which
means how much you use, pay only for that.

How Does Microsoft Azure Work?

It is a private and public cloud platform that helps developers and IT
professionals to build deploy and manage the application. It uses the
technology known as virtualization. Virtualization separates the tight
coupling between the hardware and the operating system using an
abstraction layer called a hypervisor. Hypervisor emulates all the functions
of a computer in the virtual machine, it can run multiple virtual machines at
the same time and each virtual machine can run any operating system such
as Windows or Linux. Azure takes this virtualization technique and repeats it
on a massive scale in the data center owned by Microsoft. Each data center
has many racks filled with servers and each server includes a hypervisor to
run multiple virtual machines. The network switch provides connectivity to
all those servers. 1/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

Azure will provide the Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform which

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

Platform as a service (PaaS).
Software as a service (SaaS).

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Virtual machines, storage, and networking will come under the category of
infrastructure as a service but the users have to do manually the build and
deploy of the applications. Azure will support a wide range of operating
systems because of its Hyper-hypervisor.

Platform as a service (PaaS)

Azure app service, Azure functions, and logic apps are some services that
are offered by Azure under the platform as a service. This service will
provide autoscaling and load balancing and also there will be a pre-
configured environment for the application. 2/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

Software as a service (SaaS)

Office 365, Dynamics 365, and Azure Active Directory are some of the
services provided by Microsoft Azure under Software as a Service (SaaS) the
complete application will be managed by the Microsoft azure including
deploying, scaling and load balancing.

What is a public cloud? Everything you need to know

Computing in which service provider makes all resources public over the
internet. It is connected to the public Internet. Service provider serves
resources such as virtual machines, applications, storage, etc to the general
public over the internet. It may be free of cost or with minimal pay-per-
usage. It is available for public display, Google uses the cloud to run some of
its applications like google docs, google drive or YouTube, etc.
It is the most common way of implementing cloud computing. The external
cloud service provider owns, operates, and delivers it over the public
network. It is best for the companies which need an infrastructure to
accommodate a large number of customers and work on projects which have
diverse organizations i.e. research institutions and NGOs etc.

Key Characteristics of Public Clouds:


What Is Microsoft Azure Used For?

Following are the some the use cases that Microsoft Azure Used.

Deployment Of applications: You can develop and deploy the application

in the azure cloud by using the service called Azure App Service and
Azure Functions after deploying the applications end users can access it.
Identity and Access Managment: The application and data which is
deployed and stored in the Microsoft Azure can be secured with the help
of Identity and Access Managment. It’s commonly used for single sign-on,
multi-factor authentication, and identity governance. 3/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

Data Storage and Databases: You can store the data in Microsoft azure in
service like blob storage for unstructured data, table storage for NoSQL
data, file storage, and Azure SQL Database for relational databases. The
service can be scaled depending on the amount of data we are getting.
DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
Azure DevOps will provide some tools like ncluding version control, build
automation, release management, and application monitoring.

Azure for DR and Backup

A full range of disaster recovery (DR) and backup services are available from
Microsoft Azure to help shield your vital data and apps from interruptions.
With the help of these services, you may quickly restore your data and
applications in the event of a disaster by replicating them to a secondary
cloud site. Azure backup services also protect your data from ransomware
attacks, unintentional deletion, and corruption.

Key Azure DR and Backup Services

Azure Site Recovery: Your on-premises virtual machines (VMs) can be

replicated to Azure more easily with the help of this solution. You may
easily failover your virtual machines (VMs) to Azure in the event of a
disaster and keep your business running. Azure VM replication to an
alternative Azure region is also supported by Azure Site Recovery.
Azure Backup: If you want to protect the data which is present in the
cloud then you need to use the Azure Backup service. It offers a single
area to monitor backup jobs, manage backup policies, and recover
data.Azure pricing and costs.

Azure competition
Following are the some of the competitors of Microsoft Azure:

Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
IBM Cloud.
Alibaba Cloud.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Azure History 4/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

Microsoft unveiled Windows Azure in early October 2008 but it went to live
after February 2010. Later in 2014, Microsoft changed its name from
Windows Azure to Microsoft Azure. Azure provided a service platform for
.NET services, SQL Services, and many Live Services. Many people were still
very skeptical about “the cloud”. As an industry, we were entering a brave
new world with many possibilities. Microsoft Azure is getting bigger and
better in the coming days. More tools and more functionalities are being
added. It has two releases as of now. It’s a famous version of Microsoft
Azure v1 and later Microsoft Azure v2. Microsoft Azure v1 was more JSON
script-driven than the new version v2, which has interactive UI for
simplification and easy learning. Microsoft Azure v2 is still in the preview

How Azure can help in business?

Azure can help our business in the following ways-

Capital less: We don’t have to worry about the capital as Azure cuts out
the high cost of hardware. You simply pay as you go and enjoy a
subscription-based model that’s kind to your cash flow. Also, setting up
an Azure account is very easy. You simply register in Azure Portal and
select your required subscription and get going.
Less Operational Cost: Azure has a low operational cost because it runs
on its servers whose only job is to make the cloud functional and bug-
free, it’s usually a whole lot more reliable than your own, on-location
Cost Effective: If we set up a server on our own, we need to hire a tech
support team to monitor them and make sure things are working fine.
Also, there might be a situation where the tech support team is taking too
much time to solve the issue incurred in the server. So, in this regard is
way too pocket-friendly.
Easy Back-Up and Recovery options: Azure keeps backups of all your
valuable data. In disaster situations, you can recover all your data in a
single click without your business getting affected. Cloud-based backup
and recovery solutions save time, avoid large up-front investments and
roll up third-party expertise as part of the deal.
Easy to implement: It is very easy to implement your business models in
Azure. With a couple of on-click activities, you are good to go. Even there
are several tutorials to make you learn and deploy faster. 5/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

Better Security: Azure provides more security than local servers. Be

carefree about your critical data and business applications. As it stays
safe in the Azure Cloud. Even, in natural disasters, where the resources
can be harmed, Azure is a rescue. The cloud is always on.
Work from anywhere: Azure gives you the freedom to work from
anywhere and everywhere. It just requires a network connection and
credentials. And with most serious Azure cloud services offering mobile
apps, you’re not restricted to which device you’ve got to hand.
Increased collaboration: With Azure, teams can access, edit and share
documents anytime, from anywhere. They can work and achieve future
goals hand in hand. Another advantage of Azure is that it preserves
records of activity and data. Timestamps are one example of Azure’s
record-keeping. Timestamps improve team collaboration by establishing
transparency and increasing accountability.

What are the Various Azure Services and How does

Azure Work?
Following are some of the services Microsoft Azure offers:

1. Compute: Includes Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets,

Functions for serverless computing, Batch for containerized batch
workloads, Service Fabric for microservices and container orchestration,
and Cloud Services for building cloud-based apps and APIs.
2. Networking: With Azure, you can use a variety of networking tools, like
the Virtual Network, which can connect to on-premise data centers; Load
Balancer; Application Gateway; VPN Gateway; Azure DNS for domain
hosting, Content Delivery Network, Traffic Manager, ExpressRoute
dedicated private network fiber connections; and Network Watcher
monitoring and diagnostics
3. Storage: Includes Blob, Queue, File, and Disk Storage, as well as a Data
Lake Store, Backup, and Site Recovery, among others.
4. Web + Mobile: Creating Web + Mobile applications is very easy as it
includes several services for building and deploying applications.
5. Containers: Azure has a property that includes Container Service, which
supports Kubernetes, DC/OS or Docker Swarm, and Container Registry,
as well as tools for microservices.
6. Databases: Azure also included several SQL-based databases and
related tools. 6/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

7. Data + Analytics: Azure has some big data tools like HDInsight for
Hadoop Spark, R Server, HBase, and Storm clusters
8. AI + Cognitive Services: With Azure developing applications with
artificial intelligence capabilities, like the Computer Vision API, Face API,
Bing Web Search, Video Indexer, and Language Understanding
9. Internet of Things: Includes IoT Hub and IoT Edge services that can be
combined with a variety of machine learning, analytics, and
communications services.
10. Security + Identity: Includes Security Center, Azure Active Directory, Key
Vault, and Multi-Factor Authentication Services.
11. Developer Tools: Includes cloud development services like Visual Studio
Team Services, Azure DevTest Labs, HockeyApp mobile app deployment
and monitoring, Xamarin cross-platform mobile development, and more.

Difference between AWS (Amazon Web Services),

Google Cloud, and Azure

AWS Google Cloud Azure

Technology EC2 (Elastic Google Compute VHD (Virtual Hard

Compute Cloud) Engine(GCE) Disk)

Databases Technologies
Supported pioneered by
AWS fully Azure supports
Google, like Big
supports both relational and
Query, Big Table,
relational and NoSQL through
and Hadoop, are
NoSQL Windows
databases, and
databases and AzureTable and
Big Data. HDInsight.
fully supported.

Pricing Per hour — Per minute — Per minute —

rounded up. rounded up rounded up. 7/14
4/6/24, 3:26 PM Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service - GeeksforGeeks

AWS Google Cloud Azure

Models Per minute-

On demand, On demand — rounded up
reserved spot. sustained use. commitments(Pre-
paid or monthly)

Difficulties Many enterprises

find it difficult to
Fewer features Less “Enterprise-
understand the
and services. ready.
company cost

Storage Simple Blob Storage

Services Storage Queue
Cloud storage.
Service(S3) Storage.
Persistent Disk
Elastic Block File Storage
Storage. Disk Storage.
Elastic File Data Lake
storage. Store

Machine Machine
Cloud speech AI
Learing Sage maker. learning
Cloud Viedo
Lex. Azure Bot
polly.And service
Cloud Machine
many more Cognitive
learning engine.

FAQs On Microsoft Azure

1. Microsoft Azure Student

If you are an student then Microsoft azure will provide the free access
to the variety of service like.

storage. 8/14

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