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Sunday ─ Day 1

17.30  Arrival and accommodation at Passion Club, 117A, Valea Oltului Street, Sector no. 6,
Monday ─ Day 2

10.00-12.00  Arrival at “Eugen Lovinescu” Theoretical High School

 Welcome and official opening
 Introducing group members; Expectations
 Presentation of “Eugen Lovinescu” Theoretical High School
 Exploring Romanian and Bulgarian Culture
 Presentations about Romania, Bulgaria and Sofia
 Useful Romanian words and phrases – Video-watching; Kahoot, Short Introductions
 Let’s speak Bulgarian!
 Overview of EPAS Programme at “Eugen Lovinescu” Theoretical High School
Presentation; Kahoot on EU
 Debate on Euro Zone and on Schengen Area – EPAS teams
 Presentation about Bucharest
12.30-17.00  A visit at “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum. Discover traditional Romania in an
open-air museum.
 Old Town Walking Tour. A look at the Historical Center of Bucharest.
Sights of this tour:
The Triumphal Arch; Victory Avenue; Victory Square; The Antipa Museum; The National
Museum of the Romanian Peasant; The National Museum of Art; The Revolution Square;
The “Carol I” Central University Library; The National Military Circle; The Odeon Theatre;
The University of Bucharest; The "Ion Luca Caragiale" National Theatre; The CEC Palace;
The National Museum of Romanian History; Manuc’s Inn; The Capșa Restaurant; The Palace
of Victory; The Palace of Parliament; People s Salvation Cathedral
Tuesday ─ Day 3

11.00-12.30 A visit at the National Library of Romania

 Library tour of one of the oldest libraries of Romania
 Getting involved in an activity at the American Corner
13.30-14.30 A walking tour of the Botanical Garden of Bucharest

15.00-16.00 A visit at Cotroceni Palace, the Romanian President's official residence

 National Cotroceni Museum
17.00-20.00 Intercultural evening at Passion Club
 Tasting Romanian traditional dishes and desserts
 Reflections on our guests’ visit in Bucharest
 Group photo. Follow-up. Networking. Farewell.
Wednesday ─ Day 4

Departure of our guests.

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