The Hindu Vocab - 28th Dec-22

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The Hindu Vocab

28th Dec’22

1. Exhilarating (Adjective)

Meaning: Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated, thrilling (रोमां चक)

Synonym: breathtaking, exciting, thrilling

Antonym: tedious, unexciting, boring

Sentence: We have just got some exhilarating news.

2. Nonentity (Noun)

Meaning: A person or thing with no special or interesting qualities; an unimportant person or thing.
(मह)हीन ,-.)

Synonym: unimportant person, person of no importance, nobody

Antonym: personage, somebody, eminence

Sentence: How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company?

3. Disingenuous (Adjective)

Meaning: Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than
one really does (कपटी)

Synonym: dishonest, deceitful, underhand

Antonym: honest, sincere, genuine

Sentence: He was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical.

4. Hoary (Adjective)

Meaning: Dating or surviving from the distant past (पुराना)

Synonym: ancient, venerable, old

Antonym: modern, new, recent

Sentence: It contains many majestic old oaks and hoary willow.

5. Monger (noun)

Meaning: Denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity (िव4ेता)

Synonym: trader, merchant, vendor

Antonym: customer, buyer, consumer

Sentence: The old man was a monger in tea.

6. Fickleness (Noun)

Meaning: Changeability, especially as regards one’s loyalties or affections (अ-8रता)

Synonym: capriciousness, changeability, variability

Antonym: invariability, constancy

Sentence: What provides stability to the fickleness of love is the material framework of marriage.

7. Piquant (Adjective)

Meaning: Having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor (सरस)

Synonym: spicy, tangy, spiced

Antonym: tasteless, dull

Sentence: Bland vegetables are often served with a piquant sauce.

8. Mercenary (Adjective)

Meaning: Having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions

Synonym: greedy, avaricious, acquisitive

Antonym: altruistic, charitable, liberal

Sentence: She’s interested in him for purely mercenary reasons.

9. Prolix (Adjective)

Meaning: (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words, tediously lengthy (अित िव;तृत)

Synonym: lengthy, long-winded, verbose

Antonym: concise, compact, brief

Sentence: The author’s prolix style has done nothing to encourage sales of the book.
10. Gratis (Adjective)

Meaning: Without charge; free (िनः शु@)

Synonym: free, without charge, for nothing

Antonym: paid, costly

Sentence: I’ll give it to you, gratis!

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