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Research Design and Its Main Types

Research design refers to the overall strategy used to conduct research, which defines a concise and logical plan for
addressing established research questions through the collection, interpretation, analysis, and discussion of data. The study
design defines the study type and subtype, study problem, hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental
design, and, if applicable, data collection methods, and statistical analysis plan. Research design is a structure created to find
answers to research questions.

The main types of research design are: descriptive research design, experimental research design, and explanatory research

Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design aims at accurately describing a population as stated by both Kothari (2004) and Mugenda and
Mugenda (2003), it is the suitable research design for the research concerned with describing the characteristics of a
particular group or its association with something else thus being the reason why it will be used during the study. This design
will be appropriate for this study because Borden and Bruce (2008) content that choosing an appropriate research design is
crucially important to the success of a project. The study therefore will adopt a correlation research design that involves
observing the value of two or more variables and determine what relationships exist between them (Bo;8rden &Bruce, 2008).
The design yielded both qualitative and quantitative data. The data that will be collected on performance targets and
timelines will essentially quantitative since this is going ;2to be presented in form of percentage and frequencies. Qualitative
data will be collected on performance indicators and measure of moderating effect of organizational performance.

Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design processes on intervening in a process and measure its outcome, in order to know that your
research is valid it will mostly depend on experimental design. This research design is the best choice when it comes to
answering questions about cause and effect. The reason this study will use experimental research design is because it
contributes to solving a problem. Thus, experimental design being the quantitative research. According to Vander Merwe
(1996), quantitative research is a research approach that aims at testing theories, determining facts, demonstrating
relationships between variables and predicting outcomes.

Explanatory Research Design

Explanatory research design is a type of research design which its main focus is on explaining the aspects of the study in a
detailed manner. According to Khotan (2004) defines explanatory research design as a conductor for a problem that has not
been well researched before, demands priorities, generates operational definitions and provides a better-research model.
Despite explanatory design being a problem finder, it does not give any conclusive evidence but helps in understanding the
problem more.

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