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JUNE 2024



The 10 items that follow are information about you. Please supply the information needed.

The data obtained from these items shall be held strictly confidential.

On your sheet, shade completely the choice corresponding to the letter of the answer that
specifically pertains to you.

1. Sex : a. Male b. Female

2. Civil Status : a. Single b. Married

c. Widow/widower d. Separated/Divorce

3. Age bracket where you belong :

a. 18-24 years old b. 25-31 years old c. 32-28 years old
d. 39-45 years old e. More than 45 years old

4. Highest Educational Attainment:

a. College Graduate b. Diploma/Certificate
c. With Master’s Ubit d. Master’s Degree
e. With Ph.D Units/Degree

5. Year of last attendance in school :

a.Before 1985 b. 1986-1995 c. 1996-2005
d. 2006-2015 e. After 2015

6. What honours did you receive when you graduated from college?
a. Summa Cum laude b. Magna Cum laude c. Cum laude
d. Other academic awards d. None/not applicable

7. Present employment:
A. a. Government b. Private c. Self-employed

8. Type of present job:

a. Professional/Technical/Scientific
b. General Clerical
c. Trades and crafts (jobs requiring manual dexterity of application of
manual/mechanical/artistic skills)
d. Others
e. Not applicable

9. Length of experience in present job:

a. Less than one year
b. One to two years
c. Three to four years
d. More than four years
e. Unemployed

10. For what reason are you taking this examination?

a. Entrance to government service
b. Change of appointment status
c. Promotion
d. Others




Direction: Read and analyze carefully the questions below and select the letter of the
correct answer.

11. All cats are mammals. No pets are mammals. Therefore,

A. Some pets are cats.
B. Some mammals are pets.
C. All mammals are pets.
D. No cats are pets.

12. Some X’s and Y’s. All Y’s are Z’s. So,
A. Some Y’s are Z’s
B. Some Z’s are X’s
C. All Z’s are X’s
D. No Y’s are X’s

13. In a certain examination, 300 competitors passed the first part and 500 passed the
second part. The number of competitors who passed both parts of the examination will
most likely be __________.
A. 800
B. between 500 and 600
C. between 400 and 500
D. not more than 300

14. Mina, Bing, Amy, and Cel have surnames Folres, Mendez, Presez and Reyex but not
respectively. Mina is taller than Amy and Cel. Ms. Mendez is tallest of the four. Ms.
Flores is taller than Ms. Reyes but shorter than Ms. Perez. Also, Cel is taller than Amy
and Bing. What is the full name of the second tallest person?
A. Amy Mendez
B. Cel Perez
C. Cel Flores
D. Bing Reyes

15. Sixty years ago I know everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive
discovery of our own ignorance. The sentence best supports the statement that
A. the older we get, the more we forget what we have learned.
B. the older we get, the more knowledgeable we become.
C. the more we learn, the more we realize that there’s more we need to know.
D. we learn more as we grow old.

16. The gregariousness of people is mostly due to a fear of remaining alone. It feels safer to
be with a group, talk like a group, act like a group. The ramparts of group solidarity give
the members security. The paragraph best supports the statement that __________.
A. people who belong to a group react to situations in the same manner.
B. some people are more gregarious than others.
C. people who are gregarious are afraid to be alone.
D. people find safety in numbers.

17. Point E, F, G, I are arranged in a line in such a way that F is between G and I, and E is
between F and I. If E proceeds G, in what order are they arranged?
A. E F G I
B. E I G F
C. F I G E
D. I E F G


For items 18-19:

Seven piano students—T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z—are to give a recital, and their instructor is
deciding the order in which they will perform. Each student will play exactly one piece, a piano
solo. In deciding the order of performance, the instructor must observe the following restrictions:
X cannot play first or second.
W cannot play until X has played.
Neither T nor Y can play seventh.
Either Y or Z must play immediately after W plays
V must play either immediately after or immediately before U plays.

18. If V plays first, which one of the following must be true?

A. T plays sixth.
B. X plays third.
C. Z plays seventh.
D. T plays immediately after Y.

19. If U plays third, what is the latest position in which Y can play?
A. first
B. second
C. fifth
D. sixth

For items 20-22:

Mazzini, an Italian specialty restaurant stays open every Monday to Saturday but is closed on
all Sundays. On Mondays, only lunch is served, as well as on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, just dinner is served. The restaurant's floors are polished
and plants are watered only on days that Mazzini is open for business, according the following

● Plants are watered two days each week, but never on consecutive days and never on
the same day that floors are polished.
● Floors are polished on Monday and two other days each week, but never on
consecutive days and never on the same day that plants are watered.

20. According to the schedule, the restaurant’s floors are polished on either:
A. Tuesday or Wednesday
B. Tuesday or Thursday
C. Wednesday or Thursday
D. Thursday or Friday

21. If dinner is served on the same day as plants are watered, which of the following is
A. Plants are watered on Tuesday.
B. Floors are polished on Thursday.
C. Plants are watered on Wednesday.
D. Floors are polished on Wednesday.

22. Assume that floors are polished on consecutive days, but all other scheduling policies
are untampered. For how many days can it be determined whether plants are watered,
and floors are polished?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

Direction: Analyze the following questions and choose the correct answer.

23. What is 40% of 120?

A. 40
B. 46
C. 48
D. 50

24. 46 is 20% of what number?

A. 230
B. 320
C. 420
D. 460

25. What percent of 25 is 8?

A. 14%
B. 26%
C. 29%
D. 32%

26. What is the GCF of 36 and 54?

A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 24

27. What is the LCM of 4 and 7?

A. 4
B. 12
C. 24
D. 28

28. Find the prime factor of 84.

A. 23 x 3 x 7
B. 2 x 33 x 8
C. 2 x 3 x 72
D. 22 x 3 x 7

29. Find the GCF of 12 and 15.

A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7

30. What is -62 - (-37)?

A. -25
B. 25
C. 89
D. -99

31. What is 136 - (12x12) ÷ 4?

A. 2
B. -2
C. 4
D. 100


32. 26+55-6+41+9-60-72+68-94+2 = ________
A. - 20
B. 21
C. -31
D. 46

33. 6 + (8 x 5) - 25 - 25 ÷ 5 = _________
A. -0.8
B. 4
C. 9.2
D. 16

34. What is 83?

A. 24
B. 32
C. 72
D. 512

35. If the divisor is 0.15 and the dividend is 5.10, what will be the quotient?
A. 0.34
B. 34
C. 3.4
D. 0.034


Direction: Rearrange the following five sentences in the proper sequence to form a
meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.


I. There were some children, playing on the bank of the waterway.

II. In the forest of Madhubani, there is a big lake.
III. The excess water started flowing forcefully through the waterway.
IV. Once there was a very heavy rain because of which the lake started overflowing.
V. A poor man noticed it and rushed to save them.
What is the correct arrangement of the sentences?
A. II, III, IV, I, V
B. II, IV, III, I, V
C. IV, II, III, I, V

I. Fault line
II. Seafloor spreading
III. Volcanic activity
IV. Subduction
V. Upwelling of magma
What is the main idea based on the given terminologies?
A. I


For items 38-42:
Directions: Choose the correct helping verb to incorporate in each sentence.

38. I ____ a lot of tasks to finish this week.

A. Am
B. Can
C. Have
D. Had

39. After weeks of practice, Leslie ____ rides a bicycle now.

A. Can
B. Must
C. Will
D. Do

40. Catherine’s dad ____ renting the whole resort for our weekend getaway.
A. Will
B. Can
C. Is
D. Were

41. Me and the team ____ pasta for dinner last night.
A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Will have

42. The instructor said, everyone ____ submit their exams before the clock ticks.
A. Will
B. Must
C. Can
D. Has

For item no. 43-47

In Greek Methodology, the first line of witches are children of the Sun, Titans, Helios, and a
water nymph. The four children took on different paths of witchcraft. Each one is as powerful
and cunning as the other. Possibly the most famous of the four is the goddess Circe. The gods
were threatened by her power and abilities that she was banished to an island, where visitors
could come and go. Gods and mortals alike have passed through and were welcomed by Circe
on her island. Most of them were weary travelers to whom she offered food and abode. The
sorceress is a soft and kind woman, but she is also known to transform into pigs those who
dare abuse her hospitality.

43. How many siblings does Circe have?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

44. Who is the father of Circe?

A. Helios
B. Titan
C. Sun
D. Nymph


45. Which sentence is true based on the passage?
A. Circe fell in love with a fellow minor god and lived happily ever after.
B. Circe cannot go out of her island just because she wants to.
C. Circe became bitter and shooed visitors away.
D. Circe is the most ancient god.

46. All statements are false except for one. Which is it?
A. Circe loved her island so much that she chose not to leave it, ever.
B. Circe’s favourite hobby is turning her visitors into pigs.
C. Circe’s parents are both minor gods who control the weather.
D. Circe and her siblings make the first line of witches in Greek mythology.

47. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Greek mythology
B. Circe
C. Titans
D. Nymphs

Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

48. Fire definitions are the following except;

A. It is the product of chemical reaction in which combustible materials burn at sufficient
temperature and sustained by oxidizing chemicals.
B. An active chemical reaction that takes place between fuel, heat and oxygen in the
form of light of noticeable heat.
C. Is the manifestation of rapid chemical reaction occurring between fuel and an
oxidizer- typically the oxygen in the air. Such rapid chemical reaction releases
energy in the form of heat and light.
D. Is a geometric representation of what is required for fire to exist, namely, fuel, an
oxidizing agent, heat, and an uninhibited chemical reaction.

49. The constant temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
atmospheric pressure:
A. ignition point
B. flash point
C. boiling point
D. fire point

50. Fuel defined, except;

A. It is the combustible matter that is consumed by fire.
B. It is a form of energy and initiator of fire.
C. Anything that will burn when heated with sufficient oxygen.
D. It is recognized as the most vital element of fire.

51. Investigating a burning building, you look for the source of fire and its ignition.
Which of the following is NOT a source of ignition?
A. Electrical C. Accidental
B. Mechanical D. Chemical

52. The following are Oxygen, Except;

A. It is the element that sustains the fire.
B. A tasteless, odorless and colorless gas which a common oxidizing agent.
C. It is the source of ignition.
D. It comes from the atmosphere we breathe.


53. Which of the following are the elements of fire tetrahedron?
A. Fuel, Heat, Oxygen, and Ignition
B. Heat, Fuel, Uninhibited chemical reaction, and Oxygen
C. Oxygen, Heat, Fuel
D. Heat, Combustion, Fuel, and Oxygen

54. Oxidation defined, Except;

A. It is a chemical change or reaction that takes place upon introduction of oxygen
B. A chemical change in which combustible material and an oxidizing material react
C. It is the self-sustaining chemical reaction producing energy or products that cause
more reaction of the same kind
D. It is a chemical change in which the combustible material and oxygen comes

55. What is the visual or audible signal produced by a device to warn the occupants of the
building of the presence or danger of fire?
A. Fire drill C. Fire alarm
B. Fire hydrant D. Fire exit

56. The following may considered as flash over. Except;

A. It is the sudden combustion that occurs upon the immediate introduction of oxygen
B. Is the sudden and dramatic simultaneous combustion of all solid materials in a room,
this occurs in pre-burning phase
C. It is the sudden burning of free radicals, which is initiated by a spark or flash
produced when temperature rises until flash point is reached
D. It is the sudden ignition of accumulated radical gases produced when there is
incomplete combustion of fuels

57. What is the heat transfer whereby heat travel through solids or between solids in
contact with each other or through intervening heat conducting medium?
A. Inflammation C. Convection
B. Radiation D. Conduction

58. Mechanical heat energy produced by;

A. Rapid oxidation C. Friction
B. Poor wire connections D. Combination or Splitting of atoms

59. The following factors that nuclear energy can produced. Except;
A. splitting or separation proton, electrons and neutrons to create energy
B. combination of proton, electrons and neutrons to create energy
C. Combination and Splitting of atoms and rubbing of two sticks together to generate
enough heat
D. the splitting or fusing of atomic particles.

60. Convection is a heat transfer through the following, Except;

A. It is the heat transfer that occurs in fluids – liquid and gases, in which it transfers
from molecules to molecules
B. It is the heat transfer that occurs in solids in which it transfers from molecules to
C. This type of heat transfer is through the movement of hot gases or liquids and
the main responsible for the spread of fire in buildings and other infrastructures
D. heat transfer by the movement of liquids or gasses

61. What is a portable metal device used to put out fires of limited size?
A. fire hose C. fire hydrant
B. fire extinguisher D. fire truck


62. Smoldering phase happens in the following. Except;
A. It is the phase in which all materials are consumed by fire oxygen and heat are
released that yields to reduction of heat until such time it does not burn at all.
B. Flames are not visible but a large amount of carbon monoxide is produced.
C. The sudden introduction of oxygen with superheated fuel under pressure can
cause an explosion.
D. It is the phase in which all materials are burning, flashover occurs at this phase
and serves as the phase where intensity is at its peak.

63. What type of Flame is orange-red, deposit soot at the bottom of a vessel being heated
due to incomplete combustion and has a low temperature.
A. Luminous C. Non – luminous
B. Laminar D. Turbulent

64. Mechanical device strategically located in an installation or street where fire hose is
connected so that water with pressure will be available to extinguish fire.
A. fire hose box C. fire truck
B. hose reel D. fire hydrant

65. A sudden introduction of air into a closed space containing an oxygen-starved

superheated product of incomplete combustion or oxygen-deficient free radicals, may
result to an explosion, which is called:
A. Spontaneous ignition ` C. Flashover
B. Back draft D. Rollover

66. Heat energy derived from nuclear energy by the splitting of atoms is known as:
A. Fusion C. Fission
B. Radiation D. Ignition

67. It is a chemical property of fire which refers to the changes whereby energy is absorbed
or is added before the reaction takes place:
A. exothermic reaction C. ectothermic reaction
B. endothermic reaction D. mesothermic reaction

68. Why water is prohibited to quench Class D fires?

A. water is not capable of extinguishing the fire
B. there is the danger of electrocution
C. burning metals are too hot
D. explosion may occur

69. How many percent of air is needed to sustain combustion?

A. 20 C. 30
B. 10 D. 15

70. What equipment is made of trussed or solid beam where rungs are connected
horizontally to the beam forming ascent or descent?
A. rope C. hydrant
B. ladder D. nozzle

71. What is the smoke that indicates petroleum and petroleum products and rubber?
A. Biting smoke C. White smoke
B. Black smoke D. Fire smoke

72. What is the suggested effective mixture of AFF with water to produce a foam?
A. 6% water to 94% foam C. 94% water to 6% foam
B. 60% water to 40% foam D. 50% water to 50% foam


73. Which of the following is considered as the most effective fixed installation for controlling
fire which will discharge water into incipient fire from heads located near the ceiling?
A. fire hydrant C. standpipe
B. automatic water sprinkler D. fire extinguisher

74. The dry chemical that is intended to be used for class“A”,“B” and “C” fire is
A. Multi-purpose dry chemical
B. CO2 dry chemical
C. Ordinary and regular dry chemical
D. All of these

75. These are fires which are caused by flammable liquids like kerosene, gasoline, alcohol,
A. Class D C. Class A
B. Class C D. Class B

76. What is this liquid having a flash point at or above37.8C(100 F)?

A. Kerosene C. Corrosive liquid\
B. Turpentine D. Combustible liquid

77. Anything that will burn when exposed to heat with sufficient oxygen is ____________.
A. combustion C. energy
B. fuel D. oxygen

78. It is the visible product of incomplete combustion, usually a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, finely divided particles of soot and carbon and
miscellaneous assortment of product released from the burning material:
A. vapor C. smoke
B. steam D. gas

79. It is a physical property of fire which refers to the ratio of the weight of a solid or
substance to the weight of an equal volume of water:
A. vapor pressure C. ignition temperature
B. vapor density D. specific gravity

80. It is the force exerted by the molecules on the surface of the liquid at equilibrium:
A. temperature C. vapor density
B. air pressure D. vapor pressure

81. Under normal condition the composition of oxygen in the air is about:
A. 15% C. 21%
B. 14% D. 16%

82. When fire occurs in a confined area, the oxygen content of air in the area.
A. Remain constant C. Increases
B. Decreases D. Multiplies

83. What is a portable metal device used to put out fires of limited size?
A. fire hose C. fire hydrant
B. fire extinguisher D. fire truck

84. What type of ladder is best suited for fire fighting operation involving high-rise building?
A. attic C. aerial
B. extension D. hook


85. A complete and detailed checked of the structures and materials involved in the fire to
make sure that every spark and ember has been extinguished and to have assurance
against rekindling.
A. Overhaul C. Rescue
B. Salvage D. None

86. Highly flammable chemicals that are used to facilitate flame propagation.
A. Plant C. Trailer
B. Accelerant D. Gasoline

87. Faulty electrical wiring includes the following except:

A. Improper Voltage C. Pressing
B. Low Line Capacity D. Leaking gaspipe

88. It refers to the increase or rising of amperage while electric current is flowing in a
transmission line resulting to the damage or destruction of insulating materials, maybe
gradual or rapid, internal or external
A. Arcing C. Induced Current
B. Over Heating D. Sparking.

89. What moves rapidly by convection and can spread laterally along the ceiling?
A. heat C. fire
B. smoke D. temperature

90. Which among the following material will serves as the best conducting material?
A. Styrofoam C. plastic
B. Clothe D. iron

91. A chemical process by which a liquid is transformed into its gaseous state is known as:
A. Vaporization C. Condensation
B. Sublimation D. Melting

92. If the cause of fire is accidental in nature, does it constitute prima facie of arson?
A. no C. it depends
B. yes D. sometimes

93. The following are prohibited acts under the Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008,
A. Giving false or malicious fire alarms
B. Removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating any authorized mark, seal, sign
or tag posted or required by the fire service
C. Locking fire exits during period when people are inside the building
D. Abandoning or leaving a building or structure by the occupant or owner with
appropriate safety measures.

94. An act establishing a comprehensive fire code of the Philippines, repealing Presidential
Decree No. 1185 and for other purposes
A. R.A. 9514
B. BP 220
C. PD. 1096
D. PD 957

95. What is a piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an
electrical system?
A. magnet C. brace
B. jumper D. wire


96. R.A. 9514 is also known as
A. The Act shall be known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008".
B. The Act shall be known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2010".
C. The Act shall be known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2009".
D. The Act shall be known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2007".

97. A building must have this design which is used a continuous passageway for the
transmission of air?
A. Exhaust system C. Duct system
B. Fire exit D. Duct

98. Act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.

A. Fire resistivity C. Suppression
B. Fire exit D. Abatement

99. Any person who acts as agent of the owner and manages the use of a building for him.
A. Officer C. Chief
B. Building Official D. Administrator

100. It is an important activity of any installation, and this consist of elimination of fire
hazards, the provision of fire safety education, and the training of fire guard, fire
watchers and fire brigade fighters.
A. Fire technology investigation C. Fire arson investigation
B. Fire fighting course D. Fire prevention program

101. Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set off
A. Blasting Agent C. Chemical Fire Reducer
B. Foam D. All of the above

102. A highly combustible and explosive compound produced by the reaction of nitric
acid with a cellulose material.
A. Sodium nitrate C. Cellulose Nitrate/Nitro Cellulose
B. Nitrate oxide D. None of the above

103. Any plastic substance, materials or compound having cellulose nitrate (nitro
cellulose) as base.
A. Cellulose Nitrate Plastic (Pyroxylin)
B. Cellulose Nitrate/Nitro Cellulose
C. Nitrate oxide
D. Sodium nitrate

104. Has the authority to use the building.

A. Building permit
B. Occupancy permit
C. Business permit
D. Businessman

105. Descriptive of materials that are easily set on fire.

A. Combustible Fiber
B. Combustible, Flammable or Inflammable
C. Combustible Liquid
D. Corrosive Liquid

106. Any readily ignitable and free burning fiber such as cotton, oakum, rags, waste
cloth, waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior and other similar
materials commonly used in commerce.
A. Combustible Fiber
B. Combustible Liquid
C. Corrosive Liquid
D. Curtain Board


107. To examine the building structure defect, and its deficiencies or violation on fire
A. Fire safety inspection C. Occupancy permit
B. Building inspection D. Business

108. Liquid having a flash point at or above 37.8_C (100_F).

A. Curtain Board C. Combustible Liquid
B. Corrosive Liquid D. Combustible Fiber

109. Any liquid which causes fire when in contact with organic matter or with certain
A. Corrosive Liquid C. Combustible Fiber
B. Combustible Liquid D. All of the above

110. A vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials attached to and

extending below the bottom chord of the roof trusses, to divide the underside of the roof
into separate compartments so that heat and smoke will be directed upwards to a roof
A. Combustible Fiber C. Corrosive Liquid
B. Combustible Liquid D. Curtain Board

111. Descriptive of any material which by its nature or as a result of its reaction with
other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surroundings
A. Flash Point C. Cryogenic
B. Fulminate D. None of the above

112. A normally open device installed inside an air duct system which automatically
closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.
A. Damper C. Hose Box
B. Ember D. All of the above

113. The process of first raising the temperature in separate the more volatile from the
less volatile parts and then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor so as to produce
a nearly purified substance.
A. Condensation C. Vaporization
B. Distillation D. None of the above

114. A continuous passageway for the transmission of air.

A. Exhaust system C. Duct system
B. Pipe line system D. Air duct system

115. A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper proportion
and ignited will cause an explosion.
A. Powder C. Gust
B. Chemical compound D. Dust

116. An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by passage of an electric current

across a space between two conductors or terminals due to the incandescence of the
conducting vapor.
A. Electric arc C. Electric shock
B. Electric current D. Electric ground

117. A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is still
oxidizing without the manifestation of flames.
A. Fire C. Burned piece
B. Ember D. All of the above

118. Materials used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or protective purposes.
A. Erection C. Laid-on
B. Finishes D. Final phase


119. The active principle of burning, is characterized by the heat and light of
A. Boi C. Smoke
B. Ember D. Fire

120. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks
adequate exits or fire escapes.
A. Fire trap C. Fire creator
B. Fire unsafe D. Building fire

121. Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the
occupants of the building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to
enable them to undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress the
A. Fire signal C. Fire warning system
B. Fire alarm D. None of the above

122. A fire resistive door is prescribed for openings in fire separation walls or partitions.
A. Fire resistive door C. Fire reducer door
B. Fire door D. Door fire
123. Where death results from arson, what the penalty is?
A. reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua C. reclusion perpetua
B. prison mayor D. reclusion perpetua to death

124. The following are special aggravating circumstances in arson, except.

A. If committed with intent to gain
B. If committed by a child
C. If committed for the benefit of another
D. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred

125. BFP and BJMP professionalization act of 2004.

A. RA 9263 C. RA 6975
B. RA 9592 D. RA 9514

126. Juan burned any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives,
inflammable, or combustible materials are stored. What crime committed by Juan?
A. Arson C. Other cases of arson
B. Destructive arson D. Simple arson

127. A person who gathers facts through 3 I’s or 3 tools of investigation.

A. Arson investigator C. Interrogator
B. Investigator D. Fire investigator

128. It is an investigation conducted to determine the origin, cause and nature of fire.
A. Criminal investigation C. Fire investigation
B. Arson investigation D. All of the above

129. The following are Prima Facie Evidence of arson, except one
A. If the the fire started simultaneously in more than one part o the building or
B. If the building or property is insured for substantially less than its actual value at the
time of the issuance of the policy
C. If the substantial amount of flammable substances or materials are stored within the
building not necessarily in the business
D. None of the above

130. Basis of criminal liability in arson are the following. Except one;
A. Kind and character of the building burned C. Extent of the value of the damage
B. Location of the building D. Location of fire


131. Fire caused by accident or negligence constitutes arson?
A. Yes C. True
B. No D. False

132. The increase in the administrative fines from ___________for violation of the
provision of the fire code.
A. 20,000 to 100,000 C. Not more than 100,000
B. 12,000 to 50,000 D. 6 months to 6 years

133. Which of the following is not the factor in determining motives in arson.
A. Point of origin C. Beneficiaries
B. Modus operandi D. Corpus delicti

134. The uncontrollable impulse of a person to burn anything without any motivation.
A. Arsonist C.Pyromania
B. Child D. Abnormal youth

135. An act defining heinous crimes and reimposing the death penalty law.
A. PD 1613 C. PD 1185
B. RA 7659 D. RA 9514

136. The following fires are set by person with motives, except.
A. Those who set fire for the purposes of intimidation
B. Those who are mentally ill
C. Those with desire to conceal evidence of crime
D. Those with desire to defraud the insurer

137. It is the fact of the crime was committed.

A. Modus operandi C. Corpus delicti
B. Mode of operation D. Methods of operation

138. All are classifications of causes of fire, except;

A. Accidental C. Exposure
B. Natural D. Incendiary

139. Carlo with malicious intent burned the house of Ryan without knowing that Ryan
was sleeping inside the house, as a result, Ryan died, what crime was committed by
A. Arson C. Arson with murder
B. Murder D. Arson with homicide

140. Upon the notification of fire call or fire incident, the duty of FAI who has
jurisdiction over the location of fire incident shall mandatory to immediately respond at
the soonest possible time. The conduct of initial inquiry through____________ from all
available witnesses at the fire scene must be done instantaneously.
A. Interrogation & interview C. Investigation
B. Interview & elicitation D. Costudial Investigation

141. In the event that the FAI discovered suspected hazardous materials, suspected
illegal or regulated chemicals, during the conduct of investigation of the burned premises,
the circumstances shall be immediately reported to ____________.
A. Proper office C. Prosecutor office
B. Office of the President D. Court

142. Who declared “Fire Out”?

A. Fire investigation C. Fire ground commander
B. Fire arson investigation D. Chief of fire


143. The following are the mandatory duties of FAI conducting through investigation
on the fire scene, except;
A. Shall perform systematic scientific examinations and visual reconstruction of the fire
B. Conduct interview to all witnesses
C. Identify recognize and collect physical evidence found at the fire scene that have
probative value on fire cause determination
D. The FAI must not inform all concerned persons, occupants and managements of the
burned premises that the fire scene is restricted to entry.

144. This kind of investigation report can only be made in such circumstances that the
investigation report cannot be completed for some reasons independent to the will of the
A. Spot investigation report C. Final investigation report
B. Progress investigation report D. Fire incident investigation report

145. The _________________ level through it ____________ shall have the full
responsibility and power to investigate fire incident with a total amount of damage not
exceeding to 30 million pesos.
A. Municipal level through investigation and intelligence unit
B. City level through city investigation nd intelligence section
C. District level through district investigation and intelligence branch
D. Provincial level through provincial investigation and intelligence branch

146. If the prima facie evidence of arson is established or the case is suspected to be
intentional in nature the FAI concerned with the guidance of their respective
city/municipal fire marshal, should immediately file the appropriate charge to the
_______________ who has has jurisdiction over the case.
A. Regional trial court C. Municipal trial court
B. Prosecutor office D. Barangay

147. Murder cases committed thru the burning of one property may be referred to the
______________ for the disposition. However the FAI should still pursue the filling of the
arson case.
B. PNP D. Law enforcement

148. Which of the following is not the constitutional of the suspect accordance to
section 12 article III, 1987 constitution.
A. Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall not have the
right to be informed of his right to remain silent
B. To have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice
C. If the person cannot afford to the service of counsel he must be provided with one
D. The right cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of a counsel

149. All suspect once arrested/invited by the FAI and determined to have the
probability to commit the crime must immediately be inquest to the city/municipal
prosecutor before the lapse of __________ hours.
A. 24 hours C. 18 hours
B. 36 hours D. 12 hours

150. There is no special complex crime of arson with homicide. The statement is.
A. Yes C. True
B. No D. False

151. Conspiracy to commit arson shall be punished by,

A. Prision mayor in it minimum period C. Prision mayor to reclusion temporal
B. Prision mayor in it maximimum period D. Prision correctional to prision mayor


152. Luis burned any railway or bus station. Luis commit what crime?
A. Arson C. Other cases of arson
B. Destructive arson D. Simple arson

153. BFP is under by ___________________?

A. Department of the interior and local government
B. Department of interior and local government
C. Interior department
D. RA 6975

154. The following are power and functions of the Fire Bureau. Except;
A. Shall be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on
building houses and other structures, forest, land, transportation vehicles and
B. Enforcement of the fire code and other related laws
C. Investigate all causes of fires
D. If necessary, file the proper complaint with the regional trial court

155. The fire Bureau shall headed by a _______________?

A. Director C. Deputy
B. Chief D. Chief superintendent

156. At the city or municipal level, there shall be a fire station, each headed by
A. District fire marshall C. City or municipal fire marshall
B. Provincial fire marshall D. Barangay fire marshall

157. There shall established at least_____________ fire station with adequate

personnel, fire fighting facilities and equipment in every provincial capital city and
municipality subject to the standards, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by
the department.
A. 2 C. 1
B. 3 D. 4

158. What is the highest rank in the fire bureau?

A. General C. Chief superintendent
B. Director D. Director general

159. The head of the NCR district offices with the rank of _____________ shall have
the position title of district fire marshall.
A. Senior superintendent C. Chief inspector
B. Superintendent D. Senior inspector

160. An act extending for 5 years the reglementary period for complying with the
minimum educational qualification and appropriate eligibility in the appointment to the
A. RA 9263 C. RA 6975
B. RA 9592 D. RA 9514

“Believe It To Reach It”


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