Gec 105

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PT 1

Directions: Students will read one of the suggested readings which is The Wedding Dance and will
evaluate the culture portrayed in the story. After reading, the students will answer the following

1. Describe Awiyao and Lumnay’s house. Describe the presence of light and darkness in the story.
- Awiyao and Lumnay's house is a traditional Ifugao hut made of bamboo and nipa. The presence of light
and darkness in the story is symbolic. The light signifies joy and hope, while the darkness depicts sadness,
fear, and despair. Lumnay is covered by darkness when she realizes her husband is leaving her.

2. If you were Lumnay, what would you do? Can you justify her behavior throughout the story? Explain
your answer.
- I wouldn't go to the wedding dance if I were Lumnay. She was hurt and heartbroken so I can understand
her actions throughout the story.

3. What is your reaction toward Awiyao’s marriage to Madulimay? Explain your answer.
- I understand that it is a cultural tradition and that is Awiyao is not doing anything wrong. But I have
empathy with Lumnay’s pain and think it is unfair that she has to suffer because of this tradition.

4. Describe the culture, the family values and gender roles of the people in the story.
- In the story, people in the community value their social connections and relationships and are strongly
rooted in their traditions and practices.

5. After reading the story, in what ways toward your attitude toward Lumnay and Madulimay different?
- After reading the story, I now understand both Lumnay's and Madulimay's perspectives. At first, I
sympathized with Lumnay and considered Madulimay as a rival who stole Awiyao. But as the story
progresses, I realize that they are both victims of a cultural system in which women are valued only for
their ability to bear children.

6. Read the following paragraph, what was Lumnay thinking? "It is not right. It is not right!" she cried.
"How does she know? How can anybody know? It is not right," she said. Suddenly she found courage. She
would go to the dance. She would go to the chief of the village, to the elders, to tell them it was not right.
Awiyao was hers; nobody could take him away from her. Let her be the first woman to complain, to
denounce the unwritten rule that a man may take another woman. She would tell Awiyao to come back to
her. He surely would relent. Was not their love as strong as the river?
- Lumnay believes Awiyao is hers and that she is the only one who has the right to be with him. She
believes the unwritten norm that a guy can take another woman is unfair and want to dispute it. She also
feels encouraged to stand up and fight for her love, even though this goes against tradition.

7. Should you fight for the one you love? Or should you let go and take all of the hurt for the sake of your
- It is dependent on the situation. If fighting for the one you love means going against your values and
principles, it may not be worth it. But if it means standing up to wrong and fighting for what is right, it is
worth it. It is important to assess the consequences of your actions and make a decision that is according
to your principles.

8. If you are going to end the story, what would it be? And why?
- If I were to end the story, I would let Lumnay realize her worth deserves better than someone who does
not value her. She would find fulfillment and joy in her own life without the need for someone else to
complete her. She would also fight traditional rules in her society and push for gender equality. The
ending would be cheerful, with Lumnay getting courage and perseverance in the face of tragedy.

PT 2
The students will watch a video entitled “HSBC Eel’s Ad” from,
v=6_WAmt3cMdk&feature=emb_title. After watching, they will write a reaction paper about the culture
being portrayed by the people in the video.

HSBC aspires to be known as the world's local bank. The tagline shows HSBC's position as a global
financial company with an exclusive focus on serving local markets. The HSBC Eel's Ad is a creative and
amusing video that highlights Japanese culture in a unique and entertaining way. The film begins with a
group of Japanese businessmen talking about the traditional dish of unagi (eel) and the best places to eat
The video shows the Japanese culture of meticulousness and attention to detail, as the businessmen focus
on the exact manner to eat unagi and the chef's technique for preparing it. The video's way and creativity
make it the perfect way of introducing Japanese culture to a worldwide audience. It shows the Japanese
people as diligent and dedicated to their traditions, but also with a sense of humor and willingness to
adapt to the unexpected. Overall, the HSBC Eel's Ad is an entertaining and amazing approach for learning
about Japanese culture and the people that live there.
PT 3
Directions: Each student will write a research-based argumentative essay to persuade another person
to change their way of thinking and share their point of view about “Death Sentence should be activated
in every country of the world.” It should consist of three main parts: the introductory paragraph, the
body, and the closing statement. The number of sentences for each paragraph is from five to seven
sentences unless there are a lot of in-depth facts and figures. A rubric will guide the students.

The death penalty, commonly referred to as capital punishment or execution, has always been a topic of
disagreement. A person is put to death as punishment for a crime they have committed. While some
countries no longer use this type of punishment, numerous nations still do. But I strongly believe that the
death penalty should be implemented in every country in the world. I'll defend my claims with arguments
and proof in this paper.
Firstly, the death penalty prevents crime. People may hesitate to commit a horrible crime if they know
their lives are in danger. As a result, crime will go down, making the world a better place to live. People
can be strongly motivated to stay away from doing crimes by their fear of dying. The crime rate is typically
lower in countries that support the death penalty than in countries that do not. As an example, the drug
problem is much smaller in Singapore than it is in other countries because drug trafficking is punishable
by death.
Secondly, it provides the victim's family comfort. The family is left with an intense feeling of sorrow and
loss after a loved one is murdered. Knowing that the criminal has been punished for their acts and
receiving the death penalty gives them a sense of justice and closure. The victim's family suffers from
mental trauma and may never fully heal from their loss. They may feel some sense of closure and that
justice has been served due to the death penalty.
The third benefit is that it is a cheap solution. It cost the government money to keep a criminal behind
bars for life. On the other hand, the death penalty is a one-time expense that prevents the need to
imprison the offender for the rest of their lives. Even when the criminal has committed a terrible crime,
keeping a criminal behind bars for life can be extremely expensive. Continuous taxpayer savings may
result from the death penalty, which is a practical option.
Lastly, it is morally acceptable. Some argue that the death penalty is harsh and violates on people's rights.
But I think it's a fair punishment for terrible crimes like murder, rape, and terrorism. These crimes harm
society as a whole as well as the victim. The death of the offender ensures justice for their crimes and
serves as a deterrent to those who may think about committing similar crimes. Because it is a suitable
penalty for the crime, it is morally acceptable.
In conclusion, each country in the world should implement the death penalty. It serves as a deterrent to
crime, brings justice to the family of the victim, is a practical solution, and is morally justifiable. It is time
for countries to change their minds about the death penalty and start using it to punish horrible crimes.
The death penalty is a powerful tool that can contribute to international peace and security while serving
justice to victims and their families.
PT 4
DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully and tell whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on
the space provided before the number.
_____T____1. Blog is a personal journal or diary entry that is posted online
_____T____2. Research-based argumentative essay answers the question ‘why’.
_____T____3. Research may be used but is not required in explanation essay.
_____T____4. The research-based argumentative essay is the end product of a research process that you
must undertake.
_____T____5. To open or start your presentation, you may use a quotation.
_____F____6. Paralinguistic cues refer to the pronunciation or articulation of sounds.
_____F____7. Prosodic features refer to the facial expression, posture, gesture and movement of the
_____F____8. To execute a correct posture, simply stand comfortably with your feet at least five to nine
inches apart, with one foot over the other.
_____F____9. Swaying one’s body from left to right, side to side, front to back, or pacing from one side of
the stage/platform to the other, can be exhibiting a positive non-verbal cue.
____F____10. To overcome stage fright, prepare thoroughly for your presentation.

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