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Name: Mafer Lemus

Date: May 8, 2024

Section: B

3.1 Language and Meaning

1.Explain how the triangle of meaning describes the symbolic nature of language.
2.Distinguish between denotation and connotation.
3.Discuss the function of the rules of language.
4.Describe the process of language acquisition.

1. The triangle of meaning model illustrates the symbolic nature of language by

showing the indirect relationship between a symbol (word) and its referent (the
actual object or concept). According to the model, there is no direct connection
between the symbol and the referent. The symbol is linked to the speaker's thought
about the object, which is then linked to the actual referent.

2. Denotation refers to the literal definition of a word, the literal meaning of a

language. Connotation refers to the personal associations, emotional meanings,
and experiences that a word inspires beyond its denotative definition.

3. The rules of grammar direct how words are combined in meaningful phrases and
sentences within a language system. These rules provide a shared structure that
allows users of a language to communicate effectively. Without grammatical rules,
language would be unintelligible.

4. Language acquisition is the process through which humans learn to understand,

produce, and use words to communicate within a given language. It starts
remarkably early, with babies just a few months old capable of distinguishing
speech patterns and tones. Babies begin practicing speech through babbling.
Then, they recognize some individual words and basic interaction patterns like
questions and greetings. Pronunciation and vocabulary continue developing for
several more years as the child practices using an increasingly complex linguistic
3.2 Functions of Language
1.Identify and discuss the four main types of linguistic expressions.
2.Discuss the power of language to express our identities, affect our credibility,
control others, and perform actions.
3.Discuss some of the sources of fun within language.
4.Explain how neologisms and slang contribute to the dynamic nature of language.
5.Identify the ways in which language can separate people and bring them together

1. The four main types of linguistic expressions discussed are:

• Observations: Reports of sensory experiences or memories.

• Thoughts: Conclusions or judgments based on observations or
• Feelings: Communicating emotions.
• Needs: Stating wants or requesting help or support.

2. Language is powerful in expressing our identities through labels used by and on

us. It affects our credibility based on how we support ideas. Language serves as a
means of control through directives, promises, and creating open/closed climates.
It performs actions when spoken in certain contexts by certain people.

3. Some sources of fun within language include word games, humorous uses of
language that play with meaning, puns, contradictions, and slang terms referring to
taboo topics.

4. Neologisms (newly coined or used words) and slang (informal words

representing groups or contexts) contribute to the dynamic.; ever-changing nature
of language as new terms are constantly created, and old meanings shift.
5. Language can separate people through criticism, unsupportive messages,
language differences, and using words like "us" and "them" to divide groups. But it
can also bring people together through shared language, inclusive language,
frequent supportive communication, and uniting people with common linguistic

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