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A Vote for Eternity

How do social mores become windows to understanding?

Written By:
Will Ravenel, Holden Gantt, Wyatt Clifford, Charles Hyleman, Oscar Leighfield

Based on the works of:

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Elizabeth Zott
The Fortunate Ones by Catherine Hokin
Arch Creigh
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Jay Gatsby & Daisy Buchanan
The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
Leni Allbright-Walker
Angel (speaking to everyone) - Welcome to the afterlife

Angel (speaking to everyone) - Congratulations on making it here, this is your last stop before
eternal peace. This is the gates of Heaven. Unfortunately, only 4 of the 5 of you will be allowed
into Heaven as capacity is reaching its limits. It's up to you to decide who the 4 are. Each of you
will have a chance to argue your case in an open discussion why you should pass the gates.
Take as much time as you need to decide who shall receive their eternal paradise and who will
not. We will now begin, go ahead and introduce yourselves.

Daisy (speaking to everyone) - Oh this sounds fun hehe! I am Daisy Buchannan and I am from

Gatsby (speaking to everyone) - I’m Jay Gatsby, I'm a multi-millionaire and I also lived in NYC.
around the same part of town as Daisy

Leni (speaking to everyone) - Hi, I’m Leni Walker and I'm from the backwoods of Alaska! I'm
now a photographer in case anyone was wondering

Arch (speaking to everyone) - What's up guys, my name is Arch and I’m from Nashville,

Elizabeth (speaking to everyone) - Salutations, my name is Elizabeth Zott. I am a scientist from


Gatsby (speaking to everyone) - So why do we deserve to go to heaven? I’ll go first!

First of all, I grew up relatively poor and my childhood life felt incomplete. I joined the Army and
fought for freedom in Europe at a young age. I was risking my life to save the lives of others.
After the military I began working hard for my wealth, earning every penny myself. With my
money I held extravagant parties for my community. I deserve to go to heaven because I spent
all my youth not on myself, but for others - I'm just a great person overall

Daisy (speaking to everyone) - I think I deserve to go to heaven because I have been a dutiful
housewife for many years and have been committed to raising my child. I'm a good lady, you
know, but I lost a lot of my friends after I accidentally ki….

Gatsby (speaking to everyone) - She accidentally came into my life! We were born to be
together, she and I, but were split due to unfortunate circumstances. Being together in the
afterlife would mean the world to us.

Elizabeth (speaking to Gatsby) - Jay, I believe you should let Ms. Daisy talk on her own.

Gatsby (speaking to Elizabeth) - Sorry, just thought everyone should know. Why don’t you speak
Elizabeth (speaking to everyone) - Well, for starters, I wasn’t certain this place even existed. I
see no point in trying to argue my own selfish reasoning, so instead, I will share what I
accomplished within my lifetime. I was almost a world renowned chemist, but my employers
made sure that dream of mine would not come true. Most individuals remember me from my
cooking show, Supper-At-Six, where I was able to not only show how to make a delicious meal
for supper, but I was also able to educate thousands of women about science and the
importance of being an individual, free-thinking human with unique interests.

Leni (speaking to everyone) - I was brought up in a messed up family. My dad had major PTSD
and because of his condition we moved everywhere to please him. He was ruining my family. I
had to become independent when I was very young to protect my mom from him. I feel like I lost
so much of my life and I would leave to see my mom again. I would never be where I am today
without her.

Arch (Speaking to everyone) - I was raised by a single mother in a wealthy neighborhood of

East Nashville. My father died when I was young, but my mother and the help of Mr. Haltom, a
great friend of my fathers, gave me a great life that I am so thankful for.

Angel (speaking to everyone) - Remember it is important not to lie. It will be announced if done
so. Questions will be asked to invoke opinions of yourselves. That being said, What is your
greatest failure?

Daisy (speaking to everyone) - Hmmmm, really it was the failure to see my future with Jay. I
liked Jay, but I thought he was poor. My marriage was fine, but Jay would have treated me

Gatsby (speaking to Daisy)- I definitely would have and I failed to get your attention. If only I had
put myself more out there would my life have not ended in such a way.

Arch (Speaking to Gatsby) - in what way?

Gatsby (Replying to Arch, speaking to everyone) - I spent my life chasing an illusion, believing
that wealth and status would fill my soul and that the status would speak for itself. If I had put
myself out there and done things for myself, maybe things would have worked out better.

Leni (speaking to Daisy) - I'm sorry? So Daisy, you married someone because of money, not
because of who they are? That seems a little messed up in my mind. I found that staying by the
people who love you most gets you the farthest in life. When I was in my late teens, I moved far
from my home in Alaska, the only place I’ve ever seemed to fit into, mainly to escape all the
trauma that happened there. I left all my friends without a word when I had to change my name
and redo my life.

Daisy (speaking to Leni) - I had to leave all my friends too. I wish I didn't but I had to follow my
Leni (replying to Daisy) - Yes, but I returned. I couldn't live without knowing what happened to all
of them. Going back was the best decision I've ever made. I met back up with my best friend's
now husband and lived happily ever after.

Daisy (replying to Leni) - Well…

*there is a moment of silence*

Elizabeth (speaking to everyone) - My greatest failure is not loving those around me enough.
Aside from my daughter, I have truly only cared about two other people as much as her: Calvin,
who was my significant other, and John, my brother. I was never fond of my parents as they
neglected me throughout my childhood. The only consistent person I had in my life was John,
until he hanged himself because my parents hated him. We moved cities every so often due to
my parents’ occupation, which left me lonely. With so much inconsistency, I turned to the most
consistent device in the universe: science. I was always thankful for John appreciating my
scientific mind and encouraging me to continue. Now, Calvin, he was the love of my life. His
death could have been prevented, but I still blame myself for what happened even though I
know the accident was not my fault.

Leni (speaking to Elizabeth) - Wow. With all that childhood trauma, it’s amazing you turned out
to do so much good for the world. I Kinda see versions of myself in you.

Elizabeth (replying to Leni) - Thank you, I do my best.

Arch (Speaking to everyone) - My greatest struggles have been internal. My whole life I’ve tried
to be a better person, and to break away from the stuck up, entitled, and corrupted lifestyles of
the fortunate side of society. However, I realized this too late. Wrapped up in a race for a senate
seat, built upon immorality and greed, I couldn’t handle it anymore and decided to take the easy
way out of a deep hole that I had dug for myself.

Angel (speaking to everyone) - What hurdles have you overcome in your life and how have
they affected you?

Leni (speaking to everyone) - Being a girl that grew up in Alaska I had to be somewhat
independent. I had to learn to keep myself alive even though no one expected me to be able to
since I was just a girl. I learned to care for everyone because I knew what could happen in
people's lives. If I didn't end up in Alaska I may never have gone to college, had the people
around me that I do, and most importantly never fought for what's right.

Daisy (speaking to everyone) - In my life I couldn’t go do as much because of society's

expectations of women like me. The only thing I could do was do what I was supposed to. I wish
I had gone out and broke these norms and not just conformed to society's expectations.
Leni (speaking to Daisy) - I do understand where you’re coming from, but it seems you made
little effort to set yourself free and do what was best for you. You spent your whole life following
others instead of course you wouldn’t feel that sense of independence.

Daisy (replying to Leni) - Yes, but I was scared. I didn't want to end up broke and alone.

Gatsby (speaking to everyone) - My greatest struggle in life was being able to live comfortably
with my identity for my entire life. Throughout my life I’ve always struggled to fit in with everyone
else. My whole life has been dedicated to obtaining as much money as possible without
focusing on who I really am. From the war to my death. Money and Daisy were always my
priorities and I never took the time to figure out who I was myself.

Leni (speaking to everyone) - Wait, so it seems we are all from different time periods, but we all
struggled with something that changed us into better people, which definitely makes it harder to

*Horn blares* Signaling time is up

Angel (speaking to everyone) - I think conversations have gone long enough and I believe you
all know enough about each other's lives. I'll talk to you all individually for a vote and a reason.
You can mention why you didn't vote for others as well.

Daisy (speaking to Angel) - I vote for Gatsby to go to Hell because during our time while we
were alive together Gatsby put me through struggles of trying to be with Tom and Gatsby at the
same time and I believe if he didn’t try to butt in, then my life wouldn't have been as much of a

Elizabeth (speaking to Angel) - This decision is not one which will rest easy upon my
conscience. Hmm… I will vote for Daisy. I believe Leni to be a good, caring person. Arch’s
struggles are some I have witnessed within my own life, and I believe that, while he made bad
decisions, he is kind at heart. Jay dedicated most of his life to love, which while I believe is
foolish, shows his compassion and care for others. His time serving in the first world war
highlights his ability to be selfless and be good, which is a quality I can respect and admire.
However, his overprotectiveness of Daisy is a quality I do not find redeeming. Daisy has
struggled to show any quality character, accomplishments, or aspirations within her life. Yes,
she claims to be bound by the views of men, but many have broken past them. Daisy lived so
carefree, so selfish her whole life and, instead of taking hold of her life, let it be entirely guided
by the perceptions of others and have the audacity to feel sorrowful over it, which I cannot
respect or show pity for. For these reasons, I do not believe Daisy should enter Heaven.

Leni (speaking to Angel) - I think I'm going to vote for… for Gatsby to go to… H- Hell. For me,
Gatsby and Daisy share similar inconsiderate lives and thoughts, which make my decision more
difficult, but I can understand Daisy's point of view in why she did what she did. Gatsby seemed
like he pretended to care about others when it was really all for his personal benefit. I also
believe Gatsby does not need to be near Daisy any longer because I feel like he was the
problem in her life. I do feel sympathy for Daisy and it's hard to really dislike people since I
learned to see through the surface level of people's lives. For me, Gatsby and Daisy share
similar inconsiderate lives and thoughts, which make my decision more difficult. I’m not going to
vote for Elizabeth because she just seems too much like me and I believe that I deserve to go to
heaven, so she does too. I just simply feel bad for Arch and cannot hurt him anymore.

Arch (speaking to Angel) - I would like to vote for Daisy. I believe that I relate to Gatsby and his
life and that what Gatsby did, immoral or not, was for true love. I know all too well what it’s like
to do everything for a girl, and I respect the lengths that Gatsby traveled to for his beloved. Leni
is an innocent child who has done what is necessary for her to have a better life. Elizabeth
seems to be a good person who has inspired others and she deserves to enter heaven. Daisy
has not done much more in her life than try and pick between two wealthy men, and she killed a
woman while wrapped up in her recklessness, it seems clear to me who I must vote for.

Gatsby (speaking to Angel) - Personally there were no candidates that I disliked. Elizabeth and
Leni both had great life stories and it would be completely wrong for them to get sent to hell as
they deserve nothing less than heaven. It would go against my being as a whole to vote Daisy,
so this leaves me with my only possible option, Arch.

*Everyone regathers*

*Everyone becomes nervous*

Angel: ELIZABETH…… you received 0 votes, this means you are safe. You will be going to

Angel: LENI……. You also received 0 votes, this means that you are safe as well!

Angel: ARCH…… arch you have received ONE vote, this means that you have permission to
enter the gates of heaven… but maybe reflect on how you would have received that one vote!

Angel: and for the final two candidates, Daisy and Gatsby, we reached an outcome that I
personally didn't expect. There has been a tie.

Gatsby - Really?! I could sense that Leni would vote for me by her body language when I spoke,
but Arch and Elizabeth clearly could see that I'm a good person and mean well. Who else voted
for –

* daisy looks nervous putting her head down

Gatsby - Daisy? – Daisy, how could you?! I wanted to give you the world, and now you want to
take me out of it?
Daisy - I understand what you’ve done Jay, but I don't want someone’s servant anymore, I want
to be myself now. I’ve heard what it's like to break these expectations forced upon me from
those who join me in this room. This is the afterlife, a new beginning for me and I’d like to start it

Arch - You can’t just change who you are now, that’s what our lives were for, to prove who we

Gatsby - Maybe I should’ve never wasted all my time risking my life to become who I am to
make you see me again. Maybe I should also be myself because all you do is ruin me. I died to
save your life. You got to live long and prosper while I was shot dead in my own home because
of what you did.

Angel - Alright to settle this we will re-vote with the option being Daisy or Gatsby. I will allow you
each to say anything you’d like to persuade the rest to not vote for you. Remember everything is
on the line here.

Daisy - Don't vote for me because I really need this, an eternal escape so I can leave all the
pressures behind me. I want to become the person you all were in your lives, I want to start over
and become better… and this is my last chance. Please help me.

*daisy covers her face

Gatsby - You just can't believe her! I lived a short life chasing my dreams. I sacrificed so much
for love, to care for those around me. I was born with nothing and managed to build a whole life,
just for… Just for you Daisy. I bided my time for years for you, waiting… hoping. When it came
down to the wire, I was there for you. I showed my true colors and even died for you. Surely you
can understand how I’m worthy of this. I don't even know what to say, there's a lot going through
my head right now.

Angel - If that's all you would like to say we can now vote again, which will happen right here.

Arch - Im staying with my original vote, Daisy

Elizabeth - Daisy, I just don't believe or respect her.

*Daisy begins to cry in her hands

Leni - I believe you Daisy, I vote Gatsby

Daisy - *sadly* - Yeah, I vote Gatsby, but it's over.

*doesn’t say anything while looking at the floor

Angel - Gatsby?

*Gatsby turns away*

Gatsby - I know Daisy has wronged me… time… and time again. I’m angry, so angry, but I know
deep in my heart she didn’t mean to wrong me. I know she’s angry now too, and scared, even
more so than I am, which is why she’s acting the way she is right now. I know I’ve given so
much for her, but I still can’t bear the thought of her suffering for eternity.

*Gatsby turns back to the group*

Gatsby - I vote for myself.

*everyone looks shocked

Angel - Fair be it. d

*Angel leads him away from the group towards the flames.

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