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Assignment of History

Ch -1 The French Revolution

By : Ms. Priya

* Ans in one word:

1.Tax from peasants to church known as
2.Which battle sealed the fate of France in 1815?
3.When did french revolution occur?
4. Who abolished slavery in France?
5.In 1774 , who ascended the throne of france?
6.The currency of france in the days of Louis XVI was?
7.In which year the meeting of estate general called by the monarch?
8.The Bastille was the name of _____

1.How did France become a Constitutional Monarchy?
2.What compelled Louis XVI to raise taxes in France?
3.Why and how did the French Revolution take place?
4.State the events that led to the formation of the National Assembly?
5. Define the term subsistence crisis. Write any two factors responsible for this in France.

1.What was the role of Jacobins in the French Revolution?
2. Analyse the role of thinkers & philosophers in the French Revolution.
3.How was the French society organised? What privileges did certain sections of the society enjoy?
4. Analyse any five features of the Constitution drafted in 1791 in France.

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