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Test Case Number Test Case Reason for the test case Expected result

1 3+5 Try to check that we can do 8

addition or not

2 3+5+8+7 try to check that we can use 23

more than one operator

3 3+0 try to check that is it working 3

fine with the constant number
for addition

4 (-10+3) try to check that we can do -7

substraction or not

5 10*5 try to check that it can work fine 50

during multiplication

6 (-10*-10) try to check that is it working fin 100

while multiply negative degit

7 (10/7) try to do devision 1.428671

8 1/0 try to check what happanes infinite

when we devide number by 0

9 0/0 try to devide 0 with 0 error

10 10/5*2+3 try to check various operator 7

at one time

11 10/(5*2)+3 try to check various opeerator 4

with brackets

12 3 tyr to check what happened 3

when we just provide one number

13 3%2 Tty ro check modulas operator 1

14 abs(14.77) try to check abs funcion 14.77

15 ceil(14.77) try to check ceil function 15

16 floor(14.77) try to check floor function 15

17 floor(-14.77) try to check floor function -14

with negative value
18 round(14.88) try to check round function 15

19 round(14.88,14.33) try to check that what software wrong input

will do when we enter more than
one value

20 ln(14.3) try to check ln function 2.66026

21 log10(14.3) try to check log10 function 1.155

22 log2(-14.3) try to check log2 function 0

23 max(8,16) try to check max function 16

24 min(8,16) try to check min function 8

25 avg(8,8,8) try to check avg function 8

26 sum(8,8) try to check sum function 16

27 sum(8,8,8,8,8) try to check sum function with 40

more than one parameter

28 todeg(14) try to check the todeg function 802.141

29 torad(14) try to check that it convert the 0.244346

degree to number

30 sin(90) try to check sin function 1

31 cos(90) try to check cos function 0

32 3^2 try to check Exponentiation 9


33 8^2 try to check exponentiation 64

function with even value

34 clear try to check that cleat func is clear

working fine

35 close try ti check that exit is workinng close function

or not

35 Evaluate try to check what happenes nothing/ blank

when we enter nothing and try
to evaluate function
Observed result success or failure

8 success

23 success

3 success

-7 success

50 success

100 success

1.429 success

infinite success

NAN failure

7 success

4 success

3 success

operator failure

14.77 success

15 success

14 failure

-15 failure
15 success

wrong input success

2.66 success

1.115 success

0 success

8 failure

16 failure

24 failure

8 failure

30 failure

802.141 success

0.244 success

1 success

0 success

8 failure

256 failure

clear success

close function success

0 failure
Review the specification

Bug Descreption Solution

Exit instead of exit there is a close button in software replase the text exit with close
precision precision range written in specification is between 0 to 10 the original range for that is between 0
ceil and floor they both shows the nearest highest int one of them should show the lowest ne

List of improvement

number How it is How it shoud be

1 default decimal number it thry need to include the default parameter for precision
show is 3 and there is not include

2 while writing the function they nedd to include the parameters in specification so users
there is nothing tells about it wich peramater goes where

3 no example they need to include atleast one example for every single fun

4 all the text is in one color working with different operator and function make hard to re
understand the specification, so use the different font color f

5 represent various function with - they use - function on many places apart from using to displa
instead of that they can use bullet point or other pattern.

e text exit with close
al range for that is between 0 to 15
em should show the lowest nearest int

t parameter for precision

eters in specification so users know that

e example for every single function

r and function make hard to read and

o use the different font color for the various

aces apart from using to display various function

let point or other pattern.
Bug number Test case Bug Descreption

1 0/0 The answer for the above bug descreption is NAN however
it should be error and in my opinion the reason behind it is
my they didn’t write separate logic for that and they nedd to write.

2 3%2 the ans should be a 1 but it gives a ans operator is expected and
in my opinion reason behind it is they may didn’t write the logic in
appropriate way

3 floor(14.77) in this function the ans should be 15 however the it gives the ans
14 and the reason behind it is it follow the same logic for ceil and
that is why they have same answer.

4 min(8,16) in this function it show me a ans 16 which should be 8 and the reason behind this b

5 max(8,16) in this function it show me a ans 8 which should be 16 and the reason behind this b

6 avg(8,8,8) in this function the answer should be 8 however the answer 24 and the reason beh

7 sum(8,8) in this function it gives a sum of the number less then on number witten In total pa

8 3^2 in this function the ans it gives is not as it should be and for every single number it

9 Evaluate while pressing this button it should gives ans enter something but it gives 0 and the
nedd to write.

pected and
te the logic in

gives the ans

c for ceil and

8 and the reason behind this bug is is logic they used is for max fun

6 and the reason behind this bug is is logic they used is for min fun

answer 24 and the reason behind is they didn’t devide it with the number in parameter

n on number witten In total parameter and the reason behind is they didn’t add the last number

and for every single number it gives different ans

omething but it gives 0 and the reason behind this is they made the logic that if enter nothing it shold 0.

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