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has at least 70 years of history.

The country has

numerous wood species, both native and exotic,
due to its geographical location and the
availability of renewable natural resources. Wood
has been an important source of work and income
in rural areas of Ecuador.

Regarding the types of wood in Ecuador, various

species have been identified. Among the
hardwoods of the country are achiotillo, coastal
carob, Guayaquil yellow, myrtle, balsam, cabo de
hacha or chiche, caimito or cauje, caimitillo,
black cinnamon, mahogany or maobano,
casuarina, cedar of Castilla, carnation o mayo,
colorado, cuisba, chachajo, chanul, chépero,
dormilón, ebony, eucalyptus, guachapel,
guayacán, guayacán pechiche, guilmo, guín o
Cabecita, jagua, laurel, laurel de Pun, machar,
mangle, mara, matache, moral bobo , moral fine,
motilón, motilón colorado, black wood, nato,
pacarcar, pacche, palo de vaca, pambil,
platuquero, pilche, piñuelo, quinoao pantza,
quishuar, parasol, Esmeraldas oak, Andean oak,
seca tambón, teak, tillo , among other.
2.2. Importance the export of Wood for Ecuador.

The export of wood is of great importance for

Ecuador due to several factors.

Income generation: The export of forest products,

including wood, has generated significant income
for Ecuador. In 2013, Ecuadorian exports of forest
products generated income of US$ 171,294 miles
of FOB dollars. These incomes from wood exports
contribute to the country's economy and can be
used for the development of other industries and

Source of work: The timber industry in Ecuador is

an important source of work, especially in rural
areas. Wood production in the country has existed
for at least 70 years, and has numerous wood
species due to the country's geographical
location, which has up to twelve hours of light a
day throughout the year. The export of wood
creates direct and indirect jobs in the production
chain and contributes to the economic
development of local communities.
Diversification of exports: Increasing exports of
forest products, such as wood, is important for
Ecuador, since the country has a high
concentration of exports in a few products, such
as oil, bananas and shrimp. Export diversification
helps reduce dependence on a single product and
strengthen the country's economy.

Potential for renewable natural resources:

Ecuador has an innumerable variety of woods,
both in exotic and forestry crops, due to its
geographical location with areas that have up to
twelve hours of light a day throughout the year.
This gives the country significant potential for
wood production and export.

2.3. Main Countries for export wood from Ecuador.

The main wood exporting countries from Ecuador
are Colombia, Chile, Panama and Peru. These four
countries represented 77% of the total value of
MDF exports in 2016. Additionally, the United
States is the main traditional market for
Ecuadorian triplex lumber, with exports worth $37
million in 2016, representing 96 % of total exports
of this product.
Other purchasing countries for Ecuadorian wood
products include Venezuela, Mexico, the United
Arab Emirates and Japan. It is important to note
that Ecuador also exports other wood products,
such as balsa, teak, furniture and ice cream
sticks. The main purchasing countries of
Ecuadorian furniture are the United States and the
United Arab Emirates.

Furthermore, Ecuador has positioned itself as the

main exporter of agglomerates in Latin America,
surpassing countries such as Brazil and Chile.
This is due to several factors, including market

2.4 Uses of wood in the countries.

Wood has a wide variety of uses in different

Construction: Wood is widely used in the

construction of homes, commercial buildings and
various structures. Used for beams, columns,
floors, siding, ceilings and more.
Paper industry: Pulpwood is used in the
manufacture of paper and paper products.
However, the increasing consumption of recycled
paper has reduced the demand for pulpwood in
some countries.

Carpentry: Wood is used in the manufacture of

furniture, doors, windows, moldings and other
carpentry elements. It is also used in the
manufacture of musical instruments.

Energy: In some countries, wood is used as an

energy source for heat and cooking food,
especially in rural areas and less developed

Forestry Industry: Wood is used in the

manufacturing of forestry products, such as
particle board, plywood, and laminated wood
products. These products are used in construction,
furniture manufacturing and other applications.

Crafts and decoration: Wood is used in the

manufacture of crafts, sculptures, decorative
objects and other design products.
3.Mind map

Wooden Phytosanitary
packaging standards

Documentation and Prohibitions and

certification restrictions

Registration as a foreign
trade operator in
ecuapass system
4. Conclusions.

4.1. Throughout its history, exports have been an

important driver for Ecuador's economy,
experiencing significant changes from the
republican period to the present, with a significant
impact on the country's economic development.

4.2. It is important to keep in mind that these are

just some of the main international markets for the
export of wood and processed wood products from
Ecuador. Other countries can also be important
destinations depending on the type of products and
market demands.

5. Recommendations.

5.1. Comply with phytosanitary requirements.

5.2. Maintain trusting relationships with suppliers.

6. Bibliography

Unidad Educativa “Victoria
Vásconez Cuvi – Simón Bolívar –
Elvira Ortega”

English Project
Name: Ismael Alexander
Maiguashca Guano
Course: 10mo “F”
Date: Tuesday May 14, 2024
Teacher: Msc. Marco Ortega

School Year:
2023 - 2024

English Project
Name: Ismael Alexander Maiguashca Guano

Date: Tuesday May 14, 2024

Teacher: Msc. Marco Ortega

Topic: Create a mind map including pictures about

specific requeriments for the export of Wood from
Ecuador to other countries.


1.1. Establish strategic alliances with new buyer

countries to reduce dependence on a single
market and increase export opportunities for
Ecuadorian wood.

1.2. Strengthen the sustainability of the forestry


2.Theoric frame.

2.1. History of wood in Ecuador.

Wood has been used in various applications

throughout history, from the construction of
palaces, temples and houses, to the manufacture
of furniture and other products.

According to studies, wood production in Ecuador

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