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Development and Validation of the Medication Regimen

Complexity Index

Johnson George, Yee-Teng Phun, Michael J Bailey, David CM Kong, and Kay Stewart

BACKGROUND: Medication regimen attributes, such as the number of drugs, dosage frequency, administration instructions, and the
prescribed dosage forms, have been shown to influence patient outcomes. No single tool for quantifying the complexity of general
medication regimens has been published in the medical literature.
OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a tool to quantify the complexity of prescribed medication regimens.

METHODS: Literature findings and the expertise of the authors were used for developing the tool. Eight pharmacy researchers
helped in establishing the tool’s face and content validity. The new tool was tested on 134 medication regimens from patients with
moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Six regimens with a spread of scores on the tool were presented to a 5-
member expert panel that subjectively ranked these regimens to confirm the tool’s criterion-related validity. The relationships
between scores on the tool and various independent variables were tested to judge the tool’s construct validity. Two raters scored
25 regimens using the tool to test its inter-rater and test–retest reliabilities.
RESULTS: A 65-item Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI) was developed. The expert panel had strong agreement
(Kendall’s W = 0.8; p = 0.001) on their individual rankings of the 6 regimens. The panel’s consensus ranking had perfect correlation
with the MRCI ranking. The total MRCI score had significant correlation with the number of drugs in the regimen (Spearman’s Rho =
0.9; p < 0.0001), but not with the age and gender of the patients. Inter-rater and test–retest reliabilities for the total score and scores
for individual sections on the MRCI were ≥0.9.
CONCLUSIONS: The MRCI is a reliable and valid tool for quantifying drug regimen complexity with potential applications in both
practice and research.
KEY WORDS: complexity, medication regimen index.
Ann Pharmacother 2004;38:1369-76.
Published Online, 20 Jul 2004,, DOI 10.1345/aph.1D479

edication regimens are rich with interesting data for cal when evaluating the impact of regimens on outcomes
M both practitioners and researchers, but information on
drug regimens from cross-sectional and longitudinal stud-
of intervention studies. For example, it is logical to think
that using 4 different dosage forms, each with different fre-
ies is often confined to the medication classes and/or the quencies and complex additional instructions for their ad-
total number of drugs present in the regimen.1-6 Quantifica- ministration, would be more difficult than using 4 agents
tion of the various features of medication regimens is criti- with the same dosage form, all to be taken at the same
time, with no additional instructions. The lack of a reliable
tool to quantify complexity results in these 2 regimens be-
Author information provided at the end of the text.
ing considered as similar. No single tool for quantifying
This study was funded by an unrestricted Novartis Hospital Phar- the various attributes of general medication regimens has
macy Research Grant from the Society of Hospital Pharmacists
of Australia. been published in the medical literature, although an un-
This work was presented at the 26th Federal Conference of the
published tool7 has been used by some researchers in its
Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia in Canberra, Novem- original form or after modifications to suit specific patient
ber 13–16, 2003. populations or disease conditions.8,9 The Annals of Pharmacotherapy ■ 2004 September, Volume 38 ■ 1369

J George et al.

The complexity of a medication regimen can be simply ment on any rankings or their rationale. The new tool was given to the
defined by the number of drugs and the dosing frequency.10 panel members at the end of the meeting for their comments.
From the set of 134 regimens, 25 were randomly chosen for judging
Others have argued that regimen complexity consists of the construct validity of the new tool. Correlation between complexity
multiple characteristics of the prescribed regimen includ- scores and number of medications in the regimen was used for judging
ing, but not limited to, the number of medications in the the convergent validity,20 while relationships between the complexity
regimen, the number of doses per day, the number of dos- scores and age and gender of the patients were tested to confirm the dis-
criminant validity. Two pharmacists (raters), who had no involvement in
age units per dose, the total number of units per day, and the design or validation of the new tool, scored the 25 regimens using the
food– dosing restrictions.11 Factors such as the number of new tool twice with a gap of 2 weeks to determine inter-rater and
medications, the decision-making process (in terms of the test–retest reliability.
time, skills, knowledge, and ability) necessary in carrying Agreement between the individual rankings of the experts was as-
sessed using Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (W). Spearman’s
out the regimen, additional directions, and mechanical ac- rank-order correlation coefficient (Rho) was used for comparing rank-
tions required for administration were taken into account ings using the new tool with the panel members’ individual rankings and
in the development of the Medication Complexity Index the panel’s consensus ranking. Correlations between total scores on the
(MCI).7 However, the MCI failed to show satisfactory reli- new tool and age and number of medications in the regimen were tested
using Spearman’s Rho. The relationship between total scores and gender
ability with complex regimens and could not demonstrate of the patients was determined using a Wilcoxon rank sum test. The in-
any significant correlation with outcomes such as medica- ter-rater and test–retest reliabilities of the tool were assessed by the intra-
tion adherence,8 warranting further work revising the in- class correlation coefficient (ICC) (95% CI). A 2-sided p value of <0.05
dex. was considered statistically significant.
Number of medications,12 dosage frequency,13,14 admin-
istration instructions,15 and the prescribed dosage forms16-18 Results
have been shown to influence patient adherence. Assum-
ing a cause–effect relationship between these aspects of Several limitations of the MCI were revealed when it
regimens and adherence, it could be argued that drug regi- was tested using theoretical drug regimens.7 It was found
men–related factors influencing adherence constitute regi- to be outdated in terms of dosage forms and lacked com-
men complexity. Although it is recognized that other fac- prehensiveness to account for all the issues contributing to
tors, such as the pharmacologic properties of the drugs in the complexity of regimens. Poor format, insufficient in-
the regimen or the demographic and clinical factors of the structions, inappropriate weightings for some items, repeti-
patient, also influence adherence, the ability to measure tion of some items under different sections, and the need
regimen complexity could be a useful adjunct to prediction for users to add items and estimate weightings in certain
of adherence. The aim of this study was to develop and instances limited the user-friendliness of the MCI. Clinical
validate a reliable and comprehensive tool to quantify the and research expertise of the authors and literature findings
complexity of prescribed medication regimens using infor- were utilized to address these limitations. Feedback from
mation available on drug charts and prescriptions. the 8 pharmacy researchers led to further changes in the
design, instructions, content, and weightings in the MCI.
Methods The modified tool comprised 3 sections to account for in-
formation on the dosage forms (section A), dosing fre-
We initially tested the MCI on several hypothetical drug regimens quencies (section B), and additional directions (section C).
and made changes in its design, content, and weightings. The revised
MCI was applied to 134 de-identified regimens from patients with mod-
The complexity index is the sum of scores for the 3 sec-
erate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (forced tions. We adopted a checklist style in the new tool to facili-
expiratory volume in 1 second <60% of predicted) participating in a ran- tate navigation.
domized controlled trial. After further changes, the tool was given to 8 In the absence of any reference except the MCI, we used
pharmacy researchers for their comments on its format, comprehensibili-
ty, and the weightings allotted for individual items. a logical approach to allocating weightings for different
Fifty regimens were randomly chosen from the original 134 regi- items in the Medication Regimen Complexity Index
mens, scored using the revised tool and ranked in the order of increasing (MRCI), which were finalized after scrutiny by the experts.
complexity. In the absence of a gold standard, an expert panel was used In section A, tablets and capsules were assumed to be the
to establish the criterion-related validity of the tool.19,20 The 5-member
expert panel comprised an adherence expert, pharmacy practice academ- most convenient dosage forms and were assigned a weight-
ic, research nurse, clinical pharmacist, and a home medication review ing of 1. Other dosage forms were given weightings based
(HMR) consultant. None of the panel members had any prior exposure on the relative degree of difficulty in administering them or
to the contents of the tested tool.
Six regimens (Appendix I) providing a spread of scores were chosen
the number of key steps involved in their administration
from the 50 regimens, randomly arranged, and presented to the expert process (eg, inhalation devices). Patients need to familiarize
panel by a facilitator (JG). Panel members were asked to independently themselves with each dosage form in the regimen. Admin-
rank the 6 regimens in the increasing order of complexity using their istering the same dosage form more than once was consid-
professional judgment. The facilitator instructed the panel members to
rank the regimens by judging the difficulty in coping with the provided ered to be easier than administering different dosage forms.
regimens without taking into account any drug-, clinical-, or patient-re- Since patients are likely to combine similar dosage forms
lated factors. Once all panel members had finished ranking the regimens, and administer them together, each dosage form present in
the facilitator asked each member to unveil his/her individual rankings to
the group and comment on the rationale for the ranking. This prompted
a regimen was scored only once under this section.
further discussion among the panel members, resulting in changes in In section B, “once daily” was taken as the baseline
some of the individual rankings. The facilitator was careful not to com- (weighting of 1) on which the other weightings were built.

1370 ■ The Annals of Pharmacotherapy ■ 2004 September, Volume 38

The Medication Regimen Complexity Index

An additional weighting of 0.5 was assigned for regimens to Based on feedback from the panel, weightings of 2
be administered at a fixed interval (eg, “twice daily” has a items were changed and one item (“alter dose after moni-
weighting of 2, but ‘“every 12 hours” has a weighting of toring”) was deleted. The expert panel made these recom-
2.5) considering the additional burden of adhering to the rec- mendations based on their clinical experience and logic,
ommended time interval. “As needed” (prn) regimens were which were in line with the criteria they used for ranking
assigned half the weightings of their respective daily regi- the regimens. The final version of the tool, Medication
mens on the basis that symptoms prompting the need for Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI) comprises 3 sections:
medication would reduce complexity (eg, 4 times daily has A (dosage forms), B (dosing frequency), and C (additional
a weighting of 4, while 4 times daily prn has a weighting of directions), with 32, 23, and 10 items, respectively (Ap-
only 2). Weightings resulting in fractions <0.5 were round- pendix II). Rescoring of the 6 regimens using the final ver-
ed. From our experience piloting the tool, when the scale sion of the MRCI did not change the rankings.
had items with fractions <0.5, manual application of the tool The significant correlation (Spearman’s Rho = 0.9; p <
was difficult and the incidence of mathematical errors was 0.0001) between the number of medications and the inves-
higher compared with that after rounding. The researchers tigators’ total score confirmed convergent validity of the
involved in the face and content validation of the tool and MRCI. Four patients, each with 8 medications in their reg-
the expert panel agreed to the rounding. Separate dosing fre- imens, had MRCI scores of 25.5, 30, 32, and 41, while 3
quencies were introduced into the tool for oxygen therapy, patients with 9 medications in their regimens had MRCI
based on literature findings21 and treatment guidelines,22 be- scores of 23.5, 26.5, and 36.5. Total scores on the MRCI
cause of the nature of the study population. All dosing fre- did not have any significant correlation with age (Spear-
quencies less than “on alternate days” were combined into man’s Rho = 0.34; p = 0.1) or gender (p = 0.487) of the pa-
one category: “on alternate days or less frequently.” tients, which confirmed the discriminant validity of the
Section C included only additional instructions relevant MRCI.
to the administration of the drug that could be identified The raters required 2–8 minutes to apply the MRCI to
from drug charts or prescriptions. Ancillary label informa- each regimen, depending on its complexity. The inter-rater
tion related to restrictions on activities during the adminis- reliability (ICC) for the total score on the MRCI between
tration of drugs (eg, “do not drive or operate machinery,” the 2 raters was 0.991. Sections A, B, and C gave ICCs of
or “grapefruit and grapefruit juice to be avoided while be- 0.978, 0.979, and 0.977, respectively. The test–retest relia-
ing treated”) was therefore not included. bilities for the total scores on the MRCI for the raters were
Data from 134 patients with COPD with an average ± 0.995 and 0.996. Sections A, B, and C showed test–retest
SD age of 69.0 ± 9.8 years, comprising 65% males and on reliabilities of 0.991 and 0.979, 0.985 and 0.997, and 0.994
8.2 ± 4.0 prescribed medications, were used for validating and 0.994, respectively.
the tool.
The panel members considered the number of drugs, Discussion
number of drug administration events per day, dosage
forms, and mechanical actions involved in the administra- Complexity of medication regimens is a theoretical con-
tion process when ranking the 6 regimens. From the outset, cept independent of clinical, pharmacologic, and demo-
the panel had full agreement on the rankings for regimens graphic factors. In the development of the MRCI, the nature
with extreme complexities. The overall agreement between of dosage forms, dosing frequencies, and the additional in-
the 5 experts was significant (Kendall’s W = 0.8; p = structions that guide administration were assumed as the
0.001), and the consensus ranking was easily reached fol- key factors contributing to complexity. The MRCI has 3
lowing discussion. The correlations of ranking using the sections, with each representing a different facet of com-
new tool with the consensus ranking of the panel and indi- plexity. This allows the identification of the specific com-
vidual rankings of the panel members are given in Table 1. ponent of regimen complexity that predicts a particular

Table 1. Correlation Between Expert Rankings and Rankings Using the New Tool

Rankings Experts’ Expert

Using Consensus Research Adherence Clinical HMR
Regimen MRCI Ranking Academic Nurse Expert Pharmacist Consultant
A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 2 2 3 2 5 2 3
C 3 3 2 3 2 3 4
D 4 4 4 4 3 5 5
E 5 5 5 5 4 4 2
F 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Spearman’s Rho 1.000 0.943 1.000 0.657 0.943 0.657
p Value <0.0001 0.005 <0.0001 0.156 0.005 0.156

HMR = home medication review; MRCI = Medication Regimen Complexity Index. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy ■ 2004 September, Volume 38 ■ 1371

J George et al.

outcome of interest. The MRCI has been designed as an and dispensing programs could be developed to address
open index, since there is no upper limit for the number of these limitations. There were occasional instances where
drugs that could be prescribed for a patient or the number raters had different scores for individual sections, but the
of additional instructions possible in a particular regimen. same total scores. This is apparent from the greater ICC
Face and content validities of the new tool were achieved observed for total scores in the MRCI compared with
through feedback from 8 pharmacy researchers. The con- scores for individual sections and is suggestive of flexibili-
tent, weightings, and instructions of the tool evolved further ty within the MRCI.
during the validation process. Since no gold standard exists Multiple comorbidities are common among patients
for measuring medication regimen complexity, the consen- with COPD.24 They are often prescribed complex medica-
sus ranking by an expert panel was used as the reference tion regimens comprising time contingent and as-needed
standard for establishing the tool’s criterion-related validi- drugs to be administered by multiple routes, for both respi-
ty. Perfect correlation between the expert panel’s consen- ratory and nonrespiratory conditions.25,26 Medication uti-
sus ranking and ranking using the new tool confirmed the lization by our subjects was greater than that reported in
appropriateness of the new tool in quantifying regimen other studies on general elderly populations.4,5,27 All of
complexity. these justify our sample selection for the validation pro-
We were aware of the potential for the facilitator to in- cesses and are suggestive of the applications of the MRCI
troduce bias in the outcomes of the expert panel meeting. in other practice settings and disease conditions. However,
This was addressed by providing concise guidelines for the for wider use of the tool, its reliability, practicability, and
panel members and by restricting the facilitator’s involve- validity in other patient populations and practice settings
ment in further discussion. Initially, the HMR consultant need to be tested.
and adherence expert took some of the pharmacologic The MRCI could be used as a risk assessment tool to
properties of the drugs and disease-related factors into ac- predict health outcomes or for identifying patients who
count while ranking the regimens, contrary to the guide- would greatly benefit from additional services such as
lines given, resulting in lesser agreement with other panel domiciliary reviews, special pharmacotherapy consulta-
members. Once the purpose of the tool was further clarified tions, and home visits. This evaluation process could be
through discussion among the panel members, consensus easily performed at the time of discharge from hospitals or
was reached easily. All of our expert panel members were at the time of dispensing by linking the MRCI with dis-
part of one academic faculty; 4 were pharmacists. Hence, it pensing programs. The MRCI could be useful for report-
is possible that the opinions of the panel could be different ing drug regimen data and also for proving the null hy-
from those of other healthcare professionals and patients. pothesis in clinical and epidemiologic studies. Availability
However, all of the panel members were senior practition- of a standard tool for quantifying the complexity of regi-
ers with affiliations to various multidisciplinary advisory mens would help in comparing the outcomes of various in-
panels and boards at both national and international levels. tervention studies.
Additionally, rankings by a research nurse were in com-
plete agreement with the consensus reached by the panel. Summary
The correlation observed between the number of medi-
cations and total MRCI scores does not negate the signifi- Our aim was to develop and validate a tool for quantify-
cance of the MRCI. The number of medications present in ing the complexity of prescribed medication regimens us-
a regimen contributes to complexity, but does not consti- ing information from drug charts or prescriptions. The
tute complexity per se.7,10,11 Although older patients and MRCI quantifies complexity of regimens according to the
women are more prone to polypharmacy,23 age and gender dosage forms, dosing frequencies, and additional direc-
do not contribute to the complexity of regimens, whereas tions. The MRCI is a reliable and valid tool with potential
number of medications does.7 Hence, it is desirable to have applications in both clinical practice and research.
a good correlation between the number of drugs and the
total MRCI scores, especially when the regimens have a Johnson George MPharm, PhD Candidate, Department of Phar-
broad spectrum of complexity. The MRCI has been shown macy Practice, Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University,
Parkville, Australia
to discriminate between regimens with equal number of
Yee-Teng Phun, BPharm Student, Victorian College of Pharmacy,
medications, and higher complexity scores were obtained Monash University
for some regimens with fewer drugs. These findings con- Michael J Bailey BSc (Hons) MSc (Stats), Biostatistician, Depart-
firm the advantages of MRCI over a simple medication ment of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
count in quantifying regimen complexity. Monash University
Disagreements among the raters resulted from lack of David CM Kong MPharm PhD, Lecturer, Department of Pharma-
cy Practice, Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University; Se-
awareness of the available options (eg, special dosing fre- nior Pharmacist, Pharmacy Department, The Alfred Hospital, Mel-
quency instructions for oxygen), confusion with some of bourne, Australia
the options in section C (eg, alternating dose and variable Kay Stewart BPharm (Hons) PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of
Pharmacy Practice, Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash Uni-
dose), and mathematical errors. The 2 raters interpreted versity
some of the instructions and items in the MRCI differently. Reprints: Kay Stewart BPharm (Hons) PhD, Department of Phar-
An electronic version of the MRCI linked to prescribing macy Practice, Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University,

1372 ■ The Annals of Pharmacotherapy ■ 2004 September, Volume 38

The Medication Regimen Complexity Index

381 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia, fax 61-3-9903 We are grateful to Associate Professor Nick Santamaria and Dr. Lisa Demos, Com-
9629, munity and Ambulatory Services, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, for providing de-
identified patient data from an intervention trial with COPD patients, which was fund-
ed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. We appreciate the help of all the
researchers and experts involved in the validation of the Medication Regimen Com-
plexity Index.

Appendix I. Drug Regimens Evaluated by Expert Panel References

Regimen A 1. Billups SJ, Malone DC, Carter BL. The relationship between drug thera-
albuterol MDI 100 µg 2 puffs each morning py noncompliance and patient characteristics, health-related quality of
Regimen B life, and health care costs. Pharmacotherapy 2000;20:941-9.
albuterol MDI 100 µg 2 puffs as needed 2. Stewart S, Pearson S, Luke CG, Horowitz JD. Effects of home-based in-
flunitrazepam 1 mg 1/2 tablet each night tervention on unplanned readmissions and out-of-hospital deaths. J Am
fluticasone MDI 125 µg 2 puffs twice daily Geriatr Soc 1998;46:174-80.
ipratropium MDI 42 µg 2 puffs 3 times daily 3. Field TS, Gurwitz JH, Avorn J, McCormick D, Jain S, Eckler M, et al.
Regimen C Risk factors for adverse drug events among nursing home residents.
aspirin 100 mg 1 tablet daily Arch Intern Med 2001;161:1629-34.
budesonide Turbuhaler 400 µg 2 puffs at midday 4. Meredith S, Feldman PH, Frey D, Hall K, Arnold K, Brown NJ, et al.
eformoterol Aerolizer 12 µg 2 puffs twice daily Possible medication errors in home healthcare patients. J Am Geriatr Soc
ipratropium MDI 42 µg 2 puffs twice daily 2001;49:719-24.
simvastatin 20 mg 1 tablet each night 5. Jorgensen T, Johansson S, Kennerfalk A, Wallander MA, Svardsudd K.
zolpidem 10 mg 1 tablet at night as needed Prescription drug use, diagnoses, and healthcare utilization among the el-
Regimen D derly. Ann Pharmacother 2001;35:1004-9. DOI 10.1345/aph.10351
albuterol MDI 100 µg 1 puff as needed 6. Blue L, Lang E, McMurray JJ, Davie AP, McDonagh TA, Murdoch DR,
albuterol nebules 2.5 mg/2.5 mL 1 each morning and afternoon et al. Randomised controlled trial of specialist nurse intervention in heart
alendronate sodium 5 mg 1 tablet weekly failure. BMJ 2001;323:715-8.
fluticasone MDI 125 µg 1 puff twice daily 7. Kelley SO. Measurement of the complexity of medication regimens of
furosemide 40 mg 1 tablet twice daily the elderly (Master of Science). Columbia, MO: University of Mis-
ibuprofen 400 mg 1 tablet twice daily souri–Columbia, 1988:58.
ipratropium nebules 250 µg/mL 1 each morning and afternoon 8. Conn VS, Taylor SG, Kelley S. Medication regimen complexity and ad-
perindopril 4 mg 1 tablet each morning herence among older adults. Image J Nurs Sch 1991;23:231-5.
potassium chloride 600 mg SR 1 tablet twice daily 9. DiIorio C, Yeager K, Shafer PO, Letz R, Henry T, Schomer DL, et al.
theophylline 300 mg SR 1 tablet twice daily The epilepsy medication and treatment complexity index: reliability and
Regimen E validity testing. J Neurosci Nurs 2003;35:155-62.
albuterol MDI 100 µg 1–2 puffs every 4–6 hours 10. Muir AJ, Sanders LL, Wilkinson WE, Schmader K. Reducing medica-
albuterol nebules 2.5 mg/2.5 mL 1 twice daily tion regimen complexity: a controlled trial. J Gen Intern Med 2001;16:
doxycycline 50 mg 1 tablet daily after food 77-82.
fluticasone plus salmeterol Accuhaler 500/50 µg 1 puff twice daily 11. Stone VE, Hogan JW, Schuman P, Rompalo AM, Howard AA, Kor-
ipratropium MDI 42 µg 1–2 puffs every 4–6 hours kontzelou C, et al. Antiretroviral regimen complexity, self-reported ad-
ipratropium nebules 500 µg/mL 1 twice daily herence, and HIV patient’s understanding of their regimens: survey of
medroxyprogesterone 10 mg tablets, use as directed women in the HER study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2001;28:124-
estradiol 50 µg 1 patch each week 31.
pantoprazole 40 mg 1 tablet daily 12. Gray SL, Mahoney JE, Blough DK. Medication adherence in elderly pa-
piroxicam 10 mg 1 capsule as needed tients receiving home health services following hospital discharge. Ann
Regimen F Pharmacother 2001;35:539-45. DOI 10.1345/aph.10295
acetaminophen 500 mg 2 tablets 4 times daily 13. Paes AH, Bakker A, Soe-Agnie CJ. Impact of dosage frequency on pa-
albuterol MDI 100 µg 2 puffs as needed tient compliance. Diabetes Care 1997;20:1512-7.
albuterol nebules 2.5 mg/2.5 mL 1 puff 4 times daily 14. Kruse W, Eggert-Kruse W, Rampmaier J, Runnebaum B, Weber E. Dos-
alendronate sodium 70 mg 1 tablet weekly age frequency and drug-compliance behaviour—a comparative study on
amitriptyline 50 mg 1 tablet each night compliance with a medication to be taken twice or four times daily. Eur J
atorvastatin 10 mg 1 tablet each night Clin Pharmacol 1991;41:589-92.
colchicine 0.5 mg 1 tablet daily 15. Morrow D, Leirer V, Sheikh J. Adherence and medication instructions.
digoxin 250 µg 1 tablet daily Review and recommendations. J Am Geriatr Soc 1988;36:1147-60.
doxycycline 100 mg 1 tablet each morning 16. Kelloway JS, Wyatt RA, Adlis SA. Comparison of patients’ compliance
ergocalciferol 25 µg 1 capsule daily with prescribed oral and inhaled asthma medications. Arch Intern Med
ferrous sulfate plus folic acid 1 tablet daily 1994;154:1349-52.
fluticasone MDI 250 µg 2 puffs twice daily plus salmeterol MDI 17. van Schayck CP, Bijl-Hofland ID, Folgering H, Cloosterman SG, Akker-
25 µg 2 puffs twice daily (separate inhalers) or fluticasone plus mans R, van den Elshout F, et al. Influence of two different inhalation
salmeterol MDI 250/25 µg 2 puffs twice daily (1 inhaler) devices on therapy compliance in asthmatic patients. Scand J Prim
furosemide 40 mg 2 tablets twice daily Health Care 2002;20:126-8.
gliclazide 80 mg 3 tablets each morning 18. Weinberg EG, Naya I. Treatment preferences of adolescent patients with
human insulin injection 3 mL, use as directed asthma. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2000;11:49-55.
ipratropium MDI 42 µg 1 puff 4 times daily 19. McManus A. Validation of an instrument for injury data collection in
ipratropium nebules 250 µg/mL 1 puff 4 times daily rugby union. Br J Sports Med 2000;34:342-7.
levodopa plus benserazide 100/25 mg 1 tablet each morning and
20. DeVellis RF. Validity. Scale development: theory and applications. Vol.
2 tablets at midday 1. Applied social research methods series. Newbury Park, CA: Sage,
metformin 500 mg 2 tablets twice daily 1991:43-50.
pantoprazole 40 mg 1 tablet daily
21. Pepin JL, Barjhoux CE, Deschaux C, Brambilla C. Long-term oxygen
prednisolone 5 mg 1 tablet twice daily
therapy at home. Compliance with medical prescription and effective use
sertraline 50 mg 1 tablet each morning
of therapy. ANTADIR Working Group on Oxygen Therapy. Association
spironolactone 25 mg 1 tablet at lunch
Nationale de Traitement a Domicile des Insuffisants Respiratories. Chest
warfarin tablets, use as directed
MDI = metered-dose inhaler; SR = sustained release. 22. Dartnell J. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therapeutic guide-
lines—respiratory. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines, 2000:67-76. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy ■ 2004 September, Volume 38 ■ 1373

Appendix II. Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI)

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DPI = dry-powder inhaler; MDI = metered-dose inhaler.
(continued on page 1375)
Appendix II. Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI) (continued)
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy

2004 September, Volume 38

DPI = dry-powder inhaler; MDI = metered-dose inhaler.

The Medication Regimen Complexity Index
J George et al.

23. Bjerrum L, Sogaard J, Hallas J, Kragstrup J. Polypharmacy: correlations MRCI. La puntuación total en el MRCI tuvo una correlación
with sex, age and drug regimen. A prescription database study. Eur J significativa con el número de medicamentos en el régimen (Rho de
Clin Pharmacol 1998;54:197-202. Spearman = 0.9; p < 0.0001), pero no con la edad y el género de los
24. Mapel DW, Picchi MA, Hurley JS, Frost FJ, Petersen HV, Mapel VM, et pacientes. La confiabilidad entre evaluadores y de prueba–reprueba para
al. Utilization in COPD: patient characteristics and diagnostic evaluation. la puntuación total y las secciones individuales del MRCI fueron de 0.9
Chest 2000;117(5 suppl 2):346S-53S. o más.
25. Dolce JJ, Crisp C, Manzella B, Richards JM, Hardin JM, Baily WC.
CONCLUSIONES: El MRCI es un instrumento confiable y válido para
Medication adherence patterns in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Chest 1991;99:837- 41.
cuantificar la complejidad de los regímenes de tratamiento; puede
aplicarse tanto en la práctica clínica como en la investigación.
26. Chryssidis E, Frewin DB, Frith PA, Dawes ER. Compliance with aerosol
therapy in chronic obstructive lung disease. N Z Med J 1981;94:375-7. Homero A Monsanto
27. Yang JC, Tomlinson G, Naglie G. Medication lists for elderly patients:
clinic-derived versus in-home inspection and interview. J Gen Intern
Med 2001;16:112-5. RÉSUMÉ
CONTEXTE: Il a été démontré que les caractéristiques des régimes
médicamenteux telles que le nombre de médicaments, la fréquence
d’administration ainsi que les formes posologiques prescrites peuvent
avoir un impact sur l’issue du traitement. Aucune publication ne fait
EXTRACTO mention d’un outil pouvant aider à évaluer et quantifier la complexité
TRASFONDO: Se ha demostrado que características del régimen de d’un régime médicamenteux.
tratamiento, tales como el número de medicamentos, la frecuencia de las OBJECTIF: Développer et valider un outil pour évaluer la complexité de
dosis, las instrucciones para la administración, y las formas de régimes médicamenteux.
dosificación prescritas, influyen en los resultados de la terapia en los
MÉTHODES: Une recherche de la littérature de même que l’expertise des
pacientes. No se ha publicado en la literatura médica ningún instrumento
auteurs a été utilisée pour développer l’outil. Huit chercheurs en
que ayude a cuantificar la complejidad de los distintos regímenes de
pharmacie ont collaboré à établir l’interface et la validité du contenu. Le
nouvel outil a été validé à l’aide de 134 régimes médicamenteux de
OBJETIVO: Desarrollar y validar un instrumento para cuantificar la patients souffrant de maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique. Six
complejidad de los distintos regímenes de tratamiento que se prescriben. régimes ayant des différences dans leurs scores ont été présentés à un
MÉTODOS: El instrumento se desarrolló usando como base hallazgos groupe de 5 membres experts qui ont subjectivement classé ces régimes
publicados en la literatura científica y la experiencia de los autores. afin de confirmer la validité des critères de l’outil. Les relations entre les
Ocho investigadores en farmacia ayudaron a establecer la validez de scores et les variables indépendantes ont été évaluées afin de bâtir la
contenido y el aspecto. El instrumento se aplicó a 134 regímenes de validité de l’outil. Deux individus ont évalué 25 régimes en utilisant
tratamiento de pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica l’outil afin de mesurer sa variabilité interindividuelle et sa répétitivité.
(COPD, por sus siglas en inglés) de moderada a severa. Se presentaron 6 RÉSULTATS: L’index de complexité des régimes médicamenteux (MRCI)
regímenes con una dispersión de puntuaciones en el instrumento a un utilisant 65 critères a été développé. Le groupe d’experts a été fortement
panel de 5 expertos, quienes los clasificaron subjetivamente para en accord dans la classification individuelle des 6 régimes (Kendall W =
confirmar la validez de criterio. Se examinó la relación entre las 0.8; p = 0.001). Il y a eu une corrélation parfaite entre le consensus du
puntuaciones obtenidas mediante el instrumento y varias variables groupe et les scores obtenus avec le MRCI. Le score du MRCI a
independientes para determinar la validez de construcción del démontré une corrélation significative entre le nombre de médicaments
instrumento. Dos evaluadores utilizaron el instrumento en 25 regímenes (Rho Spearman: 0.9; p < 0.0001) mais non avec l’âge et le sexe des
para probar la confiabilidad entre evaluadores y la confiabilidad de patients. La variabilité interindividuelle de même que la répétitivité des
prueba–reprueba. scores du MRCI étaient égales ou supérieures à 0.9.
RESULTADOS: Se desarrolló un Índice de Complejidad del Régimen de CONCLUSIONS: Le MRCI est un outil valide et fiable pour quantifier la
Tratamiento de 65 pregunta (MRCI, por sus siglas en inglés). El panel complexité d’un régime médicamenteux et pourrait être utilisé en
de expertos concordó completamente en sus clasificaciones individuales pratique comme en recherche.
de los 6 regímenes (W de Kendall = 0.8; p = 0.001). La clasificación por
consenso del panel tuvo una correlación perfecta con la clasificación del Nicolas Paquette-Lamontagne

1376 ■ The Annals of Pharmacotherapy ■ 2004 September, Volume 38

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