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elmin is die hoofkarakter van die storie.

Sy het 'n droom om 'n dokter te word sodat sy

onafhanklik kan wees en nooit gedwing sal word om op mense soos oom Bok staat te maak
nie. Sy werk by 'n videowinkel en probeer haar geld spaar vir universiteit. Sy het twee neefs
wat uiters selfgesentreerd is, en uiteindelik die meeste van haar swaarverdiende spaargeld
gebruik. Sy het ook twee liefdesbelangstellings wat Ruan en Rex is.

Ruan se droom is om 'n argitek te word. Hy sê hy is oom Bok se seun, maar deur die
kontekstuele leidrade wat in die storie gegee word, kan ons tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat
oom Bok nie Ruan se werklike pa is nie. Hy het ook 'n besigheid met Thabo waarin hy
toestelle en masjiene herstel en Thabo lewer dit af maar hy leer ook hoe om die toestelle en
masjiene te herstel sodat Thabo die besigheid kan bestuur wanneer hy verlof het om
universiteit toe te gaan

my gunsteling karakter in die boek is elmin, want sy is sterk veerkragtig en sy werk so hard
en sy is so vasbeslote om haar droom te verwesenlik
my minste gunsteling karakter is oom Bok, want hy is digusting en hy is 'n pedofiel en hy sal
nie vir Elmin uitlos nie. hy bly probeer om met haar te kom al het sy dit duidelik gemaak dat
sy nie van hom hou nie

Ek het baie van hierdie storie gehou, want dit wys die lewens van mense wat nie so gelukkig
soos ons is nie. die storie wys ook dat sommige mense so hard moet werk om hul eie pad te
baan terwyl ander mense hul pad vir hulle gebaan kry
elmin is the main character of the story.
she has a dream to become a doctor so that she can be independent and will never be
forced to rely on people like oom Bok
she works at a video store and tries to save up her money for university.
she has two cousins who are extremely self-centred, and end up using most of her hard
earned savings.
she also has two love interests who are Ruan and Rex

Ruan's dream is to become an architect

he says he is oom Bok's son but using the contextual clues given in the story we can come to
the conclusion that oom Bok is not Ruan's actual father
he also has a business with Thabo in which he repairs appliances and machines and Thabo
delivers them but he is also teaching how to repair the appliances and machines so that
Thabo can run the business when he has leave to go to university

my favourite character in the book is elmin because she is strong ressiliant and she working
so hard and sh is so determined to acheive her dream
my least favourite character is oom Bok because he is digusting and he is a pedophile and he
wont leave elmin alone. he keeps trying to get with her even though she has made it clear
that she doesnt like him

i really liked this story because it shows the lives of people who aren’t as fortunate as us. the
story also shows that some people have to work so hard to pave their own path while other
people get their path paved for them

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