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Exercises of Lab #5

The zip file of contains one video clip lab5video.mp4 that illustrates the
expected result after completing the lab exercises.

1. Within your package codes**280, create two new java files Lab5Shapes**.java and
Lab5**.java, where ** is your initials.

2. As shown in lab5video.mp4, the simulated wind turbine has two rotational components,
i.e., the yaw drive (Lab#3) and the blade rotor (Lab#4). Code your Lab5Shapes**.java
file to introduce rotational behavior to the two objects with new classes modified from their
previous classes in Lab#3 and Lab#4 respectively. Afterwards, code your Lab5**.java
file to render the virtual world of a wind turbine with rotational behavior.

(a) The sphere-shaped yaw drive rotates continuously around its Y-axis counterclockwise
at a speed of 20,000 milliseconds per round rotation.
(b) The sphere-shaped blade rotor rotates continuously around its Z-axis clockwise at a
speed of 5,000 milliseconds per round rotation.
(c) (optional) The two objects are similar in the behavior of rotation, though different
in speed and rotational axis. Apply inheritance and polymorphism of object-oriented
design to first define those in common in a new super class as a derived class of the
previous super class and then specify those of different forms in its derived classes.
(d) Keep the base stationary and identify your work by updating the string label.
(e) Make your program easy to comprehend by adding adequate amount of comments.

3. Locate the folder that contains all files of your project Comp2800; produce a zip file of your
project folder; and submit it online before due.

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