Devon Davis - The Great Gatsby Final Writing Project 1

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The Eggs News Volume 10, Issue 4 October 1922


Last month tragedy struck Long Island, as Valley of Ashes
resident Myrtle Wilson, mistress to Auto Shop owner George
Wilson, was killed in a hit-and-run, which ended with 2 more
dead. The crash occurred late one summer night, and when
news of Myrtle's tragic death first broke, many people within
the community in and around the Valley of Ashes were left in
shock and disbelief at the sudden loss. There are still many
unanswered questions surrounding the case as it is still under
investigation, but one eyewitness described the crash saying,
¨She ran out ina road¨ and was ¨Ins´antly killed¨ by a car that
was moving at speeds close to 60 miles per hour. In fact, her
husband said, “She ran out to speak to him, and he wouldn’t
In the immediate aftermath of the accident, George Wilson, husband of the victim, was spun into a state of grief
and despair after hearing about his wife's tragic fate. Many remember days after her death walking by the auto
shop, to see George Wilson rocking back and forth on his couch. Unfortunately, this is where this story takes an
even more tragic turn. As the investigation continued, revelation about a possible affair involving Mrs Wilson
began to come out. This led many to believe her death may not have been an accident and rather she was killed
by her unknown partner. As news of this spread to George Wilson, his grief quickly turned into anger and a need
for revenge.
As tensions began to rise, suspects began to come out, including millionaire
w Chanel Flapp
and local resident Jay Gatsby. This occurred after one eyewitness recalled the ne

car that struck Myrtle being a ¨Big yellow car. New¨. It didn't take long for


this to be traced back to Gatsby, as he was often seen driving rather fast in his

yellow Rolls-Royce. Many were shocked to hear this as Gatsby was a well
known figure in the Long Island area, as a West Egg resident himself, he was
known for the many parties he threw in his mansion, that were open to all.
Unfortunately for Gatsby, he was never able to prove his innocence, as the
millionaire meet his tragic end one morning when he was shot unexpectedly by
his pool. It has now been reveled this was done by George Wilson himself,
who in a peak of rage took Gatsby's life before minutes later taking his own.
As news spread, of these deaths, many began to say, “the holocaust was
complete” when referring to the end of this tragedy.
In the end a already horrific story of a hit-and-run involving a poor innocent
woman turned into a story of unloyality, revenge, and despair. Ultimately
resulting in a homicide and the death of 2 more, and a horrible tragedy the
people of Long Island will be sure to never forget. Chanel. 1
The Eggs News Volume 10, Issue 4 October 1922

Trouble In Paradise!
In light of recent accusations regarding the relationship of Daisy and Tom Buchanan,
we sat down with a close friend, who agreed to speak on the situation. However, they
will be remaining anonymous.

Q: To start, what do you think of the Buchanan's

and their relationship?

A: It's complicated, that is for sure. I feel deep

down they still have love for each other, but they
just aren't in love anymore. Instead, I believe their
relationship is now more of a partnership where
Tom gets a beautiful wife to show the world, and
Daisy gets to live a life of comfort without any

Q: Very interesting now are you aware of the rumors

about the two having affairs? And are these rumors

A: Yes, I am aware of those rumors, and

unfortunately they are true.

Q: Interesting! Was this at the same time, or did

one's relationship began before the other?
Q: For one final question, do believe the Buchanan's
plan to stay together or leave to live separate lives
A: Eventually the relationships did overlap, but
with their new partners?
initially it was Tom who had an affair first.

A: No, not anymore, though originally I believe

Q: How long did Daisy know of this affair occurring?
Daisy was planning to leave Tom for her new
partner, I think she realized Tom gave her exactly
A: Daisy knew almost the whole time, though she
the life she wanted. Also, her new partner wanted
tried to hide it. However, this was very difficult
too much from her as she told me he wanted her to
since Toms new mistress would often call their
admit to never loving Tom, but she couldn't
house phone, sometimes even during family
because it just wasn't true.
dinners. 2
The Eggs News Volume 10, Issue 4 October 1922

Jay Gatsby
Jay Gatsby, originally known as James Gatz died at
his beloved mansion on West Egg at age 32. He was
born in 1890 in North Dakota to Henry Gatz, and a
rather poor family of farmers. His father described
his young self as ambitious, hardworking, and
someone who often strived to climb the social and
economic ladder. He worked to achieve this later in
life when he attended Oxford for some time, and
helped fight in the war where he achieved a metal of
valor from places like Montenegro.
By the time he was in his late 20s, he had reached his dream status of wealth,
where he lived comfortably in his beautiful mansion in West Egg, NY which
overlooked the water. Many remember Gatsby for the large and luxurious parties
he used to throw for any who would attend. However, despite his success in life,
many of his friends feel he never achieved his biggest goal in life, which was to
spend the rest of his life with his one true love, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby is
survived by his beloved father, Henry Gatsby, and a funeral service will be held in
his honor at three o’clock on October 6th at his home.

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Courtesy of the Anti-Saloon League 3

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