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1.What is a testimonial?
-A testimonial is a statement made by a person, typically a customer or former
employee, who has used or experienced a product, service, or person, in order to
express their opinion or to recommend it to others.

2.Buying testimonials as a marketing strategy-how it works?

Testimonial marketing is the strategic use of testimonials from your satisfied
customers to build trust with your buyers. The idea is to place your customer
testimonials in key areas of your marketing campaigns (such as on a highly trafficked
landing page or in an email marketing campaign) to increase conversions.

3.Arguments to support why you should buy fake testimonials as a

marketing strategy:
● Quick and easy to get.Buying fake testimonials can be quick and easy
way to get positive reviews for your products or services.
● Can be tailored to your needs.You can purchase testimonials that
specifically address the features and benefits of your products or services.
● Can help you reach a wider audience.Fake testimonials can be used on
your website, social media pages, and in marketinf materials.
● Can help you build trust and credibility.Fake testimonials can make your
business appear more trustworthy and credible to potential customers.
● Can help you increase sales.By building trust and credibility, fake
testimonials can help you increase sales of your products or services.

4.Here are some examples of products or companies that have

been accused of buying testimonials:
1. Apple:In 2012,Apple was accused of paying customers to write positive review of
its products an company denied the allegations,but it did reach
a settlement with Amazon in which it agreed to stop using third-party companies
to gather reviews.
2. Airbnb:In 2015,Airbnb was accused of paying usesrs to write positive reviews of
its listings.The company denied the allegations, but it did change its policy on
how it gathers reviews.
3. Uber:In 2018,Uber was accused of paying drivers to write positive reviews of the
company on Google Play.The company denied the allegations, but it did change
it s policy on how it gathers reviews.

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