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Huck ATM XP + GoId + AuLo MIssIon

November zo11 |Work 1oo%| By New

SLuII ZucIry
Posted by Zachry enedIct In
Now wIll share the latest XP cheat AT| .. how to use a bIt complIcated because It uses two tools
Is by Charles and FIddler. For The master must already know how to use SWF In Charles but here
wIll explaIn wIth 2 tools charles and fIddler for the newbIe gettIng a headache to use It:

n AT|, there are many other features are:


* AT| Level

* Auto |Isson

* AT| Cold

mmedIately wrote:





How to use:
1. Co to Charles
2. Co NInja Saga to the character selectIon, not at ClIck Play FIrst
J. Dn the 8reakpoInt clIck and then select the character In Charles NS
then clIck PLAY
4. Execute Up to J tImes
5. Then clIck edIt the response A|F Server tIme change to 1J18698102 Execute
6. Femove the 8reakpoInt
7. Charles Close, Dpen FIddler
8. 0rag FIles Into fIddler
9. Clear Chace
10. SIgn Headquarter
11. Enter thIs code 6J9780C804
12. Please Choose a cheat where you want to use
ExIstIng AT Feature thIs cheat:


Here you wIll get EXP, In the column you Input
Exp 1 = 1 mIllIon Exp,
2 = 2 mIllIon Exp,
J = J mIllIon Exp, etc.

n the delay you can change It to speed up the process, but should not be changed so that no error
wIll occur.

2.AT| Level

ThIs Is where you Increase the level, so do not count the amount of exp you need to clImb to the
next level. Here delay can also be changed (but should not be changed)

J.Auto |IssIon

trouble If you do a mIssIon, you can use thIs cheat to get It done but you must know the code that
How to use:

* WrIte code and then clIck Exchange

4.AT| Cold

ThIs Is where you guys to get the gold. If you fIll one In the gold column means you wIll get
100,000 Cold. and so on ..

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