S6 Worksheet 10

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Teacher: Jean Paul RUBAYIZA
E-mail: jeyipi90@gmail.com


Q1. Find the value of x and y such that:
(a) ( ) ( ) (b)

Q2. (a) Solve in the equation: ( )

(b) Solve in the following simultaneous equations:
( )
( )

Q3. , evaluate

Q4. Given that is a zero of the 4th degree polynomial

, find the other zeros of .
Q5. If and are complex roots of the quadratic equation ,
find the expression for:

(a) (b)
Q6. Let ( ) ( )
(a) Show that the equation has a real root and a pure complex root
to be found.
(b) Calculate two complex numbers a and b such that:
(c) Solve the equation
[Hint: use the fact that ( ) ]
√ √
Q7. Given the complex numbers and
a) Write the complex numbers , and in polar form
√ √ √ √
b) Hence show that and i
c) Consider the equation with real unknown
(√ √ ) (√ √ ) i
i) Solve this equation in
ii) Mark the image-points on the unit circle
Q8. a) Find all real or complex roots of the equation and represent them on
the Argand diagram
b) Solve the inequality √ i in the interval .

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Q9. a) How can you choose the natural number n so that the complex number (√ )
is a positive real number?
b) Express in terms of .
[Hint: Use properties of complex numbers]

Q10. Consider the complex number .
Show that the set of complex numbers * + is closed under the
multiplication in and write the multiplication table.

Q11. a) Given the matrices [ ] and [ ]

Find a 3 2 matrix X so that .

b) For what value k, the points (1, 5), (k, 1) and (11, 7) are collinear?
Q12. a) The m rix M α i defi ed by
M( ) * +
verify that M( )M( ) M( )
b) Let ( )
i) Show that ( i )
ii) Guess the formula of the matrix for any positive integer n.
Q13. Determine whether the set ,( ) - is closed or not under:

i) Addition of matrices.
ii) Multiplication of matrices.
Q14. a) If (u, v, w) is a basis of the real vector space , determine whether or not
is also a basis of .
b) Find the value of x for which:

| |

c) Two points A and B have coordinates (1, 2, 8) and (1, 3, 27), respectively.
A third point C, which is distinct from A and B, has coordinates (1, c, ).
Given that the vectors ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ , ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ are linearly dependent, find the value of c.

Q15. Given that M ( )

a) Determine the value of k for which the system of equations

has a unique solution.

b) Solve these equations in the case when .

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Q16. a) Let f be a linear operator defined on by:
where ( ) and ⃗ is written as a column vector ⃗ ( )
Show that we have
b) *⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ + is a basis of the vector space . Linear operator f is defined in by
⃗⃗⃗ ) ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗
⃗⃗ ) ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗
i) Write down a matrix M representing f in basis B.
ii) If ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ) ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ , express and in terms of and .
Hence write down M .

Q17. (a) Given the matrix [ ]

(i) Verify that where I is a 3 3 unit matrix.

(ii) Hence find .

Q18. a) Find the inverse of the matrix ( )


b) Hence, solve the simultaneous equations: { y

Q19. a) Express the vector as a linear combination of the vectors

⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗ and ⃗⃗⃗ .

b) By using Gauss-Jordan elimination method, solve the following system

{ y

c) A transformation is represented by the matrix ( ). R maps an object

2 2
of area 10 cm onto an image of area 110 cm . Find the possible values of x.
d) Show that i i is a factor of the determinant

| i i |
i i
and express as a product of three factors, each of which depends on x.
Find all values of x for which .
e) According to the values of the real number m, discuss the existence and the number
of solutions to the following parametric system:

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Q20. a) Let be a linear operator defined by
( ) ( )
i) Show that f is linear.
ii) Show that f is a one-to-one mapping and find its inverse

b) Given the matrix ( ).

Let f be a linear operator on defined by ,

(i) Find the coordinates , and of the vector ⃗ ⃗ in terms of
the coordinates , and of vector ⃗ .
(ii) Hence deduce that matrix A is invertible.
[Hint: show that er {⃗ }]
(iii) Express , and in terms of , and and deduce the inverse matrix of A.

Q21. (a) Solve for x the equation: .

(b) Find the values of x for which g g
(c) The equation g g has 2 as a root. Find the value of a
and hence solve the equation.
(d) Solve the following system in

( g g )
(e) According to the values of the parameter m, solve and discuss the following equation
( ) .
(f) Solve the inequality: .
(g) Find the values of x for which .

Q22. (a) If (i ) , find .

( )
(b) Differentiate with respect to x: √
( )

(c) Given find by implicit differentiation.

(d) Find the equation of the tangent line to the following parameterized curve
{ at the point where .
(e) Find the following limit
im ( )
Q23. (a) Carry out a complete study of the function and sketch its graph.
Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve at the point .
(b) Study the variations of the function and sketch its graph.
[ Hint: use the relation ].

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Q24. Consider the sequence defined on ℕ by:
and √
a) Calculate , , , and
b) Let
i) Prove that the sequence is geometric and determine its ratio.
ii) Deduct and in terms of n.
iii) Find the limits of the sequences and
Q25. (a) A sum of Rwf 500,000 is deposited in a savings account paying a compound
interest rate of 11% per year.
(i) Calculate the account balance after 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years.
(ii) Show that the sequence (An) is geometric.
(iii) Estimate to two decimal places how many years it would take
Rfw 500,000 to triple.
(iv) Find the necessary interest rate for which the principle could be doubled
in a period of 10 years.
(b) Find, to 3 significant digits, the tripling time for money invested at 15%
(i) compounded annually
(ii) compounded continuously

Q26. (a) (i) Write the expansion of ( ) in ascending powers of x, giving the first three
nonzero terms and also the general term of the expansion.
(ii) For what values of x the expansion is valid?
(iii) Use part (i) to approximate ln3.
(b) Find an expression, involving , that approximates to small angles of .
(c) Find the following limits using expansion of functions (Taylor’ he rem
i r
(i) im (ii) im i (iii) im (iv) im
(d) Calculate with three decimal places without using a calculator
(i) (ii) r i (iii)
(e) Find the exact value of
(f) If i , find f ( 45) (0) .
( 62)
(g) Find f (0) given that .
Q27. (a) In measuring the radius of a sphere, an error of m was made. If the radius was found
to be 7.5cm, what is the possible maximum error in calculating the volume of the sphere?
(b) A circular cone of radius m and height m undergoes double deformations;
the radius increases at speed of 1m/s and the height decreases at speed of 10m/s.
Calculate the variation in volume of the cone. Leave your answer in terms of .
(c) By using differentials approximate the following values to3 decimal places
i) √ iii) i
ii) √ iv)
(d)Use differentials find given that ,

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Q28. (a) By differentiation, show that∫ i .
Hence or otherwise, evaluate ∫ .
(b) Find ∫ i .
(c) Calculate ∫ i .
(d) Work out ∫ .
(e) If ∫ , and ∫ i , prove that
and i
Hence find I and J.
(f) Calculate ∫ ( i ) .
(g) By using Euler’ f rmu pr ve he ide i y: i i ( )
Hence, deduce a primitive of the function defined by i i and then the
value of the integral ∫ i i .

(h) Evaluate the integral: ∫

(j) Consider the numerical function f defined by (
(i) Calculate the first derivative of f +

(ii) If , calculate ∫ ( )
(iii) Calculate im
(k) Find the equation of the family of curves whose slope at any point is equal to the
negative of twice the abscissa of the point. Find the curve of the family which passes
through the point (1, 1).
Q29. (a) Find the area of the region bounded by the curves with equations and .
[ Unit on the coordinate axes: 1cm]
(b) Find the length of the curve
(c) Find the arc length of the catenary ( ) from to .
(d) A curve has parametric representation
i , ,
(i) Prove that ( ) ( )
(ii) Hence find the arc of this curve between the points where and .
(e) Sketch and calculate the area enclosed by the curves and .
(f) Sketch and evaluate the area of the region bounded by the curve and
the line .
(g) Determine the area of the region enclosed by curve whose polar equation is
i when varies from 0 to .

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Q29. (h) Calculate the area of the surface bounded by the curve
( i ) and ( ), where .
(i) Evaluate the volume of the solid generated by revolving about the x-axis the area of the
region bounded by the curve and the x-axis, when

Q30. (a) Given two integrals ∫ and ∫ i ,

(i) Find and .
(ii) Hence deduct the values of I and J.
(b) Consider the integral ∫ (

(i) Decompose ( )
in simple fractions
(ii) Calculate ∫ ( - )
(iii) Use integration by parts to calculate
(iv) Calculate

(c) ℕ, consider the following integrals:

∫ i and ∫
(i) Calculate and .
(ii) Use integration by parts to prove that and verify the system:
(iii) Hence express and in terms of n.
im im
(iv) Calculate and
(d) Consider the numerical function f defined by

(i) Study the variations of f and sketch its representative curve (C) on the Cartesian plane.
(ii) Calculate the area of the region bounded by the curve (C) , its asymptote and the
vertical lines and ( ). What is the limit of this area when m increases

(e) Given two integrals: ∫ i and ∫ i

(i) Find and .
(ii) Hence deduce the values of A and B.

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Q31. (a) If [ √ ] show that ( ) .

(b) If √ i , prove that ( ) .

(c) If , prove that .

Q32. Solve the first order differential equation

(a) (b)

(c) { (d) {

Q33. (a) Find the general solution of

(b) Find the particular solution for which .

Q34. (a) Show that is a general solution of the differential equation:

(b) Form a differential equations by differentiating and eliminating the constants

A and B in the following:
(i) i (ii)
Q35. A curve C in the xy-plane passes through the point . At any point . on C,
(a) Find the general solution of this differential equation.
(b) (i) Hence find the equation of C, giving your answer in the form .
(ii) Write down the equation of the asymptote of C.
Q36. Solve the following 2nd order differential equations:
(a) i (d) i
(b) (e)
(c) ̈ ̇
Q37. Find the particular solution to the following differential equation, which satisfies the
given conditions:
; ;

Q38. Solve the system: {

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Q39. (a) (i) The rate of change of the daily profit for a certain bakery is given by

Find given that the initial profit is $10 [i.e. ]
(ii E im e de im p e he b kery’ pr fi f er w week
(b) School enrollment. The student enrollment in a new high school is expected to
grow at a rate that is estimated to be
where N(t) is the number of students t years after opening. If the initial enrollment
( ) is 2,000, what will be the enrollment after 4 years from now?
(c) The population of a certain town had been doubled from 1970 to 2000. In which year
will this population triple?
Q40. The distance x in kilometers, between two cars after t hours varies according to the rate:

( )

Find the distance between the two cars after a half of an hour given that the initial
distance is zero.
Q41. (a) Show that the point lies on the parabola and find the equation of
the normal to the parabola at the point A.
(b) Find the focus of the parabola
(c) Find the equation of a parabola whose focus is and directrix .
(d) Find the equation of a parabola whose focus is and directrix .
Q42. Show that the equation represents a parabola whose focus is at
. Find the equation of the tangent at the vertex. Illustrates your results on a graph.

Q43. a) Find the equation of the ellipse with a focus at , directrix and
b) A point moves so that the product of the slopes of the lines joining P to the

two points and , is . Show that the locus is an ellipse and locate
its center.
c) A point moves in the xy-plane so that the sum of its distances from the points
and is 10. Show that the locus is an ellipse and plot its curve.
d) A point moves so that its distance from the point , is one half of
its distance from the line . Derive the equation of its locus
What curve is it?
e) In the Cartesian plane, consider the curve C with equation:

(i) Find the lengths of its semi-axes, vertices, foci, the eccentricity and
the equations of directrices of the curve.
(ii) Sketch the curve C.

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Q44. a) In the Cartesian plane, what is the set E of all points P whose affix z verifies
( ̅ ) ̅
b) Determine the coordinates of the foci.
c) Determine the coordinates of the most points.
d) Find the eccentricity.
e) Write the equations of directrices of the set E.
f) Represent graphically the set E.
Q45. a) Determine the standard form of the following flat shape:

b) Which shape is it?

c) Find the coordinates of the most points, the focal points, and the equation of
the focal line.
d) Plot the graph of the given shape.
Q46. In the Cartesian plane, consider the line D with equation and the point F with
coordinates (3, 0)
(a) i) Determine the Cartesian equation of the set C of all points M of
the plane verifying the relation between the following distances:
( ) √

ii) Identify the nature of the set C and write down its characteristic elements.
(iii) Sketch the set C on the Cartesian plane.
(b) Determine the number of points of the intersection of the set C and the line
, where r is a real parameter.
Q47. Given the equation of conic section:
a) Write its equation in standard form and deduce its nature
b) Find:
i) the coordinates of the center, the vertices, the foci and the eccentricity
of the conic.
ii) the equations of directrices and asymptotes
iii) the length of the latus rectum
c) Sketch the graph of the given conic.
Q48. a) A point moves in the xy-plane so that the difference of its distances from the points
and is 8. Derive the equation of its locus and plot its curve.
b) Derive the equation of a point which moves so that the product of the slopes
of the lines joining it to and is .
c) Find the equation of a locus of a point which moves so that its distance from is
3/2 of its distance from the line .
d) Find the equation of the hyperbola with its center at , vertex at ,
and the equation of one asymptote .

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Q49. A curve C has a polar equation given by

a) Find the eccentricity and identify the nature of the curve C.

b) What is the distance from the pole to the nearest directrix?
c) Convert the polar equation of the curve C in Cartesian
d) Find the equations of directrices to the curve C.
e) Locate the foci of the curve C.
f) Plot the graph of the curve C.
Q50. Identify and sketch the locus of each of the following conic:
a) b) c) i

Q51. a) Suppose that a random variable X takes on the values , , 2 and 5 with respective
probabilities , , and .
i) Find the value of x and hence determine the probability distribution of X.
ii) Find the expectation E of X.
b) The following table shows the probability distribution for a random variable X.

Calculate: (i) c (ii) E

c) The random variable Z has probability distribution:

If E find x and y.
d) A six-faced die weighted so that the probability of each face occurring is proportional to
its number turned up, is tossed once. Let X denote the number appearing.
(i) Find the distribution of X. (i.e. describe the probability of each sample point)
(ii) Calculate the expectation of X.
Q52. a) Suppose that 40% of the people in a particular city smoke cigarettes.
(i) A group of 10 people is chosen at random, what is the probability that more than
4 are smokers?
(ii) How large must be the group in order that the probability is 90% that one or more
of them smoke?
b) The probability of a man hitting a target is 1/4.
(i) If he fires 7 times, what is the probability of his hitting the target at least twice?
(ii) How many times must he fire so that the probability of his hitting the target at least
once is greater than 2/3?

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Q52. c) The probability that an entering student will graduate is 0.4. Determine the probability
that out of 5 students,
(i) none will graduate. (iii) at least 2 will graduate.
(ii) 1 will graduate. (iv) All will graduate.
d) A true-false examination is composed of 20 questions. What is the probability that a
student will get exactly 13 correct answers by guessing?
e) A multiple-choice examination has 4 possible answers for each of 5 questions.
What is the probability that a student will get 4 or more correct just by guessing?
f) Let X be a binomial random variable with E and r .
Find the distribution of X.

Q53. Consider a random experiment consisting in throwing a fair coin three successive times.
After each throw, a player gains 10Frw if the coin lands on Head and loses 10 Frw if the
coin lands on tail. Let X be a random variable which associates the algebraic gain to each
of throw of 3 coins.

(a) Indicate
(i) The sample space for this experiment
(ii) the set of values that can be taken by the variable.
(b) Determine the probability distribution of X and calculate its expectation as well as
its standard deviation.
(c) Consider the event e m re h rw . Calculate the probability of A.
A sequence of 10 throws of 3 fair coins is to be performed. What is the probability that A
should be realized exactly 6 times during this sequence?
Q54. (a) An insurance company receives on average two claims per week from a particular factory.
Assuming that the number of claims can be modeled by Poisson distribution, find the
probability that it receives:
(i) 3 claims in a given week,
(ii) more than 4 claims in a given week,
(iii) four claims in a given fortnight ( a period of 2 weeks),
(iv) no claims on a given day, assuming that the factory operates on a five-day week.
(b) Suppose that 300 misprints are distributed randomly through a book of 500 pages.
Find the probability that a given page contains:
(i) exactly 2 misprints. (ii) 2 or more misprints.
Q55. A manufacturer has found that 3% of seeds do germinate. Using Poisson approximation, find,
to two significant figures, the probability that in a pack containing 150 seeds,
(a) more than four fail to germinate,
(b) at least 145 germinate.

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Q56. A lottery has a very large number of tickets, one in every 500 of which entitles the purchaser
to prize. An agent sells 1000 tickets for the lottery. Using Poisson approximation, find, to three
decimal places, the probability that the number of prize-winning tickets sold by the agent is
(a) less than three
(b) More than five.
Calculate the minimum number of tickets the agent must sell to have a 95% chance of selling
at least one price-winning ticket.
Q57. The continuous random variable X has p.d.f. given by where

{ ( )
herwi e
(a) the value of the constant k, (d) ( )
(b) E , (e) the mode
(c) r

Q58. A continuous random variable X has probability density function f given by

(a) Show that
(b) Calculate the mean variance and standard deviation of X.
Q59. The random variable, X, has probability density function given by
herwi e
Observations on X indicate that the mean is
(a) Obtain two simultaneous equations for a and b, Hence find the values of and b.
(b) Find the variance of X.
Q60. The cumulative function of a random variable Y is

( )

(a) Find the density function of Y. (d) Find ( )
(b) Calculate the mean of Y. (e) Find ( | )
(c) Find ( )

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