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[Insert Subject

Name Here]
,[Insert Subject Age Here]
Photo: [Insert photo of the subject here]
Overview: [Provide a brief overview of the subject, including their name, occupation, and any
relevant background information.]
Introduction Questions:
1. Who are they and what do you do?
2. Can you describe their creative process/work?
3. What inspired them to pursue this particular creative path?

Background Questions:
1. What events or experiences in their life led you to where you are today?
2. How has their upbringing influenced your creative work?
3. Have they faced any significant challenges or obstacles on their creative journey? If
so, how did they overcome them?

Additional Questions:
1. What do they hope people take away from experiencing your work?
2. Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations they're excited about?
3. Do they have the time to attend 3-4 shooting sessions of around 3 hours each?

Optional Remarks from Juan: [Optional space for any additional notes or reflections on the

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