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Group Project

Breadfast's Digital Growth Analysis

British University in Egypt
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Family name: Refaie

Given name: Salma Student ID: 226546

Module code: 23BMKT02I

Module title: E-Business

Group: 5 Tutor: Dr. Hossam Deraz, Dr. Sarah Boktor & Dr.
Asmaa Hassanein


To be completed by the student

Assessment title: Group Project

Due date: 17/4/2024 Number of pages: 29 Word count (if appropriate):


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Student’s signature: Salma Date: 17/4/2024

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The British University in Egypt
Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science

Individual Member Contributions Form

Project Title
…………Breadfast's Digital Growth Analysis……………………………………………………………………….

We confirm that the work submitted under this title is our own work and that we contributed to the project as indicated below.

Name/ID of Contributor Description of contribution (in words)

1. Saeed Abdelgawad 227881 Task 1: Business Model

2. Mariam Mohamed 223422 Task 2: Supply Chain Management

3. Salma Yasser 226546 Task 3: Social Advertising and social media

4. Yomna Ehab 228548 Task 4: Customer Relationship Management

*kindly note that formatting, numbering and/or referencing are not considered individual work.
The weight of the group work is 60% while the weight of the individual work is 40%. Signatures of
group members.

1 …Saeed……………………………………………………………………… Date …17/4/2024……………

2 …Mariam……………………………………………………………………… Date …17/4/2024……………
3 …Salma……………………………………………………………………… Date …17/4/2024……………
4 …Yomna……………………………………………………………………… Date …17/4/2024……………

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Table of Contents

Task 1: Business Model

The value proposition and customer segments of the e-business…………………..………………….

The Digital Business Model/Models used for revenue generation……………………….………………………


Breadfast’s business…………………………………………………………………….……………………………

Task 2: Supply Chain Management

Supply chain processes …..


The innovative technological solutions ..………………………………………………………….………………


How these technologies addressed challenges ..…………………………………………..……………………


How the E-business considers/or can consider sustainability in its SCM……………….


Task 3: Social Advertising and Social Media

Breadfast’s usage of promoted posts and other social media ad options…………….....…………………..15
How it applies the 5 C’s of consumer motivation for using social media. ……………..…………………….20
Task 4: Customer Relationship Management

The different methods in which Breadfast reaches new customer

profiles ..................................................23

How Breadfast uses the aspects needed in creating a comprehensive CRM ………..…………….………25

Conclusion and Future Recommendations

 Key findings and insights from the analysis. ………………………………………………………..…………28

Recommendations for enhancing Breadfast’s e-business strategies………….………………...………….28


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In today's digital landscape, Breadfast stands out as a prime example of how e-businesses can

effectively leverage digital tools to drive revenue and growth. With a focus on convenience and

nutrition, Breadfast's value proposition caters to a diverse range of customer segments. Its business

model integrates seamlessly with various digital channels, including e-commerce platforms and

mobile applications, allowing the company to reach and engage customers effectively.

Breadfast's supply chain management processes are marked by efficiency and innovation. From

sourcing raw materials to delivering the final product, the company leverages advanced technological

solutions to optimize its operations. These solutions address challenges such as inventory

management, order fulfillment, and logistics coordination, ensuring smooth and timely delivery of

products to customers. Moreover, Breadfast prioritizes sustainability by implementing eco-friendly

packaging and sourcing ingredients from sustainable suppliers, aligning its supply chain practices

with environmental consciousness.

In the realm of social advertising and customer relationship management, Breadfast excels in

fostering meaningful connections with its audience. By applying the 5 C's of consumer motivation—

consume, connect, control, compete, and create—the company creates engaging content that

resonates with its customers. Through personalized email marketing, social media engagement, and

mobile app features, Breadfast effectively reaches and acquires new customer profiles while

enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. Overall, Breadfast's strategic approach to online

presence, supply chain management, social advertising, and customer relationship management

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underscores its commitment to leveraging digital tools for sustainable growth and success in the

competitive e-commerce landscape.

Business Model

The value proposition and customer segments of the e-business

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Value Proposition Canvas

Gain Creators Gains

 offering freshly baked bread and
pastries ensures quality and taste,
 Freshly Baked Products satisfying customers' desire for
 Customization Options freshness.
 Subscription Services  providing a wide range of breakfast
 Nutritional Information items and customization options allows
 Timely Delivery customers to tailor their orders to their
specific preferences
 A place to sit
 offering subscription-based deliveries
ensures regular access to breakfast

Customer Jobs
 Freshly essentials, providing convenience and
Baked consistency for customers
Breakfast  providing detailed nutritional information
Items about products helps health-conscious  Busy Professionals
 Drinks customers make informed choices that Individuals
 A place to align with their dietary goals.  Health-Conscious
study and to  ensuring timely delivery of orders at
Products and Services

   Families
work at. customers' doorsteps saves them time  Fitness Enthusiasts
 Breakfast and effort  Students and Young
items.  Time Constraints Professionals
 Delivery.  Limited Breakfast Options
 Application.  Nutrition
 Customer  Inconsistent Breakfast
service. Routines
 No time to prepare food.
 Budget Constraints
 The hassle of grocery shopping.
 Limited choices to eat
 No consistent breakfast.
 Over the budget food prices.

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Pain Relievers Pains

Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
 Suppliers of  Baking and Food • Freshly Baked  Self-service (Online  Busy Professionals
Ingredients (e.g., Flour, Preparation Breakfast Items Ordering)  Health-Conscious
Eggs, Milk)  Drinks • Convenience  In-store Experience Consumers
 Delivery Partners (e.g.,  Order Fulfilment and • Customization Options  Post-Purchase Follow-  Families
Courier Services) Delivery • Subscription Services Up  Fitness Enthusiasts
 Marketing Agencies  Marketing and • Nutritional Information  Personalized  Students and Young
(for digital marketing Promotions Recommendations Professionals
campaigns)  Customer Service  Customer Support
 Al Nas Hospital. (Email, Chat, Phone)

Key Resources Channels

• Bakery Facilities • Online Platform
• Delivery Fleet (Website, Mobile App)
• Website/Mobile App • In-stores
• Skilled Bakers and • Social Media Marketing
Staff • Email Marketing
• Partnerships with
Fitness Centres or Health Food

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• Ingredient Costs • Sales of Breakfast Items (One-time purchases)
• Rent for stores • Subscription Fees (Recurring revenue)
• Labor Costs • Premium Products or Add-ons (Upselling)
• Technology Costs (Website/App Development, Maintenance)
• Marketing and Advertising Expenses
• Delivery Costs

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Breadfast’s business
Breadfast generates money through a variety of digital business methods. Here is a summary of the

main models they use: Breadfast has physical locations where clients may directly purchase freshly

baked breakfast goods. They provide extra touchpoints for clients who prefer to purchase in person or

do not have access to online ordering. The stores offer a real experience in which customers can see,

smell, and taste the items before purchasing. In addition to brick-and-mortar shops, Breadfast has an

e-commerce platform, such as a website or mobile app, where customers may explore their product

selections and make orders for delivery. Customers who like to purchase from the comfort of their own

homes or while on the road will find the e-commerce platform convenient and accessible. Breadfast's

brick-and-mortar locations and online platform are fully connected to give customers with a seamless

purchasing experience. Customers may be able to order online and pick up their items at a local shop,

or they may be able to return online purchases to a real retail location. Revenue streams Revenue is

produced through both channels, with brick-and-mortar businesses accounting for in-store sales and

the e-commerce platform supporting online purchases. Customers may select the channel that best

meets their interests and needs, whether they prefer the ease of online shopping or the pleasure of

going to a real store. Breadfast's omnichannel approach leverages the benefits of both retail and online

channels. This strategy enables firms to reach wider demographics, respond to various client tastes,

and maximize income prospects by giving customers several ways to connect with the brand and make

purchases. Breadfast's use of various digital business models allows it to diversify its income streams,

improve consumer engagement, and generate long-term development in the competitive breakfast


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Supply Chain Management

1- Overview of the existing supply chain processes of Breadfast (from sourcing raw

materials to delivering the final product to customers)

1. Sourcing Raw Materials:

Breadfast obtains its raw materials, including wheat flour, yeast, sugar, and other baking components,

from a network of reliable suppliers. With these suppliers, the company has built strong relationships in

order to guarantee an ongoing and reliable source of premium ingredients. In order to obtain the best

prices for its raw materials, Breadfast's procurement team works closely with commodity traders, tracks

market conditions, and negotiates advantageous contracts.

2. Production and Manufacturing:

With cutting-edge machinery and strict quality control procedures, Breadfast runs multiple cutting-edge

bakery locations across the nation. As per the company's exclusive recipes, the production process start

with the careful mixing and combining of raw materials. Before being baked in highly efficient ovens, the

dough is diligently portioned, shaped, and confirmed. To make sure they live up to Breadfast's high

standards for quality, the finished goods go through a rigorous inspection and packing process.

3. Distribution and Logistics:

With a strong distribution network, Breadfast can supply a broad spectrum of clients, such as grocery

stores, food service providers, and retail establishments. To maintain the integrity and freshness of its

baked goods while they are in transit, the company uses a fleet of temperature-controlled delivery trucks.

In order to streamline its delivery routes and save money on transportation, Breadfast also makes use of

strategic alliances with outside logistics companies.

4. Inventory Management:

To make sure that the right products are available in the right quantities at the right times, Breadfast uses

cutting-edge inventory management systems. To maximize its production and distribution planning, the

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company keeps a careful eye on market demand, sales information, and inventory levels. This enables

Breadfast to meet its customers' changing needs while minimizing waste and lead times.

5. Customer Fulfillment:

Order fulfillment procedures have been developed by Breadfast to be both effective and customer-

focused. Through a number of channels, including the company website, mobile applications, and direct

sales agents, customers can place orders. To guarantee prompt and accurate order delivery to

customers, the order processing team collaborates closely with the production and distribution teams. To

answer any questions or concerns, Breadfast also offers dependable client service.

Overall, Breadfast's supply chain processes are designed to ensure the consistent production and

reliable delivery of high-quality baked goods to its customers, while maintaining operational effectiveness

and responsiveness to market demands.

2- The innovative technological solutions and tools the e-business integrates into

the supply chain management system

Breadfast has integrated several innovative technological solutions and tools into its supply chain

management system to enhance efficiency, visibility, and responsiveness. Here are some of the key

technological innovations employed by the company:

1. IoT-Enabled Bakery Equipment:

Breadfast has implemented Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and devices in its bakery facilities to

continuously monitor the functionality and state of its production equipment. By feeding this real-time

data into a centralized analytics platform, the business is able to predict possible failures, optimize

equipment maintenance, and guarantee consistent product quality.

2. Predictive Demand Forecasting:

Breadfast creates sophisticated predictive demand forecasting models by utilizing machine learning

algorithms and advanced data analytics. These models accurately forecast future demand for Breadfast's

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products by analyzing a wide range of data, including past sales, weather patterns, consumer trends,

and regional demographics. As a result, the business is able to maximize its distribution, inventory, and

production planning strategies.

3. Blockchain-Powered Traceability:

Breadfast has implemented a blockchain-based traceability system to enhance supply chain

transparency and food safety. By recording every step of the production and distribution process on a

secure, decentralized blockchain network, the company can provide customers with detailed information

about the origin, handling, and quality of its products. This increased traceability helps Breadfast respond

quickly to any quality or safety issues.

4. Automated Warehouse Management:

Automation systems ranging from robotic material handling equipment to AI-powered warehouse

management software are installed in Breadfast's distribution centers and warehouses. These

innovations decrease labor expenses, increase order fulfillment speed, and enhance inventory accuracy.

5. Omnichannel Order Processing:

For its online, mobile, and in-store sales channels, Breadfast has made investments in a reliable

omnichannel order processing system. With real-time order status updates and delivery tracking,

customers can now place orders via their preferred channel. In order to enhance its customer experience

and sales tactics, the system also gives the business useful data insights.

3- How these technologies addressed challenges that they have previously faced

prior to adopting it

Prior to implementing these innovative technological solutions, Breadfast faced several challenges in its

supply chain operations. Let's explore how the adopted technologies have helped address these


1. Inefficient equipment monitoring and maintenance:

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Challenge: Frequent equipment failures and poor performance at Breadfast resulted in delays in

production and quality problems.

Solution: With IoT-enabled bakery equipment, Breadfast can anticipate possible failures and track

equipment performance in real-time, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.

(Breadfast, 2023).

2. Inaccurate demand forecasting and production planning:

Challenge: Due to Breadfast's inability to forecast demand precisely, waste and stock outs were caused

by overproduction or underproduction.

Solution: With the help of sophisticated analytics and machine learning, Breadfast's predictive demand

forecasting models can predict consumer preferences and market trends, resulting in more effective

production scheduling and inventory control. (Breadfast, 2023).

3. Lack of supply chain transparency and traceability:

Challenge: Limited visibility across the supply chain made it difficult for Breadfast to promptly identify and

address quality or safety issues.

Solution: Breadfast can respond to problems more quickly and ensure food safety thanks to the

blockchain-based traceability system, which gives it complete supply chain visibility. (Breadfast, 2023).

4. Inefficient warehouse operations and order fulfillment:

Challenge: In managing inventory and processing customer orders, Breadfast's distribution centers

encountered delays, mistakes, and high labor costs.

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Solution: The automated warehouse management systems and AI-powered software have streamlined

Breadfast's logistics operations, improving inventory accuracy, order fulfillment speed, and operational

efficiency (Breadfast, 2023).

5. Fragmented customer experience and limited data insights:

Challenge: When placing orders through various channels, Breadfast's customers encountered varying

experiences, and the company lacked sufficient data to guide its marketing and sales tactics.

Solution: omnichannel order processing system In addition to creating insightful data that helps Breadfast

improve its business strategies, it also allows to offer a flawless customer experience. (Breadfast, 2023).

By implementing these innovative technological solutions, Breadfast has addressed its previous supply

chain challenges, resulting in improved efficiency, visibility, and responsiveness across its operations.

4- How the E-business considers/or can consider sustainability in its SCM

Breadfast has made sustainability a key consideration in its supply chain management practices. Here's

how the company is addressing sustainability across different aspects of its SCM operations:

1. Sustainable Sourcing

Breadfast collaborates closely with its suppliers to guarantee the traceability and sustainability of its raw

materials. The company places a high importance on obtaining ingredients from nearby, sustainable

farms and producers who follow ethical and environmentally-conscious methods. This contributes to the

mitigation of the carbon emissions linked to long-distance transportation (Breadfast, 2023).

2. Energy-Efficient Production:

With investments in energy-efficient machinery and renewable energy sources like biomass boilers and

solar panels, Breadfast has modernized its bakery facilities. This has assisted the business in lowering

its overall energy usage and production-related greenhouse gas emissions.

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(Breadfast, 2023).

3. Waste Reduction and Circular Economy:

Breadfast has adopted measures to minimize the amount of food waste generated and optimize the

utilization of byproducts resulting from its production processes. For example, unsold or surplus bread is

donated to local food banks or repurposed into other food products, such as breadcrumbs or animal

feed. In addition, the company actively investigates potential avenues for recycling or repurposing

packaging materials (Breadfast, 2023).

4. Sustainable Logistics and Transportation:

Breadfast is optimizing its logistics and transportation network to reduce the environmental impact. This

encompasses strategies such as optimizing routes, employing vehicles that are fuel-efficient or use

alternative fuels, and partnering with logistics companies that prioritize sustainability (Breadfast, 2023).

5. Circular Packaging Solutions:

Breadfast is actively exploring and implementing circular packaging solutions, such as using

compostable or recyclable materials for its product packaging. Breadfast, in 2023, actively interacts with

customers to encourage the responsible disposal and recycling of packaging.

6. Employee Engagement and Education:

Breadfast recognizes the importance of involving its employees in sustainability initiatives. The company

offers periodic training and awareness initiatives to educate its employees about sustainable practices,

promote their involvement, and cultivate a culture of environmental accountability (Breadfast, 2023).

Going forward, Breadfast aims to continue expanding its sustainability efforts, potentially exploring areas

like renewable energy generation, water conservation, and collaborative initiatives with industry partners

to drive sustainable transformation across the bakery supply chain (Breadfast, 2023).

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Social Advertising and social media

1. Breadfast’s usage of promoted posts and other social media ad options

Breadfast Company Egypt employs a strategic approach to utilizing promoted posts and other social

media ad options to maximize its reach and engagement. By leveraging these paid advertising features,

the company ensures that its content reaches a wider audience beyond its organic followers, effectively

increasing brand visibility and driving traffic to its platforms.

In particular, Breadfast Egypt carefully selects its target audience demographics, interests, and behaviors

to optimize the performance of its promoted posts. Whether it's showcasing new products, announcing

special offers, or sharing captivating content, the company tailors its ad campaigns to resonate with the

interests and preferences of its target market.

Moreover, Breadfast Egypt explores various social media ad formats, including carousel ads, video ads,

and sponsored stories, to diversify its advertising strategy and capture users' attention in different ways.

By experimenting with different ad creatives and placements, the company ensures that its ads remain

relevant and engaging amidst the dynamic social media landscape.

Additionally, Breadfast Egypt continuously monitors the performance of its social media ads, analyzing

key metrics such as click-through rates, engagement rates, and conversion rates. This data-driven

approach allows the company to refine its advertising strategy, optimize campaign targeting, and allocate

budget effectively to achieve its marketing objectives.

Overall, Breadfast Egypt's utilization of promoted posts and other social media ad options underscores

its commitment to leveraging digital advertising channels to effectively promote its brand and connect

with its target audience in meaningful ways. (Breadfast, n.d.)

 Introducing Breadfast Company Egypt's Innovative Social Media Advertising Strategy:

In the dynamic realm of social media marketing, Breadfast Company Egypt stands out for its ingenious

approach to leveraging promoted posts and various ad options. With a keen eye on maximizing reach

and engagement, Breadfast strategically employs these tools to amplify its brand presence and connect

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with its target audience on a deeper level. From crafting compelling sponsored content to utilizing

advanced targeting features offered by social media platforms, Breadfast ensures that every ad

campaign is meticulously tailored to resonate with its audience's interests and preferences. Join us as we

delve into the intricacies of Breadfast's social media advertising strategy, where creativity meets strategy

to drive meaningful connections and deliver impactful results in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

 Marketing team: The Creative Heads

The marketing team at Breadfast, known as "The Creative Heads," are the driving force behind the

brand's dynamic campaigns. They craft engaging content across various channels and devise innovative

strategies and partnerships to boost Breadfast's visibility. Their duties include writing impactful blog

posts, press releases, and newsletters, optimizing SEO with the Content Manager, and supporting email

marketing. They collaborate closely with the design team to ensure visually appealing content aligns with

Breadfast's vision. As Breadfast expands its reach, The Creative Heads play a vital role in shaping the

brand's identity and fostering customer loyalty through memorable interactions.

Competitive intelligence forms the bedrock of their marketing analysis efforts, serving as the basis for

crafting strategic and impactful marketing plans. Through meticulous examination of competitor data,

including their 248 total creative ads within a specified timeframe, they glean essential insights into

market dynamics, consumer behaviors, and competitor strategies. This thorough comprehension

empowers them to pinpoint competitive advantages and vulnerabilities, forecast market shifts, and

develop well-informed tactics to leverage opportunities and address challenges. Armed with this deep

insight into the competitive landscape, they can tailor our marketing strategies to stand out, resonate with

their target audience, and ultimately achieve our business goals. (socialpeta, Breadfast Competitive

Intelligence|Ad Analysis by SocialPeta, n.d.)

2. Breadfast’s Competitive Intelligence

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Competitive intelligence lies at the heart of Breadfast's marketing strategy, providing essential insights

into competitors' advertising performance and the wider market landscape. Leveraging tools like

SocialPeta, Breadfast conducts detailed analyses of recent advertising trends to guide its strategic

choices. As of March 15, 2021, Breadfast's ad creative focus predominantly revolves around images

(66.67%), with videos following closely (33.33%), showcasing a deliberate emphasis on visually

engaging content. When it comes to ad network distribution, Breadfast strategically distributes its

advertising impressions across various platforms, with significant allocations on Instagram (25.02%),

Facebook (25.0%), Audience Network (25.0%), and Messenger (24.99%). Facebook emerges as the

primary advertising platform for Breadfast, capturing the largest share of ad placements (25.0%) as of

March 15, 2021. This meticulous analysis empowers Breadfast to make informed decisions, refine its

advertising approach, and stay ahead of the competition in the market.

3. Top 3 Ad Creative Analysis of Breadfast

This is the detailed information of the top three ad creatives with the best performance among all ad

creatives of Breadfast. We can see some advertising trends.

 Top 1st Ad Creative of Breadfast:

Headline :Breadfast

Ad Details :

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 Top 2nd Ad Creative of Breadfast:

Headline: Breadfast - A Supermarket in Your Pocket

Ad Details :

Top 3rd Ad Creative of Breadfast:


Ad Details :

Basic Info of Top 3 Ad Creative

1st 2nd 3rd

Page 21 of 34
Duration 39 6 25

Popularity 306 259 141

Dimensions 720 x 720 1280 x 720 800 x 800

Creative Type Image Video Image

Network Facebook Facebook Facebook

Related Ads 2 1 1

Kuwait,Saudi Arabia,Qatar,Azerbaijan,

Countries Bahrian,Lebanon,Egypt,United Arab Egypt Egypt


Language Arabic Arabic Arabic

Through the above analysis, we can see that the most effective channel for Breadfast in recent

advertising is Facebook, and the main creative type is Image.

In conclusion: The above is a free Breadfast's competitive intelligence analysis report. To do a good job

of advertising, long-term accumulation is required. we need to constantly check the latest trends and

competitive intelligence data. With the use of competitive intelligence tools, we can improve our ROI, and

make competitor‘s fans ours. I hope that this ad creative analysis report will allow you to gain more.

2. How Breadfast applies the 5 C’s of consumer motivation for using social


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Introducing Breadfast Company Egypt's Social Media Strategy through the 5 C's of Consumer

Motivation, at Breadfast Company Egypt, they've crafted a social media strategy that revolves around the

5 C's of consumer motivation: Consume, Connect, Control, Compete, and Create. Through captivating

content, they invite their audience to Consume not only their products but also valuable information and

entertainment. They foster meaningful connections as users Connect with their brand and each other,

creating a sense of community. By empowering consumers with Control, they involve them in shaping

their offerings, enhancing brand loyalty. Through engaging contests, they tap into the intrinsic motivation

to Compete, driving participation and excitement. Finally, they encourage users to Create and share their

own content, fostering a dynamic relationship and a vibrant digital community.

1. Consume:

Breadfast Company Egypt acknowledges the modern consumer's preference for informative and

entertaining content on social media. To meet this demand, they've developed a strategic approach

focused on delivering captivating and enriching material. Their content ranges from delectable recipes

showcasing their breakfast products to informative guides, ensuring their social media platforms serve as

valuable resources. By emphasizing both information and entertainment, they effectively engage their

target audience through visually appealing posts, engaging videos, and informative captions, fostering

brand loyalty and driving engagement. Breadfast Company Egypt stands out by prioritizing quality and

relevance, curating content that resonates with their audience's interests. Through their strategic efforts,

they not only enhance brand visibility but also foster a community around their products, turning casual

followers into loyal advocates. In essence, Breadfast Company Egypt's social media strategy goes

beyond mere promotion, serving as a platform for education, inspiration, and connection within the realm

of breakfast culture.

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Breadfast Company Egypt truly grasps the significance of social media as a platform for nurturing

meaningful connections. They acknowledge the evolution of social media from personal networking to a

landscape where brands play a pivotal role. Embracing this transition, Breadfast endeavors to create

authentic spaces and campaigns that foster connections among users and with the brand itself. One

tactic they employ is initiating conversations through thought-provoking questions and engaging prompts,

fostering a sense of community and belonging. They also understand the power of exclusivity, offering

users exclusive details and offers to strengthen their connection with the brand. Inspired by successful

campaigns like Oreo's #oreoscope, Breadfast seeks innovative ways to tap into consumers' desire for

connection, creating moments that resonate on a personal level. Beyond mere marketing tactics,

Breadfast's commitment to fostering connections reflects their dedication to building genuine

relationships, enriching digital experiences, and uniting a community around their shared love for

breakfast culture.

3. Control:

Breadfast Company Egypt takes a progressive approach to engaging consumers by giving them a say in

shaping the brand's direction. Recognizing the power of consumer empowerment, the company

structures campaigns to gather feedback and involve consumers in new product development. This

includes letting users vote on new product variations and even inviting them to co-create products and

contribute to advertising campaigns. By embracing consumer input, Breadfast strengthens brand-

consumer relationships and fosters a sense of ownership and loyalty among participants. Inspired by

successful campaigns like Mountain Dew's "Dewmocracy" and Lay's "Do Us a Flavor," Breadfast

understands the positive impact of allowing consumers to control aspects of the brand, which not only

generates buzz but also drives sales. Moreover, Breadfast taps into consumers' intrinsic motivation to

compete by incorporating elements of competition into their campaigns, further enhancing engagement.

Ultimately, Breadfast's embrace of consumer control reflects its strategic alignment with evolving

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consumer preferences, fostering deeper connections and cultivating a dedicated community invested in

the brand's success.

4. Compete:

Breadfast Company Egypt engages social media users' competitive drive by organizing captivating

contests and challenges. These include enticing giveaways where fans can win exclusive products or

rewards by engaging in activities like liking, commenting, sharing, or answering questions. These

contests not only raise brand awareness but also offer valuable insights into consumer preferences and

behaviors. Furthermore, Breadfast celebrates winners, enhancing the competitive aspect of these

campaigns and motivating fans to participate. By showcasing participants' achievements, the brand

reinforces the sense of competition and recognizes excellence within its digital community. Similar to

renowned campaigns by Doritos, Mountain Dew, and Lay's, Breadfast taps into users' intrinsic motivation

to compete by presenting exciting challenges and opportunities for creativity. Leveraging platforms like

Lego Ideas, the brand encourages fans to submit ideas and compete for prizes, fostering the competitive

spirit. Additionally, Breadfast integrates voting mechanisms, enabling fans to support their favorite entries

and contribute to shaping the brand's offerings. Through these strategies, Breadfast not only drives

engagement but also cultivates a sense of unity and excitement among its digital community.

5. Create:

Breadfast Company Egypt acknowledges social media users' innate desire for creativity and places

significant emphasis on campaigns that encourage user-generated content. By empowering users to

become content creators, the brand taps into their drive to express and showcase their individuality.

Beyond simply prompting content creation, Breadfast provides users with tools and resources, such as

branded logos and stickers, to facilitate their creative endeavors and align with the brand's identity. This

approach mirrors successful initiatives like the Getty Museum Challenge and Procter & Gamble's

Distance Dance Campaign, which encouraged user participation during challenging times. By embracing

user-generated content, Breadfast not only fosters a sense of community and belonging but also taps

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into motivations such as connection and control. This comprehensive strategy enhances brand

engagement and cultivates a dynamic and interactive relationship with its audience.

Customer Relationship Management

• The different methods in which Breadfast reaches and acquires new customer

profiles via digital media:


 Social Media Marketing:

Breadfast Egypt utilizes various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to

reach and acquire new customers.

The company employs engaging content strategies, including sharing recipes, how-to guides, and

product showcases to attract and engage potential customers.

Through targeted advertising and promoted posts, Breadfast Egypt extends its reach to new audiences

based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Continuous monitoring and analysis of social media metrics help the company refine its strategies and

optimize its efforts for customer acquisition.

 Influencer Partnerships:

Breadfast Egypt collaborates with influencers and bloggers in the food and lifestyle niche to leverage

their reach and credibility.

Influencers create sponsored content featuring Breadfast products, reaching their followers and

introducing them to the brand.

These partnerships not only expose Breadfast Egypt to new audiences but also lend authenticity and

credibility to the brand's offerings.

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 Email Marketing:

The company utilizes email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

Breadfast Egypt sends personalized emails to subscribers, featuring product updates, special offers, and

exclusive discounts to incentivize purchases.

Segmentation and targeting based on customer preferences and behaviors ensure relevant and timely

communication, enhancing the effectiveness of email marketing efforts.

 Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Breadfast Egypt optimizes its website and content for search engines to improve visibility and attract

organic traffic.

By targeting relevant keywords related to breakfast products and recipes, the company increases its

chances of appearing in search engine results pages.

Regular content updates, including blog posts, recipe articles, and product descriptions, contribute to

higher search rankings and increased brand exposure.


Breadfast Egypt employs a range of techniques for retaining customers and cross- and up-selling

through digital media communications:

 Cross-Selling and Up-Selling:

The company utilizes digital channels, such as email recommendations, and targeted ads, to promote

complementary products to existing customers.

Cross-selling techniques involve suggesting related products that complement a customer's previous

purchases, enhancing their shopping experience and increasing average order value.

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Up-selling strategies focus on encouraging customers to upgrade to higher-value products or purchase

additional features or add-ons, therefore maximizing revenue per customer.

 Social Media Engagement:

Breadfast Egypt actively engages with customers on social media platforms to strengthen relationships

and drive repeat purchases.

Responding to customer queries, sharing user-generated content, and hosting interactive contests or

brand loyalty.

Social media platforms serve as valuable channels for showcasing new products, promotions, and

exclusive offers, driving cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

 Customer Feedback and Reviews:

The company solicits customer feedback through digital channels, such as email surveys, social media

polls, and website feedback forms.

By listening to customer input and addressing concerns promptly, Breadfast Egypt demonstrates its

commitment to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Positive customer reviews and testimonials shared on digital platforms serve as powerful social proof,

influencing potential customers and driving cross-selling and up-selling efforts.

Breadfast Egypt's digital media communications focus on personalized engagement, loyalty rewards,

cross-selling, and up-selling strategies to retain customers and maximize their lifetime value. By

leveraging data-driven insights and fostering meaningful interactions, the company cultivates long-term

relationships with its customers while driving revenue growth through strategic sales techniques.

 How Breadfast uses the aspects needed in creating a comprehensive CRM:


 Targeted Advertising:

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The company leverages targeted advertising on social media platforms to reach potential customers

based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

By precisely identifying and segmenting its target audience, Breadfast Egypt maximizes the impact of its

ad spend and ensures that its marketing messages resonate with the right people.

 Seamless User Experience:

Breadfast Egypt prioritizes a seamless user experience across its digital channels, ensuring that the

customer journey from discovery to purchase is smooth and intuitive.

Optimized website design, easy navigation, and secure payment options contribute to a positive user

experience, reducing friction and encouraging conversions.

 Data-driven Decision Making:

The company employs data-driven analytics to track and measure the performance of its digital

marketing efforts.

By analyzing key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer engagement,

Breadfast Egypt gains valuable insights into the effectiveness of its campaigns and iteratively improves

its strategies for customer acquisition.

 Customer Relationship Management:

Breadfast Egypt prioritizes building and maintaining relationships with its customers through effective

customer relationship management (CRM) practices.

Personalized communication, targeted offers, and timely follow-ups contribute to customer satisfaction

and loyalty, ultimately leading to higher retention rates and increased customer lifetime value.

Breadfast Egypt's success in using digital media for customer acquisition can be attributed to its

targeted advertising, engaging content strategy, influencer partnerships, seamless user experience,

data-driven decision-making, and effective customer relationship management practices. By focusing on

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these key factors, the company maximizes its effectiveness in acquiring new customers and driving

business growth in the competitive breakfast market.


1. Data Analytics: The company utilizes advanced analytics tools to gather and analyze customer

data from various touch points, including website interactions, social media engagement, and

purchase history. This data-driven approach allows Breadfast Egypt to gain deep insights into

customer preferences, behaviors, and trends.

2. Personalized Marketing: Leveraging AI algorithms and big data analysis, Breadfast Egypt delivers

personalized marketing communications tailored to individual customer preferences. By

segmenting its audience based on data insights, the company creates targeted campaigns that

resonate with specific customer segments, increasing relevance and driving engagement.

3. Predictive Analytics: Breadfast Egypt employs predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs

and preferences, allowing the company to proactively tailor its offerings and promotions. By

analyzing historical data and patterns, the company can forecast future trends and optimize

marketing strategies accordingly, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Marketing Automation: Utilizing marketing automation tools, Breadfast Egypt streamlines its

marketing processes and delivers timely, relevant communications to customers. Automated

workflows, triggered emails, and personalized recommendations based on AI algorithms ensure

that customers receive timely and tailored interactions, ultimately driving engagement and loyalty.

5. Continuous Optimization: Breadfast Egypt continuously monitors and optimizes its marketing

efforts based on real-time data insights. By measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) and

conducting A/B testing, the company identifies areas for improvement and iteratively refines its

strategies to deliver more effective and relevant interactions to customers.

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Overall, Breadfast Egypt's strategic use of data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, and big data

technologies enables the company to deliver more relevant interactions, enhance customer loyalty, and

drive business growth in the competitive breakfast market. Through personalized communication,

predictive analytics, and marketing automation, the company maximizes customer satisfaction and

fosters long-term relationships with its audience.

Conclusion and Future Recommendations

 Key findings and insights from the analysis

To summaries, Breadfast's value proposition is around offering customers with quick, customizable, and

healthy breakfast alternatives via a hybrid business strategy that combines physical shops and an e-

commerce platform. Breadfast's robust supply chain assures the availability of freshly baked items and

quick delivery to customers' doorsteps, increasing convenience and pleasure. Breadfast efficiently

contacts and engages its target audience with focused social media efforts, resulting in increased

awareness and sales. Breadfast also focuses in customer relationship management, providing

personalized suggestions, swift customer service, and loyalty programmes to develop strong and long-

term client relationships. Overall, Breadfast's comprehensive approach to value delivery, along with its

efficient supply chain and customer-centric tactics, positions it as a global leader in the competitive

breakfast segment.

 Recommendations for enhancing Breadfast’s e-business strategies

We have four future recommendations for Breadfast: First, Breadfast could consider extending their

product line to include other breakfast alternatives, such as healthy smoothies or granola bowls. This

growth can appeal to a wide range of client demands while also attracting new market groups. Second,

by implementing sustainability measures such as utilizing eco-friendly packaging materials or obtaining

ingredients from local and sustainable sources, Breadfast may better meet the rising customer demand

for environmentally aware goods. This dedication to sustainability may help boost business reputation

and attract environmentally aware clients. Third, researching opportunities to enter new regions, both

domestically and globally, can help Breadfast develop. Conducting rigorous market research to discover

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possible growth prospects, as well as customizing the company model to fit the specific demands and

tastes of local consumers, will be critical to successful market entrance. Fourth, strategic alliances and

collaborations with complementary businesses, such as supermarkets, gyms, or corporate offices, can

help Breadfast grow its market share and client base. Collaborative marketing or co-branded items can

exploit each partner's strengths and provide mutual rewards.


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