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Chapter 5

System Modeling with UML

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 1

Topics covered

 System modelling

 Context models

 Interaction models

 Structural models

 Behavioral models

 Model-driven engineering

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 2

System modeling

 What
 the process of developing abstract models of a
 Different view/perspective.
 How
 Unified modeling language (UML).
 Why
 Analyst to understand system functionality
 To communicate with customers.
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System perspectives

 External perspective:
 model system environment (context model)
 Interaction perspective
 between a system and its environment
 between system components with each other.
 Structural perspective
 The structure system data
 Behavioral perspective
 model the system dynamics and how it responds to
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UML diagram types

 Activity diagrams

 Use case diagrams

 Sequence diagrams

 Class diagrams

 State diagrams

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 5

Context models

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Context models

 illustrates the operational context of a system

 show what lies outside the system boundaries.
 used with BPM for more illustration with UML activity diag.

 Architectural models

• show the system and its relationship with other


30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 7

The context of the Mentcare system

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 8

Context models illustration in business process

BPM of involuntary detention

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User registration activity diagram example

Interaction models

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Interaction models

 Interaction
 user-system interaction

 system-system interaction.

 components interaction.
 Tools

 use case diagrams

 sequence diagrams may.

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Use case modeling

 Why
• developed to support requirements elicitation
• each use case represents a discrete task that interacts with
the system.
 Formats
• Diagram: provides an overview of the use case
• Textual: details description.
 Components
• Actor: people or other systems.
• Ellipse: actual use-case

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Use cases in the Mentcare system involving the
role ‘Medical Receptionist’

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Transfer-data use case

 A use case in the Mentcare system

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Textual description of the ‘Transfer data’ use-case

MHC-PMS: Transfer data

Actors 1. Medical receptionist
2. patient records system (PRS)
Description A receptionist may transfer data from the Mentcase
system to a general patient record database that is maintained
by a health authority. The information transferred may either be
updated personal information (address, phone number, etc.) or a
summary of the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.

Data 1. Patient’s personal information

2. treatment summary
Stimulus User command issued by medical receptionist
Response Confirmation that PRS has been updated
Comments The receptionist must have appropriate security
permissions to access the patient information and the PRS.

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Online shopping use-case diagram

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Bank ATM use-case diagram

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Sequence diagrams

 Why

• models interactions between actors and system objects.

• shows the sequence of interactions that take place during

a particular use case or use case instance.
• Components

• objects and actors: listed horizontally

• time: interaction progression, listed vertically

• arrows: Interactions between objects.

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Sequence diagram


Sequence diagram for "View patient
information“ use-case

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 21

diagram for
“transfer data“
diagram for

Car Sharing System

Structural models

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 24

Class diagrams

 Used in object-oriented system

 shows the classes and association among them.

 An association is a link between classes.
 Concrete instance of a class is an object
 Components
 Attributes: structure feature, what object knows
 Operations: behavioral feature, what object can do

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Classes and associations in the MHC-PMS

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The Consultation class

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Class relationship

 Generalization
 ‘is-a’ relationship
 A solid line with a hollow arrowhead that point from the
child to the parent class

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Class relationship

 Simple association
 A structural link between two peer classes
 A solid line connecting two classes

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Class relationship

 Aggregation
 ‘part-of’ relationship
 Objects of Class1 and Class2 have separate lifetimes
 A solid line with an unfilled diamond at the association
end connected to the class of composite

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Class relationship

 Composition
 Special type of aggregation
 Class2 cannot stand by itself
 A solid line with filled diamond at the association end
connected to the class of composite

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Class member visibility

 Attribute / Operation
 + denotes public attributes or operations
 - denotes private attributes or operations
 # denotes protected attributes or operations
 ~ denotes package attributes or operations

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Class diagram: an overview

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Behavioral models

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Behavioral models

 Behavioral models
• models the dynamic behavior of a system
• show what happens when a system responds to a
stimulus from its environment.
 Stimuli
• Data: some data arrives to be processed by the system.

• Events: that triggers system processing.

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Data-driven modeling / data flow diagram

 Data-driven models: show the sequence of actions

involved in processing input data and generating an
associated output.
 Useful during the analysis of requirements. They can be
used to show end-to-end processing in a system.

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Order processing sequence diagram

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Event-driven modeling

 Real-time systems are mainly driven by events.

 send notification
 schedule maintenance
 unsuccessful login trigger

 shows how a system responds to different events.

 A system is FSM: events (stimuli) may cause a

transition from one state to another.

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State machine models

 Show system states as nodes and events as arcs.

 When an event occurs, the system moves from one

state to another.

 Representation

 UML state-chart.

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State diagram of a microwave oven

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Microwave oven operation

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States and stimuli for the microwave oven (a)

State Description
Waiting The oven is waiting for input. The display shows the current time.
Half power The oven power is set to 300 watts. The display shows ‘Half power’.
Full power The oven power is set to 600 watts. The display shows ‘Full power’.
Set time The cooking time is set to the user’s input value. The display shows
the cooking time selected and is updated as the time is set.
Disabled Oven operation is disabled for safety. Interior oven light is on. Display
shows ‘Not ready’.
Enabled Oven operation is enabled. Interior oven light is off. Display shows ‘Ready
to cook’.
Operation Oven in operation. Interior oven light is on. Display shows the timer
countdown. On completion of cooking, the buzzer is sounded for five
seconds. Oven light is on. Display shows ‘Cooking complete’ while buzzer is

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 42

States and stimuli for the microwave oven (b)

Stimulus Description

Half power The user has pressed the half-power button.

Full power The user has pressed the full-power button.

Timer The user has pressed one of the timer buttons.

Number The user has pressed a numeric key.

Door open The oven door switch is not closed.

Door closed The oven door switch is closed.

Start The user has pressed the Start button.

Cancel The user has pressed the Cancel button.

30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 43

State diagram vs Activity diagram

 Activity Diagrams
 capture high level activities aspects
 Data-driven
 Completion of activity causes state transition
 State Diagrams
 Focus on class/system states (active, archived, closed, …)
 Event-driven

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Model-driven engineering

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Model-driven development

 An approach to quicker software development

 Models are the principal outputs of the development
process (not programs!).

 programs are automatically generated from the

 Raises the level of abstraction in software engineering

 Engineers no longer concerned about programming

language details or execution platforms.
30/10/2014 Chapter 5 System Modeling 46
Soloist: Java based MDD
OpenXava: Java based MDD
JHipster: Java based MDD
Model-driven development

 Pros
 System abstraction

 Generating code automatically  cheaper to adapt systems to

new platforms.

 Cons
 Models for abstraction, and not necessarily right
for implementation.

 High learning curve

 Lots of magic.

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Multiple platform-specific models

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1. What is UML? what is it used for?

2. What is context model?
3. What is the difference between state-chart and activity
4. What is meant by behavioral models? mention some models
that depict system behavior
5. What is the difference between data-driven and event-driven
6. What is the difference between TDD, BDD and MDD?
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References & tools

 Start UML


 Visual paradigm

 Visual paradigm community edition (free)

 Jhipster, Model-driven development

 OpenXava, Model-driven development

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