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Q> Write any 10 processes which are related to evaporation?

Ans>The Process in which liquid change into vapours below into boiling point is
known as evaporation.
the factors of evaporation are :-
1. Temperature
The rate of evaporation is directly dependent on the temperature it’s exposed to.
The more the temperature, the more liquid it’s exposed to. The kinetic energy
increases and the liquid gets converted to vapor instead. This increases the rate
of evaporation. You must have noticed that clothes dry at a much faster rate during
summers than in winters when the temperatures are higher.

2. Surface Area of the Liquid

The rate of evaporation is directly dependent on the area the liquid is exposed to.
Let us take a look at some practical examples. The cloth is usually spread over the
cloth line so that it gets exposed to more surface area, and that makes the water
evaporate. Then we all put our daily cup of tea into a saucer so that it cools down
easily. It is simply because some of the particles get evaporated, leaving the tea
at a lower temperature.

3. Humidity of the Air

Evaporation depends greatly on the water vapor present in the air. The lesser the
water vapor, the quicker the cloth gets dried. The more there is water vapor in the
air, the more time it takes for the water to get evaporated and make our clothes

4. Wind Speed
The more the wind blows, the greater is the rate of evaporation. Wind increases the

kinetic energy between the water particles and the rate at which the water gets
evaporated. Take, for example, a windy day better dries your clothes as compared to
a moist day.

5. Intermolecular Attraction
The viscosity of elements or compounds often affects the rate of evaporation. The
molecules of water are loosely bound, while that of hydrogen sulfide is tightly
bound. Hence, the time taken by water to get converted to a gaseous state is
comparatively less than that of hydrogen sulfide.

6. Atmospheric Pressure
It was noticed that places on earth where the atmospheric pressure is lesser, the
process of evaporation is more. The kinetic energy of the particles increased, and
then the change of status was observed. Thus the more the atmospheric pressure, the
lesser is the rate of evaporation.

7. Depth of the Body From Where Evaporation Occurs

The water body from where the water is evaporated is the main factor in how
evaporation occurs. Thus, if the depth of a pond is too much, the rate at which the
water will be evaporated will be more.

8. Vapor Pressure Difference

The rate of evaporation clearly depends on the vapor pressure of the air or the
rate at which the air leaves the surface. The difference between the vapor pressure
of water and the vapor pressure of air is the primary factor that affects

9. Presence of Solutes in Solution

When salt is present inside water, the rate of evaporation increases. The simple
reason is that the boiling point of salt is more than the boiling point of water.
As a result, the concentration of dissolved solutes will be more than the water

10. Influence of Magnetic Field in Evaporation

The influence of the magnetic field affects the rate of evaporation. The magnetic
field affects the viscosity of the liquid and increases water tension. The result
is that the rate of evaporation increases.

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