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Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Form No:PSRM/03

Rank: Chief Engineer Duration of Duty: 3 Month(s)

Name: TETEMADZE MAMUKA Sign-on: 19-Aug-2023 Sign-off: 25-Nov-2023
Emp Code: 1021172 Rating From: 18-Aug-2023 Rating To: 23-Nov-2023
Vessel: Solar Naama Date Completed: 23-Nov-2023
Appraisal: End of Contract

OT: On Target BT: Below Target SBT: Significantly Below Target

Sl.No. Criteria Score Achievement

1 Number of PSC inspections during tenure 0

2 Average number of PSC deficiencies per inspection(<1:OT, >1:BT, >2:SBT) 0 N/A

3 Number of code 17 findings during tenure(0:OT, >1:BT, >2:SBT) 0 N/A

4 Number of PSC detentions during tenure(0:OT, >1:BT, >2:SBT) 0 N/A

5 Number of internal audits done during tenure 1

6 Number of internal audit NC if audit done during tenure(<5:OT, >5:BT, >8:SBT) 1 On Target
7 Number of internal audit Obs if audit done during tenure(<7:OT, >7:BT, >8:SBT) 5 On Target

8 Number of overdue audit findings that were not agreed for extention(0:OT, >1:BT, >2:SBT) 0 On Target

9 Number of external audits (ISM, ISPS) done during tenure 1

10 Number of NC received during external audits if carried out during tenure(<1:OT, >1:BT, >2:SBT) 0 On Target

11 Number of observations received during external audits if carried out during the tenure(0:OT, 0 On Target
>2:BT, >3:SBT)
12 Number of flag state inspections done during tenure 1

13 Number of flag state deficiencies received if inspection carried out during tenure(0:OT, >1:BT, 0 On Target
14 Number of TSI visits carried out during tenure (port and sailing visits) 0

15 Number of overdue TSI instructions that were not agreed for extention(0:OT, >2:BT, >4:SBT) 0 On Target
16 Number of MSI visist carried out during tenure (port and sailing visits) 1

17 Number of overdue MSI instructions that were not agreed for extention(0:OT, >2:BT, >4:SBT) 0 On Target

18 Days un-planned off-hire due to incidents(0:OT, >1:BT, >2:SBT) 0 On Target

19 Number of Category 2 - 5 incidents 0 On Target

20 Percentage of overdue PMS jobs(<1%:OT, >1%:BT, >3%:SBT) 0.8 On Target

21 TRC during tenure(0:OT, 1:BT, >1:SBT) 0 On Target

22 Number of pollution incidents - contained on board(0:OT, 1:BT, >1:SBT) 0 On Target

23 Number of pollution incidents - spill into sea (any spill, including sheens)(0:OT, 1:BT, >1:SBT) 0 On Target

24 Total number of Unsafe Acts/Unsafe Condition Reports submitted during appraisal period 32
25 Number of hazardous occurrence reports submitted (average per month)(>6:OT, <6:BT, <5:SBT) 10.06 On Target

26 Number of initial Unsafe Acts/Unsafe Condition Reports rejected by office 0

27 Percentage of hazardous occurrence reports initially rejected during tenure(<8%:OT, >8%:BT, 0 On Target

16 On Target 32
0 Below Target 0
0 Significantly Below Target 0

Total Points Achieved 32

% of Target Achievement 100.00
% Appraisal Rating 87.50
Total % Rating 93.75
Fail Criteria No
Self Assessment :
5: Outstanding 4: Exceeds Expectations 3: Meets Expectations 2: Developmental 1: Below Expectations

Sl.No. The result of the target achievement should guide the appraisers when evaluating the
performance during the contract. If targets were not met, then this could be related to
various factors that will likely be influenced with the 11 appraisal points below. Score Remarks
1 Compliance with Risk Assessment procedures 4
2 Raising of safety / security awareness on board 4
3 Quality / accuracy of crew appraisals 4
4 Interpersonal / communication skills 4
5 Efficient ship / office communication 4
6 Motivation of officers and crew 4
7 Man management including job and maintenance planning 4
8 Decision making / problem analysis 4
9 Commercial Awareness 4
10 Rest hour compliance and compliance planning 4
11 Pro-active reporting and transparency of operations on board 4

Master Assessment
5: Outstanding 4: Exceeds Expectations 3: Meets Expectations 2: Developmental 1: Below Expectations

Sl.No. The result of the target achievement should guide the appraisers when evaluating the
performance during the contract. If targets were not met, then this could be related to
various factors that will likely be influenced with the 11 appraisal points below. Score Remarks
1 Compliance with Risk Assessment procedures 4
2 Raising of safety / security awareness on board 4
3 Quality / accuracy of crew appraisals 4
4 Interpersonal / communication skills 4
5 Efficient ship / office communication 4
6 Motivation of officers and crew 4
7 Man management including job and maintenance planning 4
8 Decision making / problem analysis 4
9 Commercial Awareness 4
10 Rest hour compliance and compliance planning 4
11 Pro-active reporting and transparency of operations on board 4

Do you recommend the seafarer for re-employment? Yes

Does the seafarer show potential for further career development?
Is the seafarer recommended for promotion? Rank Group
Has the seafarer received a written warning during the appraisal period? No
CMS status:and
Additional 0.00Supporting
% CMS remarks: his CMS to be close by TSI
Remarks CMS submitted Yes

Mamuka is professional and very cooperative Chief Engineer. He keeps machinery in very good condition, which
resulted in none mechanical defects and none observation raised by internal or external parties during recent
inspections. His transparent communication helps to run this vessel without major issues. It is pleasure to work with
him, hope to have this opportunity in the future.
Office Comments

Appraisee Feedback Pleasure to operate vessel with Captain Rafal Naumowicz

Training Remarks

Sl.No. Recommended Courses

Name and Signatures


Appraiser Position Seafarer

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