02 - English Exam - 2

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CODE : 02

1. a) Romeo 1

2. c) Italy 1

3. d) God 1

4. b) i –b ii – c iii - a 1

5. c) Sorrows 1

6. b) Basavaiah got a palatial mansion. 1

- he appointed persons to praise him.

- he bedecked himself with gold and diamond.

- his house looked dull and empty.

7. d) Eye sight 1

8. a) Bowing 1

9. c) School teacher 1

10. d) The district collector 1

11. -were wasted 1

-was given 1

12. -if 1

-also 1

-then 1
13. i. Marcus Ibe c) People’s Alliance Party 1

ii. Maduka e) Progressive Organization Party 1

iii. Shoe a) Prison 1

iv. Cut down b) Reduce 1

v. Swept across d) Spread rapidly 1

14. Juliet waiting for Romeo - addresses night - asks night to come and
give her Romeo - says Romeo is day in night – lies upon wings of
night - whiter than new snow on raven's back – requests loving,
gentle night - to cut him out in little stars after her death - says he
will make the face of heaven so fine - the world will fall in love with
night - stop worshipping the Sun - intense and passionate love –
immortalises Romeo

15. The Prophet says children are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for
- come through parents – but not belong to them — parents can give
their love - but not impose their thoughts – children have their own
thoughts - parents shelter their body - not their souls - souls of
children dwell in the house of tomorrow- parents cannot even visit in
their dreams – can strive to be like their children - parents are bows -
children are living arrows – God is the Archer – Archer fixes the path 4
of the infinite - should bend gladly -children as arrows should fly swift
and fast – parents must support their children - the Archer blesses and
loves both the stable bows and swift arrows.

16. W B Yeats vividly presents different aspects of love - 'Love' cannot

be termed as 'true love' unless it goes beyond the physical attraction
- the speaker addresses his beloved - he says to her that when she
becomes old and gray, sitting and nodding by the fire - to take his
book of poems - wants her to read it slowly and recalls her youth -
asks her to remember her admirers who loved her physical beauty -
there was 'only one' who loved her 'pilgrim soul' and the sorrows of
her changing face - the speaker says that the beloved would regret as
she had rejected his love - the speaker says that 'Love' has
disappeared - has fled and paced upon the mountains and hid his 4
face amidst a crowd of stars - the beloved would also feel sad that
the love has vanished from her forever.

17. Kuvempu picturises nature that makes earth heaven- nature

manifests itself as God to him – heaven isn’t anywhere else but on
earth itself - if we ourselves cannot be Gods then there can be no
Gods - if we ourselves aren’t heavenly nymphs – nymphs don’t exist -
roaring streams, rolling surf, the waves, the tender sunshine, the
gentle sun, moonlit nights ... etc - make this earth heaven - Heaven
is in the creation of one’s own mind and is rather an illusion - the 4
poet sensibly imbibes the nectar of nature’s beauty into a heavenly
18. Criminal's execution - too expensive — no way out - ministers
considered and reconsidered - death sentence altered - life
imprisonment would come cheaper - but Monaco had no suitable
and strong prison - only small lock up - managed to find a place - put 4
the criminal - placed a guard – guard had to watch the criminal - had
to fetch food from palace kitchen.

19. Vandana Shiva - learnt about diversity - in Himalayan forests -

started saving seeds - from farmers’ fields - realized need of a farm –
for demonstration and training - Navdanya farm started in 1994 - in
Doon Valley - conserve and grow 630 varieties of rice - 150 varieties
of wheat - hundreds of other species - practice and promote
biodiversity intensive form of farming – the farmers were made to
think and act beyond monocultures.

20. Tammanna became famous - felicitated as the best poet of his times
-Basavaiah was after material wealth - Tammanna thought of yet
another method of punishing Basavaiah - death – if he continued at
the level of body - Basavaiah would offer stiff competition - death
alone would destroy Basavaiah - wanted to separate songs from his
body - gave up everything and started off – became a gardener -
avenged himself.

21. In Japan, bowing is a mania - everybody bows to everybody else -

with inimitable grace - for foreigners hard to practice - they bow to
wrong person - in wrong place - has complex rules - it is quainter,
formal, oriental, infections - hierarchy - difference in rank, standing, 4
age, social position subtly reflected - Japanese do it without any
difficulty - is a part of their culture.
22. POP Campaign team - visited Roof at night - he was Roof's friend -
behaved in cold and business - like manner - placed five pounds on
floor to vote for Maduka - Roof refused first - later tempted by
money - accepted the offer - questioned campaigner about the 4
secrecy of meeting – convinced - made to sworn on Iyi, the fearsome
little affair.

23. Cycling, a social movement in Pudukkottai - mobility was made a part

of literacy drive - cycling, the brainchild of Sheela Rani Chunkath -
pushed banks to give loans to buy cycles - women took to cycling -
most of them are neo –literates - every woman wanted to
learn - this led to shortage of ladies’ cycles - women did not stop
learning - choose gents’ cycles - even preferred them —as these have
an additional bar - role of N. Kannammal - increased women's 4
confidence –brought economic benefits - reduced dependence on
men - availed leisure and freedom.


24. Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo become friends - a pinch of snuff
offered by Don Gonzalo - Don Gonzalo reads aloud - he comes across
a famous quotation - he tells Laura that it is from Campoamor -
Dona Laura sympathies for his reading with all those glasses -
prompts Gonzalo - boasts about composing verses - he tells her
about Espronceda, Zorilla, and Bequer - Don Gonzalo tells her that he
was also a great friend of Campoamor - he had met him in Valencia -
he adds that he was a native of Valencia - Dona Laura tells him that
she had spent many years in Maricela - startles Don Gonzalo - tells
her that he had seen the most beautiful woman - known as The 6
Silver Maiden ,Laura Llorente - Laura is also startled - they look at
each other intently - at this moment they begin to recognize each

Water is the witness to social discrimination and injustice in the
name of caste - strife between village and wada - untouchability -
knows discrimination in the name of race - Samaria woman and
Jesus - Sub-caste difference - leather and spool – agony of panchama
waiting with empty pot - humiliation of wad girl -access to water -
determined by caste-discrimination leading to violence - single drop
embodies tears shed over generation - battles fought for single drop
of water - blood flowed like streams - women walking miles straining,
carrying heavy pots –Malapalle, burnt to ashes - water not a simple 6
thing - can give life - can also devour life.

25. a. a flying bird 1

b. a yellow patch on the throat 1

c. Amiruddin 1

d. the honorary secretary of the society 1

e. at the museum of Bombay Natural History Society 1

f. one year 1

g. Ornithology 1

h. ‘The Book of Indian Birds’ 1

i. unknown 1

j. Padma Vibhushan 1

26. i) Him = Salim Ali’s uncle / uncle 1

ii) It = Bird 1

iii) Who = W S Millard 1

iv) Where = the society 1

27. Patient : Good morning madam. Is this Jayadev Hospital?

Receptionist: Very good morning, yes, this is Jayadev Hospital and

who is calling?

Patient : I am ABCD /This is ABCD from Kalaburagi 1

Receptionist: What can I do for you?/ How can I help you? 1

Patient : can I get an appointment with the doctor, for today?

Receptionist: Yes, you can come after 5.00 pm.

Patient: Thank you / Thank you very much. 1

(NOTE : Marks should be given if answers are apt to the given


28. Dona Laura told Don Gonzalo that he should have asked permission 1
to sit there.

Don Gonzalo said that the benches there were public property. 1

Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo why he had complained about the 1

Don Gonzalo asked her whether /if she was taunting him. 1


29. I. stress 1/2

II. people 1/2

III. rich 1/2

IV. poor 1/2

V. men 1/2

VI. women 1/2

VII. USA 1/2

VIII. UK 1/2

30. Format 2

Content / body of the letter / text 3

Resume can be written either separately or in the body of the letter


(NOTE: No marks for mere format / Resume)

----THE END---

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