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Name: Sarkaut Muhamad Husen. G-A1 Lab.


How to diagnose bacteria in the laboratories of MLT dept. ?

1. Preparation of the Slide:

- Label a clean glass slide with the patient's information.

- Place a small drop of sterile saline or distilled water in the center of the slide.

2. Sample Collection:

- Obtain a sample from the patient using a sterile swab or loop..

- Swab the area of interest, such as a wound or infected site, to collect bacteria.

3. Smearing the Sample:

- Gently spread the collected sample in the drop of saline or water on the slide.

- Use a second slide at a 30-45 degree angle to spread the sample evenly in a thin layer (smear).

4. Air-Drying:

- Allow the bacterial smear to air-dry completely to fix the bacteria onto the slide.

- Avoid heat-fixing the slide, as it may alter the bacterial morphology.

5. Staining:

- Perform Gram staining or other differential staining techniques to visualize bacterial


- Follow the staining protocol carefully, including application of crystal violet, iodine, alcohol
decolorization, and safranin counterstain for Gram staining.

6. Microscopic Examination:

- Place the stained slide under a microscope with oil immersion lens for optimal magnification.

- Observe the bacterial morphology, arrangement, and staining characteristics to identify the type
of bacteria present.

7. Interpretation:

- Identify the Gram reaction (Gram-positive or Gram-negative), shape (cocci, bacilli, spirilla), and
arrangement (clusters, chains) of the bacteria.

- Note any specific features or patterns that may aid in bacterial identification.
8. Documentation:

- Record your observations in the patient's medical record, including the type of bacteria identified
and any relevant findings.

- Communicate the results to the healthcare team for appropriate treatment decisions..

9. Quality Control:

- Ensure proper labeling, handling, and processing of the bacterial smear to prevent contamination
and ensure accurate results.

- Follow laboratory safety protocols and dispose of biohazardous materials appropriately.

mention the tools and instruments that use for this purpose

Without knowing the specific purpose you're referring to, here are some
general tools and instruments commonly used across various fields:

1. Screwdrivers
2. Wrenches
3. Pliers
4. Hammers
5. Drills
6. Saws
7. Measuring tape
8. Levels
9. Soldering iron
10. Oscilloscope

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