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toth octobes 2023

) India and Savdi Arabia

J has siqned a Mou Sn
Gelds oA Electrical Dntertonnections, Gveen avd
clean Hydhogen and supply chafns
’ Ministry of Neo and Reneucable enesgy they have defred
Green Hydoqen CHh) standard of India.
Per akg if yous ose
ae pro olucirg heen hydogen thn the
Casbon emissio should not be more than 2kq caabondoxtde
eguivalent Nafional
)Govt ok India has a mission - Green Hydrogen ni ssion
able to produce s MMT of GYeen
Tasget ’ By 2030
hydaogen annualy
qout oill spend 1,749 er rupees
They started a scheme called siG HT (strategic Da terventong
for Green Hydhogen 7ran s?tion pretamme) for comple ting
the National Grecn Hydhogen mission
sauc Arabia coill host 2034 Asian games in its capital
also hosted te liotd weigat lifting chanmpi onchip vecenty
china topped the medal taly
’India - Midd le east Sope Eco nomic coTridor is combng up
port f savdi Arabia CSavi Arabia is part ofths
in that 2
Corridor) ’ Dam Mam ports& Ras fAl khair port
am pPort
pant of this e conomic corri dor.

2) NPCR CNatiowal payments Corpovation of Jndia)

Land a
Subsidiay of the central Bank of UAE
Jhas signed an Mou to

bui ld, implement and operatianalize its

na tional domestie cand scheme modelled
on India's Rupay casd.
’ Ru pas Casd similarly vAE also oants to have
Sndia has Rupay
similar their National card.
’ NPCI eas Company Cwholly ouohed sobsi dasy af
hos overseas
NPC D) called NPCT Pnternational payments imited (NIPL)
NTPL has paatnered oith the govt of UAE
’ perS on frow UAe called Dr Thani Al zeyoudi - he has
be come the chìr pers on o7 the oTos mìnis terial
that iu take place in Abu Dhabi fnn fefe bb 2024.
’ Tndi a has kept a target of doing aa business of loob
boith uAE excluding the petrole um products by 2030 .

3)'s) Women Entrepreneusship platform ( WEP) -NITr Aayog

state ootshop series
Enabling omen-led Deelapment thoough Entrepenuoshi
has been organized to
dei berate on a hub-and -spoke model
aimed at
oOmen led development to grassroots levels
held in collaboYation with Goa
The coorkshop oas
in ooa kuoon
’Tnstitute m knoon as National Jnstitute of oce anegra phy
Lohich ooTks ondey csIR CCouncil of scientifc * Tnodostial
This oorkshop is Series of collaboration to support women
enterprene was
’ Tnctias ist light house fes tival took place m qoa
’ qovt of Goa stcoted 2 sclemes
Griha Aad has uohere 150oh per month is given to
the oomen as fnancial sUpport
chavath -e- ba zaas oich empowers the locoal
e- cOmmesce
enter prene ws toough
Dayanand socia secusity sc hame - Dn ohich 2000l- is gen
to the vulnerable section of the society. -’ launched n goa.
from goa got 6T Tag- Mantrad mango
-’ Goan Bebinca puddinq (Dessext )’qot 6T Tag
Goa wìll host the 39th National games
Mascot: Moga cIndian Bison animal )

4) Ministry of Texti les

has onganized
National conclave on Agrotech
Jemphasizing on

the impotance of accelerating produe tivty of

agicultuwe 3 hor tieolture products n Tndia
Aqiotech means -the tec hnical tex tiles fn
Agi tech Means Agricu ltural tec hno logy.
staated tie GREAT Guide lines recently ohere we o?l
provide ghaut upto Bo Lakh Rupees fn the next 18 m onths
tb those companies ohich have started doing eseosch or
entre prenes ship n technfeal texti les
’ we oant to deve lop the maket foy teehnical textiles B
Tndia we ant to ta ke it to anoUnd So bì lli on by Py 2024

s) Goa" is set to by 39t4 edition

wake his tovy hosting
National Gameg
’ It featuing 43 sporting dliscipines
’ Mascot ! Moga CIrdian Bison )
’36th National games happened in Gjaoat C36 Diseipia
of sprgting) PCDemonstration spo)
’ lots of games has been odded erample hatka (punjab?
si bh martial aot) yachting beach football, voll ball golf,
sepakta kyaw,, sqay
sgay mar til ast, kalliyana pattu Ckerela motfal
oat)and pencak silat, logor i(ako)(Demonstration spert)
’3sth Natonal qawes oill take place in uttara thand next yeo
) Dr Joyeeta Gupta Yeceived spinoza prize

The highest distinction

in Duteh science
Loork in the held. of climate
’ Tt is given Dutch Reseasch counci l
’ 4 is oorth 5 millon usos
she teaches at the university of Amsterdam

auard is named after Bauch spinoza (Dutch sientist)
) RSI (Resesve Bank of Incia)
has pro posed to erterd the
Paymen ts in fa strve ture Development fund
- PT DF Scme

by a
further period ot 2 yecos
>extended til 3st Dec 202S

’ PPDE S cewe as stosteo on Tan 202 for

tor a period of
De c 2023 .
3yeass t coas suppose to end on
’ oe ne ec to have payment in fras tvcture i:e pIDF
’H oilu be applicable for both tthe types of physical
infastycture (Doint of sale ) and R code ete euen the
tier 3
3 to
to 6 centers, Nor th eas tesn
digital ifastructure. în tier
States,Tk g ladath.

’ 2very yeas oe should have atteast physical avd

20L Digita! payment cevices nes ohich oe need to put

Tay au also propos ing is that the bene feiaies f the

PM vishoaka ma sc neme (so RBI has pro posed to inclled the
bene ficioies ot PM vishuoa kama scheme udar the pauwant
imfastruetuu davelopwent fond also)
-’ PM vishoakaama schme oas launched re cewtly fn 2023
on vish LOa kasma day The 3, 000 CY Rupees is budget for
the same
-’ he Dnterest ate s very low. t lakh rUpees the st tranehe
it back on tine you can get ztath ropees
at 5 o . (8 traditional tradeg ok Pndia oill be covered.
) Muneesh kapuh has been Execotive Dire otor of RBI"
as the
9) Tndian A8 Toyce has att
celebyated Awniversay

Tndian Air Force das ’ gth oct

Thewwe 2023 : TAF- Ay power Beyond
’ The main celebratons happened in prayagraj , V-p
-’ This is 1st time that Aty force paade has been Comwmonded
by uoomen ofices ’ qAoup captain shaliza DhamiCuttasathond)
’ Indi an Aiy Force slogan: Nab hah sprsam Dptam 1
(Touch the sky oith Glory )
Ltaken from
Bhogavad Gita
haziabad,U·p on the bank
-’ TAP have Hindan Air base fn G
was organized
f Hindan Rives. Here Bhosat Drone yatra
the Indian Aiy Force in pastnership oith Drone Federation

Io) Raksha Mantrf Rajnath Singh

has velea sed
sta posi tive Indigeni sation list os 98 item
’ his tist has been pre pared by De partment of Mili tosy
Affairs "which orks Under the ministry of Defence
-> 98 items ae those easies oe Used teo prchase them
from abroad (Tmport tham) Now we make them Inia.
-’ Before this 4 lists have abeady Total B1 those

4 ist 4666 items weye ncluded which oe nake them S

Tndia Loe oill not Tmport them any more .
’ positive indigeni sation ist consists of items that can ol
be procued bythe indian asmed torces fom Domete

Tri Services comnmanders' con ference CTSCC) - 2023"

oas held at
Subroto park Nes Delh?
nder the
aegis of western Aiy Comnand

’ oestern Air Comwand H&: Subroto park, Nes Delni

’ Tndiau Atr Force did erercise called Desert oaryi or oith
’ India cnd Egypt they man tacturing Helen-30o Afroafts
’ Indian Air force also patici pated the Desest flaq -m
exercise cohich uoas Conducted by AE at tre?r Al Dhafra
air base T is a multi exercise Cmay coUntries
articipated n this exercise )
-’TAF panticipated fn the cobra oarior exescise whieh was
hasted by britain. t is a mult country exercise.
cOPE Dndia exercise be toeen Ar Force of usA gTndia
hoppeneol at di fferent places ite kalaikunda panagash and
Agha Tt happeneol at multiple air bases
’TAF poaticipated sn S*ercise called Iniochos hat coas
hosted by Greece
12) Hindus tan Aeronautics linmi ted (HAL) !
kas handed over
To?n Sea ter vasi ant ol LCA Tejas fightes aireraft (aot
L to
Jrdian Alr Force w
ho nae Tejas boas given by Atal B7hai vaj payee
’ Tndian military has given an orde to make Astra (ony
Aty- to - A?Y mì ssile ) tat india hos t oill be manufacturel

by Bharat Dyrami cs (imiteod (BDL)

3 LCAoTejas Mk tA Indian r Porce.
will be de livered to Jnaliay
by Feb 2024. and t6 arcra fts each yeos for he next s yess
0 +3 =83 oùrcratts .
To tal l6 x 5

Defence Ministry gave an ordes of 83 Tejas(LCA MEIA) This

a del oorth 48,000 CY
13) Mahasashtra state govt Un
yeoo- long oa
empower ment campaign

Mukhymantri Mahi la
Sashak ti kasan Abhiyan
L aimed at
those oho wish to expand
theiy busine sses and poviding
Linkages velated to ?t
’Mukhymantri means CM, Mahi la sashak ti karan mecns
Loomen empoweYment Abhiyan means
cam paign.
It oiI
oill be implemented from znd oct 2023 to |st oct 2o24
-’ The cam paign aims to bene ft atleagt lakh oo men B
eoch district of Mahaohtra
’ They also loant to tran atleast (o lakh oomen throngh
govt de patments, NGos and training insti tutes
14) sot India Tnternati onal knit fair Loll be, fom 12hto tth
held oct
Tiruppwn, Tam?/ Nadu

’IHis organized Sn portnership wtth AEPC CAppasel export

pYowotton coun ci l) TirUppus export Association .
’ clothes called knitoeas collections oi be showcased oll
Over Tvdia.
H-&: Gwugsam
is the official body of appael exportors mInclia
’ on h oct TN Celebrated the blrthay of ERC. Davidar
as Nilgiri Tah day for the rst time
- NilgiÉ Tahr state animal of Tamil Nacu

(5)`Raksha Mantri shoi Rajnath singh ?

has launc hed
SBI NAVe Cash Card -a one of its kind
dual -hip debit co d
Jdlevetoped by
SBT Cstate Bauk of Dadia)
Tndian Navy
’ be useol
T+ can be usel as
as regula De bit cand n the online wode .

Tt can also be use d n the offtne mode wile at sea ot

iHe or no connectivity coith te Bank.
available on vrSA platform .

I6)World Dys lexia Day tn oct evesy yeas .

eme 2023: Unigve ly you
t isis a leanfng dis ordes. N efects the
that it
’ Dysleri a means Hhat
the persons abibty to reacd orite propesly
world Hydhogen and fuelcell day boas also celebrated on
gth oct

19) Thda has " South Asian Football Federation (SAFP)

oon the
Under-19 champi onship
J. after defeating
pakistau 3
J Bn the finals at
Dashra th Ranga sala stadi um
ka th man du, Ne pal

This is the gth title of SFF U- 19 championship that

Traia on.
-’ Solies India coon SAP U-l6-t6 cham pions hip als o . defeatrq
Bangladesh n frnals that happene d n Thi mphu, Bhutan.

Is) Tadia"hes ben

18) president ot Asia - poa cìfte Ins tiitute
elected as
for Broad cas ting Development (AIRD)
General Con ference (ac)
L for the
3Yd sucte ssive term to lead the
prestigious international organizatisa
’AI BD Sas Set Up Tn 1977
t coorks Undes UNES CO
>H kaula lum pu, Malayia.


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