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1. Introduction to the topic.....................................................................................7
2. Company profile................................................................................................22
 About company..............................................................................................24
 Group vision, mission, philosophy& values.................................................28
 Renukoot cluster............................................................................................33
 The company product....................................................................................40
 Features of the product..................................................................................51
 Marketing strategies.......................................................................................52
 Competitors....................................................................................................54
 Major problems..............................................................................................55
 National & International Image......................................................................56
 SWOT Analysis of the company....................................................................57
 Factor influencing recruitment.........................................................................61
 Recent trends in recruitment...........................................................................68
 Recruitment & selection policy.......................................................................70
 HR challenges in recruitment & selection.......................................................72
 Research methodology......................................................................................75
 Types of research design...................................................................................77
 Objective of the study.......................................................................................79
 Sources of data collection..................................................................................80
 Tools used for data collection...........................................................................82
 Data analysis......................................................................................................85
 Process of data analysis.....................................................................................86
 Data analysis& interpretation............................................................................87
 Limitations of the study......................................................................................97
 Findings.............................................................................................................98
 Conclusion........................................................................................................100
 Suggestions........................................................................................................103




Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficient numbers

and with appropriate qualification, to apply for jobs within an organization. The process of
searching prospective employees with multidimensional skills and experience that suits
organization strategies in fundamental to the growth of the organization, this demands more
comprehensive strategic perspective recruitment. Organizations require the services of large
number of personnel, these personnel occupies the various positions created to the process of
organization. Each position of the organization has certain specific contributions to achieve
the organizational objectives. The recruitment process of the organizational has to be strong
enough to attract and select the potential candidates with right job specification.

The recruitment process begins with human resources planning and concludes with the
selection of required number of candidates, both HR staff and operating managers have
responsibilities in the process.

“Right person for the right job is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Every
organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers.
The operative manpower is equally important and essential for the orderly working of an

Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activities
smoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is
essential. Human resource management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable
persons are selected and employment in a business unit.

Recruitment and selection are two key parts of the hiring process that allow companies to
find and attract the best talent.

Recruitment involves getting a job description in front of as many people as possible.

Selection involves narrowing down the pool until you’re left with the best person for the role.


Recruitment means to estimate the vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their
selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and
obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected.

A formal definition states, it is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the
employment . The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their
applicants are submitted. The results is a pool of applicants from which new employees are
selected . In this, the available vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidates are
encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific

In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source
such as newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used.

In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most
suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with
potential employees.


According to EDWIN B. FLIPPO, ‘ Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating then to apply for jobs in the organization.’’

Recruitment is the process of actively seeking out, finding and hiring candidates for a specific
position or job. The recruitment definition includes the entire hiring process, from inception
to the individual recruit's integration into the company.

Need for Recruitment:-

The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons/ situation:

a.) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent

disability, death and labour turnover.
b.) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of
business activities of an interprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to
job specification.
c.) It helps organization by found of the need of requirements by job analysis
activities and personnel planning.
d.) To collect many of job candidates with less cost.
e.) It helps to organize application by divided them by under qualified or
overqualified, to increase the possibility of increasing and choosing the success
person to the right place.
f.) Employing new and better qualified staff often the only effective long-term
strategy for improving operational performance.
g.) Capabilities and commitment of employees ensure an organisation’s success.
h.) Raise organizational and individual value in the short term and long term.

Purpose of Recruitment:-

The primary purpose of recruitment is to ensure a continuous supply of qualified and

competent individuals to meet the organization's current and future staffing requirements. It
involves proactively seeking out potential candidates who possess the necessary skills,
experience, and cultural fit to contribute effectively to the organization's goals.

The main goal of recruitment is to enable an organization to hire the most well-suited
candidates from the job market to fill unique and specific roles within their business.

a.) Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with
its personnel planning and job analysis activities.

b.) Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

c.) Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
d.) Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave
the organization only after a short period of time.
e.) Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
work force.
f.) Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
g.) Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.
h.) Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types
of job applicants.

Significance of Recruitment:-

Effective recruitment practices hold immense significance for organizations in various


Competitive Advantage:- Attracting and securing top talent provides a competitive edge in
the market, as skilled individuals drive innovation and productivity.

Cost-Effectiveness:- A well-executed recruitment process reduces the time and resources

spent on finding the right candidates, minimizing overall hiring costs.

Employee Engagement:- Hiring individuals aligned with the organization's values fosters a
positive work environment, enhancing employee engagement and retention.

Employer Branding:- A positive reputation as an employer of choice attracts high-caliber

candidates and strengthens the organization's brand image.


Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists of a number of activities. A
candidate who fails to qualify for particular step is not eligible for appearing for the
subsequent step. Employee selection is the process of putting right men on the right job. It is
a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of
people. Effective selection can be done only where there is effective matching. By selecting
best candidate for the required job, the organization will get quality performance of

Moreover, organization will face less absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By
selecting right candidate for the required job, organization will also save time and money.
Proper screening of candidates takes place during selection procedure. All the potential
candidates who apply for the given job are tested.

The goal of the process of selection is to identify the most qualified candidates for open
positions within a company. Many factors, such as a candidate's qualifications, experiences,
skills, and overall attitude should be considered to ensure that the right person is
hired for the job.

Purpose of Selection:-

1. Selects the suitable candidates.

2. Determines applicant’s capabilities.
3. Places right candidate at right job.
4. Generates information about candidate.
5. Saves cost.

Significance of Selection:-

The significance of selection is paramount in various contexts, ranging from human

resources and evolution to scientific experiments and decision-making. Here are some key
areas where selection holds significance:

1. Human Resources and Employment:

 Hiring Process: In the context of human resources, selection refers to the process of
choosing the most suitable candidate for a job from a pool of applicants. This process
involves assessing qualifications, skills, experience, and other relevant factors.
 Workforce Productivity: Effective selection ensures that individuals with the right
skills and attributes are placed in positions where they can contribute most effectively,
leading to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

2. Evolutionary Biology:
 Natural Selection: In the field of biology, particularly in evolutionary theory, natural
selection is a fundamental concept. It explains how species evolve over time through
the differential survival and reproduction of organisms with advantageous traits.

3. Experimental Design:
 Scientific Experiments: In scientific research, selection is crucial in experimental
design. Researchers carefully select participants, samples, or groups to ensure the
reliability and validity of their experiments. This is essential for drawing accurate
conclusions and generalizing findings.

4. Decision-Making:
 Decision Processes: In everyday decision-making, individuals often face a range of
options. The selection process involves choosing the most appropriate option based on
various criteria such as preferences, values, and available information.

5. Product and Service Development:

 Product Features: In business and product development, the selection of features,
specifications, and components is critical to creating successful and marketable
products. Companies must choose the right combination of elements to meet customer
needs and preferences.

6. Education and Training:

 Admissions: In educational institutions, the selection of students through an
admissions process is crucial for maintaining academic standards and ensuring that
students are well-suited for the programs they enter.
 Training Programs: Selection is also relevant in designing training programs, where
the right candidates are chosen for specific learning opportunities based on their
aptitude and potential.

7. Investment and Finance:

 Investment Portfolio: In finance, portfolio selection involves choosing a mix of
assets to achieve a specific financial goal while considering factors such as risk
tolerance, investment horizon, and market conditions.

8. Genetic Engineering:
 Gene Selection: In genetic engineering and biotechnology, the selection of specific
genes or traits is essential for modifying organisms to achieve desired characteristics,
such as disease resistance or increased productivity.


Recruitment and selection are two key parts of the hiring process that allow companies to
find and attract the best talent.

Recruitment involves getting a job description in front of as many people as possible. Selection
involves narrowing down the pool until you’re left with the best person for the role.

1. Identifying Job Requirement:- The recruiter first recognises the job opening
regarding the department in which the vacancy is, number of vacancies and urgency
of hiring.
2. Preparing Job Description and Job Specification:- The next step is making
a job description disclosing the job-related details like designation, location, duties to
be performed and required experience. The recruiter also chalks out the job
specification having information regarding the skills, qualification, the area of
expertise, etc.

3. Advertising the Vacant Position:- A job vacancy is advertised through
newspapers, brochures, job portals, consultancies, etc. It ensures that the maximum
number of relevant candidates can apply for the job.
4. Attracting Candidates to Apply for Job:- The recruiter needs to provide
proper assistance and guidance to the candidates willing to apply for the job.
5. Managing Applications:- The recruiter has to arrange the applications in an
orderly manner to simplify the task of scrutinising them.
6. Scrutinising Applications:- Next step is the initial investigation of the
applications to go through the candidate’s profile thoroughly.
7. Shortlisting Candidates:- By scrutinising the applications, candidates with the
matching profile are picked out for the process of selection.

Selection is along process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and
ending with the contract of employment.

There are approximately five to seven steps in a typical employee selection process. The
exact steps will vary by company, but the basics include announcing the job, reviewing
applications, screening candidates, interviewing, final selection, testing, and making an offer.

The selection process refers to the steps involved in choosing someone who has the right
qualifications to fill a current or future job opening. There are five main steps in the selection
process. First, criteria are developed to determine how the person will be chosen.

1. Preliminary Interview:- The preliminary interview is also called as a screening
interview wherein those candidates are eliminated from the further selection process
who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria as required by the organization.

Here, the individuals are checked for their academic qualifications, skill sets, family
backgrounds and their interest in working with the firm. The preliminary interview is
less formal and is basically done to weed out the unsuitable candidates very much before
proceeding with a full-fledged selection process.

2. Receiving Applications:- Once the individual qualifies the preliminary interview he is

required to fill in the application form in the prescribed format. This application contains
the candidate data such as age, qualification, experience, etc. This information helps the
interviewer to get the fair idea about the candidate and formulate questions to get more
information about him.
3. Screening Applications:- Once the applications are received, these are screened by the
screening committee, who then prepare a list of those applicants whom they find
suitable for the interviews. The shortlisting criteria could be the age, sex, qualification,
experience of an individual. Once the list is prepared, the qualified candidates are called
for the interview either through a registered mail or e-mails.
4. Employment Tests:- In order to check the mental ability and skill set of an individual,
several tests are conducted. Such as intelligence tests, aptitude tests, interest tests,
psychological tests, personality tests, etc. These tests are conducted to judge the
suitability of the candidate for the job.

a.) Intelligence Tests:- These are mental ability tests. They measure the incumbent’s
learning ability and the ability to understand instructions and make judgements. The
basic objective of such test is to pick up employees who are alert and quick at
learning things so that they can be offered adequate training to improve their skills
for the benefits of the organization.
b.) Aptitude Test:- Aptitude test measure an individual’s potential to learn certain
skills- clerical, mechanical, mathematical, etc. These tests indicate whether or not an
individual has the capabilities to learn a given job quickly and efficiently. In order to
recruit efficient office staff, aptitude tests are necessary.
c.) Personality Test:- The definition of personality, methods of measuring personality
factors and the relationship between personality factors and actual job criteria has
the subject of much discussion. Researchers have also questioned whether applicants
answer all the items truthfully or whether they try to respond in a socially desirable
manner. Regardless of these objections, many people still consider personality as an
important component of job success.
d.) Simulation Tests:- Simulation exercise is a tests which duplicate many of the
activities and problems an employee faces while at work.
e.) Graphology Test:- Graphology involves using a trained evaluator to examine the
lines, loops, hooks, stokes, curves and flourishes in a person’s handwriting to assess
the person’s personality and emotional make-up.6. polygraph (Lie- Detector) tests.
The polygraph records physical changes in the body as the tests subjects answers a
series of questions. It records fluctuations in respiration, blood pressure and
perspiration on a moving roll of graph paper. The polygraph operator forms a
judgement as to whether the subject’s response was truthful or deceptive by
examining the biological movements recorded on the paper.
5. Employment Interview:- The one on one session with the candidate is conducted to
gain more insights about him. Here, the interviewer asks questions from the applicant to
discover more about him and to give him the accurate picture of the kind of a job he is
required to perform.

Interviews are a crucial part of the recruitment process for most organizations. Their
purpose is to give the selector a chance to assess the candidate and to demonstrate their
abilities and personality. It’s also an opportunity for an employer to assess them and to
make sure the organization and position are right for the candidate. An interview is an
attempt to secure maximum amount of information from candidate concerning his
suitability for the job under consideration.

A.) Chronological Interviews -These work chronologically through the candidate’s life to
date and are usually based on the CV or a completed application form.

B.) Competency-Based Interviews -These are structured to reflect the competencies that an
employer is seeking for a particular job (often detailed in the recruitment information). This
is the most common type of interview for graduate positions today.

C.) Technical Interviews - If a candidate has applied for a job or course that requires
technical knowledge (e.g. positions in engineering or IT) it is likely, at some stage in the
selection process, that the candidate will be asked technical questions or have a separate

technical interview to test his/her knowledge. Questions may focus on the final year project
and his/her choice of approach to it or on real/hypothetical technical problems. It seen that
the candidate proves himself/herself but also they admit to what they don’t know.

Kinds of Interviews:-

a.) One to one Interview:- in this type of interview one selector interviews one candidate
b.) Informal interview:- in this type there are discussions between the candidate and two
or more interviewers.
c.) Panel interview:- in these pre planned standard questions ranging overall aspects of the
job are asked. They focus directly on elements of person specification.
d.) Direct planned interview:- this interview is straight forward, face to face, question and
answer situation intended to measure the candidate’s knowledge and background.
e.) Indirect and direct interview:- in this type of interview the interviewer refrains from
asking direct and specific questions but creates an atmosphere in which the interviewee
feels free to talk and go into any subject he considers important. The object of the
interview is to determine what individual himself considers of immediate concern, what
he thinks about these problems, and how he conceives of his job and his organization.
f.) Patterned interview:- in this interview a series of questions which illuminates validated
against the record of employees who have succeeded or failed on the job.
g.) Stress interview:- in this interview the interviewer deliberately creates stress to see how
an applicant operates in stress situation. To induce stress, the interviewer responds to the
applicant’s answers with anger, silence and criticism. This interview aims attesting the
candidate’s job behavior and level of withstanding during the period of stress and strain.
h.) Depth interview:- in this type of interview, the candidate would be examined
extensively in core areas of knowledge and skills of the job.
6. Checking References:- The firms usually ask for the references from the candidate to
cross check the authenticity of the information provided by him. These references could
be from the education institute from where the candidate has completed his studies or
from his previous employment where he was formerly engaged. These references are
checked to know the conduct and behavior of an individual and also his potential of
learning new jobs.

7. Medical Examination:- Here the physical and mental fitness of the candidate are
checked to ensure that he is capable of performing the job. In some organizations, the
medical examination is done at the very beginning of the selection process while in
some cases it is done after the final selection.

Thus, this stage is not rigid and can take place anywhere in the process. The medical
examination is an important step in the selection process as it helps in ascertaining the
applicant’s physical ability to fulfill the job requirements.

8. Final Selection:- Finally, the candidate who qualifies all the rounds of a selection
process is given the appointment letter to join the firm.

Thus, the selection is complex and a lengthy process as it involves several stages than an
individual has to qualify before getting finally selected for the job.

Recruitment and selection process of Hindalco industries Limited:-

The Recruitment and selection process of Hindalco Industries Limited , Renukoot.

1. Job Posting and Advertising:-

 The process usually begins with identifying the need for a new employee and creating
a job description.
 The job vacancy is then advertised through various channels, including the company's
website, job portals, newspapers, and social media.
2. Application Submission:-
 Interested candidates submit their applications, either through the company's website
or by sending their resumes via email.
3. Resume Screening:-
 HR professionals or hiring managers review the received resumes to shortlist
candidates based on their qualifications and experience.
4. Initial Contact:
 Shortlisted candidates are contacted for further assessments, which may include an
initial telephonic interview to assess their basic skills and qualifications.
5. Interviews:
 Shortlisted candidates may go through a series of interviews, including face-to-face
interviews, panel interviews, and technical interviews. These interviews help assess
the candidate's skills, experience, and cultural fit within the organization.

6. Assessment Tests:
 Depending on the nature of the job, candidates might be required to undergo
assessment tests, such as aptitude tests, technical tests, or psychometric assessments.
7. Reference Checks:
 The organization may conduct reference checks by contacting the candidate's previous
employers or other professional contacts to verify their work history and performance.
 Job Offer:
Successful candidates receive a formal job offer, including details about the position,
compensation, benefits, and other relevant terms and conditions.
8. Onboarding:

Once the candidate accepts the offer, the onboarding process begins. This involves
integrating the new employee into the organization, providing necessary training, and
completing administrative tasks.

It's important to note that specific details about the recruitment process at Hindalco
Industries Limited in Renukoot may have changed since my last update. I recommend
checking the company's official website or contacting their HR department for the
most accurate and up-to-date information on their recruitment and selection process.

Planet spark

About company
Planet Spark is an intermediary technology platform which provides online classes to K8 learners on
English Communication, Public Speaking, Grammar, Creative Writing, Debating, Vlogging and other
'new age' skills. The classes are delivered by our hand-picked teachers, who are professionals and have
extensive experience in delivering such classes.
PlanetSpark is on a journey to make the traditional and unorganized tuition obsolete through its virtual

Planet spark Beliefs

♦ Learning Is Fun
Every child can fall in love with learning, if taught the right way.
♦ Concepts Can Be Mastered
Learning is incomplete without mastery of a concept.
♦ 21st Century Needs Smart Skills
21st century children must possess critical thinking, problem solving and
communication skills.
♦ Lectures Are for The Past
The child should be actively involved in the learning process.
Fact Sheet
Year of Establishment: 2018
Nature of Business: Ed-tech company
Major Markets: Indian Subcontinent, Canada and USA

Contact Details
Company: Planet Spark
Location: Gurugram
My official mail id:


At the present scenario, edtech has been providing courses and contents that are freely available. But
customers are also looking for value-added services such as tutoring, facilitation, social learning,
doubt solving, learning recommendations, career counselling, etc. through technology-enabled by AI
and ML. PlanetSpark is also a one-stop-shop to help parents develop key life skills aligned with their
need-gaps, career aspiration and interest.
Planet spark is an ed-tech company founded by Kunal Malik and Maneesh Dhooper. They are both
graduates of XLRI Jamshedpur. Founder Kunal malik belive that “We see career and life skills as the
most exciting and fastest-growing segment with younger parents investing heavily in building new-
age skills in children. The company uses AI algorithms that ensure bespoke experiences for the
learners by analysing their learning behaviour, courses selection, and their preferred format for
Founder Maneesh Dhooper believes that "There are major segments in the edtech space – test prep,
school tuitions, and career and life skills, where the testprep has seen a lot of activity, and the school
tuitions have been steadily moving online. The flagship product of PlanetSpark is a live online product
of a career stream in one of the following pillars, which are Language Learning, STEM and Creative
Arts. Here, each career stream has a structured learning path for the child, with clear learning
objectives, videos, presentations, and quizzes. As the children progress on the path, they collect
badges, certificates, and experience points and keep them to their skill repository."

About The Course

Our English grammar courses begin with the basics and progress towards a greater understanding of
the language. We teach children how to use grammar effectively in their spoken language, as well as

how to construct written sentences with proper punctuation, tenses, word order, and word classes.
Through our courses, children will be able to express themselves effectively and develop the
fundamental skills necessary for writing in the future. A strong understanding of grammar is essential
for effective communication, and our courses will help children develop this skill at an early age.
Adults who are looking to improve their English language skills can also benefit from our courses. We
offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of English grammar, from basic to advanced
concepts. Whether you are looking to improve your communication skills or enhance your writing
abilities, our courses can help you achieve your goals.


Public Speaking Course for Kids

Our world is changing at an incredible rate. How can we assist our children in keeping up with the
times? Enroll your child in English Public Speaking Course available on our platform. The program
focuses on developing critical 21st-century skills, such as public speaking, effective communication
and creative writing, for your child to not survive, but thrive in the current world.

Public Speaking Course For Adults

In today's rapidly changing world, it's essential to possess strong communication skills to succeed in
both personal and professional life. The English Public Speaking Course available on our platform is
designed for adult students seeking to develop critical 21st-century skills, including public speaking,
effective communication, and creative writing. Enroll today to unlock your potential and thrive in a
competitive global environment.

The Need for Public Speaking Classes

In today's world, effective communication is a vital skill for both personal and professional success.
However, public speaking can be daunting, especially for children and adults who are just starting.
PlanetSpark offers a 1:1 Public Speaking Online Course that is meticulously designed to cover all the
critical themes for public speaking and creative writing for both children and adults. Our program
recognizes the importance of public speaking and creative writing skills and how they can contribute
to an individual's success.
Whether you're a student or a professional, engaging in confident public speaking is essential to make
an impact. At PlanetSpark, we seek to instill these skills from the start.

The public speaking classes available on our platform are designed to benefit both children and adults
by teaching them how to become confident and compelling speakers. With our interactive and
engaging classes, we help students overcome their fear of public speaking and develop effective
communication skills that will serve them for a lifetime.
So, enroll in our public speaking course today, and let us help you unlock your potential to
communicate with confidence and make a lasting impression.

Bid farewell to the fear of public speaking

Public speaking and creative writing can be challenging for people of all ages. Fear and anxiety can
prevent students from accurately portraying their knowledge and skills, which can be a hindrance to
success in any sector, particularly entrepreneurship and business.
Our Public Speaking and Creative Writing curriculum focuses on building the confidence students
need to become effective communicators, both in and out of the classroom. By learning to overcome
their fear of public speaking, students can become better equipped to succeed in any field.
The creative writing component of our curriculum also helps to enhance their imagination and creative
potential, which can be useful in both academic and professional settings.
Whether you're a student or a professional, our curriculum can help you develop the skills you need to
face public speaking challenges with confidence. So, check out our entire curriculum and unlock your
potential today! Public Speaking Course For Adults.
What do our Public Speaking Courses For Kids/Adults offer?

Public Speaking Course For Kids

Comprehensive Exposure
Our Public Speaking Courses cover a wide range of platforms and opportunities in public speaking.
The curriculum is designed to introduce our students to formal and informal communication, such as
classroom presentations, debating, and product design presenting, and entirely focuses on Children's
Personality Development. This will help them speak with confidence, improvise, and present speeches
using spontaneous and polished speech methods.
Our students learn creative writing and leadership abilities besides extensive speaking experience.
With regular speech topics, our curriculum seeks to offer students many chances to practice speaking
fluently. These themes help students develop leadership and entrepreneurship skills by enabling them

to think, invent distinctive products, and critically educate listeners through relevant data and idea
Input and participation
Students can both give and receive peer-to-peer feedback in our instructor-led and peer-to-peer
assessment format. Our students can fully engage with the material and their peers because of the live
1:1 online class experience that we provide. Our students learn how to give constructive feedback and
how to use criticism to improve their performance.
Creative Writing Courses

Creative Writing Courses For Kids

Besides our English Public Speaking Course, PlanetSpark offers English Creative Writing courses to
polish their creativity and writing skills. One of the most crucial skills that children can acquire is the
ability to write. Children can communicate their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs through creative writing.
Our Creative Writing Course encourages and builds confidence among students from 4-14 years.
Children require a place where they can let their imaginations run freely. They'll have space to write
anything they want. They all have their own magical stories to tell. We encourage children to jot down
their ideas and share them with us! Our Creative Writing Classes employ language to create a
fascinating world, unique characters, and a compelling plot.
As a result, our students become confident authors and produce beautiful stories.
As a result, our students become confident authors and produce beautiful stories. Benefits Of Our
Creative Writing Courses Writing for recreation and writing to ace examinations and tests are both
covered in our creative writing program. Students study in a fun, interactive, and creative way in this
course. Our research suggests that children who are skilled at creative writing have higher academic
achievement overall.
The Goal of This Series of Classes Is to Help You Develop:
♦ Features of the language
♦ Planning
♦ Editing
♦ Structure of the story
♦ Vocabulary
♦ Descriptions
♦ Confidence
♦ Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar
♦ Ability to communicate verbally and in writing too
Being good at creative writing has a lot of benefits. Students that excel at it also excel in other
subjects. They are also more convincing, more structured, and better problem- solvers than their
counterparts. It seems to reason that these are abilities that will serve them well throughout their lives.
However, many students find creative writing challenging. They have never been taught how to
undertake creative writing effectively, which is why they find it challenging!
We understand and appreciate the importance of learning creative writing. Our writing classes are one
of our most successful extracurricular activities because of the excellent preparation we ensure
through mind-mapping and storyline planning schematics. Our students are now more confident and
can express their thoughts, and don't face the daunting terror of a blank page.
As we grow older, our creativity seems to dwindle. Those insane stories about fairy tale princesses
battling fierce dragons to save the town became business jargon later. Encourage your kids to write, be
creative, and use their creativity, and then reward them whenever they do. Build their confidence in
communicating their viewpoint, thoughts, and feelings clearly and concisely with our English
Language Classes Online.

Creative Writing Courses

Creative Writing Courses For Adults

Besides our English Public Speaking Course, PlanetSpark offers English Creative Writing courses to
polish their creativity and writing skills. One of the most crucial skills that children can acquire is the
ability to write. Children can communicate their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs through creative writing.
Our Creative Writing Course encourages and builds confidence among students from 4-14 years.
Children require a place where they can let their imaginations run freely. They'll have space to write
anything they want. They all have their own magical stories to tell. We encourage children to jot down
their ideas and share them with us!
Our Creative Writing Classes employ language to create a fascinating world, unique characters, and a
compelling plot.
Practice allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. Students improve
fluency and confidence in their writing by practicing the fundamentals of storytelling. They gain a
better experience of themselves and others by inventing characters.
As a result, our students become confident authors and produce beautiful stories.
Spoken English Courses for kids and Adults
As a parent, you want your child to be able to communicate effectively in English, which is a widely

used language globally. And for adults who want to improve their English, it can open a world of
While technology has made it easier to learn, it's important to invest time in teaching language skills.
However, some people may struggle with communication due to shyness or fear of making mistakes.
Learning correct grammar and enhancing vocabulary can have a positive impact on relationships and
communication. That's why we offer online Public Speaking and Spoken English courses designed to
teach the importance of English Grammar for both children and adults.
Starting to learn a language at an early age is crucial because the odds of achieving proficiency are
higher. When people begin interacting in English at a young age or through our courses, they are more
likely to develop outstanding speaking abilities, making them confident and able to handle any
Our courses are designed to be both child-friendly and adult-friendly, helping learners of all ages
develop communication skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Recruitment Email sent to candidate

Assessment mail

Dear candidate,

Congratulations you are shortlisted for the next round of interview. Please complete the video
assessment and submit it before the given deadline.

Dead Line: Before 11th Oct 2023 before 02:00 pm the assessment must be submitted. You can start
the assessment any time after receiving the mail.

Interview Mode: Online

Video Assessment Link:

Please go through the instructions below and attend this round carefully -

Q1) Which is your preferred job role at PlanetSpark? HR, Operations, Sales, Others?

Q2) Please provide an overview of your education including your degree course name & stream name
(graduation and post-graduation both )

Q3) Can you please tell us about your current location & hometown? Are you open to relocating to
our office location (Gurgaon)?

Q4) Share why do you want to join the sales role? Personalized and unique answers will be rewarded!
(Min 40 sec)

Q5) Can you anticipate and share any upcoming personal or family obligations or pending exams
commitment or on-going classes that may require you to take leave within the first 2 months of your
joining in PlanetSpark?

Q6) Please share more details on your previous internship or work experience. How do you see your
educational background and internship experience aligning with the requirements and expectations of
this sales role?

Q7) What are your plans for higher studies, if any?

Q8) Have you participated in any college fests or been part of any college committee/ campus
committee during your studies? If yes, please provide details of the events you were involved in and
your role.

Q9) Where do you see yourself 2 years from now? What are your long-term career goals?

Q 10) Which role would you prefer to pursue between the below two and why ?

Role 1 - Sales Revenue Role: In this role, the primary emphasis is on generating revenue rather than
adhering to specific work hours. You will invest additional effort by working extra hours, enabling
rapid growth and the opportunity to earn incentives.

Role 2 - Sales Efficiency Role: In this role, work hours will be fixed, with a focus on maintaining a
specific schedule and achieving a minimum number of connected calls per day. It is important to note
that this position may offer lower incentives and slower growth compared to the Sales Revenue


Q 11)You are sitting in front of a prospective customer of PlanetSpark. Get into the role of a sales
associate and sell a public speaking course to him/her.

Q 12) What is your current awareness about the work timing in the sales role of PlanetSpark

#Note: - While attending the First Video Question please mention the name of the Recruiter who
referred for the role ( Recruiter Name - Divyanshi Trivedi)

VERY IMPORTANT- Before attending the interview pls go through the pdf completely- ( click on the
link - )

Pls Login through Laptop only. Attending an Interview through a mobile phone is strictly prohibited.
Such candidates would be disqualified.

STRICT INSTRUCTION- In case you have any issue during attending this assessment pls message on
the given WhatsApp no - 9140603429 ( do not call)

( Please note - the support and assistance will be available between 10:00am to 6:00pm)

NO 9140603429(WhatsApp Only)

Rejection email:
Dear Candidate,
Thank you so much for your interest in a career at Planet Spark. Unfortunately, you couldn't clear the
Willo Round. We appreciate the time you took to learn about us and the role.
We encourage you to keep an eye on our Careers Page/LinkedIn for future openings that may be a
potential fit as we continue to grow.
We wish you success in finding the right opportunity!

PlanetSpark Recruiting Team.

LinkedIn job posting:

Are you a recent graduate looking for a career in sales? 🎓 Do you have a passion for persuasion and

negotiation? 💰 We're looking for a Sales Jedi Master in Training to join our team! 🤖

Here are some key details about the position :-

🏢 Office Address :- Sector 39 - Tower-A, Unitech Cyberpark , Near Huda City Metro Station,
🕰Job Type : Full time

👨‍💻 Experience Level :- Entry-level, Fresher

Training Period :- INR 21428 + ( Incentives )

Salary Range : (CTC) - up to 4 Lakhs
Working days: 5 days working
Minimum Education : Graduation (2018-2023)

A hunger to learn and develop your sales skills 🧠

• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills 🗣

• A positive and can-do attitude 😃

♦ Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Important Criteria -
Willing to work 5 days a week.
Willing to work in a Start-up (High Intensive learning and Rapid
Growing atmosphere)
Job Location – Gurgaon

May the sales force be with you! 🤖🎓💰

#SalesHustle #WinningAtSales #SalesGoals #RevenueBoost #CustomerSuccess #SalesMastery

#SellMoreWinMore #SalesChampion #SalesForce #Prospecting101 #RelationshipSelling
#PitchPerfect #SalesResults #SalesLeadership #CustomerExperience #SalesPerformance
#gurgaonjobs #salesdevelopment #salesjobs #freshers #businessdevelopment #hiring #india #work
#sales #job #collegesanduniversities #students #gurgaon #learning #jobseeksers #recruitment2021
#recruiting #jobsearch #careers #nowhiring #hr #humanresources #recruitment #job #jobs #recruiters
#success #work #cv #jobapplications #jobalert #opening #noida #india #delhi #bangalorejobs
#jobportals #helpinghands #helpingthecommunity #edtech #edtechjobs #resume

Marketing Strategies:-
However, I can provide you with a general outline of key components that are commonly
found in marketing strategies, and you can use this as a framework to understand or analyze
Hindalco's marketing strategy:-

1. Market Analysis:

 the aluminum and copper industries.

 Identifying key competitors and market trends.

 Assessing customer needs and preferences.

2. Target Audience:

 Defining the target customer segments (B2B or B2C).

 Understanding the unique needs of different customer groups.

3. Product Positioning:

 Highlighting the unique selling propositions of Hindalco's products.

 Communicating the quality and sustainability of their products.

4. Brand Building:

 Establishing and maintaining a strong brand presence.

 Engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives.

5. Digital Marketing:

 Utilizing online platforms for promotion.

 Social media marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization.

6. Innovation:

 Emphasizing technological advancements and product innovation.

 Showcasing the company's commitment to sustainability.

7. Distribution Channels:

 Optimizing the distribution network for efficiency.

 Exploring new markets and channels.

8. Collaborations and Partnerships:

 Forming strategic alliances with other businesses.

 Collaborating with key stakeholders in the industry.

9. Customer Relationship Management:

 Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers.

 Addressing customer feedback and concerns promptly.

10. Metrics and Analytics:

 Implementing tools to measure the success of marketing campaigns.

 Analyzing data to make informed decisions and adjustments.

National & International Images:-

Here are some general aspects of Hindalco's image at the national and international levels:-

National Image:-

1. Key Player in the Indian Industry: Hindalco is often perceived as one of the
leading companies in the Indian aluminum and copper industries. Its operations
contribute significantly to the country's industrial and economic landscape.
2. Employment Generation: The company's operations contribute to employment
generation, both directly and indirectly, supporting communities in regions where
it operates.
3. Contributions to Economic Growth: Hindalco's role in the production of
essential metals, such as aluminum and copper, contributes to the growth of key
sectors like construction, transportation, and manufacturing in India.

International Images:-

1. Global Presence: Hindalco's international image is influenced by its global

operations and presence in various countries. The acquisition of Novelis Inc. in
2007 expanded its footprint in the global aluminum market.
2. Sustainability Practices: The company's commitment to sustainable practices,
including efforts to reduce environmental impact and promote responsible
sourcing, can positively influence its international image.
3. Quality and Innovation: Hindalco's reputation for producing high-quality aluminum
and copper products, along with a focus on innovation and technology, contributes to
its international standing.
4. Market Competitiveness: In the international market, Hindalco competes with
other major global players. Its ability to stay competitive, adapt to market trends, and
provide value-added products can impact its image.

5. Corporate Social Responsibility: The company's engagement in corporate

social responsibility initiatives globally may enhance its image by demonstrating
a commitment to social and environmental responsibility.



● Strong Brand Reputation: Hindalco Renukoot is a well-established brand with a

strong reputation for quality products and services.

● Integrated Operations: The company has integrated operations, including

mining, smelting, and downstream manufacturing, which provides a competitive

● Diversified Product Portfolio: Hindalco Renukoot offers a diversified product

portfolio, catering to a wide range of industries and applications.

● Global Presence: The company has a global presence with operations in India, the
United States, and Australia.

● Strong Financial Position: Hindalco Renukoot has a strong financial position with
a healthy balance sheet and consistent profitability.


● Dependence on Aluminum Prices: The company's profitability is heavily dependent

on aluminum prices, which can be volatile.

● High Debt Levels: Hindalco Renukoot has a relatively high debt burden, which
could impact its financial flexibility.

● Environmental Concerns: The company's operations have been associated with

environmental concerns, which could lead to regulatory scrutiny and reputational

● Labor Issues: Hindalco Renukoot has faced labor unrest in the past, which could
disrupt operations and increase costs.


● Growing Demand for Aluminum: The demand for aluminum is expected to grow
steadily due to its increasing use in various industries.

● Expansion into New Markets: Hindalco Renukoot can expand its operations into
new markets to increase its market share and revenue.

● Product Innovation: The company can invest in product innovation to develop new
and differentiated products that meet customer needs.

● Sustainability Initiatives: Hindalco Renukoot can focus on sustainability initiatives to

improve its environmental performance and enhance its reputation.


● Intense Competition: The aluminum industry is highly competitive, with several

large global players.

● Economic Slowdown: An economic slowdown could reduce demand for aluminum

and impact the company's profitability.

● Trade Wars: Trade wars and tariffs could disrupt global aluminum supply chains
and increase costs.

● Environmental Regulations: Stricter environmental regulations could

increase compliance costs and impact the company's operations.

Hindalco Renukoot is a leading aluminum company with strong strengths and opportunities.
However, it also faces some weaknesses and threats. By addressing its weaknesses and
capitalizing on its opportunities, the company can continue to grow and succeed in the future.


Factors influencing Recruitment:-

The organisation needs to be updated with the changes in market conditions as well as with
the changes taking place in the organisation to monitor the impact of such changes on the

Thus, recruitment is also affected by these factors, which can be classified into the
following two categories:-

 External Factors:-

An organisation experiences some external changes in the business environment, which

affects all business process and are beyond the control of the organisation. Therefore,
management has to develop strategies to adapt to such changes. The primary external factors
affecting the recruitment process in the organisation are as follows:

1. Political and Legal:- The government of India ensures the employability of scheduled
castes and scheduled tribes through the reservation system. The trade unions also come
into action to restrict the organisation’s recruitment process if the candidate does not
fulfil its criteria.

2. Technological:- With the emergence of new technology, the organisation experience the
need for recruiting employees who are more skilled and tech-friendly.
3. Socio-Economic:- The organisation functions in a society and is greatly influenced by
business ethics, no child labour and other social views of society. The changes in
economic conditions, share markets, minimum wages, recession, boom, etc., sometimes
lead to employee layoffs or requirement of new employees.
4. Supply and Demand:- At times, the organisation requires employees having a
particular set of skills, recruitment of such employees is affected by the demand and
supply of such personnel in the labour market.
5. Labour Market:- The availability of labour in the area where the organisation is located
influences the recruitment criteria. In case, there is surplus labour in the labour market;
the organisation will relish the easy availability of human resources at a cheaper rate.
6. Organisation’s Image:- The image of an organisation may attract or distract the
prospective candidates — every personnel like to work for the organisation which holds
a good reputation in the market and among the job aspirants.

 Internal Factors:-

The changes taking place within the organisation are the controllable factors but creates a
massive impact on all the business process. Recruitment is also influenced by such
considerations. Some of them are as follows:-

1. Recruitment Policy:- Every organisation have a different recruitment policy. Some

companies prefer internal recruitment of employees to appoint personnel who know the
company in a better way, while others go for external recruitment to acquire new talent.
2. Size of Business Unit:- A small business unit requires less number of employees.
Therefore it involves short and simplified recruitment process. On the other hand, large
business units need a large number of employees. Thus, they prefer bulk recruitments.
The recruitment process is comparatively lengthy and complicated, involving a panel of
employees to conduct interviews in such units.
3. Cost of Acquisition:- Every organisation has a budget within which it needs to function.
So goes for recruitment too. The cost incurred in hiring new employees is quite high
nowadays. Therefore recruiters have to optimise this cost through different means.

4. Growth and Expansion:- At the time business expansion, the organisation needs to hire
more employees.
5. Working Conditions: - The organisations which provide the right working conditions
and take proper health and safety measures of the employees tend to get more attention
from the prospective candidates.
6. Effective Human Resource Planning:- Effective HRP provides an appropriate
elaboration on the number of employees required as well as the skills and qualification
they must possess.

 Sources of Recruitment:-

In simple words, sources of recruitment is the medium through which communication

regarding the vacant positions is made aware to the prospective candidates. There are
generally recognised two sources of recruitment, which are internal and external sources.

1. Internal sources:-
a.) promotion:- Promotion is referred to as the change of designation of the employee. It
involves shifting of the existing employee to a higher position within the organisation
and providing that employee with more responsibility and a raise in pay.

Promotion helps in motivating the other employees of the organisation to work hard so that
they also become eligible for promotion.

b.) Transfer:- Transfer refers to the shifting of an existing employee from one
department to another department in an organisation.
c.) Employee Referrals:- It can happen that the organisation in an effort to cut down
costs on hiring is looking for employee referral. The employees are well aware of the
job roles in the organisation for which manpower is required. These employees will
refer potential candidates by screening them based on their suitability to the position.
d.) Former employees:- Some organisations have the provision of hiring retired
employees willing to work part time/full time for the organisation.

e.) Notice boards:- This is the convenient and simple method of passing on important
messages to the existing staff. A job advertisement pinned to a notice board will
probably be seen and read by a sufficient number of appropriate employees at little or
no cost. However many of the staff will probably not learn of the vacancy in this way

either because the notice board poorly located or is full of out dated notices that they
don’t bother to look at it, as they assume there is nothing new to find out. A notice
board must be ensured that it is well sited.

f.) Newsletters:- Many companies regularly produce in-house newsletters, magazines or

journals for their staff to read. It is hoped that latest company news sheet is read
avidly by all staff thus ensuring that everyone is aware of the job opportunity
advertised in it. Unfortunately this is not always so, because it is sometimes not
circulated widely enough and employees may find it boring and choose not to read it.
Newsletter can be utilized as the source of recruitment if it is convinced that
everybody will see a copy.

g.) Personal References:- The existing employees will probably know their friends or
relatives or colleagues who could successfully fill the vacancy. Approaching them
may be highly efficient method of recruitment but will almost certainly offend other
workers who would have wished to have been considered for the job. To keep
employees satisfied make sure that potentially suitable employees are informed of the
vacancy so that they can apply. Also anyone else who is likely to be interested is told
about it as well so that they can apply for the job.

h.) Memorandum:- Possibly the best way of circulating news of the job vacancy is to
send memoranda to department managers to read out to the teams or to write all
employees perhaps enclosing memoranda in wage packets if appropriate. However it
can be a time consuming process to contact staff individually, especially if there is a
large work force. It should also be kept in mind as to in which way the memorandum
is phrased out so that the job appeals to likely applicants.

 External Sources:-

External sources of recruitment seek to employ candidates that have not been recruited
anytime before in the organisation. Introduction of fresh talent among the workforce leads to
growth and development of the business.

Following are the some of the external sources of recruitment:

1. Advertisement:-
Advertisements serve as a great source of information regarding any job opportunities.
This type of source is used for recruitment of middle level employees, or high level
2. Employment portals:-
In this age of technology, development in the field of hiring has taken place.
Nowadays many employment portals are open where one can find information about
job openings.
3. Word of mouth:-
Existing employees may have friends and relatives who would like to apply for he job.
Recruiting in this way appears to be simple, inexpensive and convenient. Never use
word of mouth as a sole or initial source of recruitment if the work force is wholly or
predominantly of one sex or racial group. Also employing friends and relatives of
present employees may be imprudent because it is not certain that they are as
competent as the current staff.
4. Notices:-
Displaying notices in and around business premises is a simple and often overlooked
method of advertising a job vacancy. They should be seen by a large number of
passerby, some actively looking for work. It can also be inexpensive with a notice
varying from a carefully hand written post card up to a professionally produced poster.
Pay attention to the appearance and contents of the notice if it is intended that it is
applied by the right people.
5. Job centers:-
Most large towns have a job center which offers employers a free recruitment service,
trying to match their vacancies to job seekers. Staff will note information about a post
and the types of person sought and then advertise the vacancy o notice boards within
their premises. Job center employees can further help if requested to do so by issuing
and assessing application forms and thus weeding out those applicants who are
obviously unsuitable for the position. Short listed candidates are then sent out for the
employer to interview on his business premises.
6. Private Agencies and Consultants:-
There are various types of private organization that can help to find the right person
for a particular job. Employment agencies exist in many town and cities. Some handle
all general vacancies from junior unto supervisory level while others specialize in

various occupations such as accountancy, clerical or computer personnel and marketing
or sales.

Since they maintain a register of job seekers, they initially attempt to find applicants
from this list. A short list will be drawn up by reading through applications and
conducting interviews on client organization’s behalf. Although fees vary, it is
expected to pay around 10 to 15% of the annual salary offered if a suitable person is
found for the job. This will be partly refundable if he leaves within a certain period of
time. For temporary staff, it is normally charged on hourly, daily or weekly rate by the
agency. They will then pay the employee. Recruitment agencies are similar to
employment agencies in the services that they offer. The main difference is that
recruitment agencies tend to operate at a higher level, concentrating on technical,
managerial and executive appointment. Accordingly, increased time, effort and
expertise are needed to compile a quality short list. This will be reflected in the fees
charged, often between 18 and 22% of the annual salary of the staff recruited.
7. Educational Institutions or Campus Recruitment:-
Those companies which require a steady intake of young person’s for new Youth
Training to trainee management positions ought establish and maintain close contact
with colleges and universities. The advantage of campus recruitment is, it is known that
who the audience to be addressed are. Promotional literature in the form of posters,
broachers, catalogues; press releases and so on can be issued to the audience so that the
company’s name remains prominent and their student’s minds all the time.
8. The press:-
Advertising for the new staff through the press has proved successful for many
companies. Choose between local newspapers, national newspapers and the magazines.
All will put in touch with different audience. Local newspapers, read by a large cross-
section of the immediate population, may be most suitable if there is sufficient talent in
the area.
National newspapers, with their mass circulations and differing attitudes to news
coverage appealing to various tastes, could be better when looking out to fill the senior
Trade Magazines often under estimated as useful source of recruitment might be worth
considering if looking out to recruit someone for a specialized job which possibly
requires previous experience of the particular industry.

9. Radio:-
Many radio stations broadcast special job finders advertisements throughout the day
for companies looking for new recruits. Advertising through the radio has got many
advantages as it will be transmitted to over a wide geographical area to potentially
large audience. Variety of age groups listens thus making it a suitable medium for
different types and levels of jobs. Advertisements can be broadcast very quickly
sometimes within hours. Nevertheless there are some disadvantages that must be
considered carefully. As few have tune in to hear advertisements and their thoughts
invariably wander when they are on, or they may start station hopping to find more
music. The radio is also transient medium.
10. Television:-
You can advertise on a regional or national basis. Recruiting staff through the
Television is still widely regarded as a new and innovative approach. Companies which
use this medium may therefore be seen as go-ahead and dynamic. Thus, this medium
may not be an immediate choice if there is only just one vacancy to be filled, although
shorter and expensive one month contracts could be negotiable and worth considering.
11. Deputation:-
Another source of recruitment is deputation, i.e., sending an employee to another
organisation for a short duration of two to three years. This method of recruitment is
practiced, in a pretty manner, in the Government Departments and public sector
organisations. Deputation is useful because it provides ready expertise and the
organisation does not have to incur the initial cost of induction and training.

12. Employment Exchanges:-

In response to it, the compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act of 1959 (commonly
called Employment Exchange Act) was instituted which became operative in 1960.
Under Section 4 of the Act, it is obligatory for all industrial establishments having 25
workers or more, to notify the nearest employment exchange of vacancies.

Recent trends in Recruitment

1. Poaching:-

“Buying talent” (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the
organizations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already
working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organization
might be a competitor in the industry.

2. The Recruitment Industry:-

The recruitment industry has four main types of agencies. Their recruiters aim to channel
candidates into the hiring organization’s application process. As a general rule, the agencies
are paid by the companies, not the candidates.

3. Head hunters:-

Head-hunters are third-party recruiters often retained when normal recruitment efforts have
failed. Head hunters are generally more aggressive than in-house recruiters. They may use
advanced sales techniques, such as initially posing as clients to gather employee contacts, as
well as visiting candidate offices.

4. In- House Recruitment:-

Larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using their Human
Resources department. In addition to coordinating with the agencies mentioned above, in-
house recruiters may advertise job vacancies on their own websites, coordinate employee
referral schemes, and/or focus on campus graduate recruitment. Alternatively a large
employer may choose to outsource all or some of their recruitment process (Recruitment
process outsourcing).

5. Recruitment Management System:-

Recruitment management system is the comprehensive tool to manage the entire recruitment
processes of an organization. It is one of the technological tools facilitated by the information
management systems to the HR of organizations. Just like performance management, payroll
and other systems, Recruitment management system helps to contour the recruitment
processes and effectively managing the ROI on recruitment.

6. Artificial intelligence (AI):-

AI in recruitment will continue to spread in 2023, changing the entire HR process. Offering a
range of useful recruiting tools, including automated candidate sourcing, recovery, and
matching, AI in recruitment continues to expand.

7. E-recruitment:-

Also referred to as online recruitment, this trend refers to using the web, software, and other
technology to attract, assess and hire suitable candidates. As technology advances, the
recruiting process will become simple and more efficient. The online recruitment method
includes social media recruiting and the use of software, such as Applicant Tracking and

Recruitment and Selection Policy

A selection and recruitment policy is a set of guidelines that outlines the process for selecting
and hiring new employees for an organization. It is necessary for several reasons:-

1. Legal compliance: A selection and recruitment policy helps ensure that the
organization is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations related to hiring,
such as antidiscrimination laws and immigration laws.
2. Fairness: A selection and recruitment policy helps ensure that the hiring process is
fair and consistent, regardless of the individual applicant. This helps prevent
discrimination or bias in the hiring process.
3. Transparency: A selection and recruitment policy provides transparency to the hiring
process, outlining the steps and criteria used to evaluate candidates. This helps ensure
that all candidates have an equal opportunity to be considered for a job.
4. Efficiency: A selection and recruitment policy helps streamline the hiring process by
outlining the steps that should be followed and the criteria that should be used to
evaluate candidates. This helps ensure that the organization is able to identify and hire
the best candidates in a timely manner.
5. Consistency: A selection and recruitment policy helps ensure that the organization is
consistent in its approach to hiring, using the same criteria and process for all
candidates. This helps prevent inconsistencies and ensures that the organization is
able to identify and hire the best candidates.

Therefore, the selection procedure followed by different organizations, many times, becomes
lengthy as it is a question of getting the most suitable candidates for which various tests are to
be done and interviews to be taken. The procedure for selection should be systematic so that
it does not leave any scope for confusion and doubts about the choice of the selected


Recruitment is a critical responsibility of the HR department. While HR works in many areas,

including employee engagement, employee development, legal compliance, data
management and many others, one of the most important areas of HR's focus is attracting,
selecting and onboarding suitable candidates for the organization.

Why do we need a proper recruitment and selection process?

Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified candidates for a position and selection is the
process of identifying and choosing the right candidate for that position.

The contributions of each employee play a vital role in maintaining and growing a company.
Therefore, it is extremely important to select the right person for the job. Just as a square peg
won't fit in a round hole, a bad hire can affect the overall results of the company.

The impact on your business when you hire the wrong candidate is often far greater than not
hiring at all! Recruiting is not only an operational activity, but also a critical strategic activity
for the company.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a solid recruitment and selection process.

A good process reflects your company's professionalism and demonstrates your

organization's maturity to attract and hire the right talent. An effective process helps to
proactively build a talent pipeline, which in turn helps to achieve mid- and long-term
business objectives.

Recruitment involves many stakeholders, including senior employees of your company, and
can be costly in terms of time and money. It is therefore important to ensure that the process
is well defined and optimized to meet the needs of all stakeholders. It's important to stay in
touch with candidates on a periodic basis. They may not have been successful in getting the
position they applied for, but they may be a good fit in the future. Keeping in touch with them
often builds relationships and reduces the time to hire for future hires, both for these
candidates and for their referrals. To iteratively improve the recruitment and selection
process, meticulously keep data on different parts of the process. The various recruitment
metrics you can manage include resumes received, resumes screened, interviews, no-shows,
offers, acceptances, time 17 to hire, time to hire, etc. Selecting the right employee is an
important goal for the recruiting team, and getting the process right can improve the
experience of the candidate, the interviewer, the hiring manager and the HR department. It
can also help increase the efficiency of your company.

HR professionals need to ensure that they are following the right recruitment and selection
processes and attracting the best workforce for their organization.

Ease your recruitment process using an HRIS. Try IceHrm today. Take advantage of their 45

days free trial.


Recruitment and Selection are the two different processes that are followed in organizations.
The main differences between these two are as follows:-

Recruitment: Overall process of defining jobs profiles and inviting applicants.

Selection: Specific process of narrowing the focus and selecting the perfect

But organizations are taking both things under one umbrella which is called as recruitment
process. As the population grows and the organization’s size is increasing day by day it is
difficult for the organizations to search for the true candidate for the organization. There are
many challenges faced by the organization’s HR to select the perfectly fit candidate.

These main challenges are as follows:

1. Difficulty in sourcing unique roles:-

HR departments of small and large organizations in the every sector face a major bottleneck
when hiring for senior roles or for roles that are unique, particularly in techno-commercial
fields. These roles are mission-critical in nature and demand niche skill sets that are not easy
to source.

2. Correct Job Analysis:-

The first main thing when we are going out for sourcing is to find the role and designation
for the candidate so as to make it a public notice. But if this analysis is not done correctly
then whole process will go in the wrong direction and the organization will not get the
desired candidate.

3. Pay:-

According to the two-factor theory money will act as a motivator for the youngster but after
a certain period of time, money will turn up into the hygiene factor. Money is required but it
absence will not motivate the person. So pay scale matters for the candidate. Good people
will go for high pay package. There is a difficulty in setting the pay scale of the candidate.

4. Candidate:-

Talent is the main thing which people acquire in them but it is very difficult to hunt for the
talent and get them on board.

5. Interview Biases:-

When candidates are called for an interview there may be many people in the interview
panel who are gender biased or cast biased which will not attract the good candidate to work
with the organization.

6. Organizational fit:-

Organizations are mainly searching for people who are either job fit or organization fit.
Finding people for job fit is easy but making them organization fit or make them aware about
the culture of the organization is very difficult for HR to do.

7. Employee Retention:-

Once people join the organization it is not easy to retain the employee for a long period of
time and people go on seeking jobs with higher pay than the current salary. Once they get the
opportunity they will run away and leave the job. These are the main challenges that the HR
department faces during the selection and recruitment process. To overcome this there are
good practices that HR has to face in their life.




Do you want to improve the way you recruit and choose candidates?

Make sure you choose people who will not only fit into the company’s culture but will also
be as enthused about working for it as you are.

Writing job descriptions and outlining what the role demands are crucial to ensuring that
eligible applicants are attracted throughout the selection process and, of course, the selection

Enough with hiring the wrong personnel, and feel confident that you will not repeat the same
errors! Choosing amongst so many talented individuals will be the only difficult decision
you’ll have to make during the recruiting process!

Our techniques of recruitment and selection will appeal to hiring managers, so save this page
and come back to it if required.

Begin by recruiting for attitude, then provide skill training.

This increasingly popular recruiting strategy emphasizes work ethics, adaptability, and
cooperation over experience and technical talents, resulting in more dynamic teams.

Candidates that pass the attitude exam become better workers in the long term. They are
eager to learn, acquire new skills, and contribute to the success of your company.

Furthermore, vital skills evolve rapidly in today’s world—the tools your employees will use
in three years will be different from those they use now.

Use techniques to reduce bias and boost efficiency.

The recruitment software simplifies the process, provides all the data needed to understand
candidates, and can even automate pre-screening. Reduce the burden on recruiters, and
deliver a positive experience to candidates through a developed AI-based HR application.

These tools can help you develop a recruitment marketing strategy, allowing you to use
marketing methods like a multi-channel approach, targeted advertisements, and deep
analytics to locate, attract, and engage better-qualified candidates, easing the recruiting
Feedback from candidates should be gathered and examined.

Candidate rediscovery is another strategy that helps recruiters save time and money. It’s also
one of at least two reasons why you shouldn’t forget about applicants you didn’t fire.

The second reason is that I aspire to improve.

A candidate who has recently been offered a position at your company is unlikely to give
you a glowing review. The prospects you’ve turned down, on the other hand, are going to
have a lot to say about your employer brand.


Research refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as a scientific and
systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research is an art of scientific
investigation. Systematized effort to gain new knowledge.


Methodology can be defined as- the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and
postulates employed by a discipline. The systematic study of methods that are, can be or have
been applied within a discipline. Methodology includes a collection of theories, concepts or
ideas as they relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry. Methodology refers to more
than a simple set of methods rather if refers to the rational and the philosophical assumptions
that underlie a particular study relative to the scientific method.


A research design is simply the framework or plan for that is used as a guide in collecting and
analyzing the data. It is blueprint that is followed in completing a study. A research design
ensures that the study:

Will be relevant to the problem

Will employ economical procedure


1. Descriptive Research:-

It is typically concerned with determining the frequency with which something occurs or the
relationship between two variables. The descriptive study is typically guided by an initial
hypothesis. The objective of such a study is to answer the who, when and how of the subject
under investigation.

2. Experimental Research:-

This types of research design looks at a problem scientifically by establishing a clear cause
and effect of every event. It also tries to understand the impact of the independent variable on
the dependable variable.

3. Explanatory Research:-

In this research design, the researcher explores concepts and ideas on a subject to explore
more theories. The main aim of the research is to explore the subject’s undiscovered aspects
ans answer questions like what, how and why.

4. Quantitative Research:-

Quantitative research design aims at finding answers to who, what, where, how, and when
through the course of research. Moreover, the outcome of the quantitative analysis is easy to
represent in the form of statistics, graphs, charts, and numbers.

5. Qualitative Research:-

Qualitative research design focuses on finding answers to how and why. It uses open-ended
questions and helps the subjects express their views clearly.

Qualitative research is ideal for businesses that aim to understand customers’ behaviour
and requirements.


Recruitment objectives are goals set by recruiters to ensure they select suitable candidates for
open job vacancies. The primary recruitment objective is to invite more candidates to apply
for a vacant position.

Vacancies are notified by your company through various sources, after which an application
form is made available to the candidates. Specific tasks involved in recruitment include
analyzing job requirements, managing applicant responses, and shortlisting candidates.

On the other hand, selection objectives help recruiters choose the most suitable candidate
and reject the rest. Some activities include resume screening, conducting assessments,
eliminating unsuitable candidates, and checking references.

Create your ideal candidate persona for quality assurance

We recommend having a persona before starting the talent sourcing process. For that, you
must first gain clarity from the hiring managers about what they usually look for in a
candidate. Chalk up a detailed profile and list the ideal candidate's skills, background,
personal priorities, work culture preferences, and demographics. Efficient departmental heads
often consider the preferences and independence of their staff and how well they treat each
other - when working as a group. Therefore, find professionals who will fit into your
company culture. This helps stabilize employee morale and productivity.

Design your employee value proposition (EVP) to attract suitable employees

30 Simply put, an EVP is the quickest way to tell potential applicants why they should join
your company. It is the balance of the rewards and benefits employees receive in return for
their performance at the workplace.

Any professional considering joining a new company thinks

Compensation (base package, opportunity for raises, and promotions)

Benefits (holidays, insurance, retirement, flexibility to work)

Stability (growth opportunities and career advancements)

Respect (company culture and team camaraderie)

Consciously evaluate your candidates without bias and improve your brand perception

Honestly, this step takes the longest because you must invest time and effort to screen every
application carefully and benchmark it against the predetermined criteria. This is especially
critical if hiring for a senior position or specialized skills.

Conduct quick telephonic interviews in the beginning by asking candidates basic questions
about their knowledge, skills, job expectations, and career growth plans. This is also the stage
where you inform them about taking a pre-employment assessment.

Determine candidates fit for the job and company culture with structured interview

Once the top candidates are identified post resume screening, assessments, and reference
checks, they are moved to the next recruitment and selection phase, which is sitting for
interviews. Conventionally, this step is done in-person or virtually with the hiring manager.
Learn about their career goals. Ask questions about handling pressure, prioritizing work, and
delegating tasks. Allow them to ask you questions. Make notes to refer back to them before
making a decision. Have another person sit with you for the interview to observe.

Whether they secure the job, candidates often remember interviews they have had. If it is
positive, they will apply for other positions with your company and recommend your
company to others.


There are two types of Sources:-

1. Primary Sources
2. Secondary Sources

I have used both the forms of sources to complete my research.

1. Primary Sources:-

A primary sources has been used for obtaining information regarding: facts and quasi- facts,
attitude/options, awareness/knowledge, perception, intentions and behavior, demographic and
socioeconomic characteristics.

Primary data is the data collected by tools-

1. Interview
2. Observation
3. Photography and video
4. Case studies
5. Life histories
6. Questionnaires
2. Secondary Sources:-

Secondary sources are data that already exist.

1. Previous Research
2. Official statistics
3. Mass media products
4. Diaries
5. Letters
6. Government reports
7. Web information
8. Historical data and information


It is an integral component of research design. It addresses three questions:

1. Whom to survey? (The sample unit)

2. How many to survey? (The sample size)
3. How to select? (The sampling procedure)

Sampling is necessary because it is almost impossible to entire population. Various factors

such as time, efforts, money and purpose of study make it necessary for the researcher to
choose a sample.

The sample should be convenient in terms of size i.e. neither too large nor too small and
sampling unit must be a true representative of the universe. Besides this, sample should be
powerful i.e. the selection process is done keeping in view the objectives of the problem.

Sample size:- The total sample size for survey was 50.


Data collection tools:-

A list of basic data collection tools includes the following:-

1. Interview:-

Interviews are probably the most common tool used in planning, monitoring and evaluation.
They can be carried out with one: person at a time (individual interviews) or groups of
people. They can be administered formally or informally. They can be carried out face-to-
face or through remote media such as telephone and Skype. Interviews can also be conducted
through written questions via letters or email. Interviews may be structured, semistructured or
open- ended. Structured interviews are based around a core set of questions that are always
asked in the same order. Semi-structured interviews also contain a core set of questions, but
allow the interviewer to ask supplementary questions, or change the order in which questions
are asked.

2. Observation:-

At its most simple, observation involves ‘seeing’ things – such as objects, processes,
relationships, events – and formally recording the information. There are different types of
observation. Structured or direct observation is a process in which observations are recorded
against an agreed checklist. Expert observation is usually carried out by someone with
specific expertise in an area of work, and involves the expert observing and recording
information on a subject. Observation may also be carried out as a participatory exercise.
Where this is the case the intended beneficiaries of a project or programme are involved in
planning an observation exercise, observing, and discussing findings.

3. Case studies and stories of change:-

A case study is not a data collection tool in itself. It is a descriptive piece of work that can
provide in-depth information on a topic. It is often based on information acquired through one
or more of the other tools described in this paper, such as interviews or observation. Case
studies are usually written, but can also be presented as photographs, films or videos. Case
studies often focus on people (individuals, households, communities). But they can also focus
on any other unit of analysis such as locations, organisations, policies or the environment.

Stories of change are similar to case studies. However, they have a specific focus on change,
and are only usually developed after a project or programme has started.

4. Questionnaires and survey:-

These are designed to collect and record information from many people, groups or
organisations in a consistent way. A questionnaire is a form containing questions. It may be a
printed form or one designed to be filled in online. Questionnaires may be administered in
many different ways. A survey, by contrast, is normally a large, formal exercise. It typically
consists of three different aspects: an approved sampling method designed to ensure the
survey is representative of a wider population; a standard questionnaire that ensures
information is collected and recorded consistently; and a set of analysis methods that allow
results and findings to be generated.

5. Photography and video:-

Photographs and videos show still or moving images. Photographs can be used on their own,
but are more often accompanied by written captions, providing additional information.
Videos are often accompanied by a commentary. The use of photography and video has
become increasingly common within M&E over recent years. This is partly because of
improvements in mobile phone technology, which has increasingly enabled people to produce
cheap, high quality audio-visual products.

6. Focus group discussion:-

Focus group discussions (FGDs) are facilitated discussions, held with a small group of
people who have specialist knowledge or interest in a particular topic. They are used to
find out the perceptions and attitudes of a defined group of people. FGDs are typically
carried out with around 6-12 people, and are based around a short list of guiding
questions, designed to probe for in-depth information. FGDs are often used to solicit the
views of those who would not be willing or able to speak up at larger group meetings.
They may also be used to access the views of minority or disadvantaged groups, such as
women, children or people with disabilities.




The process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of
discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making Data
analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety
of names, and is used in different business, science, and social science domains.

In today's business world, data analysis plays a role in making decisions more scientific and
helping businesses operate more effectively.

Data mining is a particular data analysis technique that focuses on statistical modeling and
knowledge discovery for predictive rather than purely descriptive purposes, while business
intelligence covers data analysis that relies heavily on aggregation, focusing mainly on
business information.

In statistical applications, data analysis can be divided into descriptive statistics, exploratory
data analysis (EDA), and confirmatory data analysis (CDA). EDA focuses on discovering
new features in the data while CDA focuses on confirming or falsifying existing hypothese.

Predictive analytics focuses on the application of statistical models for predictive forecasting
or classification, while text analytics applies statistical, linguistic, and structural techniques to
extract and classify information from textual sources, a species of unstructured data. All of
the above are varieties of data analysis.

Data integration is a precursor to data analysis, and data analysis is closely linked to data
visualization and data dissemination.

The process of data analysis Data requirements.

The data is necessary as inputs to the analysis, which is specified based upon the
requirements of those directing the analytics (or customers, who will use the finished product
of the analysis).

The general type of entity upon which the data will be collected is referred to as an
experimental unit (e.g., a person or population of people). Specific variables regarding a
population (e.g., age and income) may be specified and obtained. Data may be numerical or
categorical (i.e., a text label for numbers).

The process of data analysis-

Data requirements:-

The data is necessary as inputs to the analysis, which is specified based upon the
requirements of those directing the analytics (or customers, who will use the finished product
of the analysis). The general type of entity upon which the data will be collected is referred to
as an experimental unit (e.g., a person or population of people). Specific variables regarding a
population (e.g., age and income) may be specified and obtained. Data may be numerical or

Data collection:-

Data is collected from a variety of sources. A list of data sources are available for study &

The requirements may be communicated by analysts to custodians of the data; such as,
Information Technology personnel within an organization. The data may also be collected
from sensors in the environment, including traffic cameras, satellites, recording devices, etc.
It may also be obtained through interviews, downloads from online sources, or reading

Data processing:-

The phases of the intelligence cycle used to convert raw information into actionable
intelligence or knowledge are conceptually similar to the phases in data analysis.

Data, when initially obtained, must be processed or organized for analysis. For instance, these
may involve placing data into rows and columns in a table format (known as structured data)
for further analysis, often through the use of spreadsheet or statistical software.

Data product:-

A data product is a computer application that takes data inputs and generates outputs, feeding
them back into the environment. It may be based on a model or algorithm. For instance, an
application that analyzes data about customer purchase history, and uses the results to
recommend other purchases the customer might enjoy.


Once data is analyzed, it may be reported in many formats to the users of the analysis to
support their requirements .The users may have feedback, which results in additional analysis.
As such, much of the analytical cycle is iterative.

When determining how to communicate the results, the analyst may consider implementing a
variety of data visualization techniques to help communicate the message more clearly and
efficiently to the audience.


1. Which of the sources of recruitment and selection are used in Planet Spark?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both

Options Internal External Both Total

Responses 2 7 11 20

Percentage 10 35 55 100%


It was found that about 55% of the recruitment and selection is done both by internal and
external sources, while as external sources are used more than the internal sources.
Employees are hired mostly from external sources like job portals, consultancy etc.

2. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment?

a. Advertisement
b. Internet
c. Campus recruitment
d. Consultancies
e. All of the above

Options Advertisement Internet Campus Consultancy All of the Total

drive above

Responses 5 3 2 8 2 20

Percentage 25 15 10 40 10 100%


It was found that 40% of the employees are recruited through the consultancies and 20% of
the employees are selected by the advertisement followed by internet with 15% and campus
selections with 10%. Consultancy and Internet are the major sources which provide eligible
candidates for the hiring in Planet Spark.

3. Which form of recruitment and hiring is used in Planet Spark?
a. Centralised
b. Decentralised

Options Centralized Decentralized Total

Responses 2 18 20

Percentage 10 90 100%


It was found that recruitment is decentralized. However, for higher position of employment
the recruitment is centralized. Recruitment is decentralized as all the centers recruit their
employees according to the number of vacancies available in the respective centers.

4. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?
a. Yes
b. No

Options Yes No Total

Responses 16 4 20

Percentage 80 20 100%


It was found that 90% of employees are satisfied with the recruitment process adopted by
Planet Spark. However, some of the respondents thought there should be changes in the
existing recruitment process of the organization.

5. Which of the following methods are used during selection?
a. Written
b. Group discussion
c. Personal interview
d. Group discussion and personal interview
e. All of the above

Options Written GD PI GD&PI All Total

Responses 1 3 6 8 2 20

Percentage 5 15 30 40 10 100%


It was found that 40% of selection is done by group discussion & personal interview.
However, personal interview is mostly used method of selection followed by group
discussion. Employees selected in Planet Spark are finally selected by a personal interview
taken by the head of the center.

6. Are you satisfied with the selection process?
a. Yes
b. No

Options Yes No Total

Responses 16 4 20

Percentage 80 20 100%


It was found that about 80% of the employees are satisfied with the selection process.
However, the remaining is of the opinion that there should be some change in the recruitment
and selection process of the organization.

7. Does your company follow different recruitment process for different grades of
a. Yes
b. No

Options Yes No Total

Responses 20 0 20

Percentage 100 0 100%


It was found that from that different recruitment process is adopted for different grades of
employment. Like, for the recruitment of trainers in Planet Spark theoretical knowledge is
considered more and for the developers technical knowledge is given importance.

8. How do you rate HR practices of the company?
a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Bad

S. No. Options Responses Percentage

1 Excellent 10 50

2 Good 8 30

3 Average 1 10

4 Bad 1 10

Total 20 100%


50% of the employees feel that HR department is good where and 30% say that its very good
where as 10% says its average and 10% employees feel it’s bad. Some employees are not
happy as they have to spend a little more time it they have to take demo training sessions.

9. Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the organisation?
a. Yes
b. No

S. No. Options Responses In percentage

1 Yes 18 90

2 No 2 10

Total 20 100%


Above chart shows that almost 10% employees said no and 90% said yes they have to sign a
bond while joining the organization. Employees have to submit one of their original
certificates in the time of their joining and they cannot leave this company before one year. If
the employees agree to these conditions then they are moved to next round of interview.

10. Are you comfortable with the HR policies of the company?
a. Yes
b. No

S. No. Options Responses In percentage

1 Yes 18 90

2 No 2 10

Total 20 100%


It was found that 10% employees were not comfortable with the policies of company and
90% employees are happily working with the current HR practices of the company. Some of
the employees were not comfortable with the policy as they find risk in submitting their
original documents to the company.



As the research is based on a sample, there findings may not factual information about the
research problem, though an utmost care was taken to select the truly representative sample.

Carrying this survey was a great learning experience for me but I faced some problems,

Which are listed below:-

1. There is small sample size of the study due to organizational constraints.

2. Many of the respondents have not given proper response that makes the data
collection vague to certain extent.
3. The information that is provided by the individual may be biased.
4. Time constraint is the major constraint of the study.
5. Only a small part of industry and small sample size is taken only from the employees.
6. Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in
responding rightly.
7. Due to lack of awareness it is difficult to get proper data from the employees.
8. The most important point that survey was carried through questionnaires and the
questions were based on perception.
9. Mainly the employee working were not that much educated to respond to my questions.

As your small business grows, you may feel like expanding your Human Resources Team or
outsourcing the recruitment business to another company. But when it comes to hiring for top
Management, you cannot fully rely on a Human Resource team. Now what you need is a
dedicated recruitment team which will cherry-pick exceptional talent for your company. You
just need to tell them the desired qualification and other professional requirements regarding
the job post. Rest of the work from hunting till on-boarding the employee is taken care of by
the dedicated recruitment team.


These are the findings:-

1. The process of recruitment & selection which is followed by the company is helpful to
meet the company’s manpower requirement to some extent.

2. The recruitment & selection policy of company is clearly stated but no updation according
to the company’s objective.

3. Company is highly dependent on employee’s referral for higher position and for lower
posts company prefers job portals and outsourcing.

4. Company is recruiting right candidate for right job but some respondent are disagree so
selection process needs improvement and proper verification of recruitee.

5. Candidates are not timely informed for their selection and also for their rejection.

6. Too much time taken by the HPD in recruiting some important urgent posts.

7. Some respondent are satisfied with the external source of recruitment ,It is observed that
most of the candidates are recruited through “Reference” or other internal source and about
50% have no opinion the external sources like job portals, consultancies.

8. After analysis it is better to get the manpower by internal source as they are aware about
that candidate skill and behavior but sometimes company will not get right candidate.



It is a critical phase that determines the success of an organization in acquiring and retaining
the right talent. This phase involves finalizing the hiring decisions and onboarding the
selected candidates.

Materials, people, systems, tools, knowledge, management, equipment, processes, skill and
attitudes all are input for any king of production cycle in an organization. To increase
productivity of any organization they need to develop staffing process properly and consider
the following important issues:

Planning Motivation Organizing Managerial functions staffing Directing Co- Coordinating


Transformation of the demographic makes up of the workforce, including

internationalization, Quality of employee recruitment decision must be ensured, Recruitment
and selection processes are complex and involve human making so that, there should careful
monitoring to minimize subjectivity and ensure fairness, human is the most dynamic
resources for an organization, getting the best person is a critical task, Recruitment and
selection are an integral component of human resources activities, which include employees
training, development, compensation and employee relation. To increase productivity, growth
and progress, effective and dynamic recruitment and selection procedures are essential.

A qualified person is the beginning of better performance. All organization needs a strong
team to accomplish their goals and objectives. Without proper recruitment and selection
process, it’s too tough to build up dynamic working group and successive atmosphere for all

In conclusion, the recruitment and selection process plays a pivotal role in shaping the
composition and success of an organization. It is a multifaceted journey that involves
identifying talent, evaluating candidates, and ultimately making strategic decisions that align
with the company's objectives. The effectiveness of this process is not only reflected in the
quality of new hires but also in the overall strength of the organizational workforce.

Successful recruitment and selection necessitate a blend of meticulous planning, clear

communication, and adherence to legal and ethical standards. From crafting compelling job

descriptions to conducting interviews and assessments, every step contributes to the
formation of a dynamic and diverse team.

The conclusion of this process marks the beginning of a new chapter as selected candidates
join the organization. Onboarding, effective communication, and support during this
transition are vital for fostering a positive and productive work environment. It is not merely a
conclusion but a transition into the integration and development phase, where the potential
identified during recruitment begins to materialize.

Continuous improvement is key, and organizations should consistently evaluate their

recruitment and selection strategies. Feedback loops from both candidates and internal
stakeholders provide valuable insights for refining approaches, enhancing the candidate
experience, and aligning recruitment practices with evolving business needs.

In essence, the recruitment and selection process is an ongoing, dynamic cycle that
contributes significantly to an organization's ability to innovate, thrive, and achieve its goals.
By embracing best practices, staying attuned to market trends, and fostering a culture of
inclusivity, organizations can position themselves to attract, select, and retain top-tier talent,
ensuring sustained success in a competitive and ever-changing landscape.



After concluding the study of the companies recruitment policy, interaction with some of the
recruitment manager, company associates and based on the responses received from the
associates the following suggests are made to the company for further improvement of the

1. The organization should not majorly Clear job description is given to the candidates at the
time of interview itself, to avoid disappointment after joining.

2. The candidate should be informed in time whether they have been selected or not. There
should not be any delay in informing the candidate.

3. There should be reliability on external sources.

4. Recruitment feedback should be taken by the candidates to improve the recruitment process.

5. The employees should be called for the interview only after checking their educational
qualifications and job experience in a proper way so as to save the time and cost involved in
the recruitment process.

6. Depend on the application bank as the major source for the details of the candidate for
recruitment purpose.

7. It should also consider other sources which could provide them better options.

8. Follow up to be done to the newly engaged employees to ensure that they have settled in
and to check on how well they are doing. If they have any problems it is better to identify
them at an early stage rather than allowing them to fester.

9. Internal job posting to be preferred to reduce cost of recruitment. 10. Organization should
use social networking sites for creating pool of good candidates.



• Chabra TN "Human Resource Management" (2020) revised edition GanganKapur, Delhi.

• Venugopal& Aziz Abdul "Human Resource Management" (2019) revised edition.

• Prasad L.M. "Human Resource Management, second edition (2020), Sultan Chand & Sons-
New Delhi.

• Kothari C.R "Research Methodology Methods and Techniques" 2 revised edition (2020)
New Age International Publishers- New Delhi.


• HRM Review, July 2020, The ICFI University press, Page No 55-59

• Management Research, October 2021, ICFAI University press, Page No 37-40


For successfully completed my project file. I have taken help from the following website







1. Which of the sources of recruitment and selection are used in Planet Spark?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both

2. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment in Planet Spark?
a. Advertisement
b. Internet
c. Campus recruitment
d. Consultancies
e. All of the above

3. Which form of recruitment and selection is used in Planet Spark?

a. Centralized
b. Decentralized

4. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?

a. Yes
b. No

5. Which of the following methods does used during selection?

a. Written
b. Group discussion
c. Personal interview
d. Group discussion & personal interview
e. All of the above

6. Are you satisfied with the selection process?
a. Yes
b. No

7. Does your company follow different recruitment process for different grades of
a. Yes
b. No

8. How do you rate HR practices of the company?

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Bad

9. Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the organisation?

a. Yes
b. No

10. Are you comfortable with the HR policies of the company?

a. Yes
b. No


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