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Surname Waduge Forename Dasuni Form 9COG

Attendance 98.8% Positive Points 801 Behaviour Points 0

Minimum expected attendance is 96.5%

Subject: Progress Checkpoint 1: ATL Checkpoint 1: Progress Checkpoint 2: ATL Checkpoint 2:

English Expected 4 Expected 5
Maths Expected 5 Expected 5
Science: Biology Expected 4 Expected 5
Science: Chemistry Expected 4 Expected 5
Science: Physics Expected 4 Expected 4
Computer Science Expected 3 Expected 3
Art Expected 4
French Expected 4 Expected 5
Geography Expected 4 Above Expected 4
History Expected 4 Expected 4
Music Expected 4 Expected 5
PE Expected 3 Expected 3
Technology Expected 4 Above Expected 5
PSHE 4 4

Attainment Progress explained: Attitude to learning grade explained:

Consistently demonstrates an outstanding attitude to learning, both within and outside the
All subjects are reported 3 times a year (Autumn, Spring and Summer). A student’s ability is taken into classroom. They are an excellent example to their peers.
consideration when they are given their grade. Consistently demonstrates a positive attitude to learning, both within and outside the
classroom. They work hard without being prompted most of the time.
Above During this term, they have demonstrated that they have made more progress in their
3 Demonstrates an inconsistently positive attitude to learning, within and outside the classroom.
Expected learning than would be expected for a student of their ability.
Expected During this term, they have demonstrated that they have made good progress in their
2 Often demonstrates a negative attitude to learning, within and outside the classroom.
progress learning in line with what would normally be expected for a student of their ability.
Below During this term they have not yet demonstrated the progress in their learning that
1 Consistently demonstrates a negative attitude to learning, within and outside the classroom.
Expected we would normally be expected for a student of their ability.
X Absent for assessment X Absent for assessment

KTC Key Stage 3 Report Dasuni Waduge ( 9COG )

Results of Individual Assessments:
If a student missed an assessment they will receive an X to mean no grade given.

Subject Topic & Assessment % Achieved

English Literature Taught Text - Romeo and Juliet 9 of 20
English Language Creative Writing 13 of 20
Maths CAF 1 of 45
Science TKAT CA - Year 9 January Science 18 of 51
French Reading 19 of 68
Geography Development of 35
History Causes of WW1 of 26

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