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បន់​ៃដ / RECEIPT

ល​បរេចទ​ / Date: 01/12/2023 05:01:45 PM

េលខេៀង​ប​ទិញ​ / Order ID: 2677835953686


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តៃមសរុប / TOTAL: 13.50 USD


មុខ​ទំ​និញ / Item Description បរណ / Quantity តៃមកង​ឯក​ / Rate ៃថទំ​និញ / Price

តៃមលក់​យ / Subtotal: 13.50 USD

តៃមសរុប / TOTAL: 13.50 USD

Legend Cinema
ទំ​ព័រ​ ១ ៃន ១ / Page 1 of 1
The Olympia Mall, 6th Floor, Sangkat Veal Vong, Khan. 7Makara, Phnom Penh.
85581 300 400 | |

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