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A Research Presented to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Teacher

Education, and Information Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Course Requirements in
Practice Teaching



December 2022

Physical fitness is one of the purpose why physical education subject is being

enrolled by the learners, this makes the learners to be fit not only mentally but might as

well physically. Physical fitness can be taught to the learners, through sports and

physical activities. Physical fitness makes our body perform, and in order to perform

physical fitness it has to involved the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system and

also the muscles of the body. Physical fitness helps the mind and heart to be in good

condition and gains some health benefits as well. Physical fitness maintains our body in

good shape and lessen the possible health issues that may occur along the way.

Wilson (n.d.) states that, physical inactivity is an issue that needs to be

addressed on a global scale. It is a problem that affects countries regardless of

income[1] and is poised to have an increasingly negative impact on rates of obesity,

non-communicable disease, and overall health.[1] In order to understand physical

inactivity at a systemic level, it's important to understand the global issues at play.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a

massive global health crisis (Bavel et al., 2020) and rapidly spreading pandemic

(Bentlage et al., 2020) of recent times. As compared to the earlier pandemics the world

has witnessed, the current COVID-19 pandemic is now on the top of the list in terms of
worldwide coverage. This is the first time the whole world is affected simultaneously

and struck strongly in a very short span of time. Initially, the death rate due to COVID-19

was around 2%, which has now increased to around 4–6% (World Health Organization

[WHO], 2020). The statistics does not look so severe, but the total number of cases and

the rate at which these cases are increasing day by day make the situation alarming.

Exponential growth in COVID-19 cases has led to the isolation of billions of people and

worldwide lockdown. COVID-19 has affected the life of nearly each person around the

world. The difference between personal or professional lives has narrowed due to work-

from-home instructions, and people’s lives are revolving around these two due to the

lockdown. People have also been pondering over a vital concern at home, i.e., the

importance of their health and fitness.

State-mandated academic achievement testing has had the unintended

consequence of reducing opportunities for children to be physically active during the

school day and beyond. In addition to a general shifting of time in school away from

physical education to allow for more time on academic subjects, some children are

withheld from physical education classes or recess to participate in remedial or enriched

learning experiences designed to increase academic performance (Pellegrini and Bohn,

2005; see Chapter 5). Yet little evidence supports the notion that more time allocated to

subject matter will translate into better test scores. Indeed, 11 of 14 correlational

studies of physical activity during the school day demonstrate a positive relationship to

academic performance (Rasberry et al., 2011). Overall, a rapidly growing body of work
suggests that time spent engaged in physical activity is related not only to a healthier

body but also to a healthier mind (Hillman et al., 2008).

Physical inactivity is a key determinant of health across the lifespan. A

lack of activity increases the risk of heart disease, colon and breast cancer, diabetes

mellitus, hypertension, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression and others diseases.

Emerging literature has suggested that in terms of mortality, the global population

health burden of physical inactivity approaches that of cigarette smoking. The

prevalence and substantial disease risk associated with physical inactivity has been

described as a pandemic.

The prevalence, health impact, and evidence of changeability all have resulted in calls

for action to increase physical activity across the lifespan. In response to the need to

find ways to make physical activity a health priority for youth, the Institute of Medicine's

Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment was

formed. Its purpose was to review the current status of physical activity and physical

education in the school environment, including before, during, and after school, and

examine the influences of physical activity and physical education on the short and long

term physical, cognitive and brain, and psychosocial health and development of children

and adolescents.

Educating the Student Body makes recommendations about approaches for

strengthening and improving programs and policies for physical activity and physical

education in the school environment. This report lays out a set of guiding principles to
guide its work on these tasks. These included: recognizing the benefits of instilling life-

long physical activity habits in children; the value of using systems thinking in improving

physical activity and physical education in the school environment; the recognition of

current disparities in opportunities and the need to achieve equity in physical activity

and physical education; the importance of considering all types of school environments;

the need to take into consideration the diversity of students as recommendations are


This report will be of interest to local and national policymakers, school officials,

teachers, and the education community, researchers, professional organizations, and

parents interested in physical activity, physical education, and health for school-aged

children and adolescents.

The behaviors and traits of today’s children, along with their genetics, are

determinants of their growth and development; their physical, mental, and psychosocial

health; and their physical, cognitive, and academic performance. Technological

advances of modern society have contributed to a sedentary lifestyle that has changed

the phenotype of children from that of 20 years ago. Children today weigh more and

have a higher body mass index (BMI) than their peers of just a generation earlier (Ogden

et al., 2012). Behaviorally, most children fail to engage in vigorous- or moderate-

intensity physical activity for the recommended 60 minutes or more each day, with as

many as one-third reporting no physical activity in the preceding 5 days (CDC, 2012).

This lack of participation in physical activity has contributed to a greater prevalence of

pediatric obesity, a decrease in fitness (e.g., flexibility, muscular strength,

cardiorespiratory capacity), and a greater risk for disease (Boreham and Riddoch, 2001;

Eisenmann, 2003; Malina, 2007; Steele et al., 2008). A new study

has revealed that there is an “alarmingly high prevalence of insufficient physical activity”

among Filipino children and adolescents, with only 15.4 percent meeting the global

physical activity recommendation. This is according to the Youth Physical Activity Report

Cards released by The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA). The Youth Physical

Activity Report Cards are an evidence-based synthesis of children’s and adolescents’

behavior toward physical activity. The Philippines was graded an F in overall physical

activity. In comparison, countries such as Finland and Slovenia scored an A-, due to

various initiatives that promote physical activity among children. The grades came from

“behaviors and characteristics” such as overall physical activity, organized sports, active

play, active transportation, sedentary behavior, and physical fitness. The study,

sponsored by Sun Life Philippines, covered five Asian markets –the Philippines, Hong

Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. It was conducted in partnership with University

of the Philippines Diliman College of Human Kinetics. Get the young moving! — A call to

solve the problem of insufficient physical activity.(2022,November 27).Opinion-Editorial


problem-of-insufficient-physical-activity/ Increased physical activity

plays an essential role in risk reduction for heart disease, stroke, and cancer1. For

university students, engagement in physical activity can lead to better mental health2

and it can help them cope better with the stress and demands of university life3.

Despite the importance of physical activity, there seems to be a high prevalence of

sedentary lifestyle among university students4. The occurrence of leisure-time physical

inactivity has been evident among a large number of university students5.(Pituk,CS, et

al., 2019)

MANILA, Philippines—The World Health Organization (WHO) and United

Nations (UN) warned the public of the negative health implications and economic

burden of physical inactivity following the release of the first-ever global report on

physical activity. The Global Status Report on physical activity 2022 released this week

found that 81 percent of adolescents and 2.75 percent of adults worldwide “currently

do not meet WHO’s recommended levels of physical activity.” In 2019, WHO found that

the Philippines had an overall “physical inactivity prevalence” of 93.4 percent. The

country ranked second in the world—among 146 countries—with the most physically

inactive adolescents next to South Korea, with an overall rate of 94.2 percent.Baclig, C.

In first ever report on physical inactivity, WHO warns of diseases, costs (2022, October


physical-inactivity-who-warns-of-diseases-costs. Two years

since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disruption of people’s daily lives due to

the announcement of lockdown regulations in most parts of the world cannot be

denied. When new restrictions limited social gatherings and the sort of mobility people

were accustomed to, staying at home became the new norm. And while the importance

of these policies cannot be downplayed, it has been observed that this prolonged stay at

home led people to develop a sedentary lifestyle. This means that more people

nowadays live with little to no physical activity. This lifestyle is noticeable in the
Philippines, which currently still observes varying quarantine regulations. Baclig, C.

Survey says 67% of Filipinos move less. Here’s why you should be concerned (2021,

October 7). Rappler.


MANILA, Philippines — Filipino adolescents ranked almost at the bottom 146

countries when it comes to the level of physical activity, according to a study. A study

from journal The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health found that 93.4% of school-going

Filipinos aged 11 to 17 lack physical activity as of 2016. Viray, P. Filipino teens among

worst in the world for physical activity



There are 70% of learners of St. Jacques of Berthieu who are less active in

sports, and about 30% of learners are active in sports such as volleyball and basketball.

This percentage reflects how St. Jacques of Berthieu learners are less active in sports or

in any physical activities. Based on the student teacher's observation, the learners of St.

Jacques of Berthieu were not actively participating in the activities, such as dancing,

stretching and others while seated as a form of exercise. Most of the learners are just

watching the clip, slouching, daydreaming, unnecessary gestures while seated. In this

scenario the student teacher researcher observed how inactive that the learners are

physically. Is it the reason that the student teacher researcher decided and hoped that

through increased choice and student designed fitness activities will improve the
physical fitness of grade 11- St. Jacques of Berthieu of Saint Louis College San Fernando

City, La Union.

Statement of the Problem

This action research aimed to improve the physical fitness through increased

choice and student designed fitness activities of grade 11-St. Jacques of Berthieu of

Saint Louis College San Fernando City, La Union.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the performance level of Grade 11-St. Jacques of Berthieu students

before implementing increased choice and student designed fitness activities

2. What is the performance level of Grade 11-St. Jacques of Berthieu students

after implementing increased choice and student designed fitness activities ?

3. Is there a significant difference in the physique of Grade 11-St. Jacques of

Berthieu student before and after implementing increased choice and

student designed fitness activities ?


There is no significant difference in the physique of Grade 11-St. Jacques of

Berthieu students of San Fernando City, La Union before and after implementing

increased choice and student designed fitness activities.

Importance of the Study

This study will greatly benefit the Saint Louis College Senior Highschool

Administrators, P.E. Department, teachers, student teachers, students, researchers and

future researchers.

The SLC Administrators would have an idea that the increased choice and

student designed fitness activities used is effective in improving the physical fitness and

implement the used of the increased choice and student designed fitness activities not

only in the field of P.E. but also in other subject areas.

To the P.E. Department, the success of this study can serve as their basis in

integrating student design activities to improve the performance of students in P.E.

The P.E. teachers and student teachers would be provided with knowledge on the

different student designed activities can use in their classes to improve the physical

fitness of the students.

The students will have a new way of improving their body and will be encourage

to be actively participate more in P.E. while enjoying the different activities provided by

the increased choice and student designed fitness activities.

The researcher’s findings will help him improve his students physical fitness

specifically in making the teaching-learning process in P.E. more enjoyable and

interesting, thus having an active P.E. class.

To the future researcher, this study can be used as their basis and guide to

conduct similar study to improve students’ physical fitness in P.E. and even in other


Definition of Terms
The following terms which are used in the research are hereby

defined operationally as follows:

Physique. The form, size, and

development of a person's body. Physical Fitness. Involves the

performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the body. And, since

what we do with our bodies also affects what we can do with our minds,


influences to some degree qualities such as mental alertness and

emotional stability.

Improve. Make or become better.

. Increased. Become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or


Choice. An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with

two or more possibilities.

Designed Fitness. Exercise program design is a complex process

that involves manipulation of multiple variables. Some of these

variables include volume, intensity, tempo, rest intervals, and



This chapter presents the research design, the plan of action objective,

strategy, persons involved and the implementation of the study. These aided to

have a good judgment on gathering relevant and appropriate data with schemes

applied in analyzing and interpreting such data as basis for providing accurate

answer and justified solutions to the research problem.

A. Objective

This study aims to improve the physical fitness of grade 11-St. Jacques of Berthieu of San

Fernando City, La Union through the implementation of increased choice and student designed

fitness activities. B. Strategy

 Utilize Video Tutorials and Online Resources. Videos are quick-paced and engrossing way

to explain concepts. The use of color, diagrams, visuals, and sound effects appeal to both

visual and auditory learners.

 “Gamify” the Classroom. In the TED talk of Jane McGonigal states that the game-like

atmospheres inspires people to “do something that matters” and allow gamers to
cooperate and collaborate. She said that adapt lesson plans into a game structure where

students receive recognition of their academic achievements.

 Do Collaborative Projects/Group Work. Take time to break into smaller sized working

groups. Working in smaller groups allows students to discuss material with their peers,

gain different viewpoints of understanding and further their own comprehension of a


 Reflect and Summarize in Various Formats. It’s quite easy to forget things within an hour

– let alone a day – especially when presented with a lot of new information. Students

retain what is said during the first part of the lesson and the last part of the lesson. Taking

time to summarize also requires students to extract the key ideas of a topic/lesson.

Connect with your students. It’s very important to get to know your students. You will

be able to synthesize a curriculum plan that relays material in the most relevant way. In

addition, building a relationship with your students and expressing care for their success

can inspire them to apply themselves more in the classroom.

C. Persons Involved

All students from grade 11-St. Jacques of Berthieu were the subject for this research. They

were all experience the activities. With 32 students of grade 11- St. Jacques of Berthieu, all of

them became the respondents because all of them are the students who finished the entire duration

of the research. D. Implementation

Strategy Data Collected Analysis For data Tool For Data

Interpretation Analysis

  Pre-test and  



I. Plan of Action

A. Objectives

1. To improve retention skills of grade 8 section 12 Cinamon of La

Union National High School with the use of diverse strategies.

2. To compute, compare and evaluate the results of the mean scores of the

Pre-test and Post-test using t-test.

B. Time Frame

This study was conducted from October 2022 to December 2022 at Saint Louis College

Senior High School. C. Target


The target students for the study are the Grade 11 - St. Jacques of Berthieu

of St. Louis College Senior High School. There are 20 students made up of 12 males and 20

females. D. Activities to

be undertaken

Target students Teacher/s Involved Activities Expected

 Grade 11 - St.  Antonio  

Jacques of Jeremiah V.

Berthieu of Saint Turzar and

Louis College San Kahreen Lou C.

Fernando City, La Mondina


E. Evaluation Criteria

The results of this action research shall be reported at the end of

the research duration. Measures of Central Tendencies both in

Pre-test and Post-test and the result of the t-test was

used to determine if there is an improvement in the physicall fitness of

Grade 11-St. Jacques of Berthieu of Saint Louis College Senior High

School. II. Research Design

Activities Data to be Collected Data Analysis

  

This action research specifically determines improvement of the physical

fitness of Grade 11-St. Jacques of Saint Louis College High School The

study seeks to improve the physical fitness of Grade 11-St. Jacques students using

increase choice and student designed activities. The expected

outcome of the Pre-test and Post-test results were the basis of determining the effect in

the physical fitness of Grade 11-St. Jacques students when exposed to increase choice

and student designed activities.

Ethical Consideration

The study was conducted in accordance with the research protocol

set by the institution. Furthermore, any participant in this research

study can expect that information that was provided to the research be

treated in a confidential manner. It is the researcher’s responsibility to

keep the information confidential. The researcher did his best to be

much more sensitive to information that he obtain from people who

might be in a vulnerable position.

Acknowledgement of document resources was taken into

consideration to ensure copyright laws and to avoid plagiarism.

Intellectual honesty was assured in the conduct of the study. Only

gathered answers were incorporated in the findings; there were no

change done by the researcher. The researcher also considered the ethics

in making this study by incorporating good conduct and confidence by

being in the proper teacher’s attire when the conduct of the study is

being held and by respecting both students and teachers in the selected


As a respect for data privacy of the respondents, it was agreed that

the data recordings will be deleted after 6 months.

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