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Narcissistic-Psychopathic Tyrants

in Service to Self Only

Part I of: Leadership or Chaos Effectuated by
Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous Manipulation
and Control?
Modern (new) Psychology 101 Series

Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.

This manuscript is part 1 of a 3-part study that concentrates on a group
of people who have been afflicted with genetic negative karma
experienced in their past-parallel lives, as well as similar experiences
they have accumulated during their present course of incarnation, that
have created severe negative ego pathologies manifested in them,
expressing themselves and experiencing their lives as narcissists and/or
psychopaths. These individuals often have negative aliens AI technology
implanted in them who commonly suffer from parasitic-vampiric
energetic attacks and feedings by the negative aliens, be it through
their devastating inner Shadow Selves. The result of the ensuing
discussion has been inspired, identified, and verified through the author
actually having been compassionately observing or witnessing such
individuals, that although initially disturbing and discomforting,
provided a great and fruitful case study to seek further researching,
analyzing, and discerning the problems with such individuals, whose
results are presented, herein, together with its two companion
published papers for the benefit of the public at large. Narcissism and
psychopathy constitute, respectively, the second and third most severe
stages of negative egotistic behavior or insanity, often plaguing an
individual with psychosis-neurosis that needs to be therapeutically dealt
with using cleaning-cleansing of such negative entropic karmic energies,
that although often the person is aware of their existence, blatantly
refuses to go about it the proper way effectuating their own healing.
Instead, they continue indulging in such negative egotistic impulses as
anger, hatred, seeking conflict with others. In this respect, the assailant
often refuses to properly look WITHIN and using constructive full
mindfulness and critical thinking and behaviors alleviating the source of
the problem. Instead, by adopting a variety of pathological venues that
each represent one or more aspects of soul fracture or fragmentation
such as splitting, transference, compartmentalization, etc., these
individuals commonly resort to ineffective schemes to temporarily find
an easy way in order to comfort themselves. Accordingly, it turns out
that this way they manage to deny the root of the problem, which in
fact, in most cases exacerbate the issue at hand through their inherent
delusional notion of self-superiority, which in reality, emanates from
their sense of self-inferiority, self-insecurity, and lack of self-confidence.
A narcissist-psychopath commonly resorts to manipulation and
controlling of others to assert themselves. While the issue of
manipulation and control has been addressed in a companion paper,
this manuscript provides a rather detailed discourse regarding the exact
description of narcissistic-psychopathic tyrants, including their
characteristics, their possible motivations, how to identifying them, and
finally how to respond to them. Additionally, a significant issue with
these individuals regarding how they go about reducing their inherent
anxieties and fears has been discussed. As for the case of effective
leadership versus what tyrants seek to accomplish for themselves
through service to self only, the discussion has been presented in
another companion paper.
‘Tyranny leads to oppression and NOT leadership’
‘Always shine the light on tyranny to purify it’

• This discourse is inspired by a real experience the author recently
underwent regarding the affairs of a new volunteer administrative
spiritual group whose mission was to promote spiritual awakening
[1] and enlightenment among 3D humanity, based upon
disseminating related published works to the public, as well as
possibly working towards bringing the Consciousness and Spiritual
Science Institute into physical reality [2].
• However, such an affair turned out to be more distracting to the
author, negating the possibility of author’s continual publication of
new spirituality, consciousness, Ascension materials, and such, as
well as its direct dissemination to the public.
• Additionally, the author came to the distinct impression that the
public at large is still not spiritually mature enough or ready by a way
of NOT having adequate appreciation for the acumen of the Law of
One [3-5] whose main requisites are Unconditional love [6] and
SERVICE TO OTHERS [7-8], and being subject to the bestowal of a
such a gift as this Institute to the public that would be wholly
dedicated to the dissemination of consciousness and spiritual
materials and such by a way of conducting classes, lecture series,
conferences, relevant research and such, as well as to be a forum for
relaxation and meditation, etc., in which the public would have a
chance to seek fellowship with one another in a highly nature-
oriented, serene, relaxing, environment, as well as a means to
provide an opportunity for the public to participate in spiritual
journeys, ultimately, all around the world, visiting the leylines and
axiatonal lines of historical significance, including portals, vortices,
stargates, etc.
• The experiences compassionately witnessed and gathered in this
case by the author actually proved to present a highly fruitful
venture to inspire seeking to understand many grave problems
humanity still faces with regard to suffering from negative ego,
giving rise to egotism [9], narcissism (regarding a couple of people
who avariciously sought to be recognized as the sole “leaders” of the
group) [10], as well as psychopathy (clearly in the case of at least one
individual) [11], being primarily dedicated to service to self only.
• It is said that ‘everything is purposeful in a course of life experience,’
and that could not be any more TRUE, as it has basically been the
purpose of the author’s incarnation on this planet during this
auspicious time of pre-Ascension that humanity is to regain its full
Sovereignty and Right of Free Will, finally being rescued from the
nefarious clutches of the fallen, energetically parasitic-vampiric,
negative aliens who desperately seek to continue with their
miserable existence by harvesting humanity’s low consciousness
congealed energies referred to as ‘loosh’ [12-27].
• Therefore, the author is grateful for the experience, no matter how it
may seem unpleasant and trying on the surface, and for the chance
of being privy to provide a SERVICE TO ALL at this time.
• The result of discussions that pertain to the use of manipulations by
narcissistic-psychopathic tyrants in order to fulfil their mission of
self-service while ambitiously and avariciously masquerading as
“leaders” are divided into three parts, in which the present
manuscript essentially focusses on the issue of narcissistic-
psychopathic tyranny, while further discussions pertaining to a
discourse on manipulation [28] as well as leadership [29] are differed
to publication elsewhere.

How do you Exactly Describe a Tyrant Individual

• They are arbitrary people who are control freaks, authoritative, and
bullies, who are very difficult, and try to always push you around
during their day-to-day encounters.
• Everything soon or later turns into a game of contest for dominance.
• They must always have the last word.
• They always insist and challenge you to do things their way, even
when it comes to trivial tasks.
• They are highly undisciplined.
• They have no respect for authority and always consider it legitimate
only when it comes from them.
• And, even if they are made any accommodation or provision to
delegate tasks or are put in a position of power, they insist on the
exercise of absolute, unmitigated, unrestrained, selfish, and abusive
• Furthermore, they show no shame or restraint in humiliating others.
• They think others are ‘limited’ in character and never can match or
live up to their delusional grandiose superiority.
• Accordingly, others are to be suppressed and controlled, be it even
with the force of belligerence.
• If they are not avoided or are left alone, it all leads to unjust game of
suppression-oppression, involving they eventually totally abuse their
• Note that tyranny leads to oppression and NOT leadership.

Negative Ego Behavior of Tyrants

• Tyranny can creep into one’s thoughts as a negative ego behavior or
insanity to a greater or a lesser degree.
• These may be classified in order of increasing severity under what
may be referred to as ‘egotism,’ ‘narcissism’ or ‘psychopathy’ with
the latter having also been referred to as “sociopathy,” but that is
somewhat a different concept.
• Thus, in increasing degrees of dominance that pertains to the extent
of disregard for others (egotism, narcissism or psychopathy), these
may be categorized as:

• Egotists are self-centered individuals, who often use phrases such as:
“I, me, my, mine,” etc. [30-31].
• It is all about them.
• They are primarily motivated only by their own self-interests.
• They invariably suffer from low self-esteem that drives them to act
superior to others in order to disguise their actual inferior self-
• And, to compensate for this deficiency, often the individual seeks to
be controlling to others to feel superior.
• They choose to be controlling because they also seek to get what
they desire, which is the only thing that matters to them.
• And, they lack empathy for others.

The Egotist’s Outlook on Life

• Egotists are often hooked on using vocabularies such as “I, me, my,
• When other people's viewpoints cannot be comprehended, or there
is a lack of empathy towards others, the viewpoint or ideology
becomes fixated, disconnected, uncaring, obsessed, as well as
unchecked and destructive.
• This is the root of Negative Ego.
• The belief (or fear) that “no one can get the job done as well as I
can” or “if you want it done right, do it yourself” drives many control
• Bosses begin to micro-manage instead of effectively working with
others and also use their help.
• This has the making of poor leaders who want to manipulate to
deceive and outsmart other people.
• Along with this narcissistic inclination of showing lack of compassion
for others’ work or status, their fear of failure drives them to control
every aspect of their life as they attempt to ensure success and
reduce their inherent anxiety [32] regarding their low self-esteem.
• In any case, the control freak opts out to preserve his-her own selfish
interests at the expense of other's.
• They often act as spoiled children who believe they are at the center
of the universe.
• Accordingly, tyrants never outgrow their faulty belief systems.

• Like egotists, they are controlling because only they matter.
• Like egotists, they lack empathy, but additionally, they seek out to
exploit others to achieve their own need, wants, and desires.
• Narcissists have a grandiose sense of self-importance.
• They often exaggerate their achievements and expect to be
recognized as superior, even when their accomplishments are
• They believe they are special and because of that they should have
excessive admiration.
• And, no matter how much you give them thanks or compliments
regarding their work and achievements, be it for the purpose of
keeping positive morale in the work place, it is NEVER enough.
• So, it is best NOT to further indulge them in their self-delusions.
• They always fantasize attaining unlimited success or power but
actually never achieve such a role.
• They often envy others or fantasize others envy them.

• Psychopathy is a sever form of insanity that could be alternatively
referred to as the state of being a extremist, fanatic, inflexible
person, or a maniac.
• A psychopath often has the delusional fantasies of power to the
extent of omnipotence, and is afflicted with an inflated sense of low
self-esteem and a need for acquiring power and control.
• Historically, psychopathy has been interchangeably used as
narcissistic personality disorder, but it is consequences is more sever
than that.
• A psychopath is often afflicted by superiority complex that he-she
uses as a psychological defense mechanism to hide or counteract his
or her true inner feelings of inferiority.
• Similar to egotists and narcissists, they are controlling because
others do not matter.
• Psychopaths can also be anti-social.
• For this reason they are often mistaken with sociopaths that have
such an alarming characteristic trait.
• They totally disregard the rights of others.
• And, they often feel no remorse for the harm they cause others.
• With lack of empathy for others, they seek to victimize and blame
their victims.
• They are deceitful, aggressive, difficult, impulsive, superficial,
exploitative, and irresponsible.
• Yet they may display a superficial charm.

Characteristics of Tyrants
• Egotists, narcissists, or even psychopaths.
• Selfish.
• Concerned only for the self.
• Have contempt and apathy for others.
• Isolated, alone, and separate from others.
• Bigots, fanatics, extremists.
• Conceited, in which they consider themselves as physically superior
that have incredible or irresistible physical attributes.
• Highly competitive.
• Envious of others.
• Often easily resent others.
• Generally, unprincipled or narrowly principled.
• Concerned only with self-image.
• Arrogant.
• Have low, fragile, and low self-esteem.
• Engage in inaccurate and in unrealistic self-appraisal.
• Avoid or reject criticism and any positive feedback.
• Often give monologs, lectures, or preach, solely to assert themselves
and not to educate others.
• Always must have the last words.
• Volatile, and irritable.
• Invasive, intrusive, and obnoxious.
• Easily engage in outbursts.
• Belligerent, disrespectful, and use profanity to express themselves or
their hurt ego.
• Abuse power through control.
• Demanding.
• Domineering.
• Controlling.
• Set out to increase fear in others.
• Irresponsible.
• inconsistent.
• Soon give up on tasks regarding they have done enough.
• Dump responsibility on others.
• Easily blame others or use them as scapegoats.
• Difficult and complain all the time as if they have written the book
on perfectionism.
• Wishful to delusional.
• Narrowly focused or fixated only on a narrow point of view.
• Obsessive, compulsive.
• Close-minded, obstinate, rigid, unyielding, authoritarian or
dictatorial, and ruthless.
• Too much fixated on a goal that is product of their thinking and
conformant to their needs, wants, and desires.
• And, it must be achieved at all costs.
• Can be charismatic, engaging or even captivating, and always
negatively influential.
• Secretive.
• Cunning.
• Always have something to hide.
• Highly manipulative.
• Other characteristic of tyrants can be classified as:

Low Self-Esteem
• The biggest secret of an egotistic-narcissistic-psychopathic tyrant is
that “I am not as good as I make myself to appear to be to the
• Therefore, they move to control their public image at all cost.
• Thus, they try to project an image to the public to sway the public to
believe what they are prone to or like to believe rather than the
• Note that human beings have a long history of being mind controlled
by the negative aliens.
• So, they are accustomed to a such a treatment.
• And, egotists-narcissists-psychopaths often have a history with the
negative aliens targeting their instinctual and impulsive senses, being
adept as to how to project in a certain way to others.
• In other words, everything is carried out or projected through a self-
serving agenda.
• Such individuals invariably suffer from negative ego as implants by
the negative aliens that serve their purpose of siphoning their
victim’s energies parasitically.
• Generally, these individuals feel inferior.
• So, as a matter of an ego defense mechanism or their ego pathology
they try to act superior.
• They think what people think of them is what they actually are.
• So, they desperately depend on other people's approval to establish
and maintain a sense of self-worth.
• And, the reason they sometimes humiliate others is because they
fear to be humiliated first [33].
• These people are governed by negative ego and they do not
appreciate that their self-worth and dignity is inherent and is not
provided by others.
• Also, they are quite isolated in the way they view themselves.
• Namely, they feel that they are above everyone else and their worth
cannot be measured by any scale that includes others’.

Disconnected, Unconscious or Unaware

• Tyrants and control freaks are afflicted with negative ego.
• They are unaware that there are more positive and effective
approaches to achieving high goals and standards.
• Self-destructive habits, addictive tendencies and abuse is all they
have ever known.
• Many tyrants have been conditioned to observe and learn that the
only approach in dealing with other people is through abuse and
• One with a great sense of compassion and as a natural born teacher
may strive to recognize their negative ego ignorance and sets out to
help them learn better approaches to building relationships based
on compassion and trust, at the same tie to improve their character.
• Unfortunately it is always almost impossible to teach them such new
ways or methodologies.
• They are also very disconnected [34-35], perceiving themselves to be
the ‘know it all.’

Impatient and Lacking Perseverance

• Often impatient people try to seize control in a group to be
perceived as a leader.
• However, in order to genuinely “succeed,” it is better to be patient
and diligently concentrate on the work at hand and at the same time
actually show that you are able to, indeed, achieve good results to
be truly recognized as a leader.
• Patience is a one of the Christos-Sophia attributes that is intertwined
with self-discipline and self-control.
• Impatience, on the other hand, only creates self entitlement.
• While, patience creates the inner discipline to earn virtues,
effectuated when one's own skill and competency is developed and
• Such a ‘quick-fix’ approach through impatience accompanied by
frivolous ‘showing off’ for attaining fame as a “leader” never works
that only leads to a house of cards ready to fall.
• So, the illusion of self-competence and uniqueness and superiority in
portraying that you are superior and able to do it faster than anyone
else is NOT a sign of true leadership quality or capability.
Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Tyrants often ignore or diminish the value of any genuine
alternatives to achieve their goals and standards because they have
no appreciation for them.
• All they care is growth, expansion, and conquest, motivated by
service to self only.
• Note that growth does not necessarily represent progress.
• A tyrant depends on the oppressed and those he-she can
• Tyranny is childish.
• Tyranny is a tragically unleashed version of a child's selfish tantrum.
• Adults do not accept tantrums.
• There is NO reason to tolerate tyranny.
• Tyrants lack self-respect, self-control, sound judgment, refined
character, wisdom, and transcendent purpose.
• Tyrants lack the wisdom of compassion, interconnections,
relatedness, respect, humility, and responsibility.
• Tyrants do not realize this, but oppression actually constrains them.
• When you “cannot see the forest for trees,” in favor of selfishness
and self-interest only, you indeed, miss your big chance.
• To cite an example, the couple in question in the said administrative
spiritual group who strived so much to be the favorites (with all their
phony expressions of love and uninhabited attachment and
closeness) who (at least one of them) constantly openly was
complaining from the depravity of always having had to live as
“nomads” and never having had the luxury of “regular” living, had
the ample chance to come to Florida-USA (planned location of the
Institute) and receive free accommodation, use of car, and possibly a
stipend to pay for all their unforeseen expenses.
• And, nothing destroyed their chance but their own vanity,
impatience, lack of sincerity, and ultimately repugnant belligerence,
followed by use of profanity when they realized that they had failed
in their avaricious, selfish mission of catering to service to self only.

Possible Motivations of a Narcissist-Manipulator

• (1) They have their own personal agendas and want to gain favors at
virtually any cost to others.
• (2) They often have a strong need to be accepted as ones with
power over others, presuming themselves as being superior than
• (3) And, often being of low self-esteem, the perception of having
power over others purportedly compensate for this lack of self-
security, self-worth and self-respect.
• (4) They often show a strong urge to control others that is often
referred to as being “control freaks.”
• (5) They often act as toddlers to get whatever they want.
• In this respect, no only they do not have self-control and feel self-
entitled, they often impulsively convey this obligation on others to
provide them with what they need or desire.
• And, if this demand is not facilitated or fulfilled, they often show
evidence of inner anxiety and fear until they are satisfied with others
meeting their personal needs or demands.
• (6) They are highly prone to drama and boredom, often getting tired
of people and their surroundings rather easily.
• For example, if provisions are not made to make them happy by
meeting their needs and desires instantly or if they are not
frequently praised and complimented for their efforts, or
appropriate boundaries are not set to sufficiently isolate or
quarantine them from their peers, elders, and superiors, they begin
to show lack of respect as if nothing impress them any longer,
apparently wanting to be entertained or amused further by
announcing “being there, done that.”
• Another sign of boredom pertinent to the couple in question was
that they continuously said (the male partner) they can hardly stay in
one place as they consider themselves as “nomads.”

Identifying Tyrants
• Tyrants are narcissists-psychopaths that are abusers, liars, predators
and individuals traumatized by ‘soul fragmentation’ and inner or
spiritual sense of disconnection from Self.
• And, they might even desperately search to ‘find’ themselves but to
no avail as a result of their indulging in delusional fantasies that they
are perhaps something fantastic that they clearly are NOT.
• These people are utterly controlled by ‘negative ego dysfunctional
disorder’ reminiscent of the fact that they have no impulse control
and they live in self-deception.
• Accordingly, they are often targeted by the parasitic negative aliens
because they are easily prone to manipulation and creature
attachment or possession.
• A serious consequence of tyrant narcissist-psychopath is that he-she
only wants power and control over others and will do any hideous
deed and with no genuine feeling of remorse or empathy to achieve
• And, it takes a highly spiritual and strong minded individual highly
dedicated to God and organic consciousness with deep reverence,
commitment, and sense of advocation to the provisions of the Law
of one to be able to resist and neutralize their possible deleterious
and destructive effects from taking control one’s own life or that of
the public at large.
• A narcissist-psychopath is afflicted with a host of untrustworthy
behaviors potentially adversely affecting his-her own life, those that
are close to him-her, particularly a spouse or partner and anyone
else that fails to set a strong boundaries between himself-herself and
quarantining themselves from these individuals.
• Narcissists-Psychopaths suffer severely from negative ego, and thus,
it is prudent that one acquaints oneself with a host of impulses that
triggers these individuals to start preying on a person.
• Almost invariably all narcissists-psychopaths suffer from unhealed
pain resulting from a history of negative karmic experiences (or
artificially inserted in them via the negative aliens) that have caused
sever psychosis-neurosis in them, craving to be addressed and
cleared and cleansed by them.
• Yet, instead of going about it in a wise and genuinely spiritual
manner by going WITHIN and trying to actually restore connection
with their inner spirit and with the God-SOURCE, they engage in
frolics deceiving themselves and having a highly cynical or mocking
attitude towards theirs and others’ lives.
• It is wise to use cautious discernment when making a choice to trust
these individuals, preferably laying out strong boundaries between
oneself and these individuals as has been sufficiently emphasized
elsewhere [2].
• In particular, one needs to discern that they may not be the epitome
or a model of high character as they initially try to portray
themselves to be.
• Unfortunately, in the highly volatile consciousness field of humanity
that particularly exists nowadays in this auspicious of pre-Ascension,
there exists a wide difference between one’s own natural frequency-
light quotient of consciousness vibration and these individuals.
• And, although benevolence asserts to view all humans as equals,
caution and clear discernment is warranted when one deals with
• Accordingly, when you compassionately observe an individual acting
out with an excessive amount of negative ego behaviors, particularly
one who strives to be so close to you, choose not to support them in
their delusions.
• And, this is neither apathetic nor defies any provisions of the Law of
One, as every human being has a long life career ahead to achieve
spirituality and self-mastery.
• This is the very idea behind evolution and Ascension.
• Thus, it is prudent that one resorts to his-her own sense of intuitive
intelligence and not be swept out by the frivolous storm of
softheartedness, all in the spirit of compassion and unconditional
• In fact, it is not apathy that would assert you must use your inner
vibrations to detect fallacy via your own sense of strong empathic
• If you simply do not take the incredibly optimistic approach that all
humans are equal, your own sense of empathic abilities will tell you
that TRUTH is otherwise.
• Thus, you would not be apathetic but exercising your inherent sense
of empathic skills.
• Accordingly, caution is of order and one must strive to discern
trustworthiness and competency using one’s own sense of enhanced
intuition and not let faulty binary logic dictate otherwise.
• Note that the more severe the negative ego dysfunction, the more
potentially disconnected the person is from their inner spirit, heart,
and self-awareness.
• This immediately gives one a gauge to measure what level a person
can be trusted, no matter how they portray themselves, or what
your naturally soft and loving heart will tell you.

Narcissist’s-Psychopath’s and Control Freak’s Approach to Reducing

• Try to imagine what tyrants, control freaks, and other bullies
commonly think.
• Accordingly, consider this:
• A narcissist-psychopath and control freak is often under the
impression that what they can control fully, cannot inevitably hurt
• They have perceptions and beliefs that are out of balance and
potentially destructive.
• They are often driven by their internal fear that they will lose
control, and thus, they need and seek to establish and enforce
autonomy or impose threats on others.
• Control freaks and other bullies can easily get out of balance and
become potentially destructive.
• Their anxiety results from vulnerabilities that results from their deep
self-doubt, self-insecurity and lack of self-confidence that unless they
act as a control freak they will fail in their mission that is mainly
motivated by service to self only.
• Accordingly, as control freaks, they try to control every aspect of the
environment and the people in it.
• They also try to control every perceived threat, whether real or
• Accordingly, they choose an ineffective approach to coping with
their anxiety by controlling and manipulating others around them.
• They often try to undermine all other members and the “source of
competition” and by taking advantage of their perceived opponent’s
• And, in order to cope with their anxieties, they resort to choosing
self-centered and ineffective approaches such as humiliating or
embarking on a character assassination venture to degrade or
defame others via taking advantage of others’ self-anxieties to
manipulate and control them or the source of their anxiety.
• It is also in line with the case of energetic vampirism that will soon
prove to be quite exhausting for the all.
• Energy vampirism entails having control over others and
manipulating others that can become entirely exhausting overall.
• Causing adverse events often leads to stress and helplessness.
• Tyrants believe exerting control prevents helplessness and thus
manage to extremely mismanage stress.
• Then, they feel powerless.
• And, exerting control is usually perceived by a narcissistic -
psychopathic tyrant to prevent helplessness by gaining power over
• Accordingly, narcissistic -psychopathic tyrants try to reduce their
own fear and anxiety by removing or seeking revenge against anyone
who they believe defies or poses a threat to their needs, belief
systems, or whatever else that in their perception threatens their
self-serving needs.
• And, one way to do this is through ‘soul fragmentation’ that is the
inevitable result of negative ego behaviors.
• Another related method is through ‘splitting’ in which the assailant
tries to create two extreme polarities for oneself, with themselves
dressed in a white hat epitomizing the good, the righteous, and the
just, and see another or others in black hats as evil, immoral, unfair
individuals(s) or organization(s) having victimized them.
• Yet, another related concept is compartmentalization in which they
effectively mind control themselves and with it any possibility of
ever achieving effective self-evaluation through applying open
mindedness, critical thinking, etc. in favor of negating self-
responsibility and self-accountability.
• And again, it is all dictated by the negative ego to shut oneself down
when afflicted with anxiety and fear, say eventuated through
admitting self-failure, leading to self-denial in favor of temporary
comforting oneself.
• Thus, compartmentalization is yet another unconscious
psychological defense mechanism used to avoid self-responsibility
and self-accountability through lack of having cognitive dissonance
with oneself.
• In particular, if they fail by not being accommodated to continue
with their negative and manipulative and destructive acts, they
become highly disgruntled and show anger, belligerence, and engage
in conflict.
• And, this is hardly in line with the spirit of cooperation, compassion,
empathy, and unconditional love, leading to or resulting from Unity
• Thus, they are hardly suitable to assume the leadership role for a
spiritual group, etc.
• Thus, is a destructive notion along with all other negative ego
behaviors in which one who has put trust in them soon comes to the
rude awakening as to exactly how much it can lead to the
destruction of the group as well as to self-destruction.
• Accordingly, tyranny distinctly defies leadership.

Responding to Tyrants
• Here is how one can respond to tyrants:

• (1) Overcome your Fear:

• Tyrants try to exploit people’s primal fears in which many typically
become afflicted with fearing them.
• Some people are easily seduced by a tyrant’s influence and succumb
to his-her threats as they are easily blinded by fear, anxiety, shame,
hate, or guilt.
• Many yield to their tantrums.
• Fear can easily lead to primal thinking, tunnel vision, and panic.
• But, self-reliance (or courage) can overcome fear of them and with
careful and creative planning one can learn to ignore the tyrant.

• (2) Disengage:
• If you don't like it, change it.
• If you can't change it, leave.
• Acknowledge their oppressive manipulation in order to be able to
effectively understand the tyrant and what it does.
• Consider your alternatives and choose your battles carefully and not
just being triggered by them.
• Decide what you choose to change and what you choose to avoid,
not falling into their trap.
• Disengage and proverbially ‘live to fight another day.’
• In particular, if you have a problem with an aid who desperately
wants to be a leader of the group you founded, who sets out to
attain service to self only, just dismiss him-her.
• Alternatively, if your boss is a tyrant, arrange for a reassignment or
leave the organization.
• Stand tall as a tower and do not tremble or succumb to fear.
• Although the typical reaction is to be afraid and tremble in response
to the tyrant's threats, there are more elevated and enlightened
viewpoints you can consider.
• If we recognize the many deceptions and fallacies tyrants rely on,
and recognize tyrants as the lonely and childish school-yard bullies
they are, then we can avoid being bullied and controlled by them.
• Remember that those who act as spoiled brats do not deserve the
attention they demand.

• (3) Properly Discern and Preserve your Dignity:

• Dignity is intrinsic to every human.
• It does not have to be earned, it cannot be granted, and it cannot be
taken away.
• The tyrant can neither strip you of your dignity nor can he provide
you with dignity.
• Thus, being a victim to bad mouthing through a tyrant spreading
gossip and encouraging others to engage in negativity and baseless
judgementality cannot be tolerated.
• You remain a worthy human being regardless of what the tyrant
• On the other hand, one has to avoid not to be manipulated to fall
into such a trap of resorting to negativity and baseless
judgementality and wallow in it.
• It is your own choice, your own asset, to remain positive and
productive and spiritually prosper, so do not let it go to waste.
• The oppressed are no less worthy than those tyrants that give the
illusion of being righteous, victims or the powerful.
• The tyrant works to control or eliminate something or someone he-
she sees as the obstacle to his-her goals.

• (4) Avoid Hate that is Futile:

• When disgruntled, a tyrant regards what is contrary to his-her
understanding or impulses as evil and hates it, and thus sets out to
destroy it.
• However, choosing to hate is an ineffective shortcut that avoids the
hard work of analyzing the problem in depth.
• Hating confuses right and wrong.
• It puts the blame incorrectly and where it does not belong.
• A spiritually mature individual never submits to hate.

• (5) Do not be Gullible and Analyze the Situation in Depth:

• One should also see and assess the situation from different or
opposing perspective.
• One must engage in analyzing the problem in more depth, identify
the real causes, and eliminate the errors in one’s thinking.
• Then one can avoid being sheepishly manipulated and then can
effectively move forward (as opposed to backwards).
Need for Healthy Self-Control on this Planet
• It would be certainly refreshing to see awareness of Self, discipline
over unconscious impulses and self control in the public at large on
this planet.
• Self-control is an important attribute of spiritual maturity, and an
essential component of interconnection and feeling empathy for
• Achieving a healthy balance of self discipline and self control is an
essential element of self-responsibility and self-accountability.
• It is the loss of self control that leads to anxiety, stress, anger,
resentment and ultimately feeling helpless, unhappy, and even
• To lose self-control is to give your inalienable Right of Free Will and
Sovereignty to the negative entities that begin to control you and
your autonomic nervous system and start to parasitically feed on
• This is how negative aliens count on you to become self-destructive
and give your personal power to them on a sliver platter.
• Accordingly, they have devised sophisticated AI software
programming that is constantly updated with the new version to
best take advantage of your corrupt sense of lack of self-
preservation that would be commensurate with the current form of
ongoing collective consciousness and reality of humanity.
• And, basically all these AI holographic insert software mind control
programming are based upon the dogma of ‘Divide and Conquer
• One of the fundamental form of these programing software imposes
victim consciousness that is based upon the notion that a victim
eventually becomes a victimizer of others, thus providing an
automatic mode for the negative aliens to prey upon humanity.
• This is what is appropriately called the Victim-Victimizer Software.
• Another incites fear, anger, prejudice and violence in the public that
are primarily of the ethnic, racial, and most importantly religious
prejudicial nature, with the assailants always believing that they are
self-righteous in their resolves of delusionally perceiving that they
just or superior in their cause as opposed to other groups.
• This is why there are so many diminutive slang words to refer to a
person who is viewed as being different than one’s race, ethnic
origin, nationality or religious denomination.
• This is what is referred to as generally the Armageddon Software.
• Of course, it is the same software that propagates religious hypocrisy
and superstition with dire consequences of “sinners” going to “hell”
at the “Ends Of Days” and during the “Judgment day” when the
wrathful God decides to revengefully punish you [36]!
• There are also other software that exacerbate gender division in the
masses [see for example, 24-25].
• The most significant form of this plaguing humanity (and all other
organic beings) is the based upon the repugnant Patriarchal
Domination Philosophy [37] that the negative aliens so intensely
believe in, and promote to all their kept or conquered, consciously
enslaved victims that regards the male gender as physically strong
and superior, while showing contempt and shame for the female
gender as presumably being good for nothing but to have sex with or
their cater to the male counterparts.
• This also beings to mind the dogma of belief in misogyny [38] that
goes hand in hand with patriarchal domination.
• Note that the word patriarchal refers to ‘father’ that is far from the
TRUTH as there is nothing fatherly about the Satanic-Luciferian
• They are simply violent aggressors, oppressor-suppressors and a
tyrannical race that considers all other species stupid and beneath
them as radiated to them by the fact that they invariably cleverly
and cunningly rule all their conquered victims while they are blank-
slated [39] and not consciously aware as to not know anything about
their pedigree, origin, true consciousness capability, history, etc.

Need for Transparency and Open Source

• Sustaining oppression is often granted through maintaining and
disseminating false beliefs among people.
• When these false beliefs are dismissed and corrected, we gain a
more accurate understanding of our world and then we all benefit.
• Expose the lie and strengthen the humanitarian based community.
• As a most credible and respected organization, this spiritual group
operated in an utterly open and transparent atmosphere.
• The operations and decisions made within this spiritual group were
always transparent and could easily examined by interested inside
and outside the group.
• The objective of the said spiritual group was always to be an
organizations that is well run and is responsible to the public by not
only accepting criticism and suggestions, but embracing them.
• If the questions to the aforementioned purported “leaders,”
particularly those regarding taking decisions to call for an
unsanctioned group meeting with the deleterious result of
shockingly lead to yet another conflict with a member became
uncomfortable, leading to unprecedented anger and belligerence by
the assailants, the questions were entirely valid with the expressed
concern to, once again, playing the proverbial “devil’s advocate” in
order to calm the angry individuals on both sides of the conflict to
lead to a cordial situation in line with the principles of having
compassion and empathy and showing unconditional love to all
parties in light of restoring peace and cooperation among the group
• However, the answers to such an inquiry prompted by the very
assailant “group leaders” who presumably started the conflict in the
first place were not only evasive but met with anything that could be
described as pleasant, friendly, or ‘cordial,’ but enraged with fuming
conducts and display of utter impatience, intolerance, edginess, and
utter belligerence.
• Note that people who feel uncomfortable being subject to
constructive inquiry, regarding it as examination and criticism or
outright disapproval, often have something to hide.
• And, may be this is the reason that the promised video of the said
unsanctioned meeting involving the account of their conflict with
another group member was never produced to the group founder
for review.
• It leads to confirm that one needs to shine the light on tyranny to
purify it.

Useful Quote:

“We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang
separately” Benjamin Franklin

The Consciousness and Spiritual Science Institute Publishing 2022.

This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a
SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for
the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their
condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’
It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or
any public forum.
It is expected that when it is re-blogged or displayed, it is carried
out without changing its content, preferably in its entirety, and
without any paltering intent, and only if its content is not
disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service
to self only.’
1. The Several Stages of Awakening and their Relations to the Different Phases of
the Universal Law of Attraction
2. Setting Boundaries with Egotistic-Narcissistic Bullies and Control Freaks and
Manipulating, Destructive, Energetic Vampires: A Real Case Study
3. Ascension Chronicles: Pre-requisite to Comprehending the Acumen of the Law
of One - Part I: Awakening from Lowly State of Consciousness, to be published
4. Ascension Chronicles: Pre-requisite to Comprehending the Acumen of the Law
of One – Part II: Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness Embodiment,
Consciousness Expansion, and Ascension, to be published
5. Ascension Chronicles: Revering, Upholding and Abiding by the Provisions of
the Law of One, to be published
6. Unconditional Love
7. SERVICE TO OTHERS or Service to Self Only: A Slide Presentation
8. Service to Self Only vs SERVICE TO OTHERS, to be published
9. Egotism, to be published
10. Narcissism, to be published
11. Psychopathy, to be published
12. Who are Negative Aliens? Short Essay
13. Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they Represent? [partial manuscript
of Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: A
General Overview]
14. On the ‘Common’ Characteristics of the Negative Aliens
15. Negative Aliens and their Entropic Gestalt of Consciousness
16. The Negative Aliens Nefarious Agenda: An Introduction
17. What led the Negative Aliens to be What they are and why they became
18. Modern Psychology 101: ‘Shadow Self,’ Possessions and Parasitization
19. Negative Aliens and Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPEs)
20. Modern Psychology 101: Insights on Behavioral and Psychological Derailment
Afflicted by AI-Generated Clandestine Energetic Parasitic Attacks- Feedings: A
Case Study
21. Negative Aliens and their different Mind Controlling Tactics
22. Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: System of Mind
23. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Circumventing
Mind Control
24. Negative Aliens and their Archetype Mind Control
25. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Gender Archetypes Mind
Control Programming: An Overview
26. Programmed to Embody a Male Aggressor-Dominator Archetype, to be
27. Programmed to Embody a Seductress Female Archetype
28. Narcissistic-Psychopathic Manipulation, Part II of: Leadership or Chaos
Effectuated by Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous Manipulation and Control? To
be published
29. True Leadership vs Self-Serving Egotistic-Narcissistic-Psychopathic Tyranny,
Part III of: Leadership or Chaos Effectuated by Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous
Manipulation and Control? To be published
30. Ego
31. The Three Aspects of Ego, to be published
32. Anxiety
33. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy
34. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement
35. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part II: The Illusion of
36. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control Strategy:
Religious Hypocrisy and Superstition, to be published
37. Negative Aliens Male-Archetype or Patriarchal Domination, to be published
38. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC): Male-Archetype Mind Control
Programming: Misogyny,” to be published
39. Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC) Mind Control: Blank Slate
Technology, to be published

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