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Biochumib BP903

Lomolauls Dr. Parjanya Shuhla

De inikion Dr. M.P. 3tngh Claes

*Moluuulus that ocCUT nauyally in uving orgoniams

collud biomaluauls
* Biomoluulus arI OTgonic subston us newsa to
Co T o Variou i pro umAs

which a important or the mainte nanu

lving Organisms.

4also in duds Amal molsculus ike

rimary and Aotonday mataboitas and nakal produch.

Biomolulus comaists mainly ocorhon and bydrogen
wih nit0gan, oxyqen , 8ulphur ond phosphorus.
w Biomoleuls
Thu biomol ubs nto
avs cJamid douY major tybas
1. Carbohyorales
. Proteins
3. Lipids
. Nucluc aud

) C0rbohy draBs (o1bohy drats au qood Aou oenngy

m tK struchural combonent o all ults.

Corbohydratas or polysacchavidu or Jon chains of Augovs.
onosocchoridu a
Almplu sugar tKat ori
CompoAsd 3-7 CaTbon atoms. Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Dr. M. P.8tngh
Thuy hov o
u aldshyd or keton Aaes
which art as udu ung aqents and or known
as uduu'nq Aufor

*Duaccboridus ari mod atwo monos0ccharid

Connactad Jby gycosidit bonds
Monosocchoridus and disacchavi dus ar
Swut, Cstallin and wakr Aolublu
PolysocchaTidus aT bolymaYA monosacthoridus
Ky or nof- Awul and complux corbohydratas
insolublu in wateT and not in crystalluinu dorm
Examplus:- Corbohydrates -
Clucose, Tuchose, maltose, adlulose, starch sk.
aLibids- Lipids aru a
major A0wnu engy noxt
to Corbohy drals
Mss ara ennqy Atorage molu culs hold a lorg amount
Lipids oT Jong bydrocavbon
Lipids oug4nunally taTs aty auds
buildingblotks of biological membrans
Most tK ipids kovs a pola had and
Dr. Parjanya Shukla
non-polov tal. &
Dr. M. P. Singh Clases

clamiiad nto tru claM basnd on h ty o

by drophilic Kuad brent

ycoupids oT pids whon Kad Cmtau'ns

oigosocchorids wih 1-IS Aacchavids Musidu.

Phospholubids contains a
posikivaly chaxged Read

which 0TinrId to nagahivaly chorgad phosphate

SHarols whoss head cmtains a tAToid ung

Examplus o Lipids -

Oils, Jah, phospholiþids, ghyrolibids ek.

Hoteine- hotains OT hu polymur amino auds

jointd by aphid bond blw caTboxy g70u and

amino group o Aucaniva amino ac'ds.

X ar most abandont biomolualstound in
VAYY ll.
4) Nucluit Acids :
Dr. Parjanya Shukla
xNucluic auds or 0Tgonic compounds wi Dr. M. P. Sngh laaea

hetoroycuic ungs.
mad o polymer nuclotids
x Nucloides comaists nitroqgenous bas
bentoxe suqar and
a phosphatgioup

XNihogenows baxs are

adenin, quaninu thyaminu, cytosinu and urocil

Polymeized nudo Hdus om DNA and RNA which

hOVA uniqut uncions as h chemical basis 1or K
SuYvivad iving 0rqanisms and inheYhi tanu .

Oy-Dr-Mohendro raab Singh

tuncions iomoluculus-
Corbohy dras ar suu oenagy

it kdps in þropar qun chonung of bran, karB, nenvous,

diqesHiva and imm.unY Aystam

Deiuzny Carbohy in di'et causts fahqut

Th imory unpon! opids in body OT ANngy otorage.

Ahuctyral mumbronus ou composad o iplds, ach as

bovi nd comhols ow matiad in and out of hu all.
Each rotuin in body hov spruijic funchion
Dr. Parjanya Shukla

som protwins provid1 shuctural Aubbort. Dr. M.P. 8ingh Aames

kl in body movamunt and doleras agwins

g47ms and ine chonA
Protwins kove anH bodivs, hovmona, enzymus
Contra chilu protuin

xNucluic Adds aT DNA and RNA

COYYY qneHc informahion

thuy also kilp in Aynhusis rotein through
h prou tronslakon and transcriphon.

By- Dr Mahundra Rratap Sngh

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