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While I have the utmost respect for my group members and their views, it's hard for me not to comment
on their point of view regarding the future of this world. Their thoughts seem to be too good to be true,
because reality is often disappointing.

What's the point of fantasizing about hover boards and computer chips installed in humans, when
there's a real possibility of the world not existing in a couple of decades!

A. First main point

Everything comes with a cost. The mistreatment of Mother Nature by us for the past centuries, is now
beginning to pave way for the inevitable disasters.

1) Sub Point
The Australian Bushfire, for example.

A wave of wildfire, that lasted for around 5 months, resulted in the absolute destruction of 17 million
hectares of habitable land, coupled with around a billion animals perishing.

2) Sub Point
The recent floods in Pakistan, is another example of the Earth replying to our unfortunate deeds of
exploiting it's resources. We, as Pakistanis ourselves, witnessed thousands of people dying, while our
economy suffered damages worth trillions of ruppees! The reason for such unfortunate tragedies?
Unsurprisingly, CLIMATE CHANGE.

Such unfortunate incidents, are only going to increase in the near future. Better get prepared to use
your hover boards on dead land!

B. Second main point

If this wasn't enough to open your eyes, the scary figures of the world's population in the future might
do the trick.

1) Sub Point
The world population in 2100 is estimated to be around 10.4 billion. Overpopulation, which is
already such a grave problem for us, in the form of millions living under insecure conditions on
unsuitable land and unsafe houses. Natural catastrophes like droughts and floods may kill
people, but overpopulation does too, in a slower, painful manner.

2) Sub Point
Lack of nutrition is already the reason for millions going to bed each night with an empty stomach. That
figure would only rise with the continued population growth, combined with the uncertainties of climate
change. The attempt to feed the ever increasing population of the world, will also come at the expense
of Earth's remaining resources, waiting to be exploited.
I sincerely pray that Elon Musk's quest to make Mars habitable for humans be successful, because the
current trajectory of Earth is creating doubts regarding it's sustainability to handle the ever increasing
population of the human race.

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