12-Black Moon Signs

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Black Moon Signs:

The demons within us

Astro-psychological thriller

A. Dolgopolova (in collaboration with S. Kuzmin), 2003.

Drawings by A. Dolgopolov

Find your demon

To begin with, in the following table, find which Black Moon sign (PL)
corresponds to you (or the person you are interested in) by date of birth. To
do this, select the appropriate year birth column, and then in the column, find
the line with the desired year and date of the change of the sign of the FL
this year (first the year, then the month, then the day). If your date of birth is
later than the specified date of change of the sign, then look in the same line
in the left-most column of your sign. If the date of birth is before the date of
the change of sign, then your sign is one line higher.
Black Moon 1922- 1931- 1940- 1949- 1958-
in sign 1930 1939 1948 1957 1966
1922-10- 1931-08- 1940-06- 1949-04- 1958-02-
Aries 1913-11-26
01 07 11 17 20
1923-06- 1932-05- 1941-03- 1950-01- 1958-11-
Taurus 1914-08-22
28 02 08 11 16
1924-03- 1933-01- 1941-12- 1950-10- 1959-08-
Twins 1915-05-18
23 26 02 07 13
1924-12- 1933-10- 1942-08- 1951-07- 1960-05-
Cancer 1916-02-12
17 23 28 04 08
1925-09- 1934-07- 1943-05- 1952-03- 1961-02-
Leo 1916-11-07
12 19 24 29 01
1926-06- 1935-04- 1944-02- 1952-12- 1961-10-
Virgo 1917-08-03
09 14 18 23 29
1927-03- 1936-01- 1944-11- 1953-09- 1962-07-
Libra 1918-04-30
05 08 13 18 25
1927-11- 1936-10- 1945-08- 1954-06- 1963-04-
Scorpio 1919-01-24
29 04 09 15 20
1928-08- 1937-06- 1946-05- 1955-03- 1964-01-
Sagittarius 1919-10-20
25 30 06 11 15
1929-05- 1938-03- 1947-01- 1955-12- 1964-10-
Capricorn 1920-07-15
21 26 30 05 10
1930-02- 1938-12- 1947-10- 1956-08- 1965-07-
Aquarius 1921-04-11
14 21 26 31 06
1930-11- 1939-09- 1948-07- 1957-05- 1966-04-
Pisces 1922-01-05
10 16 21 27 01

Black Moon
1967-1975 1976-1984 1985-1993 1994-2002 2003-2011
in the sign
Aries 1966-12-27 1975-11-01 1984-09-06 1993-07-12 2002-05-18
Taurus 1967-09-22 1976-07-27 1985-06-02 1994-04-07 2003-02-11
Gemini 1968-06-17 1977-04-23 1986-02-26 1995-01-02 2003-11-07
Cancer 1969-03-14 1978-01-17 1986-11-23 1995-09-28 2004-08-03
Leo 1969-12-08 1978-10-13 1987-08-19 1996-06-23 2005-04-29
Virgo 1970-09-03 1979-07-10 1988-05-14 1997-03-20 2006-01-23
Libra 1971-05-30 1980-04-04 1989-02-07 1997-12-14 2006-10-19
Scorpio 1972-02-24 1980-12-29 1989-11-04 1998-09-09 2007-07-16
Sagittarius 1972-11-19 1981-09-25 1990-07-31 1999-06-05 2008-04-10
Capricorn 1973-08-15 1982-06-21 1991-04-26 2000-03-01 2009-01-04
Aquarius 1974-05-12 1983-03-17 1992-01-21 2000-11-25 2009-10-01
Pisces 1975-02-05 1983-12-11 1992-10-16 2001-08-21 2010-06-27

You can skip the following introduction with a general theory, if you are not interested in
astrology, and go straight to reading possible psychological problems inherent in your position.
Or you can read the introduction to understand where the demons come from.

Black Moon Signs: the demons within us


You are interested? Fearfully? Peering into the mirror, opening his mouth: where are they?
You don’t have to search long: they are in each of us, because everyone in the horoscope has a
Black Moon - his own personal demon.

So, Black Moon, Lilith - the point of energy failure in the horoscope. This is a black hole, a
suction funnel, an insatiable energy absorbing. Like a powerful vacuum cleaner, it sucks all the
juices from the planets that got into the connection with it, the harmonious aspect, forcing the
poor planets to get involved as much as possible, exploiting them like slaves on a plantation. As
a result, the manifestation of the planet comes to a monstrous extreme. The planet becomes like
a pounded horse, and everyone is forced to plow it. This applies to the planets of the man
himself, and the planets of the partner, which have fallen into a harmonious aspect with his
Lilith. Lilith eats the energy of the planets, and still does not eat enough.

Further, the insatiable Lilith does the same with the house of the person’s horoscope. It makes a
person, having forgotten about everything, to throw all her attention on this house, to think only
about this sphere, only to invest energy there, which Black Moon safely eats. The energy does
not reach the destination, in the sphere of the house, the person does not solve the problem, the
person is nervous, afraid, persists even more by investing energy, and Lilith needs just that. Still,
she remains hungry.

On the planets and houses of the menu of the Black Moon is not limited. Her next meal is signs.
In humans, the sign of his Black Moon is felt in character, behavior (even appearance, if there
are aspects to Lilith), sometimes many times stronger than even the sign of his Sun, Moon or
Ascendant. This is not surprising: in order to receive energy, Lilith makes a person maximally
include the qualities of the sign in which she is. It becomes necessary for a person to manifest
these qualities as an air. He seeks to show them more and more, but …

Black Moon is the point of no experience. A person has not gained a positive experience in past
lives on that house and sign, where Lilith is, therefore in his present life he needs to gain this
experience, correct past karmic mistakes in this area. Black Moon creates illusions, visibility: a
person with Lilith in a sign appears to be vividly displayed as this sign, but in fact he has a
problem with the qualities of the sign, if Black Moon is not worked out. This is an illusory
Aries, an imaginary Taurus, seeming Gemini, a fictitious Cancer ... There is no experience, there
is no support, the quality of the sign can be shown only at the lowest level, and you want to show
them as much as possible, at a high level. Black Moon spurs. And now a person comes to the
point when an increasing desire to manifest the qualities of a sign meets with the exhaustion of
possibilities. The black moon ceases to receive energy, the energy level of a person falls, and the
person ... turns into a demon.

“Demon” is a human condition when he loses control of himself, becomes infuriated, hysterical,
screams, squeals, insults, applies violence. And all this only in order to get the energy that he
lacks from those around him. In this case, the degree of danger of a person, to which he can
reach in the use of violence, depends on the strength of his internal self-control. Mentally
healthy people fall into the state of a demon. Loss of control occurs when a person’s
consciousness is turned off and his behavior is completely controlled by unconscious attitudes.
For a person, Black Moon corresponds to his unconscious, and the point of the horoscope where
it is located is the point of entry into the unconscious. The sign and house of the Black Moon
show in which areas of his life a person has the most negative subconscious attitudes. These
spheres are catalysts for the manifestation of his demon.
Our research has shown that the sign in which Lilith is located plays a dominant role in this
process. The transformation of a person into a demon is provoked by two reasons: exhaustion,
lack of energy resources for the manifestation of the qualities of a sign, or the observation of the
lack of these qualities in others. In the latter case, the person sees in front of him a mirror
showing him his unprocessed questions, and this infuriates him. For each Lilith in a sign, it is
characteristic to blame others for the allegedly insufficient manifestation of the qualities of this
sign, shifting their own problems to them. Most of all, she is infuriated by those around her that
she cannot forgive and allow herself. Moreover, more often than not, she cannot forgive herself
for not a real flaw, but contrived, having a subconscious complex, that he supposedly has it.

The accusations of others are a way of vampirism: blaming others, and without
justification, the demon urges them to immediately rush to reveal themselves by a sign to prove
that the demon is wrong to stop the demonic tantrum, or trying to provoke a disturbance reaction.
And he receives nourishment with the appropriate energy of the sign, or simply with energy,
leading the person out of himself. The demon catches fear (I’d do it better, otherwise he will
scream), pride (as he said that I ...), guilt (yes, and he is probably right ...) Therefore, advice: to
such demonic accusations another person should not react, be offended, try to prove something.
If, for example, you know that your apartment is clean, and the demon yells that you are a lazy
pig, who does the cleaning once a year. It is he who, in the depths of his soul, considers himself
as such, it is his complex, you have nothing to do with it. If you want to calm the raging demon,
you need to agree with him and promise to do as he wants. And then you can not do it - because
the demon actually does not need it, but you need your energy. When you express a formal
agreement, the demon disappears the reason, and he is forced to calm down.

Threats to deprive of something - the next way vampirism. The demon always takes advantage
of the other person. And he tries to establish such dependence himself by offering his help,
housing, money, etc. And then he begins to reproach and threaten to deprive him of this if his
unrealistic demands are not met. These threats should not be paid attention, because demons
never carry out such threats: it would mean for them to lose a source of energy if contact with
you ceases. If the demon yells: “We are parting, the relationship is over!” Or: “look for another
housing for yourself!” Or: “look for another source of money!”, You need to answer: “OK, I
agree”. The demon will have nothing to say, and he will calm down. He can only vampire you
if you are really afraid of losing something, feeling addicted to it. And the best thing is not to
take such help at all. It is not difficult to distinguish the demonic help-trap: he is very obsessive
about it, everything looks very tempting. The temptation of the easy way ...

Another form of vampirism is passive. The demon closes, is silent, moves away from
contact, posing as an innocently offended lamb. At the same time, a storm of negative emotions
rages inside him. Surroundings begin to suffer from feelings of guilt in front of him, trying to
understand how they offended him. Attempts to restore contact, to understand what he wants.
Surrounding his intense silence, they suffer conjectures that he thinks about them. And the
demon thus receives energy. In such situations, it is not necessary to try to understand the reason
for such behavior, to start thinking that you are guilty of something. Because there is no real
reason, much less your fault. This is just a provocation by the demon. Do not pay attention to
the offended look of the demon, behave as usual. If he needs something, he is dissatisfied with
something, let him speak about it openly, but not - his problems. If he leaves the contact and you
leave, do not try to immediately restore the contact. After some time, the demon will understand
that the provocation failed, and you can again communicate with the person.

The next way to vampirism is to cause pity. The demon will cry about his miserable life, that no
one loves him, complain about problems, illness. If you show sympathy, emotionally engage in
a situation, you will become a victim of vampirism. The demon can demonstrate emotional
attachment to you, crawl around in your legs, shedding tears and accusing you of cruelty, playing
the role of a masochistic victim. He will say that he is ready to accept any suffering from you,
the tyrant, only to be near you. Remember that these are ordinary vampire tricks and stop such
emotional outbursts. Do not feel sorry for whimsical vampires. Do not allow you to start whiny
conversations, and if it is impossible to silence the complainant, just be indifferent to what he
says about his misfortunes, because it's all wrong, or created by the demon itself, because it is so
convenient for him to vampire others.

And finally, the last, most obvious way of vampirism - when the demon is already raging
openly, it makes a tantrum, a scandal, a pogrom, a fight. Here it is necessary either to apply the
method of formal agreement with the demon so that he calms down, or to show the demon his
reflection, that is, apply his method to the demon, and in a greatly enhanced form. If the demon
yells - shout louder, if he climbs to fight - fight back, if he grabs the knife - grab the ax. As a
rule, the demon does not expect such a reaction, the view of his reflection scares him, and the
person returns to normal. But here you have to decide which kind of reaction is acceptable to
you. If you do not feel that you can shout down a demon or fight him because of the different
weight categories, tame him by agreeing with him. And one more way to pacify a demon is just
to get away from contact with him, and after a while he will calm down. Next, for each sign, we
present the appropriate measures of restraining his demon.

The objects of vampirism are that the demon chooses depending on the house of Lilith: someone
plays back at a partner, someone at home, others rage in public places, and there are also those
who vampire himself. That is, the house determines the scope of the demon, but the cause of
demonism is hidden in the sign. Therefore, it is the work with the sign that is the key to
neutralizing the demon.

The black moon absorbs the energy of the person himself, the people around him, and does not
eat enough, the person’s problems in the realm of the house and the sign are not solved. Is it
possible to stop this? Is it possible to turn a consumer vampire into a useful worker? Yes you
can! - we made a definite conclusion.

So, let's look again at Lilith's favorite dishes: planets, houses, signs. How does the mechanism
of vampirism? It turns on when a person falls into the psychological trap of the Black Moon.
And her first trap is temptation. In the case of a harmonious aspect of Lilith with the planet (his
or her partner), a person feels that he can very easily and quickly receive what corresponds to the
sphere of influence of the planet. In the case of Jupiter - power, patronage, the Moon - comfort,
food, care, Venus - love, Mars - victory, lack of resistance to their actions and desires, Mercury -
the necessary social contacts, information, mediation. Man really gets it, Black Moon gives an
advance. The person is happy, gets used, the pleasure from a freebie all grows, but here comes
the hour of reckoning. Black Moon mercilessly begins to absorb energy, exploit the planet,
including its second trap: the fear of losing what has been achieved. For example, according to
Jupiter, a person finds himself in complete submission, depending on the patron or those dark
deeds where he has climbed, living in constant fear of the patron’s disfavor or discovery of his
illegal manipulations. This fear feeds on Lilith. Therefore, in order for Lilith not to exploit the
planet, a person must resolutely abandon free cheese in a mousetrap, not crave for freebies, but
learn how to get those benefits that correspond to the planet in a harmonious aspect with Lilith.

As for houses, here, on the one hand, Lilith makes a person have a strong desire to get
something that corresponds to a given house, and on the other hand, inspires him with fear that it
is impossible to get what he wants. Such a subconscious mindset about the initial impossibility
of having something vital for yourself pushes a person to the fact that he himself unconsciously
performs actions that postpone the fulfillment of desire. This is beneficial Lilith, because if the
wish comes true, the person will no longer invest energy in the house. The desire becomes
stronger, the person acts in haste and fear, everything spoils, and Lilith feeds on the energy of his
fear and disappointment. Lilith makes a person act quickly, thoughtlessly, according to Mars,
suggesting to him that only now you can still do something, then it will be too late. This
concerns the fact that a person really wants to have a sphere of the house. Because Lilith also
floods a person with easy means to meet the needs of the house, but these opportunities are fish
on bezrybe, causing only disappointment. And here the solution to the problem is to begin to act
professionally at home, that is, to eliminate personal interest. Start working with similar
problems on the outside, in other people. Then experience will be gained in the sphere of the
house, which means that the energy void will be filled.

And finally, signs. We will talk about them in detail, because here a somewhat different
mechanism of vampirism works. Here, the source of energy loss is the subconscious attitude
that, only by showing the quality of the sign in perfection, a person is something of himself, can
achieve something and will be positively evaluated by others. If these qualities are not
manifested, the person will consider himself a complete zero, and I am sure that everyone around
him will appreciate it as well. The installation of self-judgment is turned on for the fact that
perfection is not achieved in the manifestation of the qualities of the sign. Here the trap lies in
the fact that as long as experience on the sign is not gained, it is impossible to show it fully. You
can not throw out water from an empty bucket, you first need to fill it. When a person
encounters this contradiction, he seeks to fill the emptiness of the Black Moon at the expense of
the energy of others, that is, failure to include an active, giving aspect leads to the inclusion of a
passive, absorbing one. And here, as in the case of houses, the solution is to start professionally
engaged in business, corresponding to the quality of the mark. Then the experience will be
gained in the process of preliminary training and subsequent work, the emptiness of the Black
Moon will be filled. A person, finally, will be able to positively realize the need for the
manifestation of the qualities of a mark, to manifest them at a high level The second important
step required to solve the problem of Lilith in the Sign: you need to learn to relax, that is, to
accept yourself in a state where the quality of the mark is not realized, do not blame yourself for
it. While the installation of self-judgment is sitting in the subconscious of a person, people
would be attracted to him with character traits, behavior that he considers unacceptable for
himself, which simply infuriates him and provokes his demon. As soon as a person begins to
respond to these external mirrors calmly, and most importantly, he himself allows himself to do
this behavior, the situation will immediately change. Other people will be attracted, and, most
likely, a person will simply understand that his claims to others were unfounded, and his
demands are greatly exaggerated.

There is a third important step that must be taken. Black Moon makes hurry: either now or
never. A person should realize that it is never too late to express themselves in some area, but it
is better to do this when experience is gained, it is better to act gradually, rather than trying to
build a house without a foundation, take the result in a hurry. The moment when you need to
act, it is impossible to miss. A person will intuitively feel it, all circumstances will indicate this,
everything will turn out by itself.

And here it is important not to go to the other extreme, not to hesitate with the action, when all
sensations suggest that it should be done. Black Moon distorts time, creates a false sense of lack
of preparation time, fear of being late with action. You need to understand that this is an
illusion, and not in a hurry. It’s never late to get what you want, because the power of our true
desire, the power of intention energetically holds the situation to our readiness for an arbitrarily
long time, even eternity.

And now let's look at the Black Moon in every sign. We built the description as follows: the
characteristics that provoke the demon, how it manifests itself, how to neutralize the demon, the
problem of the Black Moon in the sign, the way to solve the problem, which gives Lilith in the
sign, well-known personalities with Lilith in the sign.

Lilith in Aries. Demon activist

Independence problem
The pig will find mud everywhere, and the demon Aries will find work. He does
something every second. He injects like a horse, even for pennies, and, not having had time to
come home, immediately rushes to restore order, wash, cook ... The word rest is unfamiliar to
him. He complains that he is tired, and on weekends and periods of holidays he goes crazy about
the lack of work, he begins to look for her. He offers you his help with action (to tidy up the
apartment, to wash, cook dinner), and before you have time to answer anything, he rushes to do
it. In any team, it is distinguished by activity, initiative, shows organizational skills. He
constantly talks about how he works a lot, how tired he gets from doing everything for others,
because without it, no one can do anything. He believes that if it were not for him, all things
would have risen long ago, the apartment was overgrown with dirt, the household died of
starvation. Does not recognize that others are generally able to do something on their own. “No
one can do anything, just me!” - Aries demon is sure. A man lying in bed during the day arouses
in him undisguised contempt. If you pause for a second immediately after a meal, rush to wash
the plate, he will mercilessly condemn you with shame. He complains that his colleagues are at
peace with the injustice of his superiors, he alone calls them to fight for their rights and boldly
expresses everything he thinks.

What provokes the demon Aries. In others: inaction, attempts to rely on others and on himself
in particular. In himself: when he tries to force himself to work, but he no longer has the
strength. When they are forced to admit the fact of non-independence, they say: “without us you
would not be able to do this”.

How the demon manifests itself. Shouts, in a stormy, irritated form blames others. Standard
accusations: “lazy people, they can’t do anything, sleep for a long time, freeloaders, do not fulfill
their duties, live in a pigsty, rely on someone, are not independent, indecisive, passive amoebas,
secretive, cowardly and quietly silent. He is already tired at work, but here he has to do
everything for them. ” The demon Aries can scoff, go on personal insults, the essence of which:
"you can not do anything." The extreme form - aggression, rushes at others with fists or grabs
the first object that came to hand. May manifest itself in the passive form of the complainant,
when there is no force on the activity.

How to neutralize the demon. Agree with him, promise to do everything himself, and not
download it with extra work. In the case of violent manifestations - to move away from contact,
in the case of aggression - to repel, scare with physical violence. If you complain - do not
Problem. Independence of the demon Aries - window dressing. In fact, there is someone
(parents, partner, organization) who financially and energetically supports him. He rushes
forward because he feels: there is always a reliable rear, in case of failure there is someone to
count on. Lilith in Aries can not really rely only on yourself! Once this rear disappears, it will
turn into a helpless child. Because he himself is not able to prepare a solid ground for action,
and everyone can come to the ready. But at the same time, the demon of Aries also does not
recognize that others prepared the ground for its activity. If he had to use your help, he would
say a long time afterwards that he would have done fine without you. He looks active and
independent, but only by joining a reliable government organization or an employee in a firm.
He is afraid to open his case. Not fixed wages scares him - that is the key to his willingness to
work for pennies. Better pennies, but guaranteed by the organization, than a large salary, but
dependent on him. It is here that the whole illusion of self-confidence of the demon Aries is
revealed, because in fact he is not sure of himself. He tells others that they cannot do anything
on their own, but deep down he believes that he cannot, and will hide this uncertainty under
ostentatious activity.

Its activity is 90% unnecessary, unnecessary actions. The result of them: the mountain
gave birth to a mouse. He could get the same results, having spent many times less energy, then
he would not feel himself driven by a horse. Example: a woman travels to work in the other end
of the city, because she has been on the waiting list for several years, hoping to get an apartment
from the organization. But it is absolutely obvious to everyone that they will not give any
apartments there. The main thing that keeps it is the subconscious self-doubt: here I have created
good conditions (they also pay pennies, but a little more than others), and suddenly I will quit,
and in another place they will not give it. If she had ceased to rely on someone, she would have
got a job next to her house, and even better, she would have looked for a way to make
independent, independent earnings. Now the situation has reached the point that it is being
delayed, even these pennies are not paid, they do not create any conditions for work, but require
brilliant results. This should make her understand that you can only rely on yourself. Another
example: already working independently, fully securing herself, the woman continues to go to
government work. He works for pennies in night shifts, spends a lot of effort. He motivates it
this way: it’s necessary to finalize before retirement, this is guaranteed money. Again, self-doubt
is slipping: you never know, suddenly I can’t make it myself.

Overloading often leads a person with Lilith in Aries to health problems. Only in order to prove
(first of all to himself) that without him all things will stand up, he performs the work that others
should have done. He cannot clearly distinguish his duties from those of others, since afraid that
others will not do their part, and the whole thing will be ruined. The true motive of this fear: the
result of his work will not be seen, he will not be able to prove himself. If not me, then who? -
he thinks. And others use it, shifting their tasks to the Aries demon.

Demon Aries creates a problem for other people, depriving them of their independence. He
rushes to do everything for a person not out of a sincere desire to help, but only to then reproach
him with this, to expose the person to a worthless parasite, but to himself - active, all-powerful,
responsible. He diligently tries to suppress the activity of others, mercilessly criticizing each
other's actions. Once a person is ready to do something, the demon of Aries is already yelling:
“Well, you are doing something wrong, I knew that you could not do anything. Let me do it
myself! ”

Leadership and courage of the demon Aries - also fiction. He shouts that no one needs
anything, calls to fight for his rights, openly express his displeasure to the authorities, the
powerful of this world, but as soon as it comes to business, he hides in the bushes. He accuses
others of wordless obedience, and he himself cannot openly speak out in defense of his rights.
Shows ostentatious courage, when no one attacks him, in a passive environment, but he is
frightened when he encounters real opponents. He pretends that he organized it, led others along
with him, whereas in reality they walked beautifully without him.
Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Aries:

Engage in a business that requires the professional manifestation of the qualities of Aries:
individual work, starting a business. Organizer. Work requiring leadership qualities and great
personal activity. Leader leading others.

Learn to relax, rest. Accept yourself in a state of passivity, when you do nothing, do not take
the initiative. Recognize that support from others is sometimes needed, feel free to contact her.
Do household chores, be active only when you want, and when it is really necessary - you are
not obliged to do it all the time!

Do not interfere with others to act independently, do not impose your help action.
Do not do their work for other people. Perform only your duties - if the case fails due to non-
fulfillment of their duties by others, you are not responsible for this.

Defend your rights when they are violated, express your dissatisfaction directly. Do not agree to
work for pennies, perform other people's duties for free, work in improper conditions.
Take the initiative in the work, put forward their proposals.

Do not be afraid to go into open conflict with a real opponent.

Do not believe promises (states, organizations, relatives ...) to provide you with something (an
apartment, a stable income ...), count only on yourself.

What gives worked Lilith in Aries. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself according to Aries as much as possible. He is able to lead the battle for
justice not only a few people in a team, but the whole nation. Example: Vladimir Lenin, who
raised the people to the revolution, the overthrow of state power. In the behavior and character
of Lenin, the qualities of Aries were clearly manifested. Astrologers are trying to explain this by
the closeness of his Sun (April 22) to the sign of Aries, but in fact it was revealed by his Lilith.

Famous personalities with Lilith in Aries. Vladimir Lenin, Yuri Andropov, Albert Einstein,
Pamela Andersen, Richard Gere, Lev Durov, Yevgeny Zharikov, Alla Pugacheva, Madonna,
Michael Jackson, Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, Louis de Funes, Alexander Pushkin, Honore
de Balzac, Lev Kassil, Rabindran Tagore.

Lilith in Taurus. Demon - consumer

Security problem
Some collect stamps, others - coins. And the demon Taurus - apartments. Surrounding
sometimes go astray: how many are they with him. But no matter how many of them, he will not
give up one more. Real estate itself goes into his hands: it is inherited after the death of
numerous relatives, as a result of ingenious combinations with exchange, through successful
marriage, and even from the state he manages to receive multi-room apartments. The woman
believes that a man is obliged to provide her 100% by marrying, immediately gives birth to a
child, so that there is a legitimate reason to demand money from her husband in case of anything.
He is divorced without hesitation, if only for a month the husband is left without work, he goes
berserk, hangs the label of Alfonso. If he earns little, he reproaches with irresponsibility, cruel
insidious deceit (promised to provide when he got married!), In an effort to sit at her neck and
her parents, to live at the expense of others. In case of late payment of alimony, she even goes to
court for a day, even if she owes money for it, and she herself is a millionaire. As a rule, both
women and men with Lilith in Taurus have more than one child, they are in several marriages.
A man considers himself obliged to provide all his wives and children until their very (or his)
death, and he is often blackmailed with children. However, the demands of money from wives
and children often infuriates him, and he refuses. He likes to beg money from him, and he
thought for a long time before giving them. He does not regret any money for his needs, satisfies
them in the first place, while others wait for scraps from the master's table. A person working
for an idea, and not just for the sake of money, causes him a fit of indignation.

What provokes the demon Taurus. In others: when they do not earn money, they ask from
others and from him in particular. When they say that he does not know how to earn money, he
lives at the expense of others. When the husband refuses money to his wife and children, saying
that he does not owe anything to them. In oneself: when one cannot refuse, feeling obliged, and
from it everyone is squeezed to the last penny.

How the demon manifests itself. Woman irritably, rudely blames. Standard charges:
"Alphonse, irresponsible - cannot provide for a family, lives at the expense of others, beggar,
beggar, greedy, consumer, impractical - works for an idea, not for money." Threatens her
husband with a court if he delays payment of alimony even for a day. The man accuses that
relatives like leeches are pulling money from him, threatening to deprive him of money, to drive
him out of the house. In a particularly irritated state can strike.

How to neutralize the demon. To say that you are already looking for additional income, that
you were promised a salary increase soon, that monetary work is planned. To say to my
husband: “well, we will no longer ask you for money, I will be content with my earnings, I will
get a better job”.


Pretending to be a wealthy person to whom everyone supposedly tries to sit on the neck, calling
others alfonses who cannot earn money, the demon Taurus hides his problem. In fact, he lives
on everything ready, Lilith in Taurus does not know how to provide for himself. Even in
adulthood, he lives at the expense of his parents, the apartments are not earned by their own
labor, but were inherited. The contradiction of the demon Taurus is that, wanting a lot of money,
he does not even want to lift a finger to earn it. As a rule, gets a low-paid job, because got used
to the fact that he doesn’t care about money, it’s not his concern, but parents and partner. If the
demon Taurus is engaged in a high-paying job, it turns out that someone, as a rule, a partner who
did not want him to sit on his neck, attached him there. And the demon Taurus himself would
not move, so he would have worked in a low-paid position.

Lilith in Taurus is difficult to realize that kinship does not oblige anyone to provide for
another, a person must be able to provide for himself, and not demand it from others. As a
result, he is often trapped when this installation turns against him. For example, hiding behind
the interests of children, the former wife, being not poor herself, pulls out all the money from
him, buys new cars for herself, spends money on herself. And he, even seeing this, cannot
refuse, because it is said: “Children. You must! ”From the outside it may seem that he is very
generous and caring. But he does not give money at all because he wants it, but because he has a
tough duty program in the subconscious. If he refuses, the self-deprecation setting will turn on.
And at the same time, he gnashes his teeth in his soul and thinks: “yes, so that you choke!” When
a contradiction builds up, he has an attack of greed, and he refuses his relatives in money even
for bread.

Until the demon Taurus realizes his problem, he will attract mirror partners. Panicked for fear
of getting a husband who cannot provide for her and sits on the neck, the woman herself chooses
poor men as their husbands more than once. Example: getting married, a woman knew that her
husband would not earn much, but said that she did not care. She herself worked as a teacher,
received little, lived at the expense of her parents. Immediately wanted to have a baby. When
she was pregnant, her husband lost his job. Immediately, she angered her with her parents,
divorced him, and took away all the things that she had bought up to the last sock. She married
again, for a working class person who also received a little. Immediately gave birth to a second
child from him. She managed to get a four-room apartment from the state, making an advance
with money from the sold car, again not her own, but the parent one. Sawed her husband
constantly for a small income that sits on the neck of her parents, can not provide for the family.
He started drinking and she divorced him. The husband was registered in the apartment, and she
started a lawsuit in order to exchange her, buy a small room for her husband, and pick up the
rest. By that time, their family had several apartments on the account. As a result, she remained
in these apartments with one and two children.

Demon Taurus prevents partner from making money. He offers material support for him, agrees
to live with an unsecured partner, says that money means nothing to him, but then begins to
reproach him for dependency and irresponsibility, puts pressure on the psyche every day,
inspires his partner that he is not worthy , can never decently earn. This is the solution to what
seems to be craving for money, the demon Taurus selects an unsecured partner. He needs not his
partner’s money, but his energy. He would not be able to vampire a wealthy partner.

A large number of children of the Taurus demon are explained not so much by their desire to
have as a subconscious attitude, that children must be married, at once, because only for this
marriage exists, as well as in general the relationship of man and woman. And so he performs
the program, in every marriage immediately having children. And later, during periods of
nervous breakdown, exhaustion, the demon Taurus breaks the evil off on their own children,
born without desire, refuses to bring up, ignores them. Another of his installation - only children
can keep a partner in marriage. In fact, by bringing up children, he subconsciously tries to keep
himself married.

Because one more problem of the demon Taurus is an attitude about constancy, to which he is
not really inclined. A man lives with one woman not because he wants it, but only because of
this attitude, trying to resolve the internal contradiction through numerous one-off contacts with
priestesses of love. With non-professionals in the relationship does not enter, because will
automatically feel obligated to her, but she cannot leave the previous woman either. May resume
a relationship with an ex-wife or girlfriend, and then does not know how to stop them, is afraid
to refuse. Another example: it seems to everyone that the guy changes his girlfriends like
gloves, he is considered a womanizer, don Juan. But in fact, he does not enter into sexual
relations with any of them, and he runs away from the girl before anything else starts, because
believes that the relationship will oblige him. As a result, he still finds himself trapped in an
imperious woman, who takes him under his heel and leads him like a calf on a string. If he
entered into a relationship with a woman, he would be ready to marry her, even if she were 40
years older than him. The same setting is found in women with Lilith in Taurus.

And finally, another problem of Lilith in Taurus - frank sado-masochism. He often gets
close to tedious and aggressive conversations about his unhappy life (which they spoiled him
for!), Begins to get drunk, hurt himself, for example, running into conflicts where he is beaten.
Or suits close all sorts of meanness. He likes to associate himself with a disgusting, vile, useless
monster, to engage in self-idleness. He brings himself to the disease to beat on pity. Having
material wealth, a family, a good job, I am not satisfied with all of this, he is at a loss and does
not know where to put himself. Surrounding his actions consider him a schizophrenic patient.
And he himself is happy to maintain such an image. For example, a man with Lilith in Taurus
constantly gets his wife tedious conversations that she does not give him peace in peace. At the
same time, he himself follows her around the apartment on his heels and insults her in every
possible way, makes him "responsible for Stalin's crimes." Constantly in a state of depression.
Often he was beaten on the streets, or he drunk himself, causing injuries to himself, for example,
he poured boiling water on himself. He himself volunteered to help his wife buy a car, and for
her money bought her at an exorbitant price dirty and needing to repair an old foreign car, such
that at the sight of her, tears came to her eyes. He often says offensive things to his own children
and enjoys their resentment by bringing them to tears, for example, telling his little daughter that
it’s time to make money on the panel. Another example: a girl with Lilith in Taurus persistently
brought herself to illness, because she wanted to appear miserable and pathetic in the eyes of
men, she liked to think that they only met her out of pity. As a result, either some men ran away,
unable to withstand constant complaints, or she drew the same complainants, from whom she ran

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Taurus:

Deal with a business demanding the professional manifestation of the qualities of a Taurus:
work, where you will deal with money, where money will pass through your hands. The
distribution of financial flows, the issuance of employees wages. Cashier, work in the bank.
Acceptance of payment for anything, collecting money. Work with real estate. Position where
you will acquire real estate for the organization, other material benefits.

Assume yourself in a state where you don’t supply others with money and when you don’t have
them at all. Admit that you do not always make money yourself, for example, that you live at
the expense of parents.

Look for a well-paid job, do not get a job with a small salary, hoping that the material side you
provide others. Provide material wealth yourself.

Give money to loved ones when they really need it and when you yourself want it, and not when
you are blackmailed with duties. Learn to say no to such blackmail. If your wife or adult
children are unable or unwilling to make money themselves, this is not your problem, you are
not responsible for this, and you are not obliged to support them forever.

Give others the opportunity to make money on their own, do not impose your assistance with

Give yourself freedom in personal relationships. If you no longer want to maintain a

relationship with a partner, honestly tell him about it, without fear of a negative reaction. If he
wanted to see you as his property, he counted on love to the grave - that is his business. You do
not have to, having entered into a relationship with someone, maintain them forever. And no
threats and laws can force you to do this if you do not want. Also, do not consider your partner
as property.

Have children, only if you want, and not as a guarantee of the strength of the marriage or duty.

What gives worked Lilit in Taurus. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself on Taurus as much as possible. He owns great wealth. Example:
Catherine P, being an unknown and rather poor foreigner, achieved a government of the whole
country through a successful marriage. Then she deprived her husband of everything and got
into her hands huge wealth. Or Aristotle Onassis, who was one of the richest people in the
world. But Vincent Van Gogh could not realize the potential of Taurus during his life, died in
poverty, but after his death, his paintings began to rise rapidly in price, and are currently the
most expensive paintings in the world.

Famous personalities with Lilith Taurus Aristotle Onassis, Maria Callas, Sergey Vronsky, Rene
Descartes, Catherine II, Abraham Lincoln, Luc Besson, George Zhzhenov, Bill Murray, Mikhail
Pugovkin, Julia Roberts, Ivan Aivazovsky, Karl Bryullov, Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Po, Johann
Bach, Alexander Swan, Valeria Novodvorskaya.

Lilith in Gemini. Demon Intellectual (Information Virus)

The problem of concreteness.

In the beginning there was a word ... and then another, and another, another, ten, twenty,
one hundred, a million words falling upon you with a turbulent waterfall. This is not a god who
creates the Universe, it is just a Gemini demon. His words are stuck like splinters in your brains
and make you change your point of view, even if he has two classes of education, and you are a
professor and you know everything about life. His ideas, opinions and words as computer
viruses penetrate into the minds of other people, staying there for a long time, if not forever, and
erasing what does not correspond to them. However, he often turns out to be right, and his
intuitive assumptions are later confirmed by science, and theoretical ones by practice. Listening
to him, as if under hypnosis, you will agree with him, although later you may not even remember
what he said to you. However, to understand what he says is sometimes simply impossible - his
speech is constructed in such a way that leads you to the true meaning of his words by the same
road that Susanin the Poles, he throws a huge but completely unsystematic flow of information
on you, is expressed non-specifically. At the same time, the Gemini demon itself is sure that he
has simply and clearly expounded his thought to you, and will be indignant at what an
unintelligent donkey got to him. Woe to you, if you disagree with his opinion - yours, he will
not even listen and will raise a shout louder than a police siren. Opinions that do not coincide
with his own opinion, the Gemini demon does not tolerate and considers his point of view the
only correct one. What would you not ask him, he will give the answer, as if he knows
everything in the world. His intellect is constantly at work, he comes up with something,
composes, writes. “If I don’t think, then I don’t exist,” says the Gemini demon. Often
complains that you have to think for all and to enlighten everyone, because there is only darkness
of ignorance around, and only he is the only source of knowledge that broadcasts to the whole
Universe, and more people to educate anyone. He complains that everyone exploits his mental
abilities, for example, he has to solve problems for all his classmates. He thinks in advance what
should happen, suggests how other people can behave, a clear program is built in his brain, and if
reality doesn’t dock with his plans, he goes berserk. Try to promise him something and not to do
- even your death will not be considered a good reason and will not save you from his anger!
The ensuing silence in the process of communication brings him out of himself, he will accuse
you that you are not able to hold a conversation on topics of interest to him and are bored with
you. He does only what he is interested in at the moment. If the interest disappears, he will give
up this occupation in spite of any money. His life is like a game, you can not understand the
motives of his behavior without a bottle. He makes plans, like a great combinator, and in how to
complicate the simplest as much as possible, he has no equal. Confuses hopelessly even the
most banal situation. Any fly will be presented to you by an elephant; going out to buy bread at
the store will be presented as a transition by Caesar Rubicon. In all matters, hurries like a fire.
That which comes to his mind should be accomplished instantly. “If not now, never!” -
considers the Gemini demon. If you do not rush this very second to carry out his instructions or
recommendations, he will shout that you are irresponsible, indecisive, lazy. If he began to speak,
it is useless to object, because it is easier to block a turbulent river with a dam than to plug
Lilith’s mouth in Gemini. Endlessly suffering from "verbal diarrhea." Splash out all the
information that is currently present in his mind, absolutely frankly tells not only about himself,
but also makes all other people's secrets loose. He will tell anyone, even the highest boss, what
he thinks of him, regardless of any consequences. Never think about the tactfulness of his
words, that he may offend or offend in his own words another person, does not "filter the
bazaar". A wrong speech flow or a missing comma annoys him like a red rag of a bull. If a
person does not understand something perfectly, the Gemini demon will consider him a hopeless

What provokes the Gemini demon. In others: lack of comprehension, disagreement with his
opinion, slowness when forced to do what he is not interested in, when he does not go as he
planned, when he is forbidden to speak openly, when he is reproached for tacitism or in a free
attitude towards intellectual work. In oneself: when the level of knowledge does not allow one
to express oneself on any issue, when he forces himself to communicate, and there is no desire to
communicate, when he tries to force himself to do mental work, but he no longer has the

How the demon manifests itself. Screams, goes on threatening, domineering tone.
Standard accusations against others: “primitive interests, stupid, do not think, do not know how
to properly talk. Not able to think for yourself, you have to think for them. Indecisive, too slow.
Egoists do not take into account the interests of others. ”He arranges a violent tantrum with
insults and foul language. Aggressive, can hit.

How to neutralize the demon. Agree with him, promise to do as he wants. If you fight - to
resist, tie. Since the Gemini is an air sign, the Gemini demon is of the mental level, unlike other
demons, it can be stopped by calling for reasoning.

Problem. The Gemini Demon acts as a universal informant, but in fact Lilith in Gemini cannot
convey information to the external environment, to translate the idea into the material world.
Cannot express the idea in concrete words so that others understand it. Shows the idea in general
and does not want to trifle, going into details. Calling for something, he does not give
instructions on what specifically to do in order to achieve it. Minds mentally on the highest
plane, not wanting to ground the information so that it becomes clear to everyone.

Talkativeness, sociability of the Gemini demon is imaginary. He rarely starts a conversation

first, waits for you to talk to him and keep up the conversation yourself. He will pour out
streams of words on his professional interest or hobby, but he will not be able to tell you a word
about anything else. That is why he prefers to communicate only with people of his level and
with similar interests - other people will be able to find a common language with an alien rather
than with him. Indeed, in some sense he is an alien: he lives in his own world, limited by his
interest, and does not want to hear about anything else. Lilith in Gemini is under pressure from
the subconscious mind about the need to be sociable, to be able to find a common language with
everyone, and when he does not succeed in this, he becomes irritated and withdraws into
himself, the subconscious self-judgment system turns on. Rather, he would prefer to avoid
contacts with people of other interests, since Initially I am sure that there will be nothing to talk
with them about, but I will blame myself for this.

Leaving from the real world into mental constructions is another Lilith's problem in
Gemini. Having built a mental construction, he waits for it to be executed by itself, without
taking any action on the physical plane. This is all the same problem of grounding ideas. As a
result, nothing happens and he becomes frustrated. Or he acts, but on the basis of his illusory
notions, divorced from reality, therefore for others he remains an invisible man. It seems to him
that he had clearly stated everything, but no one understood anything, because he spoke in his
own language.

Woe from the mind - this expression is the best suited to Lilith in Gemini. Having the
installation that the mind should completely control the feelings, it often suppresses its true
feelings, replaces them with the arguments of the mind, engaging in self-deception and deception
of others. This is an obstacle in his personal life, because he cannot afford, say, to admit his
love, regarding love as a state uncontrollable by reason as a shame. Will try to cover up love
with sensible pretexts or imagine a meaningless game. When he nevertheless tries to express
feelings with words, he does it in such a way that he is not understood.

The next installation of Lilith in Gemini - it is necessary to shine with intelligence, the mind is
the main virtue of man. The Gemini Demon subconsciously believes that it is valued only for
his mind, he is no longer interested in others and in no capacity whatsoever. And here he,
forgetting everything else, devotes all his strength to study, then to mental work, one where his
intellect is visible, speaks to the public, demonstrating the fruits of his intellect. If the demon of
Aries can be called a drummer of physical labor, then the Gemini demon is a drummer of mental
labor. “If I don’t shine with the mind, I’m nothing,” he thinks. Example: a girl in the second
grade pours streams of tears because she received not five, as usual, but five with a small minus.
She sought to read more than all the words in a minute, and she succeeded, but had a somewhat
negative impact on the quality of reading. Others comforted her, said that she still more than all
the words she had read and received the top five, but she did not listen to anything, and
considered this little minus a great shame for herself. Other Liliths in Gemini, who initially fail
to study well at school, subconsciously suffer from an inferiority complex due to the fact that
they are not smart enough, they envy excellent students, elevating them almost to the rank of
saints. Or, on the contrary, they hate excellent students, loudly express their contempt for them,
but again they envy themselves in the soul. Example: a girl, having met her classmate who
studies at a university, declares to her with a proud air that she married and gave birth to a child
at the age of 17, as if this was some kind of heroic achievement. She does not study anywhere,
works as a salesman in a stall. He says: “what are you, let's get married too soon and have a
child, keep up with us, why this study?” But another girl of the same year, also with Lilith in
Gemini, says to a classmate: “I envy you better I would learn how to babysit with a baby. ” This
girl also married and gave birth to a child at the age of 17, but then she still entered the law

The Gemini Demon looks deeply educated, but only looks. It seems that he knows
everything in the world, but this knowledge is superficial, unsystematic. It is difficult for him to
structure the knowledge gained, he does not remember the sources of the knowledge gained,
cannot remember where he learned it from. He can only afford to start studying a particular
direction, write scientific papers on it and teach others. This number from him is due to
intuition, of course, later on his intuitive assumptions are confirmed. But when it is required to
present concrete facts, knowledge of the fundamentals, history, this knowledge is not enough,
and often not at all. The Gemini Demon can reinvent the wheel and discover America. He does
not believe in the experience of others, he must go all the way to himself.

The reluctance to listen to an opinion that does not coincide with his own is sometimes based on
the fact that the Gemini demon itself is not yet completely confident in its opinion, doubts it,
does not have enough convincing evidence (first of all for itself). Proving aggressively his
opinions to others, he tries to convince himself.

The frankness of the Gemini demon is also imaginary. Much of what he allegedly frankly
expresses is not true, does not reflect his true opinion or is greatly exaggerated.

Reproaching others with irresponsibility, the Gemini Demon hides that he does not like to take
responsibility for himself, preferring to do things according to his mood, to do only what he is
interested in and not to burden himself with any duties. Reproaches others for egoism, but he
always thinks first of all about his interest, forgetting about the interests of others.

Gemini, like Libra, is a sign of equal partnership, and Lilith in these signs will give an
advantage in one direction or another, a rejection of equal relations. That is, the person will
either strive to dominate the relationship, have a dependent partner, a subordinate partner, or he
will be happy about a subordinate, dependent position. Gemini - a sign of unity of opposites,
and Lilith in Gemini, on the contrary, gives the desire to divide everything and everyone into
black and white, according to certain signs, differences, to classify. In its most extreme form,
racism, etc. Adolf Hitler, who divided people into white Aryans and blacks - all the rest, was a
demon of Gemini.

Lilith in Gemini does not allow others to show their intellectual abilities, offering their help in
writing texts, solving problems, giving advice on how to act correctly. As soon as others start to
show something on their own, he collapses with criticism that they are not doing well and he will
do everything better. They complain that they have to think and decide for everyone, while he
himself does not allow other people to think and decide for themselves to keep them under
control and engage in vampirism.

Being detached from the earthly plan, Lilith in Gemini leads to the fact that he does not accept
the simplicity of real life, seeks to complicate things, confuse, play roles and change masks,
drawing people around him into his scripts, wants life as in a novel or a fantasy film.
Surrounding from such complications suffer, and the demon Gemini itself, being divorced from
reality, comes into conflict with it.
Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Gemini:

Engage in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Gemini.
Journalist, writer. Programmer, scientist, teacher. Work with databases, work that requires
sorting, structuring, issuing information, where you have to read a lot, process information.
Translator. Director, scriptwriter, actor.

Learn to relax, rest from mental work. Accept yourself when you are not thinking about
anything, the mind does not work, and you live only with emotions.

Do not force yourself to communicate, if you do not want, you do not have to talk to everyone
and everything. If you are unable to maintain a conversation with someone, do not consider
yourself guilty, the other person participates in the same way in communication, and could also
make an effort. You are not a universal database and are not obliged to share all the interests of
the world. Allow yourself to say "I do not know this" or "I have nothing to say on this subject."

Increase your level of education, read more books, get knowledge from different sources. First,
accumulate enough knowledge, and then give them to the external environment. Record all the
books you read, write quotes so that you can always present the source of information.

When you want to teach others, to convey your idea to others, make such a text as if you were
going to teach a first grader so that even he could understand.

Express feelings not in words, but manifest directly, in emotions and concrete actions.

Do not build mental structures, how events will develop, live in the present moment - the future
depends only on your actions. If you do not act, but only assume and wait, nothing will happen.
If you are making plans, it is only about your actions, not the actions and reactions of other
people. Implement all the planned actions, do not leave unrealized mental constructions to hang
over you.

Do not try to think and speak for everyone, give other people the opportunity to show their

Before forcing others to play in the life scenario of the role that you have defined for them, be
an actor yourself, first learn how to play your chosen role. Do not impose on others roles that do
not suit them at all, see really what a particular person is capable of.

What gives a worked Lilith in Gemini. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person can manifest the qualities of Gemini to the maximum. His ideas will be perceived not
only in a narrow circle of like-minded people, but across the country, the nation, the world. Not
only the immediate environment, but the whole world will become the stage where the play will
take place according to its scenario. Examples: Karl Marx, whose teachings spread throughout
the world and raised a wave of revolution. Adolf Hitler, hypnotized by his speeches millions and
raised them to world war.

Famous personalities with Lilith in Gemini. Ilya Repin, Vera Alentova, Irina Alferova, Gillian
Andersen, Donatas Banionis, Roman Polanski, Kurt Russell, Barbra Streizend, Liv Tyler,
Margarita Terekhova, Harrison Ford, Charlie Chaplin, Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gogol, Adolf
Hitler, Karl Marl , Grigory Rasputin, Tatiana Bulanova, Igor Nikolaev, Frank Sinatra,

Lilith in Cancer. Demon (an amateur psychologist).

The problem of working with your mental state.
She takes care of her partner as a child, hurries to fulfill all his desires, humbly suffers any
of his tricks, and in response, the cynical villain causes Lilith in Cancer to suffer. But despite his
caustic words and insults that hurt her sensitive soul, despite the beatings, scenes of jealousy and
throwing her out the door, she, shedding tears, crawling on her knees for her darling, and is ready
to forgive everything, just to be close to by him. She complains that cruel men come across to
her all the time, making her suffer, she is ready to do everything for them, to fulfill all their
desires and whims. Aggressive jealous men pursue her, they want to make her a thing, a
property, they threaten to kill for treason, while they themselves cheat on her and constantly lie.
A man with Lilith in Cancer complains of misunderstanding on the part of women, declares that
they are a man-hater, otherwise they would not have treated him so cruelly. Why are these
hysterics angry at him, insulted and threatened with violence? After all, he was so attentive,
caring, he wiped snot, he listened to problems and even offered his help in returning revenge to
traitorous husbands. And why do they lie to him all the time? All women are complete liars,
they lie to him on every word. Pity and concern for his neighbor simply overwhelm the demon
Cancer, he is ready to drown you in his tears and feelings. But for some reason, despite his
kindness and care, he always comes across cruel sadists, terry egoists and aggressive
psychopaths who insult him, the poor, beat him, arrange hysterics and jealousy scenes. Lilith in
Cancer sincerely regrets that so many cruel psychopaths, hysterics, whom she tried to help,
divorced, but alas, obviously, their negative emotions are so strong that it is better to send them
to a professional psychiatrist. And what if a person does not need the help of a psychiatrist? It
does not matter, Lilith in Cancer will be able to convince everyone of this, and will behave in
such a way that soon all the signs of mental disorder will be present to the one who closely
communicated with Lilith in Cancer.

What provokes the demon Cancer.

In others: the lack of softness, care, cruelty, imperiousness. When he is accused of lying,
selfishness and attempts to dominate. When a person tries to lie about himself. When they
refuse to take care of him, they do not satisfy his desires, but ask him to take care of others. In
oneself: when it forces oneself to take care of one's neighbor, to discuss other people's problems,
but there is no strength and desire.

How the demon manifests itself.

The water sign demons have passive vampirism. The ridge of the demon of Cancer -
accusations of cruelty, selfishness and mental problems. Psychological pressure - will shed
tears, be hysterical, accuse you of cruel sadism and make you feel like the last scum and
psychopath. And if you do not show sadism, Lilith in Cancer will in every possible way provoke
you to start insulting and beating her, she is ready to tolerate any aggression against her, because
in this way she receives energy from you. Demon Cancer by all means will try to cause your
anger and negative emotions in his address.

How to neutralize the demon.

Do not give in to provocations, do not show aggression against the demon. And on the contrary,
start to feel sorry for him, to show care and sympathy. Not to seek psychological support from
him, not to share his experiences, but, on the contrary, to start talking with him about his
emotions and experiences.


The care of the demon of Cancer is imaginary. He pretends that he is ready to listen and support
anyone, but in fact he is only interested in one thing - the satisfaction of his own whims. The
demon of Cancer does not know how to think about anyone except himself, he is a terry selfish
person. Depicting a caring mother, he is a spoiled child. The Demon of Cancer, depicting love,
care, psychological support, binds people to him and forces him to carry out his whims.
Arranging it as if the man himself needed it for his development. And if a person refuses, Lilith
in Cancer will bring reproaches and accusations against him, they say, I'm trying for you so that
you solve your psychological problems, but you, an egoist, do not understand anything. At the
same time, he is 100% sure that his wishes are a law that must be strictly observed, and if
someone does not want to do this, let him go to hell with the stigma of “problematic psyche”
received from Lilith in Cancer.

Lilith in Cancer distributes psychological and psychiatric diagnoses right and left. Blaming
others for heaps of psychological problems, mental disorders, the demon Cancer successfully
hides his own problem. The truth is that the demon of Cancer does not know how to work with
his state of mind, he has a lot of his own complexes, negative attitudes that are very much hidden
from himself, uncontrollable emotions, and, accusing others of an unstable psyche, he is trying to
shield himself. And in order for this number to pass better, the demon Cancer also in every
possible way provokes people to show aggression, deduces them from himself, weaves whole
intrigues in order to expose other psychopaths, and this happens even unconsciously. One can
go to the Cancer demon with his experiences only if there was a nuclear war on Earth and no one
left. Because he is so bogged down with the desire to expose others psychologically
problematic, that he will gladly find in you a bunch of deviations in his head, and even with a
triumphant form he will ring about it publicly. His main task is to project his own problems onto
others and set everyone else as a psycho. Many men with Lilith in Cancer have problems with
their mother since childhood, then smoothly flowing into problems of relationships with women,
the impossibility of creating a family, harmonious relations. It seems to him that all women hate
him. Exposing them to a man-hater, he hides that he himself is a woman-hater. Women, family,
children - he subconsciously rejects all this. May remain unmarried, frankly declare that "snotty
children are disgusting to him." This is why Lilith in Cancer can have problems with having
children. Subconsciously, the demon Cancer does not want to have children, because he claims
the role of the child to take care of him, he does not want to take responsibility and take care of
someone else. The lack of qualities of Cancer leads to the fact that many Liliths in Cancer
remain widows, survive the death of a partner or the death of children, miscarriages. Either they
never create a family, do not want to have children, often change partners or partners leave them.
The desire to express themselves as much as possible in Cancer, having no experience, also leads
to the fact that Lilith in Cancer has many children at once, but can not take care of them
properly. Even more often, Lilith in Cancer has problems with parents, especially with her
mother, quarrels, hostility with parents, or the death of parents.
A woman with Lilith in Cancer is outwardly very feminine, often demonstrates especially
femininity, for example, in the form of long hair and soft behavior, and wonders why this is
attributed to her male character traits, she is so soft, submissive. But this is all an appearance, in
fact, it is firm and persistent. She can be herself a wealthy business woman, but she selects a
partner who would support her psychologically and financially, and outwardly arrange it as if she
cares about him and psychologically supports him. The same is done by a man with Lilith in
Cancer - he is looking for a woman to live with, who will comfort him, stroke him on the head
and wipe his snot.

The Demon of Cancer exposes himself to the submissive and pliable, all forgiving partner,
exposes the partner to the imperious. But in fact, he himself is powerful. There is no question
about Lilith’s obedience in Cancer. Lilith in Cancer will pursue her relationship at all costs,
strive to get what she wants by any means. In its intentions the demon of Cancer is hard as rock.
Yes, Lilith in Cancer will crawl at the feet of a partner who is trying to free herself from her,
shed tears, beat pity, sit for hours under the door, but still force him back. She will make
tantrums until she gets her way. It is not easy to break free from her psychological pressure, she
is like a chewing gum stuck to her hair. Her methods of domination are the methods of a
capricious child who sat down on her parents' necks. For others, she looks like a masochist, but
she is a real sadist. She will harass her partner with her emotions, suspicions, bring him to
flashes of aggression.

Lilith in Cancer complains about the wild jealousy of partners, but she herself is jealous,
suspicious to the limit, will be harassed to hysterics with thoughts of betraying a partner, and at
the same time tormenting him. She inflames passions and creates a nervous atmosphere around
her, turns her home or place of work into a mental hospital, and then complains about others.
She complains that the partner is trying to restrict her freedom, but she herself is a terrible
proprietress, and is ready to resort to any means to bind her partner to herself

Blaming others for lying on every word, the Demon of Cancer projects on them his inclination
to lie. He can compose (especially about himself) some absolutely fantastic stories, luring the
opposite sex or achieving his goals, hangs up all the noodles on his ears, weaves intrigue, but if
others do, he is terribly angry, he is indignant. The tendency to lie lies and the cause of many
problems with the opposite sex.

For example, a man with Lilith in Cancer flirts with several ladies, exposes himself to be a
superman, persuades everyone to leave her husband and leave with him to the Canary Islands,
and then he is surprised that it is the ladies who pounce on him in hysterics when he is at a loss
saying to them that nothing This is not promised.

The demon Cancer complains that aggressive psychopaths are constantly attracted to him, but he
himself chooses this type of partner and refuses others. They satisfy his desire to feel a
psychologically normal person against their background, plus they feed him with energy during
their outbursts of aggression and sadism. Therefore, the demon Cancer is not interested in
solving the psychological problems of a partner, but on the contrary, subconsciously will do
everything possible to aggravate them. He is not interested in a partner becoming independent,
since wants to play the role of an eternal nanny and blame the partner for having to take care of

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Cancer:

Do something that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Cancer. The
teacher, nanny, governess, teacher. Nurse, nurse, care for the sick and elderly. Practice
psychology, psychiatry professionally, go through training.

Accept yourself in that state when you do not take care of others, do not sympathize with
them and do not listen to their problems, but are engaged exclusively in yourself.

Acknowledge that you also sometimes need care and psychological support, that you
may also have personal mental problems.

Do not be afraid to admit that you demand from a person to do something, because it is
necessary for you personally, and not for him.

If you do not like that the partner considers you property, is jealous, aggressively
declares his rights on you, be prepared to give him freedom, not to hold and not to
arrange scenes of jealousy.

Do not bind a person to yourself if you do not want him to chase you with his feelings
later. Immediately be aware of whether to enter into a relationship. Be clear about your
intentions. Do not say such things that can be understood as promises on your part.

Take yourself in an aggressive state when you want to command, but do not obey. You
do not have to be restrained and submissive all the time. Speak openly, if something
does not suit you, do not accumulate emotional stress in yourself.

Stop considering those around you who need care and psychological support, start taking
care of yourself and solve your psychological problems.

What gives worked Lilit in Cancer. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself according to Cancer as much as possible. Having learned to take care of
others, and not only demand care about yourself, a person can already start a family and have
children. Like, for example, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, who gave birth to a third child in
marriage with Michael Douglas. And it can also become a “caring mother” not only for his
family, but also for many other people, producing some very necessary products that are
comfortable and of good quality, such as, for example, Henry Ford produced Ford cars.

Famous people with Lilith in Cancer: Antonio Banderas, Natalia Belokhvostikova, Jean-Claude
Van Damme, Hugh Grand, David Spiritual, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nastassja Kinski, Julia
Menshova, Stanislav Sadalsky, Alexander Blok, Alexey Maresiev, Henry Ford, Frederik Shps,
Yuli Menshova, Stanislav Sadalsky, Alexander Blok, Alexey Maresiev, Henry Ford, Frederik
Shps, Yuli Menshova, Stanislav Sadalsky, Alexander Blok, Alexei Maresyev, Henry Ford,
Frederik Shps, Yuli Menshova, Stanislav Sadalsky, Alexander Blok, Alexey Maresyev, Henry
Ford, Frederik Schins, Shri Robert Schumann, Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Lilith in Leo. Demon celebrity.

The problem of self-love, independence from someone else's opinion.

With royal generosity, he shows his mercy to others, and in general, only one of his presence
should bring happiness to everyone around him, like the summer sun after a long winter, says the
demon Leo. But for some reason, these ungrateful people do not notice him at all and do not
appreciate, do not rush to express to him their admiration. How can they not appreciate his wise
and sensitive guidance, because he gives them freedom, his decisions for the benefit of all, he
tries so hard for his subjects. The demon of Leo is indignant that others do not value him,
whereas they themselves do not represent anything, have no respect in the eyes of others, are
completely unable to show themselves, demonstrate their merits, and also take on the role of
leader and show wise leadership for the good all His voice is heard from afar. And not by
volume, but by the manner of speaking. He speaks as if his every word is worth its weight in
gold. You might think that the party leader, minister or president, or even Caesar himself, came
to visit your house. But this is just Lilith in Leo speaking out on the question ... And no matter
what question. Whatever the conversation goes on, he will come up and express his authoritative
judgment. And he can express it for a very long time, even for hours, until you yourself ask their
majesty to leave you alone. The demon of Leo is outwardly proud and independent, he is always
in sight, always noticeable, and stands out even in a crowd with some sort of his own.

What provokes the demon Leo.

In others: when he is not recognized, do not show admiration and respect. When they say that
he - no one, gray mouse. When someone tries to stand out. Annoy others' achievements, fame,

In itself: when it climbs out of its way to gain popularity, prestige.

How does the demon.

Begins on high tones accusing that he is not appreciated. Shows demonstrative disrespect,
insults. May get out of himself, fall into a rage, through threats and violence to demand
admiration and submission.

How to neutralize the Demon.

Promise to continue to value him more, to say that in fact everyone loves and respects him, to
list his merits (if there are none, to invent), to flatter him.
Blaming others for not loving him or appreciating him, the demon Leo hides his problem.
The truth is that the demon Leo himself does not appreciate and does not love himself.
Therefore, he needs so much the love and appreciation of others. Only the worship of millions
and wild popularity can convince him that he is something of himself. Hence the external pride
and independence of Lilith in Leo - fiction. In fact - a huge dependence on someone else's
opinion and a desire to get out of their way, just to earn recognition.

Another problem of the Demon Leo is that, wanting to be noticeable, he does not know
how to show himself. He is indignant that he is not noticed, but he dresses in soft clothes,
behaves too modest and unpretentious. A paradox turns out: in front of you there seems to be a
Leo, then there is no solar brightness in it, it is gray, and looks more like a Leo's ghost.

Anyone who does not appreciate himself is not able to appreciate others. Outraged that
he is not appreciated, the Demon of the Lion himself suffers from the non-recognition of others'
merits. He does not notice the obvious achievements of his loved ones, constantly grunting that
they are foolishness, are engaged in frivolous work, tend to downplay the achievements of
others, and rather notice the minuses and misses of another person than his successes.

Speaking with their reputable by statements, when he is not asked for it, only to draw
attention to himself, the demon Leo, in a situation when it is really necessary, cannot open his
mouth. And he often meets with his reflection: he loves to attract attention to himself, but he
himself has to listen to someone who imagines that his stories are manna from heaven for
everyone. Example: a woman constantly makes some comments to the children, with an
authoritative look she watches them for hours with her stories. But when her sister comes to
visit her, fixing herself on religion, and “loading” her for three hours in a row, with a howling
voice reading religious canons with an expression, she cannot stop her and silently listens to all
the “performance”.

Lilith in Leo considers himself a recognized leader exercising wise leadership. But in
fact, if she is appointed as a leader, it is only because she needs a chair to sit in the office of
“Horn and Hoof”. That is, a false face, a figure for eye removal, a puppet. And Lilith is in Leo
and is happy - now she will be in sight, many will recognize her. Yes, she may be well known
and loved by everyone, but she has no real power. This problem is faced not only by ordinary
people, it pursues Lilith in Leo and on the heights of state power. John Kennedy, with Lilith in
Leo, although he achieved the love and admiration of the Americans, but he could not make the
decisions he wanted. Because they were disliked by the shadow power, the forces that really
owned power in the country. And when his plans began to interfere with the plans of these
forces, he was killed. But at first glance, the opposite person, also with Lilith in Leo: Lavrenty
Beria. He, on the contrary, became famous, having achieved not the love of the people, but
hatred. Under Stalin, he was a very influential figure, but as soon as Stalin died, and Beria
obviously wanted to become a leader, he was immediately removed. This proves that Lilith in
Leo is difficult to be an obvious authoritarian leader, to make decisions alone, to have such a
position that no one can prevent her from managing at her own discretion. She will either lead
secretly with a clear leader, or, if she is exposed, the others will have real power. And often
people with Lilith in Leo, if they come to power, fame to the general public, then through
someone, not themselves. The Leo Demon is too dependent on others.

Meanwhile, among politicians, presidents there are a lot of people with Lilith in Leo.
Lilith has such a position for power, fame, a person himself will want to become famous, take a
high post, or even without his conscious will his fate will turn out to be that he will be in a
leading role or famous. But desires must also be supported by opportunities, otherwise it will all
end in sadness. And such a leader will not bring any real benefit to the people. Many famous
people with Lilith in Leo find themselves killed or for some reason die young. Example:
Marilyn Monroe. She received worldwide fame as a sex symbol, universal love, but she
committed suicide (or was she killed?) Lilith in Leo wants power, fame, universal love, but is not
ready for the fact that the leader, the king, the idol of millions does not belong to herself, does
not free to choose. Subconsciously, this circumstance oppresses Lilith in Leo, and she herself
provokes events that will help her to die. An unworked Lilith in Leo, if he declares “give me
only power, I will rule wisely”, in fact, he is not ready to assume the burden of responsibility of a
leader or the burden of fame.

Demon Leo looks very proud, offended if he was hurt. He claims credibility, but for this you
need to have a firm opinion. And the demon Leo is too dependent on the opinions of others, on
patterned installations. And when the demon Leo allegedly expresses his opinion, he gives one
of the standard installations of society. Therefore, he does not see that because of this he is not
only not the master of others, but also himself is not the master. That is, the inflated sense of
self-importance covers the complete personal lack of freedom. Carlos Castaneda, who has Lilith
in Leo, in his work raises the topic, including getting rid of a sense of self-importance. While
you are dependent on how some people have reacted to you, respect them, whether they like you
or not, you cannot be considered free, and you cannot become an authority for them, to lead

Hence Lilith's delusions in Leo, as if her leadership is in everybody's favor. She either
allows her to just sit on her neck, makes only popular decisions, pleases everyone, or becomes
angry that she cannot get enough recognition, and begins to take punitive measures, becomes a

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Leo:

Engage in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Leo.

Politics, management, as well as all professions related to fame, popularity, recognition.

Actors, show yourself, performances.

Assume yourself in a situation where you do not show up and you are not paying attention.

Notice the success of other people who have achieved fame. Show respect for others if you
want to be respected by you.

Start wearing brighter clothes.

Express your authoritative judgment, only when you are asked about it, do not attract artificially
other people's attention.

On the other hand, learn to refuse if someone demands from you excessive attention to his
person. Do not please others in everything, if only to achieve their love and respect. So you just
sit on the neck. A firm position will give you much more credibility.

Agree to take a leadership position only if you are sure that you can really lead, and not play the
role of a puppet.

Learn to make decisions as a leader, considering what your subordinates will actually benefit
from, and not what they approve. And not trying to bend their line, even if it does not benefit

What gives worked Lilit in Leo.

When problems are solved and experience is gained, a person realizes himself according to Leo
as much as possible. When he learns to love and appreciate himself, regardless of the opinions
of others, he will gain fame and love of millions, while maintaining his spiritual comfort and not
fame. Like, for example, Sophia Loren. At the very beginning of her career, she was offered to
have an operation to reduce the nose, because in those years little noses were fashionable. But
she refused to change her appearance for the sake of fashion and fame. She was self-confident
and considered herself beautiful, not paying attention to what she was called “giraffe” for her tall
stature and said that she had a long nose. As a result, she achieved fame and is considered one of
the most beautiful women in the world.
Also, independence from other people's opinions and self-confidence opens up the possibility
for a Lilith person in Leo to become a recognized authority, whose works will be very popular,
to become the founder of a new teaching, such as Carlos Castaneda. Or a well-known politician
who is really capable of carrying out strong-willed decisions, such as, for example, Vladimir
Putin or Margaret Thatcher.

Famous people with Lilit in Leo: Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Sophia Loren, Marilyn
Monroe, Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, Alisa Freindlich, Alfred Hitchcock, Alexander
Shirvindt, Sergey Yursky, Elena Yakovleva, Alexander Dumas, Yuri Olesha, Leo Tolstoy,
Carlos Castaneda, Alexander Men, Pavel Nakhimov, Isaac Newton, Dmitry Malikov, Sergey
Rakhmaninov, John Kennedy, Lavrenti Beria, Vladimir Putin, Margaret Thatcher.

Lilith in Virgo. Demon accounting.

The problem of saving.

One of the popular recommendations for protection against vampires says: a reliable tool -
poppy scattered around the house. Because a vampire simply cannot get off the spot until he
counts every single poppy seed.

Obviously, the vampire with whom the medieval peasants were dealing with, the Black
Moon was in Virgo.

He is one of those who “hang himself up for a penny” and will go to the other end of the
city to buy eggs for a ruble cheaper, even if they are crushed to him on the way back in the bus.
Because the magic word “cheaper” makes him rush to the end of the world like rats, going to the
call of the magic pipe. If you come to visit him, he will diligently offer to treat you to everyone
that he has, but if God forbid you agree, he will remind you all his life about eaten HIS
sandwiches, and uneconomical crumbs from them, and that this everything costs money. It will
be awesome to ask the guests if they didn’t go to his room without asking and if they didn’t
touch with their dirty hands HIS new tile in HIS toilet, because for all this HIS money was paid.
It’s like the Three Bears fairy tale: “Who sat on my chair? Who slept on my bed? ”The Demon
of the Maiden will offer you persistently material assistance, buy the necessary thing, but when it
comes to buying, he will force you to ask for the money he promised himself for hours, claiming
that this thing is just a waste of time and luxury , and that you only dream how to ruin it and put
all your money away. He himself considers every penny, keeps a notebook of accounting of
income and expenses. He accuses everyone in the absolute inefficiency, tranquility, inability to
keep track of money and distinguish the necessary purchases from excesses. In his opinion,
everyone around just thinks how to waste money. And they also absolutely do not keep order
and cleanliness in the house, litter, crumble on the floor, scatter things everywhere, disturb the
order in the house, so diligently preserved Lilith in Virgo, when she laid each thing on its shelf.
He is simply obsessed with cleanliness, and even when dying, he will crawl around the
apartment and wipe the floor, shouting that there are tons of dirt all around and he personally
sees bacteria under the rim of the toilet bowl. If suddenly you transfer his thing to another shelf,
the Demon Demon will raise such a cry, as if you have moved the earth to a different orbit. If
you have at least one speck on the floor, if a thing moved a millimeter from its place, if you did
not know that you can buy the same sausage in the neighboring market for two rubles cheaper,
Lilith in Virgo will consider you a complete nothingness the wind and living in complete chaos.

The Demon of the Virgin is panicked for his health, he sees in himself and others with
any discomfort signs of a fatal disease, and if you sneeze, strongly recommend that you
immediately call an ambulance.

Women with Lilith in Virgo often complain about the loss of sexual interest in their
partner. It is considered to be his fault. Lilith in Virgo always suspects betrayal that her partner
is having fun with mistresses on the side, so there is no interest in her. Many Liliths in Virgo are
fully confident that all men are sexual maniacs who only think about “dying out” and quitting.
And no matter how much a partner assures her of sincerity of feelings, she will torment him with
tedious conversations that “you all have one thing”, to be accused of treason and frivolous
intentions. Her fantasy will draw pictures of her, as he meets with some depraved women, has
perverted sex with them. To get a partner with tedious conversations and finding fault on trifles
Lilith in Virgo loves everything very much. She will nag her husband with everyday remarks,
complain about everything that the unbearable husband got to her, but she will never leave him,
rather, wait until he dies. And it does not go away from a big love, but because it subconsciously
considers: other men are even worse.
A man with Lilith in Virgo will also constantly get his wife with his remarks and jealous
suspicions, conduct tedious conversations about how a decent woman should behave and teach
how to run a household and, in general, how to live correctly.

What provokes the Virgo demon.

In others - when they do not follow the cleanliness and order, when things are scattered, when
they throw away old clothes, they don’t want to keep them, when they don’t search where they
are cheaper, but they buy them right away. When they violate the order established by him,
touch or move

his things. When they do not listen to his advice, they do something in the house without asking
him for permission. When showing a clear interest in sex, not covering it with other motives.

In himself: when he forces himself to live on pennies, he has saved himself so much that he
cannot spend his own money, he goes about in frauds, refuses everything in himself. When
aware that he can not afford to show sexual desires. When he forces himself to restore order and
cleanliness every minute, and there is no longer any strength left. When he is accused of
tediousness, greed, waste of money it is not clear what, trying to blackmail others with money
and teach life, in violation of order and cleanliness.

How the demon manifests itself.

Starts tedious talk. Standard charges: do not keep order, do not keep clean, do not wash the
dishes, do not wash the floor, do not clean in their room. They do not know how to save money,
they buy unnecessary things, they spend money, they have dependents on their neck, and then
they have to sit without money or beg. They accuse others of perversity. A partner is accused of
adultery, indecent behavior, and that he does everything wrong around the house, finding fault
with every little thing. They like to put ultimatums: either you do it or I leave. Threatened to
deprive of material support, do not give more money. They can raise a loud cry and scandal.

How to neutralize the demon.

Agree with him, promise to do the cleaning, wash the dishes, keep order and cleanliness. To say
that you will no longer take money from him, that you will henceforth spend your money
economically, will buy cheap things at the bazaar, you will not go to an expensive store, that you
will always make food stocks for a “rainy day”.


Blaming others for inefficiency, the Demon Demon hides its problem. The truth is that in
fact Lilith in Virgo does not know how to save. Yes Yes! He will go to the other end of the city
to buy eggs for a ruble cheaper, but he wonders how much money he will spend on gas or on the
bus! Wanting to save a ruble, he spends ten rubles more. He refuses to buy new clothes,
considering it to be an unaffordable luxury, he will go to the junk, happily believing that he has
saved, but he will simply eat up this money saved by the thousands. For food, the demon of the
Virgin somehow mysteriously manages to spend huge sums. And also on completely
unnecessary junk, just because it is cheap. He buys things that are completely unnecessary to
him, which will never be used, just because prices are lowered. The word “sale at low prices”
beckons him like a magnet. Situation: a granddaughter asks her grandmother to buy lipstick at
her cosmetics store, but her grandmother declares that this is unacceptable luxury. After a while,
the grandmother happily declares to her granddaughter that she already bought two lipsticks for
her! The granddaughter looks and sees two cheap lipsticks of disgusting quality, one of which is
of a poisonous orange color, and the other one of black and burgundy. But cheap! Naturally, the
granddaughter refused such a “gift”. Grandma's money was simply thrown to the wind, and the
granddaughter was left with nothing. Although this money grandmother could buy one high-
quality lipstick granddaughter. So, as a result of such an economic policy, Lilith's money in
Virgo is wasted, and the house is littered with unnecessary trash. No economy and no order for
which the Demon of the Virgin so stands up!

The Demon of the Virgin pretends that the only one in the Universe keeps order and
order, but by demanding not to disturb order and cleanliness in his room, he himself breaks order
in someone else's territory. Example: the son left in his room for storage a bag of a familiar girl,
and the father yells: “what is it, in our house there is no luggage room! What a mess! ”And at
the same time, he made the whole room of the son with old cabinets and filled up with bags of
some junk, arranged a warehouse for storing junk. He accuses his son that he does not wash the
floor in his room, and he himself brings him dirty bags.

Lilith's house in Virgo is overwhelmed with not only unnecessary junk, bought cheaply,
but also old stuff, which she does not want to part with. She will keep shoes, clothes a hundred
years ago - why should the good be lost, it is uneconomical. Than my daughters buy all kinds of
expensive clothes, I will make her a dress for her to get out of the great-grandfather underpants,
they are still torn, and he will not be wearing them anymore, because died - practical Lilith
thinks in Virgo. Lilith in Virgo is Sarah from a joke:

- Hey, Sarah, where are you taking the three-liter jar of your urine?

I carry tests to pass, I don’t feel sorry for this good!

After a while, Sarah goes back with the same full can.

I changed my mind, why so much good will disappear, the most still useful!

Here is another example of the “practicality” of Lilith in Virgo: a woman arrives in another city
for the funeral of her lonely sister. My sister had an apartment, which a woman sells for pennies
to adventurous neighbors. But rushing through the floor of the country is an old sister's TV and a
suitcase of her old dresses.

Another source of revenue leaks demon demon - help relatives. Moreover, he himself
imposes this assistance, offers it very persistently, even if he is not asked to do so. But do not
flatter yourself - he does it not out of the goodness of his heart. He needs only a pretext for
vampirism - to establish the material dependence of a person on him. And then he will be
vamped with his constant reproaches with every penny, with threats to deprive him of material
assistance, refusing the money he promised, ridiculing the person that he wastes his money
thoughtlessly and forced to ask for handouts. Hangs on all the label impractical embezzlers and
beggars. And if someone asks money from him, this is a great joy for the Demon Maiden - he
will make him beg for money on his knees, humiliate himself, and prove for hours that this thing
is really necessary for man. And then he will throw out such a trick: he will agree, he will go
shopping with the person, but he will begin to doubt on the spot, shaking the nerves of the
person, forcing him to ask him again, to worry that everything will be canceled and thus
absorbing his energy. Or it will force a person to buy a low-quality item, but cheap. Example:
having accumulated a large amount, the mother goes with her daughter to another city to buy her
a natural fur coat. But, passing through the bazaar, she declares to the girl that this is too
expensive, although there is quite enough money. As a result, she buys her daughter a terrible
artificial fur coat, hanging on a girl with a bag, for an amount twenty times less than her money.
The girl will be forced to spend several years in this coat. And the money brought back diverge
in the blink of an eye is not known what.

The Demon of the Virgin is completely uninterested in seeing their loved ones with an
equipped way of life and financially independent. He will do everything to instill that they are
completely incapable of spending money correctly, that they let all their money down the drain,
and then depend on it.

In an effort to save a penny, Lilith in Virgo is trying to ignore the obvious fact: many people do
not have enough money, not because they spend it on some kind of excess, but because, in
principle, they don’t have enough, a person gets little! And then at least save, even the necessary
is not enough. But Lilith in Virgo will never advise you to demand a wage increase or look for a
better paying job. She is sure that only the impracticality of the man himself is to blame for the
lack of money. And all because it is the problem of the demon of the Virgin itself - often Lilith
in Virgo work for pennies, they cannot afford to demand a decent payment for their work,
because they subconsciously are afraid to hear accusations of waste, they say enough. This is
her subconscious installation, she suffers from self-incrimination in not frugality. And it projects
this complex onto others. And since she unconsciously considers herself to be a stinging
squander, then when she does try to demand more money, the people around her voice her self-
accusations. Example: a female healer worked for pennies. As a result, she was often sick, with
her and her son had serious trouble. And when, finally, on the advice of her colleagues, she
decided to demand a higher payment for her help, the young girl, to whom she called this
“higher” price (in fact, this price was ridiculous), said to her: “You are absolutely fucked up!”

So Lilith in Virgo is petty, engages in crumbling, spends enormous efforts trying to save a
penny, instead of directing these efforts to a radical solution to the problem - to find a way to
earn more money.

Even being secured, Lilith in Virgo is afraid of dying of hunger, which is why such astronomical
sums are spent on her food. She furnishes the house with cheap furniture, buys cheap, tasteless
clothes, although she could afford a decent interior and decent things for her income. But no, if
you spend so much money on things, there is nothing left for food! - inspires Lilith in Virgo her

Lilith in Virgo is afraid not only to die of hunger, but also for her health in general. But at the
same time, he absolutely does not want to go to the doctors, because he is afraid of hearing a
terrible diagnosis. It turns out another paradox: fearing in panic for her health, Lilith in Virgo
does not care about him at all, launches diseases. As a result, when she is simply forced to go to
the hospital, it often turns out that nothing can be done. Example: a woman fell ill, but did not
go to the hospital — she was afraid that she would be diagnosed with cancer. So she lived for
several months, and when the disease had already forced her to go to the hospital, she was
diagnosed with cancer, but at the last stage, the doctor told her relatives that it was too late to
operate. She died a few days later. Launching her health, Lilith in Virgo, but for no reason, she
carries on the doctors of her children, loved ones, suspecting they have any illnesses.

The main problem in the relationship with the opposite sex Lilith in Virgo is her pickyness to
everything, constant reproaches and moralizing. Demon Deva will pester partner tedious talk,
suspect in indecent behavior in society, set a bunch of rules that he should follow, will control
everything to the smallest detail, indicate how to cook the soup or nail to constantly score "to
stand over the soul." This is such a serious guardian of domestic order who teaches how to live
correctly. That is why Lilith in Virgo has problems in her personal life - the partner just bothers
to endure these tedious teachings and constantly follow some rules. Either Lilith herself in Virgo
with annoyance leaves if she is not allowed to read the notations and do not follow her rules.

Another problem with Lilith’s personal life in Virgo is deeper and concerns sex. She has a
“fad” regarding sex. The demon of the Virgin subconsciously believes that sexual desires should
be limited and covered by some higher motives. Lilith in Virgo takes sex too seriously,
experiences subconscious guilt feelings. This is manifested in nervousness, irritation in relation
to partners, the desire to make the relationship some kind of “right”: to live according to the laws
of some spiritual teaching, to jointly engage in some noble cause, to bring up children, etc. Only
to prove that their union has a noble goal, they together not only for the sake of sex, they were
united by higher matters. That is why Lilith in Virgo is so fond of inventing some rules by
which to live. She cannot simply enjoy life and satisfy her needs — she will feel guilty. But
blaming others for being vicious and obsessive about sex, the Demon Demon projects his
subconscious desires onto them. In fact, Lilith in Virgo has a heightened interest in sex, a desire
to have sex for sex, without any feelings and lofty matters, but is engaged in self-deception and
deception of others. A woman with Lilith in Virgo constantly suspects her partner of adultery,
but she is angry that she herself subconsciously wants diversity, but she will not allow herself to
betray because she fears that she will be considered evil. It is necessary to observe the norms of
morality, the partner should be only one, if you want the other - to part with it. She claims that
her partner has ceased to show interest in her, but this is her projection, in fact, she lost interest
in him. Unfulfilled desires will be manifested in her in such perverted fantasies about adultery
partner, about the adventures of "this dog", which you will not see in a pornographic film.
Moreover, Lilith in Virgo generously shares his fantasies with others, under the good excuse to
warn them against immorality and vice. From the morals of Lilith in Virgo to a child: “There are
bad words that you should not say. These are the words ... (followed by a detailed list of selected
mat) ”. The attitude towards Lilith in Virgo is special. The Devon Demon himself will never
allow himself to swear at himself, but as an admonition, which words cannot be spoken, will
give a very detailed list. Such teachings or alleged outrage by other obscene statements
(imagine, this villain Vasya said such words as ...) for Lilith in Virgo is a good reason to realize
his repressed desire to say “bad words”.

The most extreme manifestation of the sexual problem of Lilith in Virgo is women who in every
way deny their interest in sex, declare that “only a mentally ill woman can want sex, which fool
will go for it voluntarily.” Such a woman demonstrates that only “fulfills marital duties”, that
she is engaged in sex, just because the partner needs it.

The connection of Lilith in Virgo with questions of sex is confirmed by another curious fact: the
first person who linked the mental disorders of a person to the repressed sexual desires was
Sigmund Freud. Black Moon he was in Virgo.
It is noteworthy that many movie actors men, who are very popular with women Lilith in Virgo:
Alain Delon, Tom Cruise, Michael Douglas, Jim Carrey, Valentin Gaft, Abdulov Alexander,
Pierce Brossnan. In the roles of these actors sexual motive is clearly not exposed to the fore.
They mainly play heroes who perform some important task. But in the course of this important
activity they can meet women and enter into relationships - the hero is supposed to have a
companion. It is thanks to the covert topic of sex subconsciously pops up in the subconscious of
people when watching a movie. Women are attracted by the image of the hero, that is,
subconsciously - the sexual motive. And if the character was not a hero, but an obvious play-boy
and “womanizer”, who would “remove” the girl and frankly inform her of her intentions during
the film, for most women such a character would most likely cause aversion. Because in the
minds of people there is a habit of crowding out the sexual motive, covering it with some other
motives, lofty ideals. And Lilith in Virgo is the most pronounced.

The manifestation of love in Lilith in Virgo is also a problem. They are embarrassed not only
by their sexual desires, but also feelings, therefore they often demonstrate impassivity, coldness
towards their partner. For example, a woman will constantly declare to her husband that she
married him, so as not to be left alone, and nothing more. The motive of stinginess on the
manifestations of love is shown in many roles of the above actors with Lilith in Virgo. For
example, in one film, Alain Delon plays politics, whose mistress at the end of the film committed
suicide because he paid her little attention. Cutting her veins, she lay and looked at the phone,
expecting that he would still remember her and call her, but he was busy at the next meeting with
voters. Tom Cruise in the movie “Jerry McGwire” plays a sports agent who was not able to
love, more precisely, show feelings, and said that he had married only because this woman was
loyal to him and helped in the business..

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Virgo:

To do business that requires professional manifestation of the quality of the Virgin. Work that
requires a clear decomposition on the shelves of information or objects, tracking the order of
performance of work. Monitoring compliance with cleanliness and order.

Accountant, economist, all sorts of calculations. Trade, commerce. Search for suppliers at lower
prices, etc.

Take yourself in a state where you are not doing every second order.

Allow yourself to spend money uneconomically. Buy better one quality thing instead of two
cheap ones.

Start taking care of your health with yourself - do not drag others to the hospital, as soon as they
sneeze. Give them the opportunity to take care of themselves. Die - their problems. Teach
yourself to visit the hospital sometimes, and even more so if you feel unwell, contact

Remember: if you try to ignore the disease, hide like a ostrich, head in the sand, the disease will
not disappear.

Do not impose financial assistance on others, give them the opportunity to earn money for their
needs and decide for themselves what to spend money on. Do not impose your care, but if a
person asks himself, immediately decide: either you help him, without setting your own
conditions and then reproaching him with every penny, or it’s better to refuse him at once.

Assume that you are having sex for sex, do not cover it with any other motives.

Allow yourself obscene remarks.

Be more open and emotional in expressing love.

What gives a worked Lilith in Virgo. When problems are solved and experience is gained, man
realizes himself maximally according to Virgo. He can not only maintain order, put everything
on the shelves and set the rules in his apartment, but also bring order to the scale of the country,
such as George Washington. Or at least try to do it, like Oliver Cromwell or Gennady
Zyuganov. He can also study and systematize knowledge about love and sex, become a
recognized expert in solving psychological problems on the basis of sex, like Sigmund Freud.
Or write books about big love and violent passions, like Shakespeare..

Famous people with Lilith in Virgo: Alain Delon, Tom Cruise, Michael Douglas, Jim Carrey,
Valentin Gaft, Abdulov Alexander, Pierce Brossnan, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Demi Moore,
Corney Chukovsky, William Shakespeare, George Washington, Oliver Cromwell, Gennady
Zyuganov, Ziganov, Ziganov, William Shakespeare, George Washington, Oliver Cromwell,
Gennady Zuganov, Ziganov, Ziganov, Ziganov, William Shakespeare, George Washington
Freud, Karl-4 Emperor of Germany, Louis-17.

Comparison of opposites demons.

So, you met Lilith in the first half of the signs of the zodiac - from Aries to Virgo. Now we
have the remaining demons in turn - from the Libra demon to the Pisces demon.

Familiarity with them will be all the more interesting that now we can already consider each
demon in comparison with the opposite sign. After all, the lack of development of one pole,
Lilith in a certain sign, is compensated by the opposite pole, by the qualities of a sign located on
the same axis, opposite to the sign of Lilith. This is understandable: if the “hole” is in one sign,
then in the opposite direction it will give a “bulge”.

This manifests itself only directly in the area related to the sign of the Black Moon. Not worked
Lilith in Aries - it is everywhere in life a clear Aries, but as it comes to the sphere of Aries, it
actually acts as Libra in it. Lilith in Taurus is the visible Taurus, but as soon as it reaches the
sphere of Taurus, in it it acts like Scorpio, etc.

An illusion can be revealed only when it has directly “reached the point”. If someone illusoryly
considered himself a surgeon, he can reveal the illusion only when he is at the operating table
with a scalpel in his hand. The study of Lilith sets the task for the person to learn to act on the
sign of Lilith where it is necessary, that is, in the sphere of the mark itself, and not anywhere,
except in this sphere. After all, it is funny if the same surgeon operates on frogs at home, or
trains on a steak in a restaurant, but as soon as it reaches the patient, he can do nothing.

Having learned to act professionally according to the sign of Lilith, that is, directly in the field
relating to him, a person can balance both poles. Because on the same axis Aries - Libra, having
the desire and ability to establish justice, it is impossible to realize them, if there is a fear to show
personal activity, to make decisions yourself.

Well, now back to our sheep, that is, the demons. Although, about the ram, we knowingly
remembered. After all, we have a demon ... Libra. What is the intrigue? Now you all know!

Lilith in Libra. Demon overweight (amateur prosecutor).

The problem of equilibrium consideration of interests..

Why, why not live right! - exclaims indignant demon Libra. I just want harmonious family
relations, I demand what belongs to me by right, I do not demand more than I have rights under
the law. But this egoist, he wants to do everything the way he needs, and he sneezed on my
rights. Or let him fulfill all the points put in marriage, or he must disperse! And what are these
“points” such in the understanding of the Libra demon? For example: a husband means that he
must be at home, and not hang around. Yes, to be at home ... around the clock !!! “No, no, I do
not encroach on his freedom! - says Libra demon - He also has the right to go somewhere. It
just hurts me that he doesn't ask me when he goes somewhere. I don’t need much



The Libra demon thinks that he tries too much to please everyone, he settles conflicts, while
others only do that “put on his horn” act their own way, and he always has to compromise, do
too much for others to they went to meet him. Yes, he is for justice, which is why he so often
suffers, defending someone’s interests and rights to the detriment of himself. And how often he
has to take on the mission of a peacemaker!

Lilith in Libra will not tolerate if someone infringes on her rights. She immediately rush to
defend them. And if no one infringes? Nothing, nothing, the Libra demon will always find what
his rights are infringed upon, do not even doubt. You won’t even guess what, how all the power
of the judicial machine will fall on you, with all the judges, prosecutors and jurors in one person
- in the person of the Libra demon.

What provokes the Libra demon.

In others: when they “shake their rights”, but do not fulfill their duties. When he is accused of
trying to win over everything, take into account only his interest. When he is told that he has no
rights to something, he thinks he does. When a partner refuses to be with him every second and
notify everything. In itself: when it forces itself to agree diplomatically, to maintain harmony in
the relationship, but there is no strength and desire.

How the demon manifests itself.

He arranges a scandal, accusing of violations of his rights and non-fulfillment of his duties. He
likes to blackmail with the termination of relations (I will cancel the wedding, I will divorce
you), deprivation of material support, threatens to sue and through the court make him fulfill his

How to neutralize the demon.

Promise to fulfill his demands that you will fulfill all your duties and respect his rights.


The desire of the Libra demon to protect the rights, to defend only that which supposedly
belongs to him by right is an illusion. In fact, Lilith in Libra does not know how to balance
interests. Her scales always lean with a huge margin in her direction, and she, without noticing
it, tries to deprive absolutely all rights, and only take on responsibilities. Demon Libra believes
that he has to compromise, but in fact he rejects any attempts by the partner to agree on terms
that would suit both. No, he does not need an equal, he needs that only he has all rights, he
needs to keep the partner in full submission! He accuses others of violating his rights in order
not to notice how he himself violates the rights of others. Women with Lilith in Libra - out of
competition for playing on the nerves of her husband and keeping him under his heel. And the
scandals, arranged by them about the absence of her husband at home - soap series “rest”!
Blaming her husband, they do not think that running away from home, he runs away from these
scandals. More precisely, the Libra demon is simply profitable to arrange such scandals, because
this is his way of vampirism - “judicial scenes”.

Often he comes up with violations of his rights where they are not at all. The girl comes with
her mother to her home, where she lives with her boyfriend. He happily meets them, but she
glancing at him, begins to shout: “Why are you in a half-naked form? Did you bring a mistress
here? How could you ?! ”And this whole scene takes place in front of her mother. And the girl
knows perfectly well that she has no rivals. A young man in shock, he can not understand why
she suddenly attacked him, what has changed in these two hours, while she was not at home.

Men with Lilith in Libra are not far behind women in keeping the second half under their heels,
swinging their rights, threats and blackmail for the power over a partner.

Moreover, Lilith in Libra will specifically attract such partners, who will in every possible way
deny her rights to personal freedom, keep her husband as a housemaid or bringing money home
in her teeth, make her walk almost in a veil, and allow herself to herself everything is her own
reflection. She will first force her partner to do so, and then begin to do something herself —
ostensibly out of revenge, but in fact simply receive an excuse. And it is beneficial for her to be
such a partner, otherwise she will not be able to vampire him. Thus, to become an exemplary
family man with partner Lilith in Libra will not work with all the desire - she simply will not
allow him, will change with her behavior, run away from home, refuse money.

In an effort to dominate relationships, to completely put a partner into a dependency, the Libra
demon often finds himself in complete dependence. He does not understand that addiction is a
two-way thing. Do you want to keep a husband or a wife under your heel, to control them from
the principle “this is mine, legal” - you will have to stay with them every minute, but how else
can you control it?

Libra is associated with partnership, and it is in relationships with his partner, husband, wife,
that the Libra demon most clearly manifests itself. Lilith makes him invest the most energy in
this sphere, consider it the most significant, moreover, he is simply fixated on it. He
subconsciously believes: “if there is no partner, I am a nonentity,” begins to execute myself. His
self-confidence is based on the presence of a partner, which is why he is so keen to completely
subordinate the “caught” partner. Relations with a partner (Libra sphere) are illusory not as
relations of two independent people, but as a complete dependence on each other, every minute
being together. Under the influence of Lilith, he obsessively seeks to “grab” and completely
subjugate the partner, for this reason he has problems with finding a partner - everyone feels this
is his desire for complete deprivation of liberty, and just run away.

It happens in a different way: striving for this “complete merger”, the Libra demon is sometimes
ready to give up his personal interests, to devote his time to his partner in full. And some of this
is necessary, and they turn Lilith in Libra into a pocket husband, a wife-property, who cannot go
anywhere with all their desire. And the Libra demon will be angry, go somewhere left and cry
there, as he is being held there forcibly. This is a contradiction: Lilith in Libra, on the one hand,
wants to dominate a partner, firmly bind him to herself (and, therefore, to be tied herself), and on
the other, she wants to be independent.

For Lilith in Libra, as well as for Lilith in Gemini, the problem of establishing equality in
relations is relevant. A young man with Lilith in Libra lived with a girl. She achieved a lot
herself, by nature independent, earned money herself. Apparently, he was not satisfied with such
a situation, when he could not make the partner dependent, and when the partner was not trying
to make him dependent. Independent relationship he was tired. And he left this girl, despite the
fact that they just had a baby. He quickly met another girl who did not earn herself, lived at the
expense of her parents, and who immediately began to blackmail him: either marry me, or - no
relationship. And he got married, getting a wife that he was supposed to support now, and also
help his mother and her child. And then he began to run to the previous girl, shed tears that he
did not want to marry, but now there is no way to go - the wife, along with her and his parents,
simply will not allow a divorce. He continued to live in a new family, but continued the
relationship with the mother of his child. At the same time claiming all the time that this should
not be so, this kind of unhealthy attachment to his first girlfriend. When she offered to end the
relationship, because he has another woman, with whom he does not divorce, he began to
blackmail her, threatening not to help the child with money, and even to sue (Lilith in Libra
defends her legal rights!). This is how Lilith in Libra hesitates, and in no way decides what she

The Libra demon wants both to keep the partner and at the same time push away, because
“Straining”, inharmonious relations oppress him.
And they are disharmonious because he does not know how to build independent, equal
relations: if you do not want someone to restrict your freedom, do not restrict his freedom. A
husband who wants to dominate a financially dependent wife turns out to be backed up against
the wall by the obligation to support her. And another question, who controls this alliance. Do
not dig another pit ...

The Libra demon declares that in relations with people he adapts himself and wishes to please
everyone, he compromises - but this is an illusion. In fact, he is driven only by the goal of
achieving his goal, and he always achieves his goal, whether by cunning, flattering, but he does.
The Libra Demon is like a fox from a fable: “A rogue is tiptoeing to a tree, twirling her tail, does
not take her eyes off a crow, and speaks so sweetly, barely breathing ...”

But he can only act this way in a situation when he wants to get something from a person, but
does not, in his own opinion, have any legal rights to do so. If he believes that he has such rights
... There will be no more cunning here, he will scream louder than the police siren, make a
scandal, demanding his own. And therefore, just here, where he has the rights, he will receive
nothing. Even knowing the mind that it should be smarter, it would be necessary to pretend, the
Libra demon is simply not able to restrain himself. A woman, for example, wanting her husband
to stop going to her rival, made him scandals. And the opponent acted slyly: she did not press,
she did not demand anything.

And the wife, knowing in her mind that one could also act more cunningly, to be affectionate,
friendly with her husband, to provoke a rival to make a scandal, nevertheless, I could not help
myself. And she honestly confessed: “if there were no stamp in the passport (legally, right!), I
would not demand anything from him. I would not have the right then. ”
It turns out, therefore, that the Libra demon honors only the letter, but not the spirit of the law -
there will not be this letter, and he himself is ready to give up all rights. In the same situation
with a young man who married under pressure: later he could not divorce also because it was a
LEGAL marriage, which means that, in his view, the wife has the right to put pressure on him, to
demand something, to restrict his freedom.

Of course, with their scandals and blackmailing, the demon Libra forces the partner to surrender
and give up. But here opens the fact that in the area of Libra - where it is necessary to establish
harmony, solve the problem, come to an agreement, Lilith in Libra acts not with Libra’s
diplomacy, but with the onslaught of Aries. Here you have a ram! Any ram will envy the one
with which stubbornness, “resting his horn,” the Libra demon “shakes his rights,” as he rushes to
“break the wall with his forehead.”

It is precisely because of such qualities that the Libra demon often occupies leadership
positions, becoming a leader. Because he has a desire to make decisions himself, and he will
always stand out in a team in one way or another and take on the role of an organizer.

Here it is interesting to consider comparing the Libra demon and the Aries demon. What is
illusory in the sight of one, is essentially of the other, and vice versa. Demon Aries outwardly
active, independent and leads others. But this is an illusion - others go fine without him, but he
does not work in his own open business, but works for his “uncle” in an already finished
business. The Libra demon superficially adjusts, all the while making compromises. But this is
an illusion - he always achieves his own, even if by cunning, opens up an independent business,
organizes others himself.

Surrounding people often give Lilith in Libra such characteristics as “impudent”, “assertive”,

The role of the peacemaker in the demon of Libra is imaginary. He propagandizes the world,
but he unleashes the war, will “fight to the death”, defending his rights, will use all means. Here
again, it is interesting to compare it with the demon Aries, which, on the contrary, yells that it
will not tolerate injustice, but in fact does not dare to “swing the law”, to demand something.
Lilith in Aries needs to learn to win hers, and Lilith in Libra to negotiate peacefully.

Lilith in Libra makes a person strive for harmony, but without experience in this field, he is
exhausted in his desire to act like Libra - diplomatically, slyly, taking into account the interests
of others, triggering a partner to go forward. And he begins to act on Aries - to seek harmony
with a loud cry and a powerful onslaught.

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Libra:

Engage in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Libra. Lawyer,
prosecutor, judge. Work where you need to weigh everything, make decisions. Diplomacy,
work that requires the ability to negotiate. Business with a partner.

Accept yourself in a state where you do not strive to be constantly with a partner, take care of
yourself, and you are self-sufficient.

Do not constantly monitor your partner, give him freedom, and give yourself the same freedom.

Do not repeat any actions for a partner only out of revenge (he changes, and I will change), if
there is no desire for that. If there is any desire, realize it yourself, and do not provoke a partner
to do it, then to have legitimate reasons to repeat. Let everyone decide for himself.

Before blaming your partner, put yourself in his place, and look at the situation with his eyes.
Do not win your rights by force, calmly consider the fact that even legal rights may not be
respected - the paper does not oblige anyone to anything if the person inside does not consider it
as a law for himself. But do not give up your rights when “there is no paper,” if you feel the
inner truth.

Remember, if you think that you have the right to something, other people may disagree, and
then you can get what you want from them only by cunning, or by agreeing on mutually
beneficial terms.

What gives worked Lilith in Libra. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself according to Libra as much as possible. It can defend the rights not only
of its own, but of the whole nation, to make revolutions, like Robespierre, to approve new laws.
It can come to the understanding that the true law exists only inside a person, and not on paper -
as a thinker and philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Famous people with Lilith in Libra: Nikolai Roerich, Surikov, Benito Mussolini, Robespierre,
Rene Russo, Emmanuel Kant, Clark Gable, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Quentin Tarantino, John
Travolta, Jodie Foster, Winona Ryder, John Malkovich, Leonid Yarmnik, a fellow, John
Maravic, Leonid Yarmnik, Leonid Y. Oscar Wilde

Lilith in Scorpio. The demon of self-control (Angel).

The problem of expressing emotions.

Ona did not make a sound ... She stood proudly, contemptuously looking into the eyes of the
offenders, not responding to their questions, not responding to insults and rude shouts ...

Do you think this is Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya during the interrogation of the fascists? No, this
is Lilith in Scorpio in its usual state.

Yes, the demon of Scorpio will never allow himself to raise his voice, to show some feelings, to
throw out emotions. And even more so to say a rude word to someone's address.

“You can't think badly about people. A rude word is like death, a person will not survive!
”Lilith in Scorpio believes. Do not covet another that you do not want yourself - Lilith in
Scorpio herself falls into shock from such words. She does not approve of the behavior of those
who allow themselves to show emotions with people ... even positive ones. The “sheer calm” is
important to her, she becomes simply ill from any splashes, and she runs far away. And one
often has to run, because, for some reason, rowdy, rude, unrestrained types stick to the poor
demon of Scorpio, bringing emotions that are comparable to him not even with a gust of wind or
waves in the sea, no, with tsunami, tornado and hurricane!

The demon Scorpio is convinced: the brawler is a villain, a threat to society. And in general,
many villains divorced, who bring terror and death. And he only remains, how selflessly to save
people from evil, to pull them out of the clutches of death. Without sparing himself, he will give
all his strength to the salvation of his neighbor, he will give the last shirt.

Outwardly, in its behavior, the demon Scorpion is just an angel, and look at a halo above your
head will light up and the little white wings will zamashut. Surrounding him and perceive, and
touches them. If he is offended, he will silently leave, but will not make complaints. He is
responsible in work, ready to overcome any difficulties, does not require large awards.
Everybody respects him for the fact that sometimes selflessly he pulls on himself a whole
business, duties, while others are not particularly tense. He is just a model of modesty, he will
never allow himself to tell everyone about some of his achievements. And even if they are
noticed, and they invite him to show themselves, to speak in public, he will not decide on this for
a very, very long time, because believes that still unworthy, not ready. He is distinguished by
loyalty and constancy; he will not betray his boss for the sake of big money; he will faithfully
serve him like a true samurai. And in personal relations, he will not leave his partner, even if
that despot - Lilith in Scorpio will silently endure. If he is sick, Lilith in Scorpio will take on the
role of a nurse. She will do everything to ensure maximum peace of mind partner, will not say
"no", so as not to offend, will not mind, so as not to cause a quarrel ... Well, really, angel?
Which stands out among the people and is aware of this. And if you complain about difficulties,
if you don’t charge horse work, if you demand rewards and acknowledgments of your merits, let
you brightly demonstrate your achievements, are not modest, do not hold back emotions - the
demon Scorpio will not take you for a person. He will simply not talk to you, and if he does, he
will give you a neat but very specific hint how low you have fallen.

What provokes the demon Scorpio.

In others: when they show violent emotions, especially negative ones, they do not keep
themselves within tight limits, when they openly state their claims, when they actively declare
themselves and their talents, they are not modest. When he is accused of thinking badly about
someone or plotting something evil. In oneself: when it forces itself to control its emotions, but
there is no desire and power. When something does not suit, but he does not decide to change,
he is forced to put up with the circumstances.

How the demon manifests itself.

The water sign demons have passive vampirism. The Scorpion Demon Skate is a silent image
of resentment. He suddenly, for no reason at all, will stop talking to you, and you will be
tormented by a sense of guilt, what have you offended the angel, trying to question him. Or else
he will be portraying contempt, disrespect. Will provoke shout at him, insult, make a scandal.
He can begin to insult, but not explicitly, but making it clear to the person that he is not worthy
of respect, weak, spineless, unrestrained, angry. In the most extreme cases, arrange a violent

How to neutralize the demon.

Do not succumb to provocations, do not try to figure out what you hurt him, do not feel guilty -
in fact, you did not hurt him. Do not look for contacts, and after a while he will behave, as if
nothing had happened.


Allegedly, the lack of emotion in the demon Scorpio is an illusion. In fact, Lilith in Scorpio is
afraid and does not know how to express emotions. But these emotions are bubbling inside him,
like a fire in the mouth of a volcano. And therefore, if it still happens that the demon Scorpion
“brought” and “angelic” patience came to an end, he will begin to shout in such a way that those
around him are frightened to a pulp. But the Scorpion demon itself is even more frightened, it
starts to execute itself and tear its hair, because it could not resist!

By suppressing their desire to express themselves, to express their feelings, the demon Scorpio
himself provokes such situations, scandals, to be attacked, brought to him, and he would no
longer have to voluntarily shout at others. This is the explanation why scandalists, bitches, and
tyrants are attracted to him, as he believes, - this is his own reflection, a reflection of those traits
that he suppresses in himself. And until he learns to freely express his emotions and speak
openly, such people will be attracted to him and throw out a whole barrage of emotions, mostly
negative ones, on him.

Having a problem with the expression of emotions, the demon Scorpio is a vampire, consuming
the emotions of others, again, mostly negative. Here is another explanation why it is simply
advantageous for him to provoke such situations when he is not shouted or insulted. And he
knows how to do it well - to bring people to aggression, rage. So, begging for complete peace,
harmony, peace, he subconsciously wants quarrels and scandals, attracts them. Example:
Saddam Hussein with Lilith in Scorpio managed to cause a “storm in the desert.” Yes, not once.
So the calmness of Lilith in Scorpio does not shine. Like those near her.

Well, let's continue to “debunk the angel.” So, he is responsible for his work, loyal to his boss,
ready to work for little money. And all just because the demon Scorpio ... like fire afraid of
change. Having found one place, he holds him with his hands and feet, suffers from non-
payment of wages, the fact that he is overloaded with overtime. So in the sphere of Scorpio -
transformation, when you need to change your life, the demon Scorpio manifests itself in Taurus,
clings to the old, is afraid to destroy the usual way of life. New, unfamiliar scares him. He is
convinced - it can only get worse.

But why does he even get on such a job, where he finds himself in the position of a horse
impaling for pennies? Can't he objectively evaluate his work? He cannot, because he is sure that
he is not unworthy of this money either. He cannot realistically assess his energy costs and the
benefits of his work, he has excessive demands on himself, he only plows by putting in energy,
but he himself cannot take decent pay for his work. He is afraid that if he demands more, a
salary increase, the boss will simply throw him out with anger. As a result, the bosses simply
use low self-esteem and fears of Lilith in Scorpio, dumping a lot of business on her for pennies.
It is profitable for them to have a faithful, executive employee, so they in every way impede his
professional development, career growth, playing on her fears. Example: a girl got a job at a
company for a small salary. She believed that more is unworthy, because does not have a higher
education. And now she has the opportunity to go to university. But having learned about it, her
boss began to blackmail her: if you go to study, you will be fired. She was frightened and
refused to study. As a result, she continued to work for pennies, no career growth was even
foreseen. That's because of the fear of losing even a pittance, but stable, guaranteed, Lilith in
Scorpio’s career and a good income do not shine. And even more so the opening of the business
- it will never go to this horror, then there are no guarantees of stability at all, a solid risk.

This is where another problem of Lilith in Scorpio opens - fearing risk as a fire, in fact, she does
not know how to assess the level of risk objectively, fearing to risk small, loses more. In the
situation with that girl: she was afraid of losing guaranteed pennies at work, but did not think
that, having received a higher education, she could earn much more, and you can easily get such
pennies in hundreds of companies, there is such a workaholic as she, with arms and legs torn
off. In your business, you will get much more, and you are your own boss, and stability is no
longer in a foreign company, it can also fall apart in the same way - this is not what Lilith in
Scorpio understands.

And firms, meanwhile, are really falling apart - the demon Scorpio, fearing situations of death,
transformation, attracts such situations to itself. After all, he is karmically necessary to
accumulate experience in the sign of Scorpio. So if Lilith in Scorpio appeared in the company ...
No, of course, this is not a villain who will surely destroy the company. It can serve as an
indicator of the presence of these energies - the energies of a need for change. If the change, the
update is going on - the company is not in danger, because only that which is not viable can

Lilith in Scorpio is afraid of death, and plays the role of a lifeguard. And often it is necessary to
save someone. However, she attracts such situations. Subconsciously, she herself ... provokes
misfortune. Imagine such a picture: an ambulance car rides through the streets, knocks people
down, the nurses immediately jump out and rush to rescue them. We must also fulfill the plan
for the number of saved! Here and Lilith in Scorpio, without even noticing it, at first quietly
“kills” someone, and then doused with crocodile tears and hurries to help. Here is your angel!
Yes, under the guise of a savior, the demon Scorpion realizes his killer instinct. Many here can
be frightened: what kind of a terrible demon is this, we must stay away from him! In fact, as
already mentioned, only that which is itself not viable can collapse. The energy of death, it is the
energy of change. And if a person is capable of personal transformation, then nothing threatens
him. Also, Lilith in Scorpio, although it attracts such situations, but she takes a passive role in
them, is afraid of them, but she has not yet gained experience in the field of Scorpio. So she
would rather delay the situation, resist change, death-transformation. It turns out something like
a thundercloud, which hangs, hangs, but the storm does not break out. And so it can hang very
long. So those who are afraid of change, like Lilith in Scorpio, can not be afraid - although she
has drawn a cloud, she cannot shoot at her and cause hail. And those who are not afraid of
change, I can use it as a sign for myself, and cause a thunderstorm myself, not paying attention to
all the resistance of the demon Scorpio, who himself pulled the situation of change, and he
himself delays their fear of change.

The significance of the theme of life and death, salvation from death, some kind of angelic
mission and transformations, that is, everything related directly to Scorpio, is seen in the roles of
actors with Lilith in Scorpio. For example, in films with Nicolas Cage. In one film, he plays an
angel (!) Sent to earth among other angels. But in order to be with his beloved, he goes on to
become an ordinary mortal man. But soon after that, a woman is hit by a car and she dies. The
theme of sacrifice for the sake of love, love inseparable from death, also haunts Lilith in Scorpio.
In another film, the same actor plays a chemist who helped neutralize terrorists threatening
terrible chemical weapons - the theme of selfless saving lives of many people. And one more
film - it so happened that as a result of a plastic operation the policeman and the criminal
exchanged faces. Here is the theme of transformation, and also the fight against the villain.

With the sphere of Scorpio are connected and other people's money. This is another fear of
Lilith in Scorpio. She is more likely to risk her life than to risk other people's money. Another
reason why she does not open her business is to take a loan or borrow money from someone
without a guarantee of their return, it’s just terrible for her. She does not know how to accept
money, underestimates her merits, but she often gives out her money to “those in need” - some
gigolo, who sits on her neck, a neighbor crying about poverty, etc. There are other Liliths in
Scorpio - on the contrary, people living at the expense of others, pulling money from partners
like a vacuum cleaner. In this situation, they learned to attract money according to Scorpio, but
they fell into another extreme - outright vampirism, the seizure of someone else, without giving
anything in return.

The next fear of Lilith in Scorpio is magic, the occult, all that is connected with this sphere. She
has an interest in this field, magical abilities, but is afraid to show them. Often she is terribly
afraid of some kind of negative impact in her address, and this leads to the fact that she runs
away from people who seemed dangerous to her in this regard, but who actually could really
help her to change her life for the better. And, on the contrary, it attracts people who play on
these fears of it, use it and cause harm. That is, until Lilith in Scorpio begins to realize her
potential, she will be exposed to negative influence from outside.

Example: a girl on the advice of a friend turned to a certain clairvoyant psychologist to find out
the cause of problems in her personal life. He explained to her that the reason - a terrible
damage through the cemetery, a family curse that scares all men from her. Magic, death - these
are terrible words for Lilith in Scorpio. What to do? - whispered a shocked girl. “There is only
one way out,” the psychologist said with a smart look. - You have to live with me. No man will
suit you anymore! And I will protect you from imminent death! ”She agreed, and got on her
neck a gigolo, who was also engaged in energetic vampirism, bringing her with her accusations,
cavils and scary stories about damages and curses. When she finally kicked him out, it turned
out that she was not the first on the list of this “clairvoyant”, he had been fooling women so long
ago in order to live at their expense and gain psychological power over them. In this story, it is
curious that we can see the two poles of the manifestation of Lilith in Scorpio, since and the girl,
and the psychologist Lilith in Scorpio, and in conjunction. And if by the girl we see how the
secret, passive demon Scorpion looks, then at the psychologist-manipulator the demon
manifested itself in all its beauty and in active form.

So, continue to expose the demon Scorpion. What is the reason for his angelic modesty, why he
does not dare to declare himself, his achievements and talents? And why does he condemn
immodest people who vividly demonstrate themselves? The reason for this modesty is great
pride. Yes, yes, pride! The demon Scorpio wants to be better than others, and in his heart he is
sure that he is insanely talented and devilishly clever. But what if these people do not appreciate
it properly? No, he will not risk so much and declare himself. He will not tolerate failure! And
since there is no guarantee that he will be lifted on a pedestal, then there is no need to try. This
is the reason for his heightened demands on himself (and therefore on others) - he is not satisfied
with being just good, he must be the best! It all seems to him that he is still not good enough to
make himself known and receive due recognition. So with his pride he waits all his life, buries
talents in the ground. But also subconsciously chooses cunning tactics - everyone stands out
with some talents, and I stand out ... with my modesty against their background, heroic, selfless
labor. Working like a horse for a pittance, the demon Scorpio feels a certain superiority. Indeed,
people begin to respect him, to talk about his strength of mind, responsibility, principles. It is
clear that it is unprofitable for him to refuse this, and to receive a decent payment for his efforts.
After all, then he will, like everyone else, he will no longer be a martyred hero! Here you
demonstrate the strength of the spirit when you get up at five in the morning and walk two
kilometers on foot to work in a warehouse or factory for a small salary. And if you start working
with comfort, for good money - where is the strength of the spirit, you will immediately lose all

Problems in the personal life of Lilith in Scorpio also abound.

Their first reason is the same inability and fear to express their emotions. As a result, the image
of a cold person who doesn’t mind is formed. She will never even express her displeasure. It
means that she is secretly plotting something against me, thinking bad things! - the partner will
decide. So keep silent - for Lilith in Scorpio is a good way of vampirism, when a partner starts
to get angry, suggesting that she thinks bad of him.

But in the end, the partner is annoyed, and he leaves. Often Lilith in Scorpio are divorced,
partners appear, but do not stay.

And since the not worked Lilith in Scorpio is afraid of change, he can remain alone, having lost
a partner.

Another situation - a partner, on the contrary, is satisfied with such a quiet, dumb half that is
silent, and even plays the role of a lifeguard, does everything for him, does not object, so that a
scandal does not break out. Such Lilith in Scorpio lives all his life, or at least for many years,
with one despot or bitch wife. They do everything for a partner so as not to lose him, they get a
rare egoist around their necks. Here it is interesting to compare Lilith in Scorpio and Lilith in
Taurus - the second, on the contrary, tends to go to the side, unconsciously not wanting to live
with one partner, and if the attitudes about the immorality of betrayal are stronger, she will
simply find an excuse to destroy the marriage so Petya on Vasya. And Lilith in Scorpio, even if
she changes partners, such changes are painful for her, she would prefer constancy, whatever it
may be. This is how one Lilith stated in Scorpio: “To hell with hell to change - only time to

Lilith in Scorpio is eager for stability, consistency, eager to grab a partner with energy tentacles
and not let him go. Only here the partner will be here in the role of a fly, from which the spider
drinks all the juice. This is a feature of the energy of Lilith in Scorpio. And the partners feel it,
so they scatter. But Lilith in Scorpio, indeed, has a powerful energy potential that can attract to
itself, so if someone is caught, it can be difficult for him to escape. Because the image of the
angel works - the partner begins to feel guilty, duties to Lilith in Scorpio - she does not say a
word against it, does everything for me, how will I leave her, will I offend her? Lilith in Scorpio
herself often depicts offended, threatens suicide to keep a partner.

A partner can leave if Lilith herself in Scorpio is not satisfied with it - gives little energy. After
all, only an energetically strong person can get along with Lilith in Scorpio. And if he is not
strong, and did not leave? Well, Lilith in Scorpio remains a widow.

And sometimes Lilith herself in Scorpio dies - after all, the script of the sacrifice for the sake of
love is also relevant for her. However, more often the “victim” manifests itself again in the fact
that she runs after some egoist, pleases him in everything, and in the end he throws her away.
Because she herself wants to play the role of a martyr, a heroine, to raise a child alone, evoking
admiration of those around her with the strength of her spirit. So many trials, difficulties in
private life, and in life in general, Lilith in Scorpio attracts herself, wanting to play the role of a
strong hero, gaining respect for it.

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Scorpio:

Get involved in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Scorpio.
Risky professions, rescuers. Work in the intensive care unit, surgeon, doctor. Biology, issues of
life and death. Work with other people's money. Business, their business. Leader, managing
others. Psychology, esoteric practices.

Get to work with your inner world, esoteric practices, psychology. Having accumulated the
necessary experience, help others to transform.

Accept yourself in that state when you do not control all your feelings, do not hold back
emotions, allow yourself to freely express emotions, to speak frankly.

Assume yourself in a state where you do not wear the mask of an angel, do not cater to
everyone, allow calmly malicious, negative, vengeful thoughts.
Do not be afraid to demand a decent payment for your work. If your career growth is limited,
pay little - do not be afraid to change jobs. Do not hold the bird in the hands.

Do not be afraid to talk about your talents and abilities, do not play in false modesty.

Decide for yourself what is best for you - the image of a dedicated heroic workaholic or a decent
wage for your work.

Learn to properly assess the level of risk, do not lose more, trying to keep small.

Do not engage in ostentatious risk in extreme sports, etc., it is better to be prepared to take the
risk in the form of a decisive step in changing unfavorable work for a more promising job,
starting a business.

Stop treating those around you in need of salvation, help, start taking care of yourself and solve
your problems.

Do not be afraid to change your life, if something does not suit you, do not hold on to the
constancy of the principle “the new will only get worse.” What it will be, depends only on you!

In a relationship, be generous with the expression of emotions, do not be silent for reasons that
emotional outbursts can offend your partner.

If you are dissatisfied with something - tell about it directly. Defend your interest, do not be
afraid to argue with your partner for fear of losing it. If the relationship you are oppressed - do
not be afraid to stop them.

What gives worked Lilith in Scorpio. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself according to Scorpio as much as possible. He can help people transform,
like the hypnotist and psychologist Erickson, the founder of Ericksonian hypnosis. Can use
violent emotions for practical purposes, for example, to create a political image, like Vladimir

Famous people with Lilit in Scorpio: Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Akira Kurosawa,
Nicolas Cage, Paul Gauguin, Nikita Mikhalkov, Jean Moreau, Milton Erickson, Yuri Yakovlev,
Leonid Kuravlev, Brad Pitt, David Lynch, George Sand, Richard Wagner.

Lilith in Sagittarius. Demon preacher (God).

The problem of capturing ideas.

He sees his mission to bring global changes into the world, to create a new world, as God
created the Universe. Or to preach future changes, the divine will, to teach everyone, to instruct
on the true path. As the Great Guru, he preaches his ideas and encourages millions to follow
them, inspiring everyone with personal example. However, if there was no million nearby, he
will play the role of a preacher of the will of God, and even God himself in front of everyone
who turns up. From others' ideas, he disgustedly turns up his nose - they are all outdated and
unworthy of attention! And there are no ideas at all. People are mired in trifles, they do not
notice the global, spiritual, they do not see the goal, why live at all, why all this is necessary! -
convinced Demon Sagittarius. - No one can raise his head and look above, no one can think
integrated, everyone is mired in earthly affairs. Only he has a purpose and meaning of life!
Therefore, only he sees that global changes are coming. He will not sink into accepting other
people's teachings - he himself knows the most, and no teacher for him is not authority. Even if
he goes to someone to learn, he will not follow the teaching, having gained knowledge, he will
announce teachers as charlatans, proclaim his ideas, open his school. He rejects other people's
ideas. His fix idea should be like a fanatic, and even spread it around everyone, especially with
power. The theme of the apocalypse is a native theme for Lilith in Sagittarius. “Global change
is coming! The end of the old world! Is not it so? Well then, I will help them to come, I will
hasten the end of the old world! ”The demon Sagittarius defines his mission. May strive all his
life to an unattainable ideal.

Demon Sagittarius is also distinguished by the desire to change places of residence, the desire to
visit many countries around the world. And if you move - it is not a trifle, but as far as possible -
immediately to Australia!

The demon of Sagittarius is also connected with questions of religion and faith. Yes, thoughts
of God visit him, and unlike many others, he knows for sure that there is a God. No wonder -
every day he sees him in the mirror!

What provokes the demon Sagittarius.

In others: when they do not have a goal, the meaning of life, they do not accept his idea, they do
not believe his prophecies, and they refuse to immediately follow the path proclaimed by him.
In oneself: when one cannot find a global idea, goal, meaning.
How the demon manifests itself.

Aggressively, arranges violent scenes, through threats and violence will be forced to agree with
him and follow his idea. Especially with power. Will strive for power to be able to carry out
their ideas in life by force.

How to neutralize the demon.

Agree with his idea, do not argue, obviously do not contradict. Promise to follow the path
proclaimed by him and not to interfere with him in making the planned changes.


The ideological, theory and belief of the demon Sagittarius is a fiction. He accuses others
that they are mired in the earthly and do not see the highest, spiritual, with a view of God
descends to others, but he is engaged only in the household side, specific earthly affairs. He tries
to pass off the theory with the concrete results of practical experience (whereas his opposite, the
Gemini demon, is inclined to substitute practical experience with theories). It is difficult for the
Sagittarius demon to derive a general idea from particular cases, it is difficult to look from a
higher plan in order to see the integral. He sees only specifics. And under the “general theory”
he will happily present you a set of collected information in the form of a table, but he will not
say in any way what kind of conclusion suggests itself from all this. That is, in the area of
Sagittarius, he will act on Gemini. For example, if we look at the works of Aleister Crowley (of
whom he has a lot), then in them he shares his practical experience in the most diverse areas of
esotericism. All the practices that he describes, he tried it himself! At first glance, people
reading his books have the illusion that the book speaks in a complex mystical language about
some lofty ideas that cannot be understood. In fact, in the language of high ideas, Lilith in
Sagittarius describes perfectly practical things. So for practical experience - to her! And in
contrast to her, Lilith in Gemini usually describes high theories with quite simple words. Such
an ability of Lilith in Gemini to tell what is available to any person about the highest is, of
course, very valuable. Although it often causes indignation of those who believe that one should
speak of the highest only in the language of the highest, that scientific theories should be
explained in scientific language, and not on the fingers (for example, astrological articles should
be written, using entirely special terms, citing mountains of calculations, expressing purely
scientific). At the same time, they say, it does not matter that ordinary people understand the
meaning - it’s better not to understand, scientific articles are not written for ordinary people! An
interesting situation may arise when Lilith in Gemini needs to share practical experience, which
she does not have. She happily replaces Gemini with Sagittarius, that is, she will rant at least for
hours about a common idea, but it will create an illusion that she is an expert and an experienced
practitioner of this case. A good example of this is an episode of “The Twelve Chairs”, where
Ostap Bender gives a speech in front of the chess players of the city of Vasyuki. Posing as a
grandmaster (although in reality he played chess only once in life!), Ostap delivers a long
speech, talking about the prospects (Sagittarius!) Of conducting world (Sagittarius!) And
interplanetary (Sagittarius!) Chess tournaments in Vasyuki. All chess players are fascinated with
listening to him (Lilith's verbal hypnosis in Gemini!), Although not a single word has been said
about the subject of the lecture (“The Debut Idea in the Chess Game”). More precisely, a few
words are said at the very beginning: “What is a debut, comrades? “This is a quasi-
imagination ...” And then a smooth transition to global perspectives.

This is how the use of abstruse words incomprehensible to anyone (and himself), in the high
ideological, philosophical or scientific language of Sagittarius in the Gemini sphere, the Gemini
demon often successfully hides the lack of practical data, that is, Gemini themselves. But in the
area of Sagittarius, it can be expressed in the language of Gemini - simply. But the demon
Sagittarius, when they demand a generalization from it, a cohesive idea that he doesn’t have, can
produce practical information, talk about practical experience for hours, successfully hiding the
absence of a global idea and generalizing conclusions, replacing Sagittarius with Gemini. The
Gemini Demon will bring the theory out of thin air, see a general pattern of two cases, and it is
difficult for the Sagittarius demon to draw a conclusion from even a thousand cases, or he simply
does not think about it. For example, Aleister Crowley cites in his works a set of correspondence
tables, for example, the correspondences of the gods of various pantheons (Egyptian, Greek,
Roman, Indian). But he does not carry out any generalizing analysis, what is the general idea of
a number of similar gods, what is the common archetype behind them. Lilith in Sagittarius
always believes that the general idea is clear to the hedgehog, why waste time explaining it to
people, you can go straight to the practice. He will explain in detail what to do, but he will not
say why to do it. And Lilith in Gemini, on the contrary, believes that it is necessary to tell you in
detail about the general idea, and how to apply it in practice is clear enough. It is necessary to
talk about the ultimate goal, and how to go towards this goal is obvious. Although in reality the
Gemini demon knows where to go, but does not know how, and the Sagittarius demon knows
how to go, but does not know where it will lead. As a result, the listening calls of the Gemini
demon are marking time, because he does not tell them what to do. And listening to the calls of
the demon Sagittarius are marking time, because they do not understand where he calls them,
why go, do not trust the demon Sagittarius, suspecting him of Susanin. The demon of Sagittarius
is a preacher who furiously instructs the parishioners what commandments to abide by, but why -
cannot clearly explain, because and he does not know, but in response to their dissatisfaction, he
simply begins to force them to follow the given commandments from under the lash.

What difficulties await the demon Sagittarius in the field of social self-realization?

Demon Sagittarius very well solves specific tasks and is based on already gained experience.
But he has a problem with new ideas. And basically, just due to the fact that he trusts only
practical experience - he knows what is possible in practice, so he cannot believe in something
else. After all, the new idea has not yet established itself on the physical plane, and it is
necessary to take on its implementation without guarantees of results, but only with faith, with an
intuitive sense of correctness, rather than relying on statistical data. So, the Sagittarius demon
still has the problem of the distrust of intuition, which came from a subtle plane of ideas, when it
will be feasible only what has already been confirmed by practical experience. If Lilith in
Sagittarius finds an idea, a direction - she can already succeed, because concrete steps to
implement the idea for her is not a problem. But if there is no idea ... Here the demon Sagittarius
overtakes failure, tk. He does not accept other people's ideas, and does not accept his own, but
work cannot bring him much success without an idea. The Gemini demon, on the contrary, has
no problems with ideas - they are pouring out of it as from a horn of plenty. But he is too much
in theories, not stooping to their detailed study and testing in practice. But the demon Sagittarius
wallows in practice, not having the original idea, does not see the details in common.

A very telling example of the difference between the Demon Sagittarius and the Demon Gemini
is Napoleon and Hitler. They are both called antichrists. Both of them tried to conquer the
world, create their own empire. Both for a while successfully carried out their plans, conquered
several countries. And both were subsequently expelled from the conquered countries, lost their
empire and power. It would seem similar paths. But there are significant differences. Napoleon
- Lilith in Sagittarius. Hitler - Lilith in Gemini. We are well aware of the ideological side of the
Hitler movement. Based on the works of Nietzsche (who, incidentally, is also Lilith in Gemini!),
He proclaimed the ideology of Nazism. And thousands of Germans, inspired by the idea of
being superhumans, reached for the banners of Nazism. They believed that they were going to
fight for a just cause - the revival of the great past of the Aryan race, the purification of the world
from the “lower”, “dirty” nations that are to blame for all the troubles of humanity. After all,
how do people like when there is someone to blame for their lives, when there is an enemy - a
scapegoat, and when you get a “license from God” to conquer someone else's property under the
pretext of purifying the world. Hitler used the old formula as the world - “we are the best”, “we
are the favorites of God”, “we must fight the infidels”. Give only the people such an idea and an
image of the enemy, and he will go to make revolutions, ter. acts, conquer other countries. So
Hitler had a great idea. And what about Napoleon? But about the ideological side of his
movement, we somehow do not recall. Because there is nothing to remember. He conquered the
world simply because he wanted to conquer it. He was not a theorist, but a practitioner. And
unlike Hitler, who was mainly engaged in inspiring troops from a distance, supported morale
with speeches about the great past and the great future (Sagittarius!) Of Germany, Napoleon
himself led the troops to the battlefields and forced them to follow orders ideas, but for the sake
of a practical result. Hitler - the word ideological (Sagittarius) leadership. Napoleon - business,
practical (Gemini) guidance, experience. But what was the mistake of each of them? We think
that many have already guessed.

Hitler ignored reality. He was so carried away by his ideas and grandiose plans that he did not
want to notice the real state of affairs on the fronts. He gave orders that the operation should be
carried out in such and such periods, although it was impossible for all the obvious indicators.
And further, even seeing that the plan was no longer being implemented, he did not want to
correct it, as a result, the plans no longer had anything to do with reality. Very revealing is the
fact that the real state of affairs was strenuously hiding even from the Germans themselves. The
propaganda programs inspired the people that Germany was close to victory even when it was on
the verge of defeat. The wrong tactics as a result of ignoring the reality, strict adherence to the
original strategy - that was the mistake of Hitler. And Napoleon's situation is reversed. He just
perfectly saw the reality, made decisions based on the current situation at the front. But when
Napoleon's troops faced difficulties, a big question arose: WHY for all of this? Napoleon had no
idea. Why did every simple Frenchman have to fight? For glory to your leader? For gaining
profit? Then where is the justification of violence, which is so necessary for troops, in the form
of the idea of eradicating infidels, divine mission, holy law, etc.? After all, only a few can rob
and kill for the sake of profit, and to force thousands of people to do this, you need an
ideological justification. The absence of a global idea that would raise the morale of the troops,
would unite the conquered countries - that’s Napoleon’s mistake. He did not take into account
the psychology of the crowd, the people, that the people need an idea. But Bill Clinton, who
also, like Lilith in Sagittarius, was impatient to conquer the world, and he started a war with Iraq,
the idea seemed to be found - a terrorist threat to the world, a chemical weapon allegedly owned
by Iraq. But as a result, then no one understood anything. Not a convincing, illusory,
apparently, the idea turned out to be (which is not surprising when the true goal is actually

But if Lilith in Sagittarius is worked out and can generate (to count from a subtle level) a real
idea, then it becomes even ready to give its life for it. The demon of Sagittarius may suffer for
his idea, if he does not have sufficient power, and a new idea or discovery strongly contradicts
the ideas that dominate the world, in society. Like, for example, Giordano Bruno, who was
burned at the stake for daring to contradict religion. The real reason for the conflict between
Bruno and the church was that Bruno claimed that there were many inhabited worlds in the
Universe, and not just one Earth (Sagittarius always wants to go as far as possible, to embrace as
much as possible!). And for the church it was unheard of audacity, because he, in fact, argued
that he knew better than religion about the structure of the Universe, which, in their opinion
(strange logic!), denies God. In fact, the church just saw a competitor in Bruno. After all, as it
should be Lilith in Sagittarius, he did not need well-known ideas, but he himself had already
generated a new idea that could deprive the church of its monopoly on creating a picture of the
world, because she represented an alternative worldview.

The relationship of Lilith in Sagittarius with religion and gods is also an interesting
question. The unworked Lilith in Sagittarius can create the illusion of religiosity and faith. That
is, she can consider and show others that she believes in God or some kind of ideology. But we
have already said that Lilith in Sagittarius does not really need famous ideas (and gods).
Therefore, many Lilith in Sagittarius, in the depths of their hearts, consider themselves to be a
god. People who communicate with Lilith in Sagittarius say about her: “he behaves as if he is
already a god, and he is completely absorbed in global affairs (do not bother me - I create the
universe!). But in fact, mired in bytovuhe ".

Lilith, not worked out in Sagittarius, striving to prove himself as Sagittarius as much as
possible, can impose his ideology, faith, even with his relatives, in the tone of a teacher,
ideologist, and preacher. They will not have time to open their mouths, as the demon of
Sagittarius will pounce on them with accusations of the absence of a global goal of life or faith
and will begin to indicate to what it is necessary to strive and what to believe. Other people's
goals, ideology and faith will not be respected, will ruthlessly criticize, make fun, do not take it
seriously. For the demon Sagittarius, this is the way of vampirism. His offers of help in
determining the goal of life and the spiritual path should not be taken, since then he (like any
Lilith in his field) will throw accusations like “you yourself are not capable of ...” Besides, the
demon Sagittarius, if he didn’t develop the ability to catch the true idea from above, can lead to a
false ideology trap, become a black teacher.

The task of Lilith in Sagittarius is to learn to capture and proclaim (First!), And then
implement new ideas. Her mission is the apocalypse, the end of the old world and the
arrangement of the new. It is not by chance that Nostradamus with his prophecies about future
cataclysms - Lilith in Sagittarius. In his face, we just see an example of how well developed
Lilith in Sagittarius is able to capture information from a delicate plan, how far she can look.
She can become not just a predictor - a prophet. Another example is the same Aleister Crowley,
who received information about the laws of the upcoming new eon, the Age of Aquarius.

Courage is another Lilith theme in Sagittarius. This theme is also traced in the roles of
actors with Lilith in Sagittarius - Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone. For example, in the film “The
Fifth Element,” the hero of Bruce Willis saves the earth from a collision with a comet, which
means saves humanity from destruction. In this film, we clearly see themes characteristic of
Lilith in Sagittarius: the coming apocalypse, courage and long journeys to other planets.

So, summing up, let's say a few more words about the differences between Lilith in
Sagittarius and Lilith in Gemini. Lilith in Gemini is initially connected to thin plans and receives
information from there, but she has a problem with grounding. For her, the highest plan is her
own, and on earth she is an alien. But her language is the language of the earthly plane. That is
why she speaks easily to people about higher planes, sets out theories in simple language. You
can say she is the messenger of the gods to the people. But Lilith in Sagittarius was originally
very well grounded, but she has a problem with access to a fine plan. Native to her is the earthly
plane, but her language is the language of the higher plane. That is why she speaks the language
of the highest plan about practical things. You can say she is the messenger of the people to the
gods. The man with Lilith in Sagittarius and the man with Lilith in Gemini will differ even in
the feelings emanating from them. Lilith in Sagittarius is felt powerful, earthly, rooted, strong,
practical. Lilith in Gemini - air, “not of this world”, soaring in high matters. Lilith in Sagittarius
- the land in which the powerful roots of the tree are kept. Lilith in Gemini - the wind swaying
the tops of the trees. And the task of each Lilit is just the development of the missing pole.

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Sagittarius:

Get involved in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of
Sagittarius. Teacher. Work in the sphere of politics, ideology, religion, spiritual teachings.

Work that requires travel to other countries, communication with foreigners. The study of
cultures and religions of the world. Astrology, astronomy.

Assume yourself in that state when you cannot see the general behind the particular, you do not
have any global idea, you do not see the final goal, but simply perform some necessary actions at
a particular moment. Accept calmly that you are engaged in small household chores, and not
great transformations.

Learn first from others yourself, study already existing ideas in the area that interests you, only
in this way you will gain experience, on the basis of which you will then go to your idea.

Do not impose on others your help in determining the religion, the ideology to follow, the goals
of life. Take it easy that others have a different faith, different ideas, different goals.

Respect the religions, ideologies, and spiritual teachings already existing in the world.

Instead of spending your holidays in your village or in your city, go on holiday abroad - the
farther the better. Start traveling the world, explore other countries, their culture, religion.

Seek to meet people of higher social status and level of education.

What gives worked Lilit in Sagittarius.

When problems are solved and experience is gained, a person realizes himself according to
Sagittarius as much as possible. The task of the Sagittarius demon is to find an idea, more
precisely, to catch the idea of global change that is already in the air. If he succeeds, he becomes
known for his prophecies as Nostradamus. Becomes a teacher, carrying the knowledge of the
new time, like Aleister Crowley. He succeeds and transforms the world, like Peter I, who cut
through a window to Europe and radically changed the way of life in Russia, or like Bill Gates,
who contributed to the global computerization of the whole world. When he develops the ability
to see the general, to see the archetypes, he can create a fundamental teaching, like Carl Jung, the
founder of Jungian psychology working with the archetypes of the human unconscious. Or it
can make a discovery that can fundamentally change the outlook of people - like Giordano

Famous people with Lilit in Sagittarius: Aleister Crowley, Bill Gates, Sylvester Stallone,
Bruce Willis, Marina Vlady, Keanu Reeves, Andrei Konchalovsky, Dante Aligieri, Hans
Christian Andersen, Emile Zola, Cyrano de Bergerac, Giordano Bruno, Napoleon Napéronne
Naponeon, Emone Zola, Napoleon Bergerac, Giordano Bruno, Naponeon Napierone Peter-1,
Carl Jung, Vladimir Vysotsky, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan.

Lilith in Capricorn. Demon bes-order

(Terminator Destroyer).

The problem of hierarchical order.

The toilet is not cleaned for a hundred years, the flush side is broken ... Things are lying
around in disarray, heaps of old rubbish mixed with dust ... Wreckage of furniture, spilled vodka
on the floor, uncleaned food on the table and dirty dishes, which are full of scrolls of
cockroaches ... Depressed not 100 year old dumped anywhere ... Do you think the Terminator
went here and destroyed all living things? No, there is a living here - this is Lilith in Capricorn.
And all that you see around is a normal home environment for the unlearned Lilith in Capricorn,
and the work of her own hands.

Why should I clean the house? - says Capricorn demon - Am I going to get more money
from this? Yes, the Capricorn demon has a more serious problem than cockroaches - he plows
his whole life on some (usually state) structure with a rigid hierarchy. But, despite his faithful
service to the system, he still remains in the lowest positions, a career advancement does not
shine for him, and he cannot wait for the promised apartment system. It is to blame for this
overbearing bosses! - with indignation declares Lilith in Capricorn - it does not fulfill its duties
towards the employees, all rows for themselves! And in general - they all got stuck, they do not
respect her! And relatives do not fulfill their obligations towards her. Relatives? We are
obliged to help with money and food for the poor pensioner! Parents? Must exchange their
apartment, since the son huddles in the hostel! Wife? Must help her husband while he is
unemployed! And do not be outraged that the Capricorn demon did not say “thank you”. As if
he needs it! You want him to live in good conditions, you don’t like cockroaches, and you give
him ultimatums that you don’t want to come to such a dwelling - so pay for your desires! In
addition, it is the duty of others, and especially loved ones - to help a person achieve better living
conditions! - convinced demon Capricorn. He reproaches others for violating the order
instituted in his house, and will not tolerate it when they impose their own order. Around
everyone became impudent, they only think how to subjugate me, put me in a degraded position!
- indignant demon Capricornus. “But no, you can't break off the horns of the stubborn demon of
Capricorn, you can't force your orders, you won't wait!” He will resist and destroy enemies like
a terminator. And what if no one was going to impose his own orders and subjugate him?
Nothing, nothing, the Capricorn demon will always find a reason to express violent protest.
Insulting others, arranging fights and slamming the door, he will never again consider himself
wrong. Sincere apologies you will not wait from him.

What provokes the demon Capricorn.

In others: the fact that they have some kind of their own orders. When they say
that he needs to carry out some orders, obey the hierarchy. When they refuse to
comply with the orders imposed on them. Order in a strange house, beautiful
interior. When they say that it is necessary to start small, that you need to achieve
everything yourself, they refuse to present everything on a platter. In myself: when
trying to follow certain established orders, to observe the hierarchy, but there is not
enough strength to endure. When you have to make strenuous efforts, go in steps,
and you want to get everything easily and immediately.

How the demon manifests itself.

Capricorn Demon - Terminator Destroyer. He will terrorize you by violating

order, smashing, breaking everything around, spoiling the interior, destroying your
property. Also scandal, insults with the last words, demonstrates disrespect,
disgraces in the presence of witnesses.

How to neutralize the demon

Promise to abide by his orders. In the case of a pogrom that has begun - to use
force and put the demon out the door. If you are completely outraged - hand it
over to the police. If he starts to insult him by phone or in person, stop talking to
him, not answer his calls, do not let him into the house. Warn your entourage so
that you will not be invited to the telephone and not frightened by the cries of the
demon — that this is a sick person calling. Lilith in Capricorn has such a feature
that the harder you deal with her, the more she loves and respects you. And the
kinder you are to her - the stronger her insults.

The Capricorn demon is outraged that for his hard work in the organization and the
observance of all orders he is not promoted, not encouraged, no matter how hard he tries. But in
fact, he has absolutely no willingness and desire to climb the career ladder. He wants to
immediately and effortlessly jump to a higher level of hierarchy and receive its fruits. In fact,
Lilith in Capricorn is not able and does not want to climb to the top by hard work. The
Capricorn demon has no sense of purpose. There is only a desire to give him everything on a
silver platter with a blue rim, so that external forces immediately transfer him to the top, like a
wave of a magic wand. He does not want to start small, to rise gradually, in steps. “What do I
need to do to improve my position?” He asks the people around for recipes. And when he is told
about some of the first stages that will bring such and such an intermediate result, he is outraged
that if there is no global expected result right away, then why bother at all? The principle of
gradualism for the Capricorn demon is not clear. Imagine a person who is standing in front of
the stairs and does not want to take a step on the first step, stubbornly saying that he needs to
immediately go to the top. But without taking the first step, you cannot reach the top! However,
the Capricorn demon is not so much tempted to even sit on the top, but in a deep hole, where
everything would fall down. After all, as you already understood, under the imaginary guise of
Capricorn is Cancer.

The Capricorn demon does not wish to put effort into something, if it does not
immediately bring him some global result, substantial fruit. He does not clean the house,
because does not see a direct connection, as cleanliness in the apartment will bring him a career
boost or solve a financial problem. He walks in dirty clothes, because there is no guarantee that
the arrival in a clean suit will immediately trigger a proposal for an increase in salary from the
head. And if it does not, so why strain and wash a suit? Such is the logic of the Capricorn
demon. And you can’t prove him the opposite! Well, in fact, does the arrival in clean clothes
guarantee a promotion proposal from the authorities? Not. Well then why do you need to wash
clothes? !! Lilith in Capricorn recognizes that, say, a successful manager in a large company
should not be wearing a dirty T-shirt a decade old and not in loose pants, but in a decent business
suit. And he is ready to purchase this costume. “But just let me first appoint this manager to a
large company!” Says the demon Capricorn and ... comes in for an interview to the head of a
large company in a dirty T-shirt a decade ago and in loose pants. The result of the interview is
clear to everyone

But even if the manager turned out to be completely indifferent to the appearance of
Lilith in Capricorn (which happens not often), and Lilith in Capricorn was hired, her career still
does not shine. What is the reason for this?

The hard work of the Capricorn demon, for which he considers himself worthy of
promotion, is also fiction. After working for two hours, he would later lie on a couch all day,
groaning that he was overworked. And even directly at work will arrange a dream-hour or be
declared drunk. And his honest work-in for a tick, with which he argues the need for career
advancement, does not single out him from the crowd of employees, so the authorities do not
need him for a higher position. He sometimes does not even understand the difference between
an ordinary performer and a valuable employee. Example: a man with Lilith in Capricorn
worked as a manager in a private firm. He demanded a wage increase from the head. And the
boss says to him: “you at least take some initiative, find new suppliers, make deals for a large
amount. And this month you almost didn’t conclude any deals, why should you raise the salary?
”“ But where am I going to look for someone else for you ?! - indignant demon Capricornus.
“Is it my fault that the deals are not concluded ?!” That's how the Capricorn demon does not
understand that he simply objectively does not cope with duties for a higher position. He does
not want to take the initiative and quick-wittedness, but wants to be provided with everything,
and he only did some mechanical work that any fool can do. That is why Lilith in Capricorn
prefers to work in the state. structure for a small but guaranteed regardless of the quality of work
wages work in a private firm. Especially she does not like this method of payment, as a
percentage of the transaction, etc. It is understandable why. You will spend time and effort on
negotiations, but what if a deal does not take place? And we know that Lilith in Capricorn does
not want to once again lift a finger, if it does not immediately give a certain global result. In
addition, if only Lilith in Capricorn realizes that there is an opportunity to get something from
someone (Cancer), and not seeking for yourself (Capricorn), then you can’t force it to do
anything more. There is a guaranteed salary - she will perform her duties on average, and don't
expect anything more from her. It will not surprise you with new ideas or over-fulfillment of the
plan, it will not surprise you with a new way of more effective work. She does not need all this.
After all, she represents a career (Capricornus) from the point of view of Cancer and acts like
Cancer: the boss should be a caring mother, promote you herself, raise her salary, lisp with you,
the office should be your own home (yes, and the company must give an apartment!) someone
has to take care of you, so strong that subconsciously the Capricorn demon rejects the possibility
of earning himself, hoping for someone. Example: a husband lived with a better-off wife, and
when she went to another city, he had no one to hope for. He started making money by himself.
Engage in private practice. And his wife said she was coming. And an amazing thing: all the
husband's clients suddenly disappeared. And it was from the moment he learned about the
arrival of his wife. Miracles? No, the natural work of the subconscious. The man made efforts,
earning money himself, and upon learning of his wife's arrival, he immediately relaxed, began to
hope for her, decided that “now mother will come and give money”. And this is how Lilith in
Capricorn reacts to the proposal to jointly open a case: “I need this! I'd rather go to a ready-
made company! That's how you open up, everything will work stably, then call me! ”They say
to her:“ You understand that in a ready-made company you will receive only a small percentage
from each transaction? The lion’s share will be received by the manager who founded the
company, invested his money, rented the premises, etc. ”“ Well, what else! - exclaims the
demon Capricorn. “Where they go, they will pay, otherwise I will not work!” From here
everything becomes completely clear. Who needs an employee who wants to come to the
maximum for everything that is ready, and at the same time he sets tough requirements, sets
ultimatums, and does not respect his employers at all?

Yes, with external obedience and observance of duties, the demon Capricorn ignores the
existing orders in the structure, tries to live according to its rules in a foreign monastery. He
does not recognize the hierarchy and does not know how to obey, he is openly indignant at the
decisions of his superiors, he speaks disdainfully about the boss with other employees, and even
with himself. A special feature of Lilith in Capricorn is that she always hates her superiors. Any
boss, whatever he was, causes her dislike. Just as successful career colleagues, and indeed any
person of higher social status. And all because the Capricorn demon cannot, through his own
fault, achieve in life the same things that they have achieved, but he considers anyone but
himself to be guilty in this. The Capricorn demon is disliked by the authorities, to all those
above, so he has problems with his career, with the rise of the social ladder. He sends his
superiors far away, as a result of which he either leaves work or is dismissed if his behavior has
become completely unbearable. It is interesting to compare him with the demon Cancer, who,
on the contrary, hates his subordinate employees, psychologically presses them, and eventually,
with a scandal, disperses everyone, sends employees and associates to hell and remains alone in
his company. While his task is just the opposite - to create a company that serves as a home for
employees, take care of them, and provide psychological support.

The Capricorn demon hats the chief and his colleagues, criticizes them, not following his
vocabulary. Familiarly about the boss (yes, this Vaska ...) considers all his colleagues as cheeks
and bribe takers. Lilith in Capricorn is generally characterized by a lack of respect for anyone.
She will defiantly speak with a familiar tone even with the president herself, emphasizing that
she does not recognize the hierarchy, making it clear that for her and the president is nobody.
Thus, the Capricorn demon wants to exalt himself - insulting others, disregarding hierarchy. But
the hierarchy does not disappear from this! He likes to talk about his acquaintances with
influential people (yes, I know this Petka, your boss is a goat !!!))

Hating successful, self-respecting and respected other people, Lilith in Capricorn likes to
hobnob with a rabble. For example, he collects alcoholic parasites in his home, gives them
money to talk together about a bottle about how the circle is about the bastards, talks to dubious
personalities who only use it, cheat.

A special feature of Lilith in Capricorn is that she responds with insults and rudeness to
those who care about her, and vice versa, enthusiastically speaks about those who use her,
deceive, treat her harshly, and beat her. It is the latter that she considers her own people. Here is
a case in point who prefers Lilith in Capricorn. A man with Lilith in Capricorn married a woman
of higher income who did not want to live with him in a hostel. Then he asked his brother and
parents to give him an empty apartment (if it were not his wife, he would have arranged life in a
dirty hostel), they agreed (the Capricorn demon didn’t get an apartment by his own labor, but by
the method of Cancer - with the help of relatives). Thanks, of course, he did not tell them, he
took it for granted. The apartment required repair. My wife offered the help of a trusted
professional, a woman who made repairs in her apartment. She said she would make repairs for
3,000 rubles. But the husband said: “we have a couple of painters here in the hostel - a husband
and a wife, I agree, they take cheaper - 1000 rubles”. He hired this pair of painters, who initially
seemed doubtful to his wife, for repairs in his apartment, agreed with them about payment, they
began repairs. During the repair, the husband conducted crony conversations with the painters,
escorted them to a halt, which surprised his wife: “Who are you friends? You don't know them,
you just hired them for work. Why such ceremonies with employees? And why be friends with
such people - why do you have no decent friends? ”To which the husband answered rudely:“
How can you treat people like that, snicker bitch! What are you throwing a person, you see - he
is lame, he should be carried out to a stop ”. But what happened next. The wife no longer went
to check how the repair was going on, leaving her husband to communicate with her “favorite”
painters. Repair suddenly became somehow delayed, and my wife noticed that her husband was
beginning to get nervous, something was depressing him. And now he has no other way left to
admit how to confess to his wife: it turns out that every time painters assigned him a higher and
higher price, and now they are demanding from him instead of one thousand seven (!) Thousand
rubles, explaining this for various reasons, allegedly they did complex renovation. My wife
decided to figure out what kind of renovation did the painters. When she arrived at the
apartment, she saw the following: wallpaper, billowing with bubbles, not even matching the
stripes on the drawing, glued so unevenly that the drunk would stick evenly. The stained ceiling,
the broken tile in the bathroom, all covered with the solution to which it was stuck. In general,
the devastation was even more than before the repair. And then there were proudly the painters
who, it turns out, didn’t even proceed to the second room, although all the agreed dates had
passed. “And it’s good that they haven’t started!” Thought the wife, mentally calculating the
cost of damaged materials and realizing the need to invite another master to redo all repairs. She
kicked out the hack-out painters without paying them a penny. All the time while she was
dealing with painters, her husband did not utter a word, guiltily hanging his head. But he felt
guilty before the painters! And they also tried to push him, reminded of persuading them to pay,
leaving said: “we'll talk about it again!” “Yes, yes!” - the husband nodded in response. The
painters tried for some time to extort money from the man, wrote letters to him with their
quotations of the “euro-repair” produced. But his wife forbade him to communicate with the
painters, and as payment he would take the tattered wallpaper to them, which her husband did.
Painters are behind him. This is what Lilith in Capricorn can do to hatred for more successful
people who actually help him, and the desire that comes from here to hobnob with anyone, with
those who use and deceive him. However, dislike of successful people does not prevent the
Capricorn demon from asking for help from them, as in the example above, where the husband,
although he thought his wife was a bitter bitch, did not hesitate to beg for money, like a little
child. After all, inside the tough demon Capricorn sits a Cancer child with the whole set of
children's whims.

Now imagine how unpleasant Lilith should be in Capricorn, when she rudely demands material
and emotional support from them, and having received her, instead of gratitude, sends them to
hell and goes for that money to splash out with homeless people, or so as to wash the bones with
them to those who care about her. Here is another example: a woman before retirement worked
as a nurse in a hospital with a very high government organization, but she did not make any
career. She accused the organization, they say, from her youth, she was invited to work there,
because She was a good athlete to perform at competitions, which is why she never received a
higher education. She herself abused alcohol, led a scandalous lifestyle. After the death of her
parents and brother, her brother’s wife, her son and daughter remained her close relatives. The
son offered her to exchange his apartment so that he and his family could get more. She agreed
to move to a smaller apartment. But for this set the condition that he helped her. He and his
wife honestly fulfilled all obligations, helped the woman with money, food, maintained
communication. She, after leaving the organization, got a job as a janitor at one hospital. She
worked four hours a day, for the rest of the time she got drunk before losing her pulse, brought
home companions almost picked up on the street, made fights, broke all the plumbing. The
apartment has never been cleaned. Visitors from another city gave shelter to the unemployed,
they often deceived her, did not pay money for accommodation, fed them with “breakfasts”, that
they were about to find a job and pay, while they themselves lived at her expense. More
precisely, not only for her - she received a small pension and salary. She begged for money from
the family that helped her, the son of her brother's wife. More precisely, she didn’t even ask, but
demanded, called him with threats, insults, called him and his wife for work, cutting them with
obscenities and dishonoring to employees and subordinates. The man did not refuse to help her,
his wife cleaned up the apartment of the raging grandmothers, with their own money they
repaired the sanitary equipment and telephone, constantly broken by the grandmothers and her
friends, they came to comfort her, invited her to checkmate with children. But she didn’t touch
her soul in a man’s sister — a girl who was not working anywhere, who rented her apartment,
and then robbed tenants, talked to drug addicts, also drank heavily, was threatened with
deprivation of parental rights to her daughter. The girl invited the grandmother to visit, soldered
her and took all the money. Together with her grandmother, she washed the bones of her
brother, whom she disliked, incited her grandmother to plot against the brother and his wife, to
make scandals for them. When grandma tried to make a scandal at the house of this girl, she just
beat her and threw her out the door. But this did not diminish the grandmother’s love for her;
she herself bore her money, begging her brother, and then cursing him with the last words.

Yes, Lilith's relatives in Capricorn have a hard time with her. After all, for her, scandals,
insults, slamming the door, disorder, and damage to property - a way of vampirism. And a very
good way - who will be able to calmly watch the Capricorn demon, coming to visit him, will
blow his nose into the sink, not flushing with himself, or slam the door so that it breaks off its
hinges. If a Capricorn demon visited your house, it is the same as the Terminator has walked,
sowing total destruction. And Lilith in Capricorn does not appreciate someone else’s property -
she doesn’t have her own, so it’s necessary to spoil someone else’s! In her house, too,
devastation (it should comfort you!), Simply in an incomprehensible way, the Capricorn demon
effortlessly in a short time manages to destroy any dwelling. Plumbing is particularly affected.
The Capricorn demon attracts leaks to roofs, poor repairmen who will only spoil everything,
always live in such a house that it’s scary to enter the porch. Without tidying up the house,
living in a pile of old rubbish, he does not believe that he lives in disarray. “Chaos is not a mess,
it's just such an order!” Says the Capricorn demon. Why? Normal such devilish order.

Lilith in Capricorn accuses others that they allegedly violate the order of her life, impose
their own order, do not reckon with it. But she does not notice how she does not consider herself
with others, destroys the orders of others and imposes her own order. For example, the above-
mentioned granny rented one room in her apartment to lodgers. She accused them that they say
they go to bed late, do not let her fall asleep. But what was she doing herself! Having gotten
drunk, she fell into the room to the lodgers, imposed drunken conversations, completely without
thinking that people could have their own business, constantly climbed into their lives, did not let
them pass.

The topic of destruction, horrors and black humor are close to Lilith in Capricorn and is
manifested in her work. No wonder the role of the Terminator played by Arnold
Schwarzenegger - Lilith in Capricorn. And Stephen King with his horrors - Lilith in Capricorn.
But what a funny poem composed by one man with Lilith in Capricorn, who is fond of magic:

“Grandma for spoiling preparing the potion:

I will poison everyone - that will be fun!

Sharply on trial took him -

That's really from the grandmother, and there is nothing.

It remains unclear why the grandmother needed the most to try a poisonous potion, which
she was going to poison all around. But, nevertheless, this rhyme characterizes Lilith in
Capricorn very colorfully.

Why does Lilith in Capricorn express such a violent protest of the hierarchy and the order
established by someone? Firstly, because it wants to show itself as much as possible on
Capricorn, that is, to create its own order, its own rigid hierarchy, but there is not enough
experience in Capricorn. Secondly, in fact, it more than others depends on the order established
in society, it cannot violate them, even if it understands their falsity and harm to themselves, and
this is expressed in her external protest - riots and insults. Breaking external structures, Lilith in
Capricorn is protesting against her own rigid internal attitudes that were inspired to her by her
parents and, by the school, by society since childhood. She cannot get rid of the law-abiding
citizen, the submissive screw of a large mechanism. As a magnet, she is drawn into structures
that require strict submission and the observance of special orders (prison, customs, army,
government agency, etc.). As a result, expressing external protest, where no one subordinates
her, in major situations, when she is indeed forced to observe strict social order, she cannot
refuse, she is submissive, like a zombie. And when she criticizes her superiors, people in
authority, she actually feels fear of them. This is a significant difference. If the colleagues of
Lilith in Capricorn outwardly perform their duties and praise the boss, then they really don't give
a damn about the boss, and they bypass the rules, take bribes, cheat, use their official position for
personal purposes. But Lilith in Capricorn outwardly protests against the boss, but in reality she
is afraid of him, cannot defend her rights, for example, the salary increase promised by her boss,
for years she works hard for pennies, waiting for handouts from the office. She cannot go
against the routine, take bribes, use her official position. But he doesn’t want to work for
pennies, he starts to freeze. As a result, there is no benefit from work, there is no career.

Lilith in Capricorn will somehow fall into structures with a rigid hierarchy and order, and
she must learn to interact with these structures, to accept for themselves these orders. She needs
to climb the steps up the levels of the hierarchy, being equal to the higher levels, and not to the
lower levels. She needs to be a calculating careerist. And when she learns the qualities of
Capricorn in the finished structure, she can rebuild it or even create her own. In another
monastery with its charter do not go, but becoming the abbot of the monastery, you can rewrite
its charter at its discretion.

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Capricorn:

Get involved in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Capricorn.
Arrange in a structure, a large company with several levels of hierarchy and gradually reach the
top, make a career. Work in structures with rigid orders, in the areas observing the order (police,
tax, customs, prison, army). Administrative activities, work manager. Work in the cemetery
(start with the grave-digger, having gained experience, open a private cemetery).

Take yourself calmly in that state when you do not want to obey social attitudes, to perform the
actions prescribed by certain rules.

Instead of fulfilling the rules that limit you, outraged, either follow and do not resent, or do not
follow at all.

Do not try to convince others that they need your well-being, and you yourself would have done
without their help. If you still need material support from loved ones, honestly admit it.

If you do not want others to force you to carry out their orders, say that you owe them
something, do not consider yourself close to your boss or your blessings, and do not force others
to carry out your orders.

Respect others 'plans, do not disturb others' plans with your late arrival, buy a good watch and
keep time accuracy.

Instead of experiencing that you can’t globally change your life now (buy a new apartment, for
example), take those steps that can eliminate those life inconveniences that really can be
eliminated: fix broken bathroom fixtures, furniture, clean up the house, wash clothes. Do not try
to find a connection, as this local achievement will help you move towards a global goal.

It’s the same at work: don’t try to find a way to make your career right away. Better find what
you can improve in your work at the moment, and do it.

What gives the worked Lilith in Capricorn.

When problems are solved and experience is gained, a person realizes himself to the maximum
in Capricorn. He can go to the heights of his career, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who first built
his body with stubborn exercises, won the competition, achieved popularity as an actor, and then
recognition as a politician, went from Terminator to state governor. Or it can destroy the
established hierarchy and impose its order all over the world, like Nikita Khrushchev, knocking a
shoe on the podium in front of the whole world, organizing the import of Soviet nuclear missiles
to Cuba to prevent US military intervention and dictate the conditions for it.

Famous people with Lilith in Capricorn: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo da Vinci, Ivan
Shishkin, Vera Glagoleva, Gwyneth Petrow, Tom Hanks, Stephen King, Lewis Carroll, Mikhail
Lermontov, Nikita Khrushchev.

Lilith in Aquarius. Demon public (Blessed).

The problem of inclusion in society.

The ghost is haunting Europe, the ghost of communism ... In the face of the demon Aquarius
The demon of Aquarius is always a very pleasant, pretty person, calm, polite, friendly, sociable.
He is respected by his friends, who, as a rule, have a lot of him, by the team in which he works.
No one will say a bad word about this non-pretentious person with modest inquiries, not striving
for titles and awards, honestly doing their job for the benefit of the collective, society, and
country. “We must live simply, we must live in harmony with the whole world, we must live in
harmony with the people, conscience, God,” says the demon of Aquarius. “All people are equal,
there’s no need to consider yourself special.” He condemns bourgeois luxury, sincerely
wondering why there are lobsters when there are ordinary potatoes. He condemns those who
forget about other people, forget about spirituality, about their soul, cares only about their
mundane interests. He condemns the attachment of a person to his desires, and even more active
in their satisfaction. “Clean your karma vessel! - he sincerely calls others - I have already done
it! ”Many are touched, looking at him - blissful! He does not need anything from life, he lives
righteously, in harmony with God, with people, and for this life itself presents him all the
benefits. Looking at him, his calm comes the thought that this man already understood all the
main laws of being, understood how to live correctly. But he himself does not hide that yes - he
knows how to live correctly, he was born already with awareness and understanding, he is so
wise from God. And he will gladly give you advice, share his understanding of the laws of life.
And what are these laws? “The main thing is not to receive the result, the main thing is that you
do not violate spiritual laws, in order not to make your karma heavy,” he believes. - Humble
yourself - he calls everyone, stop wanting anything in life! After all, when you do not get what
you want, you get invaluable experience, and this is more important! Do you not understand
how lucky you are that your desires have not been fulfilled! ”... And if someone does not ask
Lilith’s wise advice in Aquarius, if someone is not interested in his speech about correct life, and
if someone will do it your way? It is here that a formidable growl instantly sober up this
insolent person who imagines that he, the last idiot, stupid, insignificant, generally understands
something in life, he who dared not obey the WISE - the Aquarian demon will tell him
everything he thinks of him. After all, he, the demon of Aquarius, for him, unfortunate, tries, he
always tries for others, he does not need anything for himself! He is only trying to prevent a
catastrophe, which inevitably awaits this idiot if he does not heed his advice on how to act
correctly. “You will snot on a fist to shake, when you will be a failure, all affairs at you will
collapse, then we will see who was right! Only then do not say that I did not warn you! ”- the
demon Aquarius throws terrible words at the disobedient man. - You yourself are not able to
understand what and how to do it, your life experience is nothing! And in general, no one is able
to understand anything, no one knows how to live correctly! Only I, I, I know this !!! ”

What provokes the demon Aquarius.

In others: when they have personal desires and actively try to realize them in ways that do not
correspond to his ideas of correctness, when they succeed, act in these ways and set as an
example their personal experience. When they have their own understanding of life, they do not
need his advice, they do it in their own way, they do not recognize him as the most
knowledgeable. In oneself: when trying to be socially active, but there is no desire, when trying
to give advice without personal interest, but cannot, personal ambitions are included.

How the demon manifests itself.

Threatens, intimidates with failures and misfortunes if you do not obey and do not take his
advice. If you talk about your plans, but they don’t like them, they will energetically press,
inspire uncertainty, so that you will refuse them. Demonstrates disrespect, shows that he
considers you lower than himself, in the language of the great sage, haughtily. If you do your
own way, it will blackmail or show aggression.

How to neutralize the demon.

Agree with him, promise to follow his advice. Do not talk in advance about those plans that,
you know, he will not approve, just silently do in their own way.


Demon Aquarius - the ghost of communism. Indeed, only a ghost. With external sociability
and involvement in the life of society, in fact, Lilith in Aquarius is isolated from other people.
There is such a thing: “separated from the team”. In Soviet times, they talked with
condemnation about individual farmers living only by their own interests, spitting on the needs
of the collective. So, Lilith in Aquarius is separated as much as possible from the collective,
although outwardly she looks as much as possible included in the group of society in the midst of
the people. The demon of Aquarius is fully focused on his person, for him my self is the center
of the universe, around which all the stars revolve. One demon of Aquarius even sincerely
confessed: “Yes, I am the navel of the earth!” After all, as you already understood, under the
imaginary guise of Aquarius, Leo hides with all his royal ways.

Talk about the fact that the Aquarian demon needs nothing from life is fiction. He needs, and
how! But he’s deeply convinced that this is all for him, as a king, life, other people, and the
whole Universe should be presented on a silver platter. From here it is clear why the Aquarian
demon, although speaking out against expensive delicacies and other bourgeois luxury, does not
refuse if someone else buys these delicacies to him, furnishes his house with furniture, gives him
a car. And while at least someone indulges his desires, the demon Aquarius himself does not lift
a finger. Here is how the wife of one demon of Aquarius was indignant: “He needs nothing all
his life! All the furniture in the apartment was bought by me and my daughter. And he would
have lived. When others at his job appropriated the decommissioned cars, he didn’t take it - he
built himself an honest citizen, but in fact he didn’t need it, but he didn’t think about us. And we
would go on the “Volga” now! ”. This example clearly shows that the Aquarian demon is
always guided only by its desires. Or not desires. That is, if he himself does not need something
for himself, he will not even think that others may need it. Here is a prime example: Nikolai-2,
the king. It would seem that this is who should be most involved in the life of the whole society,
the state, and think about the welfare of the whole nation. But historical facts say that, in fact,
Nikolai was more interested in his private life, the narrow family circle, he was not actively
involved in the life of the country. Even when it was obvious that a revolution was brewing,
changes were coming in the country, instead of actively intervening, he simply renounced power,
arguing that it would be better for the country, and not in fact, he simply disclaimed
responsibility. He wanted a quiet family idyll, he personally did not need power, but he did not
think that his power could serve others, the people, could change the course of events in the
country, that maybe it would be better for the country to prevent a revolution. As a result, the
“ghost of communism” in the country was already manifested in reality.

The convenience of the other demon Aquarius thinks last. Here's another example: the girl
persistently tried to get a few months from a young man with whom she lived, so that he would
help her to sort out books on shelves everywhere and to go with her to buy a palace. But he was
in no hurry, because he personally didn’t need it, moreover, he dissuaded the girl with a smart
look in the manner typical for Lilith in Aquarius: “why do you need it, and you can live like that
in an apartment, the interior is already overkill” . And when she objected to him: “guests come
to us, why don't you think of them that they are uncomfortable?” He replied: “They will survive,
and so they will walk, they will not go anywhere”. Perhaps, in fact, he simply was too lazy to
move himself, and he waited for the girl, having lost patience, to do everything herself. In the
end - all, thanks to her perseverance, he agreed and helped. Lilith in Aquarius can look lazy in
the eyes of others. But the real reason that she refuses to do something lies deeper - in the
absence of desire, she simply does not need it.

But the very lack of desire in Lilith in Aquarius may have a deeper reason. She doesn't just
want something. She does not allow herself to want, she believes that she does not have the right
to want something for herself personally - this already triggers the desire to maximize oneself
through Aquarius, to get rid of Leo’s too much personal interest. But while the qualities of
Aquarius are not developed, she has the lion's wishes, she simply suppresses them with all her
strength. And as a manifestation of her suppressed desires, she will strive to suppress any
desires from other people: “I don’t want to, and I don’t advise you to do it!” Therefore, you
shouldn’t listen to the wise advice of the Aquarius demon. In fact, he says this only because he
himself has a subconscious block on desire, forbids himself to want, is experiencing a complex
about this. But he has desires, and very many! He is simply engaged in self-deception and
deception of others. Here is an example of how this contradiction manifests itself in life: a man
with Lilith in Aquarius works as an accountant in a private firm. He is fond of esotericism,
looking for ways to live a good life, studied the technique of how to cleanse the “vessel of
karma”. But besides that, he attends everything and attends the most varied courses on the topic
of raising the level of income and attracting money. It would seem that there is nothing bad, one
does not interfere. It turns out that it is hindering: this person (by the way, like many people, and
not only with Lilith in Aquarius!) Is hindered by the false attitude that the desire for material
goods is incompatible with spirituality and the right life. Signing up for another course, he
complained: “I doubt that this training will have an effect. How many courses I took - all to no
avail, the money did not increase. So these courses were swindlers, I was deceived.”

Think what happened next? And then everything turned out. In response to the assignments for
the course, he gave answers almost in five minutes, although the assignment implied that it was
necessary to penetrate the material, think it over, and also put it into practice. But after all every
Lilith in Aquarius believes that he understands everything, and more than others! Moreover, his
answers were written in the spirit of philosophizing about a righteous life, in a tone of
blessedness, and he did not want to stoop to practical action. “Why do tasks in practice? - he
genuinely wondered. - I already understand everything! Why should I myself go to firms and
find out what kind of salary and where accountants are paid? Friends told me where they pay so
much, I believe them.” Of course, the demon of Aquarius does not want to descend to go into
society itself and communicate with him! He, like Leo Tsar, was given the information by his
friends, why should the king be tense himself? Further, in the course of training, the man even
declared that he was satisfied with his current financial situation, and at the moment he has no
material desires. The question is: why does he then all go and go at different monetary rates, if
he has enough money? And why then is indignant that his income has not increased, if he does
not need more money, and he does not want to make any practical efforts? There is a clear
contradiction in the desires of this man. Most likely, he wants to have more money, but can not
use a technique that does not meet his ideas about correctness. After all, for a demon of
Aquarius, it is important to act in accordance with your understanding, even if it does not bring
him any results. Obviously, while attending cash seminars, he came there with his idea of how,
in his opinion, one should live properly, and could not accept any recommendations that did not
coincide with his convictions.

Lilith in Aquarius, as Lilith in the mental sign, is divorced from reality. And it creates
problems. Because only practice can show the Aquarian demon how correct is his understanding
of life. After all, initially the Black Moon distorts the quality of the sign, creates illusions.
Therefore, even the Aquarius demon considers that from birth he understands everything in life,
but his understanding is illusory. In fact, he either does not understand anything, or he
understands radically wrong. And when confronted with reality, it turns out exactly what was
the illusion. But the demon Aquarius does not want to part with his illusions, cannot recognize
that he has not yet become the wisest, therefore he avoids testing by practice. And when
illusions still break when confronted with reality, they still stubbornly refuse to admit they were
wrong, they start blaming others.

The Aquarius demon can be trusted only to a certain close circle, people whom he considers his
subjects and who do not claim to be the wisest. It turns out the lion-king and his lioness. It
could be a family, it could be friends. Being sure that he, as a king, the subjects will always give
the right advice, encourage the correct information, do everything for him, the Aquarian demon
does not descend to practice, because the lion does not hunt! At the same time, he doesn’t trust
those who are not in this close circle to the wider society at all. Since they do not obey him, how
can they believe that they want him good! Hoping for “loyal subjects,” and not accepting the
advice of those who are not among them and not honoring him, he often finds himself in a
situation where reality does not correspond to the information provided by the “subjects”. And it
turns out that the person whom the demon Aquarius refused to listen is right. Example:
intending to rest to the south in a holiday home with a girl, the young man decided to find out
how it is with food. He asked his parents, who had rested there in previous years, and they told
him that it was possible to eat only in the canteen, there was no possibility to cook myself there.
The girl doubted this information, said that it is better to call directly to the site and find out
everything. But will the demon of Aquarius strain once more if his “loyal subjects” (parents)
provided him with information? As a result, he paid for meals in advance in the dining room,
and when they arrived, it turned out that there was a stove in the house where they lived, you can
cook around, there are grocery stores around, and there are many cafes on the territory of the
holiday house itself. But since the money was already paid, they were forced to eat in the dining
room porridge and potatoes, and for such a price that it was possible to go to a restaurant with
this money.

The demon of Aquarius puts his theoretical understanding above the practical experience of
others, if this experience does not correlate with his ideas. It doesn't matter that you, by acting
with such methods, for example, earned a lot of money. This does not correspond to his canon
of correct life - it means that he cannot bring money! “And what is this?” - you ask, showing
him the bills. “Yes, it's a pittance!” He exclaims. “Only by using the methods that I consider
correct, you can earn a lot of money!” “Yes, first try at least to earn these pennies!” - you should
tell him that. The demon of Aquarius, however, will not retreat so easily. Wanting to prove his
case, he will still psychologically pressure you. His favorite method is suggestion to a person of
failure to set up, intimidation: “Yes, before you, you could have made it by this method. But
everything changed! Try to make money now, and I will look at you! ”He ominously whispers
with a calm smile. And he will use all his forces to put sticks in your wheels (mainly, by
constant dripping on the brains and instilling uncertainty) so that you fail, and he, by that, turned
out to be right and had the reputation of an all-knowing sage.

The demon of Aquarius is generally characterized by hyper-self-confidence. It is interesting to

compare it with the demon Leo. If the demon Leo is unsure of himself and longs for the
approval and love of millions, and each one individually, and even having received it, still
cannot believe in himself, the demon of Aquarius, on the contrary, will consider himself the
navel of the earth, even if the entire population of the planet tells him the opposite. Being
outwardly modest, not to speak loudly about his achievements, the demon of Aquarius, in the
depths of his soul, is simply certain that he is better than others.

In the example of a male accountant: he was asked in response to his permanent blissful
reasoning: “Why do you hide behind an angel mask?” To which he replied with all the energy of
a hurt lion's vanity: “I don’t need an angel mask, I already have an angel for someone!” But if
the demon Leo has problems in his life for self-doubt, then the demon of Aquarius no less
problems may be due to excessive self-confidence. He often self-confidently takes on a case in
which he has no experience, since confident in his wisdom and in the fact that before him, the
king, all the doors will open themselves. What kind of his correct understanding of life will give
him everything on a silver platter. But this does not happen, he only loses money and time. Or
does he fall for the tempting promises of fraudsters, because confidently believes that he, the
king, no one can deceive.

Of course, other people who rely on him suffer from the self-confidence of the demon of
Aquarius. He also seeks to give advice to everyone, often without understanding, or based on
false understanding. The demon of Aquarius bears a resemblance to the demon of Gemini, but
pretends to a higher level. If the Gemini demon is bursting with knowledge, information, even
without gathering it, so he replaces it with the general idea of Sagittarius, then the Aquarius
demon burst with everyone to bring his awareness, understanding of life, although it is still
illusory, and he substitutes for him simply “bumps” him instead of an unbiased reasoned

Being the hidden Lion inside the visible Aquarius, the Aquarian demon is the hidden ruler. He
does not want to be a clear leader, but he cannot claim power either. As a result, he becomes a
gray cardinal, eager to control other people by suggesting to them that only he knows how to act
properly, suggesting that they lack self-confidence so that they turn to him depend on his advice.
By instilling in others that one should not have personal desires, the demon Aquarius actually
wants to force them to fulfill all his desires. He says: “I have no private life, everything is
public”, but it is only dust in the eyes of others to make them give up their personal life,
completely subjugate themselves. It's like in sects they say: “wealth is bad for your soul, so
bring it to us. We are already enlightened, we do not need it, and so, for safekeeping, for your
own good. ” And when a person tries to convince the demon of Aquarius that he is wrong,
during the discussion to prove his point of view, the demon of Aquarius only chuckles and
continues to impart to the person the uncertainty setting, using the lion's power. "Think what
you want! - he smirks to himself, - Anyway, you will do as I want! ”But when a person, without
saying a word, just acts in his own way, and the demon Aquarius sees that his suggestion did not
work, or he simply had no opportunity convince a person, because he did not tell him about his
plans - it was then that the demon of Aquarius became mad. He growls like a lion whose power
has been neglected! So if you know that the Aquarian demon treats you with personal interest,
he needs something from you, do not ask him for advice and do not tell about what you are going
to do. Otherwise, if it does not fit into his plans for you, the demon of Aquarius will begin to
inspire you in every way that your actions are wrong and will only lead to failure. He will advise
you only what is beneficial to him. While Lilith in Aquarius is not worked out, a person’s
opinion will be very subjective, personal interest will distort the assessment. Whereas true
Aquarius must judge objectively, absolutely non-emotionally, energetically without being
involved, regardless of whether it will give something to him personally. And to begin to judge
objectively, he must first of all from himself. After all, Lilith, not worked out in Aquarius,
generally does not agree with any criticism and does not see in herself a single shortcoming. For
example, he says: “others may have unconscious motives, but I have no unconscious at all!”

Aquarius is associated with freedom, which means that initially the Aquarian demon does not
accept freedom. He will try to tightly control his loved ones, citing the fact that supposedly
without him they cannot take a step, but in fact they are driven by Leo’s authoritarianism. He
will try to limit the freedom of his partner, not accepting open relations, non-standard variants of
relations, new forms of marriage, forcing to give an account of each step. Not out of jealousy,
no - but that was control, submission. He goes beyond all limits of decency in his thirst for
power. Example: having met a girl at a group event, the demon Aquarius, seeing that she was
sympathetic to another young man, just grabbed her hands, saying: “I won't let you talk to him!”,
Got in the way. He started typical threatening conversations in the style of the Aquarius demon:
“If you communicate with him, death awaits you, you cannot be karmically together, this is the
most terrible violation of the universal laws!” And other similar nonsense carried. And this he
allowed himself in relation to a person with whom he was familiar with one day. But not
respecting the freedom of others, the demon of Aquarius and himself is forced to refuse freedom,
and often, as a reflection of himself, he comes across partners who restrict his freedom, try to
control every step, demand a report every minute. Do not dig a hole to another - you will get
into it yourself! For example, the same young man, described in the example, said that he broke
up with his wife, because she tried to establish total control over him, was jealous without any
reason, did not give any freedom.

Lilith in Aquarius, ignoring the interests of society as a whole, but it can take care of a narrow
circle of people close to her — children, for example. She selflessly, forgetting about herself,
fulfills all the desires of her growing children, which only harms them, as it spoils them to the
last degree. In Lilith, in Aquarius, there is an installation that one cannot want anything for
herself, she does not give a damn about society as a whole, so she finds a way out - to take care
of a narrow circle of loved ones. But the true motive, as we know, is still the same desire for
control, the desire to realize that “without me children will disappear, they cannot make money
themselves, they need me!”

The demon of Aquarius believes that he has some privileges from birth, and he has no need to
seek the right to the kingdom, to do something else, everyone should bow down in reverence.
Meanwhile, a lot of famous people with Lilith in Vodolee achieved a high position, leaving the
common people, precisely because they immediately understood: they have no initial privileges,
they can achieve everything only by themselves, and only relying on the support of the whole
people. The more a large group of people Lilith takes into account in Aquarius, the more
successful she is. Those Lilith in Aquarius, who ignore the interests of the whole people, are not
actively involved in society, focusing only on themselves or on a narrow circle of loved ones,
lose their high position, even if they had it by birth, as in the example with Tsar Nicholas II.

Another quality of Aquarius is novelty, experimentation. Lilith in Aquarius will not bring good
luck working with already proven methods and ideas. She definitely needs to find something
new, experimental, original, technology of the future, and offer these new, experimental ideas to
the general public. She needs to rely on surprises, and not try to calculate everything, predict.
All Liliths in Aquarius communicate very well with technology (computers, cars), have
mathematical skills, therefore they can prove themselves well in this field.

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Aquarius:

Get involved in a business that requires the professional expression of the qualities of Aquarius.
Work with large groups of people at the same time, contact with the entire society. Media.
Internet, computers, programming. All new technologies, the introduction of new ideas.
Appliances, cars. Work requiring calculations. The position of adviser to the company, analysis
and issuance of recommendations. Astrology. A job in which surprises are possible and it is
required to act unexpectedly in accordance with the situation.

Assume yourself in a state where you can not judge objectively, have a personal interest or a
strong prejudice, when you can not navigate the circumstances.

First, learn how different people and traditions see the right life in general, and then, based on
what you have learned, formulate your own rules for how to proceed.

Make rules taking into account what is profitable for you at the moment. While these rules are
beneficial to you, follow them. As soon as the situation changes, be guided by the changes and
create new rules.

Live yourself by these rules, instead of convincing others to live by them.

The correctness of their theories check practice.

Do not impose your wise advice on others. Do not waste energy to convince someone.
Appreciate your advice more: there is no need to distribute them to anyone who does not even
need them. Give advice only when a person really needs it and is ready to follow it.

Trust someone else's experience: if a person has checked something on his own experience,
there is no need for you to go and learn from your mistake. Remember: the view of someone
who does not obey you is more objective than the opinion of a sneak.

If you do not want a partner to deprive you of freedom, do not restrict the freedom of a partner
yourself, do not try to establish an authoritarian leadership.

Do not focus your care on a close circle, think about how you can participate in the life of
society, society as a whole, what you can do for all people.

Do the action for the sake of the action, glad that you did everything correctly, do not focus on
getting the result.

Be prepared to adjust your plans in case of surprise. Be prepared for the fact that everything
cannot be 100% predictable, everything can change.

Do not play false modesty, admit that you have your own personal requests.

If you personally do not need something, think: maybe it will be useful to your friends, relatives,

What gives worked Lilith in Aquarius. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself to the maximum in Aquarius. He can rise from the people, and becoming
rich and famous, make a contribution to the benefit of the whole society, the people, as a
merchant and patron of the arts Tretyakov, who founded the Tretyakov Gallery, or as George
Soros, who founded his foundation to assist in the development of national economies.

Famous people with Lilit in Aquarius: Nikolai Roerich, Leonardo DiCaprio, Clint Eastwood,
Sean Connery, Christopher Lambert, Yuri Nikulin, Arkady Gaidar, Maxim Gorky, Arthur Conan
Doyle, David Copperfield, Nikolai-2, Tretyakov, George Soros.

Lilith in Pisces. Demon rejection (sacrificial lamb).

The problem of demand by society.

Hunchback rejected with a curse on his brow, I will never be happy on earth! ... Do you think
this Quasimodo laments about his miserable life? No, it is the demon of Pisces in its usual state.
No one, no one loves him, society does not need him at all! Even relatives do not love him,
deprive of attention, although he climbs out of his skin to make everyone around him happy,
create the most comfortable living conditions for them, cares for his family and friends, floods
them with gifts, is ready to sacrifice himself, to suffer for them. The demon of Pisces is
convinced that people are simply not able to understand the full depth of his feelings and
spiritual experiences. He makes every effort to somehow justify his existence. How much effort
he makes to create his own business or to perform a mountain of work - not for his own sake, but
for the benefit of people. He works 24 hours a day, even being sick, but never loses optimism,
never relaxes, tells everyone how bravely he overcomes difficulties, describing his
misadventures in detail. He will never give up the work begun, even if obstacles arise, with the
persistence of a tank, without sparing himself, he will break through an impregnable wall. If a
business falls apart - like a phoenix, he will rise from the ashes and start all over again. All the
humiliated, the outcast, the poor, the sick will find help in his face. He is called to help other
people, and he does it completely disinterestedly. Of course, life can be so cruel to him that he
starts drinking or goes to the hospital. But this will not break his spirit, and in a drunken stupor,
and while dying he will scream, he will still achieve his goal - he will grow flowers in the desert.
And if there is fertile soil for growing flowers? No, the demon of Pisces will still grow them in
the desert! And if you say that it is useful, that they love it? I DO NOT BELIEVE! - Shout the
demon Pisces, - Do not comfort me and calm! Tell me the bitter truth better - they don't love me,
although I sacrifice everything for the sake of others! ... And so that you do not think that he is
dissatisfied with life, he will spend hours pestering you with “optimistic” stories, how he bravely
overcomes all the vicissitudes of fate their sores, misfortunes, misfortunes, tragic circumstances,
worries about relatives, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, distant acquaintances, their help to
them, their sores, misfortunes, sufferings, misadventures, tragic circumstances ...

What provokes the demon of Pisces.

In others: prudence, unwillingness to disinterestedly help others when he is accused of

prudence, as well as pessimism, whining. Also, if he sees that a person has something, it may be
useful for him (money, the ability to provide psychological support), this provokes the demon to
start beating on pity and humanity in order to get it. In oneself: when it forces oneself to help
and support others, but there is no strength and desire. When doing nothing for too long, is in a
relaxed state. Physical and psychological exhaustion due to coercion of oneself to constant
activity and attention to all the sick, unhappy.

How the demon manifests itself.

In the demon of Pisces as a demon of the watermark, vampirism is passive. His “proprietary
method” is “optimistic sobs”, when, under the pretext of a story about his courageous
overcoming of difficulties, he simply complains to the vampire people around him. So he
psychologically puts pressure on them in order to arouse pity, sympathy, to call for human
feelings, and to receive benefits, since many are willing to give the Pisces demon money, if only
he would fall behind with his whining. Another way of vampirism is to accuse others of the lack
of humanity, sacrifice, prudence, selfishness, greed for feelings, attention. And finally, the
demon can appear in the active form - drunkenness, riot, abuse, insults, emphasizing what all the
insignificance compared to him, can show aggression, fight.

How to neutralize the demon.

Not to argue with him, not to prove that everyone loves him, on the contrary, to admit that he
did not pay enough attention to him, promise to pay more attention. To praise for how bravely
he overcomes difficulties. Do not give in to his emotional calls for running, punching the wall
with his head, be calm. Do not give in to pity. Do not take any disinterested help from him,
which he himself imposes - it will turn out to be a disservice, and he will not lag behind you,
constantly demanding attention and reciprocal services.


Demon Pisces believes that he shows love to other people, seeks to create the most comfortable
conditions for them, and they, for some reason, do not appreciate his spiritual impulse. But the
truth is that Lilith in Pisces does not know how to create comfortable conditions either for herself
or for others. When people need emotional, spiritual support, peace of mind of Pisces, it
replaces Pisces with the Virgin - it offers a person practical help in solving specific workers
(Virgo!) Questions or health problems (Virgo!). Compare with Lilith in Virgo, which, on the
contrary, in situations where a person needs practical help, only promises, calms, and then does
not rush to do something so that the person depended on her, was forced to beg her.

If Lilith in Pisces nevertheless undertakes to support a person morally, it would be better if she
did not do that. He will not receive any pacification and meditative state - her “optimistic sobs”
(exclusive genre inherent in Lilith in Pisces) and tragic monologues calling not to lose heart in
any adversity and grow flowers in the desert more likely will make the unfortunate hang, than
help to relax and distract from the problems. To begin with, a person just needs to relax, he is
tense all the time, that’s why he doesn’t see a way out - he is too fixated on his problems. But
no, the demon of Pisces will bring down on him an emotional speech with calls not to surrender,
to continue stubbornly to fight with fate, to beat his forehead against the wall. But it is quite
obvious - if a person beats against this wall, but nothing comes out, it means that they have
chosen the wrong way, you need to calmly think things over, meditate, and the answer will
come. Sometimes it is useful to rest, to gain strength before the next jerk. But the demon of
Pisces does not recognize rest and relaxation. On the other hand, urging a person not to give up,
he will not tell him what to do. What to do, what to do? Just beat your forehead against the
wall, maybe you will break it! Water can easily seep through the cracks in the stone wall, and a
wooden cudgel can beat at least a hundred years on it - to no avail. The unworked Lilith in
Pisces is the very “wooden cudgel” because under the external guise of Pisces is the Maiden,
accustomed to methodically achieving results.

Lilith in Pisces cannot help others relax, because she herself does not know how to relax. The
Demon of Pisces is either a complete workaholic when relaxation is denied altogether, or an
alcoholic when seeking illusory relaxation. Meanwhile, it is from the inability to relax that all
problems arise in the life of Lilith in Pisces. Some situations can calmly develop themselves,
you can already let them go, but Lilith in Pisces puts everything and puts efforts to them. For
example, one businessman complains that for many years he has not been able to organize the
work of his company. As is typical of the Pisces demon, he describes in detail all his steps in the
mailing list on the Internet. When you read his stories, it becomes obvious - he just does not
allow the company to earn normally with its constant effort where it is necessary and where it is
not necessary. He simply “pissed off” his company and all employees! Here are some excerpts
from his stories that will help you to feel all the tediousness and obsession of the Virgin in Lilith
in Pisces: “The main thing is not to show weakness. On the contrary, more confidence, strength,
only forward, to search for non-standard solutions. Beating at one point - and surely there will
be solid corporate users ... Until now, I can not convince the company's employees that every
day we need to call our customers and be interested in their successes .... “Understand,” I say,
“people are pleased that we are not abandoning them, we are monitoring their progress.” If we
can call fifty individual clients daily, we will definitely reach corporate clients, we will increase
the number of applications for personal installations, we will achieve a serious result. We are
good to those who bought the program. But for us it is important that they learn. And our call
can push them to work out better. They will tell about our call in their surroundings. Oral
advertising is the best advertising ... Everyone agrees with me. But for some reason this does
not work ... Probably, I need to start calling the clients myself, and then make sure that during
his duty one of the employees sat down at the phone and systematically, methodically called
customers to work and home ... And what if you stop going to the company and look at
everything from the side? Give full freedom to his deputy - let him dispose, let him lead? But I
know: if I do, the company will start working worse ... ”Poor employees! And poor customers of
this company! Imagine: you have acquired a computer program from a company, and every day
they call you from the company and ask everyone, ask about your progress. You will regret
contacting this company at all, and you don’t want to contact me a second time! For this
businessman, there is only one way to solve the problems - to leave the company alone, to go to
rest. And stop pestering customers, giving them the right to decide for themselves whether to
apply again to his company. But no, he never relaxes, he doesn't even drink. He can not leave
customers alone, because illusorily convinced that people need increased attention. The
businessman from the example called to work even at night to check how things were going for
the employees working on the night shift. But everyone complains: “oh, how I dream to relax,
just walk in the park!” It is interesting to compare the demon Pisces with the demon Virgo.
Moreover, on the contrary, there is a tendency to relax excessively during working hours. For
example, the head of a responsible event is drunk on him. Goes to binge, and all things get up.

What is the cause of Lilith's workaholism in Pisces? In the tested complex of its uselessness to
people, the uselessness of the world of its life in general. This is also the reason for her annoying
attention - she considers herself deprived of attention, so she thinks that everyone wants the
same. Lilith in Pisces makes a person want to bring a gift to others, to sacrifice. But only the
gift, she defines the sacrifice purely by the criteria of the Virgin: work 24 hours a day, rush to
help others solve practical problems, overcome purely everyday and physical sufferings, and not
bring spiritual gifts at all.

The illusory attitude that physical agony and horse labor serve as a criterion for a life in vain,
causes the Pisces' demon to make life as difficult as possible for himself, to create obstacles that
would have to be overcome. There is no one who could compare with the demon of Pisces in
terms of complicating his task. Even purely unconsciously, he will choose the most unfavorable
from an astrological point of view, the opening of the company, the most unfavorable place, etc.
For example, the businessman mentioned above opened his firm on the retrograde of Mercury.
As a result, permanent delays began to arise, they could not conclude a lease on the premises,
first they rented a premise, but there were crazy owners who drove them out, then they found the
next premise, but problems arose again. What a joy - so much torment! Lilith's masochism in
Pisces is satisfied! A similar picture can be observed in Lilith in Pisces in his personal life - he
will love not someone, but, for example, a person from a foreign state who has problems with
coming to her, a lot of mistresses who have views on him and a thousand more circumstances
preventing them from seeing . But there is no limit to the happiness of the demon of Pisces,
again he will proudly tell everyone how bravely he endures separation, how he does not give up,
despite the fact that all the obstacles of the world have turned against this love!
A well-known saying goes: the fish is looking for where it is deeper, and a man is where it is
better. So a person with Lilith in Pisces should learn to look for where he is better, to strive for
the most comfortable conditions, just as the fish are looking for cleaner water and places rich in
food. He should get results in maximum comfort, spending a minimum of effort. And to do this,
choose right away, intuitively feel such an environment that is conducive to obtaining results
with minimal effort. Lilith in Pisces must learn to find the easiest ways. If difficulties have
arisen somewhere, she should look for other loopholes into which she can dive, should catch the
flow. After all, a fish, having met a stone on its way, swallows it, and does not beat its head
against it! A man with an unworked Lilith in Pisces does the opposite: he will beat his head
against a stone, stubbornly not wanting to see easier ways, will find the most unfavorable
environment in which the result can be obtained if he does it at all, only by spending hellish
efforts. To grow flowers, he will definitely go to the desert, and do not insult him by offering to
grow them on fertile soil! Another reason that the demon of Pisces does not feel suitable
conditions - he has problems with intuition. Not in the sense that it does not exist. She is, but he
does not trust her at all, does not want to listen to her voice.

Even if there are no real obstacles and misfortunes in life, the demon of Pisces will invent
them himself and will not wish to part with his illusions (as opposed to him, the demon of Virgo
often does not want to notice the real problems). Although everyone around will start to
convince him that everything is really good for him, he will persistently deny it. If his position
suddenly, in spite of all his efforts, becomes good, he will take measures - he will spoil him, and
the responsibility will be dumped on others. Example: a man with Lilith in Pisces worked as an
opera singer. And everyone complained that his superiors did not appreciate, that he was not
given due attention, that he was an unrecognized genius, and so on. Although, objectively, his
career began with the fact that when he worked in the field on a tractor and sang, the chairman of
a collective farm heard his singing and sent him to study. Then, after studying, he began
working in theaters, his superiors paid him a large salary, settled in hotels for the best rooms,
went according to all his conditions, he was given the main roles in performances, he was all
respected, he had many fans. But he didn’t appreciate it all, got drunk, ostensibly because he
was so outcast, not recognized by society, as a result either they had to dismiss him for
drunkenness and fights, or he himself often organized a scandal to the authorities, insulted the
boss for alleged disrespect for him and with anger throwing this job. And he preferred to drink
in the company of homeless people, beggars - Lilith in Pisces is looking for the same rejected by
the society "Quasimodo", which he considers himself. No matter how high the demon of Pisces
would rise, in his heart he considers himself on equal footing only with the poor, the poor, the
sick, and will always strive to their level, seek their societies, ignoring the society of successful,
socially realized people, despising them. The singer bought himself some good, expensive
things, but then he drank them away or lost them - after all, the demon of Pisces doesn’t want to
put up with a good life. Once the director of the theater nominated him for the title of Honored
Artist. They had a conversation where the director took the risk of making a small comment
about what he should have corrected in his work. In response, the singer brought down the
stream of battle, shouted: “Who are you to teach me!” The offended director withdrew his letter,
and the title of the honored artist was not given to the singer. He, as always, with the scandal left
the theater and headed for the next one.

Demon Pisces accuses other people of lack of attention, love for him. Jealous of others who
allegedly receive more attention. Here is another example: a woman all the time reproached the
mother for loving her older daughter, her sister, more. Although her mother bought them the
same gifts, and each time she came to her with full bags of products that were scarce at the time,
she gave her husband and her money to buy a motorcycle, which she did not do for her eldest
daughter, but the woman thought that her sister got more . She reproached the mother for
buying more things (Lilith in Pisces measures attention with material gifts!) To her
granddaughter - her sister's daughter, who lives with her, and not with her children. At the same
time, the woman did not at all want to take into account the fact that she has her own apartment,
her husband, who provides for her and the children, that her material wealth is higher than that of
her sister, that her sister’s husband cannot provide her and the child financially. Anyway, the
mother had to spend money on them with her sister equally! With all this, when the mother, in
turn, demanded attention, she could not even come to her birthday. Mother and her husband
gave them money to buy transport, but they didn’t really run off to take her somewhere, they
always found excuses when their mother asked. A woman from her youth said that she would
live her life, and her sister was always in close relationship with her mother. This is where the
difference between them manifested itself. The truth is that, reproaching the close ones in the
absence of attention to themselves, the demon of Pisces does not notice that he himself does not
pay them spiritual attention. Also, he does not see that he is really loved, because attention, love
evaluates according to Virgo - according to practical benefit for himself from man. Here is
another truth revealed - the demon of Pisces is selfish and selfish! He takes the position of the
consumer in all respects, but how much he does not give, everything will be small - and money,
and feelings, and recognition by society. He has the same story with society as a whole - he
believes that society has rejected him, society does not notice him, he feels himself an outcast.
But objectively - he does not even want to lift a finger for the sake of society, he only wants to
consume his attention for nothing.

The desire to play the role of a rejected martyr, hated by the whole of society, the desire,
without doing anything for society, to suddenly receive wide public attention, can be very tragic
for Lilith in Pisces. She will indeed be sacrificed, become a lamb, given to the slaughter, will
gain fame, but negative. As it happened with Lee Harvey Oswald, who was blamed for the
murder of US President Kennedy, the people's favorite. What was the storm of hatred that struck
Oswald when he was declared a murderer. Lilith in Pisces received confirmation of her
installation - yes, everyone hates me, I - Quasimodo! Further, Oswald was killed to hide the
traces of a criminal conspiracy - he became a victim in the literal sense of the word.

Lilith in Pisces will always seek to confirm the negative attitude towards her, wants to hear that
she is considered bad. For example, one woman with Lilith in Pisces constantly arranges a
tragedy about the offenses she allegedly inflicted on her: “Tell me, have I not offended you in
any way? I’m so embarrassed, I’m just sure that you are offended! ”And even if you assure her
that there is no offense, she still won’t believe you and will continue to tear her hair out of grief:“
I’m always like that, I hurt people, then I suffer so much! ” By all means, the demon of Pisces
will create an image of “bad guy” - to get drunk, insult others, fight, break furniture, defy society
with its behavior. And all just to get confirmation of their installation: they do not like me, they
consider me bad! There are also quiet Liliths in Pisces - they are not satisfied with such an
emotional storm, but simply live in a completely depressed, martyrdom, swallowing tears and
indulging in masochistic reflections about themselves - unhappy.

Here one more truth about this “martyr” opens - playing the masochist out of himself, the
demon of Pisces is a sadist, because his tragic monologues, detailed stories about his heroic
struggle with fate, difficulties, illnesses, his optimistic sobs simply poison all the peace of mind
of his loved ones . And the demon only needs it, because for him these sobs are a way of
vampirism. He wants to beat on pity and thus receive practical benefits for himself from people.
But he never admits that he is looking for pity, with indignation he will deny it (and this is true -
he needs not spiritual support, but profit!). And he will deny the desire for profit with even more
indignation, he will accuse you that you are too mercantile to understand his spiritual impulses
that you are not capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of others - another method of Lilith's
vampirism in Pisces.

In relations with relatives, Lilith in Pisces bothers with all her tediousness and constant cavils.
For example, a woman complains that she cannot find a common language with her daughter,
but she constantly finds fault with her, finds out something, imposes her own rules, commands
everyone in the house, arranges scandals that she is not appreciated. And how can you find a
common language, when another person is not given a word to say! More precisely, they say,
they give, they even ask, but they absolutely do not accept what he said and continue to impose
their own on him. The woman in question, for example, turned to a psychologist for advice, and
when she received advice, she began to resent and ardently convince the psychologist that
everything is really wrong, she does not have the qualities that the psychologist talks about. The
tedious Virgo tried hard to convince the psychologist of her point of view: “You just don't know
me well,” she emotionally argued, “why you rank me to some standard types and judge me by a
pattern — I'm a completely different person, a creative person! Yes, yes, I understand why all
your judgments about me turned out to be erroneous (!) - I simply do not correspond to my
horoscope, I am an exception! ”It is inherent in the Piscean demon not to listen to anyone and
consider themselves superior to others. That this woman turns to psychologists for advice, but
rejects them, that the businessman who made life difficult for him, rejected the advice of her
colleagues - successful businessmen, that the singer did not want to hear any comments about

Reluctance to listen to others, the desire to do in defiance of all the demon Pisces constantly
demonstrates in his words. For example, the woman described above all suffered from her tragic
love for a man living in another country, with whom she saw only occasionally, when he came
on business in which she helped him. They agreed on the basis of these cases. She, as is
characteristic of Lilith in Pisces, rushed to help him solve working questions (Virgo!), Became a
ram, opening all the doors for him. “Look,” everyone said, “he just uses you, if he wanted to be
with you, he would not hide behind excuses that he had difficulties there. He has a lot of young
mistresses there, and he only needs you for business! ”The woman indignantly rejected such
statements. “Everyone slanders him, mundane people just envy our high love!” - She claimed.
- He dedicates poems to me! It is not his fault that the girls are being hanged on him, he does not
want (!) And does nothing (!) For this, it is just his heavy cross! They, the villains, bewitch him
to pull money from him, he gets sick, suffers, and I help him, I take damage from him, I heal him
(Virgo!), Because he, too, once saved my life! “Here, it turns out, what is the reason that Lilith
in Pisces rushes to help others“ infrequent ”—she herself always subconsciously puts herself in
the place of a beggar, a patient, wants other people to help her in life. In her opinion, a person
can bring himself to any condition, while others are then obliged to save him. Here is a cited
businessman writes: “How to find the answer to this eternal question: what to do? Maybe
announce on the site, on radio, television, in the newspapers: "Good people, who can, help! Send
money to our account!" Someone, I do not exclude, will respond ”. And if such rescuers are
found, the demon of Pisces will parasitize them. For example, it is obvious that the woman
mentioned above only hides behind high feelings for a man, and subconsciously wants power
over him, wants to receive from him a constant emotional supply: she gives him tantrums that he
did not call her, as if he told her must. So if we talk about who uses whom whom they stand for
each other! The Pisces demon is always like that - wanting to use other people, he finds himself
in situations when they use him.

Continue to expose the "disinterested" demon Pisces. First, he himself imposes his help on man.
The man has not yet had time to open his mouth and give his consent, and he, like a workhorse,
is already harnessed to help him. Well, well, you say, if you really want the good Pisces demon
to be useful to people, let them help. Those unhappy people who, being touched by the wide
gesture of the demon of Pisces, also agree to his help, think in the same way. It turns out that
everything is not so simple! He offers you such assistance that you did not need at all, without
which you yourself would have managed. You agree - more for his sake so that he can feel
useful. Further, the demon of Pisces begins to literally overwhelm you with completely
unnecessary services. And at some point he so unobtrusively asks for a little reciprocal service,
and then also, and more, and more ... In the end, you just marvel at the perseverance with which
he will demand attention to his person. The question is, for what you have to pay? It resembles
beggars who, of their own will, begin to sing and dance in transitions, and then they demand
money from you, as if you ordered this “theater”. The Demon of Pisces first catches people on
the feeling of philanthropy, the absence of reasons to refuse a disinterested person who sincerely
wishes to help them. And then it is inconvenient for them to refuse a person who tries so
selflessly for them, does so much ... And what exactly does he do? If you look objectively, the
benefits of it - ZERO! So the disinterestedness of the demon of Pisces is a fiction. In fact, under
the mask of Pisces is a calculating Maiden. The willingness of the demon of Pisces to sacrifice
for your sake is a fiction. For example, Boris Yeltsin with Lilith in Pisces, for example, vowed
to lie on the rails if his promises to the people are not fulfilled. However w, did not lay down
Because the demon of Pisces will do for you only that which is not difficult for it, it will not
bring any sacrifice. If you ask him to do what you really need - your “golden fish” will
disappear from the horizon for a long time, then he will beg to forgive her, to paint the
misfortunes that have happened to her during this time. In the end, if they do something, the
result will still be completely useless to you. By the way, here is another reason why the demon
Pisces describes his sores and misfortunes in such detail. He just makes excuses! Let's return to
the woman from the example. How did she even meet with psychologists who asked for advice?
She visited their website on the Internet, then wrote to them that she really wanted to help, that
she could do translations of materials that they put on the website. And for free - well, for a
couple of tips in your personal life. At that time, psychologists didn’t really need translations of
materials into another language. But they sent a couple of articles - see what happens. As a
result, the “assistant” so unobtrusively began to throw them with her questions about her
personal life - “optimistic sobs” on several sheets. They initially answered her, but she did not
even want to listen to anything, but began to convince them that they were wrong. And after a
while I again asked for advice on my situation. And she asked in such a tone: “Where do you get
your recommendations to me from? If from a competent source, then I'll think about it. And if
these are your personal guesses (!) And conjectures, then how do you even know about me!
“Also, she didn’t want her question to be discussed at the forum, arguing that her situation is
unlikely for anyone become instructive, because “my level is too high compared to those who
write to you, and in general, me and my friend - people are too well-known in wide circles, if
someone finds out”. As a result, psychologists generally stopped communicating with this
woman. She translated the articles, of course, but there was no particular need for them either.
But when they asked her to write something that was really necessary, she disappeared for a long
time, then she showed up with another story about her illnesses, but she did not fulfill the task
properly. And a businessman who cared so much about buyers? You think, why did he really
want to call them, caringly take an interest in their successes? Yes, all then - to create the
appearance, how much he does for them, so that it would simply be inconvenient for them to
refuse him, they would agree to buy more programs in his company. So under the mask of
disinterested help of the demon of Pisces is hiding the extortion of your attention, under the mask
of caring for you there is an obsessive seller who wants you to buy goods from him that you do
not need. “Bear services, dear!” - here is the announcement corresponding to the demon of

The demon of Pisces can neither give nor receive. He shouts that he was cheated by attention,
terrorizing his partner, relatives, arranges clarifications, and he simply does not notice their
attention to himself. After all, he is so absorbed in caring for others! And when the bowl is
filled with water to the brim and wants to throw water out of itself, how can you see that water
flows into it from the outside? The Demon of Pisces imposes only his emotions on a partner,
hears only himself. But he does not think, but how does the partner feel, if he also has
something to give, but they do not want to take anything from him ?! He will have to go to give
it to another place.

The demon of Pisces will never admit that you are doing something useful for him, paying
attention to him, because if he received something from you, it means that there was no selfless
victim on his part! That is the reason why he does not want to accept other people's advice. And
what if they help him !!!

Rushing to help the poor, unhappy, the demon of Pisces does not want to notice an objective
fact - from his help to people it only gets worse. No wonder they say: the road to hell is paved
with good intentions. For example, a businessman familiar to you did meager prices on her
goods, considering that in this way they would be buying more. Yes, and the false installation of
Pisces played: we must go towards people! The bottom line: no one buys goods. Because the
objective laws of psychology are not taken into account: people do not take what is too cheap for
their level, they subconsciously feel a discrepancy.
Further, the businessman cares too much about his employees, refused to pay his salary in their
favor. He himself writes about this: “And, of course, employees need to pay decent money.
Very little money we pay them. But I want to live up to that moment, about which I have written
more than once, when I myself will receive a salary, because I spend a lot of time and effort on
the company and I also need money. Why should I be ashamed of this? But I told myself that I
would write out the money only when all the employees of the company received at least 300-
400 dollars. And I believe that such a moment will come. ”. No, never come such a moment.
Because the basic law, known even to ancient Chinese wise men, and the Feng Shui laid down in
the rules, was violated: the state of a company depends on the comfort of its leader, the condition
of the whole family depends on the comfort of its head.

Therefore, first of all, comfortable conditions are created by the head of the company, therefore
the head should receive a large salary, should have a chic office, an expensive car. And in times
of crisis, it is better to leave workers without wages, but the manager should live in comfort.
Otherwise, the crisis will never end. Do not understand this people, brought up in the centuries-
old traditions of the Pisces era: help your neighbor first. But you can't fool your subconscious!
Purely psychologically, there is no incentive to increase the income of his company from a
person, if he does not receive enough from this. This successful businessman was told by his
more successful colleagues, but he does not want to listen to them. They build their relationships
with employees on a different principle, they think primarily about meeting their needs, so their
firms are flourishing. The result - their employees also get good money. But a businessman,
who thinks first of all about his employees, brought the company to ruin, as a result, there are no
incomes, employees sit without salary, and the fact that he donates his money to them will not
save the situation. I would learn from the Devon demon: he, on the contrary, only holds all the
finances of the company in his hands, delays the payment of salaries to employees, is in no hurry
to return the money invested by the sponsor, from here he has problems. That he should not be
so greedy and think about others. And Lilith in Pisces (and everyone who is inclined to care for
others in the first place) has another advice: do not spoil life for your loved ones with your care.
Do not spoil the life of adult children, giving them money, as a result of which they have no
incentive to work, they degrade, live on your pennies, while they could earn more. Do not spoil
the life of your partner, imposing your sacrificial love on him - do not turn him into a hangman.
Better create yourself the most comfortable conditions, think about yourself - beloved. So it will
be better for everyone around, because only a contented person is pleasant to talk to. Lilith in
Pisces: become relaxed and contented for the people!

Ways to solve the Lilith problem in Pisces:

Engage in a business requiring the professional expression of the qualities of Pisces. Work
related to sedation, relaxation, meditation. Art, music, poetry, helping peace. Creating the most
comfortable conditions. Finding the easiest ways to solve the problem, how to solve the problem
with the least effort. Work on the inconspicuous dissolution of the old, preparing the soil for the
new. Empathy, emotional help to people - social services, psychologists. Esoteric practices.

Accept yourself in a state where you can not take care of others and give them disinterested
help. Take it easy that you can’t help others.

Do not deny that other people helped you, provided spiritual or material support. Accept
yourself as a consumer, do not try to convince everyone (and yourself first!) That you only give
and sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.

If there is a desire to provide someone with disinterested service, honestly admit to yourself that
you really need from this person, and instead of offering a service that may be unnecessary, ask
what he wants in exchange for what you want.

Instead of forcing yourself to be optimistic when it’s bad, drink better and think how bad things
are. Postpone the case and roll on the couch, lazy.
If things are not going to work - take a few days of vacation and relax.

If a direction fails, drop it and look for easier ways.

When you want to restore order, put everything on the shelves, stop. The more chaos around
you, the better you will be.

Create the most favorable conditions for work. Make it so that you feel comfortable in the first
place. Do not take up work if you are not comfortable.

Do not make excuses for the difficulties and misfortunes that have arisen if you have not
fulfilled the promise. It is better to honestly say: it was too lazy, did not want to. And for the
future, just do not give such promises that you do not want to fulfill.

Show your own attention to others if you want to get their attention. And in no case do not rush
to solve their working problems or health problems. Your attention should be only emotional,
mental, and not practical. In dealing with practical issues, you should be completely useless to
others, but you should be helpful in creating an environment of relaxation.

Engage in meditations, techniques of entering into an altered state of consciousness. Notice the
signs, listen to intuition, no matter how absurd from the point of view of logic, it seems that it
suggests. Drop the mind and live only with inner sensations and forebodings.

Stop mentally questioning everything, scrolling in your mind, thinking about it. If you turned to
someone for advice, and they said something to you, trust without thinking.

What gives worked Lilith in Pisces. When problems are solved and experience is gained, a
person realizes himself in Pisces to the maximum. He can prepare a fertile ground for the arrival
of the new, dissolving the old, within the whole state, as was done by Presidents Mikhail
Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, with the help of which the state system was dissolved and the
USSR collapsed. It can really sacrifice itself for the sake of victory, like, for example, Mikhail
Kutuzov, who died during a military campaign, or Vasily Chapaev. Can express your feeling of
sadness and tragedy of life in poetry, such as, for example, Sergey Yesenin.

Famous people with Lilith in Pisces: Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Vereshchagin, Gerard
Depardieu, Sophie Marceau, Al Pacino, Jean Reno, Steven Spielberg, Sergey Yesenin, Mikhail
Kutuzov, Lee Harvey Oswald, Vasily Chapaev, Jeremy Irons.


This concludes the story of the demons. Now you are warned and know each of them in person
(who do not remember, carry a portrait of each demon with you to find out at the meeting)!

But what if you saw one of the portraits in the mirror? Here we will calm you down a bit and
take on the role of the devil's advocate: the demon Lilith, it turns out, is not at all bad - he just
wants to be useful! He not only asks for energy - he wants to earn it, and with his antics he
pushes you to the need to acquire the missing karmic experience. That is, in fact, the demon
contributes to your spiritual evolution, stimulates you to develop, to awareness!

Any temptation is an incentive for a person to develop in order to get what they want. And if a
person wants freebies, he becomes addicted, loses energy, and the demon will terrorize him until
the person finally realizes the need for development. So, if there were no demons, human
evolution would stop!
On this the demons of Gemini and Aquarius say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

Author's site:

http://www.mooncards.ru/ - Lunar Oracle. Mantic and numerological system and a deck

of 36 cards based on the symbols of the calendar of lunar days.

Gratefully translated from Russian by

Lee Joseph Common profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sovrnwelth?trk=author_mini-


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