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11-Jan-2024 | 08:34 EST

Accolade Wines
Downgraded To 'SD' And
£301 Million Term Loan B
To 'D' On Interest Deferral
— Australian wine producer and distributor Amphora Intermediate II Ltd.
(Accolade Wines) deferred, at the request of an ad-hoc committee of
lenders, the interest payment of about A$27 million on its £301
million term loan B (TLB) maturing in May 2025 to Jan. 31, 2024, from
Nov. 30, 2023. Discussions about the company's future capital
structure are ongoing.
— The deferred payment obligation has surpassed the original credit
agreement's grace period expiring Dec. 15, 2023, constituting a
default per our rating definitions.
— As a result, in line with our methodology, we lowered our long-term
issuer credit rating on Accolade Wines to 'SD' (selective default)
from 'CCC+', and our issue-level rating on its £301 million TLB to 'D'
(default) from 'CCC+'.

LONDON (S&P Global Ratings) Jan. 11, 2024--S&P Global Ratings today took the
rating actions listed above.

The rating action reflects Accolade Wines' deferral of interest payment (of about
A$27 million) on its £301 million senior secured term loan B (maturing in May
2025) to Jan. 31, 2024, from Nov. 30, 2023, without what we would deem as
adequate compensation under our criteria. Our rating methodology interprets
this measure as a change in the initial economic terms of a debt instrument,
consistent with a 'D' rating when no adequate compensation is provided.
Moreover, we note that the measure is taken in the context of a heightened
refinancing risk. We estimate Accolade Wine's S&P Global Ratings-adjusted
leverage exceeding 17x debt to EBITDA, with the A$150 million RCF maturing in
May 2024 and the £301 million TLB maturing in May 2025. The issuer credit rating
on Accolade Wines is 'SD' because we believe that the company remains current
on its other obligations.
According to management, lenders and the company are well advanced in
negotiating a new capital structure. The interest deferral was a component of
these discussions, coming at the request of an ad-hoc committee of lenders.
According to management, Accolade Wines had the capacity and was prepared to
make the approximately A$27 million interest payment on Nov. 30, having cash
and cash equivalents of about A$100 million on the balance sheet as of that date.

We expect to review the ratings on the group once we can evaluate the company's
business and financial prospects under the new capital structure.
Related Criteria

— Criteria | Corporates | General: Methodology: Management And

Governance Credit Factors For Corporate Entities, Jan. 7, 2024
— Criteria | Corporates | General: Corporate Methodology, Jan. 7, 2024
— General Criteria: Environmental, Social, And Governance Principles In
Credit Ratings, Oct. 10, 2021
— General Criteria: Group Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019
— Criteria | Corporates | General: Corporate Methodology: Ratios And
Adjustments, April 1, 2019
— Criteria | Corporates | General: Recovery Rating Criteria For Speculative-
Grade Corporate Issuers, Dec. 7, 2016
— Criteria | Corporates | Recovery: Methodology: Jurisdiction Ranking
Assessments, Jan. 20, 2016
— Criteria | Corporates | General: Methodology And Assumptions: Liquidity
Descriptors For Global Corporate Issuers, Dec. 16, 2014
— General Criteria: Country Risk Assessment Methodology And
Assumptions, Nov. 19, 2013
— General Criteria: Methodology: Industry Risk, Nov. 19, 2013
— General Criteria: Criteria For Assigning 'CCC+', 'CCC', 'CCC-', And 'CC'
Ratings, Oct. 1, 2012
— General Criteria: Principles Of Credit Ratings, Feb. 16, 2011

Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express
our view on rating relevant factors, have specific meanings ascribed to them in
our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such criteria. Please
see Ratings Criteria at for further information. A
description of each of S&P Global Ratings' rating categories is contained in "S&P
Global Ratings Definitions" at
Complete ratings information is available to RatingsDirect subscribers at All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on S&P
Global Ratings' public website at Alternatively, call
S&P Global Ratings' Global Client Support line (44) 20-7176-7176.
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• Key Elements Underlying The Credit Rating

• ESG Credit Factors
• Solicited Or Unsolicited Status
• Analysts Primarily Responsible For The Credit Rating
• Office Responsible For The Credit Rating
• Materials Used In The Credit Rating Process
• Criteria Applied
• Models Applied, Loss, And Cash Flow Analysis Performed
• Scenario Analysis
• Sensitivity Analysis
• Risk Warning, Understanding Credit Rating Categorizations, And Criteria
• Rated Entity Notification
• Ancillary And Additional Services
• Attributes And Limitations Of The Credit Rating
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Contact the analysts:

Carolina Coelho
Primary Credit Analyst, London

P. +44 (0) 207 176 0342


Rocco A Semerano
Secondary Contact, Milan

P. + 44 20 7176 3650

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