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The given graph illustrates the citizens migrating to New Zealand in five different nations

over a four-year period from 2001 to 2004.

Overall, it is obvious that the number of people from Britain moving to New Zealand
demonstrated a significant increase throughout the given period, while the figure for Fiji
decreased slightly. Additionally, the data for the remainder experienced diversely.
On the one hand, starting with nearly 6000 immigrants in 2001, the number of the British
moving to New Zealand rose significantly to 8000 in 2004. In contrast, the data of immigrants of
Fiji and South Africa presented a gradual decline and they were also showed the lowest number
over four years.
On the other hand, China had the second highest figure of migrants to New Zealand in
2001 and then outraced Britain to rank at first with over 8000 immigrants in the next year,
however, this figure fell rapidly to approximately 5000 in 2004. Furthermore, India followed a
similar trend with China which was climbing from nearly 600 to over 8000 in the year 2002. In
addition, this figure dropped sharply to over 2000 in 2004.
Chú ý nên đưa đơn vị của số liệu đầy đủ.
The given pie charts illustrate the various kinds of gifts that male and female give to their
loved on Valentine’s Day in the America.
Overall, it is obvious that the most common presents are card and candy. While men
mostly choose other gifts, the majority of women tend to buy cards as a priority gift.
On the one hand, the most popular presents are cards which is 18% of men give to their
lover, whilst this figure accounts for 27% of women. Furthermore, while only 17% of females
decide to buy other options, 25% male with this percentage. Candy is the second common
choices for women with 21%, however, ranked in top 4 for men with only 14%. Moreover, 16%
of total men are likely to buy flowers, there is just 11% of females choose this option.
On the other hand, regarding to the less popular gifts, the ratio of jewelry, lingerie, spa
and perfume take for only 10% and fewer. While the least attractive present for women is
personal care items for 1%, perfume is at the bottom list of men’s gifts with 4%.
Bài mắc nhiều lỗi ngữ pháp, dấu câu cần hết sức lưu ý.
The given charts illustrate the proportion of households expenditure in the UK and New
Zealand in the years 1980 and 2008.
Overall, it is obvious that the biggest areas of spending are on utility bills, while the
contrast is others expenditures which has the same changes in both countries in the period of 29
On the one hand, in the year 1980, the population of the UK spent nearly a quarter on
both bills and leisure activities which raged from 26% to 27%. However, New Zealand spent
only 18% on leisure but 27% on utility bills. Although the ratio of transport and food and
beverage in the UK gained 15% and 23% and New Zealand were 17% and 29% respectively .
Lastly, both countries spent 9% each on others.
On the other hand, in 2008, the British spent the maximum on leisure (34%), whilst the
population of New Zealand paid mostly on utility bills by the rate of 31%. Furthermore, they still
spent equally on others with 11% each nations. The UK population reduced their food and drink
spending and reached to 13% only and New Zealand also cut down 4% and declined to 25%.
Moreover, there was not much difference in transportation expenditure for the UK and New
Zealand which had quite equivalent percentages at 14% and 16%. In addition, the British paid
28% on bills and 17% by New Zealand on leisure activities.
Bài này cũng chưa chắc về ngữ pháp. Con cần chú ý hơn nữa tới cấu trúc câu.

Task 2: Many companies today sponsor sports as a way of advertising themselves. Some people
think that this is a good thing for the world of sports. Others think this has disadvantages.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In recent years, there are various of companies use sports as their marketing tools. While
some people argue that this trend is a better way to promote sports to the world, others think it is
negativity. Personally, I support the former.
On the one hand, there are several reasons why people have a bad notion about
sponsoring. First and foremost, a majority of the companies provide sports with financial to
advertise some bad things. For example, the advertisement for both alcoholic drinks and
cigarettes can be seen on the football pitch when a football team in that match has sponsored. It
is considered that this could leads the citizens to bad habits and these are becoming popular
among people even the young generation. Còn 1 lý do nữa đó là nhiều người nghĩ rằng việc
quảng cáo cho cty của mình qua việc tài trợ thể thao sẽ khiến cho giá trị của thể thao bị bóp méo,
khiến nó trở thành chiêu trò của các ông lớn chứ ko còn tính chất phổ biến lối sống lành mạnh
đến cộng đồng nữa. Đến đây con cần phản biện lại nó luôn. Rằng là đó là quan điểm thiển cận vì
đại đa số chúng ta coi chương trình thể thao không mấy ai để ý tới ý đồ hay chiêu trò marketing
này mà chỉ tập trung vào nội dung trận đấu mà thôi.
On the other hand, I believe that there are some advantages for sponsoring the sports.
Firstly, many sports teams build training facilities and buy necessary equipment and medicines
for their footballers which comes from sponsorship’s cash. Secondly, organizations of sports
events and tournaments are fully funded by sponsor businesses to organize them in high-level
scales. Therefore, sports would become popular and widespread day by day and it might attract a
number of companies to collaborate with such sports teams and athletes; this would benefit for
both sides. For instant, Ronaldo and Xmen were famous in many years due to their long
In conclusion, I am convinced that although it has a negative impact on increasing bad
habits like alcoholic drinking among different generations, sponsorship is beneficial for the
sports in terms of economic benefits.
Con nhớ là đối với dạng argumentative này, nếu con dùng Body 1 để đứng trên phương
diện của người phản lại ý kiến mình mà biện luận, thì con phải bác bỏ nó luôn tại Body 1 này, để
rồi trình bày quan điểm thuyết phục của mình ở body 2, tránh khiến bài trở thành dạng discuss
both views and give your opinion.

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