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To what extent is Climate Change a result of human activities?

Course Code and Title: FIBS3002 English for Academic Purposes,

Research and Study Skills
Assignment Research Workbook Formative: TBC
Assignment Research Workbook Deadline: TBC
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Assignment title: To what extent is Climate Change a result of
human activities?

In introduction, the concept of "climate change" is a very broad one, but it is also a very
controversial topic and discussed both by specialists in the field and by people in general.
However, in addition to the debate on this topic, climate change is very much a question of
whether human activities are the ones that determine climate change, or more precisely,
whether people through their actions cause climate change globally. Climate change is
happening every year and is being felt, especially by the fact that "the seasons are not what
they used to be", a word that is being used more and more often by people. This essay will
reveal the concept of climate change, but especially the way in which people, through their
daily activities, may or may not have an impact on nature and implicitly on global warming
and climate change.

The first argument is that climate change is not just an increase in average temperature in
some areas, but changes in global average temperature that can lead to disastrous effects.
These climatic changes also consist of changes in wind, changes in precipitation, including
the amount of precipitation, drastic weather events, from floods, to vegetation fires caused by
very high temperatures and droughts, landslides, melting glaciers, the death of hundreds of
living species due to the fact that they no longer have weather conditions specific to each
species, but also diseases such as malaria that even affects humans. Thus, the climate changes
that are taking place at present fully reflect the situation of the way in which nature manifests
itself, in the natural disasters that we witness annually. These climatic changes and changes in
the way nature manifests itself more and more have been researched by many researchers and
scientists, and one of the researches in this field conducted in 2013 stated that CO2 gazelle
CH4 and NO2 have It has been found to have an increasing value since 1751. This means that
atmospheric levels have risen sharply, reaching a double value in 2013, compared to the
value recorded in 1751 where it was only 220 ppm. (according to NOAA, 2013). Even the
same research has studied and debated the causes of the doubling of the registration value in
the analyzed year, the year where the industrial revolution took place and found and
supported that man is involved and influences and causes these negative effects on climate
change through activities and decisions. What they take on a daily basis for their lifestyle,
how they reflect on nature, and how they care for the environment.

The second argument in close connection with the first argument is that climate change and
global warming, the rise in global average temperatures dramatically from one century to the
next and the fall in global average annual temperatures are nothing more than natural
fluctuations in temperature. According to Soon and Baliunas (2003), they stated, according to
their research, that the year 2013 and implicitly the twentieth century is by no means the only
period in which nature manifested itself extremely, referring to the analysis of average
temperatures in the last millennium. The same analysis made by the two authors refers to the
period in which extreme temperatures and climate change were met and analyzed, more
precisely the period of the years 1000 and 1100 AD, in the northern hemisphere of the globe.
However, even though these weather changes occur every year and are increasingly
drastically felt by us, humans and other living things suffer because they cannot adapt to
temperature changes from one period to another. and what are the causes of these climate
changes and what could be the solutions in this regard. Most research has shown that man,
through his actions, is solely responsible for climate change. However, there are arguments
that man, through his actions, is responsible to some extent for climate change, or on the
contrary, people who claim that humans are not responsible for what happened to nature and
global warming. the globe underwent other such changes before the appearance of mankind,
or during the period when the earth was the host of living things that no longer exist today, ie
the period when dinosaurs lived on earth.

The final argument for this concept is that studies have shown that researchers have insisted
that humans are the driving force behind climate change. One of these examples of research
and arguments that support human involvement in climate change is the prominent example
of the "Cook Review" (2013) which conducted approximately 20,000 studies that were
included and evaluated by colleagues and scientists and specialists in the field.
meteorological and implicitly in the field of climate change which found that almost 99.3%
of the studies conducted out of the 11,944 studies explicitly supported the involvement and
responsibility of people, by the fact that they are responsible for global warming. (Cook et
al., 2013). In the same analysis, it was found that only 0.7% of these studies rejected the
claim that people, through their activities are responsible or would have any involvement in
climate change.

The first point is that, following a survey conducted by the Banque Europeenne
d'Investissement (EIB) on climate change that took place in relation to the period between
2021-2022 (2022 as the period present until at the time of the survey), they explored people's
views on rapidly changing climate change. The results of the survey show that 84% of those
surveyed said they believed that climate change and the consequences of such changes were a
challenge for humanity in the 21st century. The same poll shows that 85% are very worried
about a possible climate crisis, and this means that a continuation of climate change will lead
to the emergence of new diseases or exacerbation of existing diseases, and people have fled
the area. infected. Also, 88% of people who took part in this survey believe that climate
change has such a short-term and long-term impact on their lives. And one of the most
important answers and results of the survey is the way in which 97% of respondents believe
that people, through their actions and their attitude towards nature and the environment are
responsible for climate change.

The second point is that, according to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), they analyzed and decided to take measures to prevent and limit
the increase of the global average temperature to less than 2 ° C at the surface, compared to a
period pre-industrial analysis. This goal has been proposed because it is considered that
people, through their actions are a consequence of the increase of the global average
temperature, and implicitly are guilty of climate change and thus, they are also the ones who
need something to stop this phenomenon.

The end point is that, according to a recent study by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), it was concluded that climate change is causing major changes, and
unfortunately some changes are irreversible. This report by the IPCC specifies that everyday
human actions cause climate change, and that climate change causes effects that implicitly
adversely affect man. This report specifies that increases in frequencies and increases in the
intensity of extreme meteorological phenomena have been analyzed and identified, and this
implies an increase in sea and terrestrial heat waves. However, scientists insist that human
action is what causes climate change, but it is also human action that can change the course
of events.

In conclusion, although opinions are divided into two areas, those by which some people
agree that human action is what causes climate change, but on the other hand, people who
believe that humans are not the only ones contributing to climate change. However, there is
more research that has shown that human activity is responsible for the climate change that
humanity is currently facing. However, there will still be pros and cons on this issue, one
thing is certain, that people, no matter how responsible they are for climate change, are the
only ones who can take action to limit these climate changes and prevent disasters. .


7. Cook, J., Nuccitelli, D., Green, S., Richardson, M., Winkler, B., Painting, R., Way,
R., Jacobs, P. and Skuce, A. (2013). Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic
global warming in the scientific literature. Environ. Res. Lett., 8(2)
8. Mann, M., Zhang, Z., Hughes, M., Bradley, R., Miller, S., Rutherford, S. and Ni, F.
(2008). Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature
variations over the past two millennia. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 105(36),
9. NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (2013), Trends in Atmospheric Carbon
10. Soon, W. and Baliunas, S. (2003). Global warming. Physical Geography, 27(3)
11. Stroeve, J., Holland, M., Meier, W., Scambos, T. and Serreze, M. (2007). Arctic sea
ice decline: Faster than forecast.
12. Tol, R. (2016). Comment on ‘Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global
warming in the scientific literature’. Environmental Research

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